Gulf Coast Sailing Club GCSC -- THE SAILING HEART OF NAPLES, FL [] Gulf Coast Sailing Club, PO Box 2121, Naples, FL, 34106 Notice of Race GCSC Spring Regatta Saturday, Feb. 28, 2015 Start: Keewadin Island -- 10am ☺ BOTY RACE, Skipper Meeting Optional [OPTIONAL SKIPPERS MEETING: 6pm Fri, 2/27 at Jack’s River Bar & Grill, 475 North St., Naples.] ☺ Awards at GCSC Meeting, 7pm, Mar. 11 [Free for GCSC members, $15 for non members; see ] ☺ ☺ Special Spin B Black Cup Race Qualifying Regatta for GCSC 2015 Commodore’s Championship Award at the 39th GCSC Regatta [ GCSC’s New Year’s Cup, Spring Regatta, Porsche Cup Combo Results ] ☺ ☺ ☺ Series Single Entry Race Firm Entry Deadline Thur. Feb. 26 Multiple Buoy Races Planned 1. RULES 1.1 - The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined by US Sailing Association, The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS). 1.2 - The organizing authority (OA) is Gulf Coast Sailing Club (GCSC), Naples, FL 34106 1.3 - This regatta is designated category “3”. 2. ELIGIBILITY 1. Open to all off shore multi-hulls and self righting, enclosed cabin monohulls that conform to their class rules and hold a current, valid West Florida PHRF rating certificate. 3. ENTRIES and FEES 3.1 – Entry Fees – $55 ($50 – US Sailing Members) 3.2 – Entries shall be made on the Official Entry Form, and include a current WFPHRF Certificate, (certificate may be obtained on line at, or a PHRF rating will be assigned by the Race Committee. Mail to: Gulf Coast Sailing Club, PO Box 2121, Naples, FL, 34106. Or Contact Race Committee Chair Randy Young 239.825.4728 or Entry Form will be available on 3.3 program members are automatically entered, but please update information if it has changed. 3.3 FIRM Entry Deadline is midnight, Thurs., Feb. 26. 4. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Skippers meeting – No meeting; questions to Race Committee Chair Randy Young 239.825.4728 or [OPTIONAL SKIPPERS MEETING: 6pm Fri, 2/27 at Jack’s River Bar & Grill, 475 North St., Naples.] Scratch Sheets: List of competitors, PHRF ratings, sail numbers, Classes, and Start Sequence will be available on Racing – Saturday, Feb. 28; First warning at 9:55am. Awards – Mar. Meeting Gulf Coast Sailing Club, March 11, starting at 6pm [Free for GCSC members, $15 for non members]. City of Naples River Park Community Center 301 11th Street North - Naples Fl. 34104 5. RACE INSTRUCTIONS: SI will be available on 6. CLASSES 6.1 – Spinnaker, Non-Spinnaker, Multihull, SportBoat, and True Cruising. A further division, or combining, of classes may be dictated by the number of entries received. 7. REGISTRATION Registration is by mail or email. Contact Race Committee Chair Randy Young 239.825.4728 or 8. RACING The race venue is in the Gulf of Mexico off Keewaydin Island. 9. COURSE(S) will be available on and may include w/l, buoy, and/or pursuit 10. SCORING 10.1 – Appendix “A” of the RRS is modified so that all scores are included. 10.2 – Corrected times will be calculated based on the boat's PHRF rating and the distance of the course Sailed, (time on distance). 10.3 – The West Florida PHRF RLC or BUOY ratings will be used as applicable to the courses. 11. PRIZES 11.1 – Three prizes awarded in each Class containing five or more entries; two prizes for four entries; one prize for three entries. Results will be posted on as soon as they are available. 12. SAFETY 12.1 – All boats must carry a working marine VHF Radio capable of receiving and transmitting on Channels 16, 68, 69, 72 and weather channels. 12.2 – A boat retiring from a race shall, if safely possible, notify the Race Committee Boat before leaving the course. Protests will be heard at a time and place posted on prior to the Awards Presentation. 13. DOCKAGE: contact Naples City Dock, Naples Sailing and Yacht Club, or Naples Yacht Club directly. Liability Disclaimer: Sailing is an activity that has an inherent risk of damage and injury. Participants in this event are participating entirely at their own risk. See RRS 4, Decision to Race. The race organizers (the organizing authority, race committee, protest committee, host club, sponsors, or any other organization or official) will not be responsible for damage to any boat or other property or the injury to any participant, including death, sustained as a result of participation in this event. By participating in this event, each participant, or in the case of minors, each participant’s parent or guardian agrees to release the race organizers from any and all liability associated with such participant’s participation
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