00018-Søren Christian Christensen

Den Danske Forening
June 2012
Post office on the NSW N Coast
Strangler Fig Tree in N NSW
Birds at Beach in Ocean shores
Hansen Girls in San Jose backyard
Newsletter for the Danish Association ‘Heimdal’ – Established 1872
Contact details: 0437 612 913
We would love to share your news and
stories. You are welcome to send emails
and other material to the editor for publication. The closing date for the July issue is
20 June 2012. We endeavour to publish
all material submitted but reserve the right
to edit or not publish your contribution. Any
material published does not necessarily
reflect the opinion of the Danish Club or the
Editor: Lone Schmidt
Phone: 0437 612 913
Email: treasurer@danishclubbrisbane.org
Webmaster: Peter Wagner Hansen
Phone: 0423 756394
Skype: pete.at.thebathouse
Email: admin@danishclubbrisbane.org
From the Editor
arranging her funeral when the local
minister, at some point refused to
officiate due to the fact of the
women being lesbian, I take it as yet
another sign of how the times have
moved on but the the institutions
strugle to follow and stay relevant
and engage with a new and
challenging reality. Along the way
the priest changed his mind and will
now do what he didn’t think he
should or could.
Locally our Association Heimdal also
has faced challenges over many
decades and it’s volunteer
committee has been and is still
working hard to keep ahead of the
Please enjoy this edition of the
peter w hansen.
Byron Bay main beach
Lone and Søren are taking a break
and I will be stand-in editor for the
June issue, please bear with me with
typos and layout problems, I will
endeavour to produce an exiting
edition. We usually read Danish
online news to keep up with trends
and pass on to you the members
(knowing full well that you probably
also read the same online news).
One story is from Aalborg in
Northern Jylland and of the family of
a women having difficulties
Fødselsdage og Mærkedage
26 May – Kronprins Frederik
5 juni – Grundlovsdag
7 juni – Prins Joachim
11 juni – Prins Henrik af Danmark
15 juni – Waldemarsdag
What’s on at the Danish Club?
Café Danmark
25 May 2012
from 6 pm
Come visit the club and catch up with new and old friends. Try our tasty ‘smørrebrød’: the menu varies from time to time, but you’ll usually find ‘rullepølse’ (spicy
rolled pork), smoked salmon, roast beef, pate, roast pork and ‘Esrom’ cheese on the
menu. And hot dogs. The bar is stocked with Tuborg and Carlsberg beer varieties
imported from Denmark just for us as well as your favourite Australian brews. If you
like a glass of wine with your food, we have a good variety of whites, reds and
sparkling on offer.
It’s also an opportunity to buy delicious Danish pastries, rye bread and other specialty
breads and organic biscuits direct from Britt’s Danish Delights. Tea offers smallgoods
and quality meats from Flemming, the Danish butcher at Woolloongabba, as well as
her own goodies including remoulade. It’s a good idea to order in advance and pick
up at the café.
Kafe Svea
8 June 2012
from 6 pm
We will be celebrating our national day....and lots of nice goodies
Updates on www.facebook.com/kafesvea
Legestue / Play Group Every Friday 9.30-11.30
Bamse’s fødselsdag
9 June 2012
Cafe Danmark
22 June 2012
Midsummer with Saga Vikings in Petrie
Skt Hans bål
23 June 2012
A ROYAL AFFAIR / En kongelig affære
1 July 2012
This is a birthday party for all the kids to attend, read details inside this edition.
This is being put on by the Saga Vikings and can be warmly recommended, some
catering is available and so is on-site camping for a brisk tent experience, my wife
and I did last year and will again this time.
2 pm
Danish movie in Brisbane
See details in this newsletter
Do you need any beer, snaps or other Danish or Scandinavian classics for
Easter? We can help you source it.
