Buyer’s Magazine PREVIEW No. 02 May 2012 Copenhagen Fashion Wee k teaser Read all about Copenhagen Fashion Week Read all about CIFF/CIFF KIDS, CPH kids, Gallery and VISION Spring&Summer ’13: Women’s Fashion, Men’s Fashion and Kid’s Fashion People×Fashion×Market×Business×Brands×Trade Fairs×Showrooms Fairs×Showrooms×Copenhagen × ×Showrooms ×Copenhagen City Guide MEET US AT THE COPENHAGEN INTERNATIONAL FASHION FAIR AUGUST 9-12 2012 B R E AD & B U T T E R B E R L I N J U LY 4 - 6 2 0 1 2 F 10.2 IN “FASH ION NOW” HA NG A R NO. 3 S E E YO U I N B E R L I N O R MEET U S AT C O P E NH AG E N FA S H I O N W E E K AUGU S T 9 - 1 2 2 0 1 2 Leder/editorial Copenhagen – a must go fashion capital Fire unikke modemesser Four unique fashion fairs • Bredt udbud af skandinavisk design og mode Wide range of Scandinavian design and fashion • København åbner sig for dig Copenhagen opens up to you De fire modemesser CIFF/CIFF KIDS, NU giver dig også en fyldig intro til oplevel- hagen Fashion Week on August 9-12, 2012. ultimative indkøb til Nordeuropas mode- Få et smugkig på afsnittet bag i denne Pre- when NU no. 2 is issued in mid-July. On 196 CPH kids, Gallery og VISION byder tilsammen på en unik mulighed for at foretage det butikker. Preview NU giver dig på de følgende sider et tidligt indblik i de fire forskellige mode- messers koncepter. Du får samtidig praktisk info om messernes åbningstider, adres- ser i København. Indholdet er udarbejdet i samarbejde med Wonderful Copenhagen. view-udgave. På gensyn i København til august! ser og muligheder for gratis adgang via The four fashion fairs CIFF/CIFF KIDS, CPH deren ud for Copenhagen Fashion Week den purchasing for Northern Europe’s fashion forudregistrering. Med andre ord: Du kan med fordel allerede nu sætte kryds i kalen9.-12. august 2012. Læs også teaser-historier om, hvad du kan glæde dig til af inspirerende læsestof, når NU nr. 2 lander i din butik midt i juli. NU nr. 2 giver på 196 sider et samlet overblik på nyhederne til modeugen i København – praktisk og tydeligt inddelt i et afsnit om hver modemesse. kids, Gallery, and VISION altogether offer a unique chance to do the ultimate fashion stores. On the following pages, Preview NU gives you an early insight into the concepts of the Read teaser stories about what inspiring reading material you can look forward to pages, NU no. 2 gives you the full picture of the news at the fashion week in Copenha- gen – practically and clearly divided into sections for each fashion fair. NU also gives you a thorough introduction to what Co- penhagen has to offer. The contents of this section are prepared in cooperation with Wonderful Copenhagen. Take a peek at the Copenhagen City guide section in this Preview Edition. See you in Copenhagen in August! four fashion fairs. Additionally, you will get practical information on the fairs’ opening hours, addresses, and the chance to gain free access by pre-registering. In other words: Mark your calendar now for Copen- Helle Mathiesen Editor in Chief _6 PreSentinG SPrinG / SuMMer 2013 9-12 August 2012 ve nue : b e lla ce nt e r www.ciff. dk Indhold/content Content Headlines in NU-02 s/p. 14 _ take a peak s/p. 31 _ take a peak s/p. 36 _ take a peak CIFF/CIFF KIDS s/p. 10 VISION s/p. 12 JUST Female s/p. 15 s/p. 10 _ new and revitalized s/p. 12 _ a new visionary fashion event s/p. 15 _ extract from JUST female magazine Gallery CPH kids CPH City Guide CIFF/CIFF KIDS in Bella Center s/p. 32 s/p. 32 _ a platform of design driven fashion brands in Forum kolofon/colophon in Lokomotivværkstedet s/p. 34 NU just preview.indd 1 s/p. 34 _ new visual identity at CPH kids in TAP-1 s/p. 39 s/p. 39 _ extract from the complete guide to some of the finest, coolest and most breathtaking adventures Copenhagen has to offer Publisher: Mathiesen Media, Strøget 40, DK-7430 Ikast, t +45 4243 3492, / Editor in Chief: Helle Mathiesen,, / Journalists: Jette Aaes, Helle Mathiesen / Translator: Martin Skovgaard