Christian WorKer A big ‘Thank you’ to the former Christian Worker team!

46th Year, Issue 10
October 2014
A big ‘Thank you’ to the
former Christian Worker team!
LtoR: Gordon Whitehead, Marie Platter, Graham & Barbara Fisher, Derek & Sue Whitehead
From the editors ..........2
Gift Aid ........................3
Camp Heatherbell .......4
Spotlight: Kirkcaldy ..5
Congratulations ........8
Family News .............9
British Bible School .....11
Outreach .....................12
Around the World .......13
Notices .....................14
Diary .........................15
The Last Word ..........16
From the editors
I just want to say a big ‘Thank You’ to all
brethren who have taken time out to
thank both myself and Barbara for our
work on CW over the years. The tributes,
thanks, prayers and good wishes were
both humbling and much appreciated.
We do have a wonderful family in the
Lord, even though at times, like any
earthly family, they can drive you
bonkers, we love each other deeply! My
eyesight is very slowly improving though
I still have to read with a hand-lens,
otherwise I’m feeling fine just now,
though my mobility leaves a lot to be desired.
The new CW editorial team got off to a flying start in
September. Now it is essentially being produced
entirely electronically the possibilities for greater
creativity are far
more expansive. I
know they have
exciting plans to
develop it as a
service to the
brotherhood in
ways I never could. They will proceed Biblically like
Paul, “forgetting what lies behind, and straining
forward to what lies ahead, [they will] press on toward
the prize of the upward call [of the brethren]”, to
paraphrase Philippians 3:13-14 out of context. You will be very well served and well
Graham Fisher
We appreciate so much the efforts of the team that for years produced the Christian Worker.
By doing everything electronically, we do not realise the amount of work and time that went
into getting the magazine out each
The Christian Worker is
month. Trevor and Pauline arranged
published monthly as a news
for gifts to be given to each member
magazine for Churches of
of that team and, of course, a special
Christ in the United Kingdom.
gift to Graham.
Editor: Trevor Williams
(0115) 8376895
Production: Jon Galloway
Deadline: 21st of each month
Christian Worker
We have been overwhelmed with all
the encouraging and gracious
comments we have received since
the beginning of September from all
over the world. And we now have a new Facebook
page – be sure to ‘like’ it!
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For Your Information
Gift Aid
A valuable source of additional income for congregations
Gift Aid enables charities and
organisations with charitable
status to reclaim the tax
element of financial
contributions received from
participating donors. For every
£1 donated, Her Majesty’s
Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
is currently returning 25p.
In the years since Gift Aid was
introduced in 1987, the Bristol
congregation has successfully reclaimed a
little over £114,000 in total. This presently
gives us an average,
secondary income for
the congregation of
something over
£10,000 each year.
Can you afford not to
get involved? Just
imagine what more you
might be able to
accomplish with extra
income of that order!
Q. Isn’t there a lot of
paperwork involved?
A. Not really. Claims for refunds can be
made for any calendar period, from weekly
to yearly. We claim quarterly. Claims are
now made ‘online’ using the internet.
Q. How do we qualify for Gift Aid?
information with you. Of course, you
can also approach the Commission
direct for information.
2. Alternatively, you can do as we have
done and simply seek charitable
status with HMRC. We have had that
status since the early 1970s.
Q. Who may participate in Gift Aid?
A. Anyone who pays UK tax. It is easy to
sign up to Gift Aid by completing a very
simple form.
Q. What about
privacy? We don’t
want everybody to
know details of our
A. That is perfectly
Signing up to Gift
Aid is purely
voluntary and we,
in Bristol, have
coerced no one to sign up. Only one
person in our congregation has access to
details of members’ gifts and the fact that
over 80% of our weekly collection is
donated under Gift Aid should convey our
members’ confidence that their privacy is
A. You have two choices:
Q. How do you identify contributions
being made under Gift Aid?
1. Register as a charity with the Charities
Commission. Some congregations have
gone down this route and they will, I
am sure, be happy to share relevant
A. Pre-printed envelopes are provided
for this purpose. These, and all other
associated documentation, are retained for
six years in case of the need for inspection.
Christian Worker
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Q. What records do you keep?
A. Each week, we update a record sheet
of contributions under Gift Aid so that,
when we come to
submit our
claim, the totals are
readily available.
