Southminster Presbyterian Church ~ October 2014 Save this date: October 25! The evening will start with Sabbath Worship and communion at 5 pm. All Saints Day is traditionally on Nov 1, but we’ll get a head start and consider what that day has to do with being Presbyterian. You’ll also get a chance to hear Sean Rogers play some “All Hallow’s Eve” music on the organ! We’ll then move outside where the FOOD TRUCKS will be set up and ready to feed us. (If it is too cold outside, you can bring your food down to the fellowship hall.) A few folks will be bringing their portable fire pits to set up in the parking lot, so we can have fellowship around the campfire too. We will be hosting our annual Trunk or Treat night for the neighborhood kids that night as well. So if you are going to decorate your trunk, you might want to get here early and set up your trunk on the back two rows of the parking lot. If you aren’t going to set up your trunk, you may want to park at Grace Jordan Elementary School and save some parking for people who have difficulty walking longer distances. (And if you want to bring candy to be passed out to kids, but you can’t be there that evening, you can bring that to church the weeks before Trunk or Treat.) We are inviting the neighborhood to this evening, so bring your friends and tell folks all about it! This night gives us a chance to show off things that are important to us—meaningful worship, good food and fellowship, inviting the neighborhood to join the fun, and (for some of us, at least) costumes! 1 CROP WALK Sunday October 19,2014 at Julia Davis Park Registration begins at 1:30pm HELP NEEDED for the Ada County CROP Walk, October 19 at Julia Davis Park Band Shell at 1:30. We need additional sponsors and walkers for tthis great event. Please consider walking or sponsoring a walker. Our current walkers are Carol Town, Emalee Crume and Kielee Crume. If you can't walk please see one of our walkers and sponsor them. Contact: Steve Crume 378-8256 for additional information SOUTHMINSTER ORDER OF ST. LUKE PRAYER MINISTRY Everyone is welcome to join us the third Monday of each month at 7pm in the Jean Moore Youth room for prayer. We are honored to be able to pray for you! You can stay after we pray for you and participate in our study work and follow -up prayers or leave as your schedule allows. If you are interested in joining Southminsters Order of St. Luke prayer ministry, call any of us for more information: Carol Brunlinger, Chaplain, 376-8673; Cathy Barkell 322-4914; Dorothy Peterson, 343-6898; Steve and Phyllis Sanderson, 344-1376; Rita Wood, 376-2018. Join us for Game Night Tuesday the 28th at 7:00 pm See Kay Hamilton if you have ?’s. Serving in October October 5th Liturgist: Laurie Cavey Greeter: Nancy Amell Ushers: Carol Town Lucy Pederson Glen McConaughey Rich Anderson Servers: Dawn Phillips Alan Cameron Gloria Levis Rita Multerer October 12th Liturgist: Barbara Cole Greeter: Judy Varvel Ushers: Beth Baker Juno Van Ocker Mary Lou Downey John de Veuve Thank you Sam Davila and “Curtis Clean Sweep” for the improvements to our parking lot. For those who haven’t noticed, parking spaces have been marked and painted at no cost to the church. Sam was aware of a program “Curtis Clean Sleep” offers periodically to qualified organizations where they donate their services to complete jobs of this nature. We really appreciate being a recipient of their kindness. Sam continues to do an excellent job handling the custodial duties of the Church. If you get the chance, shake his hand and thank him for the great job he does for us. October 19th Liturgist: Genny Crume Greeter: Rita Multerer Ushers: Kay Hamilton Ian Bott Jim & Leila Inlow October 25th(Saturday Evening) Liturgist: Andy Dahlke Greeter: Lori Stokes Ushers: Ron & Jonah Baker Barbara Flinn Loleeta Gwin Lunch fellowship on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at