The Chamberlain View United Church of Christ Chamberlain, South Dakota October 2014 INSIDE THIS ISSUE In our Thoughts and Prayers Pastor’s Column Church news Church Leadership Announcement’s & thank you’s Birthdays and Anniversaries ~Virginia Hobson ~Ellis Carr ~Diane Philen ~Gail Danhour ~Gabby Lynch ~Rick Schochenmaier ~Jean Cozine ~Lois Hrabe ~Gunner Olesen ~Suzy Homan ~Rev. Don Stoebner ~The family & friends of Guy Chilson trustee report & bill list Calendar & Board notes Reminder...the “Birthdays of the month” are honored at the pot luck dinners on the 3rd Sunday every month. You are always Welcome to join! October Suggested Scripture Oct. 5th~Ps 19, Isa 5:1-7, Phil 3:4b-14, Matt 21:33-46 Oct. 12th~Ex 32:1-14, Ps 106:1-6, Isa 25:1-9, Ps 23, Phil 4:1-9, Matt 22:1-14 Oct. 19th~ Ps 99, Isa 45:1-7, 1 Thess 1:1-10, Matt 22:15-22 CONTACT YOUR CHURCH P.O. Box 238 107 N. Merrill Street Chamberlain, SD 57325 (605) 234-5202 Fax (605) 234-5212 Parsonage: (605) 234-4004 Oct. 26th~ Deut 34:1-12, Lev 19:1-2, 15-18, Ps 1, 1 Thess 2:1-8, Matt 22:34-46 The choir is taking donations to put towards a video system for the sanctuary. This would allow words, music etc. to be projected on a screen to read. If you would like to donate money towards this you may make note on the check memo “video screen.” If you have questions about this this you may talk to a choir member! Thanks! : Times and Seasons with Pastor Jim October 2014 Greetings! Now that Fall has officially arrived and school is back in session, I hope you had a chance to take advantage of the warmer weather of summer and the lessening of the activities of the school year and got in at least a short vacation, a time to unplug and reconnect. I waited until almost Fall to take some time off, but I am glad I did, and am grateful to have had the opportunity. I love the job of being your pastor more than any other job I have ever had, and as I approach our two year anniversary here, I am more grateful to you than ever for this opportunity to share in your lives and in the mission of this particular congregation of God’s people in this beautiful part of the world. I love doing the work I do, the challenge of sharing the good news in worship with you every Sunday, the discipline of helping keep all the wheels of the church turning, the opportunity to share with you my passion for the Gospel. But I’m glad I had the chance to get away. I did miss being here with you on Sunday. I did miss delving into that week’s lectionary readings and trying to discern what the Spirit is saying to this congregation. There are people and situations I would have liked to have met or addressed that week rather than having to put them off. But I really needed to do the things I did. Lately, I’ve seen a few commercials featuring kids talking about unused vacation days, and the importance of getting away. These commercials, I think, make a lot of sense, not only intellectually, but theologically as well. Recall Exodus 20:8, the fourth of the Ten Commandments: “Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy.” And remember Jesus’ attitude about it: “the sabbath was made for humankind, not humankind for the sabbath.” (Mark 2:27). God gave human beings a gift: the sabbath. God says that it is important to take time away from work, and day to day activity, and rest. This isn’t just a suggestion, either. It is a commandment. Although we tend to think of the Sabbath as a day in which to worship (which is a GREAT idea, by the way), the main point seems to have been a time set apart (the Hebrew word here is kadosh, which is translated here as “holy”, but also which means “set apart” or “keep separate”) to rest from the day to day toil and stress of our lives. Think about that for a second: a COMMANDMENT to rest, to take it easy, to have fun, to reflect on the goodness of God on that day that God has commanded us to set apart for our own health and wholeness. I thought about that as I sat in camp as the day began to dim, and I heard the symphony of the insects’ songs. I thought about