Price list
Tuborg Classic 24x33cl (cans)
Tuborg Gold 24x33cl (cans)
Carlsberg Black Gold 24x33 cl (cans)
$ 50
$ 60
$ 60
Jubilæum 100 cl
Jubilæum 70 cl
Taffel (Rød Aalborg) 100 cl
Aalborg Porse 70 cl
Aalborg Export 70 cl
Brøndum 100 cl
Brøndum 70 cl
Lysholm Linie Akvavit 100 cl
O P Anderson Akvavit 100 cl
$ 70
$ 55
$ 70
$ 50
$ 50
$ 65
$ 50
$ 75
$ 65
Gammel Dansk 100 cl
En Enkelt Bitter 100 cl
Dr Nielsens Bitter 70 cl
$ 65
$ 70
$ 50
How to order and pay:
By email
By phone 0437 612 913
Payment by EFT to Heimdal’s account at Suncorp
BSB 484-799 Account 02495 1468
Now we have also sourced pickled herring, cod roe, fiskeboller, Danish lumpfish caviar
and other goodies for our members – buy them at the next cafe. Look out for ‘Poletter’,
‘Blue Jeans’, ’Skiltelakrids’, ‘Familie Guf’, Evers Schweizerdrops and Evers Kongen af
Danmark bolsjer.
PO Box 136, LAWNTON QLD 4501
Email: contact@sagavikings.org.au
LØRDAG DEN 23 JUNI, 2012 - KL 15.30
“Black Forrest” 110 (149) Byrnes Road North, Joyner 4501
I er igen i år inviteret til at fejre Skt Hans hos Saga Vikingerne med stort bål på vikingelandet i
Bålet bliver tændt ca kl 17.30 så medbring venligst jeres egne stole da siddepladser er lidt sparse
samt en lommelygte til personlig brug.
I løbet af eftermiddagen vil der være mulighed for at købe diverse forfriskninger som:
Kaffe, Tea og andre varme drikke
Hotdogs, Pølser m/kartoffelsalat
Soft Drinks og andre drikkevarer
Alt sammen til rimelige priser.
Gratis Entre - men donations vil blive modtaget med taknemmelighed
Husker i sidste år hvor vi med de donerede gulve fra Heimdal havde bygget både køkken og
Vi har nu takket være meget generøse donations og ihærdig arbejde fra vikingerne fået bygget et
langhus, det er i skrivende stund ikke helt færdigt, men vi håber at være næsten ved målet til Skt
Hans hvor vi skulle være i fuld gang med indretningen så kom og se hvor langt vi er nået.
Vi appelerer derfor til alle “Heimdal’s medlemmer samt jeres venner og bekendte om opbakning
for denne hyggelige sammenkomst hvor I får mulighed for at opleve Skt Hans aften med rigtigt bål
og en god Vikinge sammenkomst. Husk menneskets bedste ven – HUNDEN er velkommen så
længe den kan kontrollere ejeren.
Der er igen i år mulighed for at overnatte, campere i Saga Viking Village i egne telte, camper
trailers eller små caravan’s men det er nødvendigt at medbringe jeres egne fornødenheder til
Tilmelding er ikke nødvendig men modtages gerne på nedenstående numre:
Arild & Ann 07 3204 8204
Flemming Brinkmann
04 0706 4825
2011 Sct Hans bål
Bamse har fødselsdag, og det skal holdes i stor stil med hjemmebagte boller og kagemand.
Kom og vær med til en rigtig dansk børnefødsels¬dag. Tag din bedste bamse med og vær med
i sjove lege. KUPALEJA spiller op til sang og dans. Tag vennerne med.
Come and participate in a real Danish birthday
party for children. It’s Teddy Bear’s Birthday
Party so
bring your
bear and
try some
buns and
the yummy
birthday cake. There will also be lots of party
games. KUPALEJA will provide the musical
entertainment. Bring all your friends.
When:Saturday 9 June 2012
Time: 2 – 4 pm
Cost: $5 (pay at door)
Rsvp: By Thursday 7 June 2012
to Iben
mob: 0434 933 953 /
2010 Birthday party.
Newsflash! by Jytte (Kronborg Pedersen)
We have been busy since the year started with our 70th and 80th ‘birthday bash’ held at the Danish Club on 4th of
February 2012. The Club was filled to capacity with happy dancers, their invited guests and lots of great food and
It was a fantastic start to our folkdance year and no sooner were we finished and the last things cleared away before
Hervey Bay was calling us, as the Fraser Coast Cultural Festival 2012 was to be held on 24 & 25 March. Lis, our
dance leader, called us to order and extra training dance nights were organised as we were running out of our normal
Friday dance nights. We were invited to dance no less than three times and the first performance being at the Brolga
Theatre in Maryborough as part of the whole Festival week.