noon at Casa Mexico in Hyde Park ‐ Boise Bible study and breakfast the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30am at SPC. 2 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 2 Al-Anon Noon Fri 3 Sat 4 AA Group 7:30pm PWS Gathering 11:00 Bells/Choir 6:00 & 7:00 5 6 7 8 Worship 9:30 Boise Choristers 11:30 Al-Anon Noon Men’s Breakfast 6:30 Al-Anon Men’s Gay Chorus 7pm PFLAG 7:00pm Education Hour 11 Puppets Noon Brownies 6:30—7:30 Deacons 7pm Peacemaking Offering T.V. Caduceus Group 7:00pm 9 Noon Bells/Choir 6:00 & 7:00 10 11 AA Group 7:30pm T.V. Caduceus Group 7:00pm PW Retreat through Sunday 12 13 14 15 Worship 9:30 Boise Choristers 11:30 Al-Anon Noon Men’s Lunch noon Al-Anon Noon Naomi & Ruth Circles 9:30 Rachel Circle 1:00 Education Hour 11 Brownies 6:30—7:30 COM 3:00 Men’s Gay Chorus 7pm Committees 7pm 16 17 18 AA Group 7:30pm T.V. Caduceus Group 7:00pm Bells/Choir 6:00 & 7:00 PWS Holiday Bazaar Sale 9-2 19 20 21 22 Worship 9:30 Merry Martha 7:30am Boise Choristers 11:30 Al-Anon Noon Men’s Breakfast 6:30 Al-Anon Men’s Gay Chorus 7pm PWS-CT 9:30 Education Hour 11 Crop Walk 1:30 OSL 7:00pm Brewed 4 Thought 6:30pm Brownies 6:30—7:30 26 Sabbath Sunday No Service 27 28 Boise Choristers 11:30 Al-Anon Noon Book Club 7:00pm Gold Rush 7:00pm Brownies 6:30—7:30 Men’s Lunch noon Session 7pm 23 Noon Bells/Choir 6:00 & 7:00 24 25 AA Group 7:30pm Neighborhood Breakfast 9-11 T.V. Caduceus Group 7:00pm Worship 5:00pm Trunk or Treat Food Truck Dinner Newsletter deadline 29 30 31 AA Group 7:30pm Men’s Gay Chorus 7pm T.V. Caduceus Group 7:00pm Game night 7pm The Cana room will be in use Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 7-9 for the month of October 3 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Presbytery PW Bldg in use 1-5 2 3 4 5 Worship 9:30 Boise Choristers 11:30 Al-Anon Noon Men’s Breakfast 6:30 Al-Anon Men’s Gay Chorus 7pm PWS Gathering 11:00 Education Hour 11 Puppets Noon Brownies 6:30—7:30 Deacons 7pm Time Change 6 7 Noon T.V. Caduceus Group 7:00pm 8 Presbytery Mtg Bldg in use 9-3 Bells/Choir 6:00 & 7:00 Marci in New Mexico 9 10 11 Veterans Day 12 Worship 9:30 Stewardship Dedication Horizon Study 11:00 Boise Choristers 11:30 Al-Anon Noon Al-Anon Education Hour 11 Brownies 6:30—7:30 Church Office Closed Men’s Lunch noon Men’s Gay Chorus 7pm Committees 7pm 16 17 18 19 Worship 9:30 Merry Martha 7:30am Boise Choristers 11:30 Al-Anon Noon Men’s Breakfast 6:30 Al-Anon Noon Naomi & Ruth Circles 9:30 Rachel Circle 1:00 Education Hour 11 Puppets Noon OSL 7:00pm Brewed 4 Thought 6:30pm 23 Sabbath Sunday No Service Men’s Gay Chorus 7pm Noon 13 SAGES 11:30 14 15 21 22 PFLAG 7:00pm T.V. Caduceus Group 7:00pm Bells/Choir 6:00 & 7:00 20 Brownies 6:30—7:30 Session 7pm Bells/Choir 6:00 & 7:00 24 25 26 Boise Choristers 11:30 Al-Anon Noon Book Club 7:00pm Gold Rush 7:00pm Brownies 6:30—7:30 Men’s Lunch noon Al-Anon Men’s Gay Chorus 7pm PWS-CT 9:30 Newsletter deadline 27 Noon Bells/Choir 6:00 & 7:00 Game night 7pm 30 Worship 9:30 Education Hour 11 4 Worship 5:00pm T.V. Caduceus Group 7:00pm 28 29 Neighborhood Breakfast 9-11 T.V. Caduceus Group 7:00pm Mission Nuts & Bolts Practical Steps for Your Church A program hosted by First Presbyterian Church of Boise in partnership with Boise Presbytery and Shared Ministry. October 4, 2014 First Presbyterian Church, Boise 1 pm – 4 pm Look for sign up sheets for the Sunday mornings Coffee Hour Fellowship on the bulletin board in the Narthex. It’s time to think about ordering your Poinsettia for Christmas. Order form can be found in this newsletter or in the Sunday morning church bulletin. Would you be interested in coordinating Blood Drives for the Red Cross at Southminster? They need blood donations, and we have the resources to help. Please speak with Steve Crume, Mission Committee Elder, if you want more information. PWS Moderator Musings