that as I heard a hawk calling at dusk, and when I heard first one, then two, then finally three owls calling back and forth when it was full dark. I thought about the goodness of God and the wonder of Sabbath as I watched the stars begin to appear and the moon rise. Thank you, God, for the gift of Sabbath. And thank you, members of the United Church of Christ of Chamberlain for allowing me that chance. Pastor Jim The Soup Supper Bible Study began on Thursday, Sept. 25th and go through Nov. 6th. The meal is shared at 6 pm, then followed by the Bible study at 7 pm. You are welcome to come and hear about “The Gospel of Mark.” Please visit with any diaconates or Pastor Jim with any questions. Helping in October SEPTEMBER PASTORAL ACTS Sept. 6th~ Graveside services at Riverview Cemetery for Guy Chilson. Coffee Fellowship The Esther circle Ushers Tom Stone, Todd Priebe, Garry Winter and Connie Priebe Chancel Arrangements Sandi Knippling There are a lot of bowls, pans, lids and containers in the fellowship hallway...please check to see if any are yours. Thank you! UCC at Chamberlain Church Staff and Leadership: Jim Oleson, Pastor Lynn Miller, Secretary Val Moore, Treasurer Cheri Williamson, Diaconate Merrill Karlen, Trustee Sheryl Larson, Moderator Carson Pringle, M.S. youth group Just a reminder from the church office… When you charge an item at a store for the church please, please sign your name Karol Jo Hendrickson, Choir Director Jane Cameron, Organist Kim Phillips, Religious Education Mildred Reniker, Memorial Committee Doug Johnson, Pastoral Relations Lynn Miller, Missions Committee Connie Priebe H.S. youth group ATTENDENCE REPORT Date: Attendance: and group. Example: John Doe, Jr. Deacon You also need to turn in a receipt. This is for church records and to know where the amount is to come from. I appreciate you help in this matter. Lynn Sept. 7 Sept. 14 Sept. 21 Sept. 28 140 94 95 98 Together We can Build the Bridge for Future Generations Placerville has a campaign going where you can help! We can give as an individual. We can give as a church. Supplies and/or skilled labor can be donated. There are many ways to support. Our challenge; Placerville has many goals one is to build a Lodge that can generate additional income and to improve road access and develop a maintenance plan. Placerville began in 1920 and in 1953 became a official state camp. In 2003 the number of campers was 1343 and in 2013 the number was 713! We need camp. It is unique and special in so many ways. It provides a time and place of connection for generations of families. Time at Placerville Camp allows each person to feel physically close to God and to see the beauty in creation. Pamphlets and an envelope will be provided at both sanctuary entrances for your convenience. Please, Birthdays and Anniversaries Oct. 1 Edie Holmquist, Michaella Salisbury Oct. 2 Ronald Petersen, Cadena Powers, Tristan Keatts Oct. 4 Brooke Graves, Malerie Yeaton, Lawson Kercher, Lisa Busack Oct. 5 Cherri Johnson Oct. 7 Roger Randall Oct. 9 Jean Burfeindt, Steve Dominiack Oct. 10 Judy Hoellein, Pam Shroyer Oct. 11 Jason Johnson Oct. 12 Rachel Brown Oct. 14 Cathy Stone, Doug Johnson Oct. 15 Gene Dominiack, Bob Ramey, Chevy Fees Oct. 16 Marty Michalek Oct. 17 Marla Maxon Oct. 18 Nancy Christensen Oct. 19 Marge Dominiack, Kazlyn Schulz, Kiley Strang Oct. 20 DeeDee Mayer Oct. 21 Treyson Schulz Oct. 23 Scott Rinehart Oct. 24 Vickie Olson Oct. 25 Ronda Burke Oct. 26 Mitchell Old Lodge, Meagan Priebe Oct. 28 Cheryl Carruthers Oct. 29 Sheryl Larson, Chad Mutziger Oct. 30 Trevor McDonald Oct. 31 Dawn Cable Anniversaries Oct. 1 Shawn and Cadena Powers Oct. 8 Dan and Cindy Feltman Oct. 10 Ryan and Andrea Schaub Oct. 11 Pastor Jim and Liza Oct. 14 Robert and Cheryl Augspurger Oct. 23 Lawrence and Wanda Pickner Oct. 24 Mike and Judy Steckelberg Oct. 25 Pete and Nancy Christensen Oahe Fall Meeting The Oahe Association Fall meeting will be held on Sunday, October 12, 2014. Registration will begin at 3:00pm. At 3:30 pm devotions, call to order, agenda, reading of minutes, treasurer’s report. 