9090 Richard OUR SCHOOL VALUES ‘A Fair Go’ - difference, diversity ‘Have a Go, Go Hard, Keep Going!’ - doing your best, hard work, persistence, curiosity, confidence ‘Go Together’ - community, continuity, respectful relationships INFORMATION NIGHT 28th OCTOBER 2014 For students entering Year 8 for 2015 KEEP THE DATE FREE! CELEBRATION IN THE COURTYARD 9th DECEMBER 2014 Brunel Drive Modbury Heights South Australia, 5092 Ph: (08) 8263 6244 Fax: (08) 8263 6072 Email: dl.1430.info@schools.sa.edu.au WWW: http://www.theheights.sa.edu.au Diary Dates 23 October 2014 We are pleased to advise families that we have been able to fill our Aboriginal Community Education Officer (ACEO) position. Cynthia Fielding will be available to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and families for 15 hours per week on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Cynthia and Lil Ilcesin (Aboriginal Education Teacher) will continue meeting regularly with the students. We are especially keen to ensure that our year 12 students have secure pathways when they leave school and are supported intensively in the final weeks before their exams and final assessment tasks are due. Cynthia and Lil will be taking all Year 10/11/12 students to ‘Wirltu Yarlu - The University of Adelaide’ on Wednesday, November 5th, to show all the Cynthia Fielding students what is available out there for future career options. After reviewing our current timetable the total instruction time for year 12 students was considered inadequate. While the new SACE has reduced the number of subjects students are required to study to complete their SACE thus allowing students to focus on more in depth study of fewer subjects, and consequently more independent study time, teachers have been concerned about the reduction in face to face teaching. In response to this situation, the daily lesson times, home group, recess and lunch breaks have been adjusted. To accommodate the extra instruction time we have reduced home group and lunch and added an additional lesson for year 12 subjects. To manage this change within industrial agreements, the school day will change slightly on Monday in 2015. School will finish at 2.30pm on Monday, start times and finish times will remain the same on Tuesday to Friday. This change has been approved by the Governing Council. OSHC and relevant bus companies have been advised of the change. Monday 8.45am – 2.30pm Tuesday to Friday 8.45am – 3.05pm 27/10 R-5 Swimming 28/10 Yr 12 Last day formal lessons 29/10 Yr 12 BBQ Dress Up Day 3/11 Yr 12 exams begin 3-5/11 Specialist Cricket Trip (Mt Gambier) 4/11 Finance Mtg 5pm NEWSLETTER No. 16 Lessons start at 8.45 and, to ensure that students are in class ready to focus on their learning promptly, there is a warning bell at 8.40am. Students can use this time to go to lockers and settle into routines for the day. Punctuality and attendance are critical for successful learning and achievement and a behaviour that all employees expect. While the article on attendance refers to Middle School students and routines, the message and expectations are relevant to all students. Remembrance Day 11th November 2014 Last day for Year 11 subject lessons 17th November 2014 Year 11 Exams + Catch up 18th to 20th November 2014 Year 12 Valediction 18th November 2014 Celebration of Success 21st November 2014 Last day for Year 10 students th 28 November 2014 Year 7 Graduation 1st December 2014 Celebration in the Courtyard th 9 December 2014 Yr 9 Round Table Conferences 3rd December 2014 Contd from page 1 The school fees for 2015 have been set by the Governing Council and verified by the Department of Education. There has been no increase, with fees remaining the same as 2014. The endorsed fee structure is attached for your information. Families have an opportunity to provide a response to the Governing Council at a special meeting on 25th November or in writing to the Governing Council Chairperson. Fees set by the Governing Council provide materials, equipment and services that enable your child to enjoy a quality education and are similar to schools in the local area. We believe these fees are good value for families at approximately $1.50 (Junior School) and $2.40 (Senior School) per day per student. We encourage you to support the quality of education you want for your child by supporting the fee structure and expecting all parents to contribute equally. Don’t miss any of the events that have been organised for term 4. Check the term calendar and pencil/populate the dates in your diary. Helen Calvert Principal DATES FOR RESPONDING TO ABUSE & NEGLECT FOR TERM 4 Tuesday