After much training under our leader’s critical
eye, we were let loose on the Fraser Coast and
what a wonderful time we had in front of us. The
Gala Performance program started at 7pm at
the Brolga Theatre and was quite overwhelming
– imagine us in our own dressing room – we
had never tried that before. Waiting for the bell
to summon us to the stage before and after the
performance was hard – we wanted to explore!
We were of course one of many, many groups
performing in the theatre and also the next day
on two stages around on the Festival site in
Hervey Bay. We were certainly also the most senior group, but young and old mingled in the corridors of the theatre
and on the stage, first separate in our groups performing and later all together in a final with the entertainer James
Corona, ‘The Tall Tenor’. Attending this Gala Performance were local officials, sponsors, families of performers and
other paying guests.
The band Kupaleja, consisting of 4 of our folkdancers, Kurt, Pat, Jan and Lennart also performed both at the Brolga
Theatre and on the Festival ground stages during the event and their happy music got many hands clapping and
equally many feet tapping.
Impressive Festival grounds were
set up for Sunday, March 25th with
activities again for young and old,
even a separate childrens stage had
been erected plus the two main
stages, where all performers
entertained throughout the day. All
performers marched into the Festival
grounds at 10am as part of the
opening of the Festival, in a
wonderful kaleidoscope of colour,
each group bearing a sign of country
of origin. Food from many nations
was available from stalls and equally as many stalls displayed all kinds of interesting things to purchase or just enjoy.
We were told the total attendance to the yearly Festival was around 10,000 this year, a very well visited event indeed
and we were so happy to have been part of this.
We were accommodated by the Festival Management Committee and was given a very luxurious resort to rest our
weary bones in at the end of the day,. So all in all, who would not go to the Fraser Coast for another festival if the call
came out? We would hear it a long way off and be on our way quick smart, after the appropriate training of course
Get all your Danish Baked Goodies from Britt’s Bakery at Café DANMARK
4th Friday of each month
Authentic Danish Pastry & Organic Bread Products
Kringler, Smørtærter, Kanelstænger, Birkes, Rundstykker, Fuldkornsrugbrød,
Kransekagekonfekt, Småkager, Knækbrød og bagerens dårlige øje.
For information, order forms and delivery details, go to our website:
Unit 5/10 Energy Crescent, Molendinar QLD 4214
Ph: 07 5571 6881 Fax: 07 5571 6947
Email: order@brittsdanishdelight.com.au
www.danishclubbrisbane.org to see it in
Kafe Svea. Is back again in it’s normal
format on the second Friday of June with
lots of Swedish specialities from Swedish
Goodies available from their stall and there
are home-baked pastries, hot dogs and
smorgastorta (Swedish sandwich cake)
available. Each month features a theme,
after the Melodifestival in May I am not
sure what is on for June, but look them up
closer to the date on their facebook page
Starts at 6 pm.
Hornbjerggaards Billedgalleri:
Eva Lundberg
Ambassador Susanne Shine will be
leaving Canberra later this year to take up
her new posting in Washington DC. Børge
Petersen, Denmark’s current ambassador
to Indonesia, will become the new
ambassador to Australia.
Club Centenary 1972
Preben and Eilan Nielsen have typed up the
history of the Club written for its centenary
in 1972 and you can now browse through it
at on our website.
Danes Worldwide
Steen Selmer is the local representative for
Danes Worldwide – contact him via
Contact details for the Royal Danish
Consulate in Brisbane
St Andrews (St Andreas) Lutheran
Church in Wickham Terrace celebrates
its 140th anniversary on Sunday 24 June
with a special service where Norwegian and
Danish hymns will be sung. The church
has a beautiful organ made by Knud
Smenge of Melbourne.
Suite 525, Level 5 Toowong Tower
9 Sherwood Road
Toowong QLD 4066
Honorary Consul Lars Kirk
07 3374 3062
Computer Crash – Lone’s email files and
contact list have been partly recovered now
I am confident that all will be recovered
when we return to the task after their
holiday trip. If you’re still waiting for a
reply to a message sent to the club or are
no longer receiving emails from Lone, just
to make sure, you should email to
treasurer@danishclubbrisbane.org again
with your details.
