SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Ι JANUARY 18, 2015 SAINTS JOSEPH, PETER, BONIFACE9 ASSUMPTION of the BLESSED VIRGIN MARY P A B A R RO N, R I S H C A M E RO N, C L C H E T E K U & S T E R S T R I C K L A N D, W I SATURDAY 4:00pm ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, STRICKLAND 6:00pm CLUSTER MASS ST. PETER,CAMERON SUNDAY 8:00am ST. PETER, CAMERON 9:30am ST. JOSEPH, BARRON 11:00am ST. BONIFACE, CHETEK S A I N T J O S E P H Put Some Joy in your New Year! Next Ladies Guild Meeting: Sunday, February 1, 2015 immediately following mass. Join us to pray the Rosary Sundays at 9:00 am, before Mass. All are welcome. Gift From The Heart A very special thank you to everyone who sponsored a child or children by filling a “heart” or by donating time or money for “Gift From the Heart”! We helped 113 families and 307 children this Christmas. We hope each of you received a very special blessing in return for your generosity......... The “Gift From the Heart” Committee God bless you!! S A I N T Opportunity to bid open for a Contractor, Mason and Painter at St. Peter The Maintenance and Beautification Committee of St. Peter has been working on plans for the enhancement of the church sanctuary. A new, larger corpus has arrived. This was gifted by a former parishioner. Plans are to have someone help to build the cross, to hold this on our sanctuary wall. Additionally, the wall will be covered in a dry, stacked stone and framed on its sides with a cherry wood to match the altar and blend with the other stone work (the baptismal font) in the church. Committee members have begun requesting bids on this project, however would like to offer this opportunity to all parishioners, in case there is someone out there that would LIKE TO help with this project and/or donate some of their time. We are also looking for bids to paint the church proper and fellowship hall. Anyone interested in helping in any way, may contact the church office. OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHIES GO TO: The family of Julia Snively, whose Funeral Mass was Friday, January 16. Please remember Julia and her family in your prayers. Eternal rest grant unto her O, Lord. May she rest in peace. Weekly Sacrificial Giving Adult Loose Building Maintenance Fund CSA Envelopes Misc. Weekly Total Needed Weekly Over DIOCESAN COLLECTION Catholic Schools P $2482.00 $102.00 $120.00 $55.00 $50.00 $2809.00 $2403.13 $405.87 $5.00 E T E R St. Peter’s Men’s Club - Election of Officers Meeting - Sunday, January 25, 1:00pm at St. Peter. (This is a non-football day!) Rance Kaiser & Derek Grilley ARE NOT seeking re-election. Sign-up sheet to attend this meeting is in the entry of church - if no interest- the Men’s Club will be dissolved and all monies turned over to youth projects. Meetings This Week at St. Peter Thursday 6:30 pm St. Peter Parish Council Meeting Weekly Sacrificial Giving Adult Loose Building Maintenance Fund CSA Envelopes Misc. Weekly Total Needed Weekly Over $4772.00 $109.50 $160.00 $35.00 $67.25 $5143.75 $2603.80 $2539.95 Concerning End of the Year Contribution Statements If you would like an End of the Year Contribution Statement we would ask that you fill out this slip with your name and church and drop in the collection basket or of course you are always welcome to call your church office. We thank you for your generosity with your time, talent and treasure in supporting your church through out the year. May God multiply your blessings as you bless us with your treasures. Please print. Thank you! Name________________________________Church_______________________________ S T . B O N I F A C E ABVM Prayer Chain Liturgical Roles Sunday, ( January 25) at 11:00 am Please check in at Sacristy prior to Mass. Reader ............................................ Steve Langman Eucharistic Ministers ............................ Jane Anderson ............................. Barry Ellis, John & Nancy Matisko Do you have someone you would like to have added to St. Boniface's Prayer Chain? If so, please contact Bea Krueger at 715-924-4229 or Lorraine Sirinek at 715-924-1887. Meetings This Week at St. Boniface Tuesday 6:00 pm Please call Joan Krug at 715-859-6123,if you have a prayer request for any situation or need. PCCW Officers President Vice-president Secretary Treasurer Rosary Society Secretary/Treasurer Sacrificial Giving Adult .................................................... $1879.00 Loose .....................................................$100.00 Building Maintenance Fund ...........................