Lauritsen / Advertising: Dorte Knudsen, t +45 4270 0866, / Art Directors: Karsten Olsen and Jane Erving Lund, Happy & Co / Printer: I B XPress / Circulation this issue: 4.300/NU 2: 9.000 / Next issue: 16 July 2012 / Cover photo: nü by Staff-Woman, nü a/s, Neptunvej 18, DK-8960 Randers, T +45 8712 2300, _8 5/9/2012 4:19:54 PM PRESENTING SPRING / SUMMER 2013 9-12 August 2012 I N CO L LAB O RAT IO N WIT H COVE R KIDS VE NUE : B E LLA CE NT E R WWW.CIFFKIDS . DK When? 9-11 August 2012 Opening hours Thursday 9am-6pm Friday 9am-6pm Saturday 9am-6pm Sunday 9am-5pm Where? Bella Center Center Boulevard 5 2300 Copenhagen S Organiser Bella Center Website Six universes URBAN SPACE / Streetwear – Casual – Denim PERFORMANCE / Active – Sports – Outerwear ESSENTIAL / Womenswear – Capsule – Conceptual FUTURE CLASSICS / Ready-to-wear – Accessories – Fashion-forward STYLE-SETTERS / Upcoming – International – Design-driven KIDS / Babies – Toddlers – Tweens _10 New and revitalized CIFF For 39. gang åbner Bella Center dørene til CIFF. Alligevel er det et helt nyt messeunivers, som de besøgende vil bevæge sig ind i til august, siger Fashion & Design Director, Kristian W. Andersen. Skarp segmentering, et helt nyt sko-galleri og nye, trafikskabende brands er blandt hovednyhederne. For the 39th time Bella Center opens its doors to CIFF. Nonetheless, visitors will enter into a completely new fair universe this August, says CEO, Kristian W. Andersen. Sharp segmentation, an entirely new shoe gallery as well as new, fashionable brands are among the headlines. Read more in NU no. 2 The concept of the revitalized CIFF Copenhagen International Fashion Fair re- defines the Scandinavian fashion industry, and pioneers a new generation of fashion fairs based on a visionary concept that uni- • Segmented structure ensures cohesive brand-buyer relations • Six universes NEW: Shoe Galleries Copenhagen In July 2012, Bella Center is presenting tes brands across segments, price points northern Europe’s most high-profile show most innovative fashion fair in Northern penhagen, a vast 4,000-square-metre po- and style. CIFF aims to be the largest, strongest and Europe by providing fashion brands, bu- yers and press with a directional platform that clearly and consistently profiles each brand through focus on business, creativity and innovation. CIFF has always a firm focus on trade. CIFF introduces six conceptual universes, each designed and marketed to embrace and promote different fashion segments for menswear, womenswear and childrenswear. Also experience Scandinavias biggest case and purchasing platform for the entire footwear industry – The Shoe Galleries Cowerhouse dedicated to shoes. The new department will be positioned as a natural part of the CIFF fairs to create synergies and a natural flow. - We are creating one single location for shoes in Copenhagen with a broad and recognised range. With all the extra floor space, we can accommodate more than 100 new brands, explains Fashion & Design Director Kristian W. Andersen. The Shoe Galleries will include jewellery and watch trade fair in Bella Cen- Via Della Spiga – a ‘boutique showroom’ 4 good reasons to go to CIFF & CIFFKIDS strong brands wanting their own identity ter 9 - 12 August 2012. • CIFF and CIFFKIDS represent more than 2,500 brands • Scandinavia’s largest fashion fair with 80,000-square-metre exhibition space concept for international high-end brands Meatpacking District – a unique solution for The Market – dedicated to temporary exhibitors participating at CIFF and other activities in the footwear industry 11_ When? 9-11 August 2012 Opening hours Thursday 10am-7pm Friday 10am-7pm Saturday 10am-6pm Where? Lokomotivværkstedet/The old Locomotive Maintenance Building Otto Busses Vej 5A 2450 Copenhagen SV Organiser Exhibition Professionals Website Six different areas VISION will provide the visitor with an inspired fashion mix and the opportunity to discover hundreds of