conference guide SOLE DISTRIBUTORS (OMAN) MUSCAT PHARMACY & STORES LLC PO Box 438, PC 100, Muscat Tel.: (+968) 24814501, Fax: (+968) 24815202 E-mail: | 30 October 2014 The Royal Hospital auditorium Muscat, Sultanate of oman Under The Auspices Of: PRESENTING SPONSOR: GOLD SPONSOR: Authorized Marketing Agency & event Organizers Presented by: Silver SPONSOR: The First regional Per OraLendoscopic Myotomy for treatment of achalasia conference welcome note Dear Colleagues and Friends, On Behalf of the Gastroenterology team at the Royal Hospital in Oman, I wish you a warm welcome to the first live P.O.E.M. endoscopy conference in the Gulf region. A special welcome to our visiting doctors, Professor Nageshwar Reddy, Chairman of the Asian institute of Gastroenterology and his team, and Dr. Amol Bapaye. The role of endoscopy in gastroenterology is quickly evolving in both, diagnostic and therapeutic applications. The concept of natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery has inspired gastroenterologists and endoscopic surgeons to create a less invasive method for treating various gastrointestinal diseases, including achalasia. The conventional treatments for achalasia include balloon dilation, laparoscopic myotomy, and Botox injection. Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy (P.O.E.M.) is a less invasive endoscopic approach to Heller myotomy, and the short-term data demonstrate that it offers excellent outcomes that appear to rival those of the laparoscopic Heller myotomy. The aim of this live endoscopy conference is to discuss Achalasia and other motility disorders, and demonstrate the technique of P.O.E.M. for these disorders. In addition, the application of RFA, spy glass and their role in cholangiocarcinoma will be touched briefly in this session. The quality of this meeting will also depend on you, since your interaction with the moderators and the experts will be a key point for scientific discussions. Once again I would like to thank you for your participation, and I hope you enjoy the live endoscopy. Yours Truly, Dr. Hisham Al Dhahab MB, MRCP(UK), FRCP(Canada) Senior Consultant Gastroenterologist Chief of Endoscopy Unit, Royal Hospital, Oman President Oman Gastroenterology Society 4 VISION Developing a platform to raise awareness and improving the standards for the treatment of gastroenterological disorders is a necessity, especially due to the increasing prevalence of these disorders in this region. The primary causes for these diseases may be attributed to the affluent and the rushed lifestyle, which are becoming more common in today’s world. MISSION OGS (Oman Gastrointestinal Society), the first of its kind in this region, is a non-profit organisation that aims to gather doctors, nurses, specialists, medical professors and students. These specialists from varying backgrounds will be educated on the most accurate and up-to-date scientific information of digestive health and the etiology, symptomatology and treatment of gastroenterological disorders. OMAN GASTROENTEROLOGY SOCIETY PO Box 1331, PC 111, CPO, Sultanate of Oman Tel.: +986 245 99000 | E-mail: to be a member with ogs login online The First regional Per OraLendoscopic Myotomy for treatment of achalasia conference conference objectives Practice of GI endoscpy has come a long way since its inception more than 4 decades ago. We, the practitioners of this art are fortunate to be part of a revolution of innovation in endoscopic techniques and procedures that have the potential to alter the course of medicine as it is practiced. P.O.E.M., or Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy is an elegant technique that has seized our collective consciousness in the past few years. It is a procedure to treat achalasia of the cardia endoscopically while achieving results that are comparable or possibly even superior to surgery. This is exciting for all of us. The idea of this meeting/workshop is to introduce this therapeutic procedure to the GI endoscopy society in Oman as well as to raise awareness among our colleagues about this proedure. It is also our aim to gradually start performing this procedure locally. It is easy to view this significant advance as a “niche” therapy because achalasia itself remains a rare entity. The idea of this meeting is also to introduce the concept of “3rd space endoscopy”. Developing expertise in P.O.E.M. is rapidly opening up our horizons to the possibility of performing diagnostic and therapeutic procedures within the wall of the GI tract. We hope we are not only able to introduce, adopt and accept this major advance into our endoscopic practice, but also to open up vistas for future developments. Dr. Amal P Upadhyay, DM, DNB, FRCP (Edin), Senior