Oregon Cavy Breeder’s Society Fall Shows, Oct. 18, 2014 Albany, OR Please join us for our double open, single youth shows, held at the fairgrounds in Albany, OR, in conjunction with the Tri Cities Rabbit Breeder’s Association Shows. Open Show A, Judge Sheryl Newland, WA Open Show B, Judge Linda Loucks, ID Youth Show, Judge Dana Kolstad, ID Show Secretary: Terri Geroux Show Superintendent: Anita Vandervelden All shows begin at 9:00 A.M. Entry information: $3.00 OCBS members/$3.50 non-members, postmarked by Thursday, 10-09-14 $3.50 OCBS members/$4.00 non-members, emailed by midnight Tuesday, 10-14-14 $5.00 Day of show/late entry (past deadlines) $1.00 for each ear tag or ear number changes by 8:30 AM day of show for same breed, variety AND class only. All other changes same as day of show entry ($5.00). No phone entries. No entries accepted after 8:30 AM on day of show. All entries must be paid before the start of the show. Please allow enough time for arrival, set up, and check in. If sending entries by email, please provide all the information requested on the entry form, and arrive in enough time to pay for your entries by 8:30 a.m. If you provide an email address with your entry, your check in sheets will be emailed to you Wednesday night, 10-15-14. Please check them over carefully. If there are any changes that need to be made (due to my entry error, your error, whatever reason) I will make those changes free of charge if you contact me by 5:00 P.M. Thursday night, by email or phone. After that, changes will be $1 for ear tag/$5 for all other. Not a member of OCBS yet? Fill out the attached membership form and include it with your entry, and pay member entry fees! We would love to have you join us! All entries go to: Terri Geroux 333 Hillhouse Ave Medford, OR 97504 Email: rtgeroux@gmail.com Phone: 541-773-2272 Show Location: Please note: if you are a youth entering in the Youth show, you may not enter the same animals in both the Youth and Open Show A. You may enter different animals, if desired, in Youth and Open A. You may enter all of your animals in the Open Show B. ARBA show rule section 51. Linn County Fairgrounds, Albany, Oregon 3700 Knox Butte Rd East, Albany, OR 97322 OFFICIAL ARBA SANCTIONED SHOW Eric Stewart, Executive Director P.O. Box 5667, Bloomington, IL 61702 www.arba.net Membership Dues: Individual, $20.00 per year, $50.00 for 3 years Husband/Wife: $30.00 per year, $75.00 for 3 years Youth, $12.00 per year, $30.00 for 3 years The national convention for 2014 will be held in Ft Worth, TX Nov. 1-5, 2014 Oregon League of Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Sanctioned Show Judy Rossner, Secretary, 19530 SW Highway 18, McMinnville, OR 97128 Dues: Adult - $8, Adult Partnership - $10, Youth - $5, Youth Partnership - $7.50 www.olrcb.net OFFICIAL ABCA SANCTIONED SHOW Dan McParland, ACBA Secretary, acbasec@yahoo.com Membership Dues: Adult $25.00 1st year/$20.00 Renewal Family $30.00 1st year/$25.00 Renewal; Youth $20.00 1st year/$15.00 Renewal Sanction Fees: Open $10.00 and Youth $8.00 Sweepstakes Recorder: Rosemarie & Tara McParland, acbasweeps@gmail.com Show Rules 1. This is an official ARBA show. Filing an entry implies acceptance of the latest ARBA Show Rules. A complete list of ARBA rules governing ARBA sanctioned shows can be found on the ARBA web site under “Forms”. 2. All cavies will be judged by the ARBA Standard of Perfection 2011-2015 edition. 3. There will be No Smoking in the show area. 4. Children must be supervised at all time by an adult. Damages by children will be the responsibility of their parents or guardians. 5. All show cavies must have a permanent and legible ID tag in their left ear. 6. No cavies weighing less than 10 ounces are allowed in the show area. 7. There will be no grooming of cavies in the restrooms. No wet cavies or foreign substances on cavies are allowed. 8. Any animals showing signs of disease will be removed from the show room. 9. This is a carrying cage show. All cages must have leak-proof bottoms. 10. Sale animals are allowed, however, if space and safety becomes an issue, the show committee reserves the right to ask sale animals to be removed from the show area. 11. No animals, other than cavies, are allowed in the show area. No dogs except service dogs are allowed and must remain on leash and controlled by owner at all times. 