July 2013 - The Danish Club in Brisbane, Australia

Den Danske Forening
July 2013
Kids and teddy bears
Balloons and dancing at Teddy Bear’s Birthday Party
Newsletter for the Danish Association Heimdal – Established 1872
Contact details: 0437 612 913
We would love to share your news and
stories. You are welcome to send emails
and other material to the editor for publication. The closing date for the August issue
is 18 July 2013. We reserve the right to
edit or not publish your contribution. Any
material published does not necessarily
reflect the opinion of the Danish Club or the
From the Editor
Back in Brisbane, I was disappointed to find
a rejection letter from the Dannebrog
Foundation in Melbourne. The club applied
for $15,000 for the Scandinavian Festival in
September and I was actually very hopeful
that they would help us. Considering that
the foundation’s purposes include
the preservation and promotion of
the Danish language, traditions and
culture, and
the development and encouragement
of Danish-Australian relations within
the community,
Editor: Lone Schmidt
Phone: 0437 612 913
Email: treasurer@danishclubbrisbane.org
Webmaster: Peter Wagner Hansen
Phone: 0423 756 394
Skype: pete.at.thebathouse
Email: admin@danishclubbrisbane.org
it’s almost puzzling that the foundation
was unable to help. I think that any
participant in last year’s festival would
agree that it did a great job of fulfilling
both purposes. I know times are tough,
but with the proceeds of $10m to hand
out, $15,000 seemed like a small
amount. I realize the foundation
provides major funding for the Danish
church and the club in Melbourne, but it
would have been great for the Brisbane
club to receive a helping hand as well.
At this stage I don’t know how we’re
going to fund the festival. The
committee will certainly have to put its
thinking caps on and come up with
some ideas fast!
28 June – Flemming Brinkmann
9 July – Winnie Andersen
Asbjørn & Melinda Hansen, Morningside
Freddy & Hanne Christensen, Bald Hills
Ben & Steen Christensen, Stafford
Mogens & Vivienne Reimich, Woody
Lene & Lachlan Simpson, Sandgate
Jørgen Gullestrup & Kanitta Boonjan,
Sunnybank Hills
Krista & Kristopher Jewett, Bulimba
Shirley & Scott Jensen, Pullenvale
What’s on at the Danish Club?
Café Danmark
28 June 2013
from 6 pm
It’s time to ‘hygge’ and spend some time with new and old friends. There’s tasty
‘smørrebrød’: the menu varies from time to time, but you’ll usually find ‘rullepølse’
(spicy rolled pork), smoked salmon, roast beef, ‘leverpostej’, roast pork and ‘Esrom’
cheese on the menu. And hot dogs. The bar offers Tuborg and Carlsberg beer
varieties imported from Denmark just for us as well as several Australian brews. If
you like a glass of wine with your food, we have a good variety of whites, reds and
sparkling on offer. And check out our tempting chocolates, licorice and other sweets
fresh in from Denmark!
It’s also an opportunity to buy delicious Danish pastries, rye bread and other specialty
breads and organic biscuits direct from Britt’s Danish Delights. Tea offers smallgoods
and quality meats from Flemming, the Danish butcher at Woolloongabba, as well as
her own goodies including remoulade. Order in advance and pick up at the café.
Legestue / Play Group Every Friday 9.30-11.30
Check their Facebook page for events or ring Tea, Tina or Iben (see details inside the
O Sister Where art thou?
Concert event – see details inside newsletter
Kafe Svea
5 July 2013
Doors open at 7 pm
12 July 2013
from 6 pm
Swedes Down Under serve Swedish food and pastries – check their website or
Facebook page for the theme of the month
Christmas in July
13 July 2013
6 pm for 6:30 pm start
What’s the excuse for having Christmas in July? The lovely cool weather of course.
See more inside the newsletter.
Café Danmark
26 July 2013
from 6 pm
Get all your Danish Baked Goodies from Britt’s Bakery at Café DANMARK
4th Friday of each month
Authentic Danish Pastry & Organic Bread Products
Kringler, Smørtærter, Kanelstænger, Birkes, Rundstykker, Fuldkornsrugbrød,
Kransekagekonfekt, Småkager, Knækbrød og bagerens dårlige øje.
