BocconiSailingDays 30Aprilto3May SixthEdition The Bocconi Sailing Club, founded with the objective of advancing a passion for sailing among university students, is offering a long weekend at sea. The event is open to everyone, from match race champions to students who have always only gone to the beach to get a tan. To participate, the only requirements are that you don’t get seasick, you bring a pair of boat shoes and you want to sail while having fun andlearningthebasicsofsailing. The event is open to students, faculty, staff,Alumni,friendsandfamily. Theleadingplayers:Bocconi Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi is recognized as the top Italian school and one of the bestbusinessschoolsinEurope. The Bocconi Sport Team Society is the part of the university that brings together students, alumni, faculty and staff sharing the desire to complement life on and off campus by competing togetherinawidevarietyofsports. TheBocconiSailingClubwascreatedwithinthissetting,foundedbyagroupofstudentswitha passionforsailingandwithexperienceassailorsbothasamateursandcompetitively. Thelogistics:VelaMareSSD TheVelaMareSSDClubbeganorganizingregattasin1996,launchingcollaborationswithother clubs located around the country, and since then they have competed in at least 10 sailing competitionsperyear.Fromraidsforpeopleinterestedinsailingforfuntointernationalcompetitive regattas, Vela Mare always puts in its best organizational effort by focusing on the smallest details, bothregardinglogisticsandregardingcommunication,tomeetallneeds. Watercrafts We have reserved a series of small cabin cruisers that are around 30‐40 feet (10‐12 meters) suitableforhostingacrewof6‐8people,evenpeoplewhohaveneversetfootonaboatuntiltoday. Each vessel will have a professional skipper, responsible for the boat and its crew for the entire durationoftheweekend. Formoreinformation: Program:(Thursday30April–Sunday3May) Time Activity Thursday 30 April Departure from Milan 7:00pm 11:00pm Boarding in Viareggio Friday 1 May Wake-up and breakfast 6:30am 7:00am Departure for La Giraglia 6:00pm Arrival in Macinaggio (Corsica) 9:00pm Dinner Saturday 2 May 8:30am 9.00am 6:00pm Wake-up and breakfast Departure for Capraia Arrival in Capraia 9:00pm Dinner Sunday 3 May 8:30am 9.30am 6:00pm Wake-up and breakfast Departure for Viareggio Arrival at the port Description BUS for all participants Embarkation of crews from the Madonnina pier Quick breakfast before departure Departure for Giraglia. Sailing in flotilla. Arrival at the port with time for a shower before the start of the evening Dinner on board the boats. Free time after dinner. Quick breakfast before departure Departure for Capraia. Sailing in flotilla. Arrival at the port with time for a shower before the start of the evening Dinner on board the boats. Free time after dinner. Quick breakfast before departure Departure for Viareggio. Sailing in flotilla. Disembarkation and departure for Milan with BUS Meals Bag breakfasts and lunches on Friday, Saturday and Sunday are included in this offer. Dinner on Friday and Saturday will be cooked on board of each vessel. After dinner, participants are free to organize their evening. Accommodation With the spirit of adaptation that characterizes life at sea, there will be enough space in each boat to allow each member of the crew to have a place to sleep. Transportation A BUS for the trip to and from Milan and Viareggio will be available to participants. PLEASE NOTE: The registration fee includes only what is expressly mentioned in this document. The galley, fuel and docking for each boat should be paid to the skipper by individual participants at the end of the weekend based on consumption. Formoreinformation:
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