ESGENA Programm, version 12/9/2014 18th ESGENA Conference 18-20 October 2014 Hosted by the Austrian Society of Endoscopy and GE Nurses and Assistants (IVEPA) In Conjunction with the 22nd United European Gastroenterology Week Austria Center Vienna (ACV), Vienna, Austria Further Information: ESGENA Programm, version 12/9/2014 Word of Welcome Dear colleague, On behalf of ESGENA and the Austrian Society of Endoscopy and Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates (IVEPA) it is our great pleasure to invite you to the 18th ESGENA Conference which will be held during the 22nd United European Gastroenterology Week, 18-20 October 2014, in Vienna, Austria. Following past meetings in 1998 and 2008, this is the third time that the medical and nursing community of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy will meet in Vienna. Much like the city of Vienna, both UEG and ESGENA, stay for continuity as well as for medical and nursing progress in Gastroenterology. The ESGENA conference is not only an opportunity to meet colleagues from throughout Europe, but also from North and South America, Africa, Asia and Australia. The exchange with nurses from all over the world combined with the opportunity to attend the medical programme of the UEG Week ensures the ESGENA conference is an exceptional educational event. The three day ESGENA conference will include state-of-the-art lectures, free papers & posters, lunch sessions, several workshops with hands-on training and live transmissions covering current topics in Gastroenterology and Endoscopy. As the Austrian society has a strong focus on care of IBD patients, this will be reflected in the programme. We hope to welcome you to the 18th ESGENA Conference in October 2014 in Vienna, Austria. Michael Ortmann, President of ESGENA Anita Beyer, President of IVEPA Registration fees ESGENA Registration and Payment received by May 15, 2014 by September 10, 2014 after September 10, 2014 ESGENA Conference € 185 € 200 € 250 The registration fees include Austrian VAT. It is essential that nurses bring a copy of their professional standing or similar identification to the conference registration desk in order to prove their status (confirmation by employer, proof of education or registration as a nurse). If you would like to register up to 10 delegates, please register each person individually. Registration includes Admission to all ESGENA scientific sessions and workshops (Saturday - Monday) Admission to the ESGENA Welcome Reception (Saturday) Admission to the UEG Week Scientific Sessions (Monday) Admission to the UEG Week Poster and Technical Exhibition (Monday) Admission to the ESGE Learning Area (Saturday - Monday) Admission to the Ultrasound Learning Centre (Saturday - Monday) Unlimited use of Vienna public transportation system (ticket is valid from Saturday through Monday). Congress material (final programme, ESGENA abstract book, etc.) Coffee breaks and lunches (Saturday - Monday) ESGENA Programm, version 12/9/2014 Congress Organisation & Registration: CPO HANSER SERVICE GmbH Paulsborner Str. 44, 14193 Berlin, Germany Phone: +49-30-30 06 69-0 Fax: +49-30-30 57 391 E-mail: ESGENA Scientific Secretariat Ulrike Beilenhoff Ulm, Germany Phone: +49-731-950 39 45 E-mail: ESGENA Technical Secretariat Rietta Schönberger Am Kastell 2, 85077 Manching, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 8459/323941 Fax: +49 (0) 8459/323942 E-mail: Further information: Conference: For ESGENA: For IVEPA: ESGENA Scientific Programme Explanations Hands-on-Training on Saturday and Sunday, 18-19 October 2014 - Hands-on training on bio simulators will be offered in different sessions in co-operation with ESGE. Tickets for hands-on-training will only be available onsite at the entrance of the ESGE Learning Area Please note that there are only a limited number of tickets available in order to ensure small training groups at each station ESGENA Poster Session - Scientific Posters will be displayed on Sunday, October 19, 2014 Two Poster Sessions will be held on Sunday, October 19, 2014 ESGENA Lunch Session - Lunch sessions will combine state-of-the-art-lectures with hands-on training at different stations On Sunday, October 19, 2014, three parallel lunch sessions will be offered. ESGENA Programm, version 12/9/2014 