6th Annual St. Petersburg Classic Regatta January 17, 2015 Entry

Meals on Wheels
6th Annual
St. Petersburg Classic Regatta
January 17, 2015
Organized by
St. Petersburg Sailing Association and the St. Petersburg Yacht Club
A Benefit Regatta for “Meals on Wheels”
“Keels for Meals on Wheels”
Entry Form
Skipper _______________________________ Skipper’s Age (prize for oldest skipper) ________
Address _________________________________________________________________________
Zip Code ______________________
Phone (
) ________________ E-Mail ____________________________________________
Boat Name ____________________________
Sail Number _____________________________
Boat Design ____________________________ Length __________ Year Built ____________
Your Boat/Crew’s Theme Song (for the Classic Dance party) _______________________________
West FL PHRF Random Leg Rating: ________ or SPSA to assign a rating for the regatta ___
Please attach PHRF Rating if not on file with SPSA, not required for “Classic Old Fun” division.
Division (check one)
___ Spinnaker ___ Non-Spinnaker ___ True Cruising ___ Good Old Fun
___ One-Design Class ____________ Class Name (Must be 5 or more boats registered in the
class prior to 1/3/1-2015 to establish a one design class otherwise the boats will be assigned to the
appropriate class/division)
In consideration of your accepting my entry to participate in the 6th Annual St. Petersburg Classic Regatta, and being
fully knowledgeable of the risks of sailing and sailboat racing, I recognize that it shall be the sole responsibility of me
and my crew to decide whether to start or continue participation in the 6th Annual St. Petersburg Classic Regatta. I
hereby waive any and all claims against the St. Petersburg Sailing Association, Inc, and the St. Petersburg Yacht Club,
their officers, directors and agents as may accrue to me arising from the participation of myself and/or my yacht in the
5th Annual Good Old Boat Regatta or related activities associated with the 5 th Annual Good Old Boat Regatta.
Fee Schedule:
Early Bird Entry
Entry after 1/3/2015
USSA Members deduct $5 ____
Additional Dinner Party tickets _____@ $28 each
TOTAL Amount
Please make checks payable to:
St. Petersburg Sailing Association
Registration includes:
A St. Petersburg Classic Regatta T-shirt and Two (2) After Race Dinner Party tickets
Additional Dinner Party Tickets may be purchased for $28 each.
Dockage: Free dockage is available at the St. Petersburg Yacht Club to all participants. Make
reservations with the dock master at 727-822-3227 or dockmaster@SPYC.org. by January 3, 2015
and be guaranteed free dockage. After that, dockage is "as available".
Sailing Instructions: Preliminary Sailing Instructions will be posted on the SPSA website
(www.spsa.us) no later than Thursday, January 14, 2015. Final sailing instructions will be provided
at the competitor’s meeting
Skippers Meeting: Will be at 9:00 AM Saturday 1/17/2015, St. Pete Sailing Center, 250 2nd Ave.
SE. There is no in parking in St. Pete Sailing Center parking lot. You may park in the adjacent
spaces that have an “A” designation
After Race Dinner and Awards Party requires a ticket. Two dinner tickets are included as part of
the entry fee. The party will be held in the SPYC Ballroom. Social hour begins at 5:00 pm, Dinner
and Awards at 7:00 pm and the Classic Old dance Party lasting until…. Ticket includes dinner, live
entertainment and the Oldies Classic Dance Party.