You may have other
questions which I will
be happy to answer,
if I can. I am also
happy to share, with
anyone who is interested,
samples of the minimal documentation we
use. Alternatively, you may like to visit the
HMRC website (
As an extra bonus, new rules came
into force in 2013 which also allow us
to claim Gift Aid on small, anonymous
cash gifts up to a maximum total of
£5,000 per annum – which gives us an
additional return of £1,250.
I commend Gift Aid to you and your
Geoff Daniell
Geoff & Yvonne
Daniell are part of
the congregation
in Bristol. Geoff is
one of the leaders
in the
congregation and
has served as
secretary and a
preacher for many years. His willingness to
work on Gift Aid has brought many
blessings. For further information, please
contact him at:
Camp Heatherbell
Camp Heatherbell had to move its usual
week to the beginning of July, but it
didn’t stop a good number of young
people from across Scotland coming
together for a great week. Our theme was
“The Real Thing” and children learned
that it is Jesus who provides real hope
and someone to look up to. There was a
great response from among the kids, with
some excellent questions and
encouragement. Our activities staff did a
great job keeping everyone busy. A day
trip to North Berwick was concluded by a
barbecue at the beach.
Throughout the
week the
campers are
divided into
house teams
named in
honour of
previous camp directors. Strachan
House won the Directors’ Cup this year
and Hughes House won the annual Bible
Bowl. Other games and competitions
were enjoyed throughout the week.
Our staff did an outstanding job helping
run the camp. Octogenarian Alex
(Shoney) Strachan, from Peterhead, was
our camp grandfather and 18-year old
Kariz Reyes was our staff newbie. With
such an age range, it showed that camp is
for all ages and that when it comes to
following Jesus, the best retirement plan
is the one that follows this life.
Next year, Camp Heatherbell plans to
return to Auchengillan Scout Camp, north
of Glasgow, for the last week of July.
Graham McDonald
Christian Worker
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The oldest congregation
The congregation in Kirkcaldy is
arguably the oldest
congregation in continuous
existence among Churches of
Christ today. Robert Hughes
gives us the history of this
congregation in Fife, while Alan
Moyes brings us up to date with
their plans for the future.
The Kirkcaldy congregation came into
being with the arrival of a member of the
Edinburgh Scotch Baptist Church. His
name was Cooper and he was employed as
a mole catcher on Raith Estate. This was
sometime between 1784 and 1786. The
first meeting was in a house in Bute Wynd.
Records show that the church leased a
building “on the back of the west side of
Kirk Wynd.” The group were known as “the
Baptist Society of Kirkcaldy.” The building
could hold around 50 people.
“Church of Christ.” They met in the Links
Hall. In 1843 the Links Hall congregation
divided and the break away group met in
the Assembly Rooms.
In 1847, two of the members went to
Edinburgh to meet Alexander Campbell. It
resulted in Alexander Campbell visiting the
three Kirkcaldy churches on the 10th and 11th
August 1847. The meetings were held in the
Rose Street Chapel and Alexander Campbell
was given hospitality by one of the Rose
Street Chapel elders. Although there is no
record as to its purpose, Alexander Campbell
met with members of all three Kirkcaldy
churches. Alexander Campbell was verbally
attacked because of his probable involvement
in American slavery.
In 1853, trouble arose between a member
and his stepmother and about three years
later it caused a division in the church. A
number of members left and formed the
Whytescausway Baptist Church [which still
exists]. In 1885 Rose Street Chapel joined
the Association of Churches of Christ.
By 1798, the church had to move due to the
increase in numbers.
The building was built The pulpit from the Rose S
treet Chapel
on land belonging to
two members, with
the auditorium
seating 200. It was
built in Rose Street
and became known
as ‘Rose Street
Chapel’ or ‘Christian
Meeting House’ until
it was demolished in
In 1842 a problem regarding doctrine arose
and this resulted in nine members leaving
the congregation, who also took the title
Christian Worker
There were several
assigned to the
church over the
following two years.
In 1890 R.P.
Anderson was
assigned to work
with the Church,
and left in 1896. He
came at a point
where there
appeared to have
been problems because at least one elder
resigned and an evangelist with modern
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Kirkcaldy congregation • Kirkcaldy congregation • Kirkcaldy congregation
ideas was not able to be supported
Movement.” The Rose Street church then
resigned from the Association and was one
of about 17
who became
In 1934, the
Rose Street and
(formerly Links
In 1967 the
Hall) held a joint
Rose Street
mission. The
church was
preacher was the
subject to a
evangelist E.C.
