Document 329401

Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
ISSN 0726-0784
Forthcoming Events
Queensland Reports: Price Reductions and Online Access
Application for order under Vexatious Proceedings Act – What constitutes vexatious
proceedings?: Markan v Bar Association of Queensland (No 3) [2014] QSC 225
Recent Practice Decision – Costs – Whether commercial outcomes are relevant to
determining whether the outcome of the litigation was “no less favourable”: Vercorp Pty
Ltd v ACN 096 278 483 Pty Ltd (in liq) (No 3) [2014] QSC 235
Recent High Court Decision – Liability of builder to subsequent owner of building –
Liability to body corporate of new building: Brookfield Multiplex Ltd v Owners Corporation
Strata Plan 61288 [2014] HCA 36
Recently Passed Acts
Bills Before the House
Recent acquisitions of the Supreme Court Library
Criminal Law – When is it appropriate to stay civil proceedings pending
determination of related criminal proceedings?: Flegg v Hallett [2014] QSC 220
BCIPA – Whether applications for adjudication and abuse of process can be
pursued when contractual enforcement proceedings are on foot: Civil Mining &
Construction Pty Ltd v Isaac Regional Council [2014] QSC 231
R v Cunningham [2014] QCA 88
Notice of intention to apply for Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration
Notice of intention to apply for Admission to the Legal Profession
The Queensland Law Reporter is published by the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for the State of Queensland
ABN 74 009 656 982, Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law, 415 George Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 Australia.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
Roger Derrington QC (Editor)
Valedictory Ceremony for Her Honour Chief Judge Patricia Wolfe AO
Friday 17 October 2014
The District Court has announced that there will be a Valedictory Ceremony to honour and
farewell her Honour, Chief Judge Patricia Wolfe AO next Friday, 17 October 2014. The
ceremony will be held at 9:15am in the Banco Court, Level 3 Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law,
415 George Street, Brisbane.
Corporate Liability and Compliance Seminar
6 November 2014
Customs House, 399 Queen Street, Brisbane
8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Corporate liability and compliance is one of the new burgeoning areas of the law and it is
fortunate that this important seminar is taking place in Brisbane during November ahead of the
G20 Summit. The Seminar is being conducted jointly by the TC Beirne School of Law,
Transparency International – Australia and the Basel Institute on Governance. The seminar will
address the past, present and future of corporate liability law and will be addressed by the
internationally renowned Ms Gemma Aiolfi who will share her extensive experience in
compliance, integrity risk management and collective action. Ms Aiolfi is the head of
Compliance, Corporate Governance, and Collective Action at the Basel Institute on
Governance. Also addressing the seminar will be Ms Jane Ellis, formerly of Ashurst, who has
extensive experience in corporate governance and compliance both within Australia and
internationally. The topics for the seminar include:
A review of key common and civil law approaches to corporate accountability for
crime and the likely development of this area of regulation.
The implications for multinational companies, their board members and employees
in relation to corporate compliance from a transnational perspective.
The challenges of implementing effective systems for compliance.
More information in relation to this important seminar (which is CPD accredited) can be found
on the website of the University of Queensland and can be accessed by clicking here.
In addition to the free weekly Queensland Law Reporter, the Incorporated Council of Law
Reporting (ICLRQ) is striving to provide practitioners with convenient access to the Queensland
Reports. Annual subscription rates will be reduced by approximately 70% and printed reports
currently in stock will be heavily discounted. The 2015 annual subscription prices (including
GST and postage) will be:
$132 for two bound volumes per year (reduced from $460 in 2014);
$132 for 12 monthly loose parts (reduced from $526 in 2014); and
$264 for both bound volumes and loose parts (reduced from $726 in 2014).
Subscribers can also take advantage of acquiring a complete set of the Queensland Reports
(including its predecessor reports from 1859) for the low price of $3,300 (inclusive of GST and
delivery in Brisbane) throughout the remainder of 2014. This is effectively $25 per volume.
Subscribers seeking to complete partial sets of the Queensland Reports can obtain missing
segments or single volumes at a similar price. This is a limited opportunity – once customer
demand has been satisfied, the ICLRQ intends to discard any remaining stock and missing
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
volumes will only be available through a print-on-demand service, at an expectedly greater cost
than the prices offered currently offered.
