Term 4, Edition no. 1 10 October 2014

Gumdale State School
Learning Together to Lead the Way……
Always our best
Our Goals:
Curriculum Leadership
Focused Teaching
Student Intervention
Community Build and
Mrs D. Hansen
Deputy Principal:
Mrs C. Herbert
Deputy Principal:
Mr A. Farinazzo
Contact Details:
677 New Cleveland Road
PO Box 6
Gumdale, Q 4154
Telephone: 07 3902 8333
Facsimile: 07 3902 8300
School Office Hours:
8:30 am – 3:30 pm
Uniform Shop Hours:
1pm – 4pm
8am – 11am
Term 4, Edition no. 1
10 October 2014
Principal’s Report
Welcome back to the final term of 2014. I am finding it a little
hard to believe that we have arrived here already. There are a
few staffing changes to announce for term 4. Ms Jessica Harding
will be teaching 2W while Mrs Westerland is on leave for the rest
of the term. Ms Nicole Harris teaches 2K while Mrs Jodie Kemp is
on leave for the rest of term. Ms Amanda Brown replaces Prep H
teacher aide Mrs Sheridan Dodson while Sheridan supports our
Early Intervention Program for the remainder of the year. Ms
Danielle Walters will act as HOSES while Mrs Melinda Jurgeneit is
on sick leave until the 27 October 2014.
Yesterday I met with Steve Minnikin and Keith Money, Director of
Capital Works and Planning. I am very pleased to share with the
community that the Masterplan is back on the agenda. At this
stage it looks like Stage 1 will begin before the end of the year. I
will be consulting with community stakeholders over the next
couple of weeks to sign off so that work can commence. More
information will be available at the P&C Meeting on Tuesday
Attached is the link to a Students Not Returning form which will
provide us information about which families intend to continue
their enrolment at Gumdale for 2015. This information is vital to
our planning processes over the next few weeks. It would be
appreciated if these could be returned at your earliest possible
convenience so that we can have an accurate as possible picture
to assist us in this planning. Please note that this form is not
required for year 6 and 7 students departing for high school.
Debbie Hansen
Deputy Principals’ Report
Student Leaders for 2015
Student leaders at Gumdale State School are the student representatives of our
learning community. This representation is a public position with student leaders
being called upon on official/special occasions to embrace and model all values and
expectations of students within our community.
This term we will be selecting the student leaders for 2015. The process will be
completed in stages:
Stage One – Application Form – Completed by 3pm, 24 October 2014
(end of week 3)
Stage Two – Written Response to Selection Criteria – Completed at school in week 4
Stage Three – Speech – Conducted in week 5/6
Stage Four – School Captains Interview – Conducted in week 7/8
Stage Five- Appointment – Conducted in week 9
Stage Six – Handover Ceremony – Conducted in week 10
A detailed Student Leader Applicant Package will be posted on the school website for
those students in year 5 wishing to be school leaders in 2015, link attached.
Students will also be informed of the process by the Deputy Principal in week 2.
Swimming Timetable for Preps-3 and non-swimmers
Late last term a note went home (dated: 18 September 2014) outlining an updated
version of the swimming timetable. If you did not receive this please notify the office
Carmel Herbert and Adam Farinazzo
Deputy Principals
School Dates to Note
Year Level
Mon 13/10
Learn to Swim Classes Commence – PH, PT, PM, 1A, 2F, 2S, 2W, 3S
Learn to Swim Classes Commence – PD, PN, 1WF, 1CT, 2R, 2K, 3R, 3JT
Wed 15/10
Learn to Swim Classes Commence – PKF, 1S, 1M, 1T, 2P, 3V, 3/4T(yr 3 only),
3BC and non-swimmers from upper school
Mon 20/10
PUPIL FREE DAY – School Closed to Students
Thu 23/10
Year 2 Excursion - Ipswich Railway Museum Excursion
P&C Fundraising:
Fashion Parade
5, 6, 7
Interschool Sport Final Game
Year Level
NO SWIMMING LESSONS due to Melbourne Cup – Make up lesson 9/12
P&C Christmas Stall (each class will shop in an allocated time slot)
P&C Christmas Stall (each class will shop in an allocated time slot)
Wed 26/11
Sports and Music photos
PUBLIC HOLIDAY – G20 – Brisbane Area Only – School closure to be confirmed
Music Night – 5pm in Hall
Year Level
Final Learn to Swim Class – 2W, 3BC, 1A, 2K, PD, 1S, PM, 1M, PN, 1T
Final Learn to Swim Class – 3S, 2F, PH, 2S, PTI, 1WF
Final Learn to Swim Class – 2R, 3JT, 2P, 3R, 3V, 3T
Final Learn to Swim Class – Non Swimmers in Yrs4-7
Year 6 Graduation Evening
Year 7 Graduation Evening
All School Assembly
Clean Up Day - Last Day of School 2014! (no Junior Assembly)
SWPBS - School Wide Positive Behaviour Support
This term the SWPBS team will aim to complete some major tasks
with staff, students and the community. Teachers now have the
latest Matrix of Expectations and will often be referring to this
poster in their classrooms. Stay tuned for more to come.