Programme Overview SATURDAY, 18 October 2014 ESGE Learning Area Lecture Halls Lounge L/M Lounge 6 Lounge 5 English English English German / English English 08.30-10.30 UEG Week Post Graduate Training Programme 11.00-13.00 11.30-13.00 UEG Week Post Graduate Training Programme ESGENA General Assembly 14.00-16.00 UEG Week Post Graduate Training Programme With Live Demonstrations 14.00-15.30 14.00-15.30 14.00-15.30 14.00-15.30 Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 Professional Development Program on Haemostasis Improving Practice though structured Projects IBD – Update Workshop 4 Hands-on-training on bio simulators: Upper GI bleeding ERCP Colonoscopy Organised by Boston Scientific Organised by ESGENA 16.00-17.30 16.00-17.30 16.00-17.30 16.00-17.30 Workshop 5 Workshop 6 Workshop 7 Endoscope Drying and Storage: A new view Electrosurgery – Recommendations for applications and prevention of complication Practical training with models - How to make dummies Workshop 98 Hands-on-training on bio simulators Upper GI bleeding ERCP Colonoscopy Organised by Olympus Organised by ERBE Organised by IVEPA Organised by IVEPA ESGENA Programm, version 12/9/2014 Programme Overview SUNDAY 19 October 2014 English English English English Hall G/H Hall I/K Poster Area in Lobby of Hall G/H ESGE Learning Area 09.00-10.30 09.00-10.30 Session 1 Session 2 Patient Care in Endoscopy Management in Endoscopy 10:30 – 11.00 Coffee 10:30 – 11.00 Coffee 11.00-12.30 11.00-12.30 Session 3 Session 4 Free Paper Session Endoscopic techniques 13.00-14.00 Lunch 13.00-14.00 Lunch 13.30-15.00 13.30-15.00 14.00-15.30 Lunch Session 1 Lunch Session 2: New Techniques & Developments Hygiene & Infection Control Workshop 10 Hands-on-training on bio simulators: ERCP Colonoscopy 15.00-16.30 15.00-16.30 Session 5 Session 6 Updates in Gastroenterology Education 16.30-17.00 Coffee 16.30-17.00 Coffee 16.30-17.00 Poster Round II 17.00-18.30 17.00.-18.30 ---- Session 7 Session 8 Around the Colon Hygiene & Infection Control ------- 11.00-12.30 Workshop 9 Hands-on-training on Bio simulators Upper GI Bleeding ERCP 12.30-14.30 Poster Round II ---- ---- ----- ESGENA Programm, version 12/9/2014 Programme Overview MONDAY 20 October 2014 Hall F1 8:30-10:30 BEST FREE PAPER AND BEST POSTER AWARD SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS INVITATION TO NEXT CONFERENCES 10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Visit of Exhibition ESGE Learning Area UEGW Sessions 12:30-14:00 Lunch Visit of Exhibition ESGE Learning Area UEGW Sessions 15.30-16.00 Coffee Visit of Exhibition ESGE Learning Area UEGW Sessions ESGENA Programm, version 12/9/2014 ESGENA-Workshops on October 18, 2014 Workshop 1: Professional development program on haemostasis This workshop is organised by Boston Scientific 14:00-15:30 Lounge L/M Workshop language: English Chairs: Andreas Stipas, France Aims & Content Management of Gastrointestinal (GI) hemorrhage is the most acute treatment undertaken in the Endoscopy unit and can lead to potentially fatal outcomes. Clinical best practice is essential to help minimise the risks involved when dealing with these patients. By the end of the workshop, participants should gain an understanding of the principles of endoscopic hemostasis to help them deliver clinical best practice. Understand the disease states and treatment options within endoscopic hemostasis Understand the setup and use of hemostasis devices To have gained a hands on experience of the main hemostasis devices Workshop 2: Improving practice though structured projects This workshop is organised by ESGENA 14.00-15:30 Lounge 6 Workshop language: English Chairs: Ulrike Beilenhoff, Germany Christiane Neumann, United Kingdom Aims & Content The professional duty of each nurse includes sharing good evidence based practice. This can be done by teaching staff in one’s own department, publication in journals or conference presentations. Most practitioners have areas of practice they want to audit, formally evaluate or research, but how this is done correctly is not normally taught during nurse training. The workshop aims to introduce nurses to the principles of good investigative practice when Choosing a topic to examine/study Choosing an appropriate methodology Evaluating the findings And then producing an appropriate