To The Regional Parishes of Tacoma WELCOME

To The Regional Parishes of Tacoma
The Bulletin of Information and Activities
28th Sunday In Ordinary Time
October 12, 2014
Your Pastoral Team:
Fr. Tuan Nguyen, D. Min.
Fr. Laga Paulo Olaaiga PV
Fr. J. Carlos Saenz PV
Regional Pastor
Parochial Vicar
Parochial Vicar
Emergency Contact Sr. Mary: (253) 592-2455
Chào Mừng
Sacred Heart Parish
4520 McKinley Avenue
Tacoma, WA 98404
(253) 472-7738
Masses / Misas
Sunday 10:00am English
Mon & Fri 8:00am English
Dominical Español Sábado 7:00pm
Domingo 8:00am y 12:00 Medodía
Jueves 7:00pm Español
Reconciliation / Confesiones
During office hours only: Tue to Fri
Make sure Fr. Kokol (Carlos) is in.
Call office or him. No appointments!
Afio mai!
St. Ann Parish
Hafa Adai!
St. John of the Woods Parish
7025 South Park Avenue
9903 24th Avenue East
Tacoma, WA 98408
Tacoma (Midland), WA 98445
(253) 472-1360
(253) 537-8551
English Masses & Reconciliation
& Reconciliation
Reconciliation: Sat. 4:00pm
Saturday at 5:00pm
Reconciliation: Sat. 4:30pm
Sunday at 9:30am
Saturday at 5:30pm
Weekdays (Tue/Wed/Thu) at 8:00am
Sunday at 8:00am & 11:00am
Tuesday Mass at 5:00pm
Weekdays (Tue/Wed/Fri) at 9:30am
Friday Mass at 7:00pm
Vietnamese Mass:
You can find more information and activities on the web at
Reconciliation: Sun. 3:00pm
Sunday at 4:00pm
Pastor’s Letter
Dear Parishioners:
We thank the volunteers who took the class (Safe and Environment) for protecting the children and those who are vulnerable
under our care (in various ministries). We also thank those who took the class to be kept updated (refreshing your memory)
with the online class at this time each year. We also thank all the volunteers who allowed us to check their background before they volunteer in various ministries in our regional parishes. We spent a lot of time to have background checks and we
work hard on the safety of all who we serve from our parishes. We would like to follow the Archdiocese’s policy and we want to provide a place of safety for our parish ministry and activities. We deeply appreciated your engagement and participation in it.
We thank the transition core team from St. Ann’s Catholic Church who worked well with different ministries and groups to share with them the parish facility. It was a challenging time to get all the ministries and groups of the parish to support each
other. The parish facility is an important place (provides a friendly location) for parish evangelization as we work together
to witness the Good News of Jesus Christ, by sharing what we believe in our Faith, by sharing with each other our own stories on how we live our Faith (how each culture celebrates various events); and by sharing with each other how we are
United in Faith as well as socializing in different activities from each group. As you well know, we have seven days a week
to work and to rest. There is time for us to work and to be with our family, and there is time for us to be with our Faith Community and friends. We need to manage our time well so we can balance ourselves to live a healthy life. We have priorities
for what we need to do for ourselves, for our family, and for the Church. We ask you to be a good steward of your time, so
we can support the goal and task that we have for our Faith Community. The transition from the summer time to Ordinary
time was hard, but you have adjusted and done well. We need to focus into all the ministries we have committed for this
year. It is very important to keep your commitment on what you have said you wanted to commit to. We are here to support
you and assist you with your commitment.
We would like to cordially invite you to come and visit the ministries that we have, so you can pray for us and support us on
what you are able to do. Being a pastor of our regional parishes, I have been able to observe each parish’s ministries and ac-­
tivities. I am always amazed on how each parish is able to enjoy their own activities (putting a lot of time, energy, and finance into supporting their events), even though some committee members complain a little. Despite this, they all enjoy it
and you can see the true spirit of this parish being truly alive. The love, the commitment, and the willingness to do it, is the
most important for us all for this year. Please sign up to the ministry and activities that you are able to join for this year and
be active parishioners. We also have many different programs that we had organized for our regional parishes like the Adult
Education, RCIA, RCIC, Bible Study, Confirmation, Baptism classes, regional retreat for liturgical ministers, preparation for
the Sacrament of Matrimony and many other social activities and programs that we have. Please read our regional parishes’ bulletin and check on our parish website for the information you need, so you can be involved with the activities that you
The parish staff continues to work on the Annual Parish Report and it will be sent out or posted on the parish bulletin or parishes’ website for you to read. My weekly bulletin letter is a way for me to share with you on some of the things that are happening in our regional parishes, so please take your time in reading the whole bulletin to find out more of the ministry or activities you are interested in. You will be proud of your own parish and you may find out some more about other ministries
that you would like to serve in.
