! " # # Step By Step Beaker O God, You are my God, And I will ever praise You! O God, You are my God, And I will ever praise You! I will seek You in the morning, And I will learn to walk in Your ways; And step by step You'll lead me, And I will follow You all of my days. Sanctuary Thompson, John W. / Scruggs, Randy Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary, Pure and holy, tried and true; With thanksgiving, I'll be a living sanctuary for You. When I'm tempted to forget Your power, I'll remember the word You spoke to me, I am with you, at every moment, I'll not leave you, count on Me. © 1991 BMG Songs, Inc . © 1982 Whole Ar mor Music He Has Made Me Glad Von Brethorst, Leona I will enter His gates With thanksgiving in my heart. I will enter His courts with praise. I will say, this is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice for He has made me glad. Shout To The Lord Zschech, Darlene Shout to the Lord all the earth let us sing, Power and majesty praise to the King. Mountains bow down and the seas will roar, At the sound of Your name. I sing for joy at the work of Your hands. Forever I'll love You, forever I'll stand. Nothing compares to the promise I have in You. He has made me glad, He has made me glad, I will rejoice for He has made me glad. He has made me glad, He has made me glad, I will rejoice for He has made me glad. © 1976 Maranatha Praise, Inc . Here I Am To Worship Hughes, Tim Here I am to worship, here I am to bow down Here I am to say that You're my God You're altogether lovely Altogether worthy, altogether wonderful to me And I'll never know how much it cost To see my sin upon that cross And I'll never know how much it cost To see my sin upon that cross © 2000 Thankyou M usic © 1993 Darlene Zsc hec h We Believe Hooper | Fike | Ryan We believe in God the Father We believe in Jesus Christ We believe in the Holy Spirit And He's given us new life We believe in the crucifixion We believe that He conquered death We believe in the resurrection And He's coming back again (We believe) © Abundant Life Ministries Surely The Presence Wolfe, Lanny Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place, I can feel His mighty power and His grace. I can hear the brush of angels' wings; I see glory on each face, Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place. © 1977 Lanny Wolfe Music CCLI # 489431 PRELUDE PRAISE TIME (see Chorus page) WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Blood Drive # $ "% # *SHARING TI ME *CALL to PRAISE *OPENING HYMN “Spirit of the Living God” # 64 Holy, Holy, Holy CHILDREN’S CHAT # &# $ "% RECEPTION of TITH ES and OFFERINGS OFFERTORY “Spirit of God” *DOXOLOGY (# 95) & PRESENTATION of GIFTS # *THE APOSTLES’ CREED *HYMN # 539 O Spirit of the Living God PRAYER & LORD’S PRAYER (# 895) SPECIAL MUSIC “Holy Spirit” Medley MESSAGE Sermon Series: The Apostles’ Creed “I Believe in the Holy Spirit” Powered Up - A;ts <:8= Gala>ans 5:??-?5 *CLOSING HYMN # 4?0 Breathe on Me, Breath of God *BENEDICTION & POSTLUDE *Congrega>on please stand if you are aAl eB $ "% ’ MkH Please Remember to Pray W John Everitt Jackie Metz Deborah Knight Eleanor Montano Olivia Theis Peggy Mitrushi Betty Booth Meredith Gould Rich Ritchie Bobbie Allen Louise Griffiths Arlene Decker Rose Hancock Frank Welsh Shirley Mankhe Bill Dohl Byron/Joann Carpenter Peter Warhurst George DeArk Joe & Myrna Gop Bob Spalin Kathy Hees Brooke Noser Dee Robson Connor Gaunt Debbie Albert Joan Philips Virginia Endriss Dick & Joan Bigelow Gene & Pat Hunt Kay Snider Phyllis Tucker John Ptacek Jim &Catherine MacKay Susan Wonnell Richard & Janie Palmer Bob Erwin David Bryant WORSHIP First Time Guests IN THE SERVICE Chris Anderson Dallas D. Bergl, II David Bruce John A. Campanale Jr. David Colucci Daniel Cutting Ashley Ehasz Maddie Wright Farris J. D. Frank Zachory Goldberg Randall Hinkle Philip Martin Alisha Milligan Anthony Morley II Andrew Olson Danny Parks Alan Peacock Patrick Penney Joseph Perry Chris Peters Jessica (Ruehr) Powell Nicholas Reider Michael Rodgers Mike Ruehr Sean Ruehr Betsy Scott Mark Scott Jason Toole Travis Toole Alex Welsh David Zachary Wilson Prayer Chain - Call Judy Kurinsky, 496-8046 or judithckur@aol.com If you or someone you know is ill or in the hospital, call the church office, 493-7504. We won’t know if you don’t tell us. Cathy Thomas Paul Martin Jr. Marilyn Lorenc Rich & Helen Ritchie In Extended Care: Joan Bigelow - Consulate, Pt. Charlotte Marian Cowin - Hospice House, Plantation Howard Davis - Sarasota Memorial Rehab George DeArk - Banyan House Ann Flanagan - Sunset Lake LaVina Fox - S.L.C. of Sarasota Betty Fuller - Sunset Lake Village Dolores Glass - Sunset Lake Carl Herren - HealthSouth Paul Lindholm - Sunset Lake Tommi Matthews - Venetian Gardens Bud McLain - Hospice House Kitty Pugh - Lexington Manor Emma Schrader - Banyan Tree Buck Zeigler - Harbor Inn This Week’s Missionary: Pat & Melinda Edmiston, Wycliffe Thanks and praise for the carefu l process of translatio n and editing. We extend our deepest Christian sympathy to Peggy Nixon in the death of her husband, Barry Nixon. We join together in an expression of love at this time. Come and mee t Pastor Larry & Regina in the LiAra ry immediate ly following the <0:45 Worship Servi;eB Worship at the Windsor Every Wednesday at <<am join Pastor La rry for a small wors hip servi;e at the Windsor Assisted Living Fa;ilityB Wednesday isitaon Would you enjoy spending an hour or so on WedB mornings to deliver Pane ra Aread to those new frie nds who have re;ently visited CUMC? We meet at <0am and visit aAout an hourB For more info, ;all Pastor Larry, 493-7504B Directory Portrait Sessions Tues. - Sat. in the Parlor, Rooms 13-14 Janice Johnson Carl Herren Howard Davis Marcia Wooddell John Waugh Cal Stone Debbie Albert Ruvini Weerasooriya LaVina Fox Ransom Jones Sue David Bert Eichert Dick & Irene LaFave Bennett Coleman Janie Palmer Dan Sukel Marie Sheets Don Lorenc Jean Schleutker Keith Freeland Terry Green Andy Clark Beverly Hong Betty Stahlnaker Fran McLaughlin Abby Ruehr Sharon Monk Dawn Vandegrift Kenneth Druley Frank Moitis Larry Davis David Evans Joe Foster Joe Bonanno Janet Outerbridge Bea Wildauer Marilyn Dittmer Mary Jo Dick ation . n end to isol a is er y ra ith “P r daily l ife w It is li ving ou Hi m who alon e ith Someon e; w from solitud e.” us c an d el iver Le Fevre —G eorges Sunday 10/12 8:00am Early Riser Worship 8:45am Prayer Meeting 9:00am Bible Classes for All Ages 9:15am Contemporary Worship 10:30am Bible Classes for All Ages 10:45am Traditional Worship 2:30pm Disciple 3 5:00pm Club Whatever 6:30pm Healing Service Monday 9:00am Dance-Ercise 10/13 10:00am Beth Moore Bible Study on James 4:30pm Adult Taekwondo Class 5:30pm Youth Taekwondo Class 6:00pm SAFE Support Group 7:00pm Finance Team 7:30pm AA 12-Step Meeting Tuesday 9:00am Staff Meeting 10/14 9:30am Quilting for Mission 10:00am Jonathan Group Shawls of Prayer Group 10:30am Music Team 11:15am Orchestra Rehearsal 6:00pm UMM Dinner & Program Wednesday 8:15am Bread & Coffee Time 10/15 9:00am Beginner Dance-Ercise 9:30am Better Together Group 9:30am SAFE Commissioning Service 5:00pm Pastor’s Bible Study 6:00pm Dinner 6:45pm