Document 328855

Watch this space for
Upcoming Community Events
Beer & Skits - October 18
7:00 PM•Denareplex •$10/person
Gather a team, find or make up a skit (15
minute maximum ) and enter the competition. Prizes will be
awarded for the best skit (to be determined by the audience ).
Please register quickly as there are only five spots available due
to time restraints.
. . .or just come with friends for an entertaining evening of fun,
games (frozen T-shirt contest, skateboard race and more - no
entry fee), prizes and a 50/50 draw.
For more information or to register
call 306-362-2050 or 306-362-2450
Denare Beach Annual Fall Supper
Denareplex, Sunday, November 16 - 5 PM
Bring your family and friends out for a delicious
home-cooked meal.
Adult (12 and up): $12; Child (4-11): $6; 3 and under free
NorVA Centre, 177 Green Street, Flin Flon
Karen Cornelious Workshop, Oct 3, 4, 5
Recycled Jewellery Workshop, Oct 18 11 AM to 4 PM
 Photo Club Annual Exhibition, Nov 18 - 30
For more information or to register, drop into the NorVA Centre or
call 204-687-4237.
Flin Flon Arts Council presents:
Man in Black (Johnny Cash) Ham Sandwich October 29
Black Umfolosi South African Group November 19
Wizard of Oz , Ham Sandwich November 27, 28
Jingle Bells FF Community Choir Dec 5, 6
Northern Village of Denare Beach is currently accepting applications for the
position of Foreman. The successful applicant will have a great work ethic with
the ability to work independently and as part of a team. Good public relations and
strong leadership skills are essential.
The Foreman is responsible for the supervision and management of all public
works staff. Duties to include but not limited to:
 provide monthly schedules/reports for public works staff;
 provide training to staff members on equipment as required and comply with
Occupational Health and Safety legislation;
 steady communication to the Chief Administrative Officer and Council;
 provide maintenance logs on all equipment;
 cooperate with contractors and sales personnel;
 operate a grader, payloader, and other heavy-duty equipment;
 maintain and operate water treatment plant and lift stations; and
participate in an on-call rotation.
Qualifications for this position:
 Minimum of Grade 12 education
 Water Treatment and Distribution Class I; Wastewater Collection Class I and
Wastewater Treatment Class II
 Valid Class 5 Drivers License
 Previous experience working in a municipality would be an asset
Power Mobile Equipment Certificate is an asset
Compensation will vary based on experience and qualifications. Benefits and pension package is provided.
Applications will be accepted until noon October 20, 2014. Only selected applicants will be contacted.
Please submit a detailed résumé with cover letter and three work related
references to:
Northern Village of Denare Beach
PO Box 70
Denare Beach SK S0P 0B0
Faxed to 306-362-2257
Emailed to
Got something to say?
Something you would like to see in
the newsletter?
Got an event coming up that you
would like to post?
Denare Beach Fire Department Fire Prevention
Open House
Wednesday, October 8 at 7:00 PM
Come out and meet the members of your local fire department. There will
be sessions, games, treats and fun for the whole family. Hope to see you
From the Recreation Office (also available at
Community Newsletter
October 2014
Clip and Save
Village Office Hours:
Help us to make our community
SAFER by looking out for your
neighbourhood well-being
and property.
Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Report any criminal activity to the police
Tues, Thurs: 2:15 - 6:15 PM
Fall Back
Time Change
Hours of operation:
Village of Denare Beach
Like us on
November 2
from Amisk Lake Place Names
recorded by R.H. Moody
Named after Paddy Houlihan, a
prospector. In 1931 Paddy lived on the first
big island south of the Prince Albert mine
and it was called Paddy’s Island. When the
war started Dr. Torrington of the Geologic
Survey from Ottawa came out looking for
some rare mineral for war purposes. I took
him to a small un-named island just North
and West of Lookout
Island where he sampled
several very narrow veins
of white quartz. Some
time afterward he sent
me the printed report
with the map, showing
they named the island Torrington Island.
When the province printed their map of the
lake they changed the names calling the
large “Paddy’s” island on the west side of
Torrington, and the small Torrington island in
the north Paddy’s”. They were notified of the
error but did not change it.