We thank the parents of the CCD program who attended the class on Safe and Environment for this year. The class is very
important for parents to attend and know the signs or some behaviors from their child that they may not have known before.
Our children are very dear to us and we love them and we want to do anything to support them. We also thank the parish
staff and parish leadership who attended the Stewardship Day of Reflection before the stewardship campaign commences for
this year. There are many technological things we need to learn to assist us with the ministry that we need to do.
I have heard that we have more people who volunteer as catechists and teachers to teach our children our Faith and we do not
have enough students per classroom for all of our teachers. We encourage parents who have not registered their children in
the Faith Formation program to please do it. You do not want to loose this wonderful opportunity for your children to be in
the program for this year. We have more teachers and catechists than students in the program. I encourage you to enroll your
children or grandchildren into the program.
We congratulate all the babies who received the Sacrament of Baptism for this month. It was a joy for all the parents who
celebrated this sacrament with our Faith Community. May you continue to be a light of Christ as you guide your child on the
journey of Faith with you! We thank you for your commitment for being Christian parents to care for your child.
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Regional parishes website: www.
Fr. Tuan Nguyen, D. Min., Pastor
Community Center
Emergency Contact Sr. Mary: (253) 592-2455
Fr. Tuan Nguyen D. Min., Pastor (253) 882-9943
Fr. J. Carlos Saenz, Parochial Vicar, (253) 279- 4158
Fr. Laga Paulo Olaaiga, Parochial Vicar (206) 375-9539
Para información
en Español
vea las páginas 8-9
CONFESSIONS: on weekends before each scheduled mass or by appointment
CONFIRMATION: Fr. Laga Paulo Olaaiga (206) 375-9539 or
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION and BAPTISM: Sr. Theresa Nguyen (253) 592-2541;
BULLETIN EDITOR & CONTACTS: Sr. Theresa Nguyen - (253) 592-2541 or
ACCOUNTANT: Anna Nichols (360) 789-1896
MAINTENANCE: Don McMakin (253) 590-6824
OUTREACH/ HOME BOUND MINISTRY: Sr. Mary Van Vu (253) 592-2455 -
MARRIAGE PREP/ANNULMENTS: Deacon Mike Teskey (253) 474-6559
WEDDINGS: Fr. Tuan Nguyen —Arrangement should be made with the Pastor at least 6 months in advance.
RCIA (Rite Christian Initiation for Adults)
Religious Education Program
A Journey of Conversion in Mind,
Heart and Spirit.
St. Ann: Every Wednesday evening from 6:30PM7:30PM.
St. John of the Woods: Every Sunday from 9:40AM –
First Communion Class will not except any
registration forms after October 19th.
Contact: Sr. Theresa (253) 592-2541
Starting Sept. 22nd every Monday from
6:30 pm to 8:30 am in the school. It is
not too late to join us.
Are you interested in finding out more
about the Roman Catholic Church. If you
are over 16 years of age and are considering becoming Catholic, or just want to be confirmed or just want to learn more
about our faith, please feel welcome to come and join us on
Monday nights. You are welcome to bring a friend for moral
support. Please call Janet Byard 312-0389 or Sr. Theresa 5922541.
Oct 19th: Bible – New Testament
Oct. 20th: Bible– Hebrew Scriptures
Nov. 3rd: Sacred Tradition/four Models of the Church
Single Young Adult Women & Men
are invited to a REFLECTION DAY on
to explore a Call to Religious Life as
Sisters, Brothers or Priests
Saturday, December 6, 2014 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
At University of Washington Newman Center
4502 20th Ave. NE, Seattle 98105
Please SIGN UP by Dec. 1st
E-mail Sister Jo-Anne Miller, CSJP:
or call 206-920-8560
Baptism Preparation
We welcome into our family of faith
Emily Marie Castro
Sasuke Azael Jimenez
baptized this month October 2014. May God bless them
with precious new life and bless the family on this special
Class in October, 2014
Class will be offered for parents and godparents
who have new born babies and children under 7 years old.
Class on Sat., October 11th from 10:00 AM -12:00 noon at
St. Ann’s Library. Please call Sr. Theresa at 592-2541.
Regional Center
Our Treasured Tradition . . .
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
(In Church Only)
8:30am - 7:00pm Thursdays
5pm - 7pm Tuesdays Divine Mercy & Mass (Samoan Comm.)
