PASTORAL STAFF Reverend Msgr. Emmet R. Nevin, Pastor Reverend John Palatucci, Parochial Vicar Reverend Msgr. Richard Kyeremeh Deacon Dominic Buonocore Deacon Mark Czerwinski Mr. James Russell, Cantor & Music Director Mrs. Mariana Dalsass, CRE CHURCH & RECTORY 82 Lake Road West Congers, New York 10920 Phone 845-268-4464-65 Fax 845-268-6790 Deacon Dominic Buonocore, Parish Manager Laraine Payne, Administrative Assistant P.R.E.P. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM Mariana Dalsass, CRE 82 Lake Road West Congers, NY 10920 Direct Phone 845-268-5442 REGIONAL SCHOOL ST. PAUL REGIONAL SCHOOL 365 Kings Highway Valley Cottage, New York 10989 School Phone 845-268-6506 Sr. Stephen Gerard, O.P., Principal The mission of St. Paul Parish is to Build Community around the Eucharist and proclaim Jesus’ Gospel of Life and Love through participation in liturgy, education and service. Sacrament of Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at 1:45 p.m. in the Church. Parents are to register their child for the Baptism at least two weeks before the intended Baptism. Instruction classes for parents are on the last Thursday of the month in the Rectory. Sacrament of Marriage Engaged couples should contact the rectory at least six months in advance in order to arrange for their participation in the marriage preparation program. Anointing of the Sick/Elderly If someone is homebound or in the hospital, please notify the rectory. Arrangements can be made for the sick person to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Holy Communion is brought to the homebound by our Minsters of Holy Communion. Parish Membership Every family and single adult should be properly registered in the parish, and should be receiving a quarterly set of envelopes. New parishioners who wish to register, can do so by stopping in at the Parish Office; or by simply visiting our Parish website for an online registration. We want to know and serve you and hope you become an active part of our parish community. If you move or change your address, please notify the office. Alcoholics Anonymous All meetings in the School Pavilion (As Bill Sees It) Saturdays - 6:30 p.m. (Beginner’s Meeting) Saturdays - 6:30 p.m. (Big Book Meeting) Saturdays - 6:30 p.m. (Open Speaker’s Meeting) Sunday - 5:00 p.m. (Closed Discussion) Saturdays - 8:00 p.m. Tuesday - 6:30 and 8:00 p.m. MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Masses celebrated in the Church 5:30 p.m. (Saturday Evening) Narcotics Anonymous 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m. & Sundays - 7:30 p.m. School Pavilion 6:00 p.m. (Sunday) Weekday Masses: 6:30 a.m., 9 a.m. Saturday: 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m. in the Church 7:15 p.m. Spanish Mass - in the Church Altar Servers Home Bound Ministry Morning Prayer: Weekday mornings at 8:45 Eileen Cella Fr. John Palatucci a.m. in the Church Prayer Shawl Society Cemetery First Friday: Deacon Dominic Buonocore Eileen Cella 6:30 & 9:00 a.m. in the Church Fellowship of Hope Choir Holy Days: Prayer Group James Russell Vigil Masses: 5:30 p.m. Holy Days: 6:30, 9:00 a.m., 12 noon & 7:30 p.m. CYO Basketball (Unless otherwise advertised in the bulletin) Ray McGrath Food Cupboard CONFESSIONS Saturdays: 4:30 - 5:15 p.m. Anytime by request. Court Mary Help of Christians, Regent CDA Eileen Cella Ministry of Holy Communion James Nash One Smart Device click to the website Pro-Life Society Jack Granata, PGK RCIA Deacon Mark Czerwinski Ushers Ric Aberion School Guild Jenifer Hillis Donald Paoli SPAL Basketball Tom Zerecker Brian Metcalf Knights of Columbus Mr. & Mrs. William Hind Timothy Sullivan Youth Choir Lectors Vicki Gill, Director Robert Lockhart 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 12, 2014 RESPECT LIFE SUNDAY SUNDAY MASSES MASS INTENTIONS SAT. 5:30pm 7:30am WEEKLY COLLECTION