What a wonderful month October is shaping up to be for PWS. Our gathering on October 1st, will begin at 11:00 with our Business Meeting , followed by Lunch at noon and then our Speaker Henry Krewer from Corpus Christi House, which is one of the missions we support, will be sharing with us what they do for the community. For those of you who are unaware it is a homeless walk-in shelter meeting the needs of the community and ran totally by volunteer professionals and helpers. Please come and learn more and bring donations of small motel like soaps, shampoos, personal care items. And, last but not least, our Holiday Bazaar will be October 17th and 18th from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Cana Room. Setup will start on Tue. the 14th. Might you be able to donated baked goods or crafts you have and come join us? We’d love to have you! Talk to Lindy Reagan or Gloria Levis if you have questions. We can’t forget that the four circles have begun the study of Paul. Drop in at one of these groups sometime. It’s amazing what you may learn – and teach us. Best wishes, Carolyn Warner 343-5421 5 October 17th & 18th 9:00am - 2:00pm each day! The time is almost here for the Holiday Bazaar and we hope you have marked your calendar and invited your friends to join you for a fun time of shopping for the upcoming holidays. At the sale you will find plants, children's books, jewelry, hand made gifts, baked goods and holiday decorations. We will also be featuring a silent auction. Come hungry, as we will also have the Baked Potato Bar open from 10:00am - 1:30pm where you can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee along with your potato. PWS needs your help providing baked goods and home-made craft items to sell and they ask that you bring them to the church on the 14th or 15th. If you have questions please contact Lindy Reagan 322-6937 or Gloria Levis 336-3405 MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES What attracted you to this church? The beautiful building and grounds? The worship schedule or the style of worship service? The friendly way members greet you? The music ministry? The programs that support the neighborhood or other mission needs in Boise and the world? All of these things happen because our members work together in committees and you can join in their ministry! MISSION COMMITTEE Elder Steve Crume The committee assesses the congregations’ knowledge, interest, current involvement and priorities regarding the mission of the church. Currently our focus includes Haiti Education Foundation; Crop Walk; House Churches; Christmas Dinners; Grace Jordan Elementary School Volunteers; Saturday Neighborhood Breakfast held on the last Saturday of each month; Puppet Theatre Ministry. We would welcome additional members to help with these current ministries and help dream up ways to reach out to our community. Mission Committee meets at 7 pm on the second Tuesday of each month. PARISH LIFE COMMITTEE Elders Carrie Lillard and Lori Casady This committee is responsible for developing opportunities for fellowship within the congregation; helping the pastor with new member classes; arranging for and displaying pictures for new members; updating and publishing the Church Directory annually; weddings and receptions, as approved by the pastor. If you enjoy gathering people together for meals, providing hospitality to visitors, and bringing people together to share stories and laughter, please join our ministry! Parish Life meets at 7 pm on the second Tuesday of each month. Southminster has other standing committees, and I will share more information about them in the November Messenger. See you then –Bobbie Tomlinson 6 HATS - SCARVES - GLOVES - MITTENS Winter is just around the corner and we are probably prepared to keep ourselves warm. However, there are new residents in our midst who may not be