consultant- Gastroenterology and Organising secretary 6 The First regional Per OraLendoscopic Myotomy for treatment of achalasia conference CONFERENCE SCHEDULE 30 OCTOBER 2014 • 8:30 AM TO 3:30 PM • THE ROYAL HOSPITAL AUDITORIUM 7:30 - 8:30 RegistRations 8:30 - 8:45 Welcome speech 8:45 - 9:15 lectuRe 1 achalasia, Diagnosis anD management pRof. nageshWaR ReDDy 9:15 - 9:45 lectuRe 2 poem basic techniques, DR. mohan RamchanDani 9:45 - 10:00 bReak 10:00 - 10:30 live enDoscopy (case 1) 10:30 - 11:00 lectuRe 3 poem intRa - pRoceDuRal challenges & RemeDies, incluDing tReatment of Des & jack hammeR esophagus DR. mohan RamchanDani 11:00 - 11:30 lectuRe 4 anaesthesia in poem, hoW is it DiffeRent, DR. santosh DaRisetty 11:30 - 12:00 back to live enDoscopy (case 1) 12:00 - 13:00 lunch 13:00 - 13:30 live enDoscopy (case 2) 13:30 - 14:00 lectuRe 5 3RD space enDoscopy anD steR, DR. amol bapaye 14:00 - 14:30 live enDoscopy (case 2) 14:30 - 15:00 lectuRe 6 cholangiocaRcinoma, Rfa anD spy, pRof. nageshWaR ReDDy 15:00 - 15:30 closing RemaRks anD launch of ogs Website LIVE P.O.E.M. T H E F I R S T R E G I O N A L P E R O R A L E N D O S C O P I C M YO T O M Y F O R T R E AT M E N T O F A C H A L A S I A C O N F E R E N C E 7 The First regional Per OraLendoscopic Myotomy for treatment of achalasia conference keynote speaker Dr. D Nageshwar Reddy MD, DM, D.Sc, FAMS, FRCP, FASGE, FACG, MWGO Dr. D Nageshwar Reddy is currently the Chairman of Asian Institute of Gastroenterology, Hyderabad, India. He graduated from Kurnool Medical College obtaining internal medicine, Masters in Madras Medical College and D.M in Gastroenterology from PGIMER, Chandigarh. He subsequently worked as a Professor of Gastroenterology in Andhra Pradesh Health Sciences before setting up Asian Institute of Gastroenterology, a tertiary care Gastro intestinal Specialties Hospital. His main area of research interest has been in G.I.Endoscopy particularly in Therapeutic Pancreatio Biliary Endoscopy and Innovations in Transgastric Endoscopic Surgery. He has published over 200 papers in National & International Peer review journals and has contributed chapters in 7 International Text Books of Gastroenterology and has edited 3 G.I.Endoscopy Text Books. He is on the Editorial Board of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Digestive Endoscopy, World Journal of Gastroenterology, World Gastroenterology News, Gastroenterology Today, The Journal of Chinese Clinical Medicine, Recent Patents on Medical Imaging, Indian Journal of Gastroenterology and He is the peer reviewer of the Journals like Lancet, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Endoscopy, World Journal of Gastroenterology, Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology and Indian Journal of Gastroenterology. He was the President of Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy of India in 2001. He has been a visiting faculty for 112 international endoscopy workshops and forum member of Asian Endoscopy Masters Forum. He has been recognized for his achievements by several societies. He has been elected as honorary member for American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in 2004, Fellow of Royal College of Physicians of Ireland in 2003, Fellow of National Academy of Medical Sciences, New Delhi in 2001, Fellow of Philippines Society of Gastroenterology in 2001 and is a recipient of Honorary Doctor in Sciences (D.S.C) from Nagarjuna University in 2005. He has given several named orations including The Francisco Roman oration of Philippines Society of Gastroenterology 2002, Dr Panner Selvam Memorial Oration of Malaysian Society of Gastroenterology in 2006, Kees Huibregtse Oration of 15th International Symposium on Pancreatio Biliary Endoscopy, Los Angeles 2007, Sir Francis Avery Jones Professorship in St. Marks, London 2008, Peter Gilispje oration, Australia 2010. He received the Master Endoscopist Award from A.S.G.E in 2009, ASGE International Leadership Award in 2011 and Fellow of American College of Gastroenterology in 2012. He is the Organizing Co-Chairman for the First WEO “Program for Endoscopic Teachers – Train the Trainers program” in January, 2013 at Hyderabad. He is also the Secretary General of World Endoscopy Organization. 