The Nova-project Lene Weldum Topics About me 1 slide The Danish banking-sector and the supporting IT-landscape 3 slides Bankdata in brief 4 slides The Nova-project The rest… 2 My background General Manager in Bankdata since 2002 Development manager, Bankdata 1992-2002 Department manager, Bankdata 1990-1992 Different positions in IT-operations, Scandia (now: Bombardier) from 1982 to 1990 Operator Operation planner System programmer IT Operation manager 3 4 The Danish bankingsector and the supporting IT-landscape Danish banks anno 2013 As per today: 89 Danish banks 137 in 2007 Fewer branches “month by month” And reduced services and/or opening hours in many of the rest 5 The IT-landscape in Danish Banks 2009 IT development IT operations Danske Bank In house IBM Nordea In house IBM Jyske Bank In house Bankdata JN Data Sydbank, Alm. Brand bank, … Bankdata In JNhouse Data Arbejdernes Landsbank, Handelsbanken, … BEC In house (CSC) JN Data Spar Nord, Kronjylland, … SDC JNIBM Data 6 The IT-landscape in Danish Banks 2013 IT development IT operations Danske Bank In house IBM Nordea In house IBM Jyske Bank, Sydbank, Alm. Brand bank, … Bankdata JN Data Arbejdernes Landsbank, Handelsbanken, … BEC JN Data Spar Nord, Kronjylland, … SDC JN Data 7 Bankdata in brief 8 Bankdata – the fundamentals Bankdata is located in Fredericia (HQ) and – as of november 2012 Silkeborg, Denmark. Bankdata was founded on June 16th, 1966. Bankdata is owned 100% by the members - our costumers are our owners 9 Bankdata and the Danish banking landscape By size of banking-balances Bankdata Danske Bank BEC SDC Nordea 10 Bankdata members ownership Sydbank Other banks 41,0% 30,0% 29,0% 11 Jyske Bank Staffing structure in Bankdata 2013 650 employees 1% 2% 4% Mangement, HR, Admininstration Development and development support Security and Audit 92% 12 Customerservice The Nova project 13 Focus Why Jyske Bank gave up their in house developmentstrategy The agreement Establishing K-day Why did we decide on a big bang? Numbers – what was Nova all about Planning and management of the project The setup around K-day Bonus: Some fun media-observations Nova from an IT-operational point of view Success? Why? And what not? The sunny money side of Nova The real secret of Nova • • • • • • • • • • • 14 Jyske Bank strategy change Jyske Bank Comprehensive IT-system Highly skilled ITdepartment Bankdata Danske Bank BEC SDC Competitiveness! Nordea 15 The Nova project … the beginning Dialogue started June 23rd 2010 Bankdata’s board of directors and the managing board of Jyske Bank The partnership published September 1st 2010 1. Jyske Bank becomes a member in Bankdata 2. Bankdata outsources the in house IToperations to JN Data 16 The Nova project … the agreement No lawyers, no consultants 12 pages And what’s known as a “Jysk håndslag” (Jutland Handshake) 17 The Nova project … the task at hand 1. Migrate Jyske Bank from their current IT-platform to Bankdata 2. Fill in the “gaps and missing links” In many areas Bankdata’s systems were clearly better than Jyske Banks But in many areas the opposite was the case 3. 18 Migrate as soon as possible a LOT of money to save at the end The Nova project … the analysis September – October 2010 Plus extended analysis regarding Advanced Basel-legislation (November 2010) Markets-systems (January 2011) Gaps identified At lot of those were al ready targeted in the “pre-Nova”-development plan in Bankdata Another large portion resulted in new development projects 19 The Nova project … why a 48 hour mission was decided The wish: Migrate Jyske Bank in the Easterdays of 2012 Deemed impossible at an early stage The alternative: Next prolonged usable weekend was Easter 2013 Deemed undesirable at an early stage The compromise: A normal 2 day weekend in autumn of 2012 20 The Nova project … K-day On October 11th 2010 the migration-date (dubbed “K-day”) was set to October 15th 2012 21 The Nova project … the infamous island In November 2010 we became convinced that we wouldn’t be able to fill the gap regarding “Advanced Basel” in time An Island was born In January 2011 further system-parts (in the area of foreign exchange) were also exiled to the island 22 The Nova project … why a big bang!? So much money involved (stay tuned for figures later) A successive migration was less risky per. migration-package, but collectively a bigger risk “Normality” on hold Jyske Bank were to a great extend “put on IT-hold” in the migration period So was Bankdata’s old member-banks We were convinced it could be done! 23 Nova in numbers 24 The Nova numbers 143 projects – from 6 man-months to 20-30 man-years Data to be migrated 1.400.000 customers 2.500.000 accounts 1.400.000 fund trades money transactions 300.000.000 payments 45.000.000 Payment Service Notifications 480.000.000 Payment Service Notification lines 160.000.000 documents New IT delivered to 3.800 employees 500.000 customers 25 Planning of the project 26 Management structure Steering comittee Bankdata, Jyske Bank, Sydbank Business Decision board Jyske Bank Project Management Team Bankdata, Jyske Bank Project 1 Project … Project 143 27 Project management All projects had their own setup (steering committee, project management, statusreporting etc.) Nova Project Management gathered all reports and did “supplementary follow up actions” Momentum measurements The much feared coffee meetings 28 Momentum control 1 of ?? UO1 UO2 UO3 UO4 JBIT UO5 UO6 KONV PRO IMPL NOVA projectportfolio 30 Project dependencies Leveranceinfo Bankdata JB-IT Dokumenter fl. sprog Opsætning dokumenter Pilot kravspec kunde Teknisk etablering bank 51 Pilot implementering Forretnings analyse Betalinger Kundepåv. erhverv institutionelle Øvrige fonds ATM Visakort Lærings metoder Arbejds og forretningsgang FE-Indland Totalkonto EDI BET og FONDS Supernavigator opgavestyring Mobilbank Valuta derivater og pengemarked Forretnings analyse Regnskab Communicator Projekt JB-IT ”NYT” Forretnings analyse Kunde Forretnings analyse Kredit Netbank Software JB ATM Foranalyse nye konverterings områder Justere konverterings apparat Konverterings programmel Endelig konvertering Forretnings analyse e-Banking Migrering JB ATM FBI BSY ”Skyldige renter” BI analyse og sammenlægn. JGAM Kapital forvaltning Gibraltar og Schweitz Credit Agricole Private Banking InkassoPro JB-IT tværgående Berbens Øvrige integrations opgaver UO3 JB-IT SYS liste Front off. & udland Frankring Kort Clearing CoAc Danske Hamborg Årsudskrift fonds Pension (U2P) Gibraltar og Schweitz QI/Facta HOB Silkeborg Data Handel / afvikling/ FUTOP Betalinger Jyske Finans Remburs Swift sammenlægn. Jyske Invest ORG Investerings kreditter RST Afd. regnskab og kunderentabilitet BI Dataudtræk (JB-IT) Hold til udløb MFI 3 Belånings værdiberegning JB-IT gældsvejviser Modpartsstyring Rammer BSY ”NYT” Likviditet og positionsstyring FD-TM Front Arena forberedelse Front Arena Aktieintegration RNA U2P regnskab IMP POP Sammenhæng mellem POP og Implementering Ændringer/opdateringer i POP arbejds- og forretningsgange frem mod K-dag videreformidles til Implementering. Fondsregnskab Cash Flow indlånsrente BSY ”NYT” JB BD BD IT Ø UDV UDV UDV Jens Sørensen er ansvarlig for at videreformidle leveranceinfo til relevante POP og Implementeringsprojekter. JB-IT BI salgshåndtering Regnskab og nedskrivning Øen drift og integration TEKN. INFRA Bankdatas projekter (inkl. øen) benytter Bankdatas leveranceinfo som aftalt mellem Kurt Espersen og Jens Sørensen KAL 3 Projekt samling og nutidsværdi cashflow ”NYT” KONV + ANALY SE Sammenhæng mellem udviklingsprojekter og POP/IMP JB-IT leverer leveranceinfo til Jens Sørensen på projekter som påvirker POP og Implementering. Historiske data modeller og marter