Kind regards
Gretchen Mander-Jones, Communications Officer
Link to Matrix
Overdue Books
Library News
We have over 75 students with books which are currently listed as overdue. Some of
these books are from 2013. Students are not allowed to borrow if they have an
overdue book. Notes were sent home with these students this week.
Book Fair Update
16 new digital cameras have been purchased with the funds raised from last term’s
Book Fair. These cameras will be available to be borrowed by classroom teachers for
use in the classrooms.
Author Visits
Students enjoyed listening to Pat Flynn and Cameron Stelzer talk about how they
come up with ideas for stories and the process involved in getting books published.
There were lots of excited students with author autographs roaming the school.
Free websites
There are also many free websites that offer interactive storybooks including:
Reading material is all around us, from magazines, television
guides, signs in the supermarket to food wrappers and road signs.
Reinforce the concept that reading is essential for everyone, every day.
Thank you.
Mrs Frazer
Music News
MUSIC: Count Us In
Celebrating music education in Australia schools!
Join half a million students singing the same song at the same time, across Australia.
When: Thursday 30 October 2014
Where: Hollis Hall
ToM Update
ToM State Finals
The ToM State Finals were on this past weekend at Griffith University Nathan Campus
and was a huge event with nearly 600 students both from primary and secondary
schools participating in four different categories; Maths Engineering, Social Science,
Applied Technology and Language Literature.
Our team participated in the Maths Engineering category and were given a challenge
relating to it, which we had to solve during a 3 hour period (known as lockdown) with
a teacher from another school. During this period we also had to solve another
problem during a short 4 and a half minute session, which required quick thinking and
teamwork involving listening to and building upon each other’s ideas to come up with
an answer that was creative but suited the criteria.
Once the 3 hour session was finished we dropped off our device and props in our
presentation room and had lunch. After lunch we went back to our presentation room
and sat down to watch the 7 other primary Maths Engineering teams perform as we
were the last to present. We really enjoyed presenting our solution to the problem to
our families, Miss Tapinos, Mr Lim and Mrs Herbert.
After the presentation it was time for the
awards ceremony, thankfully the Maths
Engineering primary division winners were
announced first so we didn’t have an anxious
wait, second place was Villanova College and
first was Immanuel Lutheran College.
Although we didn’t win, we all had a greatly
enjoyable day and would like to give a special
thanks to Miss Tapinos and Mr Lim for their
constant support and help with training and
preparing for the regional and state finals.
By Declan, Rania, Kieran, Caleb, Asher, Alysha and Xander
Gumdale Arts Show
On September 16 Gumdale SS staged the second “Gumdale Arts Show”. All of the
students from Prep to Year 6 worked in their classrooms to complete one piece of art
for display, with the common theme “Connect to Reading”. The pieces in the
Classwork Section ranged from mixed media to photography to portraits and
everything in between.
In the Open Section, students were invited to create art at home, with free choice of
theme and medium. This section saw the display of pastels, photography, sculpture,
collage and many other mediums.
Art teachers from Wynnum State High, Brisbane Bayside State College and Capalaba
State College kindly agreed to be our judges. They judged students in year levels in
the Classwork Section and the Open Section, awarding a first place ribbon and three
highly commended ribbons in each section. All of the judges commented on the high
standard of work and the amazing creativity of Gumdale students. The awarded
artists were recognised on assembly with certificates.
