Planning Services – Development Management APPLICATIONS UPDATE August 2014 Introduction The Development Management Service of DCC is committed to delivering high levels of transparency in the statutory planning system. This document aims to assist in the meeting of this aspiration by providing a summary of the major application case work presently being considered by the Service. The purpose of the document is to allow a County wide picture of proposed development activity relating to major or controversial development proposals. The document provides key contact details, together with target committee date. Please note that the attached list it not intended to provide a comprehensive record of all applications or proposals being considered, but an overview of those applications and proposals Officers consider will be of most interest. The attached list is not intended to substitute the weekly list of planning applications received nor the usual consultation and notification letters that will continue to be provided. It is also important to note that the date shown in the Target Committee Date column is merely an estimate and may well be subject to change. Interested parties are invited to contact Officers direct if they require any further information on a particular proposal. Stephen Reed Planning Development Manager SOUTH WEST AREA Site Address / Name/ ref no Development Lead Officer Target Committee Date (may be subject to change) September 2014 URL Homelands Hospital, Crook 3/2013/0043 Demolition of hospital buildings and erection of 49 dwellings Adrian Caines 03000263943 Green Lane Barnard Castle 6/2014/0005 64 dwellings Joy Orr 03000264884 September 2014 isp.aspx?AppNo=6/201 4/0005/DM Beacon Lane, Sedgefield DM/14/02318/OUT Outline (indicative 42 dwelling) Steve Pilkington 03000 263964 Steve Pilkington 03000 263964 October/November 2014 101 Front Street Frosterley DM/14/01091/FPA 11 Dwellings Ongoing Discussions (PPA signed) http://publicaccess.durh ummary&keyVal=N4JD N7GDGGS00 Travellers Green, Newton Aycliffe, DM/14/01831/FPA 80 Dwellings Steve Pilkington 03000 263964 October/November 2014 Rear of High Street Byers Green DM/14/01747/FPA and DM/14/01748/OUT Outline 14 dwellings and 49 bed Care home Steve Pilkington 03000 263964 October 2014 Escomb Pastures, Bishop Auckland DM/14/01833/OUT 19 Eco Holiday Chalets (outline) Steve Pilkington 03000 263964 October 2014 http://publicaccess.durha ary&keyVal=N7RKZLGDH 5G00 http://publicaccess.durha ary&keyVal=N7D8DDGDH 2T00 and http://publicaccess.durha ary&keyVal=N7D8FOGDH 2V00 http://publicaccess.durha ary&keyVal=N7RL0CGDH 5K00 Dovecot Hill, Bishop Auckland DM/14/02040/FPA 61 Dwellings Steve Pilkington 03000 263964 October 2014 http://planning.wearvalle ApplicationSearchServl et?PKID=72058 http://publicaccess.durha ary&keyVal=N8QUJ8GD HBR00 Hydram, Chilton DM/14/02241/FPA Extension to existing business Steve Pilkington 03000 263964 Delegated Land at Kirk Merrington DM/14/01692/OUT Outline application for up to 49 dwellings and retail floorspace Steve Pilkington 03000 263964 September 2014 Land at Hartwalls, Butchers Race, Spennymoor Outline application for up to 120 dwellings Steve Pilkington 03000 261155 Awaiting Completion of S106 following Committee decision to approve South Church Road, Bishop Auckland 3/2013/0407 Residential Development (28 dwellings, Outline) Steve Pilkington 03000 261155 Bedford Lodge (3/2013/0051/DM and 3/2014/0424/DM Residential development and demolition of Listed Building Steve Pilkington 03000 261155 Awaiting Completion of S106 following Committee decision to approve Awaiting Completion of S106 following Committee decision to approve 7/2013/0269/DM http://publicaccess.durha ary&keyVal=N9H1DVGDH IU00 http://publicaccess.durha age http://publicaccess.durha ary&keyVal=N79266GDH 0T00 NORTHERN AREA Site Address / Name/ ref no Development Lead Officer URL Andrew Farnie 03000 264870 Target Committee Date (may be subject to change) Strategic Committee Possibly September or October Committee Shotley Spa and Cricket Club, Shotley