Hinrichsen who
Purchase Notice
was a well known
and the church
on Hayfield Road
evangelist from
was given
Australia. The
£5,000 as
meetings were to be held in the
compensation. The Church planned to
Sinclairtown building but that hall was too
construct a new building for £10,000,
small. The meetings were moved to
however the hall in Hayfield Road came on
Pathhead Hall which also was filled to
the market and the Church purchased this
over-flowing. As a result, the two churches
building for £6,025 on 1st January 1968.
were increased by around 100 Christians.
In January 1980, John Sharp was
During and around the years of World War
appointed as evangelist, serving the
Two there were issues which had a
congregation for the next 7 years. David
profound effect on the church. This was
Hepburn also worked as an evangelist for
labelled “Higher Criticism” and was led by
about 3 years. During this time missions
Principal Robinson of Overdale College.
were held twice per year.
Walter Crosthwaite was the leader of
The 200th Anniversary of the appointment of
the first elders of the
who remained
church was held on
with the “Old
14th November 1998.
Paths.” During
To mark the event the
World War
church held a social
Two, Frank
gathering attended by
approximately 400
worked part
people. The address
Interior of meeting place on Hay
time with the
field Road
was given by Albert
Rose Street
church. Andrew Gardiner and Frank
Worgan reported to the local elders.
In 2005 the congregation at Cowdenbeath
merged with the Kirkcaldy congregation.
In 1947 a situation arose with a split
The Cowdenbeath building was then sold
developing between the “Old Path”
and demolished.
congregations and the “Co-operation
Christian Worker
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Kirkcaldy congregation • Kirkcaldy congregation • Kirkcaldy congregation
In recent years we have held an annual
East Coast Mission in the spring. This is
always shared with the Hyvots Bank
congregation in Edinburgh and is an
opportunity for us to pool our resources to
proclaim the
good news of
Regular meetings are held on Sunday,
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday to cover
the essential learning from God’s Word –
Bible Study; Ladies
Class. The Thursday
Youth Group is an
We have tried to
area where we try to
encourage the youth
“Friendspeak” up
around the building to
and running,
come along for two
however there is
hours of singing/Bible
virtually no
interest from the
This has been wellcommunity
attended and currently
despite adverts
we have approximately 15 regulars.
in the local Fife Free Press, a banner and
However, since September 2010 there have
handouts. The project is currently on hold.
been another 175 who have come along at
We continue to see some become
some point. Both youth and members have
Christians, which is good news. Most
been actively involved in the ‘Shoe Box
recently Jamie Fisher, grandson of Eric and
Appeal’ – a worthwhile project. We also
Ann McCallum, was baptised into the Lord
provide ongoing support for Orphans in
on 10th August by Mark Hill, and was
Malawi and India. We supported the British
welcomed into fellowship on 17th
Bible School
August. God is so good.
for many years.
We are
trying to get a
Looking to the future we
shall continue with our
Annual Social and East
Coast Mission, and carry
The men’s group was always a
favourite at the
Annual Socials.
Each year we
have an
‘Annual Social’
– a tradition which goes way back. This is a
time when Christians can meet together for
fellowship and encouragement. This has
always been held on the third Saturday in
April (although for 2015 it will be on
Saturday, 11th April at 1.30 pm).
Christian Worker
on with the important
youth work. We also hope
to use more digital media
(DVDs) to outreach into the
community. The Cumbernauld congregation
are involved with starting a new
congregation in Perth and we will hopefully
be able to support them in that work.
Robert Hughes & Alan Moyes
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Rhoda Perriman was
baptised on Sunday, 10th
August in Loughborough.
Steve Perriman
It is with great pleasure
and thankfulness to God
to announce that Jamie
Fisher, grandson of
Eric and Ann McCallum,
was baptised into the
Lord on 10th August
2014 by Mark Hill. God is
so good.
Eric McCallum (Kirkcaldy)
Congratulations to Alastair &
Linda Ferrie (Dundee) on their
40th Anniversary on 30th August.
Share with us the
joy of Josh
baptism on
Sunday, 14th
him into the
Lord’s family
at Hyvots
Helen Kerr
Christian Worker
Congratulations to George & Joyce Hill (East
Kilbride) on their Golden Anniversary on 12th
Congratulations to Martin and Sarah
Huburn on the early arrival of their
beautiful daughter Holly Anne who was
born on 23rd September 7:12 pm at 29
weeks. We pray God’s blessing upon them
all and ask you to keep them in prayers.