For information, order forms and delivery details, go to our website:
Unit 5/10 Energy Crescent, Molendinar QLD 4214
Ph: 07 5571 6881 Fax: 07 5571 6947
Email: order@brittsdanishdelight.com.au
Continental butcher and deli
611 Stanley Street, Woolloongabba QLD 4102
Ph: 07 3391 3530 (parking behind shops)
Dansk udskæring på bestilling
Pålæg og røgvarer blandt andet:
Medisterpølse Ost:
Røget flæsk
Nu også smørrebrød
Tuesday - Friday 8am - 5:30pm, Saturday 8am - 1pm
CLOSED: Sunday & Monday
It’s just the right temperature for Christmas
in July and we invite you to enjoy a
‘juleplatte’ / Christmas plate with herring,
‘fiskefilet’ (crumbed fish) with remoulade,
roast pork with crackling and red cabbage, rullepølse with ‘Italian’ salat
and smelly ‘Esrum’ cheese – all our favourites! Afterwards we’ll have a
traditional ris a la mande with warm cherry sauce.
Coffee and tea will also be served – and there may be a nice slice of cake
to go with it.
Price: $25 for members and $30 for guests (children under 12
All tickets must be booked and pre-paid by Tuesday 9 July 2013. Email
Lone Schmidt at hoimark.schmidt@bigpond.com or ring on 0437 612 913
or 3359 2026 to make your booking.
Payment by EFT to Suncorp BSB 484-799 Account 02495 1468
Payment details: 13July13, your name and membership number
Or send a cheque made out to Danish Association Heimdal to the
Lone Schmidt
24 Ashley Road
Chermside West QLD 4032
We can advise on freight Australia wide!
0411 297 236
Study & Stay in Australia?
Your door to the best in Australian Education & Training….
We are Danes, with a strong background in both Danish and Australian education & training.
Though we work with people from any country, we run some especially exciting programs
between Denmark and Australia, including:
 Guiding would-be migrants to courses for recognition in 60-Point occupations
 Assisting students enter the very best course, school/college/university for their needs
 Study Tours – customised to meet the particular needs of the Danish
 Semester Study Abroad – individuals or classes come to undertake one semester of
study, and get credit back into their secondary school/undergraduate programs in
 Placing students into workplaces in Australia for Occupational Training, which is part
of their studies in Denmark
 Consulting services for Danish institutions wishing to establish links with Australian
We’d be delighted to assist you in any of these areas. Please do not hesitate to contact us:
Riborg Andersen
Phone 07 3852 5511
Bamses Fødselsdag / Teddy Bear’s Birthday
Heimdal had a huge celebration on Saturday the 8th of June for Bamse’s birthday. The
tables were festively decorated with red tablecloths, Danish flags, colourful party streamers
and balloons. On each table there was also a bowl of mixed lollies – both Australian and
Danish. Upon entering the Danish Club, there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that this was
a kids’ party.
The excited children (about 21 of them) plus their parents and grandparents (about 25)
arrived at 2pm with their favourite teddies and were greeted with familiar Danish tunes
from KUPALEJA. Kurt was there on guitar, Pat on bass guitar, Jan on accordion and Lennart
on nyckelharpa or Swedish key fiddle. As usual they set the festive atmosphere, we have
come to expect. Everyone knew that they would be in for a great afternoon.
Adults and children alike settled on the floor for some Danish stories and songs with
storyteller Pia. First up she read ‘Den Sultne Larve Aldrigmæt’ by Eric Carle aloud, with the
children enthusiastically helping feed the caterpillar puppet its favourite foods. Only a few
of the very young and shy children were a bit reluctant to part with their fruit and foods. It
was all worth it in the end though, for the caterpillar miraculously changed into a beautiful
butterfly that flew around and greeted all the children.
Young and old then joined in with a couple of finger rhymes including ‘Lille Peter Edderkop’,
‘Hjulene på bussen’ and ‘Mon du bemærke har’. Next it was time to do some song games
with KUPALEJA. We did all the old classics like ‘Jeg gik mig over sø og land’, ‘Bro bro brille’,
’Så går vi rundt om en enebær busk’ ’Boogie Woogie’ og ’Bjørnen sover’. For ’Tornerose var
et vakkert barn’, volunteers dressed up to be beautiful little princess with a tall pink Tudor
princess hat, wicked fairies dressed in a pointy black hat, with a magic wand and princes
dressed in a red cape, with a sword. Everyone had a great time but were getting a bit
hungry by this time. Luckily Iben, her husband and Anna had been busy baking lots of
lovely goodies including ‘boller’, muffins, chocolate cake and drømmekage. It was divine
and heartily enjoyed while everyone sang ‘I dag er det Bamses fødselsdag’.
