magasin -

Den Danske Forening
November 2011
QLD Multicultural Festival 2011
photo: Alan Pryzbylak
Newsletter for the Danish Association ‘Heimdal’ – Established 1872
Contact details: 0437 612 913
We would love to share your news and
stories. You are welcome to send emails
and other material to the editor for
publication. The closing date for the
December issue is 17 November 2011.
We will endeavour to publish all material
submitted but reserve the right to edit or
not publish your contribution. Any material
published does not necessarily reflect the
opinion of the Danish Club or the Editor.
DIRCH is another event to look
forward to. It’s great to see that our
members are taking the initiative to
get new activities up and running.
Hope we sell lots of tickets. Our
Sunday afternoon Jule is a real
‘hygge’ day for young and old with
lots of good memories already.
Good for grandkids too.
From the Editor
Editor: Lone Schmidt
Phone: 07 3359 2026
Webmaster: Peter Wagner Hansen
Phone: 0423 756394
Stina Borgen & Sven Hansen, Wakerley
Allan William Clancey, Moorooka
We’re heading straight into the busy
silly season with lots of events
coming up – traditional and new.
I’m looking forward to the Christmas
stalls at Cafe Danmark to kick off
Christmas. The special screening of
On a sad note, we offer our sincere
condolences to Natalie Taylor and
acknowledge the very good fight made by
Anders over a long period of time.
A memorial service will be held on Saturday
29 October at 11.00am – 1.00pm at the
Danish Club, Austin St Newstead.
Natalie would like to invite Club members to
attend and honour him with their respects.
What’s on at the Danish Club?
Café Danmark
28 October 2011
from 6 pm
Come in and say hello to new and old friends and try our tasty ‘smørrebrød’: the
menu varies from time to time, but you’ll often find ‘rullepølse’ (spicy rolled pork),
smoked salmon, roast beef, pate, roast pork and ‘Esrom’ cheese. And yummy hot
dogs. The bar is stocked with Tuborg and Carlsberg from Denmark as well as your
favourite Australian brews. If you prefer a glass of wine with your food, we have a
good variety of whites, reds and sparkling on offer.
It’s also an opportunity to buy delicious Danish pastries, ryebread and other specialty
breads and organic biscuits direct from Britt’s Danish Delights. Tea offers smallgoods
and quality meats from Flemming, the Danish butcher at Woolloongabba, as well as
her own goodies including remoulade. It’s a good idea to order in advance and pick
up at the café.
Legestue 1. søndag
Kids’ Play Group 1st Sunday
7 November 2011
Det store kolde Bord
Danish Smorgasbord
12 November 2011
Folkrag Old & New
19 November 2011
20 November 2011
10-3 pm
It’s the big Christmas event – treat your family and friends to a Danish smorgasbord.
See more details in the newsletter.
The quarterly musical event in support of the ’Folkrag’ monthly newsletter offers a
great opportunity to listen to live folk music - see their advertisement for the line-up.
Spend a couple of hours with your kids or grandkids and make Christmas decorations,
bake cookies, help us decorate our Christmas tree.
Café Danmark
with Christmas stalls
‘Dirch’ – filmen om Dirch Passer
26 November 2011
from 6 pm
27 November 2011
12.30 pm
Special screening for Danish club members at Palace Barracks Cinema – enjoy the
movie about the wonderful Danish comedian and actor
Kids’ Play Group
Every Friday 9.30-11.30
and 1st Sunday from 1012
Need any snaps or other Danish or Scandinavian classics? We can help you
source it.