abstract for a conference Advice will also be given on how to Produce a poster which is both scientific and visually attractive Present a poster at a meeting to the Poster Round Judges ESGENA Programm, version 12/9/2014 Discuss your future projects with an experienced colleague Many people inexperienced in designing and presenting a project struggle to submit an abstract that is acceptable. ESGENA would like to help those planning to present their work at the next conference. For this reason we have scheduled Workshop 2: “Improving Practice Though Structured Projects” on Saturday, 14.00-15:30, Lounge 6. For those in need of extra help we have set aside time so you can discuss your planned projects or studies with Christiane Neumann, who is qualified in Research and Project Methodology, has carried out and published more that 30 project and research papers, and has more than 15 years experience on various research ethics committees. She will be available for INDIVIDUAL discussion, exchange of ideas, and support on: Saturday, 18 October workshop from 15.30-16.30 hours Sunday, 19 October 2014 in the lunch break from 13.00-14.00 hours th 2014 after the th Please contact the ESGENA Membership Desk in front of Hall G/H if you would like to book an advice session. Workshop 3: IDB – Update This workshop is organised by IVEPA and AbbVie Workshop language: Germany 14:00-15:30 Lounge 5 Chair: Anita Beyer, Austria Rita Lindenthaler, Austria Aims & Content Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease affect all age groups and can start at any age. The highest number of new cases occurs in young people aged between 15 and 45. The treatment goal is to control symptoms, modify the disease process and improve quality of life. Part one of the workshop will give an update about Drug interactions in IBD patients. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis affect women in their child-bearing years. The multidisciplinary approach is a key issue which helps to achieve successful outcomes for mother and baby. Continued medical management during pregnancy is crucial in optimizing outcomes. The second part of the workshop will focus on IBD medication during pregnancy ESGENA Programm, version 12/9/2014 Workshop 4: Hands-on training on bio simulators This workshop is organised by ESGENA 14:00-15:30 ESGE Learning Area Workshop language: English Chairs: Evi Baumann, Switzerland, Eric Pflimlin, Switzerland Aims & Content Hands-on training on bio simulators (pig models) under the supervision of highly experienced tutors: Participants will have the opportunity to perform endoscopic techniques on the following topics: OGD with Injection techniques, Ligation, Clipping, APC Colonoscopy with Polypectomy, EMR and APC ERCP with stone extraction and stenting As participation will be limited, registration will be treated on a first-come-first-served basis. Tickets will be available onsite only – at the entrance of the ESGE Learning Area. Workshop 5: Endoscope Drying and Storage: A new view This workshop is organised by OLYMPUS EUROPA SE & CO. KG 16.00-17.30 Lounge L/M Workshop language: English Chairs: Holger Biering,Germany Reinhard Blum, Germany Aims & Content Endoscope drying and storage was handled in various ways in the past, although it always was an integral part in the reprocessing workflow. Procedures were mainly up to local or regional guidelines. Since focus on hygiene aspects have increased quite significantly in Europe, more awareness was as well given to the drying and storage of non-sterilise medical devices, like flexible medical endoscopes. Consequently a new European norm dealing with drying and storage cabinets is under preparation. This workshop is intended to: update about latest European trends in endoscope drying and storage reflect about the importance of drying and storage of endoscope share ideas and practical experience about endoscope drying and storage inform about options of full process documentation incl traceability Presentations: The new EN16442 European norm Lionel Pineau, France Importance of drying and storage of endoscopes Tina Bradley, United Kingdom Working with drying cabinets in the daily workflow Jadranka Brljak, Croatia ESGENA Programm, version 12/9/2014 Workshop 6: Electrosurgery – recommendations for applications and