Den Danske Forening Heimdal April 2013 Medlemsblad Newsletter for the Danish Association Heimdal – Established 1872 THE DANISH ASSOCIATION “HEIMDAL” INC 36 AUSTIN STREET NEWSTEAD QLD 4006 Contact details: 0437 612 913 Contributions We would love to share your news and stories. You are welcome to send emails and other material to the editor for publication. The closing date for the May issue is 19 April 2013. We reserve the right to edit or not publish your contribution. Any material published does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Danish Club or the Editor. Editor: Lone Schmidt Phone: 0437 612 913 Email: Webmaster: Peter Wagner Hansen Phone: 0423 756 394 Skype: Email: our power bill if we had a solar energy system installed. As to the next Scandinavian Festival, we would love to start serious planning, talk to sponsors, volunteers and stallholders, and embark on advertising, but without funding it cannot go ahead. After Easter, we’re in for a busy time at the club with two concerts with performers from the Faroe Islands and Denmark. This is all happening just before the big Sunday lunch. If you want to give a hand, just call. And remember, if you have any ideas for activities you would like to see at the club, let your committee know. From the Editor WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS Helen & Christian Luckow, Teneriffe HAPPY EASTER! Your committee has been busy applying for funding for numerous activities. While there are many grants available, the competition is fierce. The lack of funds is feeling a bit like a straitjacket, the committee has many more ideas for improvements and activities, but finding it difficult to move forward. It would make a big difference to our events, if the courtyard area was covered. And to 1 April – Peter Hansen, Ocean Shores 2 April – Christian Skou, Chapel Hill 2 April – Lise Kopittke, Scarborough 2 April - H. C. Andersen, Odense 4 April – Andy Brodersen, Collingwood 14 April- Kirsten Wyeth, Wilston 15 April – Vivian Lindup, Darra 16 April – Queen Margrethe, Amalienborg 30 April – Michael Schmidt, Daisy Hill 30 April – Amanda Miller, Samford What’s on at the Danish Club? Café Danmark 22 March 2013 from 6 pm Come visit the club and catch up with new and old friends. There’s tasty ‘smørrebrød’: the menu varies from time to time, but you’ll usually find ‘rullepølse’ (spicy rolled pork), smoked salmon, roast beef, ‘leverpostej’, roast pork and ‘Esrom’ cheese on the menu. And hot dogs. The bar offers Tuborg and Carlsberg beer imported from Denmark just for us as well as several Australian brews. If you like a glass of wine with your food, we have a good variety of whites, reds and sparkling on offer. It’s also an opportunity to buy delicious Danish pastries, rye bread and other specialty breads and organic biscuits direct from Britt’s Danish Delights. Tea offers smallgoods and quality meats from Flemming, the Danish butcher at Woolloongabba, as well as her own goodies including remoulade. Order in advance and pick up at the café. Legestue / Play Group Every Friday 9.30-11.30 Check their Facebook page for events or ring Tea, Tina or Iben (see details inside the newsletter) Concert with Jakob Wredstrøm 6 April 2013 Finalist from the Danish version of ‘The Voice’ visits Brisbane – concert at the Danish club. Listen to him on youtube or Facebook and see concert details inside the newsletter Concert with Kristian & Jakup Down Under 2013 & KUPALEJA 12 April 2013 Touring Down Under 2013, Kristian & Jakup from the faraway Faroe Islands perform new and traditional folk music at the Danish club. They will be supported by “KUPALEJA”. Sunday ‘Easter’ Lunch Påskefrokost 14 April 2013 12.30 for 1 pm start Enjoy a traditional Danish Sunday lunch at the club – see the details in the newsletter and book early. Give a voucher to friends and family as a surprise Easter egg! Café Danmark 26 April 2013 from 6 pm Get all your Danish Baked Goodies from Britt’s Bakery at Café DANMARK 4th Friday of each month Authentic Danish Pastry & Organic Bread Products Kringler, Smørtærter, Kanelstænger, Birkes, Rundstykker, Fuldkornsrugbrød, Kransekagekonfekt, Småkager, Knækbrød og bagerens dårlige øje. For information, order forms and delivery details, go to our website: Unit 5/10 Energy Crescent, Molendinar QLD 4214 Ph: 07 5571 6881 Fax: 07 5571 6947 Email: JAKOB WREDSTRØM SOLO