Price list
Jubilæum 100 cl
Jubilæum 70 cl
Taffel (Rød Aalborg) 100 cl
Taffel (Rød Aalborg) 70 cl
Taffel (Rød Aalborg) 50 cl (PET bottle)
Aalborg Porse 70 cl
Aalborg Export 70 cl
Brøndum 100 cl
$ 70
$ 55
$ 70
$ 50
$ 35
$ 50
$ 50
$ 65
Gammel Dansk 100 cl
$ 65
How to order and pay:
By email
By phone 0437 612 913 or 3359 2026
Payment by EFT to Heimdal’s account at Suncorp
BSB 484-799 Account 02495 1468
Payment by cheque issued to Heimdal and mailed to treasurer:
Lone Schmidt, 24 Ashley Road, Chermside West QLD 4032
Now we have also sourced herring, cod roe, salmon paste, Danish lumpfish caviar and
other goodies for our members – buy them at the next cafe
Falkeskog Onion Herring 630 g
Falkeskog Anchovy Spiced Herring 630g
Viking Matjes Herring 550g
Amanda Cod Roe (torskerogn) 200g
Viking Salmon Paste 150g
Tyrkisk Peber 150 g
Fazer Salmiakki Mix 180 g
$ 3.50
$ 4.50
Saturday 12 November 2011
6.00 pm for 6.30 pm start
Photo: Aage Christoffersen
Delicious and mouth-watering - a feast of food awaits you with many traditional
favourites on the menu including pickled herring, smoked salmon, fish wedges with
remoulade, roast pork with red cabbage, leverpostej, medisterpølse, roast beef,
rullepølse, cheese – the possibilities are endless. Invite your friends and family along
to sample the delights of a Danish Smorgasbord at the Danish Club. There’s genuine
Tuborg and Carlsberg beer available from the bar – and snaps.
Price: $40 for members and $45 for guests
Scott Sinclair is back at Heimdal to entertain us with his unique blend of favourite
tunes, giving you the opportunity to dance the night away under the mirror ball.
All tickets must be booked and pre-paid by Tuesday 8 November 2011. Email Lone
Schmidt at or ring 07 3359 2026 to book.
Payment by EFT to Suncorp BSB 484-799 Account 02495 1468
Payment details: 12Nov11, your name and membership number
Or send a cheque to the treasurer:
Lone Schmidt
24 Ashley Road
Chermside West QLD 4032
Get all your Danish Baked Goodies from Britt’s Bakery at Café DANMARK
4th Friday of each month
Authentic Danish Pastry & Organic Bread Products
Kringler, Smørtærter, Kanelstænger, Birkes, Rundstykker, Fuldkornsrugbrød,
Kransekagekonfekt, Småkager, Knækbrød og bagerens dårlige øje.
For information, order forms and delivery details, go to our website:
Unit 5/10 Energy Crescent, Molendinar QLD 4214
Ph: 07 5571 6881 Fax: 07 5571 6947
Søndag 20. november 2011 kl 10-15
Der er fuld gang i ovnen, når børnene (og andre, der måske ikke har bagt i mange år) går i
gang med at lave skønne danske julesmåkager. Hvadenten det er vanillekranse, klejner, finsk
brød eller kagenisser, det bliver bare lækkert.
Kom igang med julepynten sammen med børnene, der skal klippes og klistres stjerner og
julehjerter eller fantasidyr til at komme på juletræet. Sidste år lavede vi appelsiner med
nelliker og flotte sløjfer og forgyldte grankogler.
Kan I huske det flotte juletræ sidste år? Det skal pyntes igen fra top til fod og være klar
til julefesterne i november og december for både den norske og schweiziske klub, inden det
bliver vores egen tur 10. december 2011. Julemanden kommer kun, hvis træet stråler!
Tilmelding og praktiske detaljer
Alle juleaktiviteterne er gratis. Tilmelding til Lone Schmidt (
eller 33592026.
Baren sælger juice og sodavand, kaffe og te og mon ikke vi kan klare hot dogs eller en
ostemad til sultne forældre.
Nikolaj Lie Kaas spiller den altdominerende hoved- og titelrolle i den
store danske film “Dirch” om den legendariske komiker Dirch Passer.