Many of our Gumdale parents, grandparents, siblings and staff entered work for
display in the unjudged “Community Section”. We were delighted to be able to
showcase such incredible talent! Much of the art work in the Community and Open
Sections was available for purchase.
This year we expanded the Art Show to showcase musical talent from throughout the
school. Many thanks to those brave and talented students!
Sienna McG, Sienna M, Aroha T, Dewni K, Bethany L & Chloe M
Georgie d, Kaylee R, Sophia S, Tracy & Michelle H, Lara B & Madison W
Kellie B & Sophie Corcoran (past students)
Many thanks to those brave and talented students!
The Art Show was open on Tuesday evening, 16 September. We had an enthusiastic
response from families who dropped in for a look. There was a delicious supper
available courtesy of the hard working team from the P&C.
Many thanks to the dedicated team who worked to stage the Arts Show and the
families who supported this wonderful event.
Kate Rossignol
YMCA Gumdale
YMCA Gumdale Newsletter
Good morning parents and guardians, please allow me to introduce myself, my name
is Michelle and I’m the new coordinator at the YMCA Gumdale Outside School Hours
Care (OSHC). We are very excited to be a part of the Gumdale community and look
forward to getting to know everyone over the coming weeks. We are new and we
understand we are slightly different from the last providers, please don’t hesitate to
come and meet with me if you have any questions or would like to discuss care
arrangements, we are happy to help where ever possible.
Vacation care was a massive success, it was great fun getting to know all the new
smiling faces. The highlight of our holidays was our amazing excursion to Acacia
Ridge Leisure Centre. The children enjoyed an hour in the gymnastics gymnasium
under the guidance of YMCA’s qualified instructors followed by an hour swim in the
outdoor pool before a quick lunch and play in the park. A wonderful day was had by
We’ve had many questions about bookings and availability, we have plenty of spots
available every morning and afternoon, so please don’t hesitate to drop in or give us
a call if you would like to join before and after school care. We serve breakfast each
morning before 8.00am and serve afternoon tea each afternoon, our menu is
displayed in service for the current week.
Pupil Free Day Monday 20 October 2014
Yes we are open for bookings on the pupil free day. We will be open from 6:00am –
6:00pm. Please contact Michelle to enrol your child/ren.
It is with great delight that we welcome Tim, Sue, Tracy, Daniel and James to the
YMCA community, most of you will already be familiar with them as they came across
to YMCA from the previous providers and have been amazing since YMCA took over
the running of the before and after school care. We look forward to working with
them in the future and thank them for their commitment to the Gumdale OSHC
children and families thus far.
Disco Thursday 16 October 2014
We would like to welcome you to the YMCA in style, we are having a DISCO and
sausage sizzle on Thursday on 16.10.14 at 3.15pm – 5.15pm, all enrolled children
and their parents are invited to attend. It will be a fantastic opportunity for the staff
to get to know you over a sausage sizzle, a soft drink and some party food. The
children will no doubt enjoy the entertainment put on by DJ Brad, who will have them
dancing, jumping and playing games for the afternoon. If you’re not normally booked
in on Thursday afternoons, please feel free to make a casual booking and come on
down and enjoy the DISCO. There will be a small charge of $5.00 per child that will
include 2 hours of entertainment from DJ Brad, a sausage sizzle, party food and a soft
drink for parents. Please RSVP your attendance by Wednesday 15.10.14 at the very
latest for catering and staffing purposes. We look forward to seeing you at our first
YMCA family event!
General Information
School Banking
Volunteers are urgently needed to enable school banking program to continue in
2015. This program benefits both the students and the school. Please see admin
staff if you are able to help.
Tilley Road Car Park
Reverse park signs have now been installed in the Tilley Road car park. Please
observe these signs as failure to do so can result in a fine. If there is a backlog of
traffic behind you, use your hazard lights to gain the attention of other users so they
can stop to ensure you have room to correctly reverse park.