aware of our cold winters and do not own hats, scarves, gloves and mittens. Presbyterian Women will be collecting the above items during October for the Agency for New Americans. Children, teens and adults need them and you can purchase or make some of these items. Boxes will be in the Narthex and Cana Room. Help if you can! October 19th at 6:30pm Mike Crawford Rob McCarthy Josie Wiggins Phil Woodford Darleen Brown Julie Anderson Richard Anderson Julie Rauhut Nancy Thomas Karyl Davenport Lori Stokes Kielee Crume Jim Inlow Nancy McConaughey Tiffany Erickson Jean Tuller Deanna Watson Genny Crume Matha Daltoso Lois McDonald Allen Shurtliff Darleen Gilbert Bob Cole Jus n Glass Marie McCree 1st 1st 1st 3rd 6th 9th 10th 10th 10th 11th 12th 17th 17th 17th 18th 21st 21st 19th 25th 26th 26th 27th 28th 30th 30th Louie's in Meridian See Randy Marshall if you have any questions. All are welcome. Deadline The deadline for the November newsletter is October 22nd Southminster Session Rev. Marci Auld Glass: Moderator Leila Inlow: Clerk Richard Anderson: Treasurer Andy Dahlke: Stewardship Chair Carrie Lillard: Parish Life Chair & Nomina ng Lori Casady: Parish Life Larry Andrews: Personnel Alan Cameron: Building & Grounds Dawn Phillips: Worship & Nomina ng Jill Gertje: Personnel Randy Marshall: Outreach Chair Julie Anderson: Chris an Ed Jim Multerer: Stewardship Jim Smithers: Building & Grounds & Outreach Steve Crume: Mission Deacons Loleeta Gwin Geri Metzger Moderator Kate Chris aens Rita Multerer Lori Stokes Marva Wertz Juno Van Ocker Gloria Levis Nancy Amell Judy Varvel Carol Town Carolyn Blackhurst (Temp) If we missed your special day please let Susan in the Church office know. 7 #5 #2 #7 #1 #6 #10 #3 #9 #8 #12 #4 #11 Southminster Presbyterian Church 6500 W. Overland Road Boise ID 83709-2099 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID PERMIT NO. 121 Return Service Requested If this publication is no longer needed, please notify the church office. Issue 2014:10 The Messenger Each year at Christmas, Red Poinsettias from Edwards Greenhouse decorate the Sanctuary. You are invited to place an order for this purpose. This monthly periodical is published by Southminster for free distribution to congregation and friends. Pastor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. Marci Auld Glass Commissioned Ruling Elder. . . . . Carol Brunlinger Commissioned Ruling Elder. . . . . Randy Marshall Commissioned Ruling Elder. . . . . Julie Anderson Clerk of Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leila Inlow Choir Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Claudia Sutherland Handbell Director . . . . . . . . . . . . Phyllis Tincher Organist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sue Pohl Administrative Assistant . . . . . . . Susan Dunn Custodian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sam Davila Nursery Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . Deloris March Presented by: _______________________________ (How you wish it to appear in the Christmas Eve Bulletin) In Memory of: ______________________________ OR In Honor of : ______________________________ ______ 6” Poinsettia @ $11.00 each = Southminster Presbyterian Church ______ ______ Double Poinsettia @ $23.00 each = ______ 6500 West Overland Road Boise, Idaho 83709-2099 Phone: (208) 375-5330 Fax: (208) 375-5338 E-mail: Web: Price includes tax & foil wrapper Total ______ Deadline to order is October 25th Please complete this form and submit it along with your check and place it in the offering plate. May also be turned into the church office. Church Office Hours Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday 9 AM to 4 PM Closed Monday and Friday After the Christmas Eve service we ask that you take your Poinsettia home or make arrangements to have it picked up. 8
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