EVERYONE MUST GIVE ACCORDING TO WHAT HE HAS INWARDLY DECIDED; NOT SADLY, NOT GRUDGINGLY, FOR GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER. COLLECTION FOR SUNDAY, October 6 , 2013 was: $9,011.00 COLLECTION FOR SUNDAY, October 5 , 2014 was: $9,670.00 St. Paul Monthly $ 4,623.00 Thank you! Thomas, Francis & Annie Hughes People of the Parish 9:30am Cangro & Basak Families 11:00am Arthur Pisano, Sr. WEEKLY UPCOMING EVENTS 12:30pm Richard & Geraldine Szulist MONDAY October 13th: Prayer Group - 7:30 pm in the school; K of C meetings at 7:30 pm sharp on the 2nd & 4th Mondays of month,114 No Rt. 9 W.; Parish Office closed.. TUESDAY October 14th: AA 5:30 to 9:30 pm meeting room school . WEDNESDAY October 15th: Adoration noon in church; Benediction in church at 6:45pm.& Novena 7pm in the Church. THURSDAY October 16th: Prayer Shawl Society at 10am Parish Center; Children’s Choir Ch. 6pm; Adult Choir Ch .at 7pm; Catholic Daughters Parish Center 7pm. Friday October 17th: Food Cupboard in the back building of the school at 4:45pm. SATURDAY October 18th: AA Meeting - 6:30 pm & 8:00 pm classroom; Bible Study at 9:30am Parish Center; Food Cupboard at 8:45am in the back building of the school; Spanish Prayer Group Mass 7:15pm Church. SUNDAY October 19th: AA Meeting—5pm (cap rm.) ; NA Meeting—7:30pm; Second Collection the All Souls Day ; Line Dancing at 2:30pm Parish Center. __________________________________________ 6:00pm Luke Thomas MASSES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY 6:30am Antonine D’Colyse 9:00am Susan & Frank Egan TUESDAY 6:30am Elizabeth Reilly 9:00am Peggy Freeman WEDNESDAY 6:30am Jerome & Josephine Comito 9:00am Michael McLoughlin THURSDAY 6:30am Kathleen O’Grady 9:00am Frank Holmok FRIDAY 6:30am Rosemary Carton 9:00am Irenio & Guellerma Panzo BANNS OF MARRIAGE SATURDAY 7:30am Damiani Pelayo 9:00am Lucy & Tom Cuniffe & III Jenna Konecni and Charles Nazario __________________________________________ 300 Club Winner John & Anne O’Shea The winner is # #251 B. Kaim __________________________________________ Sanctuary Lamp this week is in memory of Eileen & Andy Kane __________________________________________ 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:30pm Margan & Duggan Families 7:30am People of the Parish 9:30am Robert DePascale DEVOTIONS Wednesday Noon Adoration 11:00am MaryLou Klass & Francis Klass. 6:45 PM Benediction 12:30pm Sarah & Anthony Capuano 7:00 PM Novena Friday aft. 9AM Mass Divine Mercy Daily after 9:00 AM Mass/Rosary follows 6:00pm Kenneth Hiep, Sr. NEXT WEEK’S SECOND COLLECTION is for Mission Sunday 1 #438 CRISIS PREGNANCY RESOURCE NUMBERS PARISH ANOINTING MASS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25TH—12 NOON Birthright --------------------623-9098 Good Counsel Home-----356-0517 (Spring Valley) Rockland Pregnancy Counseling Center--- 352-6108 Rachel Ministry---492-6709 (Post Abortion Healing) All information strictly confidential. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is a beautiful gift from God. It is a sacrament that is administered to a Catholic “who, having reached the age of reason, begins to be in danger due to sickness or old age. “ It is a sacrament which provides comfort, peace, courage and, if the sick person is unable to make a confession, even forgives sin. Whenever new illness develops or first illness relapses or worsens, the patient may receive the sacrament a further time. It may also be given numerous times in the case of old age or chronic illness based on the pastoral judgment of the priest. This is not to be confused with what we traditionally refer to as the “Last Rites” which involves a three-part reception of the sacraments of Anointing, Penance and the Holy Eucharist or Viaticum. Please plan on joining us on Saturday, October 25th at 12 noon. “Through this Holy Anointing, may the Lord in His