København i slutningen af 50´erne, et stort forventningsfuldt publikum
stimler sammen ned ad Frederiksberg Allé. De skal i teatret, og der er
især én, de er kommet for at se: Dirch Passer - Danmarks morsomste
mand. Han er ikke meget mere end 30 år gammel, og allerede en
myte. Med et blik, en enkelt replik, har han publikum i sin hule hånd. Sammen med sin makker, sin
sjæleven, sin åndelige bror, Kjeld Petersen (Lars Ranthe), er han på toppen af verden. De lægger
gaderne øde med deres unikke sampil og fantastiske timing i revyernes højborg – Stig Lommers
farverige ABC scene. Alt hvad Dirch nogensinde har drømt om er virkelighed, han og Kjeld nyder livet
som berømtheder til fulde. Endeløse byture, letlevende damer, og konstant arbejde. Men i kulisserne
lurer dæmonerne.
“Dirch” spænder over 3 årtier og er en hyldest til komikken, til latteren og til håbet.
27. NOVEMBER 2011
KL 12.30 (FILM START KL 13)
0437 612 913
SUNCORP 484-799
KONTONR 024951468
Filmen har engelske undertekster.
Klubben (tak til Nina Nielsen for ide og initiativ) har lejet hele biografen og står selv for arrangementet
– vi skal fylde mindst 125 pladser for at få regnskabet til at passe. Med andre ord, gør hvad I kan for
at fortælle jeres danske venner og bekendte om filmen „Dirch‟, målet er naturligvis at fylde hvert et
sæde i biografen! Det er eneste forestilling i Australien (medmindre den vinder en Oscar!) indtil videre.
Tilmelding inden 11. november og betaling så snart som muligt efter.
Dobbelt statsborgerskab
Der tegner sig i det nye danske Folketing et bredt flertal FOR dobbelt statsborgerskab, fortæller
Dobbelt statsborgerskab er nævnt på side 55 i regeringsgrundlaget:
”Danmark er et moderne samfund i en international verden.
Derfor skal det være muligt at have dobbelt statsborgerskab.”
( LINK: )
Fra skal der lyde en stor tak til det tidligere radikale folketingsmedlem Jørgen Poulsen, der utrætteligt har
kæmpet for vores sag, og fået sætningerne om dobbelt statsborgerskab med i regeringsgrundlaget.
Kort efter offentliggørelsen af regeringsgrundlaget meldte Venstre sig under fanen, og da Liberal Alliance altid har støttet sagen
er det nu ikke stemmer, der mangler.
( Se presseklip her:
Hvad sker der så nu?
Integrationsministeriet er blevet nedlagt, og vi har fået oplyst, at det nu er Justitsministeriet, der har ansvaret for at ændre
loven. og andre interesseorganisationer som Danes Worldwide ( og DABGO ( vil følge
lovgivningsarbejdet nøje, og forsøge at komme med relevante input med udgangspunkt i de erfaringer, vi nu igennem mange års
kampagne har indsamlet. vil løbende holde Jer orienteret om sagens udvikling,
og på Facebook mødes vi – også til sund debat! - i gruppen Dobbelt Statsborgerskab NU!
(!/groups/11034191452/ )
Når loven ér vedtaget, kan udedanskere søge om statsborgerskab i deres bopælslande, og udlændinge i Danmark kan søge
dansk statsborgerskab uden af skulle fraskrive deres oprindelige statsborgerskab.
Derfor opretter vi på Facebook-gruppen links til de forskellige landes betingelser for at ansøge om og opnå statsborgerskab –
og alle er velkomne til at bidrage!
Afsluttende er det os magtpåliggende at understrege, at dobbelt statsborgerskab er et spørgsmål om en ændring af
Indfødsretsloven – mens spørgsmålet om stemmeret for udedanskere er et grundlovsspørgsmål, og dermed en helt anden sag.
Dobbelt statsborgerskab vil give udedanskere ret til at stemme i deres bopælsland og naturaliserede udlændinge lov til at
stemme i Danmark.
Dobbelt statsborgerskab vil ligestille danskere i udlandet og udlændinge i Danmark med borgerne i de lande, Danmark både
samarbejder og sammenligner sig med.