prevention of complication This workshop is organised by ERBE Elektromedizin GmbH 16.00-17.30 Lounge 6 Workshop language: English Chairs: Thomas Beck, Germany Björn Fehrke, Switzerland Aims & Content Electrosurgery offers the possibility of pressure-free and precise cutting and at the same time control of bleeding during endoscopic resection techniques. With argon plasma coagulation tissue can be devitalized. The water-jet surgery provides additional options for resection. The aim of the workshop is to To update on principles of electrosurgery and relevant safety measures To demonstrate different settings for different applications like Polypectomy, EMR, ESD, Papilloectomy, etc. in order to achieve max safety and to prevent adverse events and complications Workshop 7: Practical training with models - How to make dummies This workshop is organised by IVEPA 16.00-17.30 Lounge 5 Workshop language: German Chairs: Michael Ortmann, Switzerland Aims & Content In order to simulate realistic training scenarios, training on dummies is a very effective and efficient way of learning. However, it is not necessary to use complicated and expensive bio simulators like pig dummies for daily hands-on-training or smaller workshops; artificial models and dummies can easily been ”built” locally. The attendees will get information about commercially available dummies and how to produce cheap, simple and very effective self-made dummies for practical training in their own practice by using a combination of plastic dolls, meat, fruit and vegetables. ESGENA Programm, version 12/9/2014 Workshop 8: Hands-on training on bio simulators This workshop is organised by ESGENA 16:00-17:30 ESGE Learning Area Workshop language: English Chairs: Evi Baumann, Switzerland, Eric Pflimlin, Switzerland Aims & Content Hands-on training on bio simulators (pig models) under the supervision of highly experienced tutors: Participants will have the opportunity to perform endoscopic techniques on the following topics: OGD with Injection techniques, Ligation, Clipping, APC Colonoscopy with Polypectomy, EMR and APC ERCP with stone extraction and stenting As participation will be limited, registration will be treated on a first-come-first-served basis. Tickets will be available onsite only – at the entrance of the ESGE Learning Area. ESGENA Programm, version 12/9/2014 ESGENA-Scientific Programme on October 19, 2014 SESSION 1: Patient care in endoscopy 09:00-10:30 Hall G/H Chairs Christine Petersen, The Netherlands Mette Olesen, Denmark 09:00-09:10 Welcome Michael Ortmann, Switzerland 09:10-09:35 Caution - patient is listening! Communication with tact Helen Griffith, United Kingdom 09:35-10:00 PEG- Nurse – responsibilities and recourses Gitte Christensen, Denmark 10:00-10:25 Ethical dilemmas in clinical practice Christiane Neumann, United Kingdom 10:25-10:30 Discussion SESSION 2: Management in endoscopy 09:00-10:30 Hall I/K Chairs Wendy Waagenes, Denmark Annemarie Absenger, Austria 09:00-09:10 Welcome Jayne Tillett, United Kingdom 09:10-09:35 Lean management in endoscopy Marjon de Pater, The Netherlands 09:35-10:00 Accreditation standards - led by the Joint Commission International Rina Assulin, Israel 10:00-10:25 Risk management in endoscopy Fanny Durand, France 10:25-10:30 Discussion ESGENA Programm, version 12/9/2014 SESSION 3: Free paper session 11:00-12:30 Hall G/H Chairs Christiane Neumann, United Kingdom Gunilla Strand, Sweden Anita Jorgensen, Norway Therese Schober, Austria 11:00-11:15 The master care belt as a helping hand in colonoscopy? Benedicte Korsø Brint, Denmark 11:15-11:30 Endoscopic Mucosa Resection (EMR) of large benign colonic polyps Stefan Willmarsson, Lotta Langer, Sweden 11:30-11:45 Decompressive Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (DPEG): Efficacy of treatment in intestinal occlusions and quality of life improvement Maurizio Giacomini, Italy 11:45-12:00 Prospective assessment of 30-days adverse events associated with endoscopic procedures - A community clinic experience Osnat Kalnizki, Inna brin, Hen Kayless, Yaron Niv, Ram Dickman, Israel 12:00-12:15 Improving experience and satisfaction of children and parents undergoing endoscopy procedures Rachel Leshem Namedar, Israel 12:15-12:30 Oral health status of patients with liver cirrhosis Lea Ladegaard