Steel scrap quality and its impact on steel properties and steel production processes Invitation Seminar 11-12 November 2014 at Ovako Sweden AB in Hofors, Sweden Stena Recycling, Timrå, Sweden The aim of the seminar is to bring people from steel plants, scrap industry representatives and researchers from universities together for a day of interesting lectures on the State-of-the-Art of scrap management. Organized by Jernkontoret JK23019 in cooperation with Ovako Sweden AB Besöksadress Kungsträdgårdsgatan 10 Postadress Box 1721, 111 87 Stockholm Telefon 08-679 17 00 Telefax 08-611 20 89 E-post Webbplats Organisationsnr 802001-6237 11 November 2014 Konserthallen Time Activity Venue 12:00 Lunch för JK23019 Brukshotellet i Hofors 13:00 Sammanträde för JK23019 Konserthallen i Hofors 16:00 Verksvisning/Works visit Ovako Sweden AB, Södra porten 19:00 Middag/Dinner Brukshotellet i Hofors 2 (6) 12 November 2014 Konserthallen 08:30 Registration Speaker 09:00 Welcome address Presentation of Ovako Sweden AB and Hofors works Patrik Fredriksson, Ovako Sweden AB Håkan Kieri, SSAB EMEA AB Robert Vikman, Jernkontoret 09:20 Production of High Quality Products and its Impact on Demands on Raw Materials in the Past, Present and Future Patrik Ölund, Ovako AB 09:45 Optimization of Raw Material- and Energy Cost Constrained by Final Product Properties Philip Lingebrant, Höganäs AB 10:10 The Value of Scrap Sorting and Scrap Information Rutger Gyllenram, Kobolde & Partners 10:35 Kaffe/Coffee 11:00 SMS Furnace Technology Alessandro Cedrini and Andrew Hooton, SMS Concast 11:25 Metal Analysis and Assorting by Robots Tariq Khan, ABB AB 11:50 Introduction to ScrapMaster™ Philippe Bruyère, Harsco 12:15 Lunch at Brukshotellet 13:20 Global Trends in the Metals Markets Pär Melander, S-E Banken 13:50 Scrap Market: International Outlook Jens Björkman, Stena Metal International AB 14:20 Quality Control of Scrap and Future Demands on Chemical Analysis at ArcelorMittal Philippe Russo, ArcelorMittal, 14:55 Kaffe/Coffee 15:15 Material Flows in the Society. A Summary of Modelling Work Done at KTH. Göran Mathisson, Järnbruksförnödenheter AB 15:30 Paneldebatt/Panel Discussion Moderator: Göran Mathisson, Järnbruksförnödenheter AB 16:00 Avslutning/End of day Håkan Kieri, SSAB EMEA AB Robert Vikman, Jernkontoret 3 (6) Information: Venue: Konserthallen, Olof Hjorts väg, Hofors. For more information, see map below. Dinner and lunch will be served at Brukshotellet, Bruksvägen 10, Hofors. Fees: The fee is 500 SEK for participation in the seminar (incl. lunch 12 Nov). For seminar + dinner 11 Nov: 1250 SEK. JK23019 members will enjoy a discount of 300 SEK for the seminar. The fees will be invoiced after the seminar. Language: English Registration: Registration (binding) can be made, using the form overleaf. Registration is also necessary for speakers. Bear in mind that there is a maximized No. of participants in the seminar. Hotels: A number of rooms have been pre-booked at Hotell Bergsmannen as well as at Brukshotellet in Hofors. The rooms should be paid at own expense. Check-in can be done after the works visit. Hotel reservations should be made no later than 9 October to: Katarina Wallberg, Ovako, Phone. +46(0)290 253 91, Mob. +46(0)70 310 53 91, e-mail: As alternative options, the addresses to some hotels in Hofors and Sandviken are shown below. Sandviken is situated 30 km to the east of Hofors (between Gävle and Hofors), approx. 30 min drive to Hofors. Hotel information when making reservations on your own: Hotell Bergsmannen: Skolgatan 11, Hofors, Phone +46-290 230 10, Stadshotellet Princess: Smedsgatan 19, Sandviken, Phone +46-26 25 40 50, Högbo Brukshotell: Hans Hiertas väg 20, Sandviken, Phone +46-26 24 52 00, Note that Högbo is situated 5 km to the north of Sandviken. 4 (6) How to find Hofors, Ovako, Konserthallen, Brukshotellet and Hotell Bergsmannen: Hofors is situated along E16, approx. 50 km to the west of Gävle. In the map below, some useful addresses are shown. 1 Konserthallen. Olof Hjorts väg, Hofors. Driving E16 from Gävle: Turn right at the first Hofors roundabout at Faluvägen/Storgatan/Torsåkersvägen. Drive Storgatan straight ahead until signs for "Konserthallen" show up. 2 Brukshotellet. Bruksvägen 10, Hofors 3 Hotell Bergsmannen. Skolgatan 11, Hofors 4 Södra porten Ovako. Intill Faluvägen / South gate Ovako. At Faluvägen 5 (6) Scrap Seminar in Hofors 2014, Registration Form Send to Jernkontoret, no later than 30 Oct. 2014: Jernkontoret Att: Armi Kortelainen Box 1721 SE-111 87 STOCKHOLM Sweden Fax: +46 8 611 20 89 mail: Note that hotel reservations should be made to Katarina Wallberg, Ovako, 9 Oct 2014. Namn/Name:……………………………………………………………………………………. Företag/Company: ........................................................................................................................ Adress: …………………………………………………………………………………………. Fakturaadress/Invoice address: ..…………………………………………………………......... Ordernr/Order No. ...……………………………………………………………………………. Jag deltar i/I will participate in: JK23019 lunch 11 November (For members only) JK23019 meeting 11 November (Open for members only) Works visit to Ovako Sweden AB in Hofors, 11 November Middag 11 november/Dinner 11 november Seminariet 12 november/Seminar 12 November Special diet information: ……………………………………………………………………. Övrig/other information: ...………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. .......................................................... Datum/Date ......................................................... Underskrift/Signature 6 (6)
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