Den Danske Forening Heimdal December 2011 Julestue 20 November 2011 photos: Alan Pryzbylak Medlemsblad Contributions We would love to share your news and stories. You are welcome to send emails and other material to the editor for publication. The closing date for the January/February issue is 18 January 2012. We will endeavour to publish all material submitted but reserve the right to edit or not publish your contribution. Any material published does not necessarily Newsletter for the Danish Association ‘Heimdal’ – Established 1872 THE DANISH ASSOCIATION “HEIMDAL” INC 36 AUSTIN STREET NEWSTEAD QLD 4006 Contact details: 0437 612 913 reflect the opinion of the Danish Club or the Editor. From the Editor Don‟t forget our special screening of „DIRCH‟ on Sunday 27 November, tickets are still available. The annual Christmas Party (Juletræsfest) is also coming up and we‟ll end the year with a New Year‟s Eve party at the club. What a fantastic – and challenging - year it‟s been for the club. In the mood for Christmas Editor: Lone Schmidt Phone: 0437 612 913 Email: photos: Alan Pryzbylak The Christmas season kicked off with a huge Cafe Danmark in October followed by the scrumptious Store Kolde Bord. Yesterday, the club was a hive of activity with kids, parents and grandparents baking traditional Danish cookies like vaniljekranse, finskbrød, brune kager and even chocolate „rutebiler‟. The Christmas tree was trimmed with new and old decorations, Magnus impressed us all with his impressive koala heart. Webmaster: Peter Wagner Hansen Phone: 0423 756394 Skype: Email: GLÆDELIG JUL & GODT NYTÅR WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS IN OCTOBER & NOVEMBER Jacqueline & Robert Hoogervorst, Banyo Alie & John Kiewiet, Pullenvale Zena Dinesen, Corinda Sine & Geoff Madden, Underwoord Jens & Madeleine Stærmose, Glasshouse Mountains Charlotte Due & Jacob Adams, Arana Hills Beads for Christmas THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST AND SUPPORT What’s on at the Danish Club? Café Danmark Christmas Market stalls 25 November 2011 from 6 pm Come in and wish new and old friends „Merry Christmas and Happy New Year‟. Try our tasty „smørrebrød‟: the menu varies from time to time, but you‟ll often find „rullepølse‟ (spicy rolled pork), smoked salmon, roast beef, pate, roast pork and „Esrom‟ cheese. And yummy hot dogs. The bar is stocked with your favourite Australian brews, but if you prefer a glass of wine with your food, we have a good variety of whites, reds and sparkling on offer. It‟s also an opportunity to buy delicious Danish pastries, ryebread and other specialty breads and organic biscuits direct from Britt‟s Danish Delights. They even have „pebernødder‟ and marcipan for the Christmas season. Tea offers smallgoods and quality meats from Flemming, the Danish butcher at Woolloongabba, as well as her own goodies including remoulade. It‟s a good idea to order in advance and pick up at the café. ‘Dirch’ – filmen om Dirch Passer 27 November 2011 12.30 pm Special screening for Danish club members at Palace Barracks Cinema – enjoy the movie about the wonderful Danish comedian and actor Swedish Christmas Market 27 November 2011 11 – 4 pm Legestue / Play Group Every Friday 9.30-11.30 Christmas Market Day Julemarked 7 December 2011 3 – 8 pm Juletræsfest med KUPALEJA Christmas Party 10 December 2011 Christmas Concert with Martin Pearson 18 December 2011 starts at 2 pm When will Santa come with presents for all the kids? See details in the newsletter. Martin Pearson is back at the Danish Club with his Christmas concert. New Year’s Eve Party See the ad in the newsletter. 70th Birthday Bash See more inside the newsletter. 