2ND ANNUAL EDUCATIONAL SYMPOSIUM iHotel 67 Street 6500 67 Street Red Deer, AB T4P 1A2 OCTOBER 24-25, 2014 RED DEER, ALBERTA 0 Denturist Association of Alberta Ph: (403) 650-0114 22 - 5810 Patina Dr. SW Calgary, AB T3H 2Y6 Fax: (403) 474-6161 To all Denturists, The DAA is hosting its 2nd annual Educational Symposium October 24th & 25th, 2014 in Red Deer, AB, at the iHotel. Two full day courses are being offered on Friday and Saturday with 16 con-ed hours available. The Trade Fair will be open Friday and Saturday for you to see what is new with your vendors. Friday evening will be our wine and cheese get-together starting at 7 pm- 10 pm. This event is being sponsored by Central Dental. We encourage all of you to attend and support the vendors. We will have a selection of appetizers and there will be a host bar (house wine & domestic beer) for a limited time and then a cash bar will be available. There will also be a draw for a travel voucher in the amount of $1,500.00 compliments of Global Dental Science - Avadent during lunch on Saturday. You must be present to claim the prize. This will come in handy during our cold Alberta winter months. Good luck! Please fill out your continuing education registration form and return it with a cheque for $400.00 for members and $500.00 for non-members OR register on line through our website and pay by credit card. ***** REMINDER ***** Have your registration form and payment mailed no later than October 10th, 2014 or register through the website by the same date. Hope to see you all there! Sincerely, Denturist Association of Alberta 1 Denturist Association of Alberta OUT OF TOWN MEMBERS The iHotel 67 Street has offered the following room rates. Cut-off date to ensure these rates is September 23, 2014 The choice is a standard room King Bed, OR a standard room two Queen Beds. The rate for either is $124.99 (plus taxes) per night. The hotel phone number is 403-342-6567 – mention you are with the DAA to ensure you receive the special rate. 2 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS & COURSE REGISTRATION FORM 3 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 2014 FALL SYMPOSIUM FRIDAY OCTOBER 24, 2014 8:00 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sponsored by Central Dental – FULL DAY Albert Miklosy RDT is a practicing Dental Technician anowner of Dental Creations. After completion of the Dental Technology program at George Brown College in 1992, he gained experience with various Dental Laboratories within the GTA. Albert specializes in Implantology & Oral Rehabilitation and is a life-long learner who continuously takes courses to keep up with new Technologies. Albert continues to train on Bredent’s extensive product lines and has become a master of the Visio.lign system certified to teach courses. Visio.lign Hands on Course Production of a 4-unit Anterior Bridge on Zirconia - Introduction to Visio.lign - Description of the Visio.lign Components - Case Planning (Short Break) - Set-up frameworks using high Impact PMMA Visio.lign veneer model - Framework Design and Conditioning using COMBO.LIGN Opaquer - Conditioning of veneers using VISIO.LINK - Luting veneers with COMBO.LIGN dual-hardening adhesive composite (Lunch Break) - Final shaping and de_nitive design using the CREA.LIGN nano_lled composite including pink custom gingiva (Red & White Aesthetic) - Polish frameworks using the VISIO.LIGN TOOL KIT Goal: 1. Fabrication of a 4-unit anterior bridge 2. Di_erent bonding application possibilities, i.e composite on Zirconia or NPM 3. General knowledge of the visio.lign Systems 4. Individualization of the veneers using Cut Back Technique 5. Build up of gingiva using Free Hand Technique 6. Veneering and customizing shells 7. Inverse Layering Technique demo 4 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 2014 FALL SYMPOSIUM FRIDAY OCTOBER 24, 2014 8:00 a.m. to Noon Janice Wheeler is the President and co-owner of The Art Of Management Inc., a practice management company dedicated to helping denturists and other healthcare practitioners reach their full potential. She has spoken at many Denturist conventions across Canada and in England on a whole variety of topics to do with management. At this symposium she will be addressing the subject of sales (treatment plan presentations). The Secrets to Successfully Selling Ideal Care Helping your patients to go ahead with the best you can offer in terms of dentures and service often takes a great deal of skill. Sales skills are vital for the sake of your patients so as to ensure that you give them ideal care. It requires an ethical approach to treatment plan presentations, not a “super sell”. What are the secrets to getting your patients to accept Ideal Care (whatever that may be for each patient)? How to make more positive connections with your patients, even the ones who are not very communicative. How to change the mindset of the patient in a positive way. The 5 Step Process for delivering Ideal Care. How to present implant supported dentures and get agreement more often. This 4 hour workshop will include lots of practical exercises to increase your sales skills. 