Pick-up Zone
Children to enter and exit cars only from the curb (safe) side
Children to enter cars only from the coloured markers in the pick up zone or
as directed by the teacher on duty. Please remind your children not to run in
this zone
Do not double park or remain in the pick up zone if your child is not there yet.
Please continue to lap around the parking area or find a parking space until
they arrive
Do not stop as you will hold up traffic behind you trying to exit
Do not get out of your car at the pick up zone
Children to store bags inside the car, not in the boot. At no time are children
to walk around the back of the car
Be vigilant and look for pedestrians at the crossings
Check for traffic and indicate right prior to exiting the pick up zone as you are
re-entering the flow of traffic and do not have right of way
Display your surname sign on the left sun visor so supervisors can
have your children ready to enter the car safely and quickly
Christmas Card Competition – from Steve Minnikin
With Christmas fast-approaching, I am in the process of organising my Christmas
card mail-out to the Chatsworth Electorate. I would like to extend the opportunity for
all Primary school students at your school to enter the Chatsworth Christmas Card
Competition for 2014.
Students simply need to complete a Christmas-themed drawing (DL-sized) to enter.
Please find the link to the entry form attached. Should students wish to participate,
please advise my Electorate Office as soon as possible, so the entry forms can be
delivered to your school.
Please note that I will need to receive your school’s entries to my Electorate Office by
COB 24 October, 2014. For entry form please follow the link and print.
I will then select the winning piece of artwork, which will feature on the cover of my
Christmas card for 2014, which will be distributed to approximately 20,000
households across the electorate. The card will list the first name, year level and
school of the winning entrant. However even though I will pick one winner to feature
on the cover of my Christmas Card, there will also be an IPod shuffle for a student
from each school who are chosen to have the best artwork out of their school.
Additionally, I will be choosing one lucky parent or guardian randomly selected out of
all the entries across the electorate to win an Apple TV and $50 grocery voucher.
Finally every student who enters the competition will receive a participation
certificate, acknowledging their efforts. I hope some of your students choose to be
involved with this exciting competition.
Yours sincerely
Steve Minnikin MP
Assistant Minister for Public Transport
Member for Chatsworth
Gumdale State School
Parents and Citizens Association
Email: pandc@gumdaless.eq.edu.au
P&C President’s Report
Hi everybody, I hope you all had a wonderful break and are now fully refreshed for
Term 4.
This was run in the school hall and the artwork that I looked at by the children who
participated was exceptional. The creativity of our students is amazing and I was
impressed by the different way each child chose to represent their surroundings and
the things that they like through art. Also there were some wonderful works on
display by the teachers, and again these were of a high standard. I would like to say
a big thankyou to all those who took the time to create and submit something and
transform the hall into a wonderful art space.
I would also like to thank the volunteers and teachers who helped to set up and pack
up, for, baking food to sell, and operating the canteen and door. Without volunteers
these events would not be feasible.
Car Parking
The middle parking area is now concreted and there is an extra crossing in place.
Reverse parking signs are up so please be aware.
Fashion Night
The fashion night draws closer and tickets are on sale soon. So PLEASE support the
P&C, which in turn supports the school. Based on past events, the Fashion night will
once again be an incredible event.
Petrol Station
This is just a reminder that the new petrol station is open so could parents and
children please be aware of the vehicles that may be utilising this facility.
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle
On 8 October the P&C will be running a sausage sizzle as well as a cake stall outside
the new Manly West Bunnings store.
You can support the school by either
volunteering or purchasing a sausage! Volunteers are needed to operate the BBQ stall
as well as man the cake stake stall. Your help would be appreciated.
October 16 is International Learn a Word Day
Next general meeting Tuesday 14 October 2014
If you would like to include any general business at the P&C meeting please email
pandc@gumdaless.eq.edu.au, seven days prior to the next general meeting.
P and C Meetings
We encourage all members to bring along another parent to the next 7pm meeting on
14 October 2014. This has been a proactive move to further increase the number of
parents attending each meeting. It is a friendly group of parents who often have a
laugh, share their ideas on important issues in the school and give timely feedback on
the variety of activities the P and C coordinate. We encourage all parents to come
along to the next meeting; we will save a seat for you!