Love and mercy help you with the Grace of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord who frees you from sin, save you and raise you up.” ____________________________________ BIRTHRIGHT BABY BOTTLE DRIVE CONTINUES UNTIL NOVEMBER 2ND St. Paul’s continues its three-week fundraising drive for Birthright of Rockland County. Last year, Birthright ministered to over 600 women and their babies with free pre-natal classes, one-on-one support, and other help. Please take a Birthright Baby Bottle home, fill it with coins, cash or a check and return it to the church or parish house by November 2nd. Thank you for your traditional prayers and generous financial support. YOUNG WIDOW / WIDOWERS SUPPORT GROUP (AGES 65 AND YOUNGER) We meet one Saturday per month at Focus on Solutions, PC, 6 Smith St. Nanuet, N.Y. For additional information or to enroll in any of our free services please contact Susan Solar, LCSW at 845-623-7782. ____________________________________________ + NOVEMBER ALL SOULS NOVENA + Throughout the Universal Church, the month of November has traditionally been known as the “Month of All Souls.” Here at Saint Paul Church, we will dedicate all of our Sunday Masses on All Souls Day, November 2nd, as a special Novena of Masses for all those whose names have been placed on our altar. Additionally, the names will be left on our altar throughout the month of November so that the priests and faithful of our parish may pray for our deceased loved ones at our daily Masses. Your envelopes may be turned in at any Mass between now and November 2nd. Those who are not presently on the parish envelope system may obtain special All Souls Day envelopes from the tables at the doors of the church. “Save us Savior of the World, for by your cross and resurrection, you have set us free.” ALBERTUS MAGNUS HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26TH MASS AT 11:00 PRESENTATION & TOURS 11:45 AM—2:00 PM ALTERNATE DATE IS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28 AT 7PM. FOR INFORMATION—845-623-8842 ____________________________________ PARISH TRIP TO HOLY LAND AND QUESTION & ANSWER BRIEFING MEETING CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES OF ROCKLAND CELEBRATION Those of you who’ve shown interest in the Holy Land pilgrimage scheduled for April 2015 Mr. Peter Bahou, the owner of Peter’s Way Tours, will be visiting our parish for a question and answer session on Saturday October 18th at 11:30 am. This meeting is in response to the recent conflict and violence in Israel. If you had planned on going and are now are apprehensive and hesitant to do so then please join us on Saturday October 18th at 11:30 am in the St. Paul Parish Center. 2 Thursday, November 13, 2014 , CCSR will hold it’s 7th annual “Community Service Celebration” to honor individuals of Rockland County who have been recognized for their outstanding record of community service, as well as celebrate CSSR’s presence in the large community as a Catholic social agency which as an outreach of the parishes, ministers to the neediest in our midst. Among those being honored at the dinner in The Pearl River Hilton is our own Tom Zerecker. For reservation you may call St. Paul Parish Office at 2684464. Tickets for the dinner are $100 per person. #438 LITURGY MINISTERS FOR October 19, 2014 TIME LECTORS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS ALTAR SERVERS USHERS J. Galletta – V. Panzo G. Enriquez & 5:30 PM E. Lising L. Hanley & R. Roy 7:30 AM T. Geary T. Ryan & S. Spratley 9:30 AM Children J. Salerno & A. Sambevski S. Roman, H. Caceras & J. Reyes G. Spinney, Jr., A. Decort, H. Caceres, M. Katigbak, S. Reynolds, J. Granata & K. McAleer 11:00 AM M. Moore Sr. Stephen Gerard & J. Ventola F. Metcalf, E. Opiola & M. Hillis W. Hartl W. Kelder, P. Dudgeon, A. Reale, A. DiBianco, R. Vivas, W. Rodriquez , V. Alifieri & M.L. Reilly 12:30 PM R. Lockhart E. Zamparo & E. Bertolino M. Gatchalian & S. Holmes R. Lockhart & P. Mattiaccio F. Cifuni A. M. Favorito Tolstoy M. Vaillancourt M. Totero & M. Totero Homebound B. McCormack, K. Hartl & J. & R. Nash K. Sewrvando & E. Leonard C. Linen, J. Cerreta,, J. Martelli & R. Aberion 6:00 PM Nyack Manor O. Massaro & C. Moreno S. Byrne, M. Giuliano & E. Giardina & J. Lowe 10/25 R. Kraft—R. Burns E. Biray& V. Czajkowski PARISH BIBLE STUDY COLUMBUS DAY MASS AT CATHEDRAL The Bible study classes have resumed. Please feel free to join us on Saturdays after the mass at 9:30am in the Parish Center. Father John Palatucci is the moderator. St. Patrick’s Cathedral is celebrating a Mass for Columbus Day on Monday, October 13, 2014 at 9:30am. For tickets email— At 9:15am the Cathedral will be opened to non-ticket holders. ____________________________________________ ANNUAL PARISH MEMORIAL MASS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12TH CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF OUR 8TH GRADE CONFIRMANDI Our special Memorial Mass will be held on Wednesday, November 12 at 7:30pm and will be followed with a reception in the parish center. If you would like to have a name of a recently deceased loved one read aloud at this Mass, please contact the parish office or give the person’s name to one of the priests. Anyone who has passed away this year and was buried from our parish will be automatically put the list. Congratulations and prayerful best wishes to the St. Paul School 8th graders who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday. The confirming bishop was the Most Reverend Dominick Lagonegro. Congratulations also to their principal, Sr. Stephen Gerard, O.P. their parents and their teachers who worked together as partners in their children’s religious education and spiritual formation over the years. We pray our newly confirmed will continue to be wholehearted in their Christian discipleship and do all in their power to actively live the faith they so publicly professed before the bishop at their Confirmation. CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF AMERICA Catholic Daughters of the Americas Christmas Boutique is Saturday, December 6th in the Parish Center..They will be selling chances for the Lottery Tree & Money Hat after all the masses on Sunday, Oct. 26th & Nov. 9th . Please stop and buy chances. 3 #438 PRAYER FOR THE SICK SAINT PAUL BOOK & DVD RACK We pray that the sick of our parish, our relatives and friends, will experience God’s healing love, especially Stephanie Scalisi, Elaine Wylie, Dan Cella, John Griffin, Devin Dineen, Peggy Byelick, Betty Totero, Eileen Gerz, Carol Butler, Frances Cooney, Jessica Guzman, Michael Doria, Adrianna Gutierrez, Michelle Powell, Maria DeMaio, Kelly Rooney, Emily Kryger, Deidre Sullivan-Beirne, Christine Adams, Mike Weber , Michelle Benson, Edward Reynolds, Pamela Samoylo, Linda Thurston, Deacon Hopkins, Jim Dixon, Brian Mullen, Frederick Santos , Marie Fleming, Angela Rush, Patricia Widmaer , Phyllis O’Brien, Daniel Alicea, Dorothy Cooney, Tyler Joseph Gaudio, Jeff Nepola, Gary Baisely, Thomas Swift , Philip McNerney, Msgr. Patrick McCabe , Jessica Vergara, Marie Kennedy, Linda Polen, Liam King, Kevin McCormack , Mary Leighton, Richie Kezek, Barbara Sheehan, Mary Dwyer, Valentina Santos, Carole Bailey, Joan Will, Adell Cirrincione , Patricia Iannucelli & Carmen Reid. We have a nice selection of Catholic DVD’s and some books which we invite you to look over on your way in or out of church. Remember, also, to take home a copy of the Catholic New York newspaper or, better yet, contact our rectory office and request that it be mailed home to you every two weeks. Don’t rely on the often biased reporting of our mass media. Learn about what’s happening with our Catholic Faith from CATHOLIC