brands in the six areas: SHINE / A premier collection of the region’s leading contemporary fashion brands. Keywords: design driven, internationally respected, growth potential. THE BOILER / An edit of the street and urban fashion brands with the biggest influence on the lifestyle and fashion landscape. Presented in a raw and casual atmosphere. SEEK / Dedicated to fashion-forward high street brands catering to a young style-savvy crowd. Plus… be wowed by a handful of out-of-cate- 4 good reasons to go to VISION • More than 400 brands are showcasing in the 20,000 square meters in the extended version of Lokomotivværkstedet • By bringing the city together, VISION aims to open new, positive opportunities of trading, networking, dialogue and ambitions • Bridging the realms of creativity and commerce • Six inspiring areas: Like a city, VISION consists of neighbourhoods within the exhibition space gory brands. FREE / A ground-breaking platform for denim and sportswear-oriented fashion, featuring the most innova- tive and bestselling casual brands around. DAWN / Design talent and emerging brands carefully handpicked by the Vision team. PRIVATE / The discerning destination for independent brands with an artistic aesthetic. This is design-driFoto: Sacha Maric _12 ven fashion at its best and conceptual brands with a directional edge. VISION – a new visionary fashion event in Lokomotivværkstedet VISION er navnet på den helt nye modemesse, der er resultatet af fusionen mellem CPH Vision og Terminal-2. VISION er ikke bare en sammenlægning, men et helt nyt og visionært messeformat, konstaterer direktør Peter Fenger Selchau. Fordelt i seks skarpe segmenter viser over 400 brands nyheder inden for tøj, sko og accessories. Læs mere i NU nr. 2. VISION is the name of the completely new fashion fair, which is the outcome of the merger between CHP Vision and Terminal-2. VISION is not only an outcome of a merger, but an entirely new and visionary fashion format, says CEO Peter Fenger Selchau. Divided into six sharp segments, 400 brands present news within the areas of clothing, shoes and accessories. Read more in NU no. 2 The concept of VISION VISION fashion fair will debut in August 2012 in the ‘old’, authentic Terminal-2 trade show venue Lokomotivværkstedet. The merger of CPH Vision and Terminal-2 is the result of a thorough assessment to take into account the requirements for an improved and unified Copenhagen Fashion Week. - When integrating both trade show universes in one united platform, exhibitors are given a wider playground and the visitors a greater concentration of brands thus a strong impression - as well as one less lo- cation to visit, during the hectic show days. All in all the expansion and amalgamation of the two fashion fairs CPH Vision and Terminal-2 gave new potential to the creation of the inventive and flourishing Scandinavian business platform – VISION, says CEO Peter Fenger Selchau. He wants to ensure that the trade shows continue to evolve and remain attractive to exhibitors and buyers. - Our long-term strategy is to invest in the future of Copenhagen as a fashion city and this means new initiatives every season. The first step was to grant our visitors free admission to our fashion trade fair by introducing pre-registration online in August 2011. By bringing exhibitors under one roof and launching Vision this forthcoming August, we aim to create an accessible platform at- Visitors are granted free admission by to six new areas with an inspired fashion from Copenhagen City to VISION in Lo- tracting Danish and International buyers online pre-registration before August mix, a sharper segmentation and a relaxed komotivværkstedet. It is free of charge thus more traffic. By introducing visitors 3rd. 2012 and there are shuttlebuses exhibition environment, we wish to create to use the buses. new, positive opportunities in trading, networking, dialogue and ambitions. The buyers have always had