Play Handball with the Northern Panthers.
The Northern Panthers are based out of
Brisbane Grammar Sports Centre and meet
on Tuesdays 7.30-9.30 pm (seniors) and
Fridays 7-9 pm (juniors). All sessions are
$10 and include court hire, insurance,
registration and coaching etc. Everybody is
welcome. See more at their website
Black & White are the only colours in your
newsletter this time. Go to our website at
A ROYAL AFFAIR / En kongelig affære
directed by Nikolaj Arcel, starring Mads Mikkelsen, Alicia Vikander and Mikkel Følsgaard.
Winner of the Best Actor and
Best Screenplay awards at
the Berlin Film Festival, and
starring internationally
acclaimed Mads Mikkelsen
A ROYAL AFFAIR is an epic
tale of a passionate and
forbidden romance that
changed an entire nation.
Denmark, 1766, and Caroline Mathilde is married to the mad and politically ineffectual King Christian VII.
Ignored by the wild King who chooses to live scandalously, Caroline grows accustomed to a quiet existence
in oppressed
Copenhagen. When the King returns from a tour of Europe accompanied by Struensee, his new personal
physician, Queen Caroline finds an unexpected ally within the kingdom. The attraction between the two is
initially one of shared ideals and philosophy, but it soon turns into a passionate and clandestine affair.
Committed to the ideals of the Enlightenment that are banned in Denmark, Struensee convinces the King
to assert his previously untapped power to remove the conservative political council and implement drastic
changes to Danish society. As the Court plot their return to power and the downfall of the Queen and
Struensee, the consequences of their affair are made clear and the entire nation will be changed forever.
Join a Heimdal Group Booking for 1 July – Pay before June 13, 2012
Heimdal is in contact with the local cinema for a
Contact the committee for tickets via
group booking.
royal@danishclubbrisbane.org and
deposit payments directly with your name in the
This is expected to be Palace at The Barracks
note along with “ROYAL” to our account at
2pm on Sunday 1 July, 2012. Ticket price
Suncorp BSB No: 484-799 Account No: 02495
Due to the short notice we have been given this is a “show only” offer no drinks will be
arranged, and we will expect to share the cinema with other regular cinema patrons.
In order for this to happen we will need a minimum 21 guests to book.
37 Dora Street, Moorooka
0411 297 236
W E B S I T E L A U N C H !!
Shop 37, Woolloongabba Antique Centre, 22 Wellington Rd, Woolloongabba
(OPEN 9am–5pm EVERYDAY).
Shop 38, Paddington Antique Centre, 167 Latrobe Tce, Paddington
(OPEN 10am–5pm EVERYDAY)
Warehouse OPEN ANYTIME by appointment.
Guest exhibitor at the Queensland Antique Dealers Association Fair
RNA Showgrounds, Gregory Tce, Fortitude Valley.
Thurs 24 May 6:30-9:30pm, Fri 25 and Sat 26 May 10am-8pm, Sun 27 May 10am-4pm
Tickets are $15 on opening night and $10 for the rest of the fair. Children under 15 free.
The next committe meeting will be held in June after Lone and Søren returns from “ferie” in
Property services
Gardening / Mowing
Rubish removeal, Outdoor cleaning
Sunshine Coast to Brisbane
Henning Jorgensen
Ph: 0403 988 103
Online or paper!
If you are reading our newsletter i paper format then you should know that it is
also available free as a download from our web-site
Our web-site also contains content which is not included in the newsletter such
as some job adds, and a copy of the Heimdal Association’s first 100 years of
history, we also have an archive of pictures from some of our functions over
the years.
Try it out and if you like the experience, you could save the editor a bit of
licking stamps and folding paper by changing your newsletter subscription to
the electronic version.
Who am I?
My name is Peter Wagner Hansen and I am doing the newsletter this month while Søren and Lone
takes a well deserved break back home.
My wife Sigrid and I came to Australia in 1988, it was a hot and for us a quite humid September
morning in the old Kingsford Smith Airport in Sydney, besides 6 pieces of luggage we also had our
daughter Josephine born just 10 month before and my parents first and only grandchild. Well we
found a taxi big enough to hold us all and the 5 suitcases which had actually made it with us (one
came 2 days later) our destination was Harbord at Freshwater beach just north of Manly, a former
work mate in Denmark had immigrated a little while before us and set up pad in a one bedroom
flat there, we moved in!