Sagen om stemmeret til udedanskere er ikke´s sag, men kan f.eks. følges på denne side
Tina Thuesen – Schweiz -
Marianne Dellinger – USA -
Charlotte Sylvestersen – Italien –
Lyt til interview med Tina Thuesen på
Og hvis dit pas er tæt på at udløbe, husk at søg om nyt pas inden 31. december 2011 (kontakt den danske konsul i
Brisbane, Lars Kirk, snarest)
EM i fodbold
Danmark vandt 4-1 over Cypern (7. oktober) og 2-1 over Portugal (11. oktober) og er dermed klar til EM.
Danmark skal spille mod bl.a. Polen og Ukraine på udebane til EM i 2012.
Nu skal smørrebrød være hipt i New York
Hvordan udtaler man ord som smørrebrød, dyrlægens natmad og flæskesteg på amerikansk?
Tja, det vil borgerne i New York kunne øve sig godt og grundigt på fra på mandag, når den københavnske
smørrebrødsrestaurant Aamanns åbner en filial i Tribeca i millionbyen.
At have en chance for at åbne i New York, det er jo helt fantastisk. Timingen er jo også – synes vi selv –
rigtig god, for der er ikke nogen ordentlig repræsentant for det danske frokostbord i New York og
interessen for nordisk gastronomi er stor, siger Adam Aamann til P1.
Han satser på, at de frokosttilbud, der er populære i restauranten i København, også vil være det i New
( – 20. oktober 2011)
Brisbane International Film Festival
The 20th annual Brisbane International Film Festival runs from the 3-13 November with screenings being held at the
Tribal Theatre, and the Palace Barracks and Centro Cinemas and is 11 days jam-packed full of films from around the
world. Check out our website at
Armadillo: Embedded for sixth months in 2009 with a volunteer Danish platoon in Forward Base Armadillo,
a fortified outpost in Afghanistan adjacent to dug-in Taliban fighters, director Janus Metz and
cinematographer Lars Skree were intimate witnesses to the young soldiers' everyday lives. This cinéma
vérité approach requires no narration or commentary. The camera roves among the men, close-up, fully
immersed in the action, even when the bullets start to fly.
The recipient of the Critics' Week Grand Prize at Cannes, this engaging depiction of both the terror and
mundanity of soldiers' lives sparked a furore in Denmark and provoked a military inquiry. With the recent
loss of Australian lives in Afghanistan, Armadillo silently poses some pointed questions about our ongoing
involvement in the region.
Language: Danish
Sessions: Tue 8 Nov 8:30 PM Tribal Theatre 1
Fri 11 Nov 5:00 PM Tribal Theatre 1
Celebrate New Year’s Eve 2011
at the Danish Club
Celebrate New Year’s Eve in great company with a 3 course dinner followed by coffee and
cake, live music by everybody’s favourite, Scott Sinclair, and finally a glass of champagne
and kransekage to welcome in 2012.
Pia Neergaard has taken the initiative and hope there are many more out there who would
like to dress up for the event, enjoy a delicious meal and just have fun dancing and greeting
the New Year.
31 December 2011
7.30 pm for 8 pm start
$45 covers the lot - including a glass of champagne and kransekage,
great value for New Year
Dress up for the evening in your best gear – glitter and glam, hats, the
Please contact Pia on 54352046 for any questions or simply email your booking – i.e. number
of people to and pay in the amount due to the club
account marked NYE and your name.
Cut off for bookings 18 December – there is a fair bit of shopping to do and due to Christmas
we need the time to prepare.
Christmas Markets
Time to get ready to set up your stall at
Cafe Danmark in October and
November – ring Lone on 0437 612 913
to book your table.
Annual membership fees
The annual membership fees were due
on 1 July 2011 and all membership
cards have been handed out. If you
haven’t paid your membership fee yet,
please help us by paying it as soon as
Danish Church in Brisbane
Christmas bazaar coming up on
Saturday 19 November 2011 at Mt
Gravatt – visit their website for more
know on 0437 612 913 – we can serve
smørrebrød on large platters to your
table, if you prefer not to queue.
Hi, my name is Emma Schmidt. I
work in the kitchen every café night.