AT THE DANISH CLUB SATURDAY 6 APRIL 2013 DOORS OPEN AT 6 PM Jakob Wredstrøm is a young singer/songwriter from Denmark. The upcoming artist is based in Copenhagen and is making himself and his band known throughout the Danish music society. Jakob was a contestant in the TV-show ‘Voice – Denmark’s Greatest Voice’, and his numerous performances throughout the country have showcased his talents. He will be performing at the Roskilde Music Festival this year. Jakob’s music can best be described as acoustic pop with a wide variety of ballads, but is often inspired by the singer-songwriter genre and with a twist of funk – a great solo performance experience. Jakob can be found on youtube and facebook. TICKETS: $12/$10 at door or book BOOKINGS to Danish open-faced sandwiches, coffee, tea and pastries will be available from the club kitchen and the bar will be open. We can advise on freight Australia wide! 0411 297 236 Study & Stay in Australia? Your door to the best in Australian Education & Training…. We are Danes, with a strong background in both Danish and Australian education & training. Though we work with people from any country, we run some especially exciting programs between Denmark and Australia, including: Guiding would-be migrants to courses for recognition in 60-Point occupations Assisting students enter the very best course, school/college/university for their needs Study Tours – customised to meet the particular needs of the Danish schools/colleges/universities Semester Study Abroad – individuals or classes come to undertake one semester of study, and get credit back into their secondary school/undergraduate programs in Denmark Placing students into workplaces in Australia for Occupational Training, which is part of their studies in Denmark Consulting services for Danish institutions wishing to establish links with Australian partners. We’d be delighted to assist you in any of these areas. Please do not hesitate to contact us: Riborg Andersen Phone 07 3852 5511 Liquor licence Renewed for six months up to September 2013. New equipment and maintenance New lights installed outside in the courtyard and in front of the main entry. Indoors, ten old downlights (which tended to switch off when the transformer got too hot) in lounge area have been replaced with new LED lights. Veggie spray hose in kitchen was leaking again and had to be replaced. Solar Power Next round of the Gambling Community Benefit Fund grants closed 28 February 2013 and we’re keeping our fingers crossed for a positive reply this time. Our latest quarterly power bill exceeded $1,500, a huge item on our expense budget. Australia Day Flag Raising Ceremony was cancelled – again. Membership 210 current memberships – pretty impressive. Good support from young families moving to Brisbane. Scandinavian Festival 8 September 2013 We have applied to the Dannebrog Foundation in Melbourne for funding. Will also be inviting Finland and Iceland to participate in the festival. Courtyard Applied for grant from Jupiter’s Community Benefit Fund to cover courtyard area – would be great to be able to use the area in all weather conditions – rain or shine. History of Danish migrants and the club Have applied for grant to research and publish history of Danish migrants in Brisbane through the eyes of the club. Events Programme for 2013 is looking solid. As mentioned before, some months have no events for the second Saturday and we’ll encourage members to come up with ideas for these dates. RSA certificate Lise has completed her RSA certificate (responsible service of alcohol). The certificate needs to be renewed every three years and Lone will be renewing hers shortly. Beer, snaps and licorice A new shipment is on its way, hoping for arrival in time for Sunday lunch 14 April. It contains julebryg and marcipanbrød, lakridspinde and strandgrus. Even flødetabletter, so get ready. Money The first seven months show a loss of approx. $37,000 (the club spent $62,000 on the new roof in this financial year) and the committee is satisfied with the current position. ooOoo Danes Abroad Business Group Online (DABGO) – Brisbane has joined the world wide network For many years, the DABGO network has provided a regular monthly meeting place for Danes working or travelling abroad with their popular Stambord arrangement. The monthly meeting is always on the first Wednesday of the