WILDWOOD CHURCH OF CHRIST 114 Cleveland Ave, Wildwood, FL 34785/352 34785/352-748-1040/www.wwcofchrist.com/October 40/www.wwcofchrist.com/October 12, 12 2014 Honored To Serve Elders Bob Grove Charles Wright Everett Sams 9343 352-314-9343 352-689-0024 0024 352-321-4028 4028 Deacons Larry Hyder – Financial Joel Prather – Bldg. & Grounds John Stone – Youth & Education Jerry Adkins - Mass Media Minister 8434 David Myers 352-552-8434 davidm7@centurylink.net Youth Minister 2382 Chad Brown 334-799-2382 chadpandj@gmail.com Worship Services Sunday Morning Bible Class Worship Sunday Evening Worship Wed. Bible Class Tuesday Ladies TLC 9:30 am 10:30 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 am Mission Work/Support Guyana, Belize, India (R. Clayton), Johnstown Pa., East End Preacher Fund, Faulkner Bible Dept., Oakland Md., Eastern European Mission. PRAYER & CHILDREN Growing up in eastern Oklahoma, I was taught a myriad of beneficial things by my parents. They taught me how to ride a bike, wash dishes, mow the yard, load the washing machine, fix a flat tire and change the oil in the car. Dad taught me how to outline a Bible lesson when I was about 12, and Mom taught me a lot about putting that Bible lesson into practice in my daily life. One of the greatest things thin my parents ever taught me, however, was how to pray. What does God hear in our prayers and in the prayers of our children? Does He hear from us at all? Does He hear from a family who wants only to get their “Christian duty” over with? Or, does He hear those who really want to honor Him and communicate with Him respectfully, sincerely and specifically? Teach Your Children to Pray Respectfully One popular news commentator recently noted that “there is an epidemic of disrespect in America” in the 21st century. cent Laws are disregarded. Authority figures are mocked. Righteousness is ridiculed. Perhaps never in the history of our country has it been more imperative to teach children to be respectful. The psalmist sang, “Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the t inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him” (Psalm 33:8 nkjv). God is “to be held in reverence by all those around Him” (89:7). “Holy and awesome is His name” (111:9). We must teach our children in word and deed to “serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire” (Hebrews 12:28-29). 12:28 The writer of Hebrews alluded to the fact that even the Lord Jesus, the great High Priest, “in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications … was heard because of His godly fear” (Hebrews 5:7). It is paramount to demonstrate and teach children to approach their heavenly Father with the utmost respect when they “enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus” (10:19). His sanctuary is to be revered (Leviticus 19:30), and His name is to be set apart (Matthew 6:9), for He is “God of gods and an Lord of lords, the great God,” who is “mighty and awesome” (Deuteronomy 10:17). -cont. on pg. 2- Visitors Welcome Visitors! If you are visiting with us today, we want you to know you are our honored guest. We hope you find our worship uplifting and in accordance with God’s word. Please fill out a visitor’s card and place it in the collection plate. A loaf of bread: All visitors are invited to take a loaf of bread, made especially for you, as you leave the auditorium. We hope you will enjoy the bread and come back and visit us at every opportunity. Hearing Assistance System: This facility is equipped with a Hearing Assistance System. Please ask one of our elders or Mike McKay for a receiver. There is a Nursery available for your convenience. It is located in the foyer. Church Family News Welcome Friends: Group #2 is in charge of our lunch today. If you are a visitor, please stick around for lunch in our fellowship hall immediately after morning services. This lunch is for you! Bulletin: We need volunteers to type the bulletin each week. All that you need is a basic knowledge of computers, typing, and Microsoft word. Please see Mary Costa if you would like to help. Brittany Flowers and Samantha Stone both came forward recently. Please keep them and their families in your prayers. Our Mission Team: David and Sarah Myers, Rusty Locke, Debbie Baker, and Joan Strickland are in Guyana. They should be with about 15 other Americans visiting 3 different villages. Please pray for their safety and for their missionary efforts. Lord willing, they will be home October 20th. Congratulations to Nick and Alicia Thayer: Cali Ann Thayer was born October 8th at 6:37pm. She weighed 7lbs 8oz and was 19 ¼ in long. Wireless Internet Relevent 7 Ids: Auditorium Password: Sermons on church website: (www.wwcofchrist.com) If you need further help, please see Mike McKay. -Pg. 1 cont.