sources. ____________________________________ WORLD MISSION SUNDAY NEXT SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19TH Do you know the date of your Baptism? Most of us do not. However, it is a very important date because on that day we were born again by the pouring on of water and the power of the Holy Spirit. On that day, we also became a missionary who was called by Our Lord Jesus Christ to share our faith with those around us and to be a part of the Church’s mission around the world. Now, we realize that most of us will not be able to travel to foreign lands as did St. Francis Xavier. However, we can all make an effort in our lives, through prayer and sacrifice, to support those men and women who are called to leave their homes and loved ones to go and preach the Good News of the Lord in foreign lands. Imagine the challenge this brings in our modern world with so many places being terrorized by radical Islamists—lands where Christians are persecuted, driven from their homes and, in some cases, martyred for their faith. Won’t you consider helping them with their/OUR mission by contributing whatever your means will allow, to next Sunday’s SECOND COLLECTION? NEED EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS We are extending a special invitation to young people (16 years of age and older) to become Eucharistic. Ministers. To bring Christ to others is an extraordinary privilege. [ If interested, call 845-268-6133] NEW PARISHIONER REGISTRATION Simply scan here to go to our new web site registration form…. St. Francis of Assisi Divorced/Separated Group Our cluster partner, St. Francis of Assisi, is offering a ministry for Separated/Divorced Catholics and all in our area are welcome to join. The program offers a "safe place" during a critical transition in the lives of those separated or divorced. During the six-week sessions, this ministry will provide a prayerful transition from feelings of hurt and loss toward an eventual restructuring of life. The sessions are based on the premise that through sharing ones thoughts, feelings, and experiences with others in similar situations, the healing process will begin. Sessions are small group gatherings and are led by parishioners who are trained as facilitators and share this life experience. A commitment to attend is necessary. When: Where: Thursday evenings, October 16, 23, 30, November 6, 13, 20 St. Francis Rectory Chapel Office Time: 7:00 – 9:00 PM COMING TOGETHER AS A PARISH HANDBAG BINGO FUNDRAISER—GYM Adell Cirrincione is a sophomore at Clarkstown High School North, and an active member of our Parish family here at St. Pauls. She even volunteers as a Sunday School teacher working with her Aunt Mariana. After finding out that she had a rare bone cancer, Ewing Sarcoma, she was upset - for a bit. While she recovered (emotionally) with high spirits, even donating her own beautiful hair to "Locks-of-Love." In her words, "So that way, some other girl can have something I wouldn't be able to keep..." And. while she may enjoy matching hats to her outfits today, the reality is that the medical bills are piling up! We are excited to come together as a parish and hope to raise money which will in some way offset the overwhelming number of medical bills facing Adell's family. St. Pauls will be hosting a "Pocketbook Bingo Night" on Friday, November 7th, from 7-11pm. The event will take place in the school gym. Please come and bring friends! If you can help or care to make donations either to the family or the event, please contact Jennifer Hind at 845-641-4043. To register, please call Sr. Pat at 634-4957. 