7:00pm Fridays Mass (Vietnamese Language)
by Barbara & Clarence Leingang
10:00am - Noon Wednesdays
7:00-9:00pm - Mondays
9:00AM-6:30PM Every Thursday
8:30am - Noon Every first Friday
Mass Schedule for October at Nursing Homes
Nursing Home
10:00 am
King’s Manor
Mass Schedule for All Saints & All Souls
Schedule for All Saints: Saturday - November 1st
St. Ann
8:00 a.m. & 5 p.m. English
7:00 p.m. Vietnamese
St. John of the Woods
9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Sacred Heart
8 a.m English; 7 p.m. Spanish
Schedule for All Souls – Sunday – November 2
9:30 a.m English; 4 p.m. Vietnamese
St. John of the Woods 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Sacred Heart 8 a.m & 12 noon Spanish & 10 a.m. English
The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines Suicide as:
the willful taking of one’s own life;; a grievous sin against the 5th commandment. It further states that a human person
is neither the author nor the supreme arbiter of his life, of
which God is sovereign Master. In other words, we are
obliged to accept life gratefully and preserve it for God’s honor and the salvation of our souls. “ Life is not ours to dispose of.” (CCC2280) The Catechism teaches that sui-­
cide contradicts the natural inclination of the human being
to preserve and perpetuate his life. Suicide is contrary to
love for the living God, a grave offense against the just love
of God, of self, and of neighbor. Also voluntary cooperation in a suicide is considered a grave offense. We need to
recognize that a person may have psychological disturbances as well as anguish, grave fear of hardship, suffering
or torture that leads to diminished responsibility. Until recent years, suicide was viewed as a sinful cowardly act.
Catholic burials were denied! The Church now provides
the last rites and Christian burial to Catholics who take their
own lives. The Church has evolved in their perception of
suicide and the brain. The Church recognizes that the person should receive full rights of the Church. The Church
prays for persons who have taken their own lives.
(CCC2283) The Church needs to continue to create an atmosphere that recognizes the need for medical and psychological services for mental illness and depression.
Reference: Our Sunday Visitor, Catechism of the Catholic
St. Ann
To everyone who supported the
Bake Sale in any way, making it
huge success. We received a
total of $450.00 from the sale of
jellies, baked goods, candies,
etc. and cash donations for the refurbishment of the school
We thank the “Young at Heart Group” at St. Ann for their time, talents and being great supporters of the parish. May
God bless you.
Cabrini Ministry Training
When: November 14, 2014
TIME: 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Where: Jubilee Hall - at Our Lady of the Lake
If you have any questions, please contact Patt Reade, Executive Director at 206-760-0583 ext 3.
Supper for our Priests
Priests would like to say thank you to those who
have been making meals for them every Thursday.
The number of priests are three. They would appreciate
your care and generosity. If you are interested, please call
Sr. Theresa (253) 592-2541. Meals could be bought around
3:30-4pm to the St. Ann’s Rectory. Knights of Columbus District 22
New Council Development for Sacred
Heart Parish charter goal Jan 13, 2015.
Knights in the parish please contact DD Joe Devlin at
253-565-6453 or
Regional Center
Every Wednesday of October
Adult Catechism Classes
St. Ann Parish
This Year, St. Ann’s is hosting parish Adult Catechism classes.
Wednesdays at 6:30pm to 7:15 at Milner Center-Library
The Year of Faith is your opportunity and for every Catholic to turn to Christ, encounter him in the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist and renew and learn more about their Faith and the Catechism of the
Catholic Church
Any questions, contact Monty at (253) 304-4473
The “door of faith” is opened at one’s baptism, but during this year Catholics are called to open it again, walk through it and rediscover
and renew their relationship with Christ and his Church.
Reflections for Respect Life
Month, October, 2014 (USCCB.ORG)
Cardinal Seán P. O'Malley, O.F.M. , Chairman.
“Each of Us is a Masterpiece of God’s Crea-­
These tragedies go directly against respect for life, and they represent a direct threat
to the entire culture of human rights. Rather than societies of “people living together,” our cities risk becoming societies of people who are marginalized, uprooted and oppressed.
What can be done to prevent this? We must draw close to Jesus in prayer and in the
sacraments. We must ask the Lord for the grace to see ourselves and others as he sees
us—as masterpieces of his creation. When God created each of us, he did so with
precision and purpose, and he looks on each of us with love that cannot be outdone in
intensity or tenderness. We must look at ourselves and at others in light of this truth
and treat all people with the reverence and respect which is due.
The Church’s antidote to an individualism which threatens the respect for human dig-­
nity is community and solidarity. Are we moved by the suffering of those without
shelter? Do we seek to alleviate the fear, confusion and panic that women facing unexpected pregnancies may be experiencing? Do our hearts ache for elderly patients in
nursing homes who feel abandoned and unwanted, having no one to visit them? (to be
Member Engagement
Prayer of the Faithful ~ October 12th
That we, the People of Life, may always proclaim and defend human life as a gift from God,
who destroys death forever in Christ, we pray to
the Lord...
Respect Life
October is Respect Life Month
Some ways to honor & respect life:
Pray a Holy Hour for Life, Marriage, and/or Religious freedom. Pray, fast, or vigil with 40 Days
for Life. Attend the Cornerstone Conference, Oct
Donate new or gently used baby items and goods
to a local crisis pregnancy center or outreach
program. Learn more about home hospice. Read
an encyclical on life. Visit an elderly parent,
friend, or relative. Babysit for a mom who needs
a break.
