Pear Blossom Rabbit and Cavy Breeders –March 28, 2015 Western Frontier Rabbit & Cavy Shows—March 29, 2015 Two Open Rabbit & Cavy Shows each day WFRCS on Sunday is a Benefit for 2015 ARBA Convention in Portland, OR Come for the whole weekend & Josephine County Fairgrounds, Flower Bldg. 1451 Fairgrounds Road, Grants Pass, Oregon experience four great all-breed Open rabbit & cavy shows! Judges Tracy Gouette—CA Kelli Slack—OR Ted DeLoyola—OR Roger Hassenpflug—OR Ray Stacy—CA Kendall Bledsoe—WA Lana Mellentine—OR Eric Stewart—PA (Sunday) Cavy Judges Saturday: Tracy Iverson—OR Sunday: Penny Deggelman—OR Show Secretary (all shows): Eric Stewart—PA Tamara Whitten--CA Superintendent: Ron Scott, PBRCBA Terri Geroux Arlyse DeLoyola, WFRCS 333 Hillhouse Ave, Medford, OR 97504 Email Phone 541-773-2272 (before 9 pm) ENTRY FEES: Rabbits and Cavies Generic entry forms are available at: or please use ours! Make Checks Payable to PBRCBA for Saturday shows & WFRCS for Sunday Shows We will be happy to accept your entries: $3.50 ….. By Thursday, March 19, 2015 (postmark) $3.75 ….. E-Mail Entries -- by Monday, March 23, 2015 $2.50 ….. Fur $5.00 ….. Late entries Entries received after Tuesday, March 25th, midnight, will not be accepted. NO DAY OF SHOW ENTRIES Your check in sheets will be emailed to you Tuesday March 24th. Please check them carefully for errors. Substitutions and ear changes will be accepted free of charge through Wednesday, March 25th. Ear Changes only made after that time will cost $2.00 each, and must be made before 7:30 A.M. the day of the show. These will be no comment card shows. Building opens at 5:00 pm Friday afternoon and 7:00 am Saturday morning If you arrive at the showroom before 5:00 PM Friday, please ask how you can help set up the show before you put your animals in the building! Show Start Times Both Days Rabbit Show A—judging starts at 8:00 am—The “B” show may begin before the “A” show is complete Cavy Shows A & B will both begin at 8:00 am. AWARDS For Pear Blossom Shows on Saturday Cash Awards for Best in Show and Reserve in Show for Rabbits Special Best in Show and Reserve in Show awards for Cavies Rosettes for Best of Breed & Best Opposite Sex of Breed Awards must be picked up at the Show. Quality Cages: CAGE & EQUIPMENT DEALER For special orders, please call 1-888-762-2336 Check out the merchandise at Place your order by March 10, 2015 to ensure that it is on the truck when they arrive REGISTRAR will be available You must bring a complete pedigree, your current ARBA membership card and $6 registration fee. RAFFLE—Bring donations—help us subsidize the building cost and have some fun in the process! CONCESSIONS: The Fairgrounds does not have concession options on the grounds. food restaurants nearby (requires driving). There are fast RABBIT AND CAVY SHOW RULES: 1. This is an official ARBA show. Filing an entry implies acceptance of the latest ARBA Show Rules. A complete list of ARBA rules governing ARBA sanctioned shows can be found on the ARBA web site under “Forms”. 2. Fees must accompany entry. Exhibitors are responsible for payment regardless of scratches or no shows—including email entries. 3. Please notify the show secretary upon your arrival of any entries NOT brought to the show so that entry can be corrected. 4. All animals must be permanently and legibly marked and the marking must correspond with the entry form. 5. All animals must be in carriers with leak proof bottoms. 6. Exhibitors are responsible for getting their entries to and from the table promptly. Classes cannot be re-judged for missing animals. 7. Animals will be judged in the class listed on the entry form. Include your phone # on the entry in case we need to contact you. 8. Judges' decisions are final. Entries may be withdrawn from competition by the show committee and/or judges at their discretion (entry fee forfeited) for interference with the judging process. Indication of ownership of an exhibit is considered interference. 9. Any animals showing symptoms of disease of any kind must be immediately removed from building. 10. Chairs and grooming tables will be allowed if space permits. They must be kept out of aisle ways. 11. Parents are responsible for the actions of their children, including damage to equipment or fairgrounds. 12. No exhibitor will be allowed to show with any outstanding debt to the PBRCBA. 13. PBRCBA, judges, or show personnel will not be responsible in case of accidents, losses, or damage to exhibitor or stock. Animals are entered at the sole risk of the owner. 