Adult Choir Rehearsal Exploration Station / The Current Membership Orientation Parent Connection Group Transformed Class Thursday 7:00am Men’s Bible Study Breakfast 10/16 9:30am Day Care Chapel Time 4:30pm Adult Taekwondo Class 5:30pm Youth Taekwondo Class 6:30pm Adult Shim Soo Do Class Friday 7:00am Lawn & Garden Crew 10/17 7:30am Men’s Bible Study 9:00am Dance-Ercise 11:00am Foundations Class 12noon AL-ANON 7:00pm AA Men’s & Ladies’ Group Saturday 10/18 Sanctuary Parlor MH & FLC Memorial Hall MH & FLC Sanctuary MH Room 23 Family Life Center Sanctuary Family Life Center MH Room 22-23 Family Life Center Family Life Center MH Rm 24, Parlor MH Room 23 Memorial Hall MH Conference Family Life Center Parlor MH Room 24 Choir Room Sanctuary Memorial Hall Memorial Hall Family Life Center MH Room 23 Sanctuary Memorial Hall Memorial Hall Choir Room Family Life Center MH Room 22 MH Room 24 MH Room 23 MH Room 23 Choir Room Family Life Center Family Life Center Family Life Center Grounds MH Room 24 Family Life Center MH Room 24 MH Room 24-25 MH Room 23 & 25 TONIGHT MONDAY Quarterly Healing Service Sunday, O;t <? at 6:30pm Blood Mobile Next Sunday, O;t <9 Will Ae held in the San;tuary= ;ome to lea rn, to worship, and to Ae healedB Will Ae on ;ampus from 9:30am un>l <?:30pm for your ;onvenien;eB Please Aring a photo id and eat a good AreakfastB SF Support and ddicon Family ducaon SAFE Support mee ts every Monday evening at 6:00 in Memorial Hall, Room ?3B For informa>on: wwwB;um;Binfo/SAFE, SAFE@;um;Binfo, or ;all Jewell at 94<-7<6-6<69 B TUESDAY ath!ays "e!sle#er $eadline Tuesday, O;t <4 Please email all ar>;les for in;lusion in the NovemAer issue of the Pathways Ne wsleIe r to Mi;hele@;um;Binfo Ay the e nd of the day on Tuesday, O;toAer <4B United Methodist Men’s $inner & rogram Tuesday, O;t <4 at 6:00pm WEDNESDAY Meet in Memorial Hall for dinner togethe rB Our guest speaker will Ae new memAe r, Ri;hard Rogers, administrator of ComfortCare Senior Servi;es speaking on demen>a related issuesB Sign up on Sunday mornings at the Wel;ome Center, dinne r is $6, payaAle at the doorB BLS FLLOWSHI TRI Wednesday, O;t <5 at 9:00am There will Ae an informa>onal mee>ng for those interes ted in the August Rhine River TripB Come early for ;offee and goodies in Memorial Ha ll and stay for the mee>ng at 9:00B See you thenB 3rd Sunday rayer Meeng Sunday, O;t <9 Meet in the San;tuary at 6pm for a >me of inter;essory prayer and wors hip for our ;hur;h, our ;ommunity, and our worldB Senior Singles Mingles (A Chris>an So;ial Group) Semi-nnual $inner Fello!ship & Special rogram Monday, O;toAer ?0, 5-8pm Our program will Ae prese nted Ay two Civil War re -ena;tors: Steve S;urek (a Veni;e poli;eman) and John Lund (a Ausinessman from Engle wood/ North Port)B They will appear in uniforms of that era and have an informa>ve presenta>on of that pe riod in our ;ountry’s historyB There will Ae a O&A >me aPerwardB Glenn PeIy will prepa re dinner, $6, payaAle at the doorB RESERVATIONS ARE NECESSARYB Call Pat Lysher (aPe r 9:30am) at 484-4380 Ay Friday, O;t <7B Scripture Reading A;ts <:8 But you will re;eive power when the Holy Spirit ;omes on you= and you will Ae my witnesses in Je rusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earthB Gala>ans 5:??