12. Animals will be judged in the class listed on the entry form. Include your phone # on the entry in case we need to contact you. All changes must be approved by the Show Secretary. 13. Entry fees must be paid prior to the time judging begins. 14. OCBS reserves the right to add, substitute or cancel judges as conditions require. 15. Each person is responsible for getting their cavies to the judging table when called and returning them to their set up area after judging is complete. 16. Chairs and grooming tables will be allowed if space permits. They must be kept out of aisle ways. 17. By submitting an entry, you indicate acceptance of all our show rules and the rules of the ARBA and ACBA which govern this show. 18. Have fun! Required!! JOIN The OREGON CAVY BREEDERS SOCIETY Today! The benefits of being a member include: 3 great electronic newsletters per year full of correct cavy info, upcoming events, and some show results. You will be able to access show information and entry forms. Once a member, you can sign up for the OCBS Yahoo group: ocbsociety-suscribe@yahoogroups.com NOTE: no internet access? Check here_ for paper copies of Newsletter and Show info. Membership Application: Name_ ________________________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________________ Email address ________________________________________________________________________________ Caviary Name_ _________________________________________________________________________ Breeds/Varieties Raised ___________________________________________________________________ Check if interested in helping: Ramrod _____Clerk_ ___Serve on Board __Serve on a Committee __ What Membership Type are you applying for? $12 Adult (OR Resident) $10 Youth (17 or younger) birthdate / / $11 Out of State (non-voting) $16 Canada (non-voting) $13 Partnership (OR Resident) $14 Family (OR Resident) $13 Family Out of State (non-voting) $10 4-H Club Send this filled-in application and check payable to OCBS to: Penny Deggelman, 36930 Edgehill Rd, Springfield, OR 97478 If you are applying for membership along with entering a show, please send membership application and fees along with your show entry to the show secretary, and take advantage of member entry fees right away! OCBS Website: http://ocbscavies.weebly.com Oregon Cavy Breeders Society Show Secretary: Terri Geroux 333 Hillhouse Ave Medford, OR 97504 541-773-2272 rtgeroux@gmail.com Fall Shows 2014 (sanctioned) Oct. 18, 2014 – 9:00 AM Linn County Fairgrounds, Albany, OR Judges: Sheryl Newland—WA Linda Loucks—ID & Dana Kolstad--ID Superintendent: Anita Vandervelden Entry Fees/Deadline: $3.00 OCBS Members/$3.50 non-OCBS Members for each mail-in entry postmarked by 10/09/14 $3.50 OCBS Members/$4.00 non-OCBS Members for each email entry received by 10/14/14 $5.00 Day of Show/for each entry sent after the deadlines. No phone entries. No entries accepted after 8:30 AM on day of show. Pay email entries at the door. $1.00 for each ear tag or ear number change by 8:30 AM day of show for same breed, variety AND class only. All other changes same as day of show entry ($5.00). If you include your email address, your check in sheet will be emailed to you on 10-15-14 for you to check for errors. If you contact me with corrections to your entry by 5:00 p.m. on 10-16-14, there will be no charge for those changes, even if you need to change a class. Name Phone ( )_______________ Address______________________________________________ Email_____________________ Ear # Breed Variety JR Class INT SR Sex S B JR INT SR S B JR INT SR S B JR INT SR S B JR INT SR S B JR INT SR S B JR INT SR S B JR INT SR S B JR INT SR S B JR INT SR S B JR INT SR S B JR INT SR S B JR INT SR S B JR INT SR S B Entry fee total _______________________________________ Please make checks payable to OCBS Show sanctioned by ARBA, ACBA and OLRCB Awards supplied by OCBS: BOB, BOSB, BIS & RIS Your submission of this entry signifies you have read and agree to all show rules. A B Y Fee
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