TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Ι OCTOBER 12, 2014 SAINTS JOSEPH, PETER, BONIFACE& of the BLESSED VIRGIN MARY ASSUMPTION P A R I S H C L U S T E R B A R R O N, C A M E RO N, C H E T E K & S T R I C K L A N D, W I SATURDAY 4:00pm ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, STRICKLAND 6:00pm CLUSTER MASS ST. PETER,CAMERON SUNDAY 8:00am ST. PETER, CAMERON 9:30am ST. JOSEPH, BARRON 11:00am ST. BONIFACE, CHETEK S A I N T J O S E P H ST. JOSEPH LADIES GUILD: Dinner meeting (pizza) on Tuesday, October 14th, 5:30pm in the church hall. All women of the parish are invited to attend! If you would like to attend, but need a ride, please call Mary at the church office, and someone will pick you up. Meetings This Week at St. Joseph Tuesday 5:30 pm 6:30 pm St. Joseph Ladies Guild Dinner Meeting in the church hall. Barron KC’s Meeting Prayer Chain: Would you or a family member like to be placed on St. Joseph’s Prayer Chain? Call Kathy Steel, 637-3619. St. Joseph Ladies Guild Chairperson: Sandy Eiden Secretary: Mary Burmeister Treasurer: Pat Sirovatka Weekly Sacrificial Giving Adult $1562.00 Loose $64.00 Building Maintenance Fund $175.00 Religious Education Env./Tuition $97.00 Misc. $17.25 Weekly Total $1915.25 Needed Weekly $2403.13 Short ($487.88) Thank you for your sacrificial offerings. Please remember your parish when making out your will. Women of Faith Event - Call Now! Women of Faith Revival Tour at the Xcel Energy Center, Oct. 17-18th. Bus departs Friday, October 17th at 9am, & returns home Saturday night around 10pm. Cost of the trip is $187-$230 (depending on number of persons sharing hotel room). This cost includes admission ticket ($110 value), bus transportation, Saturday lunch and accommodations at the Radisson Blu (connected to MOA). Reservation forms and more details can be found at the back of church or by calling Patty Gerber 715-642-2560. Come alone and join those of us already going, or invite some friends to share this great experience with you! S A I N T P E T E R Attention: St. Peter’s Parishioners What: “Deep” cleaning of church and grounds, not carpets or floors which were recently cleaned. When: Saturday, October 11, and (If necessary) Saturday, October 18th. Time? Not set yet, maybe 8-. Where: Church interior, some parts of fellowship hall, windows—inside and out—, some outdoor Who: All parishioners are encouraged to bring rubber gloves and energy. Altar & Rosary Society President, Judy Graf ................................ 458-2806 Treasurer, Nancy Strzyzewski ………………924-2812 Sunshine Club, Margaret Sailor .................. 458-4753 Weekly Sacrificial Giving Adult $1850.00 Loose $305.35 Building Maintenance Fund $70.00 Religious Education Tuition $410.00 Weekly Total $2635.35 Needed Weekly $2603.80 Over $31.55 Thank you for your sacrificial offerings. Please remember your parish when making out your will. 4th Annual Diocesan Holy Spirit Conference The Spirit of the Lord is upon me! Luke 4:18 Saturday/Sunday, November 1st & 2nd at St. Joseph, Barron. Featured Speaker; Maria Vadia, Praise & Worship; Leo Vitangcol & Tom Stano. Sunday Mass celebrant; our own Bishop Peter Christensen. Saturday 9:30am-9pm & Sunday 9am-noon. ALL ARE WELCOME! Bringing the joy of the Gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit. For more info or to pre-register call 715.637.7327. Cost is $35 for the weekend. Religious Education Classes This Week Wednesday 5:45-6:45pm 6:00 pm 6-7 pm 6:00 pm Religious Education Grades PK-6 at St. Peter Religious Education Grades PK-7th at St. Boniface Religious Education Classes Grades 7-10 at St. Joseph Confirmation Practice at St. Peter S T . B O N I F A C E Wanted! We are looking for a responsible person to do our snow shoveling this year. Must be available many different hours….ex…. Father Jim must be able to get out of the driveway by 6:45am on a Wednesday morning. Please contact the office 715-924-3514 for the details or for more information. Deadline is noon, Monday, October 20th…….Thank you. Meetings This Week at St. Boniface Noon St. Boniface CCW Guest Day Tuesday 6:00 pm Light Weigh One King Next Sunday 1:45 pm St. Boniface provides the Ecumenical Service at Knapp Haven. All are Welcome and encouraged to attend! Looking ahead! On Monday, December 1st, 2014, St. Boniface Parish will host the annual Blood Drive. Donors are welcome and doors will open at 11:45am until 6:30pm. May God bless all our participants! Do you have someone you would like to have added to St. Boniface's Prayer Chain? If so, please contact Bea Krueger at 715-924-4229 or Lorraine Sirinek at 715-924-1887. Liturgical Roles Sunday, (October 19) 11:00 am Please check in at Sacristy prior to Mass. Reader ............................................. John Matisko Eucharistic Ministers ......................... Dawn Anderson .............. Demitre Ellis, Dawn Langman, Jane Anderson Sacrificial Giving Adult ................................................. $1475.00 Loose ................................................... $280.55 Building Maintenance Fund .......................... $287.50 Weekly Total ............................................. $2043.05 Needed Weekly ......................................... $2505.59 Short ......................................................... ($462.54) Thank You for your sacrificial offerings. Please remember your parish when making out your will. A S S U M P T I O N O F T H E B L E S S E D V I R G I N M A R Y ABVM Prayer Chain Please call Joan Krug at 715-859-6123,if you have a prayer request for any situation or need. PCCW Officers President Vice-president Secretary Treasurer Rosary Society Secretary/Treasurer Joan Krug Mary Mujwid Florence Gronski Marge Mujwid Florence Gronski Sacrificial Giving Adult ................................................... $140.00 Loose ..................................................... $99.00 Weekly Total .............................................. $239.00 Needed Weekly........................................... $817.01 Short ........................................................ ($578.01) Thank You for your sacrificial offerings. Please remember your parish when making out your will. The Barron County Coat Drive is Coming! Have you ever wondered what you could do to help your neighbors? Could you use a warm winter coat but can’t afford to buy one? The Barron County Coat Drive is the answer! Join area churches, schools and businesses in collecting new and used (in clean, good condition) winter coats, snow pants, boots, mittens, hats and blankets for all ages. You may leave your donations at any of our cluster churches no later than Tuesday, October 14th. Distribution will take place on October 18th, 9am to Noon at St. Joseph Church, Barron. Thank you for collecting and donating your winter outerwear and blankets!! Harvest Meal ~ All Are Welcome! THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, ST. BONIFACE CHURCH, CHETEK. 4:30pm-7:00pm. FREE WILL OFFERING MENU: HARVEST CHILI & HARVEST HOT DISH, ROLLS & BARS. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary to benefit the K of C Ladies Auxiliary scholarship Fund and Christmas Giving. CLUSTER NEWS 2014 World Mission Sunday Appeal Attention Ladies of the Cluster!! You are cordially invited to GUEST DAY at St. Boniface this Monday, October 13th. We will start with a light lunch at noon and then be entertained by Sherry DePolis Thompson. Sherry plays Christian Country Music on her guitar. This promises to be a wonderful couple of hours. Please come and join us on Monday, October 13th at Noon in the St. Boniface church basement. All Are Welcome. Cluster Meetings This Week This Sunday 9am-5pm Monday 6:00 pm Wednesday 6:00 pm 6:30 pm Next Sunday 6:30 pm Cluster 11th Grade Confirmation Retreat at St. Joseph Rosary/Cluster Morning Star Prayer Group at St. Joseph 11th Grade Cluster Confirmation Practice at St. Peter Cluster Choir Practice for Confirmation at St. Boniface Cluster Choir Practice for Confirmation at St. Peter. The 2014 Catholic Services Appeal Thank you for filling out a Catholic Services Appeal Envelope. For those who did not fill one out, please do so. No gift is too small, and our parishes are trying to reach 100% participation. There are many challenges that face us today. The shortage of priests is one such challenge. The responsibility our parishes have to help provide diocesan services and ministries such as support for vocations and the education of seminarians is an answer to that challenge. GOAL PLEDGED St. Joseph $14,214.00; St. Boniface $14,295.00; St. Peter $16,081.00 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin $3007.00 $6,124.00 $8,415.00 $8,545.00 Mary $645.00 Next Sunday, World Mission Sunday, Catholics of the world unite at Mass to recommit ourselves to our vocation, through Baptism, to be missionaries. The Church’s missionary activity begins with the proclamation of faith:”Jesus is Lord!” He is our common hope—a hope that saves. On World Mission Sunday, we are called in a special way to be missionaries through prayer and participation in the Eucharist, and by giving generously to the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. As we pray and respond on World Mission Sunday here at home, we are sharing in those celebrations taking place in every parish, seminary, school and convent all over the world. In a world where so much divides us, World Mission Sunday rejoices in our unity as missionaries! And it provides an opportunity to support the life-giving presence of the Church among the poor and suffering in more