The Wolf Pack, Clovis, CA October 2014 California Number One Award winning Newsletter see page 21 Table of Contents Announcements 2 Chapter Directors’ Article 3-4 Assist. Chapter Directors’ Article 5-7 District Directors’ Article 8-10 Rider Education Article 11-15 Rider Education Levels 16 Safe & High Mileage Club Member Enhancement Coordinator Article 17-18 19 California District Event 20-21 CA-2W Chapter Event 22-24 September Birthday and Anniversary 25 Chapter Social at Westwood BBQ Fresno, CA 26 Chapter Visit to CA-1L 27 Chapter CA-1M Event 28 October Calendar 29 November Calendar 30 October Birthday and Anniversary 31 October upcoming events 32 November upcoming events and 2014 upcoming chapter events 33 2015 Upcoming chapter events 34 Restaurant Review Outback Steakhouse 35 CA-2W Support Team 36 CA-2W Active Members 37-38 GWRRA District Team 39-40 GWRRA Region “F“ Team 41-42 GWRRA National Team You can keep current on all the fun and exciting things we do by going to our website at: See for yourself what the WolfPack is up to! 43 California Chapter CD and Meeting Times, Places 44-45 Advertisements 46-50 Chapter Pride Wear any Chapter apparel to our monthly breakfast meeting and you’ll have a chance to win a “Surprise Gift”. Our next chapter social will be at the “Outback Steakhouse” 2765 W. Shaw, Fresno, CA October 9, 2014 at 6:30 pm. See page Words from our chapter directors Steve and Teri Rippe We did it! We made our goal for the raffle and then some. Thanks to all of you who sold and/or bought tickets! We’ll be doing a little something special for the active members soon to show our appreciation. A final thank you to Clawson’s Motorsports, Madera Honda Suzuki, Streetmasters, Larry and Linda Jenkins and Mikey V’s Restaurant for their kind and generous donations! Also a quick shout out to chapter CA-1L and the District Directors for showing up and supporting our event, thank you guys! This month, with the weather finally cooling down, we have a few rides planned. I think Dan has an article or two this month so I won’t get into the details but think about coming along with us. We have a great time and the more who attend, the more fun it is. We’ll be going on rides on the 4th and 11th as well as Chapter Rallies in Sonora on the 18th and San Diego on the 25th. That’s a full month of riding folks! We’re in the planning stages of the Christmas party and are looking for ideas for games. If you have any ideas please share them with Teri or Paty. Speaking of Paty we’re very glad to see she’s on the mend and was able to attend our Team Meeting in September. We were also glad to see Mike Machado out and about even though he was still on crutches. I’m sure I’m not the only one hoping to see you both at 100% soon. Words from our chapter directors Steve and Teri Rippe Teri and I will be stepping down as Chapter Directors effective the end of December. Fortunately we’ve been able to find some great replacements in Larry and Linda Jenkins. We’re still going to be around and helping out where we can so you’re not getting rid of us completely….sorry. Even though I can’t say it’s been all fun and games, we’ve learned a lot and met a ton of great people and neither of us regrets taking the job. The most rewarding aspect has been the new friends we’ve gotten to know and the old friends we’ve gotten to know better. If you ever have a chance to step up to a leadership position, leap for it! A devout rancher, let’s call him Richard, lost his favorite Bible while he was out mending fences. Three weeks later, a wolf walked up to him carrying the Bible in its mouth. Richard couldn't believe his eyes. He took the precious book out of the wolf's mouth, raised his eyes heavenward and exclaimed, "It's a miracle!" "Not really," said the wolf. "Your name is written inside the cover." What did the grape say when the wolf growled? Nothing it just let out a little wine. Steve and Teri Rippe Chapter Directors CA-2W Words from our Assistant chapter directors Larry and LindyJenkins September is over What a month. It started out at California District Event in Agoura Hill, California. We arrived on Thursday night August 28, 2014 and that was the last time we rested. On Friday afternoon we were competing for California Couple of the Year. The competition started out with meeting two judges in four different table groups. After that we had to give a presentation in front a group of people and judges. Then the wait to see if we won. We did not win the contest but it was fun to trying. Also, Friday night was the California Newsletter Editor contest. There was 6 or 7 editors competing for the title. Then it was down to three, then two and finally the winner was announce. You guess it-- it was Larry Jenkins from CA-2W. Saturday was the Master Breakfast that we attended. Note for the last two years the Master Breakfast is open to all motorcycle riders that are in the riders education level program. The information was very helpful and Teri Rippe was happy that she attended because she won the 50/50 money. Then at 11:00 am it was time for Larry to teach a leadership class. Lindy attended the class which was on Managing Change. Saturday after Lindy was hanging out in the vendor area and in the room. Larry sold tickets for our rally. Saturday night was the ice cream social and lighted bike show. Words from our Assistant chapter directors Larry and LindyJenkins Sunday was Amazing Team Challenge which was about 2 hours in the back parking lot timing the riders and counting up scores. After lunch Lindy went swimming and Larry sold more tickets for our rally. Larry started out with a goal to sell 30 tickets, then raise the goal to 50 tickets, then 75 tickets and finally hitting over 100 tickets sold. Sunday night was the dinner and show. The hypnotist was great, food was good and we had a very good time. Note this was the first time we attended a District Event and did not win any door prizes, grand prizes or cash. We had a very