Why do startups fail? Startups fail because they make things nobody wants to buy from them 5 The Startup Competition is a competition to discover a compelling business model and create a repeatable sales process We will use customer discovery and customer validation In the October and November, we will do customer discovery to discover a compelling business model In the January and February, we will do customer validation to create a repeatable sales process What is a business model? Why not a business plan? A business model describes how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value infrastructure offer customers relationships activities customer segments value prop. partners channels resources financial cost structure revenue streams What is a customer? people to whom you deliver value Customers are (not just people who give you money) value proposition? What is a Why would they buy from you? Gains Pains Jobs JOBS What is the customer trying to get done? ! ! Source components for manufacturing Close end of month financials Share photos with friends GAINS better, faster, cheaper ! improved performance more efficient reduced learning curve lower cost PAINS Two critical questions to ask: ! Is it an important problem? only important problems change behavior ! Is it being solved poorly? all problems are addressed somehow Why would they buy from you? Gains Jobs Pains Who are your customers? What is? Customer Discovery Customer Discovery is the process of finding a compelling business model ! Customer Discovery uses the scientific method ! Customer Discovery starts with a business thesis Who is your customer, what is your product, why will they buy it? Business Thesis Who is your customer, what is your product, why will they buy it? Idea: Prepare thrombin from the patient’s own blood to create platelet gels used to accelerate wound healing, a safer alternative to bovine thrombin. Business Thesis Who is your customer, what is your product, why will they buy it? Idea: Prepare thrombin from the patient’s own blood to create platelet gels used to accelerate wound healing, a safer alternative to bovine thrombin. Business thesis: Surgeons will select our wound treatment device to shorten wound healing time. Business Thesis Who is your customer, what is your product, why will they buy it? Surgeons will select our wound treatment device to shorten wound healing time. Business Thesis Who is your customer, what is your product, why will they buy it? Surgeons will select our wound treatment device to shorten wound healing time. Business Thesis Who is your customer, what is your product, why will they buy it? Surgeons will select our wound treatment device to shorten wound healing time. ! Validate your business thesis by testing a series of hypotheses WHAT IS A HYPOTHESIS? What must be true so that your thesis is correct ! GET OUT OF THE BUILDING and TEST YOUR HYPOTHESES BY CONDUCTING INTERVIEWS Won’t someone steal my idea? 34 “The difference between having a good idea for a movie and a finished movie is the same as seeing a pretty girl across the floor at a party and being there when she gives birth to your third child. It’s a very long journey, and my first idea doesn’t bear much relationship—there are lots of pretty girls at parties, but not many will be there when you have your third child.” — Richard Curtis 35 INTERVIEW PEOPLE YOU DON’T KNOW People you know will be nice and tell you what you want to hear. Those interviews are possibly harmful People you don’t know have no relationship to protect. Only they will tell you the truth WHAT KIND OF INTERVIEWS? ! In person meetings are always best ! In person meetings are always best ! Phone calls are OK only when you must ! In person meetings are always best ! Phone calls are OK only when you must ! Focus groups do not count Email threads do not count Surveys are garbage HOW TO GET AN INTERVIEW ! Qualify your contacts. Only talk to people that can help. network. Be transparent. Tell them you are Use your students, learning about the market. Use Ga Tech for credibility. Ask for help. Ask for 5 minutes Do not sell! ! Do not sell! ! The goal of selling is to change people’s opinions Do not sell! ! The goal of selling is to change people’s opinions ! Your goal is to learn what people’s opinions ARE Selling is hard ! Selling is hard ! Interviewing is easy Ask about: ! Jobs ! Ask how they do their jobs Ask about the specific steps they take to accomplish the job. What tools are required. ! Ask about their day. Learn what their life is like. Ask about: ! Problems ! ! What problems do people have? ! Are