I’m studying a Dual
Diploma of Tourism
and Event Management at Metropolitan
South Institute of
TAFE. As one of my
assessments, I need
to hold an event, and
I have decided to
organise a Christmas Café Danmark on
the 28th October. The event will be
evaluated by my teacher on the night
so I look forward to seeing you all
there! Emma Schmidt
Bookings for Cafe Danmark
If you want to book a table for a party
of 8 or more at Cafe Danmark, let Lone
Congratulations to Kirsty and Mark Kristensen – the twins have arrived
The day has finally come and the twin boys are now here! Asger (Twin 1) and Finn
(Twin 2) arrived on Friday 16 September 2011 at 10.30pm and 10.41pm, weighing in
at 2.936kg and 2.564kg, measuring 35.5cm and 33.8cm in head diameter and
48.5cm and 48cm in length respectively - Asger being the first born, closely followed
by Finn. They are both progressing beautifully,
dansk vintage simply means 'Danish vintage' in Danish. We regularly import
vintage and antique furniture and effects including quirky items, collectables and
bric-a-brac directly from our suppliers in Denmark. We also travel overseas to make
customised selections. Please contact us for any special wishes.
All Danish furniture and effects imported by dansk vintage are second hand
ranging from antiques to vintage 50s and 60s to more modern items. We are fond of
the idea of recycling furniture and effects with patina, and are proud to do our bit for
sustainable living.
dansk vintage's passion is for bohemian style; blending antique, vintage and
designer objects.
NOW OPEN!! dansk vintage's shop 37
at the Woolloongabba Antique Centre
22 Wellington Rd, Woolloongabba Q 4102
p: 07 3392 1114
OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9am to 5pm
(webshop under construction!)
p: 04 1129 7236
2011 MOOSE HUNT at Belmont with Swedes Down Under
by Kim Tvede
October saw us responding to our third Swedes-Down-Under Moose Hunt invitation. Having
received quite a beating in the 2010 rifle and shotgun event after success in winning the
2009 'hunt', we decided this year we should put up a better show if possible. Accordingly, 10
of us on the Danish team had a few monthly practice opportunities before the event. The
level of development from the practices were likely varied, but we did enjoy ourselves, with
cheers whenever someone managed to actually hit a clay pigeon. The rifle practice with open
sights, hunting sights and target sights using .22LR ammunition allowed some skill practice
across a range of stances with a lesser cost than the .223 rifles in the Moose Hunt event.
On the day, we showed that Scandinavian genes in our women could match the winning
Swedish female performance of 2010. The event was won by Inge Tvede, with a better rifle
score able to balance out a winning Svenska shotgun performance to allow Inge to win the
gold medal. Our Danish male population was well-represented with Kurt Sorensen taking out
the silver medal. Congratulations to Gunnar for his bronze medal. All shooters reported
enjoying themselves. The traditional split pea and ham soup with Punsch (originally a
Swedish mix of arrak and rum with various herbs and spices, I believe), though this one was
cleverly made of a concentrate blended with vodka. Much care was taken to ensure safe
driving to follow and pleasant company and conversations made for a lovely day out. With
such a great result and enjoyable event courtesy of the Swedes. we confessed to our practice
and agreed to share the sessions with anyone wishing to join us next year.
Kurt, Inge and Gunnar proudly displaying their medals and prizes
(photo: Kim Tvede)
Study & Stay in Australia?
Your door to the best in Australian Education & Training….
We are Danes, with a strong background in both Danish and Australian education & training.
Though we work with people from any country, we run some especially exciting programs
between Denmark and Australia, including:
 Guiding would-be migrants to courses for recognition in 60-Point occupations
 Assisting students to enter the very best course, school/college/university for their
 Study Tours – customised to meet the particular needs of the Danish
 Semester Study Abroad – individuals or classes come to undertake one semester of
study, and get credit back into their secondary school/undergraduate programs in
 Placing students into workplaces in Australia for Occupational Training, which is part
of their studies in Denmark
 Consulting services for Danish institutions wishing to establish links with Australian
We’d be delighted to assist you in any of these areas. Please do not hesitate to contact us:
Riborg Andersen
Ph: 07-38 52 55 11
Queensland Multicultural Festival 2011
by soren hoimark
In the lead up to the event Sunday 16 October, we were all concerned about the weather and on the
Saturday Brisbane got an absolute drenching, but Sunday morning was picture perfect and the weather
certainly provided a perfect platform for the festival.