Bridge, Consett Construction of 25 detached houses, two apartment blocks (each containing 30 apartments), cricket clubhouse and vehicular access and restoration of spa well (outline) and change of use to cricket pitch Outline 80 no. dwellings (application to extend the time limit for implementation of permission) 54 dwellings Steve France 03000 264871 Delegated Decision Fiona Clarke 03000 264868 Steve France 03000 264871 anning/planningsearch/ind ex.cfm?step=4&ref=1/2011 /0517 September 2013 (Awaiting s106) k/planning/planningsear ch/index.cfm?step=4&re f=1/2013/0173 GMI development site, Drum Road, Chester-leStreet Application for extension of time limit for implementation of previously approved planning application 2/09/00120 Fiona Clarke 03000 264868 Delegated (Awaiting section 106) http://publicaccess.durh;jsessionid =9D3987F73917DA7A4 9E2EDEF23F06717?ac tion=firstPage Land to the west of The Green, Nettlesworth 19 affordable dwellings, access, car parking etc Colin Harding 03000 263945 February 2014 (Awaiting s106) caccess/tdc/DcApplicati on/application_detailvie w.aspx?caseno=MWIJE AEQ05800 All Saints Youth Centre, Langley Park 18 dwellings Graham Blakey 03000 264865 July Committee (Negotiations regarding condition/section 106 agreement) http://publicaccess.durh;jsessionid =589702E6AB53606C1 FEDD6D5CA9FFD08?a ction=firstPage Galleyburn Farm Egg Production Shed Graham Blakey 03000 264865 Delegated http://publicaccess.durh;jsessionid =589702E6AB53606C1 FEDD6D5CA9FFD08?a ction=firstPage South Moor Hospital, The Middles, Craghead, Stanley Palmer Road, Dipton k/planning/planningsear ch/index.cfm?step=4&re f=1/2008/0884 Hobson IE, Burnopfield Furniture Warehouse Louisa Ollivere 03000 264878 Delegated http://publicaccess.durh ummary&keyVal=N6E1 N3GDGU700 Burnopfield Cricket Club Substitution of house types – 11 dwellings Fiona Clarke 03000 264868 Delegated http://publicaccess.durh;jsessionid =589702E6AB53606C1 FEDD6D5CA9FFD08?a ction=firstPage Land adjacent to The Brooms Public House, Ouston 79 dwellings Steve France 03000 264871 Not yet scheduled for committee Just received – awaiting validation DM/14/02257/FPA CENTRAL AND EAST AREA Site Address / Name/ ref no Development Lead Officer Target Committee Date (may be subject to change) TBC URL Land to rear Wylam Tce Coxhoe DM/14/02294/FPA Old Shire Hall, Old Elvet DM/14/02160/FPA 13 no. Dwellings Tim Burnham 03000 263963 Change of use into boutique hotel Barry Gavillet 03000 261958 October 2014 http://publicaccess.durh;jsessionid =803D6518E9C7F5425 ED6B58F527A6AED?a ction=firstPage Dalton Pumping Station, Cold Hesleden PL/5/2012/00356 Conversion into townhouses and new detached dwellings Barry Gavillet 03000 261958 September 2014 10 dwellings Barry Gavillet 03000 261958 October 2014 http://planning.easingto ApplicationSearchServl et?PKID=119901 http://publicaccess.durh ummary&keyVal=N40E 89GDGC100 Village Farm, Murton Magdelene Heights, Gilesgate. 4/13/00635/FPA Full app – 10 apartments Sue Hyde 03000 263961 September http://publicaccess.durh stPage Front Street Coxhoe. DM/14/02084/FPA Full app – Demolition of existing building and erection of 10 dwellings and one shop unit. Redevelopment of the park including new café and resource centre, Sue Hyde 03000 263961 tbcr Currently invalid Sue Hyde 03000 263961 Delegated – will require referral to S of S as dem of Council building. http://publicaccess.durh;jsessionid =52C38A46A321DE84 AEEC1C64442589B2?a ction=firstPage Former Thorpe Maternity Hospital, Peterlee CE/13/01014/OUT Outline residential – 50 houses Chris Baxter 03000 263944 September 2014 Land at Station Road, Coxhoe 4/14/00338/OUT Outline residential – 50 houses Chris Baxter 03000 263944 Sept/Oct 2014 http://publicaccess.durh;jsessionid =C034C36600D7C6DE 366408C5C8B64BF2?a ction=firstPage http://publicaccess.durh;jsessionid =C034C36600D7C6DE 366408C5C8B64BF2?a DM/14/00941/FPA Wharton Park, Durham City. CE/13/01492/FPA Currently invalid, awaiting resubmission ction=firstPage Land At Kepier House The Sands Durham DH1 1JY DM/14/01821/FPA Demolition of Kepier House