31 December 2011 7.30 pm for 8 pm start 4 February 2012 6 pm for 6.30 start Need any snaps or other Danish or Scandinavian classics? We can help you source it. Price list Snaps Jubilæum 100 cl Jubilæum 70 cl Taffel (Rød Aalborg) 100 cl Taffel (Rød Aalborg) 70 cl Taffel (Rød Aalborg) 50 cl (PET bottle) Aalborg Porse 70 cl Aalborg Export 70 cl Brøndum 100 cl $ 70 $ 55 $ 70 $ 50 $ 35 $ 50 $ 50 $ 65 Bitters Gammel Dansk 100 cl $ 65 How to order and pay: By email By phone 0437 612 913 or 3359 2026 Payment by EFT to Heimdal’s account at Suncorp BSB 484-799 Account 02495 1468 Payment by cheque issued to Heimdal and mailed to treasurer: Lone Schmidt, 24 Ashley Road, Chermside West QLD 4032 ONLY AVAILABLE TO MEMBERS OF THE DANISH ASSOCIATION HEIMDAL INC Now we have also sourced herring, cod roe, Danish lumpfish caviar and other goodies for our members – buy them at the next cafe Viking Onion Herring 550 g Viking Anchovy Spiced Herring 550g Viking Matjes Herring 550g Viking Black lumpfish caviar 50 g Amanda Cod Roe (torskerogn) 200g ABBA fiskeboller i hummersauce 380 g Malaco Gott & blandat Salt 150 g Fazer Salmiakki Mix 180 g $8 $8 $8 $ 4.50 $5 $5 $ 3.50 $ 4.50 We are expecting delivery of various Pingvin licorice products, Ga-Jol, ‘amagerstænger’ and ‘Choko-fanter’, Kongen af Danmark bolsjer and schweizerdrops. Use the enclosed order form to get your favourites. C h r i s t m a s P a r t y Saturday 10 December 2011 2 – 5 pm Santa dances around the Christmas tree at the 2010 Christmas party The Christmas tree at the Danish club was decorated by young and old at Sunday’s ‘julestue’ and is now ready to be admired, the elves are busy making Christmas presents and Santa is preparing for his visit downunder . We invite members, friends and their children and grandchildren to celebrate Christmas together with ‘KUPALEJA’ who will entertain us with traditional Danish Christmas songs. There’ll be gløgg and æbleskiver on the menu and Santa Oz will make an appearance with presents for all the children. Make sure that Santa knows you’re coming by booking a ticket @$12 for each child by Tuesday 6 December 2011. Send an email to or ring Lone on 3359 2026 or 0437 612 913 with their names and age (Santa wants to know). Payment by EFT to Suncorp BSB 484-799 Account 02495 1468 Payment details: Name and membership number Or send a cheque made out to ‘Heimdal’ to the treasurer: Lone Schmidt 24 Ashley Road Chermside West QLD 4032 Come decked out in your Christmas gear and be prepared to dance around the Christmas tree and sing. Last year we had torrential rain at 2 pm, the drains flooded the toilets and there was frantic activity all round. Wishing for a lovely warm and dry day. Get all your Danish Baked Goodies from Britt’s Bakery at Café DANMARK 4th Friday of each month Authentic Danish Pastry & Organic Bread Products Kringler, Smørtærter, Kanelstænger, Birkes, Rundstykker, Fuldkornsrugbrød, Kransekagekonfekt, Småkager, Knækbrød og bagerens dårlige øje. For information, order forms and delivery details, go to our website: Unit 5/10 Energy Crescent, Molendinar QLD 4214 Ph: 07 5571 6881 Fax: 07 5571 6947 Email: BARE FOR OS! FILMEN OM DIRCH Nikolaj Lie Kaas spiller den altdominerende hoved- og titelrolle i den store danske film “Dirch” om den legendariske komiker Dirch Passer. København i slutningen af 50´erne, et stort forventningsfuldt publikum stimler sammen ned ad Frederiksberg Allé. De skal i teatret, og der er især én, de er kommet for at se: Dirch Passer - Danmarks morsomste mand. Han er ikke meget mere end 30 år gammel, og allerede en myte. Med et blik, en enkelt replik, har han publikum i sin hule hånd. Sammen med sin makker, sin sjæleven, sin åndelige bror, Kjeld Petersen (Lars Ranthe), er han på toppen af verden. De lægger gaderne øde med deres unikke sampil og fantastiske timing i revyernes højborg – Stig Lommers farverige ABC scene. Alt hvad Dirch nogensinde har drømt om er virkelighed, han og Kjeld nyder livet som berømtheder til fulde. Endeløse byture, letlevende damer, og konstant arbejde. Men i kulisserne lurer dæmonerne. “Dirch” spænder over 3 årtier og er en hyldest til komikken, til latteren og til håbet. PALACE BARRACKS CINEMAS 27. NOVEMBER 2011 KL 12.30 (FILM START KL 13) BILLETPRIS: $25 INKLUDERER FORFRISKNING BESTILLING OG FORUDBETALING TIL 0437 612 913 BANKDETALJER: SUNCORP 484-799 KONTONR 024951468 REF NAVN OG 27NOV11 Filmen har engelske undertekster. English subtitles. Klubben (tak til