To the old Indians this island (west side)
is known as “Mamequesic” Island. On the
East side there is a pictograph, but Rod
McDermott and I have never been able to
find it. George Custer states it was on this
island that the Mamequesic and the first
Indians procured their colours for paints.
Please share your interesting bits of
local history by emailing them to
9 AM - 4:30 PM Mon - Fri
Phone: 306-362-2054
Closed for all statutory holidays
Fire Practice
Wednesdays 7- 9 PM
Council Meetings
Second & Fourth Wednesdays
Note: Open to the public.
48 hours advance notice required
if you wish to address Council.
Recreation Board Meetings
First & Third Tuesdays
Resident Landfill Passes are
available free to Denare Beach
residents only and are required to enter
the landfill. They can be picked up at
the Village office during regular office
Demo material MUST be paid for at the
Village office during operating
hours. Demo material will be refused at
the landfill if no receipt is presented to
the landfill attendant; this includes after
4:30 PM & Saturdays.
Winter Landfill Hours:
Oct 1 - Apr 30
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat
Noon - 4 PM
Closed Wed, Sun & Stats
Water and Sewer lines to the property
line are the responsibility of the home
2014 Dog Licenses can be
renewed at the Village Office. Please
keep your dogs from running at large.
Garbage Receptacles must have lids
to deter domestic and wild animals at
Committee Members and
Volunteers needed for:
Annual Fall Dinner
scheduled for November 16
Winter Festival 2015
 Supper
 Social
 Kids Games
 Bingo
 Entertainment
Please call Laurie at 306-362-2050
The Denare Beach Recreation Board is now accepting sealed
tenders for the installation of an Ultraverse 20’wide x 8’ high
Climbing Wall.
Installation instructions are available at the village office and
the recreation office.
All sealed tenders must be submitted to the Village office no
later than October 17, 2014 at 4:00 PM.
Lowest tender not necessarily accepted.
Denare Beach Recreation Board
Box 9
Denare Beach SK S0P 0B0
Phone 306-362-2050 for more information
Youth Program Worker
Part time. Duties include supervising youth during drop-in activities and special events; plan & provide a
variety of sport, arts & cultural activities. Must have experience working with youth and be willing to work
evenings and weekends. All applicants are subject to a Child Abuse Registry Check.
Denareplex Concession Worker/ Youth Program Assistant
Part time. Duties include operating canteen during Youth Drop In and assist with supervision, games &
equipment lending and special events. Must be willing to work evenings and weekends.
Both positions run from December 2014 through March 2015 .
All inquiries or application can be directed to:
Denare Beach Recreation Board
PO Box 9
Denare Beach SK S0P 0B0
Fax: 306-362-2257
Or drop off at the Village Office.
Application Deadline: Monday, November 3 at 4:00 PM
Best Beginnings:
Baby & Me
A relaxing place to ask questions about
having and caring for a healthy baby.
Contact Karen @ 306-362-2229
Denareplex Fitness Centre
Open: 6 AM - 10 PM Daily
Closed for cleaning Friday’s 11 AM - 1 PM
Summer (June, July, August & Sept) . . $100
Annual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200
Couples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $350
Denare Beach New Horizons
2100 Spruce Street
Memberships: $10 per person yearly—No age restriction
Wellness Clinic: October 20 1:30 - 4:00 PM
Foot Care, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugars
Potluck Supper - October 20 at 5:30
Meeting to follow.
Meat Draws every Saturday at 2:30 PM
Jamming & Craft Night every Friday 7- 9 PM
Everybody Welcome
For more information call
Mary at 306-362-2191 or Elfriede at 306-362-2420
Denare Beach is in the process of forming a Ground Search and Rescue Chapter to
respond to incidents or accidents deemed an emergency which involve the loss of
people. Some restrictions apply.
 Must be 18 years or older
 Must be physically fit, and
 Commit to a Criminal Record check and
Vulnerable Sector check conducted by the RCMP
Interested parties may leave their name and contact information at the Village Office
and someone will contact you.
The Denare Beach Community Garden is
looking for old used carpeting to put between
the gardens for weed control.
Call : Mary Wright - 306-362-2191