month and the group usually meets at a bar/hotel and the format is informal – it is simply a meeting place for Danes working abroad to meet up with other Danes and have a chat over a beer or two. The Danish club hosted the first DABGO meeting on Wednesday 7 November. The next meeting will be on Wednesday 3 April 2013 at 6 pm. Update your calendar now! Check DABGO’s website at for updates and membership details or ring Soren on 0431 881513. PÅSKEFROKOST ‘EASTER SMORGASBORD’ Sunday 14 April 2013 12.30 for 1 pm start Photo: Soren Hoimark Sunday is traditionally a good time to enjoy a Danish smorgasbord – why not invite your friends and family along to the Danish Club for a treat after Easter. It’s delicious with many favourites on the menu including pickled herring, smoked salmon, fish wedges with remoulade, roast pork with red cabbage, leverpostej, medisterpølse, roast beef, rullepølse and Esrom cheese. The bar is stocked with Tuborg and Carlsberg brewed in Denmark and a variety of snaps – how does a cold Red Aalborg or Jubilæum sound? Price: $40 for members and $45 for guests (children under 12 $15/$17.50). All bookings must be made and pre-paid by Tuesday 9 April 2013. Email Lone Schmidt at or ring on 0437 612 913 to make your booking. We can also issue vouchers if you would like to use it as a gift. Payment by EFT to Suncorp BSB 484-799 Account 02495 1468 Payment details: 14Apr13, your name and membership number Or send a cheque made out to Danish Association Heimdal to the treasurer: Lone Schmidt 24 Ashley Road Chermside West QLD 4032 Odense Odense is the third largest city in Denmark with a population of 168,798 (as of 1 January 2012) and is the main city on the island of Funen (Danish: Fyn). The city is the seat of Odense Municipality, with a population of 191,610 (as of 1 January 2012). In January 2007, Funen County became part of the Region of Southern Denmark. History Odense (from Odins Vé, meaning "Odin's shrine") is one of the oldest cities of Denmark and had its 1000th anniversary in 1988. To celebrate this, a forest named "the Thousand Year Forest" (Danish: Tusindårsskoven) was cultivated. The shrine of Saint Canute (Danish: Sankt Knud / Knud den Hellige) in Saint Canute's Cathedral held great attraction for pilgrims throughout the Middle Ages. Odense's most famous landmark was Odinstårnet (The Odin Tower) constructed in 1935, as the second-tallest tower in Europe, only surpassed by the Eiffel Tower. Odinstårnet was blown up by a Danish Nazi group in 1944 and has never been rebuilt. A miniature model of it now stands in the residential area Odinsparken where the original tower was. Until the beginning of the Danish industrial revolution, Odense was also the second-largest city in modern Denmark, but has now been overtaken by Aarhus. Business Several large industries are located in or near Odense. The biggest sales auction of vegetables, fruits and flowers (GASA) in Denmark is situated here. The Albani Brewery brews the local Odense Pilsner amongst others. The commercial national television company TV 2 is based in Odense. In the south-eastern part of Odense the Rosengårdcentret shopping mall is located. The mall dates from 1971 and is one of the largest in Denmark with 100,000 m2 of commercially used area and 153 stores. The city's central location in Denmark makes it one of the national convention and congress centers. Tourist attractions Saint Canute's Cathedral (Danish: Sankt Knuds Kirke) was formerly connected with the great Benedictine monastery of the same name, and is one of the largest and finest buildings of its kind in Denmark. It is constructed of brick in a pure Gothic style. Originally dating from 1081–1093, it was rebuilt in the 13th century. Under the altar lies Canute (Danish: Knud), the patron saint of Denmark, who had planned to conquer England, then ruled by William of Normandy. Canute was slain in an insurrection at Odense in 1086. Odense is also the see of the bishop of Funen. The cathedral has the skeletons of both the Saint/King and his brother on public display. A large fragment of Byzantine cloth is displayed next to the two skeletons. The cathedral also boasts one of Denmark's finest altarpieces, a magnificent triptych by Claus Berg. Kings John (Danish: Hans) and Christian II are buried in the city. Our Lady's Church, built in the 13th century and restored in 1851–1852 and again