Zilla Parishad Satara October 2014 UNDER INSTRUCTIONS FROM CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, ZILLA PARISHAD, SATARA TEL-(02162) 229604 _____________________________________________________________________________________ M/S SHANKAR RAMCHANDRA AUCTIONEERS , 212,POORNIMA TOWERS, 31A/B SHANKARSETH ROAD, PUNE-411037 BR.OFFICE 40,PROPECT CHAMBER, DR.D.N.ROAD FORT MUMBAI-1 TEL-(020)24440418/24497153 EMAL-sr_auctioneers@vsnl.net web-www.srauctioneers.co.in Will sell by PUBLIC AUCTION the following Scrap vehicles /Spares/Tyers/etc on 08/10/2014 at 01:30 P.M. atCHATRAPATI SHIVAJI HALL ZILLA PARISHAD SATARA ALL MATERIAL WILL BE SOLD ON “AS IS WHERE IS BASIS” & ON “NO COMPLAINT BASIS” & “AREA TO BE CLEARED BASIS” LOT NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL AMBASSADOR CAR REGST.NO- MH-11-G-8045 MODEL-2001 AMBASSADOR CAR REGST.NO- MH-11-G-8050 MODEL-2001 AMBASSADOR CAR REGST.NO- MH-11-G-8060 MODEL-2001 AMBASSADOR CAR REGST.NO- MH-11-G-8061 MODEL-2001 AMBASSADOR CAR REGST.NO- MH-11-G-8062 MODEL-2001 AMBASSADOR CAR REGST.NO- MH-11-G-8074 MODEL-2001 AMBASSADOR CAR REGST.NO- MH-11-G-8109 MODEL-2004 AMBASSADOR CAR REGST.NO- MH-11-G-8899 MODEL-2003 AMBASSADOR CAR REGST.NO- MH-11-G-9000 MODEL-2000 FIAT UNO CAR REGST.NO- MH-11-G-9774 MODEL-2000 FIAT UNO CAR REGST.NO- MH-11-G-9777 MODEL-2000 M & M JEEP REGST.NO- MH-11-AB-13 MODEL-2004 M & M JEEP REGST.NO- MH-11-G-8032 MODEL-2001 M & M JEEP REGST.NO- MH-11-G-8033 MODEL-2001 M & M JEEP REGST.NO- MH-11-G-8034 MODEL-2001 ZP SATARA OCTOBER 14 APPROX QTY VAT% 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 LOCATION Z.P.WORKSHOP SATARA 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 Page 1 Zilla Parishad Satara LOT NO October APPROX QTY VAT% 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 24. M & M JEEP REGST.NO- MH-11-G-8035 MODEL-2001 M & M JEEP REGST.NO- MH-11-G-8036 MODEL-2001 M & M JEEP REGST.NO- MH-11-G-8037 MODEL-2001 M & M JEEP REGST.NO- MH-11-G-8039 MODEL-2001 M & M JEEP REGST.NO- MH-11-G-8073 MODEL-2003 M & M JEEP REGST.NO- MH-11-G-8075 MODEL-2003 M & M JEEP REGST.NO- MH-11-G-8082 MODEL-2003 M & M JEEP REGST.NO- MH-12-PA-4315 MODEL-1998 ROAD ROLLER N- 188 MODEL-1988 1 NO 12.5 25. ROAD ROLLER N- 5411 MODEL-1975 1 NO 12.5 26. ROAD ROLLER N- 192 MODEL-1979 1 NO 12.5 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 2014 27. ROAD ROLLER N- 21388 MODEL-1979 1 NO 12.5 28. MOTOR LAUNCH [ JALKHUMB] MODEL-1997 1 NO 12.5 29. MOTOR LAUNCH [ JALRATNA] MODEL-1997 1 NO 12.5 30. MOTOR LAUNCH [ JALSHOBHA] MODEL-1997 1 NO 12.5 31. MOTOR LAUNCH [ MALIKAARJUN] MODEL-1997 1 NO 12.5 32. SWARAJ MAZDA REGST NO- MH-12-4482 MODEL- 1991 SWARAJ MAZDA REGST NO- MWR-4132 MODEL- 1988 DCM TOYATO REGST NO- MWF-4108 MODEL- 1986 DRILLING RIG REGST.NO- MXB-5129 MODEL- 1981 TATA TRUCK REGST.NO- MHQ-3436 MODEL- 1997 TATA TRUCK REGST.NO- MHF-6253 MODEL- 1997 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 1 NO 12.5 AIR COMPRESSOR NO-M3914178 MODEL-1982 1 NO 12.5 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. ZP SATARA OCTOBER 14 LOCATION Z.P.WORKSHOP SATARA PANCHAYAT SAMITI CHAIRMAN RESIDENCE POWAI NAKA SATARA Z.P.CONSTRUCTION SUB DIVN PANCHYAT SAMITI PHALTAN TAPOLA LAUNCH UNIT Z.P.WORKSHOP SATARA Z.P STORE KHAVALI GROUND WATER WORKSHOP GODOLI SATARA Z.P STORE KHAVALI Page 2 Zilla Parishad Satara LOT NO October DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 2014 APPROX QTY VAT% LOCATION Z.P.CONTRUCTION SUB DIVN PANCHYAT SAMITI MEDHA Z.P.CONTRUCTION SUB DIVN KARAD 39. LION ROAD ROLLER NO-21332 MODEL-1977 1 NO 12.5 40. TRACTOR TROLLEY MODEL-1985 1 NO 12.5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. NOTE INSPECTION OF MATERIAL BEFORE THE DATE OF AUCTION. 25% EMD TO BE PAID IN CASH ON THE FALL OF HAMMER. 75% BALANCE PAYMENT TO BE MADE WITH 21 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF AUCTION . DELIVERY TO BE TAKEN WITH 10 DAYS AFTER MAKING BALANCE PAYMENT. VAT/INCOME TAX /OTHER LOCAL TAXES TO BE BONE BY SUCCESSFUL BIDDER. ANY CHANGE IN VAT/INCOME TAX/ OTHER LOCAL TAXES/ AS DECLARED BY THE GOVERNMNET THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER WILL HAVE TO BONE IT. VAT WILL BE COLLECTED BY SHANKAR RAMCHNADRA AUCTIONEERS.PUNE AND INCOME TAX BY THE DEPARTMENT. RCTC WHERE AVAIABLE WILL BE GIVEN.IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBALITY OF THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER TO GET THE VEHICLE TRANSFERRED IN HIS NAME. RCTC WHERE AVAIABLE WILL BE GIVEN.IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBALITY OF THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER TO GET THE VEHICLE TRANSFERRED IN HIS NAME. REFUNDABLE ENTRY FEE Rs.5,000/- IN CASH/DD IN FAVOR OF CHIEF ACCOUNTANT & FINANCE OFFICER ZILLA PARISHAD SATARA ,PAYABLE AT SATARA.WILL BE COLLETED BY 1:00 PM ONLY CONDITION OF SALE ATTACHED ZP SATARA OCTOBER 14 Page 3 Zilla Parishad Satara October 2014 IRRIGATION DEPARTMENT TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. The materials put for public Auction shall be disposed off in “AS IS WHERE IS” basis. No complaints whatsoever will be entertained after the bid is made and it will be expressly understood that the Auction Purchaser has fully satisfied himself regarding the quality, and condition of the available material before bidding. The disposable materials are normally kept in the yard in open space and the concerned office of the irrigation Department will not be in any manner responsible for any damage/deterioration of the material. 