and erection of 35 no. apartments including all associated external works Barry Gavillet 03000 261958 October 2014 http://publicaccess.durh ummary&keyVal=N7Q0 C5GD0CC00 Kingslodge Hotel Waddington Street Durham DH1 4BG DM/14/01418/OUT Change of use to student accomodation Barry Gavillet 03000 261958 September 2014 Brackenhill House, Shotton Colliery CE/13/00862/OUT Executive housing Barry Gavillet 03000 261958 October 2014 Land to the west of Deerness Heights, Brandon DM/14/00573/FPA 89 Dwellings Barry Gavillet 03000 261958 October 2014 http://publicaccess.durh ummary&keyVal=N5ZA C0GDGRV00 http://publicaccess.durh ummary&keyVal=MRZA 35BN03T00 http://publicaccess.durh ummary&keyVal=N2OS EAGDFZH00 COUNTYWIDE STRATEGIC Site Address / Name/ ref no Development Lead Officer Target Committee Date (may be subject to change) Late 2014 subject to PPA. Revision to development & supplementary environmental information submitted in July 2014. Ecology & landscape issues. Late 2014 Cross boundary application with Hartlepool BC. Ecology & landscape issues. URL Windy Bank Wind Farm near Hamsterley CMA/6/48 4 wind turbines (was 5) Claire Teasdale 03000 261390 Sheraton Hill, South of Castle Eden, Peterlee CMA/5/51 5 wind turbines Henry Jones 03000 263960 Former Maiden Law Hospital site CMA/1/61 Residential development Ann Rawlinson 03000 261393 Revised affordable housing obligation agreed November 2013 Committee. Awaiting completion of legal agreement. /website/dcs/DetailMain. asp?appid=2537&AppR ef=CMA%2F1%2F61& Category=All&Status=Al l&Appeal=All&District=A ll&Month=All&Year=All Lane Head Farm, Hutton Magna CMA/6/54 Waste blending facility Chris Shields 03000 261394 Late 2014. Awaiting further information relating to odour issues. /website/dcs/DetailMain. asp?appid=2542&AppR ef=CMA%2F6%2F54& Category=All&Status=Al l&Appeal=All&District=A ll&Month=All&Year=All Land to north of junction of High Street and Albion Place, Willington CMA/3/33 Outline application including details of access, layout and landscaping for retail foodstore, car parking and service yard site of 45 High Street and adjoining car park Chris Baxter 03000 263944 Approved October 2011 – not yet issued due to S106 negotiations. uk/website/dcs/Detail Main.asp?appid=2469 &AppRef=cma%2F3% 2F33&Category=All&S tatus=All&Appeal=All& District=All&Month=All &Year=All /website/dcs/DetailMain. asp?appid=2486&AppR ef=&Category=All&Stat us=All&Appeal=All&Dist rict=Teesdale&Month=A ll&Year=All /website/dcs/DetailMain. asp?appid=2517&AppR ef=&Category=All&Stat us=All&Appeal=All&Dist rict=Easington&Month= All&Year=All Wingate Grange Farm, west of Wingate, south east of Wheatley Hill CMA/5/40 5 wind turbines Chris Shields 03000 261394 Late 2014. Various environmental issues. Additional information submitted in July 2014. /website/dcs/DetailMain. asp?appid=2613&AppR ef=cma%2F5%2F40&C ategory=All&Status=All &Appeal=All&District=Al l&Month=All&Year=All Bishop Middleham Quarry CMA/7/102 Proposed western extension for the extraction of 5.5million tonnes of magnesian limestone over a 14 year period with restoration to agricultural through landfilling of clay and soils over a 20 year period Chris Shields 03000261394 September/Octo ber 2014. Application to amend existing permission being considered in parallel. /website/dcs/DetailMain. asp?appid=2734&AppR ef=cma%2F7%2F102& Category=All&Status=Al l&Appeal=All&District=A ll&Month=All&Year=All Former, Schmitz Cargobull Uk Ltd, North Road, Harelaw, County Durham, DH9 8HJ 1/2012/0660 Outline planning application for mixed use development including conversion of existing building for B1, B2 and B8 uses, relocated from Tanfield Lea. Demolition of existing industrial buildings, new employment development, new servicing and additional employment land, construction of up to 136 dwellings with associated means of access, landscaping and infrastructure works Ann Rawlinson 03000 261393 Awaiting withdrawal of application. k/planning/planningsear ch/index.cfm?step=1 Fieldon Bridge, St Helen Auckland CMA/3/50 Outline application for mixed retail, cinema, other leisure and restaurant uses Henry Jones 03000 263960 Approved at Committee in April 2014. Awaiting completion of legal agreement. http://spatial.durham.go ?appid=2696&AppRef= CMA%2F3%2F50&Cate gory=All&Status=All&Ap peal=All&District=All&M onth=All&Year=All Land to the South of West Rainton CMA/4/112 Outline application for approx. 