Furthermore, the ICLRQ has been working towards enhancing online access to the Queensland
Reports. In 2014, this has culminated in a major digitisation project, which captures the entire
set of the Queensland Reports (and its predecessor reports) from 1859 in high-quality images
and data. Significantly, the ICLRQ, in conjunction with the Supreme Court of Queensland
Library, is also developing a new way of publishing and providing access to authorised reports
online. The new website will provide access to all Queensland case law – including a full set of
the Queensland Reports – to the general public free of charge for as long it is feasible to do so.
Through these projects, the ICLRQ seeks to ensure all practitioners and litigants, irrespective of
resources, have access to the necessary legal materials used in court. The ICLRQ hopes to
launch these developments in January 2015.
All enquiries about subscriptions to the Queensland Reports and the purchasing of back
volumes should be directed to Mr Jason Rogers, Secretary of the ICLRQ, at
Markan v Bar Association of Queensland (No 3) [2014] QSC 225
Wilson J
15 September 2014
In this matter the Applicant, the Bar Association of Queensland (BAQ), sought an order against
Mr Markan under the Vexatious Proceedings Act or alternatively an order striking out the claim
and statement of claim in an action brought by Mr Markan. Mr Markan cross applied for an order
that the BAQ be declared the vexatious person and that its application against Mr Markan be
struck out. He also sought a range of other orders. [3] Wilson J outlined the circumstances
which brought the matter before the Court. They do not have to be set out in this note. He did
note that Mr Markan had made complaints to the Legal Services Commission against various
counsel who had acted for him in various proceedings before the Court, however, the BAQ had
concluded that there was no misconduct on the part of the Counsel. [15]. It seems that, as a
result of these matters, Mr Markan commenced an action against, inter alia, the BAQ seeking
damages in an amount exceeding $10 million. Wilson J identified that Mr Markan’s statement of
claim in those proceedings had been struck out by Atkinson J, whose decision he appealed to
the Court of Appeal. He sought Special Leave to the High Court in respect of decisions of the
Court of Appeal but was unsuccessful. Mr Markan commenced a second action against BAQ.
The statement of claim in that action was also struck out for failing to disclose a cause of action.
[31]. An appeal against that order was not successful. A third action, being the present action,
was commenced. Wilson J identified that in this proceeding Mr Markan also asserts that the
“BAQ is a criminal organisation, and that persons associated with it should be sent to reeducation facilities and subjected to hard physical labour”. His Honour also outlined the various
actions brought by Mr Markan against the Crime and Misconduct Commission, the Qld Police
Service and the Legal Services Commission which were unsuccessful.
After setting out the above facts, Wilson J then dealt individually with each of Mr Markan’s
complaints as against the BAQ and went to great lengths to explain why he considered that
there was no legal foundation to support the grievances.
In relation to the application under the Vexatious Proceedings Act his Honour identified that the
expression “vexatious proceeding” under the Act has been “construed to mean something more
than a lack of success – rather, the proceedings must be seriously and unfairly burdensome,
prejudicial or damaging or productive of serious and unjustified trouble and harassment”. [58].
In determining whether to make the order, the Court needed to be satisfied that the plaintiff has
instituted or conducted vexatious proceedings; and, that they have been instituted or conducted
frequently. The reference to “frequently” is a relative term in the context of the litigation and can
refer to many applications made within the one proceedings. In this sense his Honour held that
Mr Markan had instituted or conducted proceedings “frequently”. He also held that the
proceedings so instituted were without legal foundation and, therefore, vexatious. [63].
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
Vercorp Pty Ltd v ACN 096 278 483 Pty Ltd (in liq) (No 3) [2014] QSC 235
P D McMurdo J
23 September 2014
This is an interesting, and somewhat unusual, decision on costs. The reasons of his Honour, P
D McMurdo J commences, “This judgment deals with the costs of the proceeding which was
tried some four years ago and decided by my judgment a month later.” Indeed, the reasons of
his Honour also deal with a question of costs which had been reserved six years previously. In
the action the applicant had sought specific performance of four parcels of land. Effectively, it
succeeded in relation to two parcels but not the remaining two. Each party appealed against
the judgment but each appeal was substantially unsuccessful. The costs of the action up to and
including trial were not sought when judgment was given and, indeed, were not sought until
2013. However, in about 2013 the respondent company was wound up and a liquidator
appointed. The applicant relied upon an offer to settle which it claimed was no less favourable
than the outcome of the litigation although that outcome included the consequences of
commercial dealings which post-dated the decision of the Court of Appeal. His Honour held
that UCPR 360 was not applicable in the circumstances because the outcome of the litigation
was less favourable than the offer which was made. His Honour considered that it was not
permissible to consider the negotiated outcomes of the parties after the handing down of
judgment to ascertain whether or not the outcome of the litigation was or was not less
favourable than the offer which was made.