Mike Glover (Great Barr)
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Family News
Aberdeen: Youth Weekend –
After a busy summer with the
choice of five camps to attend
around the UK, it has become
the tradition for Aberdeen to
commence the ‘Youth Weekend
Season’ at the end of August
each year. As usual, the young
people are excited to renew
the friendships made at the
camps and so we had over 70
in attendance from all over the country for
the action-packed weekend. The speakers
(Patrick Sullivan from Dundee & Graham
McDonald from Cumbernauld)
did a fantastic job of
encouraging all—the young
and not so young—to “choose
this day whom you will serve.”
To add to that, we had good
fellowship, good food, and the
singing was amazing! The
Aberdeen Sports Village was a
hit once again, with football on
an indoor pitch, volleyball, table
tennis and basketball in the
sports hall. The competition was fierce but
always Christ-like. Unfortunately, the
weather prevented us from having our
beach BBQ and campfire singing. However,
with a little improvisation and imagination,
we were able to hold both BBQ and
campfire singing in our meeting place.
The Aberdeen
saints are to be
for their
service over
the weekend.
It was
to see some of our
Christian Worker
20-somethings giving back. Steven and
Emma Glennie, Peter Morrison, and Ross
Starrs all contributed to the smooth running
of the event. Feedback from the attendees
ranged from “fantastic…the best…can’t wait
until next year.” On that note, be sure to mark
Friday 28th to Sunday 30th of August in your
diaries. God willing, we’ll see you then.
Ian Starrs
Nottingham (Stapleford) – In August, the
Nottingham congregation in Stapleford
held a three-day Summer Holiday Club
primarily for
the children in
the area
around our
place. We
were aided in
this by
from the
South Plains
in Lubbock, Texas. Leaflets were
distributed throughout the area, and we
were pleased to see a number of children
come each day, as well as those from our
own congregation and other area churches.
The theme was “Elijah – Overcoming Fear,”
and all of the children had a great time
learning lessons from this great man. The
lessons were presented with the use of
puppets, magic,
drama, crafts,
singing, and many
other activities.
The highlight each
day was a trip to a
local park for
games. A number of
parents stayed for
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F a m i l y
N e w s
F a m i l y
the Club each day, and on Friday night we
had a “Parents’ Night,” giving the children’s
parents a chance to see what the children
had been learning each day.
Our visitors from Lubbock
were accommodated by
members of the Nottingham
church, and their main meal
was catered at The Meeting
Place, a local communityrun cafe. This gave us a
chance to connect with more
people within the
On Saturday, 9th August, we
had a special “Gospel Night”
with Gary Evans of Lubbock speaking. We
appreciated support from local churches, but
most importantly we were pleased to see a
number of non-Christians present to hear
God’s word presented.
As we have done for several years, we took
part in this year’s Stapleford Carnival,
held on 6th September. This always gives
the congregation a chance to meet people
in our community. We had a stall at the
Carnival at which we distributed newlyprinted leaflets giving information about
the church. We had a display about the
ongoing work this congregation is doing in
Honduras. The display showed our
“Mission Trip” to Honduras last year and
attracted quite a bit of attention, giving us
a chance to tell them about a further trip
(God willing) next year. The Carnival is
always a lot of work, but also a lot of fun
and a great way to put the church before
the local community. We were able to talk
with a number of interested people about
the church and the work it is doing.
Bob Eckman
Christian Worker
N e w s
F a m i l y
N e w s
Great Barr: Family Fellowship Day – On
Saturday 6th September the saints at Great
Barr hosted their Annual Family Fellowship
Day. The theme for this year was
Relationships’ and
our two guest
speakers did a
marvellous job in
presenting their
lessons. Stephen
presented a
thought provoking
lesson on ‘How to
sustainable relationships’ and John
Morgan (Hindley) presented a powerful
lesson on ‘How to nurture sustainable
relationships.’ Activities after lunch
included a game of ‘Mr and Mrs’ – we
thank our two couples, Mr and Mrs Boland
and Mr and Mrs McHale for volunteering
to participate. Later in the afternoon we
split into two groups to discuss the lessons
which had been presented. All in all the
whole day was very encouraging, with
three non-Christian visitors in attendance.
We thank Stephen and John for their
lessons and everyone who came along to
enjoy the day.