- Teach Your Children to Pray Sincerely Many children seem to have the idea that as long as they repeat at least some of the “reverent-sounding” phrases that their parents and other older Christians use in their prayers all is well. If children can roll off “guide, guard and direct us” from their tongues, or if they can just get that “ready recollection” phrase out of their mouths, they may think God will hear their prayers and their parents will be pleased. We must be careful leaving children with the impression that prayers are just repeated words and phrases. Jesus said, “And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words” (Matthew 6:7). Encourage children to use simple terms and expressions they understand. Teach them the meaning of biblical terms often repeated in prayers. Take a proactive approach in explaining the meanings of “hallowed,” “which art in heaven” (if you use the KJV), “in Jesus’ name” and even “Amen.” If we overestimate the intelligence of our children, they may find themselves confused for years about God who does “art in Heaven” or why “All Men” are mentioned at the end of prayers, rather than “All Women.” Children also need to learn that prayer time is not merely “rest-your-eyes” time. It is not just “that part of our devotional period when I get to zone out.” It could be a good idea to teach children to close their eyes when praying if it helps them concentrate better. It may also be that children could learn to pray and concentrate with their eyes open in order to stay more alert. (Why is it that we generally keep our eyes open when we worship and address God in song, but we believe we must close them when we worship Him in prayer?) Whatever reverent prayer posture our children use, whatever words and phrases they pick for their petitions to God, may God help us to teach them to pray sincerely – not from a hollow heart or from a distracted heart but from a sincere, holy heart. As the psalmist said, “I will praise the Lord with my whole heart” (Psalm 111:1). Teach Your Children to Pray Specifically I’m indebted to my mom and dad for teaching me to pray about specific things and specific people at an early age. To this day, as my dad approaches 80, he prays for hundreds of specific people during a given week (and perhaps even a day). It is sweet to hear precious children pray for “all the old people” or “all of the sick around the world,” but teaching them to pray for specific things and people is biblical and honorable. Paul was a very busy servant who worked as both a tentmaker and a preacher of the gospel, but he found time to pray persistently for specific congregations (Philippians 1:3-4; Colossians 1:3; 1 Thessalonians 1:2) and specific individuals (2 Timothy 1:3; Philemon 4). Paul believed in prayer, and he believed in the power of the One who answers prayer. May God help us to pray and to teach our children to pray like Paul – with specificity. Consider that the way in which our children pray may very well reflect something about how we pray. What, if anything, do your children’s prayers say about you as a parent? Could there be a better compliment that a child could give his parents than, “They taught me how to pray … how to really pray – they taught me by their example and instruction how to worship Communion for October – Mary Costa Almighty God in prayer – in spirit and in truth”? -By Eric Lyons- Privileged to Serve Prayer List Marcile Tatum is receiving an arterial bypass Contact Elder: Announcements: Bob Grove Charles Wright SUNDAY MORNING, October 12 Bible Study Singing Prayer Larry Hyder Ricky Baker Worship Lead Singing Lead Prayer Lord’s Table Assist on Table Closing Prayer Contribution Lock Building Chad Brown Bill Capps Royce Pitney/Rusty Locke Jim Allison/Lew Faulkner Ronnie Strickland Ricky Baker/Gary Johnson Joel Prather/Mike McKay Nancy Menninger had knee replacement surgery Mike McKay will start radiation therapy on Oct. 30 Mary Lou Jordan is receiving rehabilitation for the next 2 weeks Cheryl Johnston’s mother is now receiving Hospice Shirl Foster. Sheila Johnston’s mother is no longer in the Mayo clinic. The tests were inconclusive. It seems like she has some type of rare muscular disease, but they will continue to test. Evelyn Jones is not feeling well Marvin Camp’s cancer Joyce Freeman is recovering from knee replacement surgery Martha Polk’s grandson’s wife - cancer Sue Allison is in The Villages Rehab room 112 Sunday Evening Services Lead Singing Bill Capps Lead Prayer Keith Jones Lord’s