in 1864, contains a carved 16th century altarpiece by Claus Berg of Lübeck. In tennis, Tennis Club Odense located near Odense River is the most successful in Denmark, having won numerous gold medals at the Danish Championships throughout the years. The H.C. Andersen Marathon and Eventyrløbet is held annually in Odense. Notable residents Odense Palace (above) was erected by King Frederick IV, who died there in 1730. There is a theatre as well as a symphony orchestra, a zoo, and the Funen Village (Den Fynske Landsby) which is an open-air museum with old houses typical of Funen. The City Hall has a small scar from a battle between Germans and members of the Danish Resistance on 5 May 1945. The city's coat of arms – located above the main entrance to City Hall – is damaged. On closer inspection, it can be seen that the kneecap of Saint Canute was penetrated by a bullet. Hans Christian Andersen, novelist, poet and short story writer Carl Nielsen, classical composer, born near Odense King Canute IV (c. 1043 – July 17, 1086), also known as Canute the Saint and Canute the Holy Carl Frederik Tietgen, Industrialist, banker, and philanthropist Thomas B. Thrige, Inventor and industrialist Anja Andersen, Handball player Birgitte, Duchess of Gloucester, born and raised in Odense Caroline Wozniacki, tennis player Peter Eastgate, winner of the Main Event at the 2008 World Series of Poker Abraham Kurland, Olympic medalist in wrestling Kim Larsen, musician Jens Galschiøt, artist Frederik Klokker, cricketer The 4 most visited attractions in 2007 were: 1. Odense Zoo – 420,254 visitors 2. The Funen Village – 105,040 visitors 3. Danish Railway museum – 97,759 visitors 4. H.C. Andersen's House – 80,622 visitors Sports Odense is the home of a number of football clubs. The most important are OB, FC Fyn, B1909, and B1913. Pavement decoration from the 2005 Hans Christian Andersen year (source: Wikipedia) Pinse Pinsen er den tredje store kristne højtid efter jul og påske. Dagen kaldes også for kirkens fødselsdag, fordi den første kristne menighed blev grundlagt på baggrund af pinsens hændelser. Pinsen falder altid 50 dage efter påske, og navnet kommer af det græske ord for halvtreds, pentekoste. Oprindeligt var pinsen en jødisk høstfest for at markere den jødiske påskes afslutning, og for at minde om pagtslutningen på Sinai bjerg, hvor Moses fik lovens tavler. Men den kristne kirke overtog pinsen og gav den et nyt indhold - fejringen af Helligåndens komme. En anden gammel tradition foreskriver, at man pinsemorgen skulle gå ud og feje ind mod døren til huset, da man så ville samle lykke til huset resten af året. I nutiden begynder pinsetraditionerne allerede dagen før pinse, hvor der festes til den lyse morgen. Før mødtes københavnere på Frederiksberg bakke for at se pinsesolen danse. Denne skik har bredt sig til resten af landet, hvor de morgenfriske stadig tager ud for at se den dansende sol. Og hvad var det så, der skete? Helligånden som talsmand Ifølge Det Nye Testamente fortalte Jesus, før han steg til himmels, sine disciple, at Gud ville sende dem en talsmand i stedet for Jesus selv. Ti dage efter Jesus Himmelfart kom Helligånden som et vindpust med tunger af ild til disciplene, der var samlet for at fejre den jødiske pinsefest. På forunderlig vis blev de i stand til at forstå og tale alle sprog, så de kunne gå ud i verden og forkynde historien om Jesus Kristus. Kirkens fødselsdag "Og tunger som af ild viste sig for dem, fordelte sig og satte sig på hver enkelt af dem. Da blev de alle fyldt af Helligånden, og de begyndte at tale på andre tungemål, alt efter hvad Ånden indgav dem at sige," står det i Apostlenes Gerninger. Omkring tre tusinde mennesker tilsluttede sig, ifølge fortællingen, den kristne tro om, at Jesus er Guds søn. De blev døbt og formede derved den første kristne menighed. Pinsetraditioner Der er ikke lige så mange traditioner forbundet med pinse som med jul og påske. Tidligere var det en del af kirkegangen pinsedag at bære nyt tøj. Tøjet blev velsignet og kunne altså holde længere. En anden nutidig skik er at tage på skovtur pinselørdag med madkurv eller at deltage i et af de mange pinsearrangementer landet over. Siden 1980'erne har det desuden været tradition at holde pinsekarneval om lørdagen i større danske byer. Bibelen er fuld af fisk. Jesus kom fra egnen ved Genesaret Sø, hvor mange var fiskere og han brugte tit