Directorate of Distance Education

Directorate of Distance Education
Ph. 0373‐2370207(O) Dibrugarh University
Dibrugarh 786004
Fax : 0373 ‐ 2370323 E‐mail : Dear Learner,
I, on behalf of the Directorate of Distance Education, Dibrugarh University, congratulate you for
getting yourself enrolled as a student of BCA 3rd Semester under the Directorate of Distance Education,
Dibrugarh University. You are aware that you have to submit assignments in each course (paper). The
questions for Assignments are enclosed herewith. At the time of submitting the assignments, please note
the following:
Write your assignment neatly with your own hand-writing on one side of the paper. If
you desire, you may also get it typed or submit a computer printed copy.
Stick to the word limit mentioned in the questions.
Keep a margin of about 5 cm on the left side of the paper.
You may submit the assignments directly in the office of the Directorate of Distance
Education or in the Contact Centre in which you enrolled yourself.
Keep a duplicate or xerox copy of the assignment with you (compulsory).
The last date of submitting the Assignment is 24th March, 2015.
Write your Name, Student Number, Programme, Course (paper) Number, Title of the
Course (Paper), Dibrugarh University Registration No. and Year, Date of Submission of
the assignment in the following format:
Name : ___________________________________
Programme : BCA
: 3rd Semester
Course (Paper) :
: 2014-2015
Student No.
: ____________________________
D.U. Registration No.(if received) ____________ of ________
Date of Submission:_____________________
Wish you all the best for your future!
Sincerely Yours
Sd/(Nirode Boruah)
BCA -301
Total marks : 30
any six question(each carries 5 marks)
Determine the condition satisfied by
so that
may be continuous
for all . Are and unique?
2. Determine the analytic function where the real part is
3. Evaluate
where C is the circle
4. Discuss the convergence of the sequence
, where
5. Test the convergence of the series
6. Find the Laplace Transform for
7. Find the Laplace inverse Laplace transform of
8. Apply the Convolution theorem to solve
Theory of Computing
BCA -302
Total marks : 30
Answer any six.
5X6 = 30
Define Arden’s Theorem.
Prove that (a(a+b) * a+b (a+b)*b)* is a regular expression.
Distinguish between DFA and NDFA.
Construct a D.FA for language
L={an | n ≥ 1}
5. Explain Push-Down Automaton.
6. Differentiate between Context free and Context Sensitive grammar.
7. Convert the following grammar into C.N.F.
S→bA| aB
A→ bAA|aS|a
B →aBB|b
8. Explain Chomsky’s hierarchy.
Internet and Web Programming Technologies
BCA -303
Total marks : 30
Answer any six.
5X6 = 30
1. What is Computer Network ?Explain the various types of Networks.
2. Write short note on following:
a. Star Topology
b. Ring Topology
3. Discuss some popular web browser.
4. Describe Internet Service provider.
5. What is HTML? How are HTML tags written?
6. What is ASP? How does it work?
7. What are ASP applications?
8. What is javascript? How would you write a program in Javascript ?
Computer Graphics
BCA -304
Total marks : 30
Answer any six.
5X6 = 30
1. What do you mean by video display devices ? Explain the working of CRT.
2. Explain flood fill algorithm.
3. Which one is a better line algorithm: DDA or Bresenham’s ? Explain your
4. Explain midpoint circle drawing algorithm.
5. What are translation, Scaling and Rotation ?
6. What are the basic rules for animation ?
7. Explain the term virtual reality.
8. Discuss some concepts of virtual reality.
Design and analysis of algorithms
BCA -305
Total marks : 30
Answer any six.
5X6 = 30
1. Define the following terms.
- notation
b. Little –oh notation
2. Solve the recurrence:
T(n) = T(n - 1) +T(n - 3) - T(n - 4) , n≥4
Subject to T(n)=n for 0 ≤ n ≤3.
3. Explain Merge sort.
4. Discuss one algorithm for pattern matching.
5. Explain Kruskal’s algorithm to obtain minimum spanning tree with the help
of any example.
6. Explain Travelling-Salesman problem.
7. Explain Pre order traversal
8. Discuss the relationship between the class P,NP,NP-complete and NP-hard
problems with examples.