-?5 ?? But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, pea;e, pa>en;e, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, ?3 gentleness and se lf-;ontrolB Against su;h things there is no lawB ?4 Those who Ae long to Christ Jesus have ;ru;ifie d the sinful nature with its passions and desiresB ?5 Sin;e we live Ay the Spirit, let us keep in step with the SpiritB I B E L I E VE In God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth I B E L I E VE In Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, Born of the virgin Mary Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried He descended into hell, on the third day, He rose again He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father, Almighty From thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. Do you have the giP of hospitality? The <0:45 Tradi>onal Worship refreshment taAle starts Sunday, Nov ? and needs your spe;ial smileB (No ;offee or donut pre p!) You ;an s ign up at the Wel;ome Ce nte r or ;all Chris Budd, Hospitality CoordinatorB (309-339-5956) I B E L I E VE In the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church The communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins The resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. AM E N Make $ifference $ay Saturday, O;t ?5 We are going to Ae part of a ;ommunity wide effort to Aless this ;ityB As a ;hur;h, we have Aeen assigned Ce ntennial ParkB We’ll work from 9am >l Noon and then head over to a free lun;h at Maxine BarriI ParkB Everyone gets a free t-shirtB If you would like to par>;ipate you ;an sign up aPer se rvi;es on Sunday morningsB 3456 Tradional Worship Hospitality Starts in "ovember! L E AD P A S T O R Rev . Mic ha el T. H uds on A S S IS T A N T P A S T O R Rev . La rry D . P o tts A S S IS T A N T P A S T O R Rob er t E . Hal ey TR E A S U R ER Jo Ell en Wh ip pl e S E CR E T A R Y M ich ele M orl ey DIS C IPL E S H IP & L A Y M IN IS T R Y Nan cy K in ney M U S IC M IN IS TR Y Cher yl S mi th / Bo bby W hip pl e Caro le S au l Y OU T H MIN IS TR Y Jeff D un n-R ank in / J on e tta Du dl ey M arci a S ch ab erg CH IL DR E N’ S M IN IS T R Y S usa n P en ce CH IL D D E V E L O P M E NT C EN T E R A ni ta B urton A CO L Y T E S Gi an na We eras oor iya & E m ily Wi lli a ms OFFERINGS for Oct 5, 2014 General Fund Mortgage Payment Fund Ministry Through the Roof M-1000 Mission Fund Children’s Home Year to Date Offerings: General Fund Offerings Mortgage Payment Fund Ministry Through the Roof M-1000 Mission Fund (3/1/14-2/28/15) Children’s Home & Ranch (2014) Week 40 24,599 589 5,776 665 1,902 10 800,286 24,637 48,677 27,084 69,276 10,871 General Fund / Mortgage / Thru the Roof: Weekly Average Budget (ytd) 21,465 Weekly Offering 30,964 Weekly Average Offering (ytd) 21,840 Income (September) Expenses (September) 64,347 75,566 YTD Income (9/30/14) YTD Expenses (9/30/14) 842,636 775,876 MORTG AGE RESERVE FUND 8/31/14 LOAN BALANCE 197,806 42,844 9/30/14 193,894 ATTEND ANCE: 8:00 Worship 72 9:15 Worship 152 10:45 Worship 380 Children’s Church 10 Total Worship 614 Total Worship Sunday School (last year) 550 113 Club Whatever 34 Salty Service 46 Center of Hope Reminder O;toAer<5 is the third Wednesday of the month and the spe ;ial >me to donate food items for Ce nter of Hope at Pastor Mike’s BiAle studyB Also, mosquito repella nt and Aug spray is needed for the homelessB NonperishaAle gro;e ries ;an Ae pla;ed in the Cente r of Hope Ain lo;a ted in the Memorial Hall foyer any>me during the monthB There is also a Aox near the Pa rlor for items su;h as Aug spray and Aa;k pa;ksB Thank you for helping! Holiday Season Reminder As Thanksgiving season draws nearer, we remind you that Agape Flights is preparing for its annual giP dinner for all the missiona ry families it serves in the Domini;an RepuAli;, Hai>, and other islandsB Our support is nee ded to ;over the ;ost of the dinne rsB Make your ;he;k payaAle to CUMC and