Nina Nielsen for ide og initiativ) har lejet hele biografen og står selv for arrangementet – vi skal fylde mindst 125 pladser for at få regnskabet til at passe. Med andre ord, gør hvad I kan for at fortælle jeres danske venner og bekendte om filmen „Dirch‟, målet er naturligvis at fylde hvert et sæde i biografen! Det er eneste forestilling i Australien (medmindre den vinder en Oscar!) indtil videre. Tilmelding og betaling så snart som muligt. We are relaunching our annual Christmas Market to allow more members as well as the general public to acquire some of the Danish Christmas decorations hand made by our members and there will also be other interesting items for sale including flower decorations and Christmas Wreaths from Tove, our flower lady. We will also have freshly baked æbleskiver as well as glögg, so a good opportunity to pop in, have a look – find a bargain. This is a public event, so please share with friends in case they are interested in getting some of the unique Danish Christmas decorations. - Christmas decorations - Christmas gifts - Fresh flowers and Christmas wreaths - Name My Dummy - Gift ideas If you would like a stall at the market, let us know, there’s room for more. Ring Lone on 0437 612 913 or email at DANSK PAS Hvis dit danske pas er udløbet eller er lige ved at udløbe, så skal du skynde dig at kontakte den danske konsul i Brisbane, Lars Kirk. Efter 1. januar 2012 skal du nemlig rejse til Sydney eller Canberra for at indgive ansøgning om nyt pas. HOLIDAY UNIT Miami, Gold Coast: 2 brm, 50 m to beach Fully renovated, ocean views. Pool/Spa/BBQ. Park/Playground. Quiet. Ph: 0402 398 515 YOGA AT THE DANISH CLUB I teach Vinyasa Flow yoga, which works with the breath for a deep and challenging practice. Practicing yoga goes beyond the work done on the mat and I aim to help people release stress. Stress is the main cause of disease and illness and a regular yoga routine gives people the tools to create openness in their bodies, which flows to their daily lives. It also strengthens areas that suffer from poor posture. Vinyasa Flow synchronises movement with the breath and is ideal for those looking to build physical strength, while also receiving a cardio workout. Classes are held every Wednesday night, from 6.30pm-7.30pm at The Danish Club, 36 Austin St, Newstead. Cost is $15 per class, or $65 for a 5 class pass. Krystal 0419 111 565. BOGEN OM DANSK SKIBSFART Da motorskibet "Selandia" stod ud på sin jomfrurejse i vinteren 1912, blev det indledningen til en 100 år lang epoke, hvor danske rederier takket være teknologisk overlegne skibe har tilkæmpet sig større og større markedsandele i den verdensomspændende linjefart. Erhvervseventyret fortsætter den dag i dag, hvor Maersk Line er blevet verdens største containerrederi bl.a. takket være den enestående "Emma Mærsk"-klasse, der i 2013 vil få følge af endnu større containerskibe i form af den nye Triple Eklasse. Bruce Peters nye bog beskriver den teknologiske og forretningsmæssige udvikling af dansk linjefart, og bogen omtaler bl.a.: • Begyndelsen omkring år 1900, hvor ØK og DFDS for alvor begyndte at sejle på ruter til andre kontinenter • Dieselmotorens indtog inden for linjefart fra 1912 og det teknologiske forspring, som danske rederier hurtigt fik • Ekspansionen i 1920'erne og 1930'erne, hvor flere danske rederier, bl.a. Mærsk, J. Lauritzen og Torm engagerede sig i linjefart • Udviklingen med stadig større og hurtigere stykgodsskibe i 1950'erne og 1960'erne • Containeriseringen i 1970'erne, hvor ØK og Maersk Line udviklede sig til at indtage førerpositioner • Maersk Lines vækst til den nuværende position som verdens største containerrederi Hele bogen er gennemillustreret med masser af flotte fotos af både de første skorstensløse motorskibe, de elegante strømlinede stykgodsskibe fra 1950'erne og 1960'erne samt ikke mindst Maersk Lines lyseblå giganter. Bogen bygger bl.a. på interviews med nøglepersoner, der har været med til at skabe ØK's og Mærsks containerskibe. Bogen indeholder derfor mange nye oplysninger, og den giver et hidtil uset