In Denmark Sigrid had worked as “correspondent” sort of secretary with German and English
translation and I had been four years at Bruel & Kjær in Nærum north of Copenhagen near
Lyngby. Sigrid had stopped work the year before, when she was pregnant with Josephine and was
now a full time mother.
It took till December before I found work, in Lane Cove industrial estate with Telectronics Pacing
Systems, I were quite happy and after a while we decided to move to Ettalong on the NSW Central
Coast, this gave us some more room while I commuted back to Lane Cove 90 minutes each way.
In 1995 Telectronics had to lay-off a group of people, and I were among these lucky 30 odd people
which as it turned out would be the first of several rounds, before the company was closed down.
With the severance pay in hand and now two daughters we decided to take a trip back home to
the family in Denmark, maybe a bit risky with no forward income to expect. Anyway we had a
good trip and after 3 month returned to Ettalong and all our stuff, which we had in storage, it was
now going to be shipped to San Jose in California, where I had been offered a job while we were
holidaying how handy was that?
Both girls would soon be attending
schools in San Jose, Madeleine had to
wait for kindergarten till after summer
holidays while Josephine jumped
straight in, and Sigrid were busy
running the home front and finding a
new network of friends.
My job with Integrated Circuit Systems
was very interesting and it was a fast
paced place with some quite nice
people, the pay was nice and even
thou I soon found that I missed Australia a lot, we stuck it out for 8 years. I quit in 2003 and we
went back to Australia and a new uncertain life.
We moved to Ocean Shores near Byron Bay, NSW and I have for the last few years now had a
small garden service business with mostly lawn mowing, both girls have moved out, one is still at
QUT in Brisbane the other finished at UQ and and is pt in Mexico, the wife is still here.
Ocean Shores May 2012
Heimdal’s history
We are still in need of more photos and stories for the Heimdal 140 year anniversary book. Have
a look through your files and help us with photos and stories from
Events at the Stones Corner club house (pre 1997)
Danish club participation in Warana parades
Dronning Margrethe’s visit to Brisbane
Events at Norwegian club during 1997 and 1998
Fitting out of the Austin St club house
Official opening of Austin St club house (August 1998)
Changes done to the Austin St club house
Events at Austin St
Eddie Scholler, ShuBiDua and Bent Fabri concerts
Please forward information to Preben or Pia via history@danishclubbrisbane.org
Dansk legegruppe for medlemmer af Heimdal
Fredag 9.30-11.30 i Heimdals lokaler, 36 Austin St, Newstead QLD 4006
Vi er en gruppe forældre, der taler dansk med vores børn – vi ved, at de lærer dansk fra os, men hvad
de lærer gennem leg med andre danske børn er en anden ting, hvilket er grunden til, at vi startede
den danske legestue.
Gruppen er for børn i alderen 0 til skolealderen og det koster $2 pr familie pr gang (pengene går til
udgifter i forbindelse med afholdelse af gruppen).
Hvis du er på Facebook, kan du også finde os under gruppen: Heimdal Brisbane Families w/kids
Hvis du er interesseret eller mangler oplysninger, så kontakt:
Tlf: 3379 1667 / 0419 659 837
E-mail: depoulsen@hotmail.com
Tlf: 3191 0411 / 0403 838 663
E-mail: tina@kinkead.com.au
Mob. 0434 933 953
E-mail: igk1972@hotmail.com
The Lyceum Club – an invitation
The Lyceum Club of Brisbane is a club for women (general age group being over forty-fifty). We have a central
aim of fostering life long learning through regular guest lectures from experts on a broad range of topics and
other weekly events such as book clubs, theatre visits, a cinema group and so on. We would like to raise
awareness of our club and its benefits amongst Brisbane women who have lived here for some time and those
who are new arrivals to the city. We also feel we do not have enough members whose first language is not
English. We wonder if there might be any of your members who would like to be advised of our club. Whilst
Membership is by invitation only, for our part we would be pleased to host interested non-members to as many
as six functions to see if our activities suit their interests and decide whether the club is for them. If one or more
of your members would like to attend, please could they contact me and I will be able to organise it and answer
any queries they may have.