Grønkjær. Denmark SESSION 4: Endoscopic techniques 11:00-12:30 Hall I/K Chairs Herdis Astradsdottir, Iceland Gerlinde Weilguny, Austria 11:00-11:15 Boston Scientific Professional Development Programs for nurses (Boston Scientific Europe) Andreas Stigas, France 11:15-11:35 Diminutive polyps: Cut and discard, hot biopsy, cold snaring? Rainer Schöfl, Austria 11:35-11.55 Endoscopic treatment of obesity and diabetes – what makes sense? Jürgen Hochberger, France 11.55-12:15 How to succeed at EUS-guided biliary drainage and minimize risks Manuel Pérez Miranda and Flor Frias Labrador, Spain 12:15-12:30 Acute GI Bleeding (Cook Medical) Mostafa Ibrahim , Belgium ESGENA Programm, version 12/9/2014 Workshop 9: Hands-on training on bio simulators 11:00-12:30 ESGE Learning Area in Lounge 2-3 Chairs: Eric Pflimlin, Switzerland Evi Baumann, Switzerland Hands-on training on bio simulators (pig models) under the supervision of highly experienced tutors. Participants will have the opportunity to perform endoscopic techniques on the following topics: Upper GI Bleeding ERCP As participation will be limited, registration will be treated on a first-come-first-served basis. Ticket will be available onsite only – at the entrance of the ESGE Learning Area. Poster Round I 12:30-14:30 Poster area in front of Hall G/H Chairs: Jayne Tillett, United Kingdom Hanne Olsen, Denmark Marjon de Pater, The Netherlands Enriqueta Hernandez-Soto, Spain Patient preparation P-1 Colonoscopy preparation class: effect on the quality of bowel preparation in outpatient colonoscopies Cynthia Escusar, USA P-2 The impact of bowel preparation: performance, grading and education satisfaction of patients with the use of informative audio-visual media Lee Ji-yeon, Ahn Eu-mi, Lee Myeong-ae, Park Yeo-wool, Kim Young-seon, Im Hee-hyuk, South Korea Sedation P-3 Safety management for patient under conscious sedation colonoscopy WooJoo Noh, South Korea P-4 Post sedation recovery time after moderate sedation during endoscopic procedures a community clinic experience Osnat Kalnizki, Inna Brin, Hen Kayless, Yaron Niv, Ram Dickman, Israel Endoscopic procedures P-5 Bouveret-syndrome with gallbladder fistula Silke Resing, Doris Stiefenhöfer, Alexander Dechêne, Germany P-6 SX-ELLA Stent (Danis Stent) Doris Stiefenhöfer, Silke Resing, Alexander Dechêne, Germany P-7 Special shoulder pillow reduces risks of sedation during ERCP: A randomized controlled study Tacettin Gungor, Cemil Savas, Mahmut Atas, Abdurrahman Kadayifici, Turkey P-8 A retrospective audit of quality indicators for colonoscopy in the Irish national colorectal screening programme Joanna Rea, Garret Cullen, Blathnaid Nolan, Leah E Palado Vinzons, Carla Flanagan, Ireland ESGENA Programm, version 12/9/2014 P-9 Carbon dioxide insufflation in routine colonoscopy Evgeniia Korovina, Sergej Kashin, R. Kuvaev, Russia P-10 The effects of cold therapy on pain in patients with percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage tube insertion Eun Joo Lee, Su Hyun Lee, Yu Kyung Chun, Eun Jin Kang, Hae Min Yu, Korea P-11 Orientation of biopsy specimens: Roles of the endoscopy nurse and the anatomical pathology technician Giulia Provenzano, Rosaria Giglio, Gabriele Curcio, Antonino Granata, Gaetano Fazio, Ilaria Tarantino, Luca Barresi, Rosa Liotta, Mario Traina. Italy Patient care in gastroenterology P-12 The value and perception of IBD patients on electronic newsletter as a mode of patient-medical team communication Ola Haj-Natour, Esther Berkovitz, Sandra Neuman, Dorit Skinezis, Adi Lahat, Rami Eliakim, Shomron Ben-Horin, Israel P-13 Satisfaction of patients cared in nursing integral care unit of inflammatory bowel disease Paloma Hdez-Sampelayo Matos, Spain P-14 Nursing follow-up after lower gastrointestinal endoscopy in an outpatient setting Mihaela Caliţa, Daniela Burtea, Tatiana Cârţână, Romania P-15 Standardized nursing care plan for gastrostomy tube. Mónica Granados-Martin, Dania-Rocio Diaz-Rodriguez, Spain P-16 Low zinc level and positive oral candida swap very often seen in medical patients with eating problems. Jeanette Jensen, Iben Asmussen Lisbjerg, Denmark P-17 Quality of life and obsessive compulsive behaviour in constipated patients and its association with biofeedback therapy effects> WooJoo Noh, South Korea ESGENA Programm, version 12/9/2014 