5-5:10pm break 5:10 –5:45pm program by Kerry Steever from Placerville Camp 5:45 pm dinner A copy of the schedule, the last meeting notes and treasurer report is on the bulletin board if you’d like to see it. Diaconate Board Meeting Minutes-Aug 20, 2014 Present: Jeff & Cheryl Williamson, Mike Chilson, Trevor McDonald, Doris Dominiack, Justine Springer, Tim Pringle, Pastor Oleson and Sherry Hansen Absent: Parker Evans (Jr. Deacon), Brett Storey (Junior Deacon) and Dayle Chilson The minutes of July 16, 2014 were read by Trevor. Motion to approve by Jeff seconded by Mike. Motion Passed. OLD BUSSINESS Cheryl to check with Julie Mertz about the saying for the popcorn handout for guests. Sept Communion: Tim, Doris, Justine & Trevor NEW BUSSINESS Baptism October 17th for Bo Pearson, Parents Rick and Carson (Cassie) Pearson Sept 14th Pastor Samual with the Champion House Foundation will be giving a presentation at the church on Sept 14. Bible study to start on Sept 25th. Schedule for soup and sandwiches will be discussed during the meeting Sept 17th. Doris commented that we should inquire to the members about the start time for Church service. Jeff motion to adjourn Tim seconded motion passed. Respectfully Submitted, Trevor McDonald, Secretary Diaconate Board Meeting Minutes-Sept 17th, 2014 Present: Jeff & Cheryl Williamson, Mike & Dayle Chilson, Trevor McDonald, Doris Dominiack, Justine Springer, Tim Pringle, and Sherry Hansen Absent: Parker Evans (Jr. Deacon), Brett Storey (Junior Deacon) and Pastor Oleson The minutes of Aug 20, 2014 were read by Trevor. Date for Bo Tobin Pearson amended to October 19 instead of 12th. Motion to approve by Sherry seconded by Doris. Motion Passed. OLD BUSSINESS Labels for popcorn for visitors is on hand and will be placed on popcorn packs. Dates on popcorn to be checked. September 25th, Jerry Tibbs will be conducting services. November 23rd Alicia Vincent, Granddaughter of Roy and Wanda Swanson will be providing message. Changing of church service time for summer services to be placed on the annual meeting agenda for discussion. Will have Pastor announce this as the meeting approaches so members can provide input and decide on any schedule changes. October Communion: Mike, Dayle, Jeff & Cheryl November Communion: Sherry, Justine, Doris & Trevor NEW BUSSINESS Emerging Ministry Summit will be held in Pierre October 4th. Pastor will have room for anyone who wishes to join him. Bill for Tayzlee Michalek Baptism submitted to Lynn. Bible Study: Doris informed diaconate that husband Steve will bring meat and cheese trays from Cedar Shore each week for bible study. Sept 25 - Dayle and Cheryl will provide soup. Oct 2 - Sherry and Doris will provide soup. New members for diaconate were discussed. Will have this placed in the bulletin to find interested members to serve. Jeff motion to adjourn Tim seconded motion passed. Respectfully Submitted, Trevor McDonald, Secretary Sunday School dates to write down… Kids will sing in church on Oct. 12th, Nov. 9th and Dec. 21st will be their Christmas program during worship. During the month the kids are asked to bring a non-perishable item to Sunday school to be donated to the St James food pantry. Middle school youth group has begun. They will meet on Sunday evenings. Please check with Janeen Story about times and activities. Youth in grades 6th9th are encouraged to attend! The youth will also have pumpkins for sale at the Harvest Festival, come and support the youth! October 2014 Sun Mon Tue 1 Sanford service at 2 pm 5 9:30 am Sunday school 10:30 am Worship 11:30 am Coffee Fellowship 6 Regency service @ 1:30 7 12 9:30 am Sunday school 10:30 am Worship Service 11:30 coffee fellow. 