Pray a rosary for families. Learn more about
Catholic teaching on the death penalty.
Conduct a diaper drive. Thank and support parents who have given life to disabled or medically
troubled children.
Encourage and support parents of large families.
Learn more about ALS and fetal cells.
Regional Parishes of Tacoma
Survey Bulletin #4
ME (Member Engagement) Survey Result flyers will be included in the upcoming bulletins through 2014 to communicate the results from
our February 2014 ME25 survey. The fundamental cornerstone of a parish is to produce spiritually committed individuals, in both attitudes
and behaviors. The intent of the survey was to provide a measurement or ‘pulse’ of the spiritual health of our parishes. The ME25 survey
results consisted of 25 items: 9 items measuring individual spirituality, 12 items measuring parishioner engagement and 4 outcome items
about life: satisfaction, inviting, serving and giving.
Please commit to reading the weekly ME25 survey result publications and provide your feedback of ways to continue to improve the spiritual health of our Regional Parishes of Tacoma for producing the “fruits of the Spirit” in our parish community. We need and value your
input! Include your feedback via our Regional parish website: - Member Engagement Survey Results, or drop the completed flyer into the weekly collection basket.
THEOLOGY ON TAP IN TACOMA! Join young adults (21-39) on Oct 22, 29, and Nov 4 from 7:00-9:00 PM
for Theology on Tap! Bishop Elizondo, Kevin Glackin-Coley, Director of the St. Leo Food Bank, and Kelly
Hickman, Assistant Director of the Missions Office will each lead us in discussions about Catholic Social
Teaching. This is a series you do not want to miss! Join us for Mass at 6:15PM at St. Leo's Parish (710 S 13th
St, Tacoma, WA 98405) before the evening gets started at The Swiss Restaurant & Pub (1904 Jefferson Ave,
Tacoma, WA 984025) at 7:00PM. Any questions please contact Caitlin Lanigan at or 206-382-2010.
(253) 472-1360 Fax (253) 475-6335
Parish Secretary: Carmen Lozano Ext. 100
Pastoral Assist., Vietnamese Contact: Sr. Theresa (253) 592-2541
Samoan Contact: Filipo Faleono 253-472-1488
Pastoral Council: Cathy Bunger (253) 472-6355
Liturgy Ministry: Emma Caintic (253) 752 4378
Finance Council: Bob Richardson (253) 922-2412
St. Vincent DePaul: Milla Schlatter (253) 896-0828
Mission Statement: We, parishioners of St Ann Parish, are a Catholic faith community in the south end of Tacoma who
proclaim the Gospels and embrace our many cultures and the gifts we share. We come together as one faith community to
celebrate the Eucharist and the Sacraments. We are grateful to those who built this place of worship with faith, sacrifice and
sanctified it with their many years of devotion. We remain focused on our Roman Catholic traditions and promote an
environment of hope, where all can grow into the likeness of Christ.
Finance Council News
The St. Ann Finance Council met on
October 2nd. Parish financial reports
for August were reviewed and the Parish’s budget performance for the current year was
evaluated. Financial data for the Fiscal Year to
date, July and August 2014, indicate Parish Sunday
Contributions to be somewhat less than normal.
This will be monitored to ensure the Parish remains
financially stable.
The Council discussed the upcoming Sacrificial
Campaign. Witness speakers are needed for all
Masses. Please contact a Financial Council member
or leave your name with Carmen in the Parish Office if you are willing to share your Sacrificial Giving experience.
CCS’s Phoenix Housing has moved out of the former
Saint Ann School and the Council discussed the financial impacts of absorbing the building’s ex-­
penses (insurance, utilities, and maintenance) into
the Parish Budget. Additionally, there will have to
be some renovation of spaces to make them suitable
for Parish use.
The Parish remains financially healthy thanks to
your continued financial support. Thank you.
Mass Schedule for All Saints
Saturday- November 1, 2014
8:00 a.m. English and 7 p.m. Vietnamese
We pray for those who are sick or
recovering from surgery,
Yvonne Boukal
Robert Colombini
Charlotte DiStefano
Kathleen Genge
George Harmon Jr.
Virginia Haywood
Jackie Lane
Samantha Lawrence
Donna Majeres
Neagle Fam.
John Nolte
Bob Richardson
Valerie Rochefort
Charles Salle
Virginia Wooten
Joan Woodring
Bob Bockman Sr.
Janet Curtright
Joshua Gallagher
Ed Glass
Ernest Haywood
Doug Herzog
Michelle Lane
Terry Mathern
Wesley McMakin
Susitina Nielsen
Dale Philips
Thad Richardson
Jerry Rochefort
Georgia Williams
Alisa Wooten
We also pray for our military
men and women in Iraq and other
parts of the world and for their families.
Up Coming Events!