Mike Glover
East Kilbride:
Ladies Day – 6th
September was our
annual Ladies Day.
Susan Ormsby
presented two
excellent lessons on
“God’s Precious
Jewels.” Many
thanks to all who
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British Bible School
As we begin another school year, the days of our full-time residential programme
now seem so long ago. We have travelled far along the way since then,
introducing our Distance Learning and Extension Class Programmes, allowing
students to access a growing amount of our Applied Biblical Studies curriculum
on a part-time basis. And our In-House Training options have begun to enable
congregations to access high quality, home-grown training in a number of key
areas such as Missional Outreach and Leadership.
This month we are to commence a new project as we begin preparation for our
new Access Learning Programme. This is a video-based project, designed to
provide quality study material for a wider audience. Please remember this
development as you pray and look out for further details here and on our web site.
We have a few Study Weekends lined up for the autumn – two at Wembley in north
London, and two at East Kilbride in Scotland. At Wembley we are to be studying the Letter
from James, and at East Kilbride, the Letters from Peter. Please see details below. A couple
of us will also be traveling to Antwerp in Belgium for a Study Day on Saturday, 18th
October. If you might be interested in joining us, we may well have a spare seat!
We are planning additional Study Weekends for 2015, and also hoping to conduct more
Training events around the country. If you would be interested in us coming to your
congregation, please let us know. We can be contacted through our web site.
Those familiar with the British Bible School building at Corby will be pleased to know that
in recent months extensive renovations have taken place. There are now new doors and
windows, the classroom ceilings have been replaced and walls relined, and most recently
the roof has been insulated and recovered. Though it is not currently being used for daily
classes, it is to be used extensively for filming our new Access Learning Programme.
We thank you for your continued support of the work of the school and pray for
opportunities to support the work of Christ further throughout the United Kingdom. If you
are interested in helping to support the work of the school financially, either with a single
donation or on a monthly basis, please visit the Community section of our website.
Patrick Boyns
Letters from Peter
3-4 October – 1 Peter with Jack Paton
14-15 November – 2 Peter with Jon Galloway
Friday evenings, 7.00-9.30 pm
Saturdays, 10.00 am-5.30 pm
at East Kilbride meeting place
1 Scholar’s Gate, Greenhills,
East Kilbride G75 9JL
Christian Worker
10-11 October
14-15 November
Friday evenings, 7.30-9.30 pm
Saturdays, 9.30 am-5.30 pm
teachers: Patrick Boyns & John Griffiths
hosted by
92 Barnhill
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Christians meeting again in Leicester!
After much prayer and planning
we are happy to announce that
a congregation will be meeting
once again in the City of Leicester!
Over the years, congregations had been
established in Leicester but diminished with
the relocation of Christians around the UK
and overseas. Some Christians in the City
have struggled to travel to Loughborough
whenever possible in order to break bread.
Bus travel on a Sunday is never good and
often involved two changes and walking to
complete the trip. One dear brother had to
travel to Loughborough to worship after
recently having a stroke. We simply realised
that something needed to be done.
We have investigated the city in order to
establish potential good locations for a new
congregation to begin meeting. The city is
blessed with a University, College and a
substantial increase in industry that attracts
new families to the districts in and around
the area. We have based our research on
travel and also other religious groups and
cultures within the various districts and
communities. We plan to apply for a short
term rental of a meeting house so we can
jointly establish the right location.
We received fantastic news
recently that David and
Ruth Brunton will also be
joining us in this work and
we are simply delighted.
With their experience and
Christian Worker
knowledge of the City they will truly be a
great blessing.
We are all looking forward to beginning this
work for the Lord and plan to worship for
the first time in the city as a congregation
on Sunday, 9th November 2014. Please
keep this new work in your prayers.
For further information please contact
Paul Hill, 31 Knipton Drive,
Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 4ER
Home: 01509 554995 Mobile: 07804
653690 Email:
Paul Hill
Creation Mega-conference
encourages outreach
Around 1500 attended the first national
Creation conference for many years at the
Bethel Convention Centre in Birmingham,
4th-6th September. With the theme of
‘Together for Truth,’ the speakers
encouraged those present to accept God’s
word as Truth from the very first verse.
Besides the lectures on Science and the
Bible, there were many lessons on the need
to reach the lost
and some ideas as
to how to do this
better. Plans are
being made for
another next year
in Belfast.