November 18th 9am - 10:30am Tuesday November 25th 6pm - 7:30pm Please register your interest at the Front Office All visitors are reminded to please come to the Front Office to sign in on arrival at the school. DECD Occupational Health, Safety & Welfare Legislation require us to record everyone who visits our site. Thank you. IGNITE News: Past Students The Heights School has offered the Ignite Program to gifted students since 1997. It’s a privilege and honour to hear of our past students’ achievements. Ben Crisp recently received his PhD, a Doctorate of Creative Writing from the University of Adelaide, and is currently working on a film script. He reminisces about being involved in the Ignite program and what The Heights School and its staff have provided him. “I studied at The Heights School from 1998 until 2002 and went on to study an honours degree in philosophy at the University of Adelaide, for which I was awarded a travel scholarship to complete my studies at the University of Lancaster in the UK. I travelled to Europe, learnt about history, art and culture, and when I returned I completed a doctorate in Creative Writing at the University of Adelaide. Since leaving The Heights School I have been lucky enough to work as a screenwriter for the film, television and advertising industries, as well as to produce and direct short films and commercials. Between these projects I've worked variously as a salesman, librarian, actor, tutor, editor, and as a cable-hand in sports broadcasting. I love to learn new things—it’s what keeps me interested and motivated, in my work as well as my study. The Ignite program and the teachers at The Heights School gave me an opportunity to push myself. In high school, and in all of life, it can be tempting to “lower the bar”. In study, work, even our relationships, there are “bare minimums” that, if we meet them, ensure we can get by safely, and comfortably, without having to break too much of a sweat. The Ignite program helped me discover how much more exciting and rewarding it is to push myself beyond the bare minimum, and always to ask more of myself. It also gave me the chance to make friends with people who wanted to push themselves too, and who have all gone on to wonderful and varied lives and careers. Our teachers at The Heights School made sure that the pressures of high expectations never outweighed the benefits that came when we pushed our limits and found new horizons to explore. The greatest gift a student can carry into their life after school, whether into university, their careers or their relationships, is the mindset that challenges can and should be met with persistence, confidence and a sense of playful curiosity. It is this mindset that the Ignite program fostered in me. Limits can be pushed too far, of course. In Mr Baddams’ English class, I remember a class debate that I decided would be more entertaining if, instead of actually answering the questions posed, my team performed a series of increasingly silly skits. There was juggling involved, and wrestling, and a cassette recording played to the class that culminated in some risky satire about our teacher. Mr Baddams did see the funny side. But I failed that particular assignment.” If you know of any past Ignite students’ successes please contact Sharon Tibbits, P-12 Gifted Education Senior Leader at Sharon.Tibbits732@schools.sa.edu.au. Ben at his PhD graduation CONGRATULATIONS….. Scott Carnie-Bronca has received runner-up in the Junior Section of this year’s Australian Geographic ANZANG Nature Photographer of the Year Awards for his star trail photo titled "Rings in the Sky". The short-listed photographs will be on display at the SA Museum until 30 November, then the exhibition will tour around Australia. A link for the website where all the short-listed photos can be found is: http://www.anzang.samuseum.sa.gov.au/ Congratulations to Aidan Lake and Jared Gilliam for representing the Tea Tree Gully District at the SAPSASA Athletics Metro Championships on 23rd September. Aidan came 6th place in the Shot Putt, throwing 8.84m. Jared came 7th place in the 800m, running 2 minutes and 38 seconds. Well done boys, fantastic effort. Mrs Rothery Aidan Lake Jared Gilliam SENIOR NETBALLERS WIN AGAIN The Senior Girls Netball team capped off a stellar season by recently winning the North East Vista Weekly Sports competition for the second consecutive year. Remaining undefeated throughout the term, the Girls rounded out their efforts with a superb 30-23 win in the Grand Final versus Modbury HS. Congratulations goes to: Elysha & Taylah Willis, Chloe & Courtney Paton, Chelsea & Chantell Bentley, Amy & Chelsea Shirlock, Hannah Best, Emily Green, Emily Westmoreland, Winona Gibb, Jessica Zanoli. A great effort girls, well done! Andrew Costello (Sports Co-ordinator) MILO T20 Blast at Athelstone in Term 4 for boys and girls wanting to start playing cricket! Wednesday nights at Athelstone Oval, 5:30-6:45pm. No equipment required and a great way to have a go at cricket! $99 for 8 weeks of the program, T20 Blast pack with shirt and hat, and guaranteed an offer to play on Adelaide Oval during the Test Match! Go to www.t20blast.com.au to register or for more information. AFTER SCHOOL SPORT The Heights Players defeated The Golden Grove Allstars. 