good time at the District Event and next year event you should make every effort to attend. District needs chapter members to stay in the provided hotel rooms, attend the shows/dinner/breakfast and purchase the 50/50 tickets for the drawing. The cost of the event, the cost of the meeting rooms, vendor rooms, the ice cream social and any other cost associated with doing an event is offset by chapter members staying in the hotel. If the district does not get enough people staying in the hotel or attending the paid events, then the district could lose money. Next year event will be on Labor Day weekend (September 37, 2015). Please start making plans to attend. Words from our Assistant chapter directors Larry and LindyJenkins That was only the first weekend. The first Saturday was our Event. It started out at Clawson's Honda, then to Madera Honda Suzuki and then up to Coarsegold to Miner Grill for lunch and to finish up the event. We want to thank everyone that purchased tickets, the member that sold tickets and attended the event, members from Chapter CA-1L from San Luis Obispo, California and our District Directors for attending the event. The second weekend was off to San Luis Obispo, California to personally thank CA-1L for attending our event by attending their chapter gathering at I-HOP. Now it is September 19, 2014 and we are off to San Bernardino, California to attend CA-1M (Cows) event in Redlands, California. The Cows had always supported our chapter and we will always return the favor. The Cows event was on Saturday September 20, 2014. Now it is September 26, 2014 and we are off to Hesperia, California to spent two nights at the Holiday Inn and attend two different events. The first was on Saturday September 27, 2014 for Chapter CA-1Z in Rainbow, California (Temecula, California) and the second was on Sunday September 28, 2014 in Victorville, California for CA-1V. Both events were very fun and you should join us next year. Also on Saturday night we had a group meet at the Farmer Brother Restaurant for dinner. We got home late Sunday afternoon. It looks like October will not give us any rest either. Drive safe, Larry and Lindy Jenkins Assistant Chapter Directors. Words from our District directors Vincent and Pamela Puterbaugh 2014 District Rally Last month California held its District Rally at Agoura Hills and, thanks to the amazing support of our volunteers, it was a resounding success. For those of you that attended, you saw how many different people were involved and proved once again the adage that “many hands make light work”. Our amazing sponsors, Dunlop Tires, JBJ, Law Tigers, and SkyMed provided 4 sets of tires as grand prizes and StreetMasters provided a gift certificate to their school. Then Misty Johnson of Dunlop surprised us with an additional set of tires at opening ceremonies. We would like to extend special recognition to a few of the instructors that worked under some restrictive conditions: our newest Trike Instructor, Shirley Machado and her mentor John Boman, and ARC Instructors Jerry Cowen and Dave Gormley, all 4 of whom had to teach on modified ranges without the benefit of being able to set up before the morning of the class; a true testament to their teaching ability. A special thank you to Ruth Burke for doing such a incredible job on our T-shirts and to Mike Burke, our District Educator who made sure all of the Rider Education components came off flawlessly. Also thank you to Mike and Ruth for handling the Couple and Individual of the Year Programs. Showing us how truly amazing and adaptive they can be, the Gold Angels performed their entire show on a shortened field which gave the audience a very up-close and personal experience and a new perspective on just how skilled these riders truly are. Gator even thrilled us with a new trick and everyone was so impressed that we hope he makes it a regular part of the show! Words from our District directors Vincent and Pamela Puterbaugh 2014 District Rally On Saturday, we had over 20 bikes head out on a ride lead by Ken Freeland and more than one member familiar with the area said that they went on roads they didn’t even know existed. The CD Forum was well attended as 38 members shared ideas and not surprisingly, when one chapter expressed a need there was always another chapter also expressing a similar concern. The beauty of this networking experience is that there is always someone who has been there, done that, survived it and could offer advice. Later that afternoon we discovered that the Reno Rendezvous is not an actual GWRRA event, but, rather, just an event where GWRRA is one of the sponsors. Many of the members were disappointed that it was not a Wing Ding for the West, but it did make it easier to decide which event to attend for those that could not make it to Reno and also to the Region Convention which is being held just a few weeks prior on Memorial Day weekend in Tucson, Arizona. Personally, we applaud home office for sponsoring an event targeting the Harley-Davidson and sport-bike riding community. For years, we have been experiencing declining membership and have known that if we don’t do something to attract new and younger members, eventually we may all become outriders. Being self employed, we will not be able to make Reno next year, but if any of you do go, please send us pictures we can share in our newsletter. Words from our District directors Vincent and Pamela Puterbaugh 2014 District Rally Closing ceremonies was preceded by a hilarious hypnotist show and any shred of selfrespect that Anita Alkire and the other participants had was graciously sacrificed for everyone else’s entertainment (look for the video at the Officer’s Conference in January). At closing ceremonies, Kevin Griffith drew two tickets for the $1,250 Best Buy gift cards he donated to the District with one card drawn from all of the Grand Prize tickets and the other one from those that paid for the dinner show. Kevin’s generous