While the children ran off excess energy chasing balloons, KUPALEJA insured the adults
were engaged by involving them in singing a canon of ‘Mester Jakob’ and teaching them a
simple folkdance involving couples weaving up and down between each other. It was
tremendous fun.
The afternoon had gone way too fast but it was time to pack up and go home. While
dedicated adults cleared tables, put away chairs and swept the floor, 11
year old Casper did a mini concert on the club’s newly acquired
piano. It was perfectly tuned and sounded wonderful. Not to be
outdone, younger brother Martin, who is 7, then played a lovely recital
of London Bridge Has Fallen Down. Future Heimdal musicians in the
It sure had been a fun and activity packed Bamse’s Birthday. A Huge
Big Thank You goes to Iben, Anna, Alan, Pia and all the parents and
children who helped ensure the afternoon was such a success. It was
really appreciated that some parents stayed behind to help with the tidy up. Thank
you. Many hands definitely do make lighter work.
København kåret som verdens bedste
Af Rasmus Meldgaard Harboe
Foto: Torben Christensen
»Perfektion er uopnåeligt, men København er det bedste bud på det lige nu.«
Sådan lyder ordene fra det trendsættende, engelske magasin Monocle, som netop har
kåret København til verdens bedste by. Det skriver dr.dk.
Et af de afgørende punkter på Monocles liste over ting, som kvalificerer København til
den prestigefyldte titel, er, at det er en by for alle, for eksempel også homoseksuelle
og muslimer. Det er syvende gang, Monocle kårer verdens bedste by, og det er anden
gang, København løber med titlen.
Denne gang fremhæves også københavnernes glæde. For eksempel ved at nyde
byens havnebassiner og skabe lounge på havnefronten.
»Forskellighed gør København speciel«
Og selvom vejret ikke altid er på københavnernes side, kan København noget, som
andre ikke kan: »Ingen narrer sig selv og tror, at de lever i Montpellier eller Madrid.
Vinden hyler, og skyerne blæser over himlen det meste af året. Men danskerne
beviser, at nordboerne stadig kan nyde det offentlige rum,« lyder det i følge dr.dk.
»Jeg tror kåringen hænger samme med, at vi har skabt en storby, hvor halvdelen af
byens borgerne vælger at cykle til arbejde eller til skole hver eneste dag,« siger
overborgmester Frank Jensen til dr.dk. »Og hvor finder du ellers en hovedstad i
verden, hvor man i de indre havneløb har badefaciliteter og swimmingpools, som vi
har det i København? Forskellighed gør København speciel.«
Det skriver Monocles
1. Danskerne er kendt for at tage det roligere og være mere humoristiske end de
andre skandinavere, men bag denne facade er de også snedige forretningsmænd.
2. Danskerne har en tendens til at sige, hvad de mener og gå direkte til sagens
kerne. Hvis de for eksempel vil vide, hvor meget du tjener, vil de højst sandsynligt
bare spørge.
3. Danskerne lærer engelsk fra en alder af otte, så de er generelt ret flydende.
4. Flyvende besøg? Kastrup Lufthavn har fremragende mødefaciliteter, og du kan
tage metroen eller togforbindelserne til byen fra terminalerne.
5. Danskere ser stort på formaliteter. De foretrækker hygge: den typiske, danske ånd
af socialt samvær, der undgår kontroversielle samtaler.
De bedste byer ifølge Monocle:
2. Melbourne
3. Helsinki
4. Tokyo
5. Wien
6. Zürich
7. Stockholm
8. München
9. Sydney
10. Auckland
11. Hong Kong
12. Fukuoka
13. Kyoto
San Francisco
(kilde: www.aok.dk)
Watch Scandinavian TV Channels!
We were offered the following by a company called Keepwatchingtv, and this gives you a
chance to watch a lot of Scandinavian TV channels at home. You start by buying an IPTV Box
at EUR 299 – current online offer includes 2 months of viewing.