our main focus – as they really are the foundation of our platform. And to maintain momentum and establish the perfect creative setting for VISION, our aim was and is to meet exhibitor and visitor requirements for a more acces- sible and simplified exhibition platform in Copenhagen. The merger is therefore the result of a thorough assessment to take into account the requirements for an improved and unified Copenhagen Fashion Week, says Peter Fenger Selchau. With more than 400 brands showcasing in the 20,000 square meters in the extended version of Lokomotivværkstedet, VISION becomes a melting pot for buyers and exhibitors. Press, buyers and exhibitors can kick back and relax in the park area, which will also be the setting for events tailored to socia- lising and starting up new businesses. The event schedule will be announced in the weeks before the exhibition. 13_ Kort nyt/news in brief Masser af mode- og branchenyt i NU nr. 2 / Plenty of fashion and business news in NU no. 2 Keep an eye out for NU no. 2, which is issued in mid-July: You will find loads of interesting and business-related reading material on the latest fashion trends, the fairs’ renewed concepts, the new brands that will launch during Copenhagen Fashion Week, and on the suppliers’ Spring/Summer 2013 collections. Take a peak… Oh! - Kopenhagen Fur launches its own brand Kopenhagen Fur gør det fantastisk godt, ikke mindst på eksportmarkederne. Nu lancerer pelsorganisationen sit eget brand. Kopenhagen Fur is doing remarkably well, especially on export markets. Now the fur organization launches its own brand. Read more about Oh! by Kopenhagen Fur in NU 2. children's trend show is on every day at DK Company køber BTX-brands – the full story / DK Company acquires BTX-brands – the full story their SS13 collection at their own children's Få hele baggrundshistorien, læs alt om den of August CIFF KIDS opens up the hall doors I et stort, selvstændigt afsnit i NU præsen- 1pm during the fair. During CIFF KIDS, Noa Noa will present fashion show. In the afternoon and evening of Friday 10th and invite all exhibitors, buyers and press to an outside-get-together, for a couple hours of networking, good food and cool drinks. You can also follow CIFF KIDS on Facebook or at the blog fremadrettede strategi og visionerne for fremtidens DK Company. terer vi koncernen, den nye divisionering og de tilhørende brands. Get the complete background to the story. Read about the future strategies and visions of DK Company. In a large, separate section in NU we present the group, the new divisions and the related brands. Just Female magazine på de næste 16 sider… / Just Female magazine on the following 16 pages… Oh! By Kopenhagen Fur Allerede i denne Preview-udgave kan du stifte nærmere bekendtskab med Just Female – på de følgende 16 sider bringer NU New brands at CIFF KIDS et udsnit af brandets nye magasin. I NU nr. 2 bringer vi en større artikel om Exhibition Manager Bettina Randazzo is Just Female og den kreative Brand Manager pleased to present the many brands that Penille Andersen. have signed up for the CIFF KIDS. The new In this Preview edition you can become ac- brands include Noa Noa miniature, Armani, quainted with Just Female – on the follow- Guess, IKKS, Jean Bourget, PèPè, Milibe, Se- ing 16 pages NU gives you an excerpt of the lena, Living Crafts, Haflinger, Engel, Hirsch, brand’s new magazine. Pure Pure, Fuzzies, Merino Kids, Tildas AB, In NU no. 2 we run an extensive feature on and Garcia Oilily. Just Female and the creative Brand Man- Under the theme of Jungle Boogie, CIFF KIDS will host a children's trend show in cooperation with Cover Kids, presenting the trends for Spring/Summer 2013. The _14 CIFF KIDS trend show ager Penille Andersen. Take a peak… fortsættes på side 31 / to be continued at page 31 JUST MAGAZINE ISSUE #1 2012 PREVEIW.JUST MAGAZINE ISSUE #1 2012 PREVEIW.JUST MAGAZINE ISSUE #1 2012 PREVEIW JUST MAGAZINE ISSUE #1 2012 