52 - 23Congratulations Indoor Soccer 15 & Under 16th October 2014 Heights Hammers defeated Jamacan 5 to 2 Will Ndabarinze - 5 goals Congratulations U10 Basketball Heights Hotshots defeated Dernancout 22 -6 A win! The Heights Under 12 Basketball Flameraiders Results for Term 3 Lost 2 Won 8 Well done! ACHIEVEMENT Principals' Award winners from the Senior School Assembly, awarded to students for receiving straight A's in Term 3. Pictured are to Lachlan Gosling, Yamini Dave, Emily Yeo , Emma Murphy, David Hin, Julia Riches and Jason Ducker . Absent from photo Amber Mussolino, Chelsea Shirlock and Shannon Chamberlain. Back row L to R: David Hin, Lachlan Gosling, Jason Ducker Front row L to R: Emma Murphy, Julia Riches, Yamini Dave, Erica Yeo MIDDLE SCHOOL OUTSTANDING ACADEMIC AWARDS YEAR 6/7 Bethany Brookes Justin May 6/701 6/701 Naomi Blackmore Bonnie Van Der Veer Alexandra Wilson 6/704 6/704 6/704 Katherine Hatchard Elyssa Yeo Japan Dave Jaimee Lake 6/705 6/705 6/705 6/705 806 806 807 807 Tom Ducker Joonghoon Park Marija Maric Stephanie Park 807 807 807 807 Caitlin Gosling Edlene Marinas Ella Genrich Jennie Tran 807 807 807 807 903 903 906 Marsha Makarushkina Royce Ilano Shreeya Naval 906 906 906 Chroran Kurban Anne Nah 906 906 YEAR 8 Nadia Mattock Shenyll Datario Shalisha Gilliam Tara Shirlock YEAR 9 Christian Franceschilli Brodie Latham Nikki Curl ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT YEAR 6/7 Brittany Berry Ella Haronen 6/703 6/705 Charlotte Curl Amber Habbershaw 6/703 6/705 Monique Habbershaw Shannon Blyth 6/704 6/705 801 803 806 806 806 807 807 807 Ashleigh Miller Polina Pribytkova Raphael Pelaez Sarah Sabateen Tasmia Haque Jasmine Booth Tejas Hegde Antony Georgaras 801 803 806 806 806 807 807 807 Kane Lehmann Priyashna Lal Holly Stephens Biju Kurakose Vishitha Sadipirala Liam Blake Gil Eyal Vanda Trocio 802 803 806 806 806 807 807 807 902 903 Makayla Ellul Amber Hoffrichter 902 903 Alex Nash Thomas May 903 YEAR 8 Demi Murray Natalie Scott Russell Ilano Miggy Chuo-Lao Jeffrey Wibowo Isabella Tsimeris Brayden Schutz Abdullah Sallam YEAR 9 Tyla MacDonald Amber Doyle HOMEGROUP AWARDS Deklyn Hearn 6/701 Sophie Daskalakis 6/701 Tiahne Marriot 6/701 Josh Appleton Jordan Smart Suva Permesel Jakob Phelan Max Cebulski Amber Habbershaw 6/701 6/703 6/703 6/703 6/705 6/705 For showing a high level of ability with his writing skills, producing thorough and creative work. Also for being a caring and respectful class member, who also brings joy into the class For showing great persistence with her learning, always trying hard to produce work of a high standard, and for showing improvement in the area of organisation For always persisting and putting in 100% into her work, with the aim of producing work of a high standard For persisting when things get hard and aiming to be the best you can be For her consistent, responsible efforts and the help/support that she gives to others For her consistent, responsible and reliable efforts in all subject area For her consistent, responsible and reliable efforts in all subject area For being an excellent helper and taking initiative to complete the morning routine Always using home group time wisely and efficiently PERFECT ATTENDANCE Frank Krinis Alexandra Wilson Matthew Boyce Ella Haronen Gabe Williams Jessie Wattie 6/702 6/704 6/705 6/705 6/705 6/705 Rhiannon Halls Jack Tanton Paige Duthy Shannon Blyth Amber Habbershaw Katrina O’Dea 6/702 6/704 6/705 6/705 6/705 6/705 Emilie McPherson Ethan Cameron-Smith Binar Rasool Jaimee Lake Brian Lee 6/702 6/704 6/705 6/705 6/705 AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICS COMPETITION 2014 Congratulations to these Year 5 students who sat the 2014 Australian Mathematics Competition and were highly successful. The students achieved seven Distinctions, nine Credits and four Proficient Awards. Thank you to Ian London who supported these students weekly to be so successful. Thank you also to their Year 5 teachers, Maureen London, Pam Weniton, Neil Piggott, plus earlier teachers for supporting these families and students to make The Heights feel very proud. Chris Lee Jovan Maric Mitch Marshall Brennan Finch Jared Gilliam Jack Marschall Urvi Gosh AFTER SCHOOL SPORT The Heights Players defeated The Golden Grove Allstars. 