Going Romance 2014 Lisbon, 4-6 December – PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Thursday, December 4th 8.30-9.15 Registration 9.15 Opening 9.20-10.20 Keynote speaker: Roberta d'Alessandro (Universiteit Leiden) tba 10.20-10.55 Pseudo-relatives and their left periphery: A unified account Jan Casalicchio (Univ. Trento) 10.55-11.20 - Coffee break 11.20-11.55 The impact of embedded pronouns on children's relative clause comprehension Yair Haendler & Flavia Adani (Univ. Potsdam) 11.55-12.30 On the (in)compatibility of possessives and relative clauses in Spanish Luis Eguren (Univ. Autónoma de Madrid) 12.30-13.05 On the nature of complementizers: Insights from Italian subject relative clauses Emanuela Sanfelici & Cecilia Poletto (Goethe-Univ. Frankfurt) 13.05-14.30 - Lunch break - 14.30-15.05 The opacity of subjects in Italian: an experimental investigation on the role of external-syntax factors in cumulative effects Ciro Greco (Univ. Gent), Marco Marelli (Univ. Trento) & Liliane Haegeman (Univ. Gent) 15.05-15.40 Omitted subjects in coordinate and subordinate adverbial sentences in European Portuguese Nádia Canceiro (Univ. Lisboa) 15.40-16.15 Overt subjects [-R] in infinitive complements from Spanish and Italian as bound variable pronouns María Inés Corbalán (Univ. Estadual de Campinas) 16.15-16.40 - Coffee break - 16.40-17.15 Negative discord in a concord language: An experimental investigation of NC and DN in Catalan Viviane Déprez (Rutgers Univ.), Susagna Tubau (Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona), Anne Cheylus (CNRS), M. Teresa Espinal (Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona) 17.15-17.50 Person features and functional heads: Evidence from an exceptional optative sentence in Spanish Cristina Sánchez López (Univ. Complutense de Madrid) 17.50-18.25 Illusory specificity: The case of Spanish algunos Urtzi Etxeberria (CNRS-IKER) & Anastasia Giannakidou (Univ. Chicago) Going Romance 2014 Lisbon, 4-6 December – PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Friday, December 5th 9.00-10.00 10.00-10.35 10.35-11.00 11.00-11.35 11.35-12.10 12.10-12.45 12.45-14.10 14.10-14.45 14.45-15.20 15.20-15.55 15.55-16.20 16.20-16.55 16.55-17.30 17.30-18.30 20.00 Alternates: Keynote speaker: Guido Mensching (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) tba Case, pro-features, and nominal linkers: Evidence from Romanian genitives Monica Alexandrina Irimia, Giuseppe Longobardi, Dimitris Michelioudakis & Nina Radkevich (Univ. York) - Coffee break Integrating reflexively marked medio-passives into a formal typology of Voice Florian Schäfer (École Normale Supérieure, Univ. Stuttgart) The Spanish quedar-passive and its relevance for the typology of adjectival passives Alfredo García-Pardo (Univ. Southern California) A parametric geometry for person morphemes Alejo Alcaraz (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea) - Lunch break Bilingual delay in the acquisition of direct object clitics in the Spanish of bilingual Spanish-French children Melanie Elliott & Mihaela Pirvulescu (Univ. Toronto) Variation and change in the Romance faire-infinitif Sonia Cyrino (Univ. Estadual de Campinas) & Michele Sheehan (Univ. Cambridge) On Italian Complex PPs Jacopo Garzonio & Silvia Rossi (Univ. Ca’ Foscari Venezia) - Coffee break Why are distributive readings dispreferred? Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin (CNRS-LLF, Univ. Paris 7), Emilia Ellsiepen (Goethe-Univ. Frankfurt) & Barbara Hemforth (CNRS-LLF, Univ.Paris 7) Against deficiency-based typologies: Manner-alternation parameters in Italian and English Raffaella Folli(Univ. Ulster) & Heidi Harley (Univ. Arizona) Keynote speaker: Alain Rouveret (Université Paris 7) tba - Conference dinner Exempt Anaphors and Logophoricity in French, Isabel Charnavel (Harvard Univ.) Monoeventive vs. bieventive anticausative, Margot Vivanco (Univ. Complutense de Madrid) Going Romance 2014 Lisbon, 4-6 December – PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Saturday, December 6th – PLENARY SESSION 9.00-10.00 Keynote speaker: Luigi Rizzi (Università di Siena) tba Saturday, December 6th – WORKSHOP 1: Constituent order variation 10.05-10.40 10.40-11.15 11.15-11.40 11.40-12.15 12.15-12.50 12.50-13.25 13.25-14.30 14.30-15.05 15.05-15.40 15.40-16.15 16.15-16.40 16.40-17.15 17.15-17.50 Alternate: Decomposing negation: The order of adverbs and negations and the Big NegP hypothesis Jacopo Garzonio (Univ. Ca’ Foscari Venezia) & Cecilia Poletto (Goethe-Univ. Frankfurt) Non-local dependencies in the syntax: raising, control and cliticization Mihaela Marchis (Univ. Hamburg) & Carolina Petersen (Univ. Maryland) - Coffee break Microvariation across nominal structures in Southern Italian Romance. A parametric Approach Cristina Guardiano (Univ. di Modena e Reggio Emilia) C’est-clefts versus il y a-clefts in French Lena Karssenberg & Karen Lahousse (KU Leuven) Explicative clauses in Portuguese: A specifying coordination approach Madalena Colaço & Gabriela Matos (Univ. Lisboa) - Lunch break When Discourse met Null Subjects Ángel Jiménez- Fernández (Univ. Sevilla) On the status of subject pronouns in French and the null-subject property Michael Zimmermann & George Kaiser (Univ. Konstanz) Subject topics and null expletive constructions in Brazilian Portuguese Mary Kato (Univ. Estadual de Campinas) & Eugenia Duarte (Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro) - Coffee break Resetting Agree in Romanian: changes in the position of constituents Alexandru Nicolae (Univ. Bucureşti) (Wide) focus and the syntacticization of discourse in Spanish Geoffrey Poole (Newcastle Univ.) Pied-piping requirement and constituent order change, Rosabel San Segundo Cachero (Univ. Oviedo) Going Romance 2014 Lisbon, 4-6 December – PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Saturday, December 6th WORKSHOP 3: Crosslinguistic microvariation in language acquisition 10.05-10.40 10.40-11.15 11.15-11.40 11.40-12.15 12.15-12.50 12.50-13.25 13.25-14.30 The L2 acquisition of Spanish locative and existential constructions by Catalan and Italian speakers Silvia Perpiñán (Western Univ. London Ontario) Development of locative prepositions: The role of linguistic cues Terzi Arhonto (TEI W. Greece) & Vina Tsakali (Univ. Crete) - Coffee break Subject clitics in child French Megan Gotowski (UCLA) Early and late successive bilingual acquisition within microparametric domains: Null objects in 1st and 2nd generation Brazilians in Portugal Tammer Castro (Univ. Tromsø), Jason Rothman (Univ. Reading) & Telma Oliveira (Univ. Minho) Input effects across two generations: The realization of objects in 1st and 2nd generation speakers of European Portuguese in Germany Cristina Flores (Univ. Minho), Esther Rinke (Goethe-Univ. Frankfurt) & Pilar Barbosa (Univ. Minho) - Lunch break - WORKSHOP 2: Subordination in Old Romance 14.30-15.05 15.05-15.40 15.40-16.15 16.15-16.40 16.40-17.15 17.15-17.50 17.50-18.25 Imperatives, relative clauses, and Old Romance subordination: Some considerations from Latin Sean M. Gleason (Yale Univ.) The fine-grained structure of Romance complementizers Lena Baunaz & Eric Lander (Univ. Gent) Embedded questions are DPs and not CPs Olga Kellert (Georg-August-Univ. Göttingen) - Coffee break Recomplementation and root phenomena in Romance Alba Cerrudo Aguilar (Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona) Complementation, F and inflected infinitives: The case of Valego Koldo Sainz Inflected infinitives in the synchrony and diachrony of Portuguese Alexandra Fiéis & Ana Madeira (Univ. Nova de Lisboa)
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