contribution guaranteed that the convention was a financial success and he has promised to do it again next year. October still holds a couple of Chapter Rallies: Saturday the 18th at CA2N and Saturday the 25th at CA1F. Pam and I will be there at both of these and we hope you will too and, by the way, kudos to CA2W on the success of their event. By thinking out of the box, they ended up netting more money this year than in any previous year. Until next month, ride well and ride often. -Vincent and Pamela Puterbaugh Words from our chapter Educators Shirley and Joe Machado Road Captain's Job: Preparing for a group ride When a number of motorcyclists are invited for a group ride, the riders/co-riders gather at the appointed time and place, often without knowing their specific destination or route from that point on. The Road Captain for that ride will have a route in mind for the ride. He or she will usually have pre-ridden the route within the past week in order to look for construction, road surface problems and other situations which might affect the safety of those who are participate. The Road Captain will appoint or volunteer experienced riders to serve as Lead Bike, depending on the total number of bikers and the number of groups required. Each Lead Bike will then select a person to ride as Drag Bike for that group. The other riders will determine which group they are going to ride in. If there is an inexperienced rider along the Road Captain will usually ask the Lead Bike to make suggestions on group positioning. The Lead Bike should determine roughly the experience level of each rider in his or her group before departing. They will put the rider with the least experience in the group riding immediately in front of the Drag Bike in the slot position. If the last open position before the Drag Bike is not a slot, the least experienced rider should be in the last slot position available, away from oncoming traffic. Words from our chapter Educators Shirley and Joe Machado Road Captain's Job: Preparing for a group ride The Road Captain will usually provide a Route Memo or will have copies of maps/directions to give the members of the group (this should be supplied to the Lead Bikes if not to all riders). The Road Captain will have a rough idea of times and distances to be traveled. He or she will give suggestions for rest stops, food and gas, etc. The Road Captain will have out emergency medical information forms and release of liability forms for sponsored rides. The forms will be filled out and signed before the rides starts. He or she will then conduct a short riders' meeting to establish that each group has a designated Lead and Drag Bike. He or she will to review group riding guidelines briefly, to alert the reders of potential hazards, to discuss communications within and between the groups. Also will review hand signals if there are riders without CB's and to answer any questions about the ride. The Road Captain may or may not lead a group himself, and if fact may not accompany the riders at all once the ride is underway. Words from our chapter Educators Shirley and Joe Machado Road Captain's Job: Preparing for a group ride If there are several groups of riders, the Road Captain expects all Lead Bikes to follow the route which as been laid out and not to initiate charges in the route except in an emergency. In case of problems that require emergency personnel or re-tracing a route to find a disabled rider or part of a group which has gotten lost, it is much easier to locate the person(s) sought if all groups follow the some path to their common destination. It is not unusual for groups for riders to be separated by serveral miles and to find themselves out of CB range from other groups during a long trip on in heavy traffic. It is also not unusual for groups to break up briefly in traffic, requiring a station-keeping rider to serve a Lead Bike or Drag Brike for a fragment of a group, for short time. Words from our chapter Educators Shirley and Joe Machado Rider's Job: Preparing for a group ride Riders are expected to arrive on time at the departure point with a full tank of gas, in proper attire for the conditions, and physically ready to ride (restroom stop made, medications packed if needed, sober and alert). Motorcycle endorsements and insurance should be up to date. All bike should be street-legal condition. The Road Captain may ask rider not to join a group ride if there basic conditions are not met (for example, if a rider is drunk or a bike in mechanically unfit to ride). If a rider brings a co-rider (a passerger) for a group ride, he or she is expected to manage and attend to that passenger's needs personally, before the riders' meeting. The following gridelines are suggested for preparing a co-rider for a group ride: Do not permit a co-rider to mount the motorcycle until all riding gear is on and fastened securely (beware of outside pockets!). The coriders should not mount until the rider is seated and holding the motorcycle vertically. Then and only after the rider nods that he or she is ready for the co-rider, the co-rider should get on the bike. The co-riders should avoid contact with hot exhaust pips. Should not wiggling out of position once seated. Should not shouting or making sudden movements of the upper body during the ride. The passenger's feet should remain on the pegs or floorboards designed for them at all times, until disembarking. Words from our chapter Educators Shirley and Joe Machado Rider's Job: Preparing for a group ride A co-riders needs to know generally what he she should and should not expect in terms of comfort and safety considerations. If the co-rider wishes to communicate with the rider, the rider should explain how to do this: by thumping on the rider's head, by intercom or shouting in the rider's ear! Also will the co-rider be responsible for copying had signals given by the rider to other riders in the group? Suggested jobs for the co-rider