52 - 23Congratulations Indoor Soccer 15 & Under 16th October 2014 Heights Hammers defeated Jamacan 5 to 2 Will Ndabarinze - 5 goals Congratulations U10 Basketball Heights Hotshots defeated Dernancout 22 - 6 A win! 2014 & 2015 School Immunisation Program Only Year 8 students require vaccinations in 2015. The schedule sessions will again be offered in Term 1 2015. Date to be advised. These sessions have great benefit to students in increasing their understanding of the vaccines and also reducing anxiety. The catch up HPV Program for Year 9 boys draws to a close at the end of 2014. Boys who were in Year 9 in 2013 and 2014 must have at least one dose of the HPV vaccine before 31 December 2014 in order to be eligible to receive the remaining doses free of charge. If these students do not commence their course of HPV prior to 31 December 2014 they will be required to pay for all doses of the vaccine (current cost is $146 per dose, totalling $438 for a complete course). The parents of students who miss out on receiving the HPV vaccine will be required to pay over $400 for the course. This cost will not apply to any student who has been offered the HPV vaccine in Year 8 since its introduction in the School Immunisation Program. Further information is available from: Immunisation Officer City of Tea Tree Gully Civic Centre, 571 Montague Road, Modbury D: 08 8397 7266 T: 08 8397 7444 JUNIOR SCHOOL NEWS Welcome back for Term 4 which is the term that one always wants to put reins on to slow it down. Our preschool and R-5 children have enthusiastically returned and are working towards producing their personal best in every subject. The engagement and learning in all class settings is a real excitement to us as we move around the Junior School. R-5 SWIMMING IN TERM 4 WEEK 3 The organisation and planning of Swimming at the Elizabeth Aquadome next week from Monday 27th to Friday 31st October is mostly complete. We thank all families for your support with forms and meeting payment deadlines, thereby ensuring we will have a very positive start on Monday. All transport to the centre is by private bus company. We know that traditionally our R-5 Heights students enjoy swimming week and their learning and development of water skills is extremely important for life. PRESCHOOL MATTERS Our Preschool staff team have been very focussed on planning transition for our children to school and organising the ‘Preschool Matters’ same first day enrolment and information meeting for our 2015 Pre-school children next Monday 27th October, 2014. The meeting will be held in our Preschool from 9:30am to 10:30am. We are looking forward to meeting Susan Martin who has been appointed to The Heights Preschool as a full time teacher in 2015. Whenever we visit the Preschool the way our children learn, play and interact is most impressive. I commend the staff team in partnership with you as parents and carers for great work being done to successfully allow every child to grow and learn new skills. R-5 CLASSROOM PLACEMENT FOR 2015 The 2015 class placement process will begin around Term 4 Week 5 and always involves your child’s class teacher. Please contact your child’s teacher if you would like to provide information about the best possible placement for 2015. The class teacher will make the best possible placement based on all information supplied. There is a proforma note available at the Junior Student Services Office that can be collected or sent by email if you contact our wonderful Student Services Officer Donna Beaty. We cannot take requests for teachers but will do the best to cater for your child being supported to learn socially, emotionally and educationally. The form must be returned to either your child’s class teacher or Donna in the Junior School Office by no later than Monday 7th November, 2014. This form is only required for specific and sometimes more sensitive requests that cannot be passed onto the class teacher. Information about your child’s placement for 2015 will be sent home with your child’s report on Wednesday 10th December 2014 in Term 4 Week 9. CF1 ASSEMBLY CONGRATULATIONS: Congratulations and thank you to our CF1 Year 3 class for a wonderful assembly on Thursday 23 rd November. We congratulate all students who received certificates or performed on Thursday. Our accompanying photo