HBC Weekly Announcements October 12, 2014 The Week at HBC Today 12:30 p.m. - OIAM Team Leaders’ Meeting (Sanctuary) NO YOUTH ACTIVITIES Monday 1:30 p.m. - Staff Meeting (Parlor) 5:30 p.m. - Search Committee (Rm. B-1) 7 p.m. - Joint Meeting of Leadership Team, Finance Committee & Personnel (Rm. B-4) 7 p.m. - Scouts Tuesday 6:30 a.m. - Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Bob Evans) 6-7 p.m. - Bells Practice Wednesday 10 a.m. - Ladies Prayer Group 6 p.m. - AWANA 6 p.m. - FPU & Generation Change 6:30 p.m. - Adult Discipleship Classes 6:30 p.m. - Prayer Group (Rm. B-1) 7:30 p.m. - Adult Choir Practice Thursday 6:30 p.m. The A-Team Support Group (Rm. B-4) 7:30-9 p.m. - Praise Band Practice Friday Fellowship Hall Reserved for OIAM Saturday 8 a.m.-1 p.m. - Operation Inasmuch 11 a.m. - Community Bag Lunch Operation Inasmuch Operaon Inasmuch is just one week away (Saturday, Oct. 18)! Please don’t delay in signing up at www.oiamhbg.com or paper registraon forms are located in the foyer at the Info Desk. Teams are being put together and we want to include everyone wanng to help. Both construcon and non-construcon sites are available to include every skill level. You can even work on a site as a family. Childcare will be provided for volunteers from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Your donaons fund many of the OIAM projects. There are specially marked envelopes located in the foyer for monetary donaons. Please write OIAM in the memo line of your check. As always, thank you for your donaon! Annual Business Dinner & Meeting The 2014 Annual Business Dinner and Meeng will be held on Sunday, Nov. 16 in the fellowship hall. The meal will begin at 5 p.m. followed by the business meeng and the Neil Showalter Awards presentaon. Childcare will be available for children under the age of six. Please sign up on the Communicaon Card if you plan to a5end the dinner and if you’ll need childcare. First time visitors are invited to stop by the Info Desk in the foyer to pick up a book and gift bag … our gift to you! We also encourage you to fill out the Communication Card found in your bulletin and place it in the offering plate. Prayer List Donald Brown, Tracy McCray, Audrey Rose, and Neil Showalter Jeff Jones - son of Sam & Sue Jones Louie & Blanche Jiunta - parents of Nancy Shomo Catherine Roadcap - mother of Ellen Lohr Marlene Wiltshire - mother of Sheri Chapman Corena Huffman - daughter-in-law of Sam & Susan Huffman Stacy Melton - niece of Julie Aittama Cindy Kite - HBC Office Administrator Minister on Call Oct. 17-19 Stacy Nowell (540-246-8645) Deacon of the Week Ron Smith We express Christian sympathy to Patrick & Laura Fly upon the death of their nephew, Calin Fly. Today’s flowers are given by Jeff, Faye, Claudia and Julia Obenschain in loving memory of their grandparents. The next Wednesday Night Supper will be held on Nov. 5 at 5:15 p.m. The menu will be baked chicken, mashed potatoes, vegetable medley, rolls and pie. The cost is $5 for adults and $3 for children with a $20 max per family. Please sign up on the Communicaon Card for monthly or permanent reservaons. Please sign up on the Communicaon Card if you are interested in parcipang in the Parent-Child Dedicaon Service on Sunday, Oct. 19. Please indicate which service you would like to parcipate in. Our October focus item for Operaon Christmas Child is toothpaste and for November it will be toothbrushes. Bring all donaons to the Missions Table in the elevator foyer. Don’t forget to pick up a shoebox to fill yourself and return by Sunday, Nov. 16. Please include $7 per box for shipping. A Packing Party will be held on Friday, Nov. 14 at 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall. All are invited to come help us pack shoeboxes! The College Commi5ee is looking to hire two college students to serve as interns for the college ministry at HBC for the 2015 spring and fall semesters. If you are interested in a job descripon and applicaon, please contact Daphne Almarode at daphne.almarode@vbmb.org. Class 101 (Newcomer’s Orientaon Class) is for anyone new to HBC, for those interested in church membership or for anyone who wants to learn more about HBC. The next class will be held on Sunday, Nov. 2 from 10:05 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. in the Parlor. Parcipants and their families are invited to lunch with Stacy and Luke Nowell aDer the class. Please sign up on the Communicaon Card or contact Stacy Nowell for more info. All are invited to bless Spotswod Elementary on Saturday, Oct. 25 from 12 noon to 2 p.m. A family fun event will be held to include lunch sponsored by Ridgeway Mennonite Church. Please join Ridgeway and HBC in spending me with the school children and their families. It’s me to think about your offering envelopes for next year. To help reduce spending, envelopes will again be delivered to the church to be picked up instead of being mailed directly to members’ homes. There are three opons to consider before ordering your envelopes. Please nofy Cindy Kite (cindy@hbcalive.org or 433-2456) of your choice or indicate your choice on the Communicaon Card. Opon 1: If you are a weekly giver, you will need to check the weekly boxed set. This is a set of boxed envelopes … one for each week of the year along with special offering envelopes throughout the year. Opon 2: If you are a monthly giver, meaning you give just once a month, you need to check the monthly set. A monthly set will have one offering envelope for each month plus special offering envelopes throughout the year. Opon 3: If you give online, with stock donaons or use envelopes that are in the back of the pews, you can opt out of receiving any envelopes.
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