Lunch Session 1 +3: New techniques & developments 13.30-15:00 Room G/H Chairs: Michael Ortmann, Switzerland Gerlinde Weilguny, Austria LINX - a new innovative treatment option for gastric reflux (Toraxmedical) Sebastian Schoppmann, Austria First experiences of the SPIES Study – high detection rates, characterization and even more (Karl Storz GmbH) Arthur Hoffman, Germany A new means for advanced hemostasis treatment – The Padlock Clip™” (Aponos Medical Corporation / Micro-Tech Europe GmbH) Bob Thompson EUS-FNA with BNX: Clinical benefits and future improvements (Covidien GI Solutions) Silvia Carrara, Italy ERCP (Olympus Europa Holding GmbH) Stephan Bordon, Germany Lunch Session 2: Hygiene & infection control This lunch session is organised by ESGENA 13.30-15:00 Room I/K Chairs: Christine Petersen, The Netherlands Stanka Popovic, Slovenia Green nanotechnology for cleaning of medical devices (CBC Europe) Monica Cimbro, Italy Hygiene surveillance in endoscopy : endoscope, reprocessors, storage cabinet (Soluscope S.A.S) Marlène Richard, France EPW 100 System: the complete automation of manual cleaning! (Steelco SPA) Monica Menin, Italy Challenges in cleaning, disinfection and storage of endoscopes (Medivators) Mette Olesen, Denmark EndoKit ® – making compliance to hygiene guidelines easy and efficient (EndoChoice GmbH) Michael Ortmann, Switzerland ESGENA Programm, version 12/9/2014 Workshop 10: Hands-on training on bio simulators 14:00-15:30 ESGE Learning Area in Lounge 2-3 Chairs: Eric Pflimlin, Switzerland Evi Baumann, Switzerland Hands-on training on bio simulators (pig models) under the supervision of highly experienced tutors. Participants will have the opportunity to perform endoscopic techniques on the following topics: Colonoscopy ERCP As participation will be limited, registration will be treated on a first-come-first-served basis. Ticket will be available onsite only – at the entrance of the ESGE Learning Area. SESSION 5: Updates in gastroenterology 15:00-16:30 Hall G/H Chairs Irene Dunkley, United Kingdom Herta Pomper, Austria 15:00-15:20 Eosinophile Osophagitits Petr Hrunz, Switzerland 15:20-15:40 Digestive and non digestive malignancy in familial CRC syndromes (FAP, HNPCC, …) Evelin Dekker, The Netherlands 15:40-16:00 Virtual biopsy – relevant for nurses? Nadan Rustemovic, Croatia 16:00-16:15 See more, treat better (Olympus Europa Holding GmbH) Romy Klausnitzer, Germany 16.15-16:30 Discussion SESSION 6: Education 15:00-16:30 Hall I/K Chairs Ulrike Beilenhoff, Germany Gunilla Strand, Sweden 15:00-15:20 Teaching new staff – the role of the endoscopy teacher Michael Ortmann, Switzerland 15:20-15:40 How to teach 'compassion' to health care professionals Sarah Tobin, United Kingdom 15:40-16:00 Endoscopy nurse-administered propofol sedation – Assessment tools Jeppe Thue Jensen, Denmark 16.00-16.20 How to teach colonoscopy James East, United Kingdom 16:20-16:30 Discussion ESGENA Programm, version 12/9/2014 Poster Round II 16:30-17:00 Poster area in front of Hall G/H Chairs: Jayne Tillett, United Kingdom Hanne Olsen, Denmark Marjon de Pater, The Netherlands Enriqueta Hernandez-Soto, Spain Management P-18 Comparison of medical performances between doctors and nurses – a literature meta analysis Ute Pfeifer, Germany P-19 The concept of responsibility in a working group: communication and cooperation. Gabriella Ballarini, Cristina Mazza, Cinzia Rivara, Davide Cordioli, Monica Cimbro, Italy P-20 Analysis of factors related patients’ safety and patients’ and gastroenterologists’ satisfaction InJa Yoon, South Korea Hygiene P-21 System tracking for reusable gastrointestinal endoscopy accessories Lucia Helena Lourenço Tomiato, Brazil P-22 Clostridium difficile: Do we make a proper register of patients’ stools? Maria Luz Gálvez Deltoro, Spain SESSION 7: Around the colon 17:00-18:30 Hall G/H Chairs Anita Jorgensen, Norway Rita Lindenthaler, Austria 17:00-17:15 Digital nurse documentation - enhanced efficiency in endoscopy workflow (Fujifilm) Gerd Müller, Germany 17:15-17:35 "It's not something you talk about" – A qualitative study of colonoscopy Nora Rødbotten, Norway 17:35-17:55 Colorectal cancer screening in Europe – The same aim and different approaches Monika Ferlitsch, Austria 17:55-18.15 Having a blast with gas! - The impact of CO2 insufflation