gallery will provide a flavour of this Assembly. SOME REMINDERS Wednesday 29th October: Preschool ‘Kindy on the Park’ Friday 7th November: 2015 class placement requests to class teacher or Donna Beaty deadline Tuesday 11th November: Special Remembrance Day Assembly organised by CF6 Thursday 13th November: R-5 Assembly in Drama Room at 9am hosted by CG6 (R/1) and Ros Harrison Monday 17th – Wednesday 19th November: Year 5 Camp at Woodhouse Neil Piggott Junior Sub-school Leader Maureen London A/P-12 Intervention and Inclusion Leader MIDDLE SCHOOL Attendance and Punctuality Regular school attendance and punctuality are both important because: They both create important habits for life... The habits that children establish early in life tend to stick with them. If they become accustomed to sleeping late and coming to school only when they want to, it will establish a pattern for their future decision making. They increase academic success... Curriculum content and skills are taught according to SACE and ACARA. Each skill builds upon the last. If your child misses several days or weeks of school, it is likely that they will have “gaps” in their learning. Entering the classroom late not only disrupts your child’s learning but it also disrupts other students who are paying attention to the teacher. If your child stops to ask other students or the teacher questions as they arrive late to the lesson, they disrupt that student’s learning as well as the whole class. Home Group begins at 8:45. Students are expected to put their bag in their locker and collect all required equipment for lessons 1 and 2 and go straight to Home Group, ready to start the day. Please support your child, their teachers and fellow students by ensuring they are punctual in arriving at Home Group and all lessons on time and attend regularly. PLANNED ABSENCES: If you know your child will be absent, please write a note in your child’s diary PRIOR to the day of the planned absence, so the Home Group teacher can mark the roll accordingly. UNPLANNED ABSENCES: If your child has been absent please provide a note in your child’s diary with a brief explanation for the Home Group teacher, the day they return, so the roll can be adjusted to reflect the reason for their absence. Sharon Tibbits P-12 Gifted Education Leader Anne Ryan Middle School Leader UNIFORM NEWS We have recently reviewed our Uniform Shop Prices and as of Monday 13th October our new Price List will be in effect. We have been able to lower the prices of some items which are ready made for us to order such as Hats, P.E Shirts, Fleecy Track /Cargo Pants and Mesh Shorts. In some instances we have been able to reduce prices a significant amount which is great news for families. Due to a price rise passed on by our manufacturer in November 2013, we have had to increase the price of some of our items such as Polo Shirts, Windcheaters, Jackets and Tartan Skirts by a minimal amount. The new price list is currently displayed on our website and the Uniform Shop Window. If you don’t have access to the internet, please drop into the Uniform Shop or Front Office to pick up a copy next time you are passing by. If you have any questions, please enquire at the Uniform Shop during opening hours: Thursdays: 8:30am-9:30am & 2:30-3:30pm Fridays: 8:30am-9:30am, 10:30am-11:00am (recess) & 2:30pm-3:30pm Please keep in mind that orders can take up to 6-8 weeks to be filled if an item is not in stock so please plan ahead with uniform requirements where possible. YEAR 11 STUDENTS Year 11 students will have received letters about ordering Seniors Polo Shirts/Year 12 Jackets for 2015. These are not compulsory uniform, it is offered for those students who wish to wear one. Regular uniform shirts/Windcheaters are able to be worn by Year 12 students. If you have not received a note, please contact Ms Richards. Seniors Polo Shirt: Last day to return form: 7TH November 2014 Last day to pay: 28th November 2014 Seniors Jacket: Last day to return form: 21st November 2014 Last day to pay: 30th January 2015 It is important to try on a sample Seniors Polo Shirts and Jackets in the Uniform Shop before placing your order. These items cannot be exchanged once embroidered and Year 12 Jackets cannot be re-ordered if a mistake is made so to avoid disappointment please check your size with Uniform Shop staff. SECOND-HAND ITEMS Just a reminder that we have a number of second-hand uniform items for sale in the uniform shop window. If you would like to sell some second-hand uniform (in good to excellent condition only), please email Dani on dani.camillo890@schools.sa.edu.au with the following