250 houses and commercial centre Ann Rawlinson 03000 261393 Approved at Committee in June 2014. Awaiting completion of legal agreement. http://spatial.durham.go ?appid=2890&AppRef= CMA%2F4%2F112&Cat egory=All&Status=All&A ppeal=All&District=All& Month=All&Year=All Houghall College, Durham CE/13/01542/FPA Erection of animal care centre with associated buildings Ann Rawlinson 03000 261393 Approved March 2014 subject to satisfactory ecology surveys. Currently considering submitted additional ecology information. September/ October 2014 Newbiggin Lane, Lanchester DM/14/00763/FPA Erection of 151 no. dwellings Henry Jones 03000 263 960 Sheraton and Neville House, Sheraton Park, Durham 13/01667/FPA Conversion and extension of Neville House and demolition and replacement of Sheraton House to form student accommodation development comprising of a total of 418 no. beds Henry Jones 03000 263 960 Approved at Committee in July 2014. Awaiting completion of legal agreement. http://publicaccess.durh stPage Land to the South of Eden Drive, Sedgefield DM/14/00263/OUT Outline application with all detailed matters reserved except means of access for the erection of approximately 300 no. dwellings Henry Jones 03000 263 960 Early 2015 http://publicaccess.durh ummary&keyVal=N1E1 1WGDFPF00 Land To The North Of A689 and A177 roundabout and west of Stockton Road, Sedgefield DM/00261/FPA Erection of 113 no. dwellings, formation of access and associated works Henry Jones 03000 263 960 Early 2015 http://publicaccess.durh stPage Land to the north of Front Street and Local Avenue, Sherburn Hill DM/14/02104/FPA Erection of 81 no. dwellings Henry Jones 03000 263 960 October/ November 2014 http://publicaccess.durh stPage http://publicaccess.durh;jsessionid =9D962C331C2CE032 175F799DFA6F959D?a ction=firstPage http://publicaccess.durh ummary&keyVal=N3CB NTGDG6A00 Land to the east of A19 and south of Dalton Heights, Seaham DM/14/02017/FPA Erection of 135 no. dwellings Henry Jones 03000 263960 November 2014 http://publicaccess.durh stPage Land south of Oakfield Crescent, Bowburn DM/14/2105/FPA Erection of 40 dwellings Ann Rawlinson 03000261393 October 2014 http://publicaccess.durh ummary&keyVal=N8X0 P9GDHE500 Land to the south east of The Greenhouse (unit 2) and north of Tower Road Greencroft Industrial Estate Annfield Plain DM/14/01999/FPA Erection of warehouse/distribution unit (class B2 and B8) Ann Rawlinson 03000261393 September 2014 http://publicaccess.durh ummary&keyVal=N8HI8 CGDHAD00 Land to the east of Prospect Place commercial Road East Coxhoe DM/14/01858/OUT Construction of 112 dwellings (outline) Ann Rawlinson 03000261393 September/Octo ber 2014 http://publicaccess.durh ummary&keyVal=N7YZ OGGDH6K00 Former colliery site Station Road Seaham DM/14/02132/FPA New secondary school Ann Rawlinson 03000261393 October 2014 http://publicaccess.durh ummary&keyVal=N93Q 53GDHF600 Hesleden Pit Heap DM/14/00519/FPA Reclamation of former colliery spoil mound to extract coal spoil, reprofiling of mound on completion of works Chris Shields 03000 261 394 November 2014 Highway objection http://publicaccess.durh ummary&keyVal=N2D7 KSGDFWS00 Land east of Newton Aycliffe (the Isles) DM/14/01210/FPA 24 wind turbines Claire Teasdale 03000 261390 Late 2014/Early 2015 Objections received from a number of statutory consultees http://publicaccess.durh;jsessionid =34B2F9BD681AB66C 33C0AF600415C8A6?a ction=firstPage Land east of B6291, Parkhill, Durham DM/14/01771/OUT Outline application (all matters reserved except for partial means of access) for circa 190 dwellings Colin Harding 03000 263945 September/Octo ber 2014 http://publicaccess.durh ummary&keyVal=N7GX IKGDH3T00
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