5 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 2014 FALL SYMPOSIUM FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24TH, 2014 1 PM to 5 PM (Sponsored by Straumann) Dr. Stéfan M. Piché Dr. Piché graduated with distinction from the University Of Saskatchewan College Of Dentistry in 2000. He joined the private practice of Dr. Richard Kovach, who first started restoring dental implants in 1986. Dr. Piché provides all types of general dentistry, focusing on full mouth reconstruction and implant restorations. Dr. Piché restores more than 150 implants per year. He is an ITI member, has been an active member in the Academy of Osseointegration since 2000 and has completed advanced occlusal studies at the Dawson Academy. Dr. Piché has lectured across Canada for Straumann and is active in the local ITI study club. Implants in the Edentulous Arch Course Outline Implants were originally designed to treat the fully edentulous lower arch. As implant therapy has progressed, we now have several options to treat the edentulous patient. This course will cover treatment planning, improved patient communication leading to better case acceptance, and removable and fixed implant options. Course Objectives After the course, the participant should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Feel confident discussing implant therapy with patients Improve the case acceptance rate Understand when removable and fixed options should be used Better incorporate and coordinate implants in your practice 6 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 2014 FALL SYMPOSIUM SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 2014 8:00 a.m. – NOON (sponsored by Simpler Implants) Dr. William Liang, B.Sc, DMD, DABOI, DICOI, FAAID, FACD, FADI Dr. William Liang attended the University of British Columbia and received his Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology in 1981 and his Doctor of Dental Medicine Degree in 1983. At graduation, he was awarded the Canadian Oral and Maxillo-Facial Prize for highest standing in the area of Oral Surgery. He has been practicing dentistry in Surrey, BC for the past 30 years. Currently his practice is focused on adult restorative and implant dentistry. He is on the executive of the AAID Western District. Dr. Liang is Board Certified by the American Board of Oral Implantology/ Implant Dentistry, Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry, Fellow and Diplomate of the International Congress of Oral Implantology, Fellow of the Misch Implant Institute and Fellow of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry. Course Description "Rebuilding a third set of teeth." There are many challenges in restoring the edentulous mouth. Since there are major clinical differences between atrophic changes in the maxilla and mandible, different restorative options will need to be considered. Ultimately, the prosthetic outcome of our treatment will depend on the aesthetic and functional demands of the patient. The desired prosthetic treatment plan will dictate the type and number of implant support as well as pre-implant site preparation required. In this presentation, we will explore treatment options ranging from implant retention of dentures to impact supported dentures including more complex prosthesis such as the Marius bridge to full arch fixed prosthetic crowns and bridges. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Atrophic changes to the Maxilla and Mandible. A Treatment planning algorithm. Examples of treatment approaches. Soft and hard tissue site preparation. Putting it all together 7 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 2014 FALL SYMPOSIUM SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 2014 8:00 a.m. – NOON Instructor Biography: Dean Fenwick, B.Ed, MCP Dean Fenwick is a sought after speaker and educator on practice management for denturists. He has taught a 4th year required course for use of computers in the denturist practice for the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) 2004-2009. He has also instructed computer science; business management; and entrepreneurship at the college level. Since then Dean has been focused on exclusively providing specialized practice management solutions for denturists culminating in the recent release of the DOMx revolutionary software for denturists. Practice Management and