10 The First regional Per OraLendoscopic Myotomy for treatment of achalasia conference keynote speaker Dr. Amol Bapaye M.S., FASGE, FSGEI, FAIGE Cons. Gastroenterologist & Interventional Endoscopist Chief: Shivanand Desai Center for Digestive Disorders, Deenanath Mangeshkar Super Specialty Hospital & Research Center, Erandwane, Pune, India Managing Trustee: Foundation for Research & Education in Endoscopy (FREE) – a non-profit organization dedicated to research & education in endoscopy Holding current position for last 14 years In clinical practice as Interventional Gastroenterologist & Endoscopist for 18 years Visiting Assistant Professor, Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical College, Pune, India Academic & Professional work experience: ¾¾ FASGE – Fellowship of the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy – 2013 ¾¾ FSGEI – Fellowship of the Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopists of India – 2014 ¾¾ FAIGE – Fellowship of the Association of Interventional Gastrointestinal Endoscopists – 2014 ¾¾ Advanced Fellowship in Gastroenterology & G. I. Endoscopy: Digestive Disease Center, Bhatia General Hospital, Mumbai, India, 1997 ¾¾ Trainee in GI Endoscopy: Department of Endoscopic Surgery, Hamburg University Hospital, Germany, 1997 ¾¾ Training in Endoscopic Ultrasonography: Department of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy, Institut Pauli Calmettes, Marseille, France, 2005 ¾¾ Training in Endoscopic Ultrasonography: Department of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 2004 ¾¾ Hands on training in NOTES: Institute of Advanced Endoscopic Surgery (IRCAD), Strasbourg, France, 2008 ¾¾ Training in ESD, P.O.E.M., STER, Third Space Endosurgery – Fudan University, Zhongshang Hospital, Shanghai, China, 2013 ¾¾ Master of Surgery (M.S.) - University of Poona, Pune, India in 1993 ¾¾ M.B.B.S. - University of Poona, Pune, India in 1990. 12 The First regional Per OraLendoscopic Myotomy for treatment of achalasia conference invited speaker DR. SANTOSH DARISETTY M.B.B.S., D.A. Chief of Anesthesiology, Asian Institute of Gastroenterology, Hyderabad EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: M.B.,B.S. – March 1983, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad. D.A. – March 1986, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad. Editorial Board member: World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics INTERNATIONAL PRESENTATIONS: ¾¾ 14th ASEAN Congress of Anesthesiologists Singapore 2006. ¾¾ 15th ASEAN Congress of Anesthesiologists Pattaya, THAILAND 2007. ¾¾ 2nd World TIVA Congress -TCI Berlin April 2009. ¾¾ World Society of Pain Clinicians, 2012 Granada, Spain MEMBERSHIP: ¾¾ Indian Society of Anesthesiologists (ISA), Life membership No. D-345. ¾¾ Indian Society for Study of Pain (ISSP), Life membership No. 113. Faculty: ¾¾ Indian society of study of pain - cadaveric workshop Hyderabad 2009 ¾¾ Guest speaker at Indian society of Gastroenterology national at Jaipur 2012 ¾¾ Guest speaker at Endocon 2012 Aurangabad ¾¾ Guest speaker at Karnataka society of Gastroenterology. Hubli 2013 ¾¾ Guest speaker at Indonesian Society of Gastroenterology. Jakarta. June 2014 ¾¾ Guest speaker at MASCON 2014 Mumbai October 2014 Chief Anesthesiologist and Programme coordinator in many National and International Workshops and Tele-Conferencing. 14 ADVERTISING • PUBLISHING • EVENTS • INTERACTIVE • INTERIORS • TRANING The First regional Per OraLendoscopic Myotomy for treatment of achalasia conference invited speaker DR. Mohan Kumar Ramchandani M.B.B.S., MD, DM (Gastroenterology) Consultant Gastroenterologist, Asian Institute of Gastroenterology, Hyderabad Education: MBBS, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal, 1991-1997 MD (Medicine), Gandhi Medical College Bhopal, 1997-2000 DM (Gastroenterology), Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU, Varanasi, 2002-2005 Appointments: ¾¾ Senior Resident, Bhopal Memorial hospital and research center Bhopal, Gastroenterology, ¾¾ Senior Resident, G B Pant Hospital, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, Gastroenterology ¾¾ Assistant Professor, Government Medical, College, Nagpur, Gastroenterology Details of work experience: Working as Consultant Gastroenterologist at prestigious Asian Institute of Gastroenterology, Hyderabad since year 2005. ¾¾ Handles the management of out-patients. ¾¾ Performs 1. Upper G I Endoscopy including therapeutic endoscopy ( Approximately 3500 cases annually) 2. Colonoscopy (Approximately 1500 cases annually) 3. ERCP (Approximately 800 cases annually) 4. Enteroscopy (Approximately 400 cases annually ) 5. Endosonography ¾¾ Incharge of ward with more than 50 patients ¾¾ Involved in teaching of post graduate students and research activities. 