Stewardship In Our
K of C
Contributions for the
Weekend of:
The Knights of Columbus will be hosting a Pancake
Breakfast next Sunday after the 9:30 a.m. Mass on
October 19th. The cost is only $5.00 per person or
$15.00 per family of 4 and $20 for more than 4. Please
come and join your fellow parishioners for a fantastic “Breakfast”.
October 5th: $6,132.
St. Ann Seniors… Will gather Thursday, October 16th, for Mass
at 11:00 a.m. followed by lunch and meeting in the parish hall. Please
come and have fun, 55 and over. For more information, please call
Kathleen at 861-0799.
Thank you to all
contributed you
remain in our
prayers of
St. Vincent De Paul
October Month of the
Holy Rosary
The Rosary is prayed 30
minutes before Mass .
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Thursdays after the 8:00 a.m. Mass
This week in our Parish
October 12th, 2014
6:30 p.m. Samoan Choir-CH
6:30 p.m. RCIA-School
Tuesday: 8: a.m. Mass
10:00 a.m. SVDP-M.C.
5:00 p.m. Divine Mercy—
6:00 p.m. Mass-Samoan
7:00 p.m. Samoan Comm.-Hall
Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. Mass
10:00 a.m. Quilters-RECT. BSMT.
6:00 p.m. Samoan Choir PRAC.-Church
6:30 p.m. CCD/School
6:30 p.m. Adult Faith Formation-M.C.
Thursday: 8 a.m. Mass
Adoration after Mass until 7 p.m.
10:00 a.m. SVDP-M.C.
11:00 a.m. Seniors Mass-Church
12:00 Noon Seniors Meeting-Hall
7:00 p.m. Samoan Youth-Hall
Friday—No A.M. Mass
5:30 p.m. Outreach-Chapel
6:00 p.m. Confessions
7:00 p.m. Vietnamese Mass-CH
7:00 p.m. Vietnamese Choir: M.C.
7:00 p.m. BUNCO-Hall
10:00 a.m. Samoan Youth-Hall
4:00 p.m. Confessions-Church
5:00 p.m. Mass
6:30 p.m. Samoan Choir-Church
Sunday: 9:30 a. m. —Mass
Pancake Breakfast-After Mass-Hall
1:30 p.m. TNT Youth-M.C./House
4:00 p.m. Vietnamese Mass
Come, join us for a night of fun and games! Friday, October 17th at
We are in need of the following items: Macaroni &
7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. We loved to have you join us and it only
Cheese, Canned Soup, Canned Fruit, Canned Vegetakes a couple of minutes to learn the game.
tables, Tuna Helper, Cereal, Jam and Hamburger
Christmas Bazaar
We thank you in advance for any help that our felWhen: Saturday, November 8th.
Time: 9:30 a.m.—4:00 p.m. low parishioners can give us in this economy.
Wheel chair accessibility from elevator at east entrance.
Thank You—once again for your generosity!!
Vendor information please call Shirley, at 472-2285.
Parish Secretary: Susan Teskey
(253) 537-8551 Fax (253) 537-0459
Pastoral Assistant: Sr. Theresa (253) 592-2541 (Tuesday & Friday)
Parish Pastoral Council: James Hardesty (253) 539-5952
Liturgy Ministry: Pat Kowalchuk (253) 537-4077
Finance Council :Doug Franklin (253) 922-3847
Lazarus Commission: Natalie Vieira (253) 537-4877
Facilities Council: Richard Severson (253) 531-6006
Music Ministry: Nancy Burkholder (253) 537-9283
Bible for Adults: Brenda Kelly (253) 922-6569
Stewardship Commission: Tom & Marge Berntsen (253) 840-2088
Youth ministry: Jacob Hayden (253) 537-8551 or
Mission Statement: St. John of the Woods is a rural Catholic community centered in Jesus Christ, growing in faith and sharing the Word of God through the Eucharist and our Sacraments. We are a welcoming parish of active, involved people of all
ages and cultures, serving families and recognizing the gifts that each person brings.
Ministry Contacts:
Donna Severson 531-6006
Brenda Kelly
Eucharistic Ministers
Debbie Sanders 472-1590
Nancy Burkholder 537-9283
Altar Servers
Joan O”Shea 531-5159
Bill Butschky
Church Decorators
Pat Kowalchuk 537-4077
Lazarus Committee
Natalie Vieira
Finance Council
Doug Franklin
Pastoral Council
Jim Hardesty
Facilities Committee
Dick Severson
Sharon Murphy 472-5856
Funeral Receptions
Karen Knobbe
Children’s Faith Formation Sr. Theresa
Adult Bible Study
Brenda Kelly
Homebound outreach
Sr. Mary
Monthly Breakfast
Tom Cruz
Senior Lunch
Karen Knobbe
Coffee Hour
Brenda Kelly
Mother’s Group Amber Goldade 537-9694
Prayers for
our Sick
Ann Gannon
Alice Doidge
Brandon Clarno
Larry Tally
Jazzmyne Forsman
Elly Gorden
June Dye
Esther Wilder
Ken Knobbe
Frances Lowry
Steven Borris
Isaiah Williams
Dan & Susan Kitaji
Jan Gratzer
LuVerne Becker-Bender
Hilde Salzburn
Wanda Swanson
In Military Service:
SPC-Sean Gilson
Cody Matheason
Stewardship Corner
October 12, 2014
Thank you to Tom Cruz and his family for
the wonderful breakfast you prepared for us here at
St. John of the Woods.