overblik over det erhvervseventyr, som dansk linjefart har været de sidste 100 år. Bogens forfatter, Bruce Peter, er ph.d. og ansat ved Glasgow School of Art. Han har tidligere skrevet en lang række bøger om søfart, herunder bogen om det danske skibsingeniørfirma Knud E. Hansen. Bogen er oversat fra engelsk af Thomas Nørgaard Olesen. Den kan bestilles hos enhver boghandel eller direkte på 280 sider, rigt illustreret i farver og s/h A4, stift bind Nautilus Forlag Kr. 399,Kilde: Nautilus Forlag CARL THEODOR DREYER AT GOMA The Gallery of Modern Art is screening a retrospective of films by Danish director Carl Theodor Dreyer. All the screens are free and will be presented on 35mm at the Gallery‟s Australian Cinémathèque. Kirsten Kopittke (daughter of Paul and Lise Kopittke (nee Tvede) married Josh Channon on 22 October 2011 on the beach at Scarborough. Congratulations to the newly-weds. Carl Theodor Dreyer 3 – 21 December 2011 (Free admission) Australian Cinémathèque, Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane See the extensive programme at rl_theodor_dreyer Carl Theodor Dreyer (1889–1968) remains a unique figure in the history of cinema. Dreyer’s enduring fascination with the tragic consequences of seeking freedom from social and religious convention lead him to create an austere and intensely visual oeuvre. Guldbryllup Hanne og Ole Boss Jensen har netop fejret guldbryllup – til lykke med de 50 år. Dagen blev ikke forbigået i stilhed. 8/12 John Bowen 12/12 Pat Christensen 18/12 the Editor Scandinavian Book Club Book blogs and Reviews on the Net There are really some wonderful book bloggers out there on the net and if you like Scandinavian literature, you will even find a Nordic reading challenge, which encourages you on various levels, to read a certain amount of books this year (nearly over now) but you can count those you have already read. Often there are giveaways as an added incentive and you may link your comments or book review to this blog. I particularly like djkrimiblog and ozmystery readers as well as the “Notes from the North” where I have discovered many new authors. I have taken this edition‟s book review from djkrimiblog (see below) Review – The Snowman by Jo Nesbø No book club meetings are scheduled now until next year, when it is planned to hold an internet event with newly published author Andrea Heiberg. If you like quirky, and poignant, almost poetic short stories, in English, Andrea‟s book Next Stop: Sejer Island is for you. I would also be interested to find out if anyone has experiences using a Kindle or other variants of the e-reader. Do you like them or loathe them, are they handy or a handful? Please email your comments to me at Until next time keep reading, Amanda McLaughlin FROM BLOGGER: Denne krimi er norske Nesbøs syvende værk om vicekommissær Harry Hole. Bogen begynder med en prolog, som udspiller sig i 1980, ”den dag, sneen kom.” En mor efterlader sin teenagesøn i bilen udenfor, mens hun springer ind for at sige farvel til sin elsker – i fyrre minutter! Men hvorfor er der pludselig en snemand uden for soveværelsesvinduet? En snemand, som holder øje med de to indenfor. Snemandsmysteriet fortsætter i 2004, da en snemand pludselig dukker op foran familien Beckers hus, samme dag som den første sne falder over Oslo. Kort efter forsvinder kvinden i huset, Birte Becker, og efterlader sig en tiårig søn Jonas og sin fysikprofessormand. Flere kvinder bliver myrdet, og snart tyder det på, at en seriemorder er på spil. En sjælden, arvelig sygdom spiller også en vis rolle, og Harry får brug for alle sine talenter og sin viden om seriemordere fra USA. Harry lider af kærestesorger, fordi Rakel er på vej til at flytte sammen med sin nye kæreste, en dygtig, idealistisk læge, så han kaster sig hovedkulds ud i sagen for at glemme. Fængslende persontegninger, ikke blot af Harry Hole, der som sædvanlig slås mod alcoholdæmonerne, men også hans kollegaer, ofrene og deres familier, samt den spøjse svampejæger, som skal undersøge Harrys lejlighedskompleks for svamp. Jo Nesbø, The