16 The First regional Per OraLendoscopic Myotomy for treatment of achalasia conference conference team DR. HISHAM AL DHAHAB CHAIRMAN & CHIEF PRESENTER OF THE WORKSHOP DR. AMAL P UPADHYAY ORGANISING SECRETARY & IN-CHARGE OF SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM DR. NADYA AL HARTHY HEAD OF DEPARTMENT, GASTROENTEROLOGY DRS. SALIM AL HARTHY SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE MEMBER DR. JUMA AL LAWATI SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE MEMBER CME POINTS The LIVE P.O.E.M. Conference has been accredited with the following CME points • PARTICIPANTS: 3.5 POINTS • SPEAKERS: 5 POINTS • ORGANIZER: 3.5 POINTS 17 The First regional Per OraLendoscopic Myotomy for treatment of achalasia conference Thank You Sponsors, Patrons, Keynote & Invited Speakers, Organizers And All Participants For Making The The First Regional Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy For Treatment Of Achalasia Conference A Grand Success Presenting Sponsor: 18 Gold Sponsor: Silver Sponsor: press release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Developing a platform to raise awareness and improving the standards for the treatment of gastroenterological disorders is a necessity, especially due to the increasing prevalence of these disorders in this region. The primary causes for these diseases may be attributed to the affluent and the rushed lifestyle, which are becoming more common in today’s world. OGS (Oman Gastrointestinal Society), the first of its kind in this region, is a non-profit organisation that visions to gather doctors, nurses, specialists, medical professors and students. These specialists from varying backgrounds will be educated on the most accurate and up-to-date scientific information of digestive health and the etiology, symptomatology and treatment of gastroenterological disorders. With the participation of varying kinds of specialists, brainstorming on key areas in this field will prompt a broader perspective and approach to these diseases. Hence, this initiative will encourage the best possible treatments for patients, who undergo immense pain and psychological stress associated with these diseases. OGS pledges to embark on this journey, by starting off from a pioneering conference called the “LIVE-P.O.E.M”. PERI ORAL ENDOSCOPIC MYOTOMY Recently, the advent of a breakthrough medical procedure called the Peri Oral Endoscopic Myotomy has sparked a lot of attention, which it deserves. This procedure, a clear winner without a debate over the alternative treatment that is surgery, eradicates all the possible risks of serious bleeding, infection and internal scarring, associated with incisions to the outer gastrointestinal tract, in surgery. Prolonged hospitalization and life threatening complications, as a result, are put aside with the use of P.O.E.M. This procedure benefits both the doctors with their efficiency and the patients in terms of the relief- a definite win-win situation. To connect the dots in this article now, LIVE-P.O.E.M will feature not only informative sessions on this particular breakthrough procedure, but it is also going to showcase a live telecast of this procedure in the very esteemed Royal Hospital Auditorium at 8.30 am on the 30th of October 2014 a concept unheard of especially in this region. To conduct this procedure, two renowned, leading specialists, Dr. Nageshwar Reddy and Dr. Amol Bapaye are being flown in from India. This conference undoubtedly offers a perfect blend between the theoretical and practical knowledge, which serves as a brilliant strategy to cater to the perfect stimulus for learning. With this pioneering event, people will witness the start to a remarkable journey in the form of a contribution to them and the society, which undoubtedly will go down in the books of history of Oman in the future. Without a doubt, the latest technology this event seems to promote will be rapidly adopted by the medical fraternity in Oman. Therefore, it doesn’t come as a surprise that the attendance of the varying specialists in this event is highly recommended. PO Box 1331 PC 111, CPO Sultanate of Oman Tel.: +986 245 99000 E-mail: All members of the medicine fraternity at welcome to attend this conference and can register online by logging on to: The First regional Per OraLendoscopic Myotomy for treatment of achalasia conference notes _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 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_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 22 Now experience the ‘art of healing’ in Oman With the opening of Burjeel Medical Centre in Muscat, Burjeel Hospital, the UAE’s leading tertiary care facility, brings the unique ‘art of healing’ closer to you. Conveniently located on Sultan Qaboos Street in Al Azaiba, burjeel medical centre is poised to usher in a new era in healthcare in Muscat. specialty services will include: General Medicine • Pediatrics • Obstetrics and Gynecology • Dental • Dermatology For more information call: 22085252, Building No. 136-144, Way No. 270, Azaibah-North, Sultanate of Oman. l
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