during the ride: watch out in traffic for anything that may detract from a safe ride: two pairs of eyes are better that one. Do not assist the rider by leaning in turns, but look over the rider's inside shoulder on curves. Wave at all there bikers, children, anyone who shows interest in the riders, and law enforcement officeres on their feet. and-- Smile! In group riding, if the rider (with or without a co-rider) wisher to show down or stop during the ride, for any reason whatsoever, he she may drop out the ride. If at any time a co-rider becomes uncomfortable during the ride and wants the rider to slow down or stop, for any reason whatsoever, the rider should be prepared to do so as quickly and as safety as possible. It is courteous to notifly or signal to the other riders in the group before doing this unless it is not convenient or possible to do so. Unless the Drag Bike clearly understands the reason for a rider's decision to drop out, normally the Drag Bike will notify the Lead Bike of a problem and will stop with the rider who is stopping, to render aid if needed, or to determine his intentions about rejoining the group ride. Level I Jim Conrad Ken Gong Lance Haxton Johnie Johnson Mike Machado Athena Netz Becky Overley Beverly Pruitt Mary Richardson Marge Vigil Level II R R R R R R R R C C Level IV: Master Tour Rider Level III: Certified Tour Rider Tim Butters Paty Clyborne Ross Clyborne Bill Dimmer Garlyn Gill Joannie Gill Kris Hall Larry Jenkins Lindy Jenkins Alan Larson Hans Mikkelsen Dan Netz Diane Netz Scott Overley Lonnie Vigil Randy Hopkins Rich Richardson Steve Rippe Teri Rippe R R R R R C R R C R R R C R R R R R C R = Rider C = Co-Rider B = Both As of: September 1, 2014 Senior Master Tour Riders Joe Machado Shirley Machado R R To learn more about how you can move up to the next ride level, talk Chapter Educator, Shirley Machado. It’s easy, fun and you will learn techniques to ride your bike safely. Ride safety is what GWRRA is all about! Note the above list is active members only. If you think that there has been any errors in the above list please contact Newsletter Editor Larry Jenkins Safe Mileage: Mileage as a member of Gold Wing Road Riders Association with out an accident. Updated 09-01-2014 5,000 Miles Bill Dimmer Ken Gong Kris Hall Lance Haxton Johnie Johnson Mike Machado Athena Netz Becky Overley Beverly Pruitt Marge Vigil 15,000 Miles 40,000 Miles Hans Mikkelsen Diane Netz Scott Overley 50,000 Miles Jim Conrad 75,000 Miles Ross Clyborne 25,000 Miles 10,000 Miles Tim Butters Randy Hopkins To update any of this information, please see your Chapter Educator Shirley Machado. Note Active members only. If you think that there is any errors in the above list please contact Newsletter Editor Larry Jenkins. Paty Clyborne Larry Jenkins Lindy Jenkins Alan Larson Dan Netz Rich Richardson Lonnie Vigil 100,000 Miles Steve Rippe 200,000 miles Shirley Machado 30,000 Miles Garlyn Gill Joannie Gill Teri Rippe 225,000 miles Joe Machado High Mileage Club: All the mileage on any motorcycle since becoming a licensed driver of motorcycles. Updated as of September 01, 2014. 50,000 miles Tim Butters Joannie Gill Larry Jenkins Lindy Jenkins Hans Mikkelsen Teri Rippe Scott Overley Lonnie Vigil 100,000 miles 200,000 miles Paty Clyborne Ross Clyborne Garlyn Gill Dan Netz Steve Rippe Shirley Machado 250,000 miles Joe Machado 300,000 miles Jim Conrad 150,000 miles Randy Hopkins 500,000 miles Johnie Johnson Lou Allen To update any of this information, please see your Chapter Educator Shirley Machado. Note Active members only. If you think that there is any errors in the above list, please contact Newsletter Editor Larry Jenkins Words from our Membership Enhancement Coordinator Paty Clyborne I have not had an article to write in quite a while. Sorry Larry (CA2W super news letter editor) Life threw me a couple of challenges. I had to have brain surgery, so riding was definitely out of the question for a while. I am still working on getting back to normal (well, as normal as I was) My husband deserves a medal. I do not handle pain well, so he had to put up with a big baby. He had to make sure I did what I had to and I am sure that was not fun or easy. He is the BEST husband ever. I also want to say a big Thank You to my chapter. When I felt down and not too happy, a bunch of my pack came over with pizza and lots of laughter to cheer me up. Laughter is such good medicine. I really think that the laughter helped me to heal faster. Thank you Wolf Pack. My first major outing after surgery was to attend the District Rally in Agoura Hills. I do Love a Rally. Fun and Friends. I get to see friends that I have known for 20 plus years. If you have never been to a Rally you are missing a really good time. As MEC I would like to talk about some of the perks due us as GWRRA members. I was perusing the Gold Book (also a perk) and I discovered that GWRRA offers members a VISA card. This was news to me so I thought I would share this information with those of you might not know. A no annual fee rewards program, low introductory APR on purchases and no balance transfer fees for 6 months, along with a competitive interest rate card. They offer 3 card designs OR you can upload your favorite picture of your Gold Wing. Check it out at http:// Paty Clyborne Membership Enhancement Coordinator California District Event in Agoura Hills, CA August 2831 and September 1, 2014 California District Event in Agoura Hills, CA August 2831 and September 1, 2014 Lindy and Larry in competition for California District Couple of the Year Larry winning Newsletter Editor of the Year CA-2W Rally/Raffle on September 6, 2014 Our first two stops were Clawson Motorsports and Madera Hond and our sponsors for our two sets of tires. Our third prize was the StreetMaster riding course donated by StreetMaster Inc. The first set went to Danny Merritt from CA-1Z in Temecula, CA CA-2W Rally/Raffle on September 6, 2014 Larry Jenkins wins the second set