information: Item description (including condition) Size Price Your name and phone number Buyers will contact you directly to organise the sale, the Uniform Shop does not hold your stock. When your items sells, please let the Uniform Shop staff know so we can remove your sign. WORLD TEACHERS DAY 2014 FRIDAY 31st OCTOBER 2014 Celebrated in over 100 countries, World Teachers' Day acknowledges the efforts of teachers in an increasingly complex, multicultural and technological society. It is a day on which students, parents and community members can demonstrate their appreciation for the contributions that teachers have made to their community. FOOD & HOSPITALITY “From latté to cappuccino, or flat white to macchiato, from oolong to chai, or green to black, there is a significant growth in coffee, tea and other hot beverage markets.” In this second semester, students in the SACE Stage 2 Food and Hospitality class had an assignment that required them to look at Socio-cultural Influences and Technological Influences within the Food and Hospitality Industry. In order to complete this task, they had to research the changing image of Australian Cuisine and its impact on our contemporary society, while taking into account the current and emerging technological advances in the Food and Hospitality Industry. What better way to do this than to look at the ‘Evolution of Hot Beverages in Australia’. Coffee appreciation has become an integral part of the Australian culture. No longer do we expect to receive the undrinkable, watery coffee of past years, but top quality single-origin or blended espresso. Sourced from all around the world in a bewildering array of styles: macchiato, latté, doppio, ristretto, cappuccino and more! All are made to meet demanding customer preferences - flat, skinny, soy, decaf, even sometimes without coffee at all! So the students had to research and develop an opinion on a particular hot beverage of their choice. To aid in their assignment the students visited the ‘S.A Coffee Academy’ on Gawler Place in the CBD, to participate in a session about the history of coffee and espresso coffee making. The trainer/owner of S.A. Coffee Academy Brian Raslan, is a Certified Australian Barista Judge, Certified World Barista Judge, Australian Barista Championships Judge and AASCA Executive member. Brian’s judging experience ranges from Barista competitions and Latté Art Competitions in local, national and international events. Brian and his assistant Louston, enabled the students to learn techniques and (almost) how to conquer an industrial coffee machine. Their session included: a brief history of coffee; selecting and grinding the coffee appropriately; extracting espresso; texturing milk; organising and preparing the work area; service and presentation; and the cleaning and maintaining of the espresso machines. Each student will receive a certificate for their attendance that may assist in employment opportunities within the Food & Hospitality Industry. Well done to all who were able to participate. Dick Glacken Food & Hospitality Teacher 2015 MATERIALS & SERVICES CHARGES Dear Parents/Caregivers You are cordially invited to attend the Governing Council Meeting to be held in the Middle School at the Heights School on 25th November 2014 at 6:30pm where the Materials & Services Charges for 2015 will be included on the agenda for discussion. Please be aware that legally only Governing Council members are eligible to vote on the changes. Thank you Kind regards DEFENCE INDUSTRY PATHWAYS PROGRAM (DIPP) 2015 INFORMATION Developing future defence industry workforce skills South Australia’s Maritime Skills Centre (MSC) and the ASC are preparing secondary students for a career in the state’s defence industries. The MSC have engaged TAFESA to develop the Defence Industry Pathways Program (DIPP), which focuses on future skills and capabilities required in the highly skilled defence industry. The aim is to expose students to skill sets that can be applied to all engineering and advanced manufacturing career pathways. The recently completed Advanced Manufacturing Centre based at Regency TAFE houses some of the most advanced manufacturing technology in Australia. In this course, Year 10 and 11 students will focus on Advanced Manufacturing while achieving their Stage 1 SACE credits. This DIPP program requires students to design and build a model submarine. Students produce a design brief by using industry-standard design and prototyping applications. They then test and analyse their designs to determine methods of improvement prior to manufacturing the final design solution. The initial