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Around the world
India: School Bag Project –
Thank you for
‘School Bag
Project 2014’
through your
prayers and
finances. We
had fantastic
ol Bag Project 2014’ distributions
thr year.
h your prayers and
tions this year. We had a total ofWe
ool bag
a total of 310 school
the last weekhad
of July to 2nd week of September. We
distributed in four phases from the last
had from parents and teachers, they
week of July to the second week
nd students. The children were overwh
September. We were humbled
nd books and enough writing implement
that teachers
response we had from parentss and
of these children never had a proper
ool andtheir
– they were very thankful for
polythene cover or cloth covers, so the
children and students. The children
e kids when they receive NEW bag and
books are
overwhelmed with joy for receiving
school bag and books and enough writing
the whole academic
m individualimplements
s and church
m Sin
gapore, UK,
have never had
year into year.
this pro
and because of
a proper
distribute 124
4 schschool
ool bag kits so far.
mon Goh &carry
Sis. aWai Leng from Singapore, Bro.
o from Malta
for or
co-coordinating and promoting
countries. two in
osity of all our
supporters in our hearts. “As it is
has given to the poo
r; His righteousness remains
abound untcloth
o you; that you, having always all
unto every goo
d woso
hat this mahappiness
y help these children to make a small
uld like to kno
more details or want to support
please contac
or they
receive NEW bag and books are simply
School Bag Project 2014
This year’s donations have come from
individuals and churches from Singapore,
UK, Malta and India. This is our 5th year
into this project, and because of faithful
partners like you we have been able to
distribute 1244 school bag kits so far.
Christian Worker
Our special thanks are due to Simon Goh &
Wai Leng from Singapore, Tony Tyson
from UK and Fabio from Malta for cocoordinating and promoting School Bag
Project in their respective countries.
We appreciate and treasure the generosity
of all our supporters in our hearts. “As it is
written, He has scattered abroad, he has
given to the poor; His righteousness remains
for ever.” May God make all grace abound
unto you; that you, having always all
sufficiency in everything, may abound unto
every good work.
Please continue to pray for this work, that
this may help these children to make a
small step towards a better future. If you
would like to know more details or want to
support School Bag Project 2015 then
please contact
Joel Madiki
Pakistan: Floods – The
situation here is bad due to
the recent floods. Many
Christians have lost every
thing. Three Christians have
died in my village
congregation. We need
your generous support
because children have little
food and clothing – there is
also a shortage of clean drinking water.
More than six hundred have died and
thousands are missing. This is the worst
flood since 1972. Please help us to buy
things for the Christians here in this
difficult time. Donations can be sent to:
Barbara Fisher (Pakistan Account), 5
Portway, North Marston, Buckingham,
MK18 3PL.
Naeem Sabir
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Summer Lane
Ladies’ Day
Saturday, 1st November
10:00 am Registration
10:30 am Welcome
11:00 am Speaker: Denise Sharp
11:20 am Hymn
11:30 am Speaker:
Sara Dod
12:15 pm Lunch
1:15 pm Hymn & prayer
1:30 pm Speaker: Prue Bester
1:50 pm Activities
3:00 pm Prayer and Goodbye
For further information:
Loughborough Youth Weekend
31 October - 2 November
“Shipwrecked” – A journey without God.
We shall look at both our physical and
spiritual needs and how Jesus rescues us
and secures our salvation.
Doors open Friday 6:30 pm; finish after
lunch on Sunday.
Contact Ryan Hill 07456849245 or
10 am to 3 pm
Sarah Dod will speak on 'Keeping
our Faith in an Unbelieving World’
Maria Appiah-Anane will speak
on 'The Challenges of being a
Christian Mother'
We have had many successful Ladies days at Northampton and pray that
they will continue. Please come along and be blessed by this one!
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Mark your diary
3rd-4th – East Kilbride: British Bible School Study Weekend. “The
Letters of Peter” taught by Jack Paton and Jon Galloway. Friday, 7.00-9.30 pm;
Saturday, 10.00-5.30 pm.
4th – Cambridge: Leadership training and Fellowship. Preparing leaders for
today and tomorrow. Speakers Gary Walker, Victor Ellison, David Boyer, Kathy
Walker (all from Sunset, Lubbock, Texas), Sydney Lewis (London, Lewisham).
Contact and information: Cyril Weinman (01223) 360948.