2. The number, quantities or tonnage and nature of material given are only indicative and the material will be sold without any regard or consideration to these numbers/tonnage of materials and no warrantee shall be implied. PAYMENT TERMS FOR AUCTION PURCHASER: 3. Payments amounting to 25% of the bid value must be made by the successful Auction bidder in cash towards Earnest Money Deposit on the fall of the hammer. 4. If on the fall of the hammer the highest bidder fails to pay 25% of the bid value, the bid shall forthwith be cancelled and lot re-auctioned The defaulter however will not be allowed to participate in the following auction procedure. 5. The balance 75% of the bid value must be paid by the successful Auction bidder within 21 days (Twenty One) from the date of auction in the form of Demand Draft/Cash in favour of concerned office of the Irrigation Department along with documentary proof. (i.e. in challan form) in respect of taxes paid to the Government by the Auctioneer. In case of failure to pay this balance 75% amount within the above-stipulated period, an interest at the rate of 18% p.a. will be charged (to be calculated on day basis) on the balance amount for the period not exceeding further 30 days. In case of failure to pay this balance, amount along with interest in this extended period also, then the EMD specified above will stand forfeited on expiry of 51 (Fifty One) days from the date of Auction and the Auction Sale will be treated as cancelled. The material should be lifted by the successful auction purchaser from the site of the concerned office of the Irrigation Department within 10 days after making the balance payment of 75% of sale value as stipulated in 5 above. In case of failure to lift the material within the above-stipulated period, penalty of 1% (One Percent) of the accepted bid value per day will be charged towards ground rent. If the Auction material is not removed within 90 days from the date of Auction. The competent authority will reserve the right to cancel the auction in which case the amount paid will stand forfeited. 6. 7. 8. Earnest Money Deposit stipulated in 3 above will bear no interest. 9. TAXES AND DUTIES ON AUCTIONED MATERIALS: Sales Tax or any other taxes applicable under the Maharashtra Sales Tax Act will be charged extra. Excise duty, if applicable, will be charged extra. 10. All Sales Tax, Turnover Tax, Excise Duty and all other taxes, duties (imposed) payable to the Central Government or to the State Government must be paid by the successful Auction Purchaser to the concerned offices as part of the Purchase price through Auctioneer. 11. However, the officer concerned to the Irrigation Department may at his discretion ask the successful auction purchaser to make payment towards such as sales-tax, turnover tax, excise duty, etc. directly to his office of the Irrigation Department by cash or demand draft while making the balance 75% payment. In this case condition no. 14 will not be applicable. 12. Income tax (Tax collected at source and surcharge as per section 206-c of the income tax act will be payable by the auction purchaser (as applicable) and it will be collected by the concerned Executive Engineer of Irrigation Department and will be paid to Income Tax Office. Form N-14 or any other concession forms towards Sales Tax will not be accepted. 13. 14. 15. The documentary proof (i.e. in challan form) regarding the payment of tax paid to the Government by the purchaser through the auctioneer should be produced to the department while making the balance 75% payment. Non-payment of any amount payable under this clause, will have the same effect as non-payment of the Purchase money and will result in ipso facto termination of the contract and forfeiture of the Earnest Money stipulated under clause 3 above. ZP SATARA OCTOBER 14 Page 4 Zilla Parishad Satara October 2014 DELIVERY OF AUCTIONED MATERIAL: 16. The successful auction Purchaser will make his own arrangement for loading and transportation of the material from the concerned office of the Irrigation Department’s site premises. He will not be entitled to claim any facility or assistance in this regard. 