eksempler fra hverdagslivet, når han talte. Da han kaldte sine første disciple, sagde han "Kom og følg mig, så vil jeg gøre jer til menneskefiskere." (Markus 1,17) Fisken blev også den tidligste kirkes kendetegn. Det fortælles, at de første kristne under de romerske kejseres forfølgelser tegnede fiskesymbolet på de huse, hvor de mødtes til gudstjeneste om søndagen. Det gør fisken til en oplagt spise netop i pinsen. (kilder:, Pinsens salme I al sin glans nu stråler solen livslyset over nåde-stolen nu kom vor pinselilje-tid nu har vi sommer skær og blid, Nu spår os mer end englerøst i Jesu navn en gylden høst N.F.S. Grundtvig 1843 og 1853 Salmebogen nr. 290 The launch date for the new SBS Radio Schedule has been confirmed as Monday 29 April. That means that the first Scandinavian programs on the new schedule will go to air on Thursday 2 May. The Scandinavian programs will all be broadcast on Thursdays from then on, Finnish at 1 pm, Norwegian at 2 pm, Swedish at 3 pm and Danish at 4 pm. If you like the new tables at the club, we can help you source one at a reasonable price. Kafe Svea is back! First Kafe Svea on 8 March 2013 was a huge success with many visitors. Back on 10 May 2013. Starts at 6 pm. Contact details for the Royal Danish Consulate in Brisbane From 2 May you can ONLY listen to us on Digital Radio: SBS 3; Digital TV (SBS Radio3); Live on demand via phone and Android apps; Online at /Danish/Swedish/Norwegian etc. and via Podcast. Honorary Consul Lars Kirk Check our homepage at for Rune Petersen’s analysis of how you can listen to the Danish program from May this year. Toowong QLD 4066 Don’t forget to move with us in May. Thank you, Zanne Mallett, EP, Danish Program, SBS Radio. Danes Worldwide Steen Selmer is the local representative for Danes Worldwide – contact him via Danish Church in Australia Next service (gudstjeneste) will be on Palm Sunday, 24 March 2013, at 2 pm. Check their website for updates – or talk to the new committee members: Magnus Hindsberger, Pia Blak, Tune & Ulla Johansen and Jørgen Skov. Do you need a new King single pillowtop pocket spring mattress (108x200 cm), for just $125? Talk to Lone at the Café. Suite 525, Level 5 Toowong Tower 9 Sherwood Road 07 3374 3062 The 2013 Nordic Festival will take place in the picturesque mountain village of Warburton in Victoria during the weekend of May 17,18 & 19, 2013. The festival starts with a Lantern Parade along the Yarra River (Night of Light) on Friday evening. Saturday and Sunday will see the many market stalls selling high quality Nordic products & handicrafts. There will be films and music performances and the Official Opening Night Dinner will be served in two beautiful Sami Reindeer Herder Tents (made in Sweden), by an open fire and at candle light. This will be a Lapland theme dinner followed by Nordic tunes to dance to! The Vikings arrive on Friday night to set up their village. At the village you can learn about the Viking era and admire their skills with swords and axes during the combat demonstrations. Do you need Danish beer, snaps or licorice? We can help you find it. Price list Beer Tuborg Classic 24x33cl (cans) Carlsberg 24x33 cl (bottles) $ 50 $ 55 Snaps Jubilæum 100 cl Taffel (Rød Aalborg)100 cl Taffel (Rød Aalborg) 70 cl Brøndum 100 cl $ 70 $ 70 $ 50 $ 65 Brøndum 70 cl Lysholm Linie Akvavit 100 cl O P Anderson Akvavit 100 cl Skåne Akvavit 100 cl $ 50 $ 75 $ 65 $ 60 Bitters En Enkelt Bitter 100 cl Dr Nielsens Bitter 70 cl $ 65 $ 50 How to order and pay: By email By phone 0437 612 913 Payment by EFT to Heimdal’s account at Suncorp BSB 484-799 Account 02495 1468 ONLY AVAILABLE TO MEMBERS OF THE DANISH ASSOCIATION HEIMDAL INC Licorice and other goodies Herring, fish balls and cod roe Pingvin Poletter 160 g Pingvin Skilte Lakrids 75 g Ga-Jol Blå, rød, sort, gul 23 g $ 3.50 $ 2.50 VIKING herring (550 g jars) $ 8.00 Onion Herring, Matjes or Anchovy Spiced $ 2.00 ABBA fish balls (375 g tins) $ 5.00 Bouillon, lobster sauce or shrimp sauce $ $ $ $ AMANDA cod roe (200 g) $ 4.50 100 g containers: Toms Saltpastiller Pingvin Poletter Haribo Super Piratos Haribo Skipper Mix 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 Haribo Super Piratos 425 g $ 10.00 Haribo Skipper Mix 500 g $ 10.00 Fazer Turkish Peber 150 g $ 3.50 The Hunt (‘Jagten’) Release Date: 2 May 2013 Stars: Mads Mikkelsen, Thomas Bo Larsen, Annika Wedderkopp Trailer: Mads Mikkelsen (A ROYAL AFFAIR) delivers a superb, awardwinning performance in this electrifying new film from Thomas Vinterberg, the acclaimed director of THE CELEBRATION (FESTEN). Lucas (Mads Mikkelsen) is beloved by his students and fellow teachers at his local kindergarten. After a divorce, made especially painful when his wife moved away from town with their teenage son, Marcus, Lucas’ life is recovering with a new girlfriend, and the reforging of his relationship with Marcus. His world comes crashing down, however, when a young girl in his class accuses him of inappropriate behaviour. It’s a simple lie that spirals out of control and the small community suddenly finds itself in a collective state of hysteria. Long held friendships are tested as mistrust spreads, and Lucas must summon all his strength in a brave fight for his life and dignity. "Beautifully performed and tough as nails, Vinterberg's social drama could not be any more timely." **** Empire Magazine Historien om FDB Det var den initiativrige og idealistiske uddeler Severin Jørgensen, der i 1896 tog initiativet til dannelsen af Fællesforeningen for Danmarks Brugsforeninger (FDB). Men allerede 30 år forinden i 1866 havde præsten H.C. Sonne grundlagt den første brugsforening i Danmark, Thisted Arbejderforening. Formålet var at skaffe den fattige befolkning bedre og billigere dagligvarer ved at oprette andelsvirksomheder, som man selv var medejer af. I denne periode fik andelsbevægelsen i Danmark vind i sejlene. I slutningen af 1800-tallet skød andelsmejerier, andelsslagterier, forsamlingshuse og brugsforeninger op som paddehatte over hele landet. Det varede ikke længe, før et samarbejde mellem de mange brugsforeninger kom på dagsordenen, og den 1. januar 1896 blev parterne enige om at danne Fællesforeningen for Danmarks Brugsforeninger – FDB. Målet med samarbejdet var at skaffe de bedste varer til den laveste pris gennem fælles indkøb, og på den måde gøre noget for brugsforeningernes medlemmer. Severin Jørgensen satte som mål, at FDB ikke bare skulle sælge varer, men også fremstille dagligvarer – og projektet lykkedes. På FDBs fabrikker blev der bl.a. ristet kaffe, tappet vin, lavet chokolade og meget mere. Op gennem 1900-tallet voksede FDB til en af Danmarks største virksomheder med produktion af dagligvarer på egne fabrikker og gennem engrossalg til brugsforeninger. Virksomheden adskilte sig fra konkurrenterne – de frie købmænd – ved også at lægge vægt på oplysning af forbrugerne. I 1928 udkom det første nummer af Brugsforenings Bladet, som i 1945 skiftede navn til Samvirke, der den dag i dag er et af Danmarks mest læste og anerkendte magasiner med vægt på forbrugerstof. Oplysning har siden været en central del i FDB, og Madpyramiden, som blev introduceret i 1976, er et af de mest kendte eksempler på dette. Møbler og arkitektur Allerede i 1940erne arbejdede FDB også med møbelarkitektur og plakatkunst på et niveau, der siden har skabt danske klassikere. Fra 1942-50 var arkitekten Børge Mogensen leder af FDBs tegnestue for møbler, hvor formålet også var at skaffe danskerne bedre kvalitet til rimelige penge. Kunstneren Aage Sikker Hansen tegnede i 1940erne og 1950erne en række plakater for FDB som står som klassikere. Mest kendt er Cirkelpigen, der stadig kan ses på Cirkelkaffen. I 2004 blev Cirkelpigen tildelt Klassikerprisen ad Dansk Design Center. Banebrydende nyskabelser I årene efter 2. verdenskrig stod FDB i spidsen for en lang række banebrydende nyskabelser i dansk dagligvarehandel. Virksomheden stod for introduktion af dybfrosne varer i Danmark og åbning af de første selvbetjeningsbutikker (Den første åbnede i Esbjerg i 1949). Også med hensyn til distribution og teknologi var FDB den toneangivende virksomhed. I 1963 flyttede man hovedkontor og centrallager fra Njalsgade ved Islands Brygge i det centrale København ud til Albertslund, der på dette tidspunkt var en landsby. Men de visionære ledere så dengang, at placeringen var rigtig med meget billig jord og en central placering både i forhold til motorveje og jernbanenet. Her er lagre for både kolonial, specialvarer og ferskvarer og hovedkontorer for Coop Danmark og Coop Trading fortsat placeret. FDB - en detailhandelsvirksomhed Indtil 1961 hed butikkerne simpelthen Brugsen eller Brugsforening. Men dette år åbnede man den første kæde med et andet navn. Det var varehuskæden Kvickly, som