Registration Form Directions to Alverna Heights : Name of business: __________________________ From the North: Name: ____________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Phone Number: _____________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________ Registration Fee: $30.00 I 81 South to I 481 South. Exit 5E, merge onto Kirkville Rd. Right on Fremont Rd. Left onto Manlius Center Rd, also State Route 290 (Bridge St). At stop sign take a left and continue on Route 290. Take the first right onto Alverna Heights Rd. If you get to Green Lakes State Park you have gone too far. Invasive Species Workshop Call to Action: Community Engagement Follow Alverna Heights Road to the end. From the South: I 81 North to I 481 North. If enclosed please check here: If you prefer to pay at the door: If attending Part 2, please check here After 10/01/2014 registration fee is $35. Lunch is included in price of workshop. Please make checks out to Sisters of St. Francis. Mail to: Sisters of St. Francis Take Exit 3E, merge onto East Genesee St. Left onto State Route 257. There is a Friendly’s Restaurant on the northeast corner. At stop sign, Route 257 becomes State Route 290. Go straight at stop sign. Take next right onto Alverna Heights Rd. If you get to Green Lakes State Park you have gone too far. Take Alverna Heights Road to the end at the top of the hill. c/o Sr. Caryn Crook GPS input: 7770 Green Lakes Road 1 Alverna Heights Road. Fayetteville, NY 13066 Fayetteville, NY Please include me in future emails: Yes The 6th Annual October 8, 2014 9:00 AM– 5:00 PM Sign in begins at 8:30 am No I give permission to be on a contact list of Alverna Heights participants: Yes 7770 Green Lakes Rd No Fayetteville, NY 13066 Presentations will include: Insiders Guide to Aquatic Plant Management in NYS: Targeting Hydrilla by Scott Kishbaugh Chief of the Lakes Monitoring and Assessment Section, with the DEC Grading Our Community Education & Outreach Initiatives by Rob Williams Project Coordinator with SLELO PRISM Invasive Species Management at Otsego Lake, NY by Bill Harman Catskills Regional Invasive Species Partnership (CRISP) Syracuse Youth Engaging the Community Through Trees by Gregory Michel with Onondaga Earth Corps Teachers, Student and AIS by Helen Domske NY Sea Grant Hear notable presenters from a variety of fields... ...and check out tons of interesting exhibits Schedule: 8:30—9:00 - Sign In 9:00—12:05 - Presentations 12:05 - Lunch Will be provided For dietary needs call Sr. Caryn at (315) 637-9334 Focus of the Day This year we are doing things a bit differently. The day has two parts. Part one is the presentations and part two is a workshop on iMap Invasives. Part 1. We are hosting 6 wonderful presentations on how to get and keep community engaged in invasive species prevention, eradication, and management. The presenters are leaders in their field and will be talking about how they have engaged community to tackle ecological issues in their communities. Part 2. We are fortunate to have Meg Wilkinson come to lead a demonstration on how to track invasive species using the iMap website— You will need either a smart phone, ipad, or laptop with Firefox, Chrome or IE-11. When registering for Call to Action: Community Engagement, if you are intending to participate in Part 2, make sure to check the box so that we can set up an account for you on iMap Invasives prior to the workshop. Thank you and hope to see you at the workshop! - workshop committee members 12:45—3:00 - More Presentations Engaging students in invasives management through Collegiate FORCES by Tom Hughes—NYS OPRHP IMAP Invasives Demonstration by Meg Wilkinson from iMap Invasives Those participating in this demonstration will learn how to navigate through the imap invasives website, identify invasives, then input them into the database. 3:00—5:00 - iMap Invasives Demonstration and training. Questions? Contact Sr. Caryn at: (315) 637 - 9334 Or email: Photos on middle & left panel courtesy of Sr. Caryn Crook Photos on front & right panel courtesy of Tom Hughes
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