17. The delivery of the material shall be given to the person whose name and signature appears on the bid sheet. In case the original Auction Purchaser wishes to take the delivery of the material through his agent/representative, then he must issue a letter of authority on his letter head duly signed with Rubber Stamp Seal authorizing his agent/representative to take delivery. This letter of Authority must be presented to the officer concerned of Irrigation Department. The officer concerned of Irrigation Department may at his discretion decline to act on any such letter of authority in case of dispute of discrepancy. It will be for the Auction purchaser to satisfy the Officer concerned of the Irrigation Department its genuineness. The concerned office of the Irrigation Department will not be responsible in any manner if the material is delivered to the wrong person, while delivering material to such persons. No claim will be entertained by the concerned officer of the Irrigation Department on any account in such matter. 18. The Auction purchaser is not entitled to choose or pick up any particular material from the lot. He has to lift the entire material as available in the lot “as is where is “ basis. 19. The Auction purchaser is not allowed to lift any other material than the material described in the lot even if such material is found in yard at the time of taking delivery. The material other than that has been described in the lot but found in the yards is belonging to the concerned officer of the Irrigation Department and should not be lifted. In case any successful Auction purchase is found collecting material belonging to the concerned office of the Irrigation Department will face severe action that may be instituted by the concerned office of the Irrigation Department against such person. This may include even lodging of Police complaint. 20. The delivery will be affected during working office hours only, except on Government Holidays and Sundays. 21. The Auction Purchaser should obtain the payment clearance certificate and take delivery of material. 22. Resale will not be recognized and Release Order will be made out in the name of actual successful Auction Purchaser only. 23. In case any Auction Purchaser purchases a lot and after making full payment removed part of the lot and fails to remove the balance lot and then, in that case, after the stipulated time is over the lot will be treated as abandoned and whatever money is paid over for the forfeited along with the EMD and the balance lot will be disposed of by concerned office of the Irrigation Department as deemed fit. 24. Deliveries will be made only during office hours on working days. The material auctioned shall in every respect remain at the risk of the successful Auction Purchaser from the date of auction and concerned office of the Irrigation Department shall not accept any liability for the safe custody or preservation thereof from that date. 25. Any Injuries or Damages caused to Government men and properties in the course of lifting and transporting auctioned materials, the auction purchaser will be responsible to make good the damages caused. 26. The highest auction bid will be subject to approval of the “Committee” appointed by the committee or concerned office of the Irrigation Department which will supervise the auction sale and reserve the right to accept or reject the highest bid without declaring any reasons whatsoever. Such decision will be given on the spot at the time of auction. The concerned Office of the Irrigation Department reserve the right at its discretion to withdraw any lot prior to commencement of auction without assigning any reasons there of for such refusal. ZP SATARA OCTOBER 14 Page 5 Zilla Parishad Satara October 2014 27. The general conditions of goods against all lots of the list shall be treated as scrap/unserviceable Heavy/Light Machineries/Spare parts of such machinery / Tyres & Tubes / Batteries / Burnt oil / Turning Scrap / Steel Scrap / Pump Set compressor / Welding plants / Obsolete surplus and unserviceable spare parts / surplus machinery in working conditions etc. lots and condemned unless otherwise specifically mentioned against the item or lots. 28. In case where concerned office of the Irrigation Department proposes to auction any particular item or items of stores by weight or number and not on lot basis, announcement to that effect shall be made before such stores are to be auctioned, the bid in such cases shall be for each number or unit or weight. 29. Successful execution to the contract will mean complete clearance of the lot sold from specified location. Successful Auction Purchasers are warned that any attempt to misuse Gate Pass, challans authorizing delivery, or any such document will make him liable him to serious penalties or such other action as may be open to the concerned Office of the Irrigation Department. The successful Auction Purchaser should therefore ensure that important documents relating to sale are in custody of Trust worthy and responsible persons. 