Although the applicant did succeed on a majority of points raised in the proceedings and there
was some evidence of poor conduct by the respondent, it was important that the applicant had
sued upon four contracts but had only succeeded upon two. In those circumstances the
respondent could have claimed to have had as much success as had the applicant. That being
so, as each party had an equal measure of success, the starting point should be that there
should be no order for costs whereby one party is better off than the other. However, because
the conduct the respondent in the litigation had made it more expensive than it would otherwise
have been, it was appropriate for the respondent to pay one half of the applicant’s costs.
Brookfield Multiplex Ltd v Owners Corporation Strata Plan 61288 [2014] HCA 36
8 October 2014
The High Court handed down the above important decision this week concerning the liability of
builders to the body corporate of a building for latent defects.
Brookfield Multiplex Ltd (“Brookfield”) had constructed a building complex pursuant to a “design
and construct” contract with a developer Chelsea Apartments Pty Ltd (“Chelsea”), which owned
the land on which it was built. The building as built contained a number of apartments, all of
which were subject to leases given by Chelsea to Park Hotel Management Pty Ltd ("Park
Hotel"). That latter company, which was a subsidiary of the Stockland Trust Group, intended to
and did operate the apartments collectively as a serviced apartment hotel under the "Holiday
Inn" brand. The units were strata titled with the result that an owners’ corporation (the
“Corporation”) was created when the strata title plan was registered. The common property
also vested in the Corporation as manager of the strata scheme and as "agent" for the owners
of the apartments. Individuals purchased units in the complex and were, essentially, in the
position of investors in the hotel venture. After a brief period of time latent defects in the
common property became manifest and the Corporation commenced proceedings against
Brookfield to recover damages including the cost of repairing the defects. It was asserted by the
Corporation that Brookfield was liable to it for breach of a duty to take reasonable care to avoid
the economic loss to the Corporation by reason of the defective design and construction. As
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
French CJ put it, “The principal question raised on this appeal from the decision of the Court of
Appeal is whether Brookfield owed the Corporation a duty to exercise reasonable care in the
construction of the building to avoid causing the Corporation to suffer pure economic loss
resulting from latent defects in the common property?”
The High Court held that Brookfield owed no duty of care to the Corporation. Its duties were to
Chelsea as the developer of the complex and they were informed by the terms and conditions in
the “design and build” contract. It is to be noted that French CJ was apparently influenced by
the fact that the “purchasers of lots from Chelsea were effectively investors in a hotel venture
under standard form contracts which were an integral part of the overall contractual
arrangements”. In that respect it could not be said that the purchasers or the Corporation were
in the position of persons who might be said to be “vulnerable”. Similarly, Hayne and Kiefel JJ
held that the Corporation, was not in a position of vulnerability given that the developer and the
original purchasers were able to make contractual provisions to protect themselves in relation to
any defects which emerged in the building. Crennan, Bell and Keane JJ were of a similar view.
This decision effectively confines the decision in Bryan v Maloney to a narrow band of cases
and, in particular, where the building is a dwelling house.
The full text of the decision can be read on AUSTLII which can be accessed by clicking here.
The State Parliament has not been sitting in the past week with the result there have been no
new Acts passed.
Although there has been very little activity in relation to those pieces of legislation remaining
before the House the Parliament, some reports have been handed down from Committee:
Queensland Building and Construction Commission and Other Legislation Amendment
Bill 2014
(Report received from Committee 8 October 2014).
The purpose of this Bill is to further the Government’s response to the inquiry into the operation
of the Queensland Building Services Authority. Previous legislation has already implemented
some of the responses. The objectives of this proposed legislation include:
Updating and improving the licensing system.