Gumdale State School P&C Association
Don’t forget to use your IGA
Tags at Gumdale IGA
IGA Gumdale
Don’t forget that for every dollar you spend at IGA Gumdale, 1c could be donated
back to our school!
Prep Orientation Packs
Uniform shop is preparing for orientation day. There will be BOYS packs and GIRLS
packs available for sale for the NEW PREP STUDENTS starting school in 2015.
Included in the pack will be a red polo shirt, blue shorts or blue skorts, school bag
with logo, excursion bag, music bag, red brim prep hat, white socks and a 10%
discount voucher to purchase the sports house uniform (house shirt and black shorts
or skorts) in March 2015. Flexischools ordering is available for all uniforms
Uniform Sale
These items are on sale for $2 at the uniform shop until stocks run out.
 Black band pants
 Music bags
 Excursion/swimming bags
 2nd hand items in very good condition
 Various new uniform items from overstocked supply
Uniform shop
Hours: Wednesday 1-4pm and Friday 8am-11am
School Uniforms are available to purchase through the uniform shop and online at
Tuckshop Update
Reminder: Parents who order their child/children’s lunches on Thursday or Friday
must order BEFORE assembly. Remember you can place your tuckshop orders
through Flexischools. This allows you to order 24 hours per day, 5 days a week. Easy,
convenient with no paperwork!
We have some remaining funds left over from our grant. The tuckshop will be
purchasing cooking appliances to aid in cooking on site. The tuckshop requested from
the P&C an upright freezer. This has been successfully done. The freezer will be
installed by the end of this term.
In term 4 we have made changes to the menu including more healthy options for
your child/children! Food will be prepared and cooked at the tuck shop. Have you
seen the menu?
Sandra and her team have welcomed the new changes to the menu. The P&C wish to
thank Sandra for her ongoing support and for supporting the idea of a menu change.
Thank you
From our Adopt-a-Cop
A message from Gumdale State School
Adopt – a- Cop, Toni Orchard
Have you ever heard hoons during the night but haven’t bothered
reporting to Police because you think they are too busy? Well you
can report hoons to the HOON hotline. To counter hooning, the police set up a
dedicated Hoon Hotline in December 2010.
You can report hoons online or by calling the Hoon Hotline on 13HOON (13 4666).
If possible you should tell the operator:
· what the vehicle is and looks like
· what hooning activity the vehicle was doing
· the registration plates
· the date, time and where the vehicle was
This will help the police identify and stop the hoon. If you have an email address you
can also report a hooning incident online
Fundraising News
Bunnings Manly West BBQ
The Fundraising Committee is looking for volunteers to come and help run the
Bunnings Manly West BBQ taking place on Saturday 18 October from 7.30am –
3.30pm. If you are able to give us a hand by cooking the sausages on the BBQ or
selling drinks please email fundraising@gumdalesspc.org.au.
Bunnings Manly West Cake Stall
The P&C is also running a cake stall at Bunnings Manly West on Saturday 18
October. Grab your cardboard tray(s) from School Admin to fill with baked treats to
the value of $5.00 per tray. Cover your tray with gladwrap or freezer bags and label
the tray with a list of ALL ingredients used. Then return your goods to foyer of Hollis
Hall on Friday 17 October from 8.00-9.00am and/or 2.30-3.15pm.
additional details or if your able to help sell the baked goods at the stall please email
Fashion Parade
The Gumdale Fashion Parade will be taking place on Saturday 25 October at the
Wynnum RSL. Tickets to the event will be on sale each morning at school the week
commencing Monday 13 October. Tickets are $50.00 per person or $500.00 for a
table of 10. Tables will be sold on a first in basis and if you purchase a table of 10
you will receive 2 complimentary bottles of champagne on the night.
If you are unable to get to school and wish to purchase a ticket, just drop us an email
at fundraising@gumdalesspc.org.au.
We are also giving the school community the chance to buy raffle tickets to win three
of the major hampers that include items donated by the sponsors of the Fashion
Parade. Tickets to this raffle can only be purchased from school each morning or at
the IGA Gumdale on Saturday’s before the Fashion Parade. No tickets will be sold to
this raffle on the night of the Fashion Parade. Guests attending the Fashion Parade
will be able to purchase raffle tickets to win the rest of the hampers on the night.