Subscription is EUR 35 per month and you can pause the subscription if for instance you are
travelling for 3 months, so this seems pretty flexible as compared with contracts where you
pay and pay every month.
The IPTV Box is connected to your TV via a HDMI cable and needs to be able to download
from your internet connection at 1.3 Mbps.
Have a look at the channels available: http://www.keepwatching.tv/#!channels/cwzr
As well as Danish, there are also English and Russian channels for instance – probably
different subscriptions but I’m told the offer looks worthwhile, so have a look and make up
your own mind.
If you are interested, please contact Tom - info@keepwatching.tv – or visit their website.
Please mention the Danish Club if and when you buy – if we have 10 club members signing
up, the club will receive a free box.
Do you need Danish beer, snaps, herring or licorice? We can help you find it.
Price list
Tuborg ‘Green’ 24x33cl (bottles)
Tuborg Classic 24x33cl (cans)
Tuborg Gold 24x33cl (cans)
Tuborg Julebryg ‘Christmas beer’
24x33cl (cans)
Carlsberg 24x33cl (bottles)
Carlsberg Black Gold 24x33cl cans
Jubilæum 100 cl
Taffel (Rød Aalborg)100 cl
Brøndum 100 cl*
$ 55
$ 50
$ 60
Brøndum 70 cl
Lysholm Linie Akvavit 100 cl
O P Anderson Akvavit 100 cl
$ 50
$ 75
$ 65
$ 55
$ 60
En Enkelt Bitter 100 cl
Dr Nielsens Bitter 70 cl
$ 65
$ 50
Blå Ga-Jol 100 cl
Kirsberry 70 cl
$ 55
$ 17
$ 70
$ 70
$ 65
How to order and pay:
By email
By phone 0437 612 913
* sold out
Payment by EFT to Heimdal’s account at Suncorp
BSB 484-799 Account 02495 1468
Herring, fish balls, chocolate, licorice and other goodies – mainly from Denmark
100 g containers / $2.50:
Toms Saltpastiller
Toms Heksehyl
Pingvin Poletter
Haribo Super Piratos
Haribo Domino
Haribo Saltbomber
Haribo Lakridsæg
Carletti Saltlinser
Carletti Strandgrus
Carletti Lakridspinde
Haribo Super Piratos 425 g
Haribo Matador Mix 500 g
Haribo Zulu 170 g
Fazer Turkish Peber 150 g
Fazer Skolekridt 140 g
Bon-Bon Lossepladsen
FC Nougattabletter 75 g
FC Brystkarameller 75 g
FC Kongen af Danmark
Pingvin Poletter 160 g
Pingvin Skilte Lakrids 75 g
Ga-Jol Blå, rød, sort, gul
23 g
Anthon Berg
Marcipanbrød 40 g
Marcipanbrød m/blød
nougat 40 g
Toms Guldbarre m/knas
$ 10.00
$ 10.00
$ 4.00
$ 3.50
$ 4.00
$ 4.00
$ 2.50
$ 2.50
$ 2.50
$ 3.50
$ 2.50
$ 2.00
$ 2.00
$ 2.00
$ 1.50
VIKING herring (550 g jars) $ 8.00
Onion Herring, Matjes or Anchovy Spiced
Lykkeberg Fiskeboller 400 g $ 4.00
ABBA fish balls (375 g tins) $ 5.00
Bouillon, lobster sauce or shrimp sauce
AMANDA cod roe (200 g) $ 4.50
Dronning Makrel I tomat 125 g $2.50
Dansk Legegruppe
Vores danske legegruppe mødes hver fredag i Heimdals lokaler fra 9.30 til kl 11.30.
Aldersgruppen er fra 0 til 5 år, søskende til yngre børn er selvfølgelig velkommen i
Vi starter altid med formiddagskaffe og hjemmebagte boller, efterfølgende varierer
aktiviteterne med fri leg, hoppeborg, tegning og sanglege mv. Vi skiftes til at
medbringe boller og tilbehør.
Vi betaler $2 hver gang per familie, medlemskab af Playgroup Queensland og den
danske klub Heimdal er en betingelse.
Nye medlemmer er meget velkomne til at komme og være med.