MONDAY October 13
After the 8am Mass, on Sunday October
5th, we were treated to a delicious breakfast. It was
Blessed Sacrament
wonderful to see so many families together enjoying
Bible Study—1pm
breakfast and also associating with other families, as
We would like to thank
TUESDAY October 14:
well. This is a great time for fellowship and getting to
Mass 9:30am
know others in the parish.
Bible Study—7pm
for their work at taking
The cost per person of breakfast is $5.00
WEDNESDAY October 15:
care of flower beds and Ed’s edging and children under 13 years are free! Can’t beat Mass 9:30am
of the walkway every week. Thanks. that! Please remember that the breakfasts are the
Adoration—10am to noon
first Sundays of the month from October through
Sr. Lunch—11:30am
THURSDAY October 16:
June unless otherwise announced.
Breakfast begins after 8am Mass until
American Heritage Girls—6-8pm
11am only! ( No breakfast is served after11:00am
Please when using the
FRIDAY October 17
and when more volunteers step forward to help with
Mass 9:30am
facilities at St. John’s breakfast we might be able to serve after the 11am
Home School PE—10am
remember to turn off
Mass, until then we won’t!)
SATURDAY October 18
lights, check the heaters
We ask that if you haven’t tried our break-­
Confessions 4:30pm Mass 5:30pm
unplug any coffee pots fast , come give us a try next month Nov 2nd!
HS Youth group 6:45pm—8:15pm
Thanks again to our volunteers who parand be sure the doors are locked.
putting on breakfast: God Bless YOU!
Tuition Assistance
needed don’t abuse it. Your coopera-­
Tuition Assistance is available for
tion is appreciated, thanks.
children grades 1 through 12
Stewardship Commission
attending Catholic Schools.
October 15th is the deadline for
applying. Obtain an application
Stewardship of Treasure
from Sr. Theresa at the parish
October 5, 2014
office on Tuesdays or Fridays.
142 envelopes @ $5,778.50 +
$274.62 Loose = total $6,053.12
Thank you,
Finance Council
Come join us for Lunch every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays
from 11:30am to 2pm ,we have lunch, play cards, games & have fun!
St Vincent De Paul would like to “Thank “
St John of the Woods for their continued support with nonperishable food. You may not realize how many people we
are able to help with your generosity. Thanks again
Weep not for what you have lost, fight for what you have.
Weep not for what is dead, fight for what was born in you.
Weep not for the one who abandoned you, fight for who is with you
Weep not for those who hate you, fight for those who want you.
Weep not for your past, fight for your present struggle.
Weep not for your suffering, fight for your happiness.
With things that are happening to us, we begin to learn that
nothing is impossible to solve, just move forward.
Altar Server Corner
We are in ordinary time
your cincture is Green
October 11th & 12th
5:30pm: Son
8:00am: Vanessa & Alendra
11:00am: Nae’Ana, Ryan & Serena
Please plan to attend ONE of the following
times. All servers under the age of 18 please
bring the person who is responsible for brining
you to Mass( parent or grandparent)
October 12th after the 11:00am Mass
October 18th at 4:00pm
Thank you for your continued commitment to
this ministry. Blessings, Joan O’Shea Any questions please contact me at or 253-531-5159
Tel. (253) 472-7738 Fax (253) 475-0071
PASTOR / PARROCO...............……….......................Ext. 103 Fr. Tuan V. Nguyen
PAROCHIAL VICAR / VICARIO PARROQUIA..............Ext. 107 Fr. Juan Carlos Saenz
PARISH SECRETARY / SECRETARIA...……...............Ext. 100 Luz M. Paredes
Lazarus Ministry …………... …………..253 - 474 - 2414
Chuck Ross
St. Vincent De Paul …………………….. 253 - 472 - 5908 Rich Seeberger
MISSIONERIES………………………………………EXT 109 JESUS
We are a people of God unified in his love. As Roman Catholic Community, we are faithful to Jesus’ teachings and our Sacred Catholic
Tradition. Our devotion to the Lord comes from the Liturgy, the Sacraments and multiethnic people who embrace our community and welcome all newcomers. We foster the unique expressions of each culture and honor the gifts they bring. Through our commitment to Christ’s Commandments, we provide an environment that will foster spiritual growth and reflect Jesus’ love for all in our community .