of tires at Madera Honda Suzuki. CA-2W Rally/Raffle on September 6, 2014 Last stop was at Miner Grill in Coarsegold, CA. At this location we gave away StreetMaster’s course to Hans Mikkelsen CA-2W and took the $200.00 cash. Darlene Parissi from CA-1L purchase the StreetMaster’s course for $250.00. Lance Wilson from CA-1A won the $100.00 Best Western Travel Card and also won a Mikey V. Gift certificate. Linda Boman from CA-1Z won the other Mikey V. Gift certificate. September Birthday Alan Larson Dan Netz Joe Machado Paty Clyborne Diane Lewis Kris Hall September 7 September 9 September 18 September 19 September 23 September 24 September Anniversary Garlyn and Joannie Gill September 1 Alan and Sandra Ann Larson September 28 Not at meeting Alan Larson, Sandra Ann Larson, Diane Lewis, Kris Hall Garlyn and Joannie Gill Chapter social at Westwood BBQ Restaurant September 11,2014 CA-2W chapter visit to CA-1L in San Luis Obispo, CA September 13, 2014 Larry and Lindy in there Dream ‘s. Bravo Farm on the way home. Note did not get in the pictures at CA-1L CA-1M (cows) Chapter Event in Redland, CA September 20, 2014 October 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Thu 2 Fri 3 Sat 4Chapter Gathering at Yosemite Fall Café Breakfast at 8:00 am Gathering at 9:00 am 5 6 7 8 9Chapter So- 10 11 17 18CA-2N cial at Outback Steak House dinner at 6:30 pm 12 13Columbus 14 15 16 Day 19 20 Chapter Event in Sonora, CA 21Team Meet- 22 23 ing at Brooks Ranch 7:00 pm Dinner at 6:00 pm Johnie Johnson 26 27 28 29 30 24Dan and 25CA-1F Diane Netz Chapter Event in San Diego, CA 31Halloween November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1Chapter Gathering at Yosemite Fall Café Breakfast at 8:00 am Gathering at 9:00 am 2Daylight sav- 3Garlyn Gill 4Election Day 5 6 7 ing time ends 9Sean Lewis 16 8Chapter Event CA-1C in Palm Springs, CA 10 17 11 12 18Team Meet- 19 13Chapter 14Lance Hax- 15 Social to be announce ton 20 21 27 28Black Fri- 29 22 ing at Brooks Ranch 7:00 pm Dinner at 6:00 pm Lindy Jenkins 23 24 25Ken Gong 26 Sandra Ann Larson 30 day Athena Netz Johnnie Johnson October 21 Dan and Diane Netz October 24 My most sincere apology if I forgot anyone. Please let Paty Clyborne or Lindy Jenkins know so we can update our records. Thank you Larry Jenkins Upcoming Events for CA-2W: October 2014 Oct. 4: Chapter Gathering at Yosemite Fall Café Breakfast at 8:00 am Gathering start time is 9:00 am . After gathering ride through Burrough Valley Oct 9: Chapter Social at Outback Steakhouse 2765 W. Shaw Ave. Fresno, CA Dinner at 6:30 am Oct. 11: Central Coast Classic Motorcycle Show and Swap Meet Meeting at South Point Brook’s Ranch (see below) 8:00 am or alternate meet up with group at Bravo Farms in Kettleman City at 9:00 am Oct. 18: Chapter Event CA-2N in Sonora, CA. Meeting at North Point (see below) Leaving at 6:00 am . Stopping at Pilot in Madera, CA Oct. 21: Team planning meeting at Brooks Ranch. Meeting at 7:00pm Dinner at 6:00 pm Oct. 25: CA-1F Chapter Event in San Diego, CA Oct. 31: Halloween Night Meeting Locations: For rides North of Fresno the meeting place will be at the Starbucks on Herndon/Hwy 99. For rides South of Fresno the meeting place will be at Brook’s Ranch, Chestnut & 99. Clawson Motorsport 6334 N. Blackstone Upcoming Events for CA-2W: November 2014 Nov. 1: Chapter Gathering at Yosemite Fall Café Breakfast at 8:00 am Gathering start time is 9:00 am. After gathering ride if weather permits Nov 8: Chapter Event CA-1C in Palm Spring, CA Nov 13: Chapter Social to be announce Nov 15: Spur ride to be annouce Nov 18: Team planning meeting at Brooks Ranch. Meeting at 7:00pm Dinner at 6:00 pm Nov 27: Thanksgiving Day Nov 28: Black Friday shopping day Upcoming Chapter Events for California Chapters Date Chapter and Place Pre-register cutoff October 18, 2014 October 25, 2014 November 8, 2014 CA-2N in Sonora, CA CA-1F in San Diego, CA CA-1C in Palm Spring, CA September 30, 2014 October 20, 2014 October 1, 2014 See pages for Chapter Director, Telephone number and Web site Meeting Locations: For rides North of Fresno the meeting place will be at the Starbucks on Herndon/Hwy 99. For rides South of Fresno the meeting place will be at Brook’s Ranch, Chestnut & 99. Clawson Motorsport 6334 N. Blackstone Upcoming Chapter Events for California Chapters Date Chapter and Place Pre-register cutoff February 7, 2015: March 27-29, 2015; April 11, 2015: April 19, 2015: May 2, 2015: May 16. 2015: June 6, 2015: June 14, 2015: June 27, 2015: July 18, 2015: September 19, 2015: CA-1I in West Covina, CA CA-1R in Mesquite, NV CA-1A in Lancaster, CA CA-1Q in Buena Park, CA CA-1K in Canoga Park, CA CA-2K in Fairfield, CA CA-1L in San Luis Obispo, Ca CA-1D in Paramount, CA CA-2N in Sonora, CA CA-C in Sacramento, CA CA-2W in Fresno, CA September 26, 2015: CA-1Z in Rainbow, CA September 27, 2015: CA-1V in Vistorville, CA October 10, 2015: CA-2R in Redding, CA October 17, 2015: CA-1M in Redland, CA October 24, 2105: CA-1F in San Diego, CA At time no information At time no information At time no information At time no information At time no information At time no information At time no information At time no information At time no information At time no information At time no information At time no information At time no information At time no information At time no information At time no information Upcoming other events for District, Region, Nation Date May 22-25, 2015: June 17-21, 2015 Chapter and Place Region “F” in Tuscan, AZ Reno Rendezvous in Reno, NV Note not a GWRRA Event September 3-7, 2015 California District Event September 3-6, 2015 GWRRA Wing Ding in Huntsville, AL 2015 Pre-register cutoff At time no information See Wing World Mag. October 2014 issue At time no information See Wing World Mag. October 2014 issue Meeting Locations: For rides North of Fresno the meeting place will be at the Starbucks on Herndon/Hwy 99. For rides South of Fresno the meeting place will be at Brook’s Ranch, Chestnut & 99. Clawson