PREVEIW.JUST MAGAZINE ISSUE #1 2012 PREVEIW.JUST MAGAZINE ISSUE #1 2012 PREVEIW wear Sarah Riggs - Junior Buyer on Womens Trend Brands at Asos SPAIN SHOWROOM CENTRAL BCN JUST MAGAZINE ISSUE #1 2012 PREVEIW.JUST MAGAZINE ISSUE #1 2012 PREVEIW.JUST MAGAZINE ISSUE #1 2012 PREVEIW THE NEATHERLANDS SWEDEN NORWAY GERMANY Kort nyt/news in brief Articles in NU no. 2 – take a peak… Martin P: Fra strømpefabrik til modehus / Martin P: From sock producer to fashion house BTX – it’s all about the classics! Læs nature, Ciso og Brandtex. Få hele historien historien om Martin Pedersens Strømpef abrik, der har udviklet sig til et moderne modehus. Henriette Funch er udnævt til adm. direktør for at styrke Martin P's fokus på branding og markedsudvikling. Poul Sønderbæk er udnævnt til udviklingsdirektør. Read the story of Martin Pedersen’s MP Socks, which has expanded into a modern fashion house. In order to strengthen Martin P’s focus on brand and market development, the com- pany has appointed Henriette Funch as the BTX-koncernen koncentrerer sig fremadrettet om de fem brands Imitz, Jensen, Sig- om den fremtidige strategi, koncernens nye, målrettede koncept og læs om profi- len på hvert af de fem mærker, der satses stærkt på i fremtiden. Prospectively, The BTX group will focus on the five brands Imitz, Jensen, Signature, Ciso, and Brandtex. Get the full story of the group’s future strategy, the new, goal-oriented concept, and read about each of the five brands in focus. Imitz new CEO and Poul Sønderbæk to serve as director of development. Won Hundred bag cykel-design / Won Hundred behind bike-design NZA - New Zealand Auckland Won Hundred har lanceret en limited edi- CIFF KIDS, and in the showroom on Lind- tion af håndsyede skind-accessories, der er specielt målrettet det cyklende folk. Won Hundred has launched a collection of Shine Update på PWT Group handcraftet leather acces- Meet the successful life style brand at CIFF, greens Allé, and read more about the history of the brand in NU no. 2. sories specially made for biking. Won Hundred At CIFF in February 2012 shapely steward- esses presented PWT’s new, 890 m2 show- room in Copenhagen Fashion House. In NU no. 2 we bring news from the group behind the chain stores Tøjeksperten and Wagner as well as 14 men’s brands. Women’s and men’s fashion in Spring/Summer ’13 Se alle de nye kollektionsbilleder fra branchens leverandører. See the latest collection photos from the fashion suppliers in NU no. 2. Take a peak… fortsættes på side 36 / to be continued at page 36 31_ Gallery – a platform of design driven fashion brands - Gallery har udvidet konstant siden den første messe for seks år siden. Ingen andre steder i verden kan man opleve de førende skandinaviske designere samlet under et tag, konstaterer direktør og stifter, Christian Gregersen. - Gallery has expanded steadily since its beginning six years ago. Nowhere else in the world can you experience the leading Scandinavian designers under the same roof, says Gallery founder and CEO Christian Gregersen. Read more in NU no. 2. The concept of Gallery Gallery aims to be the favourite fashion fair for Scandinavian design driven fashion brands. - The fashion fair attracts brands from both young and well-established designers, all striving for and embracing the famous values of Scandinavian design - values that reflect high quality, innovation and accessibility for all consumers. This is why Scan- dinavian design is appreciated, not only in Scandinavia, but all over the world, says Christian Gregersen. Gallery was founded in 2006 and the fair has been held twice a year ever since. Over the last couple of years Gallery has at_32 tracted innovative designers from all over the world, designing both men’s and wo- men’s clothes and fashion wear as well as an exclusive collection of high-end accessories, shoes, bags, and jewellery. - Our vision is to enhance the knowledge and 4 good reasons to go to Gallery • 330 leading