Snowman (2010) This police procedural is Norwegian Nesbø´s seventh Harry Hole story (the fifth that is published in English). The book begins with a prologue that takes place in 1980 ´on the day when the snow came´. A mother leaves her teenage son in the car outside while she leaps in to say goodbye to her lover – for forty minutes! But why is there suddenly a snowman outside the bedroom window? A snowman who is watching the two inside. The snowman mystery continues in 2004 when a snowman appears outside the Beckers´ house on the day when the first snow hits Oslo. Soon after the woman of the family, Birte Becker, disappears, leaving a ten-year-old son and a physics professor behind. More women are brutally killed and soon it seems that a serial killer is at work. A rare, inherited disease also plays a certain role, and Harry needs all his talents plus his knowledge about serial killers from the USA. Besides, he suffers from unrequited love as his dear Rakel is on her way to move in with her new lover, a competent, idealistic doctor, so Harry plunges into the case to forget. All in all The Snowman offers a brilliant, but scary plot, compelling characters, not only Harry who fights his alcohol demon, but also his colleagues, the victims and their families, plus the rum dry-rot hunter who inspects Harry´s flat for fungi. Celebrate New Year’s Eve 2011 at the Danish Club Celebrate New Year‟s Eve in great company with a 3 course dinner followed by coffee and cake, live music by everybody‟s favourite, Scott Sinclair, and finally a glass of bubbly and „kransekage‟ to welcome in 2012. Pia Neergaard has taken the initiative and hope there are many more out there who would like to dress up for the event, enjoy a delicious meal and just have fun dancing and greeting the New Year. WHEN: 31 December 2011 7.30 pm for 8 pm start HOW MUCH: $45 covers the lot - including a glass of bubbly and kransekage, great value for New Year DRESS: Dress up for the evening in your best gear – glitter and glam, hats, the works Please contact Pia on 54352046 for any questions or simply email your booking – i.e. number of people to and pay in the amount due to the club account marked NYE and your name. The club‟s account details are 484-799 (Suncorp) 024951468 (account number). Cut off for bookings 18 December – there is a fair bit of shopping to do and due to Christmas we need the time to prepare. 04 1129 7236 dansk vintage's shop 37 at the Woolloongabba Antique Centre, 22 Wellington Road, Woolloongabba QLD 4102 (07 3392 1114) is OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9am-5pm Martin Pearson Christmas Concert CHRISTMAS CONCERT WITH MARTIN PEARSON 18 December 2011 at the Danish Club Join us for an afternoon of song, laughter and perceptive insights as Martin Pearson performs his special brand of satire at the Danish Club in December. Amusing, even thrilling audiences around the globe for ages now, Martin has an ability to take current events and observations of everyday life, and turn them into side splitting comedy routines. Coupled with his warm, rich voice and the ability to have the crowd in tears of laughter, joy and even sorrow. If you haven’t seen him live, you’re missing out A special Christmas afternoon with one of Australia's funniest performers. Brisbane Danish Club, 36 Austin Street, Newstead Sunday, 18 December 2011 at 2 pm $20, includes coffee/tea and Christmas cake (and maybe something extra!) For bookings, email Angela at or call 0407 177 666 Study & Stay in Australia? Your door to the best in Australian Education & Training…. Queensland Multicultural Festival 2011 by soren hoimark In the lead up to the event Sunday 16 October, we were all concerned about the weather and on the Saturday Brisbane got an absolute drenching, but Sunday morning was picture perfect and the weather certainly provided a perfect platform for the festival. We are Danes, with a strong background in both Danish and Australian education & training. Though we work with people from any country, we run some especially exciting programs