14. PBRCBA rules will be interpreted by the show committee. 15. We reserve the right to add or change judges as deemed necessary by the show committee. NO PETS. Animals other than rabbits and cavies are not allowed in building (except service animals accompanying the individuals who require them) Have fun (required)! We have limited space—conserve space before we ask you to! Stack carriers and equipment—Maintain clear aisles for safety & comfort OFFICIAL ARBA SANCTIONED SHOW Eric Stewart, Executive Director PO Box 5667, Bloomington, IL 61702 DUES: Individual - $20.00 per year, $50.00 for 3 years Husband/Wife $30.00 or $75.00 for 3 years 92nd ARBA Convention ~ Portland, OR ~ October 31 - November 4, 2015 PBRCBA Show A: ARBA Sanction #KOA2518 Show B: ARBA Sanction #KOA2519 WFRCS Show A: ARBA Sanction #KOA2141 Show B: ARBA Sanction #KOA2142 Check out the ARBA web site: Oregon League of Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Sanctioned Show Judy Rossner, Secretary, 19530 SW Highway 18, McMinnville, OR 97128 Dues: Adult - $8, Adult Partnership - $10, Youth - $5, Youth Partnership - $7.50 Oregon League State Convention—Roseburg, OR—May 31-June 1, 2015 SANCTIONS At the time the catalog was developed, the following breeds were “sanctioned” with their national clubs enabling exhibitors to earn sweepstakes points for those individual breed contests New exhibitors -- your rabbits and cavies can earn legs of grand championship at any ARBA sanctioned show, even if your breed is not sanctioned with the national specialty club. Membership and sanction information can be found at or (click “member resources” then “affiliated clubs” then “national specialty clubs”) American Cavy Breeders Association—sponsored by PBRCBA (Sat) & Chloe & Daniel Geroux (Sun) Champagne d’Argent—sponsored by PBRCBA (Sat) Holland Lop—sponsored by PBRCBA (Sat) Mini Lop—sponsored by PBRCBA (Sat) Mini Rex—sponsored by PBRCBA (Sat) Netherland Dwarf—sponsored by PBRCBA (Sat) Polish—sponsored by PBRCBA (Sat) If you wish to sanction your breed, please contact the show secretary for instructions. Rex—sponsored by PBRCBA (Sat) Satin & Mini Satin—sponsored by PBRCBA (Sat) Lionhead—sponsored by PBRCBA (Sat) Silver—sponsored by Patty Beamer (Sat & Sun) Special Pear Blossom rate at the Riverside Inn Call for reservations and mention the show to get the $99 rate. Map to Josephine Co. Fairgrounds. Take the south Grants Pass I-5 exit, for Hwy 199. e Pear Blossom Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Association Saturday, March 28, 2015 Double Rabbit Shows Saturday—8:00 am Rabbit entries & fees: Terri Geroux, 333 Hillhouse Ave, Medford, OR 97504. 541-773-2272 Email: Double Cavy Shows (Start at 8:00 AM) Saturday Cavy entries/fees: Terri Geroux, 333 Hillhouse Ave, Medford, OR 97504. 541-773-2272 Email: Entry fees per show: $3.50 mail in/ $3.75 email Fur/Wool: $2.50 Late: $5.00 Entries Due: March 19, 2015 (postmark) or March 23, 2015 (email) Make checks out to: PBRCBA Please indicate if this entry is for Cavy Show 1 EAR # or Tag BREED VARIETY (Color) CLASS SEX JR/INT SR Buck/Doe Boar/Sow A B FUR A FUR B Total Fee 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 PLEASE COPY FORM AS NEEDED TOTAL FEE:________ EXHIBITOR NAME: _____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP: ______________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER: ___________________________ EMAIL: ____________________________ ARBA#: ____________________________________ OLRCB MEMBER?__________________ If entering the open Cavy shows, please indicate that---THANKS! I wish to include with my entry $_____________ to be donated to the Foerstler Family Memorial Youth Scholarship Fund. Please make check for this fund payable to OLRCB—not to the PBRBA! Thank you! WESTERN FRONTIER RABBIT & CAVY SHOWS Exhibitor Name: Date: Mailing Address City: State: Email: Ear # Zip: Phone: Breed Variety Class JR 6/8 SR Sex BD Show A B JR 6/8 SR BD A B JR 6/8 SR BD A B JR 6/8 SR BD A B JR 6/8 SR BD A B JR 6/8 SR BD A B JR 6/8 SR BD A B JR 6/8 SR BD A B JR 6/8 SR BD A B JR 6/8 SR BD A B JR 6/8 SR BD A B JR 6/8 SR BD A B JR 6/8 SR BD A B JR 6/8 SR BD A B JR 6/8 SR BD A B JR 6/8 SR BD A B JR 6/8 SR BD A B JR 6/8 SR BD A B Fur Entry Fee TOTAL FEES ENTRY FEE: $3.50, FUR $2.50 email $3.75 Postmark 3/19/15 Email deadline 3/23/15 LATE $5.00—accepted up to 3/25/14 midnight NO DAY OF SHOW ENTRIES OLRCB MEMBER? Yes / No Make Check payable to WFRCS All Entries to: Terri Geroux, 333 Hillhouse Ave, Medford, OR 97504
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