model is built using traditional workshop tools and machinery. The students test and analyse their model’s performance, determine improvements and refine their model using state-of-the-art 3 dimensional modelling software. The students also use this software to test and analyse the effectiveness of the model’s design. The results are then used to inform the design of the final submarine model. Students use reverse engineering techniques, which involves scanning the design in three dimensions and then creating its mathematical geometry coordinates. Computer-aided manufacturing software is used to build the final model. This is done by a conventional milling machine that controls tool cutting paths to remove material to reveal the final product. 3D Laser Scanning Complex parts can be scanned and converted to 3d models DIPP7 Information Evening Parents, students and teachers are encouraged to attend an information evening; When: Tuesday 28 October 2014 Time: 6:00 to 7:00pm Where: TAFESA Regency Park campus, Computer room H7 RSVP: by COB Wednesday 22 October 2014 to Anthony Tonkin 83481979 anthony.tonkin@tafesa.edu.au or Leigh White 8348 4422. Parking details: Off Regency Road, Southern side (map below). DIPP7 INFORMATION SESSION ROOM H7 Course Details Students to attend on Thursdays 9:00am to 3:00pm, Semester 1, 2015 o Venue, TAFE SA Regency campus o Course cost, NIL this is a fully funded course o Students will be accredited with a 10 point SACE Stage 1 Technology unit. DEFENCE INDUSTRY PATHWAYS PROGRAM (DIPP) 2015 APPLICATION FORM Background The ASC (formally Australian Submarine Corporation) has for the past six years provided access for students to study a semester length Defence Industry Pathways Program (DIPP) delivered by Regency TAFE. The DIPP course provides Year 10 and 11 students with opportunities to develop vocational skills as well as the ability to study a SACE course with a focus on Advanced Manufacturing while achieving status in SACE. DIPP7 - ADVANCED MANUFACTURING With changing workforce requirements, the ASC have engaged TAFESA to develop a new DIPP program in 2014 with a focus on future skills and capabilities required in the highly skilled defence industries. As part of the semester course students will complete a SACE Stage 1 accredited Design and Technology 10 point unit. In addition, students will develop knowledge and skills in advanced manufacturing technologies while completing practical activities. Course Details Semester 1 2015, Thursdays 9:00am - 3:00pm, starting Thursday 12/2/2015 to 2/7/2015 Course cost – NO COST (Funded by the ASC) Students will be provided with WHS safety boots, top and pants Venue, TAFESA Regency campus, Advanced Manufacturing Building Lecturer: Anthony Tonkin 8348 1979 or anthony.tonkin@tafesa.edu.au Applications are due by Friday 7 November 2014 Who should apply? Year 10 or 11 students are encouraged to apply. Criteria for selection into the DIPP7 program include those students who have a sound background and ability in: Science engineering technology and mathematics subjects (STEM) Problem solving Working in teams DEFENCE INDUSTRY PATHWAYS PROGRAM APPLICATION Applications are due no later than COB Friday 7 November 2014 To: Steve O’Connor, Manager Advanced Technology Project E steve.oconnor@sa.gov.au FAX: 8226 3120 Phone: 8226 4362 Note: This application must be signed by your Caregiver, Principal and Teacher Referee Students name School Email address (please print) Year Level Date of Birth: School Address: 2013 Academic results (Semester 2) Subjects 2014 Academic results (Semester 1) Grades Subjects TEACHER REFEREE STATEMENT Name of Teacher: Contact Details: Phone: Supporting statement: Email: Grades TEACHER ENDORSEMENT Name: Signature …………………………………………….. Date: / / 2014 NOTE: The applicant is to complete the next two sections below. I would like to be accepted into the DIPP6 semester course because? (up to 200 words) My career directions are? (Up to 200 words) ENDORSEMENT BY THE STUDENT’S PRINCIPAL Name: Signature …………………………………………….. Date: / /2014 CAREGIVER PERMISSION I provide permission for: My son / daughter to be involved in the DIPP7 program. The information provided in this application to be made available to the following organisations outside of DECD; TAFESA and the ASC to enable communication between those organisations and the applicant and applicants’ family and for any duty of care requirements. Name: ……………………………………………………………………….. Address: Phone: ………………………………………………………… Signature ………………………………………………… Email: …………………………………………………...... Date: / /2014
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