and Entenox to improve patient comfort and patient controlled analgesia during lower GI endoscopy Irene Dunkley, United Kingdom 18:15-18:30 Discussion ESGENA Programm, version 12/9/2014 SESSION 8: Hygiene & infection control 17:00-18:30 Hall I/K Chairs Jadranka Brljak, Croatia Björn Fehrke, Switzerland 17:00-17:15 The nurse perspective of the G-EYE™ HD+ Colonoscopes (PENTAX Europe GmbH) Gilad Luria, Germany 17:15-17:35 Design of reprocessing areas in existing buildings Mette Olesen, Denmark 17:35-17:55 Update of hygiene guidelines - key points and open questions Ulrike Beilenhoff, Germany 17:55-18:30 Multi-resistant microorganisms -MRSA, MRGN & Co Alexander Blacky, Austria ESGENA-Scientific Programme on October 2014 SESSION 9: Quality management – challenges for staff in endoscopy 09:00-10:30 Hall F1 Chairs Michael Ortmann, Switzerland Gerlinde Weilguny, Austria 09:00-09:10 Best Free Paper and Best Poster Awards (sponsored by PENTAX) Michael Ortmann, Switzerland Gerlinde Weilguny, Vienna 09:10-09:40 Endoscopy challenges with changed anatomy (with on stage demonstration) Lars Aabakken, Norway After surgery, the endoscopic approach is often difficult and requires a changed strategy for diagnosis and therapy with different equipment. During an interesting onstage presentation, Lars Aabakken will demonstrate various scenarios by using dough. 09:40-10:00 Do we need nurses in endoscopy departments? Irene Dunkley, United Kingdom Lack of qualified staff and financial pressure in national health systems, have led to skill mix in Endoscopy. If cheaper staff is available, why are nurses still necessary in Endoscopy? Irene Dunkley is questioning the current and future roles critically. 10:00-10:20 Checklists and briefings - Cockpit meets endoscopy Hans Härting, Austria Checklists and briefings before take-off are gold standard in aviation. They allow an early detection of potential problems and ensure safety of passengers and crew. Checklists and briefings are increasingly used in health care. Hans Härting, Austrian airline pilot, will identify similarities to Endoscopy as both workplaces require good preparation and quick reactions, not only in emergency situations. 10:20-10:30 Invitation to the next ESGENA Conference 2015 in Barcelona Enriqueta Hernandez-Soto, Spain ESGENA Programm, version 12/9/2014 ESGE Live Endoscopy On Tuesday, October 21, 2014, live demonstration sessions will be broadcast from the University Hospital Vienna. International experts will perform and comment live procedures. The live video demonstrations are moderated on-site by a team of speakers, and accompanied by short talks relating to the procedures shown. ESGE Learning Area Visit the ESGE Learning Area The European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy welcomes all delegates of the UEG Week to the ESGE Learning Area where many accomplished doctors and nurses volunteer their expertise for you: to promote good endoscopy, to show the basics as well as the latest developments, to support training and to offer small-group teaching activities to everyone with a real interest in the how and why of current endoscopy. The ESGE Learning Area provides a unique and ideal platform for live encounter and interaction among aspiring endoscopists and renowned experts in the field. Please come and be a part of it! Hands-on Training Centre Test your skills and experience the latest technology. The 90-minute training sessions in the Hands-on Theatre offer unique access to state of the art endoscopic equipment and accessories. Participants will have the opportunity to look, learn, ask questions and perform techniques themselves under personal doctor and nurse tutoring. In cooperation with ESGENA, the aim of this activity is to increase the awareness of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques and to offer delegates the possibility of checking their skills. Registration for the Hands-on Sessions in the Operating Theatre: Registration is required on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Please register at the ESGE desk in the Learning Area. Participation will be on a first-come-first-served basis. To maintain a high standard of teaching each workstation is limited to a maximum of eight participants. Please note that some procedures require prior