that 1,150 mission dioceses. We will take up a second collection at all cluster Masses next weekend. Thank you for your generosity!! Cluster Confirmation Choir Practice Everyone in the cluster is welcome to come and participate. Wednesday, October 15th, 6:30pm at St. Boniface (due to Confirmation Practice at St. Peter) and then Sunday, October 19th, 6:30pm back at St. Peter. All are Welcome! Please pray for the health of: All of our cluster parishioners in hospitals, at home and in the nursing homes & our prayers are extended to those serving our country in the Armed Forces. Especially for: Will Simon, Joan Tabernacki, Kevin Mikyska, Brodie Tabernacki, Christopher Link, Doris Schlosser, Adeline Tadel, Judy Lentz, Mary Olsen, Evelyn Johnson, Earl Marion, Deb Langman, Robert Ryan, Don Drost, Jack Weber, Janice Ebner, Bev Ebner, Gayle Hoffman, Manly Nelson, Steve Langman, Anna Becker, Shirley Richter, Helen Meister, Marvin Kraczek, Lynette Podritz, Mason Ward, Joe Scheynost & Mike. Cluster Administrative Office 5 Ss. Joseph/Peter/Boniface/ABVM Saturday 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 6:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am 11:00 am Pray the Rosary before Mass † Wayne Matson by Family Health & Welfare of Mason Hugh by Merlyn & Barb Folz ABVM ABVM SP † Millie Dulian by Geri Schoenecker Pray the Rosary before Mass All the People of our Parish Cluster Pray the Rosary before Mass † Kitty Flor by Jim & Barb Dennis SP SJ SJ SB SB Wednesday 7:15 am † John Porter by Mary 8:00 am Eucharistic Adoration (until 3:00 pm) Thursday 8:30 am † Ray & Anna Langman by Merlyn & Barb 9:30 am Eucharistic Adoration (until 4:00pm) Friday 8:00 am † Pat Gehan by Dave & Mary Tomesh Saturday 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 6:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am 11:00 am Pray the Rosary before Mass † Dcn. Jim Roberge by Family All the People of our Parish Cluster SJ SJ SB SB SP ABVM ABVM SP † Joel Ebner by Kevin & Penny Ebner Pray the Rosary before Mass † John Porter by Suzanne & Terry Vergin Pray the Rosary before Mass † Joe Calkins by Carol SB-St. Boniface • SJ-St. Joseph • SP-St. Peter ABVM-Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sunday Scripture Readings This Sunday 1st Reading 2nd Reading Gospel Next Sunday 1st Reading 2nd Reading Gospel Isaiah 25:6-10 Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20 Matthew 22:1-14 Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5 Matthew 22:15-21 Thank you: Monroe Manor Barron, WI SP SJ SJ SB SB 827 E. LaSalle Avenue • Barron, WI 54812 Phone ..................................................... 715-637-3255 Fax ........................................................ 715-637-3252 E-mail ............................... Website …………………………………… Chetek Office 419 Third Street • Chetek, WI 54728 Phone/Fax .............................................. 715-924-3514 Email .............................. Cluster Staff Deacon Michael Cullen Cluster PLC ...................... 637-3255 Fr. Jim Bartelme—Cluster Sacramental Minister ...... 924-3514 Mary Bell, Administrative Assistant/Office Manager Marsha Rheingans, Cluster Secretary/Bookkeeper Annette B. Cullen, RN—Parish Nurse ................... 637-7327 Parish Nurse Office Hours in Barron............. Tuesday’s 1-4pm Very Reverend John A. Drummy ............... Supervising Pastor Religious Education/Faith Formation Patty Gerber, Cluster DRE ................................ 642-2560 Anne Stephens, CRE (St. Joseph) ........................ 637-3255 Morning Prayer Wednesday 7:00 am (SJ); Thursday 8:15 am (SB) & Friday 7:45 am (SP) Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday 8am-3pm (SJ) & Thursday: 9am-4pm (SB) Divine Mercy Chaplet : Wednesday 2:45pm (SJ) Sacraments Cluster Sacrament of Penance Saturday 5:30pm at St. Peter Anointing of the Sick: Call either parish office. Baptism Preparation: This class is required for first time parents. Please call 715-637-3255 for information. Marriage Preparation: Book one year ahead. Preparation 6 months in advance. Marriages at 1:00 pm. Homebound Communion Communion is given weekly to our cluster homebound parishioners. If you would like to be added to the list, please call either office to set up visitation and communion. Membership in the Parish All Catholic adults living within the parish community, regularly participating in the Liturgy, please register in the parish. Birthday Sunday at St. Joseph First Sunday of the month after 9:30am Mass. All are welcome. Library at St. Joseph Open when the church is open. Located behind the Altar. St. Boniface (SB) • St. Joseph (SJ) • St. Peter (SP) Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (ABVM) JESUS, MARY, JOSEPH
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