they big problems? (how do we know?) ! ! How are their problems being solved today? ! ! Your goal: ! Find big problems being solved poorly ! ask why? ! then why? why? again EACH WEEK Create one or more hypotheses. ! Design a test to prove or disprove your hypotheses. ! Create a presentation ! Share your presentation in a small group session Buzzz Traffic Vehicle traffic pattern software for construction companies to save time on road projects Interviews this Week: 15 Interviews Total: 32 ! ! George Burdell Bobbie Dodd (one slide per hypothesis) Hypothesis: Here is what we thought Hypothesis: Construction companies monitor traffic patterns Experiments: Here’s what we did Experiment: Interviewed project managers at 5 construction companies actively engaged in highway construction projects Results: We found ... these are facts Results: Projects are monitored, safety is the reason. 30-40% of total budget is spent on safety monitoring Insights: This is what we learned Insights: We have added safety monitoring as a value proposition. Iterate: Next week we will: Hypothesis: safety monitoring is currently performed with manual labor Experiment: interview safety logistics managers at highway construction companies CWT1dbX]Tbb<^ST[2P]ePb 3TbXV]TSU^a) >]) 3TbXV]TSQh) Day 8cTaPcX^]) :Th?Pac]Tab :Th0RcXeXcXTb EP[dT?a^_^bXcX^]b 2dbc^\TaAT[PcX^]bWX_b 2dbc^\TaBTV\T]cb Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform? What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams? What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying? For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers? \^cXePcX^]bU^a_Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^]P]STR^]^\h ATSdRcX^]^UaXbZP]Sd]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^]^U_PacXRd[PaaTb^daRTbP]SPRcXeXcXTb RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\=Tcf^aZ RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]VcWT9^Q3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]SBcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bcATSdRcX^] AXbZATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RTDbPQX[Xch What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they? :ThATb^daRTb TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS?Tab^]P[0bbXbcP]RT BT[UBTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTSBTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^RaTPcX^] r u o Y e What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams? ch_Tb^UaTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[QaP]S_PcT]cbR^_haXVWcbSPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[ t a pd <Pbb<PaZTc =XRWT<PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cXbXSTS?[PcU^a\ as v n a C 2WP]]T[b Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines? RWP]]T[_WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb 7^fS^fTaPXbTPfPaT]TbbPQ^dc^daR^\_P]hzb_a^SdRcbP]SbTaeXRTb. !4eP[dPcX^] 7^fS^fTWT[_Rdbc^\TabTeP[dPcT^da^aVP]XiPcX^]zbEP[dT?a^_^bXcX^]. "?daRWPbT 7^fS^fTP[[^fRdbc^\Tabc^_daRWPbTb_TRX R_a^SdRcbP]SbTaeXRTb. #3T[XeTah 7^fS^fTST[XeTaPEP[dT?a^_^bXcX^]c^Rdbc^\Tab. $0UcTabP[Tb 7^fS^fT_a^eXST_^bc_daRWPbTRdbc^\Tabd__^ac. U 2^bcBcadRcdaT ATeT]dTBcaTP\b What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive? For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues? Xbh^daQdbX]Tbb\^aT) 2^bc3aXeT][TP]TbcR^bcbcadRcdaT[^f_aXRTeP[dT_a^_^bXcX^]\PgX\d\Pdc^\PcX^]TgcT]bXeT^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT3aXeT] U^RdbTS^]eP[dTRaTPcX^]_aT\Xd\eP[dT_a^_^bXcX^] ch_Tb) 0bbTcbP[T DbPVTUTT BdQbRaX_cX^]5TTb ;T]SX]VAT]cX]V;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVTUTTb 0SeTacXbX]V bP\_[TRWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS2^bcbbP[PaXTbaT]cbdcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[TR^bcb 4R^]^\XTb^UbRP[T 4R^]^\XTb^UbR^_T fffQdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^]R^\ gTS_aXRX]V ;Xbc?aXRT ?a^SdRcUTPcdaTST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\TabTV\T]cST_T]ST]c E^[d\TST_T]ST]c Sh]P\XR_aXRX]V =TV^cXPcX^]QPaVPX]X]V HXT[S<P]PVT\T]c ATP[cX\T<PaZTc This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. Free editable canvas: http://bit.ly/Q0h2MM Month No. Year Entry Deadline: Monday October 13 Discovery: October 13 - December 5 Customer interviews Craft a business model canvas Weekly small group sessions Validation: January 5 - February 23 Build a prototype and test a sales process Weekly small group sessions Semifinals: March 2 Finals: March 9 2min video on customer discovery 8min pitch on your business
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