design driven brands • 13 shows from promising Scandinavian designers at the showscene at The Royal Danish Academy of Music right next to Forum on Rosenørns Allé 2 values of Scandinavian design around the • 11,465 trade visitors in February 2012 – the professional buyers and the rest of the vian design: High quality, innovation and world and to represent a platform for intro- ducing new, talented and gifted designers to fashion world, says Christian Gregersen. As in previous seasons it is possible to gain free entrance to Gallery. Pre-register on before the 6th of August 2012. a record number of visitors • Gallery embraces the values of Scandinaaccessibility When? 9-11 August 2012 Opening hours Thursday 9am-7pm Friday 10am-7pm Saturday 10am-5pm Where? Forum Julius Thomsens Plads 1 1925 Frederiksberg C Organiser Gregersen Communication Website 33_ When? 9-11 August 2012 Opening hours Thursday 9am-6pm Friday 9am-6pm Saturday 9am-6pm Where? Tap 1 Ny Carlsberg Vej 91 1799 Copenhagen V Organiser Tap 1 Website CPH kids is located at TAP1 in the Carlsberg District, a new suburb that is an extension of Vesterbro where Carlsberg was brewing their world-famous beer for 160 years. _34 CPH kids renews its visual identity Ny adm. direktør, ny visuel identitet og en intensiveret messeoplevelse er blandt nyheder fra CPH kids til august 2012. New CEO, new visual identity, and an intensified fair experience are all part of the news from CPH kids in August 2012. Read more in NU no. 2 In early May CPH kids launched a com- CPH kids has become a nest for new up- • A pioneering spirit, openness and crea- the fair in August. District, a new suburb that is an extension in the Carlsberg District with 1500 par- pletely new visual identity on its website – the new design can also be experienced at For the first time the children’s fair CPH kids will be shortened to three days when Sunday hours are cut. - Three days of intensified experience, content and trading will attract more international exhibitors, says CEO Sandra Stenderup. She took the wheel on 1 May 2012, succeeding founder Lone Holm, who will be watching from the sidelines as a consultant. - We expect that the outcome will be a more compressed and dynamic fair experience and-coming brands and designers. CPH kids is located at TAP1 in the Carlsberg of Vesterbro where Carlsberg was brewing tivity • CPH kids is located at the inspiring TAP1 king spaces their world-famous beer for 160 years. The- • Nest for new up-and-coming brands and strict has more than 1500 parking spaces. It is possible to gain free entrance to 4 good reasons to go to CPH kids Pre-register on • CPH kids represents the most ambitious before the 6th of August 2012. re are less than two kilometres to Copenhagen City Hall Square, and the Carlsberg Di- designers CPH kids. Scandinavian brands in the sector of children’s fashion and accessories and in that way create an even better tra- ding platform for buyers and exhibitors, says Sandra Stenderup. The concept of CPH kids CPH kids is a fashion fair for children’s clothing and accessories, an idea that arose among some of the most ambitious Danish brands who wanted a pioneering spirit, an openness and a creativity in the Danish children’s fashion scene. CPH kids aims to fulfil this wish. From the very beginning in February 2010, it has been the fair’s ambition to break down boundaries and to promote open- mindedness and unique inspiration for all parties involved. 