mark the pew envelope for “Agape Thanksgiving Dinner”B Thanks from your CUMC Missions TeamB HITI KI$S CHRISTMS Being O;toAe r, this sounds early, Aut gathering small giPs and pa;king them takes >meB Let GodTs love flow through all our hands to the 300 ;hildren at our two village s;hoolsB RememAer, their families are very poor, and these giPs may Ae all they will re;eiveB Our Hai> Pastors tell us how e x;ite d the ;hildren always are when our Aoxes arrive! The ;ost pe r ;hild is aAout $?B50 ea;h, in;luding shippingB You may ;ontriAute through the pink pew envelopes making ;he;ks payaAle to CUMC and marking VHai> Wids Chris tmasV, or give your dona>ons to June WoodAurn or Janet OuterAridgeB Thank You, CUMC Missions LIBRARY CORNER THANWS to the wonderful ladies of this ;hur;h who have made our Cookie Ministry su;h a great su;;ess sin;e <988B We a re so Alessed to have faithful women who are always willing to supply the ;ookies when nee dedB Your help makes the first->me guests feel wel;ome at Chris t UMCB It also gives them a ;han;e to re;eive addi>onal informa>on, as in addi>on to the ;ookies, they re;eive a ;opy of the latest Pathways NewsleIe rB Dee Wright, Cookie M inis try Coordinator Dear CUMC Family, Thank you all so very mu;h for your prayers, ;ards, and visits during Woody’s illness and passingB Your kindness and thoughXulness liPe d our spirits through a diY;ult >me, and I am s o grateful to all of youB A spe;ial thank you to our pastors for their prayers and visits, and par>;ularly, to Pastor Larry for his wonderful ;eme tery messageB May God Aless all of you for your faithfulnessB With sin;e re appre;ia>on, Janice Saunders & Family A Thank You Poem from the Choir: Thanks, BoA and your elves, the ;hoir now has light, And, oh, is it ever a wel;ome sight! We were in the dark, Aut now we ;an seeB We’re all as happy as we ;an Ae! Thank You! On behalf of the choir—Gloria Schmertmann FLU SHOT CLI"IC provided Ay Hope Visi>ng Nurses Thursday, O;t 30, 9am—<?noon He ld in Memorial Hall, va;;ina>ons a re availaAle tothose <8 years of age and olde rB Va;;ina>ons are ;overe d Ay Medi;are Part B and Railroad Medi;are, Aut you must Aring your insuran;e ;a rds with youB Cash and ;he;ks are also a;;epted: Flu - $?5= Flu, high-dose $50= Pneumonia - $75B United Methodist Women re-Loved Je!elry & urse Sale Saturday, Nov < at 8:00am Held in Memoria l Hall Rooms <3-<4B All pro;eeds go towardlo;al missionsB If you have jewelry or purses to dona te, Aring them to the ;hur;h oY;eB ST H" MI"ISTRY VDo you want to get well?V Of ;ourse, who wouldnTtB When you have a proAlem ,you usually donTt wa it to ;all your do;torB Why is it the n, when youTre feeling low, overAurdene d, depressed or a re in the middle of a diY;ult >me, you donTt ;a ll a Stephen Ministe r? We ;anTt medi;ate or ;ure your proAlem, Aut we ;an Ae a listening ear when you ;ould use someone to share your AurdenB Just ask a Stephe n Ministe r with a Alue Aadge or ;all a Stephen Leader, Judy OAregon, 445568?, Don Paull 539-070? or Juli StB Clair 4<6-?<7<B WeTll Ae happy to meet with you to dis;uss our program, and how we ;an he lpB Slogan of the Week: Smile, we have a church library; Use it! Also, we would like to start a Stephen Ministe r training prog ram in JanuaryB If youTre a good lis tener and ;an keep a se;ret, why not look into how you ;an impa;t someoneTs lifeB No height or weight requirementsB No heavy liPing ex;e pt for liPing the spirits of a fellow pa rishionerB Please ;onsider joining our teamB WeTll Ae happy to dis;uss it with youB
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