Kapital intern ekstern STY Rating LEVERANCE INFO Forudsætninger JB-IT Prisstøtte ”NYT” Erhvervs kreditter Sikkerheds registrering Projekt rentemodul ”NYT” Performance og load Farvekode forklaring Prøve konverteringer JB Advent 31 JB ej i lotus notes JB-IT sys liste teknik og selvbetjening Forretnings analyse Konto Forretnings analyse Likviditet Kreditprojektet BD/KLP BSY Konto indstillinger Drejebøger til K-dag Kundepåv. privat/PB TOPAZ Datterselskab og udland igangværende analyser Support til K dag Læring indland Data til uddannelses miljø NOVA Drift Motivation af medarbejdere Basis uddannelse Produktsnedkeriet Teknisk etablering udd.miljø VAF geb og strakskurs eArkiv Købesystem LMS til styring læringstilbud Lederens rolle Læring JM og hjemsted Analyse interne proces Hjemstedet Opsætning systemer, org, autorisationer ”NYT” Læring datterselskaber Arbejdsgange Hjemsted Arbejds og forretningsgang FE-JM BSY Kunde indstillinger KMD 4-6 adresselinjer Intranet (Sharepoint) Projekter uden kritiske sammenhænge til andre projekter (excl. data og grænseflader) BSY Kredit indstillinger NOVA MASTERPLAN APRIL 2011 PROJEKTSAMMENHÆNG JB dokumenter FD integration UO3 ”NYT” FX Derivater og pengemarked Investeringsrådgivning JB-IT Investering JB_IT Øvrige rådgivnings værktøjer JB-IT Ibank CoAc Udl CAS 10 Corporate Action Grænsefladeopgaver og databehov De fleste udviklingsprojekter formodes at have grænsefladeopgaver til f.eks. DWH/Dataservice eller basissystemerne. Det fremgår ikke af masterplanen. Testmiljøer Udviklere skal have mulighed for at teste udviklede moduler og systemer på testmiljøer i henholdsvis Bankdatas hovedplatform og Bankdatas Ø-platform efter behov. Dataintegration mellem systemer på hovedplatformen og Øplatformen skal ligeledes kunne testes. Uddannelsesmiljø Sideløbende med opsætningen af Bank 51, foretages teknisk etablering af uddannelsesmiljø. Opsætningen af Bank 51 kopieres herefter til uddannelsesmiljøet. Jyske Bank leverer dataudtræk til uddannelsesmiljøet. Project management Nova Project Management was first escalation point when a project had an unresolvable issue Nova Business decision support – which were the complete management board of Jyske Bank – were second point of escalation A lot of business requirements were met And a lot was rejected/postponed 32 K-weekend and K-day! 33 The Nova project … K-day setup A comprehensive management and communication structure was in place from 10th until 24th of October Focal point: The War room by invitation only 34 The Nova project … War room setup War Room material Organization Timetables Milestones Communication plans 35 Need/nice to know Decision structure 190 milestone meetings Decision structure Business It Both Task force The Nova project … K-day setup The K-day period was divided into three phases: Red Yellow Green Sophisticated steering tools used 36 The Nova project … K-day Red Phase Red phase: Data migration 37 Friday kl. 21.00 Self-service systems shutdown. Data extraction. Saturday kl. 05.00 Data extracted. Data load in Bankdata Saturday kl. 15.00 Batch flow Saturday kl. 17.45 Data migration test started (42 teams) Saturday kl. 23.53 Data migration accepted (kl. 01.30) (kl. 19.00) The Nova project … K-day Yellow Phase Yellow phase: Testing of 503 critical processes 38 Sunday kl. 01.55 Nets Stand-in for Visa Debit stopped at Sunday kl. 02.30 Helpdesk & Service Desk opens Sunday kl. 04.00 ATM’s opened Sunday kl. 07.30 ebank opened (kl. 15.00) Sunday kl. 12.15 “The island” opened Sunday kl. 18.00 Weekend batch-flow and clearing done Monday kl. 08.03 Power Failure in Jyske Bank HQ Monday kl. 10.00 Branches and service centers opens kl. 15.00 Phase change from Yellow to Green (stabilization) Finanswatch: “Critical issues occurred during Jyske Banks IT-mission” ”It nearly went very wrong…” ”The bank couldn’t exchange money with