Charting - DOMx - techniques that work for denturists. Course Summary Denturists will walk away from this course inspired to improve their business and their work flow. Specific techniques will be presented to increase office efficiency from the waiting room through the front desk; laboratory; back office; and remote locations. This lively course will include specific strategic planning and implementations that work for denturists. Topics will include how the denturist can: 1) improve work flow; 2) achieve rock solid patient charting; 3) increase patient treatment acceptance; 4) utilize “Value Forward” marketing techniques to attract more business. Course Outline 1) Improve WORK FLOW Specific techniques will be presented to help the denturist achieve optimal efficiency in the work flow of the denturist practice - from patient management to office and laboratory procedure management. Remote clinics? Working off site? Why network access to clinic information need no longer be a problem 2) Rock Solid PATIENT CHARTING Why paperless is now practical EVEN for the “paper chart only kind of person” Imaging and Charting options o Demonstration of a many different “paper style” charts and digital charts. o Denturists can then make charting notes directly on the image using a pen like input device on screen. 3) Increase PATIENT TREAMENT ACCEPTANCE Specific presentation techniques that work to increase patient treatment acceptance. Professional Treatment Planning to elevate your business and protect your professional responsibilities. 4) VALUE FORWARD Marketing Techniques Proven big business strategies that work for denturist clinics. Denturists will leave with specific examples and strategies that can be implemented immediately into their practice. 8 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 2014 FALL SYMPOSIUM SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 2014 1 pm to 5 pm Presenters Dr. Al-Hajjaj and Robert Salisbury Dr. Al-Hajjaj graduated from Dental school in 1996. He began his career by completing Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD) at the University of Pittsburgh, PA, then a General Practice Residency (GPR) at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio, TX. He Practiced Hospital Dentistry for three years before he went on to complete his Residency training in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Manitoba. He then completed a Master of Dentistry in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the same University. Dr. Al- Hajjaj then joined Cancer Care Manitoba to complete two years Sub-Specialty training in the Head and Neck Surgical Oncology. He completed a Master of Surgery at the University of Manitoba in addition to his Oral and Maxillofacial and Head and Neck Practice . Dr. Al-Hajjaj moved to Red Deer, AB in 2009 were he is currently providing a full scope of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. He completed a Master of Business Administration for Health Leadership at the McGill University in 2011. Dr. Al-Hajjaj is a Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada, Board Certified with the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Board Member with the International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Board Certified with the American Board of Aesthetic Medicine. COURSE DESCRIPTION Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation concerned with the restoration and/or replacement of the Maxillofacial (jaws and face) structures with prostheses that may or may not be removed on a regular or elective basis. Rehabilitation is offered for individuals who suffer anatomical compromise due to Dentoalveolar defects, congenital (birth) disorders, trauma, and oral/facial malignancies . Patients in need of such rehabilitation services present a wide array of rehabilitation challenges associated with restoring normal appearance , improved function such as speech, mastication (chewing) , and deglutition (swallowing) via the fabrication of prosthetic replacements for missing structures of the jaws and face. The contemporary approach to rehabilitation for individuals seeking such care, largely is being addressed with implant retained and/or supported prostheses. This approach to rehabilitation has revolutionized the ability to restore and normalize function in the face of very challenging anatomical compromise/loss. In most instances, the team approach to treatment that involves an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, a maxillofacial prosthodontist , a Dentist and a Denturist. The strategy and techniques of rehabilitation of the Oral and Maxillofacial patient are directly related to the location of the defect and to the extent and type of surgical intervention. Today