We were again in a great position to man our stall selling Danish pastries, coffee and ice cream and it between Australia, including: was goodDenmark to see thatand many new hands joined up with old hands to get the team work going. Guiding would-be migrants to courses for recognition in 60-Point occupations One the benefits to the club is also having our course, membersschool/college/university work together and enjoy the – whilst ofAssisting students enter the very best forday their needs we have a busy stall, everybody had some fun and were part of the celebration of multiculturalism in Study Tours – customised to meet the particular needs of the Danish Brisbane. schools/colleges/universities Semester Study Abroad – individuals or classes come to undertake one semester of study, and get credit back into their secondary school/undergraduate programs in Denmark Placing students into workplaces in Australia for Occupational Training, which is part of their studies in Denmark Consulting services for Danish institutions wishing to establish links with Australian partners. We’d be delighted to assist you in any of these areas. Please do not hesitate to contact us: Riborg Andersen Phone 07 3852 5511 Dansk legegruppe for medlemmer af Heimdal Fredag 9.30-11.30 i Heimdals lokaler, 36 Austin St, Newstead QLD 4006 Første søndag i måneden 10-12 Vi er en gruppe forældre, der taler dansk med vores børn – vi ved, at de lærer dansk fra os, men hvad de lærer gennem leg med andre danske børn er en anden ting, hvilket er grunden til, at vi startede den danske legestue. Gruppen er for børn i alderen 0 til skolealderen og det koster $2 pr familie pr gang (pengene går til udgifter i forbindelse med afholdelse af gruppen). Hvis du er på Facebook, kan du også finde os under gruppen: Heimdal Brisbane Families w/kids Hvis du er interesseret eller mangler oplysninger, så kontakt: Tea Tlf: 3379 1667 / 0419 659 837 E-mail: Tina Tlf: 3191 0411 / 0403 838 663 E-mail: Iben Mob. 0434 933 953 E-mail: Der er også en søndagsgruppe, som mødes den første søndag i måneden fra 10-12 – for dem, som ikke kan om fredagen Kontakt Iben, hvis du/I er interessserede – den bliver aflyst, hvis der er for mange afbud Special offer for Scanpan Puff Dumpling Pan Æbleskivepande We are in a position to offer you the deal of the century for the Scanpan Puff Dumpling Pan and this is the time of year where all Danes bake æbleskiver and enjoy with a glass of gloegg/mulled wine as part of Christmas preparations and julehygge. If you order and pay either next „Cafe Danmark‟ 28 October or by 15 November, we will have the pan(s) for you at the Cafe Danmark 25 November – in time for the Christmas period and as Christmas gifts. For only $79 you get a solid pan – made in Denmark – with a recipe book for not only for Danish æbleskiver but also exciting recipes for traditional dishes from Thailand, Holland, India, France, China, Norway and Japan suitable for the æbleskive pan. You can also order via email to and transfer funds to the club account as usual and your order will be ready 25 November at the club. Please note that if we make ample use of this fantastic offer, we will be able to negotiate other special deals for the great Scanpan products, so please support the initiative and make the most of this opportunity The committee meets once a month and at our meeting in November we discussed: Soren had done preliminary work on a budget for the Scandinavian Festival in connection with the club‟s 140th anniversary in September 2012 and have submitted an application for funding of festival expenses. Money - Final insurance refund received from QBE Accounts for first four months showed a negative result of $5,000 due to the purchase of new furniture, but the treasurer still expects the full year to show a slight surplus. - Final insurance work (bar) completed Website - Container delivery delayed The new website has been positively received and Peter will continue to enhance it. Correspondence Events The October cafe was overwhelming – committee discussed how to manage the situation better. Emma Schmidt provided condensed feedback from the feedback forms returned at the event with a positive comments on atmosphere and food. Results from 2011 Queensland Multicultural Festival were down 50% on last year which was disappointing. Membership 5 new members came on board in the last period. Reaching the 200 member mark is proving elusive, with several members leaving Queensland or Australia. 