If you felt it would be useful we would very much like as well to meet with you, to explain the benefits of our club.
Whatever the case, we would like you to know of our activities and look forward to hearing from you. Further
information can be found on our website – http://www.lyceumbrisbane.org.au/
Please contact Margaret Maynard on phone 07 33797640, if you would like to know more.
The Danish Association Heimdal Inc.
Est 1872
36 Austin Street, Newstead QLD 4006 Phone 0437 612 913
Celebrating and fostering the Danish language, culture and traditions
1 July 2012 - 30 June 2013
Membership Number:
Partner’s Name
Date of Birth
Date of Birth
Phone (Home)
Suburb & State
Phone (Work)
Date of Birth
Date of Birth
Date of Birth
(Under 18
of age)
Please send the newsletter via e-mail
Ordinary*) Member/Family
Ordinary*) Member/Single
Associate Member/Family
Associate Member/Single
Cheque or money order enclosed
Paid by EFT
*) Ordinary member: Danish born/descendant of a person whose father, mother, grandfather or grandmother was born in Denmark or
was a Danish citizen at the time of that person's birth
The membership fee may be paid by EFT to Heimdal’s account with Suncorp BSB No: 484-799
Account No: 02495 1468 using your membership number and name as reference. Please
send the form to Birte Schmidt if there are any changes in your details.
If paying by cheque, please make it payable to “The Danish Association Heimdal” and post it to
the Membership officer:
Birte Schmidt
35/192 Hargreaves Road
Phone 07 3348 4979
Email birlosch@iinet.net.au
4 May, Cimber Sterling er gået konkurs fra DR.DK
Det Danske luftfarts selskab Cimber Air startet i skyggen af Danfoss på Als i 1958 har ført en omflakket tilværelse i de seneste
mange år, jeg må gætte på at de moderne lyntog med hurtig service til og fra alle landsdele har harft lidt med det at gøre. Cimber
fusionerede eller købte i 2008 Sterling Air (del af konkurs bo), men kun i 2011 blev der problemer og flere rejseselskaber ville ikke
sælge Cimber billeter under de usikker omstændiheder, der har været en tid siden midt i 2011 hvor selskabet har været ejet af en
rigmand i Ukrain via et investeringsselskab men nu er dette også kørt til ende. Der var en del pasaserer bl. a. På Bornholm som
kom lidt i knibe da Cimber Sterling var eneste flyselskab på ruten til København.
Helligdage: Skal 2. pinsedag også fjernes? Fra DR.DK
Den Danske regering kigger efter at spare 4 milliarder ved blandt andet at sløjfe 2 helligdage, og Store Bededag der jo er et levn fra
en tidliger rationalisering af heligdagende og står nok først på listen, der næst kan måske 2 Pinsedag eller Skærtorsdag måske
falde i samme omgang.
Om der er blevet regnet på hvad det vil koste at holde børne haver og skolerne åbne de to extra dage kan ikke siges.
Danske bygger verdens største mælkepulverfabrik i New Zealand fra avisen ingeniøren
GEA Process Engineering i Søborg skal hjælpe med at omdanne New Zealands kraftigt voksende mælkeproduktion til tørmælk til
det asiatiske marked. Dette kommer samtidigt med at der er en pt er en kraftig over produktion af mælke produkter på verdens
Alkolåse hitter i virksomhederne fra avisen ingeniøren
Mens politiet og politikerne ikke kan få alkolås-lovgivningen til at fungere, har virksomheder og private købt og installeret alkolåse i
2.000-3.000 køretøjer.
Myndigheder nøler med alkolåse - over 100 døde i spritulykker
Når flere og flere lastbil- og buschauffører starter dagen med en dyb indånding, skyldes det ikke udsigten til timelang køkørsel, men
at der bliver installeret alkolås i stadigt flere danske køretøjer.
Ifølge importørene af alkolåse har de siden 2009 installeret låsene i 2.000-3.000 danske køretøjer.
»Der er så absolut en stigende interesse for alkolåse: Nogle gør det, fordi det bliver et krav i overenskomsten, at alle skal have
alkolås. Andre gør det, fordi de gerne vil hjælpe en medarbejder, som har et alkoholproblem. Og så er der en forventning om, at
alkolåse kan blive et krav i forbindelse med kontrakter, som man har set det i Sverige,« siger direktør Jan Bülow-Jakobsen fra
importørfirmaet F. Bülow & Co.