We were again in a great position to man our stall selling Danish pastries, coffee and ice cream and it
was good to see that many new hands joined up with old hands to get the team work going.
One of the benefits to the club is also having our members work together and enjoy the day – whilst
we have a busy stall, everybody had some fun and were part of the celebration of multiculturalism in
We haven’t seen the official visitor numbers but everybody we have spoken to felt the visitor numbers
were markedly down on last year and this combined with more food stalls impacted sales.
Our turnover was down 30% on last year and the estimated funds raised for the club looks to be 50%
down on last year to $2500.
Whilst this is still a great contribution towards our running costs, I don’t feel the result reflects the big
effort put into the event, and we have cut costs to an absolute minimum and also borrowed equipment
to avoid hire costs.
A big thank you goes to Henrik Caspersen who joined us with his coffee cart and Jacinta, barista
extraordinaire – they churned out some great coffees.
Many thanks to all our volunteers – it was a great day out and a tremendous effort for the club.
photo: Tenna Bergmann
Dansk legegruppe for medlemmer af Heimdal
Fredag 9.30-11.30 i Heimdals lokaler, 36 Austin St, Newstead QLD 4006
Første søndag i måneden 10-12
Vi er en gruppe forældre, der taler dansk
med vores børn – vi ved, at de lærer dansk
fra os, men hvad de lærer gennem leg med
andre danske børn er en anden ting, hvilket
er grunden til, at vi startede den danske
Gruppen er for børn i alderen 0 til
skolealderen og det koster $2 pr familie pr
gang (pengene går til udgifter i forbindelse
med afholdelse af gruppen).
Hvis du er på Facebook, kan du også finde
os under gruppen: Heimdal Brisbane
Families w/kids
Hvis du er interesseret eller mangler
oplysninger, så kontakt:
Det er ikke altid nemt at være to-sproget:
Tlf: 3379 1667 / 0419 659 837
Tlf: 3191 0411 / 0403 838 663
Mob. 0434 933 953
Der er også en søndagsgruppe, som mødes
den første søndag i måneden fra 10-12 –
for dem, som ikke kan om fredagen 
Kontakt Iben, hvis du/I er interessserede
– den bliver aflyst, hvis der er for mange
Noah spørger: " that book (min opskriftsbog God Mad) a book about how to make God in heaven angry?
God logik ellers!!
20 November 2011
Cafe Danmark
25 November 2011
from 6 pm
Filmen om Dirch at Palace Cinemas
27 November 2011
12.30 pm
Christmas market
7 December 2011
Christmas party
10 December 2011
New Year’s Eve
31 December 2011
Special offer for Scanpan Puff Dumpling Pan
We are in a position to offer you the deal of the century for the
Scanpan Puff Dumpling Pan and this is the time of year where all
Danes bake æbleskiver and enjoy with a glass of gloegg/mulled
wine as part of Christmas preparations and julehygge.
If you order and pay either next ‘Cafe Danmark’ 28 October or by 15 November, we will have
the pan(s) for you at the Cafe Danmark 25 November – in time for the Christmas period and
as Christmas gifts.
For only $79 you get a solid pan – made in Denmark – with a recipe book for not only for
Danish æbleskiver but also exciting recipes for traditional dishes from Thailand, Holland,
India, France, China, Norway and Japan suitable for the æbleskive pan.
You can also order via email to and transfer funds to the club
account as usual and your order will be ready 25 November at the club.
Please note that if we make ample use of this fantastic offer, we will be able to negotiate
other special deals for the great Scanpan products, so please support the initiative and make
the most of this opportunity