Table Fred French Closing Prayer Gary Johnson Wednesday Bible Class Lead Singing Rusty Mertz Lead Prayer Dan Slaughter Closing Prayer Chad Brown Greeters & Meeters Greeters October 12 Dan & Doris Cartt October 19 Bob & Shirly Tyler October 26 Sam & Mary Costa Meeters October 12 John & Kim Stone October 19 Peggy Murphy & Flossie Sands October 26 Marlene Yates & Joan Strickland Charles Lake: back problems Dan Longfellow: Parkinson's Disease Mission Team in Guyana: David Myers, Sarah Myers, Debbie Baker, Joan Strickland, Rusty Locke Remember Sue Allison, Avis Steele, Linda Jones, Rob Grove, Shirley Threet, Rose Herndon, Barbara Barden, John Stone’s father, Jim Buck, Jean Button, Tom Courtney, Kevin Freeman, Don Albert, Asa Harris, Margaret Hubbs, Jeanette Knotts, Freddie & Hilda Sandh, Cecelia Strickland, Charlotte Martin, Donna Grove, Samantha Perand-Joseph, Harrison Leff, Martha Todd. Remember our Missionaries at home and abroad. They continually need our support and prayers. Pray for all the Military, especially those deployed. Our Military: Sarah Adcock - Army Savannah Adcock - Army Garrett Blake Howell - Army Aaron Myers - Marines Logan Duff - Marines Chance Strickland – Navy Steven McKay – Air Force YOUTH CORNER Monthly Activities Chad’s Chatter Every Tuesday at 9am – TLC Tuesday Ladies Care Group, all ladies are invited and welcomed to send cards to the sick and those needing encouragement. Growing up in Tennessee I would vacation in the Great Smoky Mountains, always thinking “great” was in reference to the superb quality of the experience enjoyed when visiting the site. It was only later I learned of the “Little Smoky Mountains” near the convergence of Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia. “Little” and “great,” are designations of topology, the section of the Appalachians in Ohio being of a lower elevation than the section in Tennessee. Likewise, reading the closing verses of Matthew, we come across the “Great Commission.” This designation is in contrast to the “Limited Commission” of Matthew 10:5f: “These twelve Jesus sent out, instructing them, ‘Go nowhere among the Gentiles and enter no town of the Samaritans, but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” The original commission, which was restricted to the Jews, was lesser in scope than the “Great Commission,” given in Matthew 28:18-20. The earlier commission was narrow, being given only to the Twelve Apostles, for a limited time, to reach out to a limited number of people. The second commission is greater in being given to the whole church, until the end of the age, addressing the whole world. The Great Commission continues to serve as a motto, stirring Christians to send out missionaries and to conduct evangelistic programs. The church continues, with a fair measure of success, to fulfill the charge Jesus gave to preach the gospel and to baptize converts. Yet, we should look further into what the Lord commanded. We must not only make converts; we must also teach them to observe all that Jesus commanded. With young people growing up in the Lord’s church, training in doctrine occurs in Bible classes and in training received at home. For adult converts, however, the process of spiritual growth is more piecemeal. Special attention should be given to help those who become Christians as adults to ensure they understand basic doctrine. Having an elder or other mature Christian serve as a mentor is a great help, as is having a prepared course of study covering the distinctive nature of the Lord’s church. In this way we will fulfill the Lord’s command, not only to baptize, but also to instruct. COMMISSIONED TO TEACH Apple Pie Ministry – meets every Tuesday at 8:30am in the fellowship hall. Birthdays October Aletha Jonas Andy McKay Linda Jones Frances DeYoung Gavin Pope Royce Pitney Haylee Slaughter Nathan Myers 2 4 6 9 16 21 29 31 Joy Pitney 2 Millie Tudor 6 Tara Strickland 8 Zachary Egner 12 Jean Button 17 Jim Allison 22 Sonya Radford 30 Anniversaries October John & Janet Sours Fred & Glynda Casteel Wayne & Joyce Freeman Don & Millie Tudor 2 4 11 11 Weekly Record The week of October 5, 2014 Budget 2014: $5856.00 Contributions: $7162.00 Sunday Bible Class 103 Sunday AM Worship 163 Sunday PM Worship 117 Wednesday 102 Pantry —Gregory Alan Tidwell OCTOBER 12, 2014: SNAC AND LADS We are still in need of these items for our Thanksgiving boxes: Canned Icing Stove Top Stuffing Canned Sweet Potatoes In the fellowship hall TONIGHT, right after evening services. Dinner will be provided by the Yarboroughs (THANK YOU). Guys and girls, please bring dessert.
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