Knights of Columbus
District 22
New Council Development
for Sacred Heart Parish
charter goal Jan 13, 2015.
Knights in the parish please
contact DD Joe Devlin at
Circle of Love
Have you heard of
the circle of love?
It is a prayer
group, praying one
for another intentions, and the
world at large.
Contact Sr. Mary
253 - 592 - 2455
253 - 272 - 8939
Parish calendar
Rosary 30 minutes before Mass
Monday, October 13
8:00 am Mass
Tuesday, October 14
Choir Practice
7:00 pm
Thursday October 16
Adoration of the blessed Sacrament
9:00 am - 6:30 pm
Friday October 17
8:00 am Mass
Sunday, October 19
10:00 am Mass
11am Coffee Hour
Reconciliation held after each Mass
Will be meeting on
October 29 at 3:00 pm
in the rectory dinning
room. See you there!!!
In Our
Parish For
October 05, 2014
$ 3,063.50
Thank you for your
This group was formed to
help the Pastor with funeral arrangements in the
church. Members are long
time parishioneres: Chuck
Ross, Dixie Knoll, Claudia
Ehreth and Patty Pitch.
They will be happy to help
the families of the deceased, with their plans for
the services . They will
meet with them at the
rectory or their home.
They have the information
on the funeral mass, the
readings and all that intails. If need be , also help
with the music. Whatever
can be done to alleviate
the estress of that most
difficult of times for a
ME (Member Engagement) Survey Result flyers will be included in the upcoming bulletins through 2014 to
communicate the results from our February 2014 ME25 survey. The fundamental cornerstone of a parish
is to produce spiritually committed individuals, in both attitudes and behaviors. The intent of the survey
was to provide a measurement or ‘pulse’ of the spiritual health of our parishes. The ME25 survey results consisted of 25 items: 9 items measuring individual spirituality, 12 items measuring parishioner engagement and 4 outcome items about life: satisfaction, inviting, serving and giving.
Please commit to reading the weekly ME25 survey result publications and provide your feedback of ways
to continue to improve the spiritual health of our Regional Parishes of Tacoma for producing the “fruits of the Spirit” in our parish community. We need and value your input! Include your feedback via our Re-­‐
gional parish website: - Member Engagement Survey Results, or drop the completed
flyer into the weekly collection basket.
Onosai Aulaya, Kathy Bley,
Alice Biles,Ruth Bones,
Billy Bones, Josie Bigler,
Chris Bilye,
Marylyn Calhound,
Louis Castrilli,
Katherine Carson, Juana
Freeman, Ben Freudenstein,
Ernesto Fuentes,
JoAnn Garner, Alice Ginther,
Claire M. Hickey
Diene Holby, Helen Horak,
Oshua Horak, Brenda Hurtado, Pam Knoll, Veronica
Maltatti, Dianne Martin,
Janet Miller,Isidro Ortiz
JoAnn Paul, Sharon Penhale,
Ashley Remigton, Theresa
Rotter, Sherry Simpson,
Bernie Wymore.
pray for those in need of
prayer, all the sick and
homebound members of
our faith community,
For our military: Neil Golan
Who was deployed last week
to afghanistan, men and
women in Iraq and other
parts of the world and their
For those who have died:
Our prayers and sympathy
are with the families. Eternal
Rest Granted to them rest in
vigesimo octavo domingo ordinario
12 de octubre 2014
descubreson, senor, tus caminos
De nuestro Párroco Agradezco a los voluntarios que tomaron el entrenamiento llamados a proteger. Como también a los que vinieron a tomar la clase para renovarlo, por si no lo saben pueden tomarlo atreves del
internet cada ano. También agradezco a los que permitieron que se
les checara el record criminal para poder servir como voluntarios
en esta parroquia. Dedicamos mucho tiempo para poder checar y
poder trabajar en la seguridad para los que sirven en esta parroquia, pues queremos seguir los reglamentos de la Arquidiócesis
como también poder proveer un ambiente de seguridad en los diferentes ministerios en las actividades que se realizan en esta parroquia. Les agradezco por involucrarse y participar.
Les hago una cordial invitación para que visiten los diferentes ministerios, estoy asombrado de cómo cada parroquia disfrutan sus
actividades (poniendo energía, tiempo, como también ayudando
financieramente) aunque algunos se quejan, eso no resta el trabajo
que los demás hacen pues eso los hace tener un espíritu de vida; el
amor, el compromiso y el deseo de querer hacerlo es lo más importante para nosotros en este ano. Por favor involúcrense en los
diferentes ministerios si todavía no forman parte de uno. También
tenemos diferentes programas como por ejemplo Educación religiosa para adultos, RCIA, RCIC, Estudios bíblicos, confirmaciones, Clases pre-bautismales, Retiro litúrgico regional para ministros, preparación para el sacramento del matrimonio y otras actividades sociales que tenemos. Por favor lean el boletín regional o el
nuestra página de internet, encontraran la información que buscan
para involucrarse en cualquier actividad que gusten.