Motorsport 6334 N. Blackstone Outback Steakhouse 2765 W. Shaw Avenue Fresno, CA 93711 (559) 224-1181 Casual Dinning , Major Credits Cards Accepted, Price range $15.00-$25.00 Outback Steakhouse is an Australian themed steakhouse restaurant. Although beef and steak items make up a good portion of the menu, the concept offers a variety of chicken, ribs, seafood, and pasta dishes. The Company's strategy is to differentiate its restaurants by emphasizing consistently high-quality food and service, generous portions at moderate prices and a casual atmosphere suggestive of the Australian Outback. If there is some place that you would like to have a social, please look into the restaurant. We need a restaurant that will bill separate tags for our members, has a large enough space for 12-25 people in an area together, would take major credit cards, not to loud in the restaurant so we can talk to each other and the prices run about $10-$25 per meal. We will travel but remember that some of our member are from the south valley which is 50 miles to Fresno. Please summit your restaurant ideas to Steve or Teri Rippe. Also we would like to have Friday night out every month. Now a Friday night out is a very casual place to eat. We are looking for meals under $10.00 each. A place where you walk up, order, pay, pick up your meal and sit where you want. Chapter CA-2W Support Team CA-2W Chapter Directors Steve and Teri Rippe (559) 240-5966 CA-2W Assistant Chapter Educators Joe Machado (559) 471-9190 CA-2W Assistant Chapter Directors Larry and Lindy Jenkins 559-718-8665/559-718-8837 CA-2W Chapter Educators Shirley Machado (559) 471-9190 CA-2W Treasurer Shirley Machado (559) 471-9190 CA-2W Ride Coordinator Dan Netz (559) 392-1237 CA-2W Chapter Store Tim Butters CA-2W Membership Enhancement Coordinator Paty Clyborne CA-2W Public Relations Janice Allen CA-2W Web Master Sean Lewis CA-2W Ways and Means Dan Netz (559) 392-1237 CA-2W 50/50 Chairperson Ross Clyborne CA-2W Individual of the Year Mike Machado CA-2W Sunshine Coordinator Couple of the Year Lindy Jenkins (559) 718-8837 (559) 347-4278 CA-2W Newsletter Editor Couple of the Year Larry Jenkins (559) 718-8665 Chapter Web Site Chapter CA-2W Support Members Members Last Name First Name Allen Allen Butters Butters Carr Clyborne, Clyborne, Conrad Conrad Derfelt Derfelt Dimmer, Dimmer, Gill Gill Gong, Gong, Hall Haxton Hopkins Hopkins Jenkins Jenkins Johnson, Larson Larson Lewis Lewis Lou Janice Tim Suzanne (Sue) David (DD) Ross Paty Jim Ann Dann Mary Ann William Linda Garlyn Joannie Ken Angie Kris Lance S Randy Tereas Larry Lindy Johnie CC Alan Sandra Ann Sean Diane Celebration Dates Birthdate Anniversary April 19, March 25, February 24, April 21, July 28, September 19, December 13, December 19, not a member November 3, March 16, November 25, not a member September 24, November 13, October 30, May 19, November 18, October 21, September 7, November 25, November 9, September 23, Year Joining GWRRA June 4, June 4, June 12, April, 2002 April, 2002 June, 2009 July 28, July 28, May 21, May 21, January, 2014 June, 1987 June, 1987 October, 2000 September, 2012 September, 2008 September 1, September 1, February 20, February 20, May 3, May 3, September 28, September 28, March 28, March 28, March, 2012 March, 2012 April, 2009 September, 2008 February ,2012 January, 2009 January, 2009 April, 2005 April, 2005 July, 2007 June, 2011 June, 2011 July, 2014 July, 2014 The above list is active members only. If you think that there is any errors in the above list, please contract Newsletter Editor Larry Jenkins. Chapter CA-2W Support Members Members Last Name First Name Machado Jr, Machado Machado Mikkelsen, Mikkelsen, Netz, Netz, Netz, Overley, Overley, Pruett Richardson, Richardson, Rippe, Rippe, Styles (Netz) Vigil, Vigil, Joe Shirley Mike Hans Barbara Dan Diane Athena Scott Becky Beverly Richard Mary Steve Teri Lisa Lonnie Margie Celebration Dates Birthdate Anniversary September 18, March 17, February 13, February 15, not a member September 9, August 15, November 28, November 20, August 13, June 22, March 25, December 27, April 8, June 8, June 21, May 5, March 26, June 7, June 7, December 23, December 23, October 24, October 24, July 24, July 24, June 19, June 19, March 10, March 10, September 5, September 5, Year Joining GWRRA April, 1994 April, 1994 July, 2013 April, 2010 March, 2009 March, 2009 March, 2009 October, 2009 October, 2009 August, 2013 September, 2005 November, 2009 July, 2006 February, 2007 March, 2009 January, 2011 January, 2011 The above list is active members only. If you think that there is any errors in the above list, please contract Newsletter Editor Larry Jenkins. California District Team California District District Directors Vincent and Pamela Puterbaugh (951) 435-6000 (Vincent) (951) 453-9867 (Pamela) pamputerbaugh@gmailcom California District District Educator Mike and Ruth Burke (209) 536-1318 California District Assistant District Directors John and Linda Boman (951) 440-0657 (John) (951) 259-5277 (Linda) California District Assistant District Educators Nick and Terri Riolo (209) 462-6122 California District Treasurer Diana Hibden (310) 638-2830 California District District Photographer Jim Miller 760-275-0314 California District Membership and Retention Coordinators Garrett (Gary) and Dee Bowers (661) 729-6754 California District Assistant Membership and Retention Coordinators Steve and Alma Sprenkle (619) 585-9112 California District District Store Managers Robert and Tina Gulley California District Lady Ride Coordinator Special Interest Group (SIG) Diana Hibden (310) 638-2830 California District Convention Coordinators Bill and Rene Johnson (707) 631-4102 California District Vendor Coordinator OPEN POSITION Bill.Johnson. CA District Web Site California District Team California District Chapter of the Year Coordinator OPEN POSITION California District Parking Lot Practice Trainer (PLP) Mike and Elma Maury (858) 485-7216 California District Couple of