experience and skills. Please refer to the on-site course description posted in the ESGE Learning Area. Endoscopic training on Simbionix GI Simulators is available on a walk-in basis throughout the conference week. Saturday, Oct 18, 2014 Registration onsite EMR Hemostasis Polypectomy / colonoscopy ERCP Session 1 Session 2 14:00 - 15:30 16:00 - 17:30 ESGENA Programm, version 12/9/2014 Sunday, Oct 19, 2014 Registration onsite EMR Hemostasis Polypectomy / colonoscopy Radiofrequency ablation (only sessions 2 and 3) ERCP Monday, Oct 14, 2013 Registration onsite EUS FNA Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 11:00 – 12:30 14:30 – 15:30 16:00 – 17:30 Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 09:00 – 10:30 11:00 – 12:30 14:00 – 15:30 Tuesday, Oct 14, 2013 No registration required Radiofrequency Ablation Session 1 Session 2 9.30 – 11.00 15.00 – 16.30 Modern clip treatment for bleeding, fistulae and perforation Session 1 Session 2 10.30 – 12.00 13.00 – 14.30 Hemostasis Hands-on Experience of the Instinct Clip and Hemospray Session 1 Session 2 11.00 – 12.30 14.00 – 15.30 Polyp removal with G-EYE Endoscope Session 1 Session 2 11.30 – 12.00 13.00 – 14.30 Wednesday, Oct 22, 2014 No registration required Radiofrequency Ablation Session 1 9.30.00 – 11.30 Modern clip treatment for bleeding, fistulae and perforation Session 1 9.30 – 11.00 Hands-on Experience of the Instinct Clip and Hemospray Session 1 9.30 – 11.00 Polyp removal with G-EYE Endoscope Session 1 10.30 – 12.00 ESGE DVD Learning Centre Check out one of the DVD stations in the ESGE Learning Area any time. A selection of 10 highly informative videos have been contributed by the JGES, ASGE and ESGE. Grab a headphone and tune in to your special area of interest. All DVDs in English. Not available for sale. The live demonstration shown in the auditorium will be broadcast into the Learning Area on Saturday and Tuesday. On Sunday, Monday and Wednesday you can tune in to last year’s live demonstration from UEG Week 2013 in Berlin. ESGE Lecture Theatre Highly qualified and well-known endoscopists have been invited to present their views and experience with current endoscopic procedures and techniques in the ESGE Lecture Theatre. Their counterparts in discussion are equally well-known, in several cases more senior specialists, whose role it is to moderate the talk and perhaps critically question the case at hand. The Lecture Theatre is open to all ESGENA Programm, version 12/9/2014 delegates of the UEG Week. This is your opportunity to talk with the experts. Walk in and take a seat! Sunday, Oct 19, 2014 10.00 - 10:30 A. Repici P. Fockens Italy The Netherlands Submucosal endoscopy: a dream or a future? 11:00 - 11:30 L.C. Duits J. Bergman The Netherlands The Netherlands RFA for low-grade dysplasia in Barrett's: doubts or standard? Italy Germany Achalasia: only POEM? 14:00 - 14:30 P. Familiari T. Roesch 16:00 - 16:30 J. Iglesias-Garcia Spain M. Giovannini France IPMN management: when to resect and when to observe? Monday, Oct 20, 2014 9:00 - 9:30 J. Van Hooft O. Le Moine Belgium Belgium ERCP: tips and tricks for beginners and advanced 10.00 - 10:30 T. Gyökeres L. Aabakken Hungary Norway Post-ERCP complications: prevent them? 11:00 – 11:30 O. Urban M. Dinis-Ribeiro Czech Republic Portugal ESD: the way from learning to doing Belgium Germany Cholangioscopy: a must or rather a toy? 14:00 - 14:30 M. Arvanitakis H. Neuhaus C. Hassan S. Meisner Italy Denmark Colonic polyp: When to refer? 15:00 - 15:30 16:00 – 16:30 R. Pouw O. Pech The Netherlands Germany Barrett's esophagus surveillance: when and how? G. Rotondano A. Zambelli Italy Italy NVUGI bleeding: how do I stop it? M. Al Khatry M. Rutter United Arab Emirates UK Characterization of colorectal polyps: how and why? M. Häfner T. Ponchon Austria France The role of endoscopic therapy in IBD how do I Tuesday, Oct 21, 2014 10:00 - 10:30 11:00 - 11:30 14:00 - 14:30 Wednesday, Oct 22, 2014 9:30 - 10:00 10:30 - 11:00 11:30 - 12:00 C. Rees I. Gralnek T. Hucl P. Vilmann P. PintoMarques A. Meining UK Israel Czech Republic Denmakr Endoscopic imaging in the colon: how to use the progress in the daily practice Portugal Germany Submucosal tumors: biopsy? EUS FNA: how do I improve the yield? only imaging or
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