4 #438 CEFOLAS’ CLARKSTOWN AUTO LUBE “Your 10 Minute Oil Change Center” 143 ROUTE 303, VALLEY COTTAGE, NY 10989 PHYSICAL THERAPY Integrated Orthopedic and Sports Rehab 612 Corporate Way Suite 7 Valley Cottage, NY NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED $ AFFORDABLE ROOFING $ COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL • INDUSTRIAL GAF-ELK CERTIFIED * EXPERT WORKMANSHIP SHINGLE ROOFING • FLAT ROOFING • RUBBER • BRAI SEAMLESS GUTTERS & LEADERS • CLEANING/MAINTENANCE SOFFIT INSTALLATION/REPAIRS • CHIMNEY FLASHING ROOF REPAIRS - ALL TYPES • SNOW & ICE REMOVAL License • Bond • Insured • Fully Supervised Lic# H-8667 845-268-7800 D N A R G NING OPE CONGERS COLLISION OPGERNAINNDG Premier Auto Body Center • • • • • • 845.268.3138 CHRIS CEFOLA State of the art equipment All insurances accepted Free estimates Computerized color match Life time Guarantee on most repairs Friendly staff ~ Over 45 years experience ~ 25% of Insurance Deductable up to $250.00 with this coupon FREE LEASE RETURN INSPECTIONS COUPON MUST BE PRESENT AT TIME OF ESTIMATE; MAYBE SUBJECT TO CHANGE 180 N. Route 9 W, Congers, NY 10920 845-589-0685 TOM P ROFENNA AND D E B ELLIS CPA S PC FOR ALL YOUR AUTO REPAIR NEEDS INDIVIDUAL & CORPORATE TAX PREPARATION 251 WEST NYACK ROAD WEST NYACK, NY 845-623-8555 Congers Auto Repair, Inc. 845-267-8082 21 Old Haverstraw Rd., Congers Chris Meyer Owner / Operator TRAVIS MONUMENTS Est. 1899 Specialists in Mausoleums & Monuments Expert Service, Cleaning & Repair 5 Generations of Expertise Quality Monuments for All Cemeteries, Nationwide. (845) 268-8269 866-6-TRAVIS “New York’s Premier Catholic Visiting Nurse/Home Healthcare Agency” Compassionate Care in the privacy and comfort of your own home! • Skilled Nursing • Home Health Aides • Care Management • Physical, Speech & Occupational Therapies Specialty Services include: Cardiac Care • Diabetes Care Maternal Child Services Wound & Ostomy Social Work • Pastoral Care 1-855-488-2149 69 LAKE RD. CONGERS, NY Under New Management! Eat In • Take Out Free Delivery • Catering Party & Catering Room Available Corporate Accounts Welcome 845-268-3116 Fax 845-268-3251 4 Lake Ridge Plaza Valley Cottage NY 10989 845-268-4817 All Major Credit Cards Accepted AVAILABLE NOW! Saint Paul’s Parish is looking for more sponsors. ADVERTISEMENTS AVAILABLE NOW! Contact John Patrick Publishing Company at 1-800-333-3166 ext. 161 or visit us on the web at Please patronize the businesses that presently advertisein this bulletin, and thank them for their continued support. They make your bulletin possible. 438 SSt. P Paul, l C Congers (3 (3rd) d) JJohn h P Patrick i kP Publishing bli hi C Company 1 1-800-333-3166 800 333 3166 • j JOSEPH W. SORCE FUNERAL HOME, INC. Family Owned & Operated for over 30 years Our Family Serving Your Family FUNERAL DIRECTORS: DIRECTORS: Joseph W. Sorce, Marlene A. Sorce, John A. DeNicola Jr., Melissa A. Sorce-DeNicola, Joseph P. Sorce 728 West Nyack Road, West Nyack, NY • • 845-358-4433 KARATE JOE’S DETAILING Martial Arts/Karate For Children & Adults Joseph Meyers Sensei - Instructor The Best Detailing & Deals in Town MOTORCYCLE • AUTO TIM’S 9W NORTH ROCKY’S 24 HR MMA CLUB 845-589-0830 845-589-0830 • Cell 646-209-8932 • 175 N. Route 9W Unit #11• Congers, NY 175 N Route 9W Congers, NY Family owned and operated since 1973 180 South Main Street New City, New York 10956 845-639-6996 MARIAN SHRINE BOOKSTORE 845/268/9752 Designers and Manufacturers of Fine Jewelry 174 Filors Lane Stony Point, NY 10980 845-947-2200 ext 7 SPECIALISTS IN ALL TYPES FENCING CHAIN LINK WOOD GUIDE RAIL 73 LAKE ROAD CONGERS, NY 845.358.0118 Breakfast & Lunch 285 Route 303 267-2656 Fax: 267-2532 Salvatore Carollo Exclusive Agent Allstate Insurance Company 15 S Route 303 Congers, NY 10920 845-268-4100 F: 845-268-4109 Serving the legal needs of our community since 1932 • Personal Injury • Business Transactions • Wrongful Death • Real Estate: Houses, Condo, Co-op • Wills and Probate Administration • Medical Malpractice Member of Diocese (845) 639-7586 NEW NYACK OFFICE: 15 N. Mill Street, Suite 