The introduction of an improved demerit point system that includes heavier
sanctions for recalcitrant contractors.
An expansion of the Queensland Home Warranty Scheme to extend its coverage
to, inter alia, new swimming pool construction and manufactured homes.
An expansion of the Queensland Home Warranty Scheme by introducing optional
additional cover and clarifying the provisions of the scheme to reduce uncertainty
and assist with the management of claims.
The introduction of early dispute intervention process to allow the QBCC to
conciliate/mediate disputes between consumers and contractors at no cost.
Altering the minimum requirements to be included in the domestic building
contracts and the introduction of level 1 and level 2 contracts.
Increasing the power of the QBCC to make an application to the Supreme Court in
relation to stop work orders.
The Explanatory Note to the Bill which was considered by Committee can be read in full on the
Queensland Parliament website which can be accessed by clicking here.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
(Contributed by Dr Richard Schulte of Counsel)
The following books were added to the collection of the Supreme Court Library during the week:
Marcus Jacobs, Security of Payment in the Australian Building and Construction
Industry (5 edition) 2014 (Thomson Reuters)
Marcus Jacobs QC has again produced a comprehensive exposition of the law relating to
security of payments in the 5 edition of this work. The work comprises two broad
sections: commentary and legislation. By reference to the New South Wales Building
and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999, the commentary explains the
judicial treatment of the various sections in the Act. There is also commentary for similar
provisions found in the other security of payments legislation in Australia. The 5 edition
contains a useful comparative table of sections across all jurisdictions. The legislation
part of the text is a convenient collection of the explanatory note, the second reading
speech, and the statute and its regulations for each Australian jurisdiction. The text was
published on the cusp of the enactment of the Building and Construction Industry
Payments Amendment Act 2014 and, as such, includes a copy of the Bill, but not the Act.
Otherwise, the text is a convenient and up to date resource.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
The following case has been selected for reporting in the Queensland Reports this week:
Flegg v Hallett [2014] QSC 220
Flanagan J
12 September 2014
In this recent application for a stay of proceedings Flanagan J was required to consider the
circumstances in which a stay of a civil proceeding may be granted, pending the outcome of an
allegedly “related” criminal proceeding. This present application arose out of a civil defamation
claim brought by Dr Bruce Flegg MP (the “plaintiff”) against his former senior media advisor,
Greg Hallett, (the “defendant”). The facts giving rise to the plaintiff’s defamation action, and
thus the defendant’s present application, are relatively well-known, and for present purposes
only those critical to the Court’s decision will be parsed. Following his dismissal from the
plaintiff’s staff, the defendant is alleged to have threatened Anderson, the Director of the
Government Media Unit, that he would divulge information about the plaintiff unless he was
provided with another job – it is this conversation which is the subject of the criminal charge
against the defendant, [4] – the defendant is charged with threatening an agency of government
pursuant to s 54A of the Criminal Code. Subsequently, the defendant conducted a number of
interviews in which he allegedly defamed the plaintiff, see [5]–[8], “carrying out” his threat. The
plaintiff then commenced these proceedings against the defendant, and in response, the
defendant pleaded a defence of privilege at common law and a defence of qualified privilege
pursuant to s 30 of the Defamation Act 2005. [13]–[14]. Pleadings closed, and the defendant
subsequently brought the present application for a stay of the defamation proceeding pending
the outcome of the criminal proceeding.