åbnede i Aalborg. Her kunne man ud over fødevarer også købe tøj og isenkram. Op gennem 1960erne var der udover FDB en anden stor brugsforening, Hovedstadens Brugsforening (HB), der var kendt for sin store kompetence i at drive detailhandel. FDB var stadig specialiseret i engroshandel og produktion. I 1971 blev parterne enige om at fusionere. I 1972 åbnede den næste kæde. Det var lavprisvarehuset OBS!, hvis første forretning åbnede i det nye kæmpecenter i Høje Tåstrup, City 2. Herefter begyndte en udvikling, hvor FDB i højere grad blev en detailhandelsvirksomhed. I 1982 købte man Irma, i 1987 Fakta og i 1991 blev alle de største i Brugsen skilt ud i en ny kæde af supermarkeder, SuperBrugsen. Næste skridt blev taget året efter, da minimarkederne blev samlet i Dagli´Brugsen og endelig blev de mindste nærbutikker i 1995 samlet i LokalBrugsen. Det var resultatet af en beslutning i slutningen af 1980erne, hvor virksomheden blev vendt fra selv at producere og være engrosvirksomhed til at være en detailvirksomhed. Fabrikker blev i denne periode solgt fra. (kilde: Dansk Legegruppe Vores danske legegruppe mødes hver fredag i Heimdals lokaler fra 9.30 til kl 11.30. Aldersgruppen er fra 0 til 5 år, søskende til yngre børn er selvfølgelig velkommen i ferierne. Vi starter altid med formiddagskaffe og hjemmebagte boller, efterfølgende varierer aktiviteterne med fri leg, hoppeborg, tegning og sanglege mv. Vi skiftes til at medbringe boller og tilbehør. Vi betaler $2 hver gang per familie, medlemskab af Playgroup Queensland og den danske klub Heimdal er en betingelse. Nye medlemmer er meget velkomne til at komme og være med. For yderligere information kontakt: Iben 0434 933 953 Tina 0403 838 663 Tea 3379 1667 / 0419 659 837 Danish Play group The Danish play group meets at the Danish Club Heimdal every Friday from 9.30am to 11.30am. The age group is 0 - 5 years, but older siblings are of course welcome during school holidays. We always start with morning tea and homemade buns, and then the kids enjoy free play, jump on the jumping castle or do drawings, sometimes we sing Danish kids songs in the end. We always take turns baking for morning tea. At each visit, we pay $2 per family, membership of Playgroup Queensland and the Danish Club Heimdal is a requirement for permanent members. You are very welcome to come and join us, see contact details above. Tuesday March 19th, 2013 1:35 am Anna Pihl - Mikala is desperate following a murderous arson attack ordered by Stavro, and she refuses to help him any longer. Meanwhile, the city is warming up for a major soccer match at the national stadium, and the officers from Bellahøj come across a couple of good leads in the arson case. Stars Charlotte Munck, Peter Mygind and Iben Hjejle. (From Denmark, in Danish) (Drama Series) Friday March 22nd, 2013 11:10 pm Restless - Ari is a young doctor who cannot commit himself to a relationship. It is his policy not to see the same woman twice because he fears that commitment will eventually lead him to causing pain, and he is desperate to avoid that. Everything in Ari's life is fine until he meets Tiina, who falls in love with him. Directed by Aku Louhimies and stars Mikko Nousiainen, Laura Malmivaara and Petteri Summanen. (From Finland, in Finnish) (Drama) (2000) (Rpt) MA 1:05 am Kurt Wallander: The Collector - When Kurt Wallander investigates the death of a woman during a house robbery, suspicion falls on the victim's ex-boyfriend, Fabian, a bouncer. During the investigation, Isabelle discovers she knew the dead women from her gym; a revelation that could test her loyalty to Wallander, and ultimately affect her future in the police force. Directed by Kathrine Windfeld and stars Krister Henriksson, Lena Endre and Sverrir Gudnason. (From Sweden, in Swedish) (Crime) (2010) (Rpt) Tuesday March 26th, 2013 12:45 am Anna Pihl - Martin is in a critical condition after the stabbing and Anna is worried sick. Meanwhile, the net tightens around Zoran after a tip-off leads police to a deserted dockland site. Will Anna and her colleagues trap Zoran? Will Martin survive? And will Mikala finally escape from Stavro's net? Wednesday March 27th, 2013 1:40 am Prague - Christoffer and Maja's trip to Prague to bring back Chistoffer's deceased father, evolves into the story of a break-up. With the dead father lurking in the background, secrets gradually emerge threatening to