it is possible to restore most patients to nearly normal form and function, enabling them to lead useful and productive lives. However, successful outcomes 9 require close interaction among many health care disciplines. Multidisciplinary approach with insights into the latest developments in maxillofacial prosthetics, reconstructive surgery , and dental care will be reviewed. The Attendee will take away practical knowledge of state-of-the art of multidisciplinary treatment approaches Robert Salisbury – Bio and course description The myth of the golden proportion and smile design Participants will learn smile design techniques in relation to the mythical Golden Proportion. Why is this proportion described as the starting point? Why does it not work mostly? Participants will be allowed to see how this proportion is usually not the selected proportion. Robert Salisbury worked with LVI before it was LVI. We called Neuro Muscular occlusion just a restful position back in the 80s. Working with the founder of LVI in the late 80s and restoring Star studded Hollywood Stars such as Frank Sinatra and Samy Davis junior we just improved smiles by design in Nevada where they performed and where I lived. I continued restoring mouths in Edmonton with the likes of Peter Pocklington and Max Ward of Ward Air airlines as well as Burt Reynolds. What other ratios are the ones to choose? How does this relate to implants? A very small portion! This course is a starter on the next leg of your smile journey. Robert is a long time student learning every day (I mean every day) from casework that is shared by his customers in Northern Alberta that share in the same treatment philosophy. He works in a team that includes Denturists, Dentists, Specialists, assistants, Hygienists, office managers, and Lab Technicians. I graduated Western Nevada Community college in 1985 and worked with my father who is registered in the Alberta Denturist association in 1961. Do no Harm is a mantra from Branemark that he shares. Price is what you pay Value is what you get Warren Buffet It’s never crowded along the extra mile Wayne Dyer Author 10 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 2014 FALL SYMPOSIUM SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 2014 1 pm to 5 pm Presenter: Deborah Kavalo Deborah spent most of her youth in a small community in the West Kootneays before moving to Kelowna. She graduated from Okanagan's Dental assisting program in 1987. Spent a couple of years working in private practice in the Okanagan before moving to Medicine Hat Alberta where we enjoyed living for almost 4 years. For the past 18 years I have enjoyed living and working in Calgary. Calgary has a very diverse dental community when I had the great opportunity to learn and work with some amazing people. For the past 4 to 5 years the dentists had to really upgrade their sterilization protocols and it was up to the assistants to research and put together the manuals required. I was introduced to an amazing dentist who was a consultant for our dental offices and the hygiene practices on all the IPC protocols. She encouraged me to put together my manuals and my knowledge in sterilization into a small business. I have been very passionate about making it as simple to do as possible and in a language that people can understand. Course Description IPC Standards Revisited This course will include the following topics of discussion: Sterilization Sundries Occupational safety requirements Office set up FAQ’s regarding new IPC standards DENTURIST ASSOCIATION OF ALBERTA 1ST ANNUAL BATTLE OF ALBERTA HOCKEY GAME WHEN: Saturday, October 25th, 2014 Hockey game: 6:45pm-8:00pm Drinks/Dinner/Silent Auction: 7:30pm-11:30pm WHERE: Penhold Regional Multiplex 1 Waskasoo Ave, Penhold, AB T0M 1R0 FEE: $100.00 Includes Hockey Jersey, Socks, and buffet dinner Non-Hockey Dinner Only- $25.00 ***REGISTRATION DEADLINE: SEPTEMBER 24TH, 2014*** The 1st annual “Battle of Alberta” hockey game will be held at the Penhold Regional Multiplex. This facility, located 20min southwest of Red Deer, was constructed in 2010 and includes a full sized NHL arena, large dressing rooms, fitness center, running track and upstairs lounge. The format/rules will include the following: Team NORTH VS SOUTH; per team minimum players (10) + goalie 3/20 min periods Referee(s) will be provided; penalties will result in penalty shot No checking No slapshots Full equipment including helmets (no cage/visors required) Open to men and women (separate women’s dressing room available) Participation open to members spouses, family, friends, etc. 1 Following the game will be a buffet dinner and silent auction. All proceeds from the silent auction will be donated to the MS Society of Canada. For