35_ Kort nyt/news in brief Articles in NU no. 2 – take a peak… Bianca vil øge indsatsen i Skandinavien / Bianca to increase Scandinavian efforts Tif & Tiffy – specialist i trendy tørklæder / Tif & Tiffy – specialist in trendy scarves Tusind og en ting til småfolk / Thousand and one thing for children Siden foråret 2011 har Henrik Stig Hansen De nyeste vaske, materialer, print og tek- Brandet Småfolk er kendt for sine genken- Bianca. ”Klassisk er ikke længere synonymt Kirsten Frandsen. ligt, så det i dag favner et helt univers af beklædt stillingen som skandinavisk salgsdirektør for det tyske dametøjsmærke med kedeligt,” konstaterer salgsdirektøren – læs, hvad han mener med det i NU nr. 2, hvor vi bringer et længere interview med Henrik Stig Hansen. Since Spring 2011, Henrik Stig Hansen has held the position of Sales Manager in Scandinavia for the German women’s brand Bianca. “Classic is no longer synonymous nikker tages i brug, når Tif & Tiffy udvik- ler sine kollektioner. Interview med stifter The latest wash styles, materials, prints, and techniques are used when Tif & Tiffy designs its collections. Interview with founder Kirsten Frandsen. Ny agent på det hollandske brand Vingino / New agent at the Dutch brand Vingino with boring,” he says – read more about Det hollandske jeansbrand, der har specia- NU no. 2. The Dutch jeans brand, which has special- what is behind this statement in an exten- sive interview with Henrik Stig Hansen in listeret sig i jeansmode til børn, har fået ny agent. Læs mere i NU nr. 2. ized in jeans fashion for children, now has a new agent. Read more in NU no. 2. Engageret iværksætter bag til behørsfirmaet Qnuz / Commited entrepreneur behind the accessories company Qnuz delige print og det farveglade børnetøj. Med tiden er sortimentet vokset betyde- produkter til blandt andet børneværelset, puslebordet og strandturen. The Småfolk brand is known for its recognizable print and its colourful children’s wear. Over time the assortment has grown sig- nificantly to include an entire world of products for children’s rooms, the changing table, and a trip to the beach. De nye tendenser i taskemoden / New trends in bag-fashion Nyheder og trends ifølge taske-leveran dørerne. News and trends according to bag suppliers. Fonnesberg Ginnie Lyngsø glæder sig til at vise indkøber- ne masser af spændende nyt tilbehør på CIFF. NU fortæller historien om Ginne Lyngsøs fremgangsrige iværksættervirksomhed, der til dagligt huserer i lokaler, der tidligere tilhørte en cykelsmed. Ginnie Lyngsø is pleased to present loads of new, exciting accessories to buyers at CIFF. NU tells the story of Ginnie Lyngsø’s flourishing company, which is located in facilities that used to be a bike repair shop. Nü præsenterer nyheder på VISION / Nü presents news at VISION Nü viser de nye kollektioner inden for mode og interiør på VISION I Lokomotivværkstedet. Bianca _36 Nü shows the new collection for fashion and home interior at VISION in Lokomotivværkstedet. Read more in NU no. 2. NU nr. 2 byder naturligvis på mange flere nyheder fra blandt andre The Little Show room, Rosemunde, Brands4Kids, Lego Wear, Hummel, Aya Naya, Meier Copen hagen, InFront, Name it, Stylesnob, Magali Pascal, Claire&Hust, Trend House Group og mange, mange flere. NU no. 2 offers more news from The Little Showroom, Rosemunde, Brands4Kids, Lego Wear, Hummel, Aya Naya, Meier Copen hagen, InFront, Name it, Stylesnob, Magali Pascal, Claire&Hust, Trend House Group and many others. See you at Copenhagen Fashion Week more information on +45 98181133 Copenhagen is open for you Copenhagen is cool, classic and full of contrasts. Whether you are into world class architecture, cutting edge Danish design, history as reflected in the city’s sights, unprecedented shopping, or some of the finest cuisine on earth, it’s all here waiting for you. In NU no. 2 you will find Wonderful Copenhagen’s complete guide to some of the finest, coolest and most breathtaking adventures Copenhagen has to offer. By Frederikke Møller Kristiansen, Wonderful Copenhagen City Hall Square, photo: Ty Stage 39_ Shop till you drop Copenhagen is a shopper’s paradise, no less! Whether you are into international brands, vintage thrills or Danish design it’s all here! Copenhagen is home to the flagship stores of a group of Danish designers. They might be different in style but they have one thing in common; they all make affordable, wearable clothes with a