El personal de la oficina continua trabajando en el presupuesto
anual de la y lo encontraran en el boletín y en la pagina del internet para que lo puedan leer. My carta en el boletín semanal sirve
para compartir con ustedes las cosas que están sucediendo en las
parroquias, por eso tómense el tiempo necesario para leerlo todo,
encontraran mas información que les podrá interesar y se sentirán
orgullosos de su parroquia.
Les hago una invitación a los que todavía no se han inscrito para
el catecismo, no se pierdan esta maravillosa oportunidad para sus
Felicidades a los niños que recibieron el sacramento del bautismo
el pasado 4 de Octubre, es un gozo para los padres que celebran
este sacramento con nuestra comunidad de fe. Que Dios les permita continuar siendo la Luz de Cristo mientras guían a sus hijos
atravesé de este camino de fe junto a ustedes!
Les agradezco por el compromiso de ser Padres Cristianos que
cuidan de sus hijos.
Sinceramente, suyos en Cristo
Lecturas Dominicales
Is 25, 6-10; Flp 4, 12-14.19-20
Mt 22, 1-14
Lunes 13 de Octubre
Ga 4, 22-24.26-27.31-5,1;
Lc 11, 29-32
Martes 14 de Octubre
Ga 5, 1-6; Lc 11, 37-41
Miércoles 15 de Octubre
Ga 5, 18-25; Lc 11, 42-46
Jueves 16 de Octubre
Ef 1, 1-10; Lc 11, 47-54
Viernes 17 de Octubre
Ef 1, 11-14; Lc 12, 1-7
Sábado 18 de Octubre
2Tm 4, 9-17; Lc 10, 1-9
5 de Octubre
$ 3,063.50
Todos los Jueves de
9AM a 6:30 PM
y el primer Viernes
de mes 9AM a 12 pm
Liturgia de las horas los
Jueves 7:00PM
Sábado 7:00PM
8am y 12 medio dia
En Inglés:
10 :00 am
Lunes y Viernes
Fr. Tuan Nguyen D. Min.
Llame a la oficina y pregunte
por el padre
Nuestra Página Regional Web:
*Grupo de Jóvenes Adultos / 7PM/Hall-cocina
*Grupo de Jóvenes Adolescentes 7PM/Hall
*Grupo de Oración el Buen Pastor 6PM/Iglesia
Catequesis/Salón Parroquial Sábados
Año 2…...8:00AM a 10:00AM
Año 1........10:30AM a 12:30
*Catequesis/Salón Parroquial Padres de Familia.....7PM a 9PM
Necesita la visita de un sacerdote, o que le
lleven la communion a su casa o
al hospital?
por favor llame a:
253 - 472-7738
Misioneros 253- 304- 6738
Luz Paredes 253- 592 - 3025
Coordinadora de Liturgia/Español
Herlinda Martin
Coordinador de Catequesis
María Ester Morales
Coordinador de Bautismos:
Salvador Delgadillo
Coordinador de Confirmaciones
Manuel Morales
Coordinador de Quinceañera:
Brenda Heredia
Pastoral Juvenil
Luis Garcia
+Coordinadora de procesos de
Gloria Gómez en la Extensión 105
Deje mensaje y su número de teléfono. en la oficina de la parroquia
El Papa Francisco pone en guardia a los padres sinodales ante la
tentación, la codicia y la velada oposición al Señor
“Las Asambleas sinodales no sirven para discutir ideas brillantes y originales, o para ver quién es más inteligente... Sirven para cultivar
y custodiar mejor la viña del Señor, para cooperar en su sueño, su
proyecto de amor por su pueblo”. Esta es la invitación que el Santo Padre ha expresado a los padres sinodales durante la Misa para la
apertura del Sínodo extraordinario sobre la familia, que tuvo lugar el
domingo 5 de octubre. “Todos nosotros somos pecadores – ha recordado el Papa, pidiendo a cada quien discernir sobre los impulsos más
profundos que lo llevan a actuar- pues también nosotros podemos
tener la tentación de «apoderarnos» de la viña, a causa de la codicia”.
La homilía del Papa Francisco
Misioneros Servidores
de la Palabra
tienen materiales religiosos en venta (Biblias,
rosarios, libros, CD’s, Dvd). Usted podrá llamarles a su celular: (253)304
-6738 o marcando el
número de la parroquia y
luego la extensión 109.
De lunes a viernes
9:00 am 12:00 medio día y de 1:00 a 4:00 pm
Distrito 22
Nuevo Desarrollo del
Consejo de la
parroquia del
Sagrado Corazón
meta chárter
13 de enero 2015.
Caballeros en la parroquia
favor póngase en
contacto con DD
Joe Devlin al