Don’t forget to like the Gumdale Fashion Parade Facebook page to keep up to date
with all the information about the event such as the silent auction, sponsors, DJ song
requests and more.
Fundraising Programs
Don’t forget to support the local businesses that support Gumdale State School. If
you are going to spend money on these products or services, why not get some
benefit for the P&C and the school by supporting these fundraising programs (this is
not an endorsement of services or products supplied by these businesses).
Aussie Farmers Direct
The Gumdale State School is part of the Aussie Farmers Direct fundraising program.
Order your weekly grocery shop from Aussie Farmers Direct and not only will they
deliver direct to your door, but they will also donate 2% of your weekly grocery spend
back to the Gumdale State School P&C. This is a great way to support the school.
Check out their website to see how to make sure your 2% goes to our school.
Oz Labels
Place your stationery label order at Oz Labels and use the fundraiser code FRS1366.
30% of your purchase price will come back to the Gumdale State School P&C.
Fundraising Dates to Note
Bunnings Manly West BBQ
Saturday 18 October
Fashion Parade
Saturday 25 October
Music Night
Thursday 27 November
Christmas Stall
Thursday 4 December &
Friday 5 December
Community Information
Brisbane Bayside State College Annual Celebration Concert
Date: Friday 17 October 2014
Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Performing Arts Centre
All Welcome
Cost: $5 to contribute towards the Arts Program at BBSC
Groups Performing: Big Band, Stage Band and Assorted Ensembles
Dear Prospective Parents,
On Monday 13 October, Brisbane Bayside State College will be hosting an enrolment evening for students in our 2014
year 7 and 8 intake. This evening will be hosted from 1:30 pm until 5:00 pm and remains an important opportunity in
developing strong partnerships for learning between the college and parent community. If you wish to participate in
this event please list in order of preference a minimum of 3 desired interview times and return e-mail to
Interviews will be held in the school library – D block. They will take approximately 30 minutes in duration and will be
completed with a representative of our college leadership and welfare team. Please complete enrolment forms in
advance. If you do not already have an enrolment pack these are available from your primary school administration
office, BBSC school office or to download from our website.
Supporting materials required for the interview include your son or daughters:
most recent end of semester school report
birth certificate or other proof of identity documentation eg. passport
current custody orders
Year 7 NAPLAN report
Interview Booking Preference List
1:30pm; 2pm; 2:30pm; 3pm; 3:30pm; 4pm; 4:30pm
Kind Regards,
Julie Strong
Acting Deputy Principal
Junior Secondary
Brisbane Bayside State College
Book Club
Scholastic Book Club
Gumdale State School
YMCA Outside School Hours Care
Telephone: 3890 2675
Thursday is School Banking
Issue #7
Orders close 24 October
Upcoming P&C events
Bunnings Manly West BBQ
Saturday 18 October
(Help needed please)
Fashion Parade
Saturday 25 October
(Tickets on sale from Monday 13 October)
Tuckshop Roster
Wednesday 15
Margaret Campbell
Thursday 16
Friday 17
Susan O’Byrne
Aruni Abeysinghe
Wednesday 22
Melissa Swindale
Thursday 23
Friday 24
Judy Powell
Rebecca Chippendale
Online ordering www.flexischools.com.au
Hula Hoop
Chess Club
Monday and Tuesday
1st lunch break
11:15-11:40 am
Monday Junior
Tuesday Senior
2nd lunch break
1:10-1:40 pm
Oval near hall
With Taki
Meeting room
With Taki
Claim rewards by completing the
rewards coupon!
Swimming Lessons for Prep to
Year 3 Plantation Pool
Commences week 2
Monday 13 October
No Swimming week 8
(24-26 November)
Concludes Week 10
Tuesday 2 December
Junior Assembly
Thursday 9am Hollis Hall
Senior Assembly
Friday 9am Hollis Hall
Full School Assembly
Friday Hollis Hall
week 10
Junior Science Club
Prep and Year One students
Science Room
Tuesday at 2nd break
With Mrs Smyth
Robotic Club
Monday- 2nd lunch
Library Lab
Wednesday - 2nd lunch
Library Lab