Abdulhadi al-Khawajas sultestrejke af Anne Kipp
Frihed eller død. Det har i 85 dage (d. 2. maj) været de ufravigelige mål for den dansk-bahrainske, fængslede
menneskerettighedsforkæmper Abdulhadi al-Khawajas sultestrejke. Da Abdulhadi al-Khawaja i maj sidste år blev idømt livstid for at
demonstrere imod styret i Bahrain, foregik hans retssag ved en militærdomstol, hvilket er blevet kritiseret af både Vesten og talrige
menneskerettighedsorganisationer. Nu skal hans sag for en civil domstol i Bahrain, oplyser hans ene advokat, Faten Haddad.
Ifølge hans familie agter han derfor at fortsætte strejken på trods af, at en domstol i Bahrain mandag fastslog, at sagerne mod alKhawaja og 20 andre ledende oppositionsfolk, som alle sidder fængslet, skal gå om. I den forgangne uge havde myndighederne
lukket af for al kontakt med al-Khawaja, og hverken familie, advokater eller den danske ambassadør i Saudi-Arabien fik lov til at
tilse ham. Som det første medie fik den britiske TV-station tirsdag adgang til den prominente menneskerettighedsforkæmper på det
militærhospital i Bahrain, hvor han er indlagt, og ifølge BBCs journalist var han »tynd, men klar i hovedet.«
Se mere her: http://politiken.dk/udland/ECE1612247/britisk-journalist-fik-fem-minutters-samtale-med-al-khawaja/
Verdenspremiere på Efterklangs nye album i operahuset i Sydney af Anne Kipp
Det danske band Efterklang får d. 26. maj australsk koncertdebut. Sammen med the Sydney Symphony, vil den populære gruppe
præsentere deres nye album Piramida i Operahuset i Sydney.
Efterklang har eksisteret siden 2000, og har siden da udgivet tre albums, spillet koncerter over hele verden, og ikke mindst
produceret en anmelderrost film om deres hjemstavn, den sønderjyske ø, Als. Filmen ”An Island” havde premiere sidste år, og har
høstet et utal af varme anmeldelser i ind- og udland. Nu er Efterklang klar med det nyeste skud på stammen, og har valgt at
markere denne nye begyndelse i Jørn Utzons smukke bygning.
For yderligere info og billetbestilling, se: http://vividlive.sydneyoperahouse.com/#efterklang
An Island anmeldt i The Guardian: ”The film An Island is a heartwarmingly soulful portrait of the band in their natural habitat on the
small Baltic island of Als" http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2011/feb/25/efterklang-live-review
Filmen kan ses her: http://anisland.cc/
DSB lover godt og gratis internet til pendlere fra Politiken.dk
Fra efteråret får 50.000 pendlere på strækningen mellem København og Aalborg frit internet i toget. Samtidigt bliver kvaliteten af
forbindelsen bedre, lover DSB.
Fra efteråret behøver du ikke længere fiske visakortet op af lommen for at komme på nettet, når du tager toget mellem København
og Jylland. DSB og TDC har nemlig indgået en aftale om at opgradere internetforbindelse i togene, og samtidig bliver det gratis at
benytte det trådløse netværk i togene fra efteråret, skriver Politiken.
I takt med udbredelsen af smartphones, iPads og andet bærbart udstyr efterspørger stadig flere kunder en stabil internetforbindelse
på rejsen.
Borer historisk dybt fra avisen ingeniøren
Danske olie felter i Nordsøen går nu kraftigt i dybden, helt ned til 5000 meter under havbunden, trykket øges betyeligt i dybder som
der nu skal arbejdes i, op til over 600 bar ved 140 C mod de can 60-110 C og ”kun” op til 344 bar i de nuværende boringer.
Production fra de nye felter skulle være i tanken i 2015 fra Dong Energys Hejre-felt, dette felt forventes at have olie og gas
svarende til 2 års produktion fra samtlige nuværende Danske felter.
Mary og Fred i Syd Korea.
