Annie Institute of Technology & Management BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATION (SEM. IV) ASSIGNMENT, 2014 Note: All questions are compulsory. COMPUTERS NETWORKS (BCA 401) 1. What are the components of a data communications system? Give the shortcomings of analog communication. 2. What are the advantages do coaxial cables offers over twisted pair cables? Differentiate between UTP and STP? 3. Write short note on the following: i) Datagram ii) Virtual circuit iii) Optical fiber iv) Packet switching 4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of circuit switched networks? 5. Compare and contrast OSI and TCP/IP reference model? 6. Explain TELNET, ICMP, SMTP and DHCP. 7. What do you understand by understand by Guided Transmission Medium? 8. Explain the data link layer protocols, SLIP and PPP. 9. What is internetworking explain all shortest path algorithm used in routing? 10. Explain ALOHA and various version of carrier sense protocol? DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (BCA 402) 1. Describe the architecture of DBMS, its advantages and the concept of data independence? 2. Describe E-R model and the symbols used in E-R diagram? 3. Explain the SELECT and PROJECT operation in relational algebra with example. 4. What is Relational calculus? Explain in detail. 5. Write the short note on the following: i) Data model and key ii) Cardinality and Participation iii) Relational calculus iv) Relation algebra 6. What do you mean by normalization and also explain their different types? 7. Explain the key, primary key, super key and candidate key with example. 8. What is SQL? Explain briefly the various data types used in SQL. 9. Explain the various concurrency control techniques? 10. What do you mean by Distributed database also explain its structure. COMPTER SYSTEM ARCHITECHTURE (BCA 403) 1. Draw the logic symbol representing AND, EX-OR and NAND gate with A and B as input and Y as output also explain their working? 2. Explain various addressing modes in details. 3. Explain the concept of stack organization. 4. What is an instruction cycle? Explain the various phases of an instruction cycle. 5. Write short note on the following: i) Addressing modes ii) RISC and CISC iii) Peripheral devices iv) I/O interrupts 6. What is the difference between hardwired and micro programmed control units? 7. What is the difference between handshaking and strobe control? 8. What do you understand by the term peripheral? 9. What is auxiliary memory? Explain different types of auxiliary memory? 10. List various types of memory available in computer memory. Explain the difference between RAM and ROM? OPERATING SYSTEM (BCA 404) 1. What do you mean by Operating system? Explain the different types of Operating system and also the tools required for monitoring the performance of Operating system. 2. What do you understand by process? 3. Explain the working of scheduling queue in process scheduling. 4. Write short note on the following: i) Real-time operating system ii) Distributed operating system iii) single-user versus multi-user operating system iv) CPU scheduling 5. What is paging? What is the difference between a page and a frame? Discuss the procedure of paging and data structure involved in paging scheme. 6. State the difference between inverted page table and TLB. 7. Explain threshing .How does an operating system analyses the performance of demand paging using this concept? 8. Explain the accessing methods used for searching in the file organization schemes. 9. How does cryptography ply an important role in security? 10. What is the difference between a threat and an attack? Name the various mechanisms to prevent a system from threats?
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