13 14 19 9:30 am Sunday school 10:30 am worship service 11:30 carry-in dinner 20 26 9:30 am Sunday school 10:30 am worship 11:30 coffee Fellowship 27 Nov 2 Nov 3 9:30 am Sunday school 10:30 am Worship 11:30 coffee fellowship Wed 28 2 choir soup 6pm, Bible study 7pm 8 9 Harvest Festival! Confirmation 6:45 Soup 6pm, Bible study 7pm 15 16 Trustees at 5:30 6:45 confirmation choir 21 Thu Fri Sat 3 4 10 11 17 18 24 25 Soup 6pm, Bible study 7pm 22 23 Missions at 5pm 6:45 confirmation choir Soup 6 pm, Bible study 7 pm 29 30 Soup 6 pm, Bible study 7 pm 31 Nov 1 Nov 6 Soup 6 pm, Bible study 7 pm Nov 7 Nov 8 6:45 confirmation choir Nov 4 Nov 5 Trustees 5:30 pm 6:45 confirmation choir United Church of Christ 107 North Merrill P.O. Box 238 Chamberlain, SD 57325 (605) 234-5205 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Chamberlain, SD Permit #6 Return service requested UCC Harvest Festival Please join us on Wednesday, October 8th, 2014 The meal will be served from 5-7 pm Prices are; adults $10, ages 6-12 $5, 5 and under -free ~Menu~ Baked ham Meatballs Baked potatoes Salads, dinner rolls Coffee, pies & cakes September 10th, 2014 Trustee Meeting Notes Present: Pastor Jim, Tom Stone, Merrill Karlen, Steve Dominiack, Jerad Evans, Chris Phillips and Carson Pringle Absent: Al Renner & John Blum Pastor began the meeting with a prayer and Merrill called the meeting to order. Motions were made by Jerad and Tom to approve the August meeting notes, carried. Motions were made by Tom and Chris to approve the August bill list, carried. Motions were made by Jerad and Carson to approve the financial report, carried. Old Business: Steve, along with the trustees decided they would build a new partition for the men’s bathroom this winter. Merrill did get in touch with Burke Oil to see about getting a fixed rate for church propane. Mr. Burke assured the trustees that the church would always be contracted at the commercial price $1.60. The trustees visited about ways to involve the church member’s in donations and also about cd investments. Carson will check into electric bill pay for donations to the church. Lynn will put any information she get’s in the next newsletter. Steve installed the new kitchen faucet at the parsonage. Thanks Steve! New Business: Pastor Jim will be going to Pierre to an Emerging Ministries meeting on Oct. 4th. One of the topics will be about “local church investments,” Pastor invited any one to participate with him. The meeting was adjourned by Jerad and seconded by Tom. The next meeting was set for Wed. Oct. 15th, 2014 at 5:30 pm in the church library. Lynn Miller, secretary August 2014 Bill List NO. 10330 10332 EFT 10333 10333 10334 10335 10336 10336 10337 10338 10338 10339 10339 10340 10341 10341 10341 10342 10343 10344 10345 10345 10345 10345 10346 10347 10348 10349 10350 10351 10352 10352 PAYEE DESCRIPTION GENERAL James Oleson Aug. payroll 2,977.68 James Oleson parsonage reimb. 83.74 US Treasury IRS deposit 120.84 Tim Johnson custodian 400.00 Tim Johnson 1 funeral 75.00 Jane Cameron organist 99.29 Lynn Miller secretary 518.33 Northwestern Energy parsonage 237.49 Northwestern Energy church 575.55 Office Products contract/paper 184.26 Steckelberg Services—church garbage 28.28 Steckelberg Services—parsonage garbage 18.36 Midstate Communications parsonage 140.26 Midstate Communications church 141.53 Servall church rugs 38.46 UCC Resources confirmation books 128.25 UCC Resources inserts-trustees 35.00 UCC Resources office desk calendar 23.00 Hope Publishing choir music Variety Plus office supplies 66.76 Post Office 1 roll of stamps 49.00 The Pension Board-Oleson empl. dues 1,478.75 The Pension Boards-Oleson dental 236.25 The Pension Boards-life/disability 158.44 The Pension Boards-health 4,107.75 Wells Fargo RE supplies 362.86 Chamberlain Wholesale church supplies 85.81 Karol Jo Hendrickson music expo Linda Johnson music expo-gas MTI T. Lloyd scholarship Cokesbury confirmation Bibles-RE 141.52 SD Conference OCWM 667.00 SD Conference Placerville 50.00 TOTALS 13,130.17 BUILDING MUSIC MEMORIAL 51.42 56.45 684.76 135.37 500.00 1,027.29 500.00 TOTAL 2,977.68 83.74 172.26 400.00 75.00 99.29 518.33 237.49 575.55 184.26 28.28 18.36 140.26 141.53 38.46 128.25 35.00 23.00 56.45 66.76 49.00 1,478.75 236.25 158.44 4,107.75 362.86 85.81 684.76 135.37 500.00 141.52 667.00 50.00 14,657.46
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