For yderligere information kontakt:
Iben igk1972@hotmail.com 0434 933 953
Tina tina@kinkead.com.au 0403 838 663
Tea depoulsen@hotmail.com 3379 1667 / 0419 659 837
Carlsberg v. Carlsberg
Debate has raged among both Danish and Australian drinkers over the quality of locally made
Carlsberg. For a number of years, Fosters Group held the licence to produce the beer in
Australia, but complaints regarding its accuracy plagued the brewer.
In May last year, the well-respected Coopers Brewery announced they were taking over the
licence to brew and distribute Carlsberg in Australia. Would the results be any better?
As part of a recent story written for TheVine.com.au, Coopers-brewed Carlsberg was tested
against the true import, with two local experts, Green Beacon Brewing Co.’s Andrew Sydes and
Alfred and Constance’s Perryn Collier, running the beers through their paces. This was a blind
tasting. We’ve abbreviated Sydes and Collier’s comments for clarity and brevity. In doing so
we’ve made it apparent which variant of Carlsberg the tasters were discussing, even though they
themselves didn’t know at the time.
The two versions of Carlsberg were compared along with the other major European brews now
made under licence in Australia: Beck’s, Peroni and Grolsch. The final results were interesting,
to say the least. And close. It’s worth noting that Sydes – given his day-to-day job as a
microbrewer – seemed to be able to identify which was the local beer just by sight. He also
firmly believes that beer is best drunk as close as possible to its date and location of brewing.
Collier, meanwhile, admitted to not having tasted any of the beers since they were truly
imported by their respective major brewers.
Local 330ml best before 11/2013 vs. Imported 330ml best before 9/2013
Carlsberg in Australia is now produced under licence at the Coopers brewery in South Australia.
The Danes I spoke to expressed a belief that this would improve what they’d previously regarded
as a pretty poor local product. The Danish version was again a little closer to its best-before date
than we would have liked, but sourced from a reliable parallel importer.
Interesting. The import almost has a spice note. It’s much the same as Peroni and Beck’s,
although maybe slightly darker. After tasting the local, I’d have to say these two are maybe the
closest so far. I prefer the local, but this is all based on my theory that the local should be cleaner
and so on.
The import is pretty one-dimensional to me, to be completely honest. It’s really subtle, not much
going on. The local has more head retention and maybe a little more carbonation as well.
They’re quite similar, these two. I’m getting more off the nose of the second one because of that
head retention. It’s got a bit more aroma for me. And I think that’s edging it over – 70 or 80
percent of what you taste comes through your nose. I think I might have to go with the local on
this one.
Sydes: Local
Collier: Local
Encouraging results for those who railed against Fosters-brewed Carlsberg. Of the other beers
tested, Sydes always opted for the locally made version, Collier the import. Carlsberg was the
only beer they could agree upon, but to their taste buds it also had the smallest differentiation
between the import and the locally made drop.
Taste test reproduced with permission of TheVine.com.au.
From the inflight magazine of the airline Norwegian, June 2013
Nu er det tid til at forny dit medlemskab af den danske forening ‘Heimdal’.
Kontingentet er uændret $40 pr person eller $60 pr husstand/familie. Du kan
indbetale beløbet direkte til klubbens bankkonto i Suncorp Bank (484-799 02495
1468) med angivelse af dit navn og medlemsnummer eller med check udstedt til
foreningen (sendes til vores medlemskoordinator Birte Schmidt, 35/192 Hargreaves
Road, Manly West QLD 4179). Du kan også indbetale kontingent på hjemmesiden
www.danishclubbrisbane.org og bruge Paypal. Betal inden 23. juli 2013 og du
deltager i lodtrækningen om en præmie til en værdi af $100 (udtrækkes til Cafe
Danmark 26. juli 2013).
Der er igen lagt op til et travlt klubår. Vi starter med vores ’jul i juli’-arrangement,
hvor vi serverer en lækker ’juleplatte’. Arrangementet måtte udsættes sidste år,
fordi der skulle lægges nyt tag på klubhuset og siden da har vi også få et
solenergianlæg, som gerne skulle bidrage til at betale vores elektricitetsregning på
ca $5.000 om året – og det måtte også gerne give overskud. Den 4. fredag i hver
måned står vi klar med Cafe Danmark, der er stor travlhed i køkkenet med
tilberedning af det populære smørrebrød. Og vi kan også klare en skøn hot dog og
en kold Tuborg.