10th-11th – London Wembley: British Bible School Study Weekend. “The
Letter of James” taught by Patrick Boyns and John Griffiths. Friday, 7.00-9.30 pm;
Saturday: 10.00 am-5.00 pm.
18th – Manchester: Saturday Gospel Meeting. 7.00 pm. The Green Hut, 538 Kings Road,
Stretford M32 8JT. Contacts: Allan Ashurst (0161) 865 4242; John Purcell (0161) 439 1758.
18th – Northampton: Ladies’ Day. 10.00 am-3.00 pm. Theme: Soul Mates. Speakers:
Sarah Dod (Thamesmead) and Maria Appiah-Anane (Liverpool).
23rd-24th – Bristol: Prime Time Weekend. Friday, 6.30 pm to Saturday, 9.00 pm. Contact:
Martin & Vicky Nelson (01275) 852675.
31st-2nd Nov – Belfast Westway: Youth Weekend/Retreat to be held at a youth hostel in
Larne, Co. Antrim. Theme: “Stand Up! (God has your back).” Limited space so first come,
first served. Contact: Clark (07553) 379555 or Stephen (07776) 214933.
31st-2nd Nov – Loughborough: Youth Weekend. Theme: ‘Shipwrecked’ – A journey
without God. Doors open Friday 6:30 pm finish after lunch on Sunday. Contact Ryan Hill
(07456) 849245 or
1st – Birmingham (Summer Lane): Ladies’ Day, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm.
7th-9th – West of Scotland joint gospel meetings. Friday: Lomond congregation;
Saturday: Clarkston congregation; Sunday: East Kilbride congregation. Speaker: Ian
Starrs. 7:30 each evening.
8th – Nottingham (Eastwood): Quarterly Gospel Outreach Meeting. 6.00 pm Welcome,
refreshments; 7.00 pm meeting.
14th-15th – East Kilbride: British Bible School Study Weekend. “The Letters of Peter” taught
by Jack Paton and Jon Galloway. Friday, 7.00-9.30 pm; Saturday, 10.00 am-5.30 pm.
14th-15th – London Wembley: British Bible School Study Weekend “The Letter of James”
taught by Patrick Boyns and John Griffiths. Friday, 7.30-9.30 pm; Saturday: 9.30 am-5.00 pm.
6th-9th February – Cumbernauld: 3rd Annual Young Adult/Youth Retreat. Theme:
Conquest of Canaan. Contact: Brian Buchanan (07535) 562269.
14th February – Nottingham (Eastwood): Quarterly Gospel Outreach Meeting. 6.00 pm
Welcome, refreshments; 7.00 pm meeting.
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The Last Word
“In sin did my mother conceive me.” (Psalm 51:5 AV)
This passage in the Authorised Version of the Scriptures has
often been used to indicate that motherhood is somehow
evil and that people are born in a sinful state. It seems a
shame that this beautiful passage is taken out of context. A
closer study of the whole Psalm reveals David is breaking his
heart over his sinful state after realising he had committed
adultery. The problem here was that David was in depression and his opinion of
himself was that he must have been sinful at birth, sinful even from the time of
his conception. Take a look at other translations and see what they say.
Depression is one of the great burdens of our age. In this article I cannot speak of clinical
depression but everyone has days when they feel they should not live or cannot face
another day. That is how David felt. The great hero of Israel, a man who seemed to have
everything, was on his knees in despair. Perhaps you or someone you know is in a similar
position. Here are some guidelines from the Psalm to help.
1. v.6 Let the truth and wisdom of God be part of everyday living. Read your Bible.
2. v.7 Let God clean out the heartbreak and know you are clean. Repent.
3. v.10 Let God create in you a clean heart and a steadfast spirit. Be open.
4. v.14 Know that God saves absolutely. Be saved.
5. v.15 Praise God with everything you have. Sing.
6. v.16 Know that God accepts your broken spirit, it is then that God can heal us. Receive.
When you are feeling that you cannot take any more, run to the Living God. It is when
you feel that you cannot even get up from the floor because of your despair, that you can
meet God as he is already there waiting for you.
A Prayer (for when we are down…)
Father you have met depression before, in the greatest of your servants and now in me.
Before you alone I can let my feelings be known; I cannot tell others, I am
too ashamed, too heartbroken.
I want to do my best, I want to soar on eagles’ wings, but now, right now I
cannot even lift up my head.
I am hurting, I cannot understand my situation. I am waiting for you to
touch my heart, my life.
Dear Lord, help me to sing to you again.
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