the Year and Individual of the Year Coordinator (COY) (IOY) Mike and Ruth Burke (209) 536-1318 California District Motorist Awareness Program Coordinators Robert and Linda Harmon (661) 810-5154 (Bob) (661) 810-5157 (Linda) California District Motorist Awareness Program Coordinators Assistants Bob and Nancy Clark (661) 943-5663 California District Medic First Aid Coordinators Robert and Linda Harmon (661) 810-5154 (Bob) (661) 810-5157 (Linda) California District Medic First Aid Assistants Bob and Nancy Clark (661) 943-5663 California District Couple of the Year Bob and Nancy Clark (661) 943-5663 Member of CA-1A California District Individual of the Year Ken Parmann Member of CA-1L California District District Artist Ruth Burke (209) 536-1318 California District Newsletter Editor Pamela Puterbaugh (951) 453-9867 California District Web Master Scott Wienke CA District Web Site Southwest Region F (fun) Team Region F Directors Keith and Teresa Morrison (505) 922-9250 (505) 414-7239 (Keith’s) (505) 414-7238 (Teresa’s) Region F Assistant Directors Joyce and Rick Elmore (970) 619-8140 (303) 803-3748 (Joyce) (303) 803-5378 (Rick) Region F Assistant Directors Cathy and George Diaz (949) 551-4896 (949) 302-8664 (Cathy) (714) 813-6989 (George) Region F Educators Dave and Dee Gormley (520) 749-5653 Region F Leadership Trainers Garry Howland (303) 677-0203 Region F Assistant Educators and Medic First Aid Training Coordinators Joel and Marti Winkler (626) 969-7486 Region F Assistant Educators and Motorist Awareness Program Coordinators Mike and Barri Critzman (760) 786-3405 Region F Membership Enhancement Coordinator Kenneth and Cindy Kelly (623) 229-9339 (623) 297-3620 Region F Assistant Trainers Harry and Amy Jenkins (505) 730-6267 Region F Treasurer Patti O’Neill-Esposito and Sal Esposito (408) 244-7722 (408) 639-0415 cell Region F Assistant Educator Mike and Ruth Burke (209) 536-1318 Region F Web Site Southwest Region F Team Region F Region Store Sallie and John Baldwin (480) 983-0823 Region F Public Relations Coordinators Dennis and Karen Long (262) 366-6206 Region F 2015 Chapter of the Year Colorado Chapter L Lakewood, CO Region F Couple and Individual of the Year Coordinators JoAnn and Jim MacLean (661) 251-5420 Region F Couple and Individual of the Year Assistant Coordinators Rich Mason (562) 315-5213 Region F Couple of the Year (COY) Bob and Jan Wills Region F Individual of the Year (IOY) Brian Lape Region F Convention Vendor Coordinators Donna and Larry Pickens (661) 726-5145 (661) 547-2733 (Donna) (661) 547-3166 (Larry) Region F Assistant Convention Vendor Coordinators Jan and Ken Pedder (661) 810-7606 (Jan Cell) (661) 943-7014 (home) Region F Newsletter Editors Tom and Vicki Lorenz (714) 968-4393 (714) 801-8664 (cell) Region F Assistant Region Educator/ Rider Course Training Coordinator This is an open position at this time. Region F Webmaster Tom and Lisa Evans (575) 652-3144 (732) 809-2184 (cell) Region F Web Site GWRRA National Team GWRRA Nation Team Directors Ray and Sandi Garris (602) 404-6875 GWRRA Nation Team Directors of Divisions/ Programs Dave and Gwen Carter (815) 477-9893 GWRRA Nation Team Director of Finance Jeffrey Liner (423)336-5835 GWRRA Nation Team Member Enhancement Directors Bob and Karla Greer (770) 473-1316 GWRRA Nation Team Rider Education Directors Tony and Michelle Van Schaick (919) 346-1433 GWRRA Nation Team Leadership Training Director Paul and Cheryl Brosher (260) 344-1646 GWRRA Nation Team Editor in Chief Wing World Magazine Kevin Whipps (623) 581-2500 ext 253 GWRRA Nation Team Global Affairs Director Deputy Director Overseas Dan and Rachel Sanderovich 972-542-300-311 Israel GWRRA Nation Team Deputy Directors East Region A, B, D and N Bob and Nancy Shrader (352) 668-3164 GWRRA Nation Team Deputy Directors Central Region E and H Bill and Dea Ann Gray (918) 231-9371 GWRRA Nation Team Deputy Director Canada Bob and Carolyn Pinet (905) 336-6166 GWRRA Nation Team Deputy Director West Region F and I Anita and JR Alkire 4331 Summit Drive La Mesa, Ca 91941-7842 (619) 741-8893 (home) (858) 922-2251 (cell) (619) 741-8859 (fax) GWRRA Web Site Gathering Time Chapter Chapter Director (s) Gathering Place 3rd Sunday Breakfast @ 8:30 Gathering @ 9:00 CAC Bob and Nancy Harris (209) 744-8560 ELKS Lodge #6 6446 Riverside Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95822 1st Saturday Breakfast @ 8:15 Gathering @ 9:00 CA1A Lance and Dee Wilson (661) 992-7701 Greenhouse Café 1169 Commerce Center Lancaster, CA 93534 3rd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 9:00 CA1C Jim and Karen Miller (760) 275-0314 Burgers & Beer 72-772 Dinah Shore Dr. Rancho Mirage, CA 4th Sunday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 8:30 CA1D Cliff Kennish (323) 582-4398 Paramount Elks Lodge 8108 E. Alondra Blvd. Paramount, CA 90723 2nd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 8:30 CA1F Tammy Burmeister (619) 335-3260 Broken Yolk Café 1851 Garnet Ave. San Diego, CA 92109 2nd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 8:30 CA1I George and Norma Mocabee (626) 945-5988 Denny’s 546 W. Baseline Rd. Glendora, CA Last Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 9:00 CA1K Ken Freeland (818) 370-3572 Denny’s Diner 8330 Topanga Canyon Blvd. Canoga Park, CA 91304 2nd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 8:30 CA1L Bob and Barbara Dowdy (805) 226-9175 IHOP 212 Madonna Rd. San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 2nd Sunday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 9:00 CA1M Barbara Tait Co-CD (909) 910-4640 Pepper Steak 26589 Highland Avenue Highland, CA 92346 2nd Sunday Breakfast @ 7:30 Gathering @ 8:00 CA1Q Robin and David Black (562) 505-6682 Black Bear Dinner 7005 Knott Ave Buena Park, CA 90602 1st Sunday Breakfast @ 7:30 Gathering @ 8:00 CA1R Michael and Gayle Davis (949) 916-4761 Home Town Buffet 1008 E. 17th St. Santa Ana, CA 92707 3rd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 9:00 CA1S Jo Jolitz (805) 216-6661 Carrow’s 2401 Harbor Blvd. Ventura, CA 93003 3rd Sunday Breakfast @ 7:00 Gathering @ 8:00 CA1V Mike and Barri Critzman (760) 245-9218 Maxwell’s 17772 Wika Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 1st Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 9:00 CA1Z Ginger and Danny Merritt (951) 285-3597 Home Town Buffet 40390 Margarita Rd. Temecula, CA 92591 4th Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 9:00 CA2A Greg and Kay Boyajian (559) 638-4931 Old Salles Café 2082 N. J Street Tulare, CA 93274 Gathering Time Chapter Chapter Director (s) Gathering Place 2nd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 8:30 CA2J Alex and Marce Ageev (925) 497-4480 Home Town Buffet 2050 Diamond Blvd. Concord, CA 94520 4th Sunday Breakfast @ 8:30 Gathering @ 9:00 CA2K Steve and Karen Palatino (707) 426-4847 Benicia Grill II 2390 N. Texas St. Fairfield, CA 94533 2nd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 9:00 CA2N Kenneth and Linda Stark (209) 450-6742 Pine Tree Restaurant 19601 Hess Ave. Sonora, CA 95370 3rd Saturday Breakfast @ 7:30 Gathering @ 8:30 CA2Q Don and Beth Kuellmer (925) 487-5750 (925) 487-1931 Black Bear Diner 5100 Hopyard Road Pleasanton, CA 94588 2rd Sunday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 8:30 CA2R Dave Wilson (530) 275-5521 Vittles Restaurant 2685 North Street Anderson, CA 96007 3rd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 8:45 CA2S Charlie and Deborah Porzio (408) 710-6227 Home Town Buffet 212 Ranch Drive Milpitas, CA 85035 1st Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 9:00 CA2W Steve and Teri Rippe (559) 240-5966 Yosemite Falls 4020 N. Cedar (Granite Park) Fresno, CA 93725 GWRRA - go to Benefits to learn about the following: - Rescue Plus Towing - Gold Book - Financial Services and Insurance - Discounts at hotels - Wireless Discounts - Office Max - Sears - and much more! Call Customer Service for GWRRA – 1-800-843-9460 Email customer Service – Go Online – (easiest way to update information) Here's what you've been waiting for: The Streetmasters Precision Cornering Motorcycle Workshop is a one day workshop designed specifically for touring, sport-touring, cruiser, and sport bike riders. Personalized motorcycle training to take your skills to the next level. You'll be smoother, more confident, relaxed — ready to take on the curves and have fun doing it. No racing, just proven techniques from expert motorcycle instructors on your own personal highway. Your wait is over. Enroll today! THE APRIL 26 - 28, 2013 "THE FIRST EVER STREETMASTERS REUNION" IN SLO WAS A GREAT SUCCESS THANKS TO OUR SPEAKERS SPEAKERS DAVID HOUGH, FRED RAU, DANA BROWN (ON ANY SUNDAY), CRAIG VETTER AND SOME GREAT ROADS. DON'T MISS THE NEXT ONE. Read about Nancy and Walt's Great Alaskan Adventure as they explore our 49th state and at the same time help raise money to help eradicate breast and ovarian cancer. Two Weeks On Two Wheels In Alaska 2014 Dates March 15 April 12 May 17 September 20 October-To Be Determined... November 8 STREETMASTERS MOTORCYCLE WORKSHOPS P. O. Box 1252 Corona, California 92878-1252 (951) 549-1717 Law Tigers -- Nationwide Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Law Tigers is a professional association of motorcycle injury lawyers who help riders every day. Our association of motorcycle accident attorneys consists of a skilled group of personal injury lawyers whose mission is to support and promote the well being of motorcyclists. Dedicated to rider safety, awareness, and education, we are committed to the riding community. While our principal goal is to reduce motorcycle injuries and promote motorcycle safety through education, when accidents do occur, the Law Tigers association of motorcycle attorneys is always there for you. Our motorcycle accident lawyers are available for a free office, hospital, or home consultation. We work on a contingency basis, which means there are no up-front charges to you. Attorneys will receive legal fees only when they obtain a favorable motorcycle accident settlement or verdict for you. We are committed to helping our fellow motorcycle riders; we watch over our own! With the Law Tigers motorcycle accident lawyers, you never ride alone. Find an attorney near you from our network of motorcycle accident lawyers or call Law Tigers, toll-free, at 1-800-529-8443. Our lawyers are available -- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Benefits to Card Holders Toll-Free, 24-Hour Accident Hotline No Recovery, No Fee For Personal Injury Claims $10,000 Hit-and-Run Reward $10,000 Bike Theft Recovery Free Legal Advice for All Motorcycle Matters Free Representation for Motorcycle Damage Claims Free Online Registration of Emergency Medical Information Benefit Card As both riders and attorneys who have represented thousands of injured motorcyclists, we understand what is important. For this reason, we developed the Law Tigers Free Rider Benefit Card. This card represents a unique program that affords motorcyclists unparalleled peace of mind. Sign up for your free Rider Benefit Card today! California’s oldest independent Goldwing facility Full Service Maintenance - Suspension upgrades - Tune-ups Trike Conversions - Electrical Accident repairs - Lighting Trailer sales - Oil change XM Radio install - GPS hookup Audio systems - Brakes Tire installation - Safety Check No motorcycle too old here!! 1018 E. Chestnut Avenue Unit I Santa Ana, CA 92701 October 2014 First Class Mail GWRRA Chapter CA-2W Larry Jenkins, Newsletter Editor California District Newsletter Editor Of the year 2014 1908 Evergreen Place Madera, CA 93637-2941 For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf And the strength of the Wolf is the Pack Rudyard Kipling This newsletter is published monthly for the enjoyment of it’s members and friends of the Clovis chapter of the Gold Wing Road Riders Association for good riding and comradeship.
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