I forbindelse med Cafe Danmark kan du fortsat købe godt rugbrød, dejligt wienerbrød
og organiske småkager fra Britt’s Danish Delight, og kød, pølser og pålæg fra
Flemming, vores danske slagter. Fra tid til anden har vi også sild, lakrids og
Sidste års helt store projekt var klubbens 140-års jubilæum, som blev fejret i
forbindelse med den Skandinaviske Festival i Austin Street. Vi satser stærkt på at
få mobiliseret alle kræfter til en ny Skandinavisk Festival søndag, den 8. september
2013, så sæt et stort kryds i kalenderen. Hvis du har ideer til aktiviteter eller boder
eller lyst til at hjælpe, kan du skrive til Søren på president@danishclubbrisbane.org
eller ringe på 0437 612 913.
Medlemsbladet udkommer hver måned. For at få bladet ud hurtigere og spare på
både miljøet og portoen, udsender vi bladet via email, så det er vigtigt at holde
klubben orienteret, hvis du får ny emailadresse. Hvis du foretrækker et trykt
eksemplar, er det selvfølgelig helt fint. Du kan også holde dig ajour med
klubarrangementer på vores hjemmeside www.danishclubbrisbane.org.
Kom forbi til et arrangement og hils på bestyrelsen:
Søren Høimark (formand)
Peter Hansen (webmaster)
Michael Schmidt
Iben Giessing Lund
Alan Przybylak (næstformand)
Lone Schmidt (kasserer)
Lise Kopittke
Henning Klinke Jørgensen
PS: Hvis du lige er blevet medlem og indbetalte det fulde beløb, gælder det også for
2013/14. Tjek dit medlemskort.
It’s time to renew your membership of the Danish Association ‘Heimdal’. The fee
remains the same at $40 for a single membership or $60 for a couple/family. You
can transfer the amount directly to the association’s account with the Suncorp
Bank (484-799 02495 1468) using your name and membership number as the
reference or pay by cheque issued to the Danish Association Heimdal (send it to our
membership coordinator Birte Schmidt, 35/192 Hargreaves Road, Manly West QLD
4179). You can also go to our webpage at www.danishclubbrisbane.org and use
Paypal. Pay by 23 July 2013 and be in the draw to win a prize to the value of $100
(drawn af Café Danmark 26 July 2013).
It’s going to be another busy year in the club. We kick off with our Christmas in July
event, where we’ll be serving a delicious plate with favourite ‘smørrebrød’ toppings.
The event has to be postponed last year because of the new roof and in the
meantime we have also installed a solar energy system. We hope the energy
generated will contribute to paying our annual power bill of approx. $5,000 – and
maybe even generate a surplus. Café Danmark is open for business on the fourth
Friday of each month: the busy kitchen volunteers prepare our popular ‘smørrebrød’
and we serve great hot dogs as well. Goes down well with a cool Tuborg.
At Café Danmark, you can also buy Danish rye bread, delicious cakes, organic
biscuits and yummy pastries from Britt’s Danish Delights. Flemming, the Danish
butcher, offers a variety of Danish smallgoods. From time to time, we also have
herring, licorice and tinned cod roe (torskerogn) on sale.
Last year’s major event was without a doubt the club’s 140th anniversary, which was
celebrated at the Scandinavian Festival in Austin Street. We are planning on
repeating the success and doing it again on Sunday 8 September 2013! Mark the
date in your calendar! If you have any ideas for activities or stalls or just want to
help, write to Soren at president@danishclubbrisbane.org or ring on 0437 612 913.
Our newsletter is issued monthly. To get it out faster and save the environment in the
process, we’ll email it to you, if you like, so let us know if you want delivery by
email. If you prefer a printed copy, that’s not a problem. Keep up to date with
events at our website www.danishclubbrisbane.org.
Visit us soon and say hello to your committee:
Soren Hoimark (President)
Peter Hansen (Webmaster)
Michael Schmidt
Iben Giessing Lund
Alan Przybylak (Vice President)
Lone Schmidt (Treasurer)
Lise Kopittke
Henning Klinke Jørgensen
PS: If you have only just become a member and paid the full membership fee, it is
valid for 2013/14. Check your membership card.