destroy their marriage. Nominated for Best Film at the 2007 Bodil Awards. Directed by Ole Christian Madsen and stars Mads Mikkelsen, Stine Stengade and Borivoj Navrátil. (From Denmark, in Danish, English and Czech) (Drama) (2006) (Rpt) Friday March 29th, 2013 1:05 am Kurt Wallander: The Witness - A young girl goes missing somewhere in Ystad. It is obvious that she has seen something terrible and that someone wants her silenced. At the same time, a trial of human traffickers begins, and both Wallander and prosecutor Katarina Ahlsell receive death threats, forcing them to reassess their jobs as well as their own relationship. Saturday March 30th, 2013 8:35 pm Lilyhammer: Reality Check - After Frank ‘The Fixer' Tagliano testifies against his mafia boss in New York, he is forced to enter the witness protection program. Frank is given a new identity and relocated to Lillehammer, a town he fell in love with whilst watching the ‘94 Winter Olympic Games. Yet he soon finds out that clean air and fresh white snow isn’t everything it’s cracked up to be; trying to fit into the Norwegian way of life is driving him crazy! Stars Steven Van Zandt (The Sopranos), Marian Saastad Ottesen and Sven Nordin. (From Norway, in English and Norwegian) (Drama Series) *New Series* Sunday March 31st, 2013 (SBS TV2) 6:30 pm Rene Redzepi’s Noma - Restaurant Noma in Copenhagen has been ranked number one restaurant in the world for the past two years. This observational documentary follows the daily drama in the kitchen over six busy, turbulent months. Head chef René Redzepi pursues his unique vision and culinary talent with military precision while exploring the tastes and flavours of the Nordic region. (From Denmark, in Danish and English) (Food) (Rpt) Tuesday April 2nd, 2013 12:55 am Anna Pihl - Although still relatively new to the police force, Anna is given an opportunity to train as a negotiator - but she fails miserably. Later, when she is called to a hostage situation at a convenience store, Anna suddenly needs to call on the skills she learnt at the negotiator course. Wednesday April 3rd, 2013 7:30 pm Wildest Arctic: Iceland: Land of Fire and Ice - Iceland is home to some of the planet’s rarest creatures and it harbours some of the most extreme environments on Earth. On the highly volcanic Mid-Atlantic Ridge, new land is forged every day in Iceland’s heart of fire. This final episode follows the seasons and discover the natural beauty of Iceland’s rugged landscapes. It also reveals the remarkable wildlife of this unique island, from the hardy Arctic Fox to the charismatic Atlantic Puffin. (From the Netherlands, in English) (Documentary Series) (Final) Saturday April 6th, 2013 8:35 pm Lilyhammer: The Flamingo - Re-located ex-mobster Frank Tagliani is finding his bearings in the snowy small town environment of Lillehammer, and is trying to get his nightclub up and running by recruiting suitable personnel with the help of his right-hand man Torgeir. When they are offered a large amount of contraband liquor, they soon find themselves up against a gang of smugglers who are keen to get their goods back. Stars Steven Van Zandt, Marian Saastad Ottesen and Sven Nordin. (From Norway, in English and Norwegian) (Drama Series) Dansk vin fra Lolland lavet på Amarone-metoden. Har du hørt om det? Nej? Så læs mere om de fremragende vine her. Vester Ulslev Vingård på Lolland blev i 2011 udnævnt til "Årets Vingård" ved Danske Vingaarde Vinshow, og året efter tildelt pokalen for bedste rødvin årgang 2010. Blue Label vinene fra Vester Ulslev Vingård laves som Amarone, dvs. at druerne lufttørres, inden der presses most ud af dem. Det giver en koncentreret og intens most, og følgelig mørke, kraftige og frugtmættede vine. Green Label eftergærer på kvaset fra Blue Label vinene og er således Vester Ulslevs svar på en Ripasso. Blue Label 2010 vandt smagning i Ekstrabladet i maj 2012 og fik : "Ikke ofte at en dansk vin deltager i ugens test. Men sikke et behageligt visit. Vinen er fra Lolland på druerne Regent og Leon Millot. Druerne er tørret som man ser det i Amarone vine. Det øger koncentrationen og sukkerindholdet hvilket giver mere rustikke og kraftige vine. Smagen af modne kirsebær, peber og krydderier dominerer. En let snært af portvin i eftersmagen men sødmen og syre fungerer godt. Fem store stjerner".
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