$115.00 Christmas Envelope...................................... $20.00 Mary Mother of God .................................... $48.00 1st Offering ............................................... $65.00 DSA Envelopes ........................................... $80.00 Weekly Total ............................................. $2312.00 Needed Weekly ......................................... $2505.59 Short ......................................................... ($193.59) Thank You for your sacrificial offerings. Please remember your parish when making out your will. The 2014 Catholic Services Appeal We would like to see 100% participation in this Catholic Services Appeal. PLEDGED St. Joseph $14,214.00; $7,931.00 St. Boniface $14,295.00; $10,005.00 St. Peter $16,081.00 $10,796.00 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary $3007.00 $1,145.00 The DSA (CSA) special envelope in your packets are to try and raise the pledge amount still needed. These envelopes ARE NOT for your pledge already made to the Diocese. You still need to send that amount to Superior. These envelopes are for the GOAL amount that we still need to raise for our parishes. Thank you for your generosity. Joan Krug Mary Mujwid Florence Gronski Marge Mujwid Florence Gronski Meetings This Week at ABVM Tuesday 6:30 pm Light Weigh One King GOAL A S S U M P T I O N O F T H E B L E S S E D V I R G I N M A R Y ABVM Parish Council Meeting Sacrificial Giving Adult ..................................................... $256.00 Loose ...................................................... $81.00 Weekly Total .............................................. $337.00 Needed Weekly .......................................... $817.01 Short ........................................................ ($480.01) Thank You for your sacrificial offerings. Please remember your parish when making out your will. Cluster Meetings This Week Monday 6:00 pm Tuesday 6-7:30 pm Rosary/Cluster Morning Star Prayer Group at St. Joseph Brother Cadfael Mysteries w/Fr. Jim ~ St. Boniface Church Basement The Catholic Schools Week Collection The theme this year is “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.” This theme encompasses several concepts at the heart of a Catholic education. First, schools are communities — small families in their own right, but also members of the larger community of home, church, city and nation. Faith, knowledge and service are three measures by which any Catholic school can and should be judged. In the Diocese of Superior, Catholic Schools Week is an opportunity to focus our shared efforts on helping to ensure the vitality of our 15 Catholic elementary schools. Our Catholic schools are an important part of the mission of the Catholic Church. Please use the envelope in your packet in the regular collection next weekend. Thank you for your generosity! CLUSTER NEWS Breakfast Social TODAY at St. Peter! The 3rd and 7th grade classes of St. Peter and St. Joseph will be hosting a breakfast social this morning after the 8am Mass. Proceeds are to go to the food pantry and to help with sending our youth to the Diocesan Youth Rally in March. Please join us! Pro-Life Rally Please join us at the Tomb of the Unborn at St. Joseph cemetery, Rice Lake, at 12 noon this Thursday, January 22nd. This brief ceremony commemorates the over 50 million babies lives lost to abortion since the Roe vs. Wade decision made in 1973. Come and pray with us for an end to this Holocaust. Questions? Please call Rita Nelson 715-234-2747. Cluster Meetings This Week Tuesday 6-7:30 pm Brother Cadfael Mysteries w/Fr. Jim ~ St. Boniface Church Basement Religious Education Classes This Week Wednesday 5:45-6:45pm Religious Education Grades PK-6 at St. Peter 6-7 pm Religious Education Grades PK-7th at St. Boniface 6-7 pm Religious Education Classes Grades 7-10 at St. Joseph January 22nd ~ Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children “Even the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn and the poor, are masterpieces of God’s creation, made in His own image, destined to live forever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect.” Pope Francis’ Day for Life Greeting Dear God, we see life cheapened every day through abortion and other forms of abuse, through terrorism, and other acts of violence, and through neglect of children, the poor, and the elderly. In a world of plenty, we can forget that there is nothing more precious than human life. Give us the grace to see how we can make a difference, and encourage change in our culture. When we are discouraged, remind us of the Catholic monk Telemachus who stopped the gladiator games with an act