As a matter of general principle, an individual the subject of both criminal and civil proceedings,
does not have an automatic right to the stay of the civil proceeding simply because its
continuation may have the practical effect of forcing them in the civil proceedings to act in a
manner which would waive their right of silence and thus disadvantage them in the criminal
proceeding. [32], See generally [28]–[33]. In considering whether to grant a stay, the court
must weigh a number of factors including: the effect of publicity upon the subsequent criminal
proceeding; the possibility of a miscarriage of justice; the potential impact on the defendant’s
right to silence and the burden on the defendant of preparing for the proceedings concurrently
and determine whether the circumstances are such that it is just to interfere with a plaintiff’s
ordinary rights. See the discussion at [28]–[40]. Upon considering the arguments presented by
the defendant, his Honour concluded that Hallett had failed to demonstrate how, “in defending
the defamation proceedings at trial, his criminal proceedings [would] be prejudiced, or his right
to silence affected”. [47]. Central to this conclusion was that the defendant’s conversation with
Anderson, was not “the subject of any pleaded publication of defamatory matter,” [48], and nor
were any material facts related to this conversation pleaded in the current pleadings. [49] Given
that no imputations were pleaded with respect to the defendant’s conversation with Anderson,
Flanagan J concluded that it would be unnecessary for the defendant to reveal aspects of his
defence to the criminal charge in the process of arguing his pleaded defences, that in
presenting his defence he may wish the Court have regard to the surrounding circumstances
was not “central to the defences raised” [53]. See [52]–[55]. Further, all that is required for a
conviction pursuant to s 54A is evidence of a threat of detriment – that this threat was actually
carried out is not required to be proven and thus the “publications” subject of the civil
proceeding were not an essential element of the criminal proceeding. [51]. Finally the Court did
not consider that the likely publicity surrounding this proceeding would prejudice the criminal
proceeding, particularly given the considerable intervening period, [58] and it was also
concerned with the negative impact that delay would have on the plaintiff, and his prospects of
obtaining any real relief should the claim be made out, [59] see [46]. It is for these reasons that
the Court considered there was no “real danger of injustice” in the criminal proceeding if the
defamation proceeding was not stayed, and thus the defendant’s application was denied.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
Civil Mining & Construction Pty Ltd v Isaac Regional Council [2014] QSC 231
McMurdo J
17 September 2014.
This recent decision of the Supreme Court considers the interaction between contractual and
statutory dispute resolution mechanisms. The parties had entered a contract whereby the
applicant, CMC, agreed to undertake road works for the respondent, the Issac Regional Council
(the “Council”) – a contract in part governed by the provisions of the Building and Construction
Industry Payments Act 2004 (“BCIPA”). Following disputes regarding payment for work
completed, CMC initiated a number of claims under the BCIPA to recover amounts it alleged
were owed to it by the Council. The first two of these claims were the subject of adjudications
favourable to CMC, which were challenged by the Council and later declared void by the Court.
Subsequently CMC initiated proceedings under the dispute resolution provisions of its contract
with the Council, and also made and then referred a new claim for adjudication. See [4]–[11].
The Council challenged this claim alleging that, in the circumstances, it was an abuse of the
statutory scheme as: (1) the present claim is almost entirely incorporated in previous claims
which have been adjudicated, and these decisions have subsequently been set aside; (2) that
the claim is substantially disputed by the Council and CMC is aware of this; and (3) that CMC
has already invoked the dispute resolution provisions of the parties’ contract with regards to this
same issue. [3]. CMC then applied to this Court for a declaration that its conduct – in referring
an additional claim for adjudication despite being engaged in concurrent contractual
enforcement proceedings – was not an abuse of process. [1]
In addressing the Council’s contentions, the Court firstly considered the significance of the
previously voided adjudications. Central to its reasoning was the fact that though previously set
aside by this Court, this action was a consequence of procedural, rather than substantive
defects in the previous adjudications and, thus the decision to set aside the adjudications simply
put the parties in the same position as if there had been no adjudication. [13]. Given this, and
the fact that s 17(6) of the BCIPA permits subsequent claims which include amounts the subject
of a previous claim, it was held that the previous adjudications did not make the claim-in-issue
an abuse of process. Id. Briefly turning to the question of the effect of CMC’s knowledge that
the Council “substantially disputed” the claim, the Court considered that this “could never be a
bar to the pursuit of a claim under the [BCIPA], which provides claimants with the remedy of an
adjudication in the very circumstance where their claims are disputed.” [14]. Finally, the Court
considered whether CMC’s conduct in commencing and continuing effectively parallel
proceedings under the parties’ contract, meant that its statutory claim was an abuse of process.
In addressing this question, the Court initially looked to the decision of the NSW Court of Appeal
in Falgat Constructions v Equity Australia Corporation Pty Ltd, where Handley JA held, in similar
circumstances, that there was no impediment to the concurrent pursuit of statutory and
contractual proceedings so long as this “did not interfere with the fair trial of the court
proceedings.” [15]-[16]. In light of this decision, and the absence of conduct by CMC, such as a
breach of an undertaking to a court, see J Hutchinson Pty Ltd v Galform Pty Ltd; see also [18][21], which would operate to negate the well-established principle that the pursuit of concurrent
remedies is not an abuse of process, [22], the Court denied the Council’s application.