more information regarding the facility, visit their website at: http://www.townofpenhold.ca/living-in-penhold/multiplex/ For all other inquiries, please contact Dave Fedechko at: davidfedechko@hotmail.com 1 (403) 358-5558 Sponsorship for this event has been provided by: 2 REGISTRATION FORM 1st Annual Battle of Alberta Hockey Game Please print this registration/waiver form and submit via email/fax davidfedechko@hotmail.com / fax (403) 358-3508 Gaetz Avenue Denture Clinic #140, 2325-50th Avenue Red Deer, AB T4R 1L2 **All cheques should be made payable to the DENTURIST ASSOCATION OF ALBERTA** NAME: HOME ADDRESS: CLINIC NAME/ADDRESS: ______ N/A Circle your selections below TEAM: NORTH POSITION: FORWARD JERSEY SIZE: MEDIUM SOUTH DEFENCE LARGE GOALIE XLARGE XXLARGE NAME TO APPEAR ON JERSEY: CHOICE OF JERSEY NUMBER: 1ST NON-HOCKEY DINNER ONLY: 2ND 3RD YES NO NAME OF GUEST(S): / / FEE: 100.00 + 25.00 x 3 = $ WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY READ BEFORE SIGNING In consideration of being allowed to participate in any way in the Denturist Association of Alberta Hockey Game, related events and activities, the undersigned acknowledges, appreciates, and agrees that: 1) The risk of injury from the activities involved is significant, including the potential for permanent paralysis and death, and while particular rules, equipment, and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious injury does exist; and, 2) I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, both known and unknown, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES or others, and assume full responsibility for my participation; and, 3) I willingly agree to comply with the stated and customary terms and conditions for participation. If, however, I observe any unusual significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from participation and bring such to the attention of the nearest official immediately; and, 4) I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS the Denturist Association of Alberta and their officers, officials, agents, and/or employees, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, and if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the event (“RELEASEES”), WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH, or loss or damage to person or property, WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE, to the fullest extent permitted by law. I HAVE READ THIS RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT, FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS, UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS BY SIGNING IT, AND SIGN IT FREELY AND VOLUNTARILY WITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT. _________________________________________________ DATE SIGNED: ______________________ (Participant's Signature) 4 IF YOU ARE PAYING BY CHEQUE, BANK DRAFT OR MONEY ORDER PLEASE FILL OUT AND RETURN TO: THE DENTURIST ASSOCIATION OF ALBERTA 22 - 5810 Patina Dr. SW Calgary, AB T3H 2Y6 NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 10, 2014 $400.00 FOR MEMBERS $500.00 FOR NON-MEMBERS Continuing Education Courses Registration Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Clinic: _______________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Please circle courses attending: Friday, October 24th Full Day Course Albert Miklosy 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Attending: Visio.lign Hands on course Production of a 4-unit Anterior Bridge on Zirconia (sponsored by Central Dental) Yes No Janice Wheeler – AMI The Secrets to Successfully Selling Ideal Care 8:00 am – 12:00 noon Attending: Yes No Dr. Piche’ Implants in the Edentulous Arch (Sponsored by Strauman) 1:00pm – 5:00 pm yes No 5 Attending: Saturday, October 25th Dean Fenwick Practice Management & Charting 8:00 am - noon Attending: Yes No 8:00 am – noon Attending: Yes No Attending: Yes No Attending: Yes No (Sponsored by Henry Schein) Dr. William Liang Rebuilding a third set of teeth (Sponsored by Simpler Implants) Dr.Al-Hajjaj & Robert Salisbury 1:00pm - 5:00pm Oral & Maxillofacial Rehabilitation The myth of the golden proportion and smile design (Sponsored by Henry Schein) Deborah Kavalo IPC Standards Revisited 1:00pm – 5:00pm FEES Symposium Registration (DAA Member) $400.00 Symposium Registration (Non-member) $500.00 Wine and cheese – attending No charge Hockey – participating player $100.00 Hockey – dinner only -- nbr _____ x $25.00 pp TOTAL DUE TO REGISTER AND PAY FOR THIS EVENT ONLINE WWW.DENTURISTASSOCIATIONOFALBERTA.COM LOG INTO THE MEMBER’S AREA, THEN CLICK ON THE EVENT REGISTRATION ICON IN THE RIGHTHAND NAVIGATION COLUMN Deadline for on-line registration October 10, 2014 6 7
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