EuropeNetwork2020 DRAFT PROJECT PROGRAMMA: COSME PROGRAMME Call ID : 127-G-ENT-PPA-14-7722 Transnational cultural tourism products and Tourism and accessibility for all THEME 1 Cooperation projects to support transnational tourism based on European cultural and industrial heritage DEADLINE: OCTOBER 21st , 2014 at 17,00 NAME OF THE PROJECT: “EUROPEAN RIVERS TOUR” History, Nature, Culture, Economy Discover the cultural and industrial heritage of Europe along the course of its rivers PARTNERSHIP: Geographical areas involved: EU 28 - Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Hungary. Number of Partners. Minimum 5 people from 5 different countries Partners Required: N° 1 Public Body + n ° 2 SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) Type of partner: governmental authorities and their networks / associations at European level, international, national, regional and local or other organizations acting on behalf of a public governmental; academic training centers, educational institutions, training providers on tourism or research centers destination management organizations and their networks / associations travel agencies and tour operators and their associations chambers of commerce and industry and handicrafts or similar bodies and their umbrella associations non-profit organizations / NGOs, civil society organizations international associations, national and European active in tourism and related sectors, public and private entities (SMEs, etc.) Note: Potential partners in the project must be characterized by a strong and specific characterization in relation to the main theme of the project: the river system and its cultural, environmental, historical, economic and industrial peculiarities DURATION OF THE PROJECT 18 months (From May, 1st 2015 to October, 31st 2016) BUDGET OF THE PROJECT: Total Cost of the Project: € 300,000.00 € 225,000.00 (= 75%) European Union Grant € 75,000.00 (= 25%) share of co-financing by the partnership DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT The European civilization owes much to its rivers. From the Roman Empire, of which the same rivers marked the boundaries and testified to bloody battles, moments of glory and the birth of new colonies, to the modern and post-modern times, in which the rivers are in many countries an indispensable source of industrial, commercial and tourist develoment, along the banks of the great and not so great European rivers, at different times and with different characteristics, you can know and discover the enormous wealth of historical, cultural, industrial and commercial, but also environmental and naturalistic heritage of Europe. From the primordial cells of the most important European cities where the flow of the river has always accompanied the city life, to the countryside and rural villages where the river for so long has been a source of economic support and instrument of social harmony; from the mountain territories in which to discover and to research sources, waterfalls and lush forests, to hydroelectric power stations, where man has managed to turn the power of the water flowing into energy to be able to grow and develop major industries and handicraft factories, which today are transforming, converting and becoming a new industrial archeology. And yet the river as a trade route that made the fortune of many parts of Europe which became capital of art and and culture. The river is flowing life, that moves, that turns and life is a beautiful travel of knowledge, discovery and growth. And the proposed project intends to test and create the basic conditions for the creation and development of a unique and transnational tourist product in which the idea of the travel along the course of rivers to discover the cultural and industrial heritage is a unique European experience of life, an incredible mix of emotions to live, places to explore and images to be fixed in the mind. The choice of this theme makes it possible to build a new tourist offer, broad and diversified, itineraries, activities and experiences of different types that can orient and adapt to any segment of demand, satisfying different needs and ever more specific. However, transversely, the project will address, in particular, to an "active" tourist, interested in the experience and emotion of the travel, the "make" rather than to "stay." A type of tourist-explorer who are interested to see "beyond" what is or was and who wish to live really new and exciting experiences, along the banks of rivers or retracing the history of Europe in the middle of the bed of a river, or, if possible, to navigate the river itself, or relive the process of operation of a hydroelectric power plant or rediscover the ancient crafts, trades, traditions, practices and customs of the river in different areas. And maybe you can do everything through trekking ascent of the rivers, through the exploration of the sources of the rivers, on foot, by bicycle or on horseback. In addition, the thematic choice will in turn generate various routes associated with certain sub-themes (eg. History, art and culture or industrial heritage, economic and social development, etc..). It will also propose a strategic approach to the tourist market can seasonally adjust demand and increase the flow in the low and mid season. The tourism product at the base of the proposed project will be the result of an intense and challenging work of study, analysis and research based on the construction of a network of active European stakeholders who wish to share goals and actions, mutually exchanging ideas, experiences and best practices and cooperate for future development and for the follow-up of the project, channeling forces and synergies for the construction of new European tourism can generate economic benefits and new employment opportunities. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT Strategic objectives: To sustain the design of strategies for tourism To promote tourism in regions in crisis or transformation, in order to increase employment and growth in these regions To facilitate the exchange of best practices, the development of networks and platforms for discussion among policy makers and the private sector in the field of cultural and industrial tourism To facilitate and to encourage public-private partnerships and the integration of enterprises in the sector of cultural and industrial tourism within the regional development strategies, To improve the quality of European tourism by strengthening cross-border cooperation, To strengthen the management skills of public bodies and private bodies on development of thematic tourism products. Specific objectives: To create the conditions for the creation of a one, transnationale and new European tour To build an European tourism product characterized by a strong potential appeal through the identification of a new itinerary connecting the north and south part of the Europe tracking and following the river to discover the cultural and industrial heritage of the past, present and tomorrow that the European rivers testify and represent. To analyze the element "river" through its opportunities and critical issues to build a new tourist offer based on emotion and experience, able “to tell" the history of Europe between past and future, along the banks of European rivers in rural and mountain areas and in urban areas, even with the problems of degradation and industrial restructuring. To enhance and to promote the cultural, industrial and post-industrial areas in the present and in the European territories that were, are and / or will be strongly influenced by the element "river", and that have over time and in different ways developed a relationship heavily dependent on it. To rediscover the richness of the territorial systems, parks and areas of European river through an exciting travel that follows the history, culture, society, architecture, industry and the economy of many parts of Europe that have their common bond with the river and with what it has been, and it is still today represent tomorrow for their existence To create the conditions for the development of a network of public and private stakeholders in the construction of the development project and cooperation project for the exchange of ideas, experience and good practice To build new opportunities for tourism development and for the creation of attractive induced economic aimed at a substantial increase in employment and quality of life, particularly in areas heavily affected by the crisis and where the river was and is fundamental to the economic activities. WORK PLAN OF THE PROJECT WP1: Coordination and project management 1.1. Kick of meeting 1.2. Conferences and intermediate meetings to update and verify the status of the project. 1.3. Management of internal communication and information flows and archiving documents. 1.4. Coordination and management of partner 1.5. Check, control and monitoring of the project 1.6. Risk management and contingency 1.7. Final conference of the project WP2: Research, analysis and feasibility study finalized and preliminary to the construction of the network and the new tourist product "European Rivers Tour" 2.1. Identification and analysis of involved territories and areas 2.2 Cartographic study and mapping of the "virtual" and "real" tour 2.3 Feasibility study of the implementation of the tourism product identified on the basis of a detailed analysis of the current and potential transnational demand, current and potential supply and the conditions and factors for future development (SWOT analysis) 2.4. Identification of the integrated strategy and design of transnational thematic tourism packages 2.5. Identification and proposal of the Promoting Integrated Programme 2.6. Compilation and dissemination of the final report of the activity 2.7. Conference and discussion for the dissemination of the results of the activity WP3: Creation and activation of an European network of public and private stakeholders for the promotion, the enhancement of cultural and industrial heritage relatively to industrial areas, parks and fluvial territories 3.1. Identification and activation of “virtual” and real territorial “Aerials” for the launch and promotion of strategies for implementation of the new tourism product. 3.2. Realization of an event of dialogue, discussion and exchange of ideas, experience and good practice and sharing the strategy of implementation of the new tourism product; 3.3. Drafting and signing of Agreement Program for the formation and activation of the network between the territorial “Aerials” identified and further stakeholders interested and involved in the project 3.4. Realization web platform and related application (APP), with special interactive features, multi-language, in order to support the creation of "virtual network"; 3.5. Implementation of mobile technology and QR Code instrumental to the development of the network and the implementation of strategies to promote the new tourism product. WP4: Evaluation and verification of the potential expansion of the network and the future development of the tour/itinerary identified (even outside the European territory) 4.1 Evaluation of results 4.2 Study and analysis of the potential expansion of the network and identification of critical issues and risk levels 4.3. Identification of new territorial “Aerials” for the expansion of the network 4.4. Editing and sharing the methods and procedures for the introduction of potential new territories / areas and new interested stakeholders 4.5. Managing relationships with new territories and selected stakeholders 4.6. Initiating procedures for inclusion in the Network 4.7 Signature Programme Agreement and settlement with the new "aerials" of the network and with new stakeholders for the future development of the identified tour/itinerary WP5: Product Promotion / itinerary, communication, and dissemination for the Project (cross-action) 5.1. Creation and launch of the logo / brand design / network / product 5.2. Website and other communication technologies (eg,. App., QR Code, etc.). 5.3. Promotional campaign through the media and social networks; 5.4. Printed promotional materials (brochures, leaflets, flyers, posters, etc.). 5.5. Creation Tools Multimedia (Photos, posters, videos, etc.). 5.6. Realization agenda of initiatives at local / regional / national and organization of information days and training; 5.7. Identification of major international events and trade fairs in the tourism sector to be included in the Plan of launch of the tourism product in the medium-long term NOTE: The roles and functions of each partner for each activity will be better specified after the establishment of the partnership and will be allocated according to the specific skills and experience of each partner selected. DEADLINE FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST 14/10/2014 (October, 14th , 2014) CONTACTS Europe Network 2020 Facebook: Rete Europa Twitter: Rete Europa 2020 Skype: rete.europa2020 Webradio: webr@dioeuropa P.M.: Dott.ssa Irene Falocco –
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