of charity. Inspire us with the stories of Mary and other mothers of unexpected pregnancies, who knew that every child is a gift of God's grace and is wanted by you in this world. Encourage conviction in the hearts of those who do not yet know or understand that a desire for choice is no reason to end any life and that you desire that all life come only to a natural end in you. Amen. Please pray for the health of: All of our cluster parishioners in hospitals, at home and in the nursing homes & our prayers are extended to those serving our country in the Armed Forces. Especially for: Will Simon, Joan Tabernacki, Kevin Mikyska, Brodie Tabernacki, Christopher Link, Doris Schlosser, Adeline Tadel, Judy Lentz, Mary Olsen, Earl Marion, Deb Langman, Robert Ryan, Don Drost, Jack Weber, Janice Ebner, Bev Ebner, Gayle Hoffman, Steve Langman, Anna Becker, Marvin Kraczek, Lynette Podritz, Mason Ward, Joe Scheynost, Mike, Laura (Marc) Johanson, Pat Tabernacki, Bev Kramer, Alfred Grimme, Geri Schoenecker & Pat Sztuba. 5 Cluster Administrative Office Ss. Joseph/Peter/Boniface/ABVM Saturday 4:00 pm 6:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am 11:00 am † Robert Wojowski by Grace † Lorraine Schmitz by David ABVM SP † Brooke Baures by Judy Antczak Pray the Rosary before Mass All the People of our Parish Cluster Pray the Rosary before Mass † Gerry Muermann by Charlotte Ager SP SJ SJ SB SB Wednesday 7:15 am † Gloria Strzyzewski by Diane 8:00 am Eucharistic Adoration (until 3:00 pm) Thursday 8:30 am † Elmer Hurtis by Family 9:30 am Eucharistic Adoration (until 4:00 pm) Friday 8:00 am † Margaret Dauffenbach by Cal Saturday 4:00 pm 6:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am 11:00 am † Lance Cprl. Andy Matus by Joe & Arlene Yourek All the People of our Parish Cluster SJ SJ SB SB SP ABVM SP † Pat Gehan by Stan & Aggie Ciolkosz Pray the Rosary before Mass † Jim Mulheron by Diane Pray the Rosary before Mass † Scott Myers by Ken & Ruth SP SJ SJ SB SB SB-St. Boniface • SJ-St. Joseph • SP-St. Peter ABVM-Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sunday Scripture Readings This Sunday 1st Reading 2nd Reading Gospel Next Sunday 1st Reading 2nd Reading Gospel 1 Samuel 3:3-10, 19 1 Corinthians 6:13-15, 17-20 John 1:35-42 Jonah 3:1-5, 10 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 Mark 1:14-20 Thank you: Bargain Bill’s The Place to Shop 827 E. LaSalle Avenue • Barron, WI 54812 Phone ................................................... 715-637-3255 Fax....................................................... 715-637-3252 E-mail .............................. Website …………………………………… Chetek Office 419 Third Street • Chetek, WI 54728 Phone/Fax ............................................. 715-924-3514 Email ............................. Cluster Staff Deacon Michael Cullen Cluster PLC......................637-3255 Fr. Jim Bartelme—Cluster Sacramental Minister ......924-3514 Mary Bell, Administrative Assistant/Office Manager Marsha Rheingans, Cluster Secretary/Bookkeeper Annette B. Cullen, RN—Parish Nurse ...................637-7327 Parish Nurse Office Hours in Barron............ Tuesday’s 1-4pm Very Reverend John A. Drummy .............. Supervising Pastor Religious Education/Faith Formation Patty Gerber, Cluster DRE ...............................642-2560 Anne Stephens, CRE (St. Joseph) ........................637-3255 Morning Prayer Wednesday 7:00 am (SJ); Thursday 8:15 am (SB) & Friday 7:45 am (SP) Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday 8am-3pm (SJ) & Thursday: 9am-4pm (SB) Divine Mercy Chaplet : Wednesday 2:45pm (SJ) Sacraments Cluster Sacrament of Penance Saturday 5:30pm at St. Peter Anointing of the Sick: Call either parish office. Baptism Preparation: This class is required for first time parents. Please call 715-637-3255 for information. Marriage Preparation: Book one year ahead. Preparation 6 months in advance. Marriages at 1:00 pm. Homebound Communion Communion is given weekly to our cluster homebound parishioners. If you would like to be added to the list, please call either office to set up visitation and communion. Membership in the Parish All Catholic adults living within the parish community, regularly participating in the Liturgy, please register in the parish. Birthday Sunday at St. Joseph First Sunday of the month after 9:30am Mass. All are welcome. Library at St. Joseph Open when the church is open. Located behind the Altar. St. Boniface (SB) • St. Joseph (SJ) • St. Peter (SP) Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (ABVM) JESUS, MARY, JOSEPH
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