1 2 3 4 SPIRIT MARINE FRENCH YACHT CHALLENGE 25 October 2014 NOTICE OF RACE Organising Authority Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron In Conjunction with Queensland Beneteau Owners Group 14 FYC-NOR JV v1.5 2014 French Yacht Challenge Notice of Race 1 1.1 1.2 RULES The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing. 2013 -2016 The prescriptions and special regulations Part 1 Category 5 of Yachting Australia will apply. 2 ADVERTISING Boats may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the organizing authority. 3 3.1 3.2 ELIGIBILITY AND ENTRY This race is open to all French Production Yachts Eligible boats may enter online at https://enter.rqys.com.au or by completing the attached form and sending it, together with the required fee to: Attention: French Yacht Challenge RQYS Sailing Office PO Box 5021 Manly, Queensland 4179 Entries close at 2359 hours on Monday 13 October Late entries will be accepted upon payment of the late entry fee Yachts withdrawing their entry prior to close of entry with have their fees refunded. After close of entry, refunds will be at the discretion of the Beneteau Regatta Committee 3.3 3.4 3.5 4 4.1 FEES Required fees are as follows: All yachts $ 70 Late Entry $ 80 5 Date SCHEDULE Event Time / Warning Signal Registration –Qld. Beneteau Cup and French Yacht Challenge Competitors Meeting RQYS Boardwalk From 0800 0830 Saturday 25 October Race 1 Beneteau Cup and French Yacht Challenge Cruising Division 1055 Performance Division 1105 Trophy Presentation - French Yacht Challenge Sunday 26 October 6 2 1730 Reserve Race Day if Racing is abandoned on Saturday DIVISIONS & MEASUREMENTS There will be no measurement for this regatta. 6.1 The regatta will be run on Performance Based Handicap System and initial handicap will be calculated by the Regatta Committee using historical data for each boat. 6.2 Yachts can nominate to sail in either of two divisions 6.2.1 Cruising – 2014 French Yacht Challenge Notice of Race Cruising yachts may nominate as spinnaker or non spinnaker and will be handicapped accordingly. Cruising yachts will have a separate start to the performance division 6.3 Performance 7 SAILING INSTRUCTIONS The sailing instructions will be available after 1600 hours on Wednesday 15 October and online at the following website: sailing.rqys.com.au. 8 VENUE 8.1 Attachment A shows the location of the regatta harbour. 8.2 Attachment B shows the location of the racing areas. 9 THE COURSES The course to be sailed will be a passage race as listed in the sailing instructions 10 PENALTY SYSTEM 10.1 Rule 44.1 is changed so that the Two-Turns Penalty is replaced by the One-Turn Penalty. 11 SCORING 11.1 The low point scoring system of Appendix A will apply 12 RADIO COMMUNICATION Except in an emergency, a boat shall neither make radio transmissions while racing nor receive radio communications not available to all boats. This restriction applies also to mobile telephones. 13 BERTHING For RQYS Marina Berths, please contact the RQYS Marina Office on 07 3393 3554 during business hours 14 PRIZES Prizes will be awarded for Cruising and Performance Divisions and will be detailed in the Sailing Instructions 14.1 A Special prize will be awarded for the best Dressed French Crew. 15 DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta. 16 INSURANCE Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum cover of AUD $5,000,000 per incident or the equivalent. 17 FURTHER INFORMATION For further information contact: RQYS Sailing Office – Josh Belsham P: 07 3396 8666 F: 07 3393 4100 M: 0459903050 E: sailing@rqys.com.au W: sailing.rqys.com.au Queensland Beneteau Owners Group - Jane Virtue Mobile: 0418 876 712 3 2014 French Yacht Challenge Notice of Race ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. ACCOMMODATION RQYS local accommodation - http://www.rqys.com.au/index.php/accommodation-listing/ 2. RESULTS During the regatta results will be posted on the RQYS Marine Sports section of the website. RQYS Results – http://results.rqys.com.au RQYS Website – www.rqys.com.au RQYS Marine Sports - www.rqys.com.au/index.php/department/marine-sports/ SOCIAL FUNCTIONS Further Information regarding social events will be available in the coming months Saturday, 25 October 2013 RQYS BOARDWALK 0800 Regatta Registration: Parade for the selection of Best Dressed French Crew. Prize to be presented at trophy presentation. RQYS Breakfast is available from 7.00am at Competitors own expense. Breakfast reservations must be made with RQYS 0830 Competitors Meeting 1700 Parade of French Crew Uniforms Complimentary finger food will be served 1730 Trophy Presentation for French Yacht Challenge and Best Dressed French Crew 1800 Dinner will be available at the Boardwalk Cafe, reservations with RQYS will be necessary. Dinner and beverages at Competitors own expense See next page for Entry Form 4 2014 French Yacht Challenge Notice of Race ENTRY FORM –French Yacht Challenge 2014 Boat Name Sail Number Owner/Skipper Address Mobile Phone To be used in group Texts to communicate Information if required Email Yacht Club YA# Boat Model Hull Colour LOA……………. Beam……………. Draft……………. Division □ Sails – Construction Material Main Dacron HeadsailSpinnaker Spinnaker Non-Spinnaker □ Cruising □ Year of Manufacture □ Performance Exotic Material (Carbon, Spectra, Mylar, etc) Attachments (please tick): YA Category 5 2013 -2016 Safety Compliance Form Declaration: Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4, Decision to Race. The organising authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta. I hereby agree to the terms and conditions. Signature Date Payment: � Online Entry & Payment – http://enter.rqys.com.au � Cheque (payable to RQYS) � RQYS Member Change – Member # …………………. � Direct Transfer Account Name: Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron Ltd. BSB: 034 053 Account: 800410 Please quote FC{BOAT NAME} as the reference � Credit Card VISA | MASTERCARD | DINERS | AMERICAN EXPRESS (please circle your selected card) Name on Card……………………………………... Card Number............................. Expiry........................... 5 2014 French Yacht Challenge Notice of Race ATTACHMENT A REGATTA HARBOUR RQYS 6 2014 French Yacht Challenge Notice of Race ATTACHMENT B APPROXIMATE RACING AREA 7
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