other banks yesterday…” ”But it wasn’t relevant since the banks were closed yesterday (Sunday, red.) …” 39 Computerworld: “Denmark’s largest data-migration struck by power failure” ” Denmark’s largest data-migration struck by power failure” Yeah? Well, it was the screens in Jyske Bank, that “blinked” Monday morning before the UPS took over… 40 NOVA from an IToperations perspective 41 The Nova project … the scale-up Jyske Bank on average expected to add 70 % to Bankdata’s transaction load This average covered large systemindividual differences which were to a large extend unknown/unpredictable All platforms scaled to +70 % Mainframe AIX Intel 42 The Nova project … performance and stability A performance tuning project was initialized early in the Nova-time. Goal: No (negative) impact on stability and performance 43 1. Identify and solve possible gridlocks/bottlenecks before K-day 2. General tuning of the system-complex The Nova project … performance and stability cont. A lot of potential gridlocks were identified and eliminated A lot of general performance-improving actions were taken Resulting in overall BETTER performance for all member-banks before K-day And it stayed this way after K-day 44 The Nova project … Tuning of the Internetbank Avg. growth: 65 % 0,6 7.000.000 6.000.000 0,5 5.000.000 0,4 4.000.000 0,3 3.000.000 0,2 2.000.000 0,1 1.000.000 0 0 No. of pageshows 45 Avg. responsetime The Nova project … Operations Dashboard - Employers workplace 0,8 0,7 2.000.000 Avg. growth: 90 % 1.800.000 1.600.000 0,6 1.400.000 0,5 1.200.000 0,4 1.000.000 800.000 0,3 600.000 0,2 400.000 0,1 200.000 0 - No. of pageshows 46 Avg. responsetime Mobile payments 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 47 Jyske Bank Øvrige banker ATM-transactions 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 48 Jyske Bank Øvrige banker “Large customer” transactions 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 49 Jyske Bank Øvrige banker Transactions from “special large customers” 50 Was Nova a success? 51 Was Nova a success? Was Nova a Success? YES! Were Jyske Bank running as efficiently after K-day as before? Are we “back to normal” in Jyske Bank and Bankdata 52 NO! (they still aren’t) NO! (but we are getting there) Why we succeeded 53 SUGAR The key to success 54 The key reasons for success A clear mission with 100 % sponsorship and support from the highest levels in Jyske Bank, Bankdata and all the other Bankdata member-banks A compelling business case (you still have to wait for the figures) A very clear common goal: 15.10.2012 55 The key reasons for success A very strong, clear and never failing personal ownership from every single employee 56 The key reasons for success …and a lot of overtime 57 Lessons learned 58 What would we change Bankdata: Get Projects of ground quicker Better at communicating “goodies” for the “old” member banks Mentally prepared for longer “support normalization phase” Jyske Bank: “Under-sell” to the customers Up scaled hotline even more Identified 3-5 more gaps before K-day 59 The economy of it all 60 The Nova project … economy in the project The total project cost 33 mill. Euros Or … It didn’t cost anything !!? All costs related to Nova were paid with money saved on other IT-expenses Projects/investments stopped in Jyske Bank Projects stopped or reprioritized in Bankdata Actually… Compared to “forecasted normal IT-expenses” in Bankdata and Jyske Bank 13 mill. Euros were saved in the Nova-period. 61 The Nova project … economy after K-day Total saving in all Bankdata’s member-banks 4+ million Euros per month! 62 The secret of Nova: Collaboration does the trick Featuring: Erling Jensen CEO JN Data Peer Roer CIO Jyske Bank Ove Vestergaard CEO Bankdata 64 The Nova project … the end Thank you for your attention 65
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