70th Birthday Bash at the Danish Club Many members have already celebrated their 70th birthday in the past year or are hitting that particular milestone in the new year and the folk dancers decided to invite everybody to join in the party at the Danish Club. It‟s going to be the birthday party of the year so come celebrate with friends and family. The menu includes a 3 course dinner followed by coffee, tea and birthday cake. Live entertainment by Ronnie Christie, ensuring a full dance floor and heaps of laughs ! WHEN: 4 February 2012 6 pm for 6.30 pm pm start HOW MUCH: $35 covers the lot Please contact Lone on 0437 612 913 or 3359 2026 for any questions or simply email your booking with the number of people to and pay in the amount due to the club account marked 4Feb12 and your name. The club‟s account details are 484-799 (Suncorp) 02495 1468 (account number). Cut off for bookings 20 January 2012. Cafe Danmark Friday 28 October – WHAT A NIGHT! A new record in attendance was set at last Cafe Danmark – and there was a fabulous atmosphere with a lot of friends and family meeting up for a good feed at the club. Whilst the kitchen had prepared a record number of smoerrebroed – and then some – in the end the cupboard was bare and unfortunately we were unable to cater for some and we do apologize for that – we like to keep all happy, of course. The volunteer kitchen staff appreciated the understanding of disappointed would-be-eaters of our smoerrebroed – to keep our prices at the very friendly level we manage the shopping accordingly to match (as best possible) the evening‟s requirements and we have some physical restraints in the kitchen - all agreed that the demand for food on that night was just impossible to forecast. But – we will make even more smoerrebroed for this coming Cafe Danmark Friday 25 November and if you are a large party of family or friends you can book table and smoerrebroed in advance to help keep the queue shorter. A big thanks to our volunteers for the night – Birte Schmidt, Lis Larsen, Birthe Ahrendt, Chloe Schmidt and Emma Schmidt (our boss woman for the evening) worked like demons! Det Store Kolde Bord – Saturday 12 November Again we filled the hall with almost 90 happy members and their guests who enjoyed our sumptuous buffet – det store kolde bord - with some 18 different items from the traditional Danish smoerrebroedsmenu and this year‟s surprise being smoked eel, which was very popular. „Enough‟ is a difficult word in Danish – not – and what better way to round off a good meal than first a bit of cheese and then a big cake and coffee. Fortunately we had live music by Scott Sinclair and there was a fair bit of dancing going on to work off the intake of food. Also this event was superbly supported by Hanne Boss, Kirsten Bak, Birte Schmidt, Emma Schmidt and Leeanne Schmidt – a big thank you to you all! Julestue Sunday 20 November We had around 40 kids and 50 adults in the club coming in from all directions including Warwick, Maleny and Toowoomba as well to bake Danish Christmas cookies, make marzipan goodies, Christmas decorations, deck the Christmas tree and practise the traditional Danish Christmas Carols in preparation for the upcoming visit by the Danish Santa Claus Saturday 10 December. All had a great time and Magnus impressed all with his julehjerte with a koala – what a great way to integrate Australian fauna into traditional Danish Christmas decorations. A great effort by the Tvede and Kopittke family – many thanks to Gudrun for providing the dough for the Christmas cookies and supervising the baking.
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