Kronprinsparret er på handels fremstød i Korea sammen med en delegation af Danske forretnings folk. Programmet indeholder bl.
a. besøg ved den Australske EXPO 2012 pavillon, udover besøg på skibsværfter og en tur til den de-militariserede zone på
grænsen til Nord Korea og en række lokale Danske virksomheder. Fredag d 11 Maj var Kronprinsparret og erhvervs – og
vækstministeren budt til frokost af præsident Lee Myung-bak og præsidentfruen, Lady Kim Yoon-ok. Præsidentparret har tidligere
mødt Kronprinsparret under det sydkoreanske statsbesøg i Danmark i maj 2011. Tirsdag den 15 maj er det Dansk mad det drejer
sig om idet Kronprinsparret åbner de nye danske ”pop-up”-madbutikker i Shinsegae stormagasin, dette er også ifølge
www.kongehuset.dk det sidste officielle arrangement der.
Det lignede noget fra en film fra DR.DK
Folk jublede og klappede, da de to højhuse i Rødovre styrtede til jorden. Posten har ikke harft sin gang på adrassen der i nogen tid,
og nu er huset ogå helt væk, Der blev brugt omkring 34 Kg sprængstof af Engelske experter også var der kun en vej for de to
højhuse i Rødover og det var ned.
Det hele startede i en kraftig storm for nogle år siden beboerne raporterede om at huset svingede i takt med vindstødene, husene
blev evakueret under stormen, og efter års undersøgelser og en anslået reparations regning på over 300 millioner kroner, ja så
fandt man anden husly til beboerne og sprængte sig fra det hele.
DR.DK skrev:
28 etager fordelt på to højhuse bliver søndag jævnet med jorden i Rødovre, når højhusene Ruskær og Agerkær må lade livet. De
er ikke længere sikre nok til at huse beboere.
På kun få sekunder sprænges de to betonblokke, der blev bygget i midten af 50'erne, i luften - og med dem følger en masse
Nye toner i Danmark af Anne Kipp
Mange nye bands toner frem i Danmark netop nu. Og flere af dem lader til at have længerevarende potentiale med folkelige
ørehængere. Heimdals nyhedsredaktion har fundet et par eksempler på den nye musik i Danmark.
Ulige numre var for et halvt år siden totalt ukendte, også i Danmark. Siden har singlen "København" råhittet, og kvartetten er nu i
gang med deres første album.
”København” kan høres her: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSaUWDOexXU
Skænket direkte fra ungdommens kilde, berusende og med glubsk appetit på alt, der venter forude. Der er romantik i hvert eneste
hjerteslag, som banker af varme og poesi og rammer ungdommen i os alle.
When Saints Go Machine
Det blev den eksperimenterende elektropopgruppe When Saints Go Machine, der vandt P3 Prisen og dermed æren og 100.000
kroner ved Danmarks Radios P3 Guld-arrangement i DR Koncerthuset d. 6. april. Juryen valgte When Saints Go Machine med
følgende begrundelse: "When Saints Go Machine har over de sidste år vist viljen til og talentet for at hæve overliggeren for dansk
populærmusik. Ambitionerne er store og langt højere end hits og uendelig folkelig gennemslagskraft. Det er en rørende, melankolsk
varme, som åbner sig for de tålmodige, der lægger konkylien til øret og giver det tid og plads til at virke. Vi er stolte over at give P3
Prisen til et originalt, nyskabende dansk band, som virkelig fortjener at blive hørt og elsket af endnu flere."
Christian Hjelm
For to måneders tid siden blev det annonceret i den danske presse, at Christian Hjelm – en af Danmarks fornemmeste vokalister –
holdt et musikalsk frikvarter i form af et soloalbum uden bandet Figurines. Den guitarspillende, harmoniglade nordjyde med den
specielle vokal og de fantastiske, varme melodier, har høje forventninger at leve op til. Den første smagsprøve på det nye album er
allerede blevet lækket med nummeret ”scenen skifter nu”. Et nummer, der har fået begejstrede lyttere til at sammenligne Christian
Hjelm med både Steffen Brandt og Kim Larsen. Albummet bærer arbejdstitlen Før Vi Blev Lette og udkommer i begyndelsen af
Scenen skifter nu kan høres her: http://www.regnsky.dk/2012/04/christian-hjelm-scenen-skifter-nu/