twist. Visit the stores of Malene Birger, DAY, Designer’s Remix, Henrik Vibs- kov and Susanne Rützou all located in the center of Copenhagen. The area of Kronprinsensgade and Grønnegade, just near Strøget, make for great shopping experiences. Stroll down Kronprinsensgade and its side streets for more Danish fashion, jewelry and shoes, and continue to the Grønnegade area where you will find one of the most Illums Bolighus, photo: Morten Jerichau trendsetting concept stores in Scandinavia, Storm. Just nearby is Danish fashion brandstore Wood Wood, and exclusive Holly Golightly with international brands such as Chloé, Alexander Wang and Marni. If you’re up for more exclusive shopping visit the Christian Loubou- tin store for stilettos to die for. Shoe stores Kassandra and A Pair also feature international brand name shoes. When shopping in Copenhagen there is no way around Strøget, the world’s longest pedestrian street. It stretches from the City Hall Square to The King’s Square. In the more exclusive end, near The King’s Square, you can shop for Burberry, Louis Vuitton, Mulberry, Gucci, Hermes, to name but a few. To have it all under one roof go to depart- ment stores Illum or Magasin Du Nord where you will find both Danish designers, cool children’s clothes and international brands. Just opposite Illum lies Hay, an interior design shop. The Danish brand Hay is bold, colorful and affordable and in their flagship sto- re they have a wide selection of their contemporary design. Not far away, also on Strøget, is Georg Jensen, home to the finest silver jewelry and dinnerware there is. Right next to it is Royal Copen- hagen where you can indulge yourself in hand-painted porcelain dinner-ware, figurines and collectibles. For more great shopping visit interior design store Normann Copenhagen in the area of Østerbro, Jægersborggade and Elme- gade in the area Nørrebro and Stræderne which goes parallel to Strøget. More on shopping _40 Blågårdsgade, photo: Ty Stage Moods – i butikkerne fra august. Going out Whether you are into cocktail bars, beers, wine or clubbing, Copenhagen nightlife has it all. Copenhagen has a great number of places to go out for a 30+ a great cocktail, if you can find the place, that is. Only the buzzer by Ved Stranden 10, a great place for a glass of exquisite after-din- bar serving cocktails, champagne and caviar. crowd. If you are starting the night early one of the city’s wine bars could be the place to go. Situated right at the canal in inner city is ner wine. At Nimb you can also get a great glass in beautiful surroundings, and if you are on Vesterbro or Nørrebro, Malbeck is a great and cozy choice to go. Copenhageners like their beer, and one of the places they hang-out is Mikkelier on Vesterbro as well as the small and always packed Charlie’s Bar in inner city. In recent years cocktail bars have become increasingly popular and always draw a crowd at weekends. The city even has its own signa- ture drink – the Copenhagen! For great cocktails visit Ruby, housed in a posh canal side flat. Another great cocktail hang-out is 1105, which serves up classic cocktails, new innovative drinks and also have The Copenhagen on the menu! At The Union you can also get Les Trois Cochons, photo: Cofoco Restaurant Herman at Nimb in Tivoli _42 the door indicates there is a cocktail bar there. At hotel Bella Sky take the elevator to the top floor and enjoy Sky Bar, an exclusive Copenhagen is renowned for its jazz festival, and places like Copenhagen JazzHouse and Montmartre have great concerts all year round. If clubbing is your thing Culture Box, Dunkel and Club Vega are great choices. More on going out More on Copenhagen at SHOeS PreSentInG SPrInG / SuMMer 2013 9-12 August 2012 ve nue : b e lla ce nt e r www.cIFF. dk jewellery preSenting Spring / SuMMer 2013 9-12 August 2012 ve nue : b e lla ce nt e r www.cope nh ag e nj e we lle ryfair. dk
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