30. The lots sold must be cleared within the stipulated period as stated in clause No. 6&7. If the successful Auction Purchaser at any stage either neglects or refuses or is unable to take delivery of the materials for any reason what-soever within the prescribed time or the performance of the Auction Purchaser is unsatisfactory, the concerned office of the Irrigation Department will have the right to terminate the contract and forfeit EMD amount and claim further losses and damages that may be caused to the concerned office of the Irrigation Department by such breach. The decision of the concerned office of the Irrigation Department regarding satisfactory performance or otherwise will be final and binding on Auction Purchaser and such lots in question shall be resold by the concerned office of the Irrigation Department without any further reference to the Auction Purchaser. 31. Normally no gas cutting/cutting of the material will be allowed. However, in case where it is found that without such facility the removal of the material is impossible, such gas cutting/cutting may be considered on specific request in writing by the Auction Purchaser depending upon the merit of the case keeping the safety angle in view and will be at the sole discretion of the concerned office of the Irrigation Department. If the material is required to be shifted for cutting, the charge of shifting and cutting will be borne by the Purchaser. 32. The Auction Purchaser, their servants and agents shall be required to abide by all specific/general regulations of safety and discipline within the concerned office of the Irrigation Department premises. The material will be handled by the Auction Purchaser, their servants/agents at their own risk and may loss/damage whatsoever to any individual or property in such handling documents will make him liable him to serious penalties or such or as a consequence thereof shall be the sole responsibility of the Auction Purchaser. The concerned office of the Irrigation Department reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time on the following grounds. (i.e. put proper no). 33. Unsatisfactory execution or performance of the contract by the Auction Purchaser. 34. For improper behavior of the Auction Purchaser or breach of the terms and conditions of the contract. Decision of the concerned office of the Irrigation Department to terminate the contract shall be final and binding and no claim for damages and/or compensation shall lie against the concerned office of the Irrigation Department. 35. Concerned office of the Irrigation Department shall not be liable for non-performance of any contract either wholly or in part for any delay in performance resulting from time to time in case beyond the concerned office of the Irrigation Department’s control including fire, strikes, war, riots, civil commotion, pestilence, epidemic, floods, accidents, damage or requirements of Government force or any circumstances beyond the control of the concerned office of the Irrigation Department whether directly due to or in consequence of the said clause or not and the existence of such cause of consequence shall operate to the extent the time on the part of concerned office of the Irrigation Department by such period as may be necessary to enable the concerned office of the Irrigation Department to effect performance after the clause the delay shall have ceased to exist. Should concerned office of the Irrigation Department so determines shall be entitles at any time or notice to the Auction Purchasers to cancel any contract the performance of which is likely to be delayed by any of the clause aforesaid and in such cases, the Auction Purchaser shall have no claim upon the concerned office of the Irrigation Department of any kind. The provision of this paragraph shall not be limited or abrogated by any other terms of the contract whether printed or written nor will be provision of this clause abrogate or limit the ZP SATARA OCTOBER 14 Page 6 Zilla Parishad Satara October 2014 effect of any other clause mentioned in these terms and conditions. 36. The intending bidder will have to deposit refundable caution money of Rs. 5,000/- (Five Thousand Only) in form of Demand Draft only in favour of Executive Engineer of concerned office of the Irrigation Department. The caution money will be refunded after complete auction is over. However, if the intending bidder from whom the caution money of Rs. 5,000/- is collected, obstructers, or backs out from the auction proceeding or indulge in any other improper behavior affecting the adversely the auction process the deposit will be forfeited and the lot involved will be re-auctioned immediately at the discretion of auction committee of the concerned office of the Irrigation Department. : FOR DETAILS CONTACT: SHANKAR RAMCHANDRA AUCTIONEERS. 212, POORNIMA TOWERS, 31A/31B, SHANKARSHET ROAD, PUNE – 411 037. TELEFAX NO. (020) 24440418, 24440689 E–MAIL: sr_auctioneers@vsnl.net ZP SATARA OCTOBER 14 Page 7
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