218, Nyack, NY 10960 ROCKLAND COUNTY BODY INC. DIRECT REPAIR SHOP FOR MAJOR INSURANCE COMPANIES • • • Insurance Estimates • • • 845-429-4747 157 Route 9W (Between Gurnee & Westside Ave., Haverstraw) • DENIS LEBLANG, D.P.M. • Diplomate, American Board of Ambulatory Foot Surgery 285 Route 303 • Congers 845-268-8282 Gary & Louise Colonna Parishioners Children Our Specialty Mommy & Me, Creative Dance, Ballet, Tap, & Hip-Hop Adult Ballet Workout 268-4669 69 Lake Road, Congers Family Restaurant & Pizzeria Specializing in Authentic Old Fashioned Italian Favorites Gourmet Style Pizza & Calzones 482 Kings Highway, Valley Cottage, NY Catering Available for All Occasions 268-5291 24-Hour Customer Service PODIATRIST FAMILY FOOT CARE 47 Lake Road Congers, NY 845-268-6100 DANCEWORKS WHOLESALE • RETAIL Congers Colonial Plaza 95 W. Nyack Way • W. Nyack, NY Congers Wine & Liquor NYACK MANOR (Specializing in Short Term Rehab & Long Term Care) 476 Christian Herald Rd., Valley Cottage N.Y. 10989 845-268-6861 Rick Lohne, LNHA - Administrator Energized Electric, Inc. • residential • commercial • industrial • LICENSED & FULLY INSURED 845-268-2300 Tom Fredeman, Jr. ~ Parish Member Residential • Commercial We Provide Containers for Cardboard & Paper Recycling Daily • Weekly • Monthly Service Available P.O. Box 495, Valley Cottage, NY 10989 Tel: 845-268-5747 • Fax 845-268-0352 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Va l e n t i n e Electric Inc. Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! 438 St. Paul, Congers (inside) Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 (845) 398-1339 NEW YORK CITY ROCKLAND • NEW JERSEY WESTCHESTER, CT, VERMONT 374 Greenbush Road. Blauvelt, NY 10913 Licensed & Insured John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 • MICHAEL J. HIGGINS Respect. Joseph P. Damonti, General Manager Michael A. Wicks, Manager Value. Monica Damonti, Funeral Director Richard Romangnoli, Funeral Director Simplicity. Leanna Wegielski, Funeral Director Gerard Macri, Funeral Director SM 100% Service Guarantee™ • 24 Hour Compassion Helpline • Prearranged Service (Nationally Transferable) FUNERAL SERVICE, INC. “A Taste of Italy” Pizza & Grill 845-589-0770 285 N. 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GLASS SPECIALISTS • WE WORK WITH ALL INSURANCE COMPANIES FRAME STRAIGHTENING • CAR RENTAL AVAILABLE relief of pain, stress, anxiety and much more Leona Ogo Devin, LAc 845.893.2747 insurance accepted based on plan LAKESIDE YOGA AND FITNESS Have fun & get fit Congers NY Studio YOGA • PILATES COMBO FITNESS 845-641-8775 Clarkstown Kids Childcare Congers, NY A Division of Tucek & Son (845) 268-0914 438 St. Paul, Congers (back) Certified Teacher & Reading Specialist ANTONIO F. 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Valley Cottage, NY Z OPEN FOR LUNCH AND DINNER 11AM TO 12 MIDNIGHT Italian Food and Southern Food Specialties Quality Auto Body Work • FREE ESTIMATES • 268-7656 160 N. Rt. 9W • Congers Greg Zurla NAZ SOUTHERN EXPOSURE ✓ Residential Roofing ✓ Vinyl Siding ✓ Aluminum Trim Work ✓ Cedar & Hardi-Plank General Dentistry Orthodontics / Endodontics GREG’S AUTO BODY Insured • License #862 845-398-2300 Stephen Giordano, D.D.S. Teresa’s Pizzeria Ristorante 24 Hour Plumbing Repair Service Quality Bathroom Remodeling Brendan McCormack Workmanship At 845-268-0992 An Honest Price 845-675-7904 786-3500 634-6110 268-6665 B.M.C. Route 9 W., Stony Point 321 S. Main St., New City 113 Lake Road East, Congers Nursing Center Dorothy Corbett, Administrator / Acting CEO 917-453-8838 • 845-268-4392 100 Lake Road • Valley Cottage New York, 10989 Ages 2 & 3 Pre-School Program Ages 4 & 5 Pre-Kindergarten Program Enrolling Now for Summer & Fall! 845-268-6813 ex 112 • 845-268-4458 John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 •
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