R M Derrington QC
Editor: Queensland Reports
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
R v Cunningham [2014] QCA 88
The applicant was nearly sixteen and a half years old when he committed several offences (two
counts of stealing, two counts of attempted armed robbery, one count of receiving tainted
property, one count of burglary and stealing and one count of unlawfully using a motor vehicle)
to which he pleaded guilty in the Children’s Court and was sentenced to various periods of
detention on each count to be served concurrently (two years to serve 70 per cent on the armed
robbery counts and three months on the others). He also pleaded guilty and was dealt with for
summary offences of assault police and obstruct police for which he was convicted but not
further punished and a breach of probation where the breach was proved but no further action
taken. The applicant had an extensive juvenile criminal history (as set out at [34] – [38]) (which
included various stealing offences) and had had one stealing conviction recorded on 11
November 2011. He committed the offences the subject of counts two to five while subject to a
notice to appear and only eight days after having been granted bail in respect of other stealing
Less than two months after being released from custody, and while on bail for the stealing
offences committed in January 2013, the applicant committed the attempted armed robbery
offences in counts six and seven. While in custody on 10 April 2013, following arrest for the
attempted armed robbery offences, the applicant committed the summary offences of assaulting
and obstruct police when he became violent and resisted police efforts to move him to a “violent
detention cell” for his own safety.
The author of a pre-sentence report expressed the view, inter alia, that the combination of
exiting school, alienation from his biological family and substance abuse had contributed to the
applicant’s developing a fatalistic attitude towards his life and that the development of an
addition to illicit substances was fundamental to the applicant’s offending. The applicant had
been 244 days in custody on remand and while in detention had achieved his grade 10 in
Mathematics and English and had indicated an intention to access part-time work following his
release from detention but wanted to arrange his own accommodation on release. The report
contained little information to enable an assessment of the applicant’s realistic prospects of
Convictions were recorded for each of the offences. No submissions were made below about
this, and the sentencing judge gave no reasons for doing so. The applicant sought leave to
appeal against sentence contending the recording of convictions rendered the sentence
manifestly excessive as this would have an adverse impact on the applicant’s chances of
rehabilitation or of finding or retaining employment.
Section 183 and 184 of the Youth Justice Act 1992 [set out at [9]) deal with when a conviction
may be recorded against a child.
The applicant also sought a non-publication order under s 299A (set out at [66]).
Held, per Daubney J (Holmes JA and Gotterson JA agreeing), granting leave to appeal and
dismissing the appeal:
That the prima facie position under ss 183 and 184 of the Youth Justice Act 1992 is that a
conviction is not to be recorded against a child. The power to record convictions against
children is conferred by s 183. Section 184 governs the exercise of that discretion. [11],
R v WAJ [2010] QCA 87 applied.
That on appeal, in the absence of any sentencing remarks expressly directed to the
discretion, or to the relevant provisions governing the recording of convictions, it was
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
appropriate to proceed on the footing that the discretion miscarried and must be
exercised afresh. [11] – [13].
R v WAJ [2010] QCA 87 applied.
That, having regard to the matters in s 184 of the Youth Justice Act 1992, convictions
ought be recorded. The offences demonstrated not only a preparedness on the part of
the applicant to continue to engage in criminal activity, but the attempted armed robbery
offences involved an escalation in criminality by reason of the use of a knife. The
applicant’s ongoing criminal conduct demonstrated complete disregard for the ongoing
court orders and sanctions to which he was subject. The applicant had a significant
recent criminal history which included a conviction having been recorded. His prospects
of rehabilitation were in doubt as he wished to arrange his own accommodation on
release which might return him to a deleterious environment. Whilst the recording of
convictions might have some impact on his chances of employment, his vocational
prospects may have been limited in any event and there might not in truth be any
significant further impact. The public interest was also relevant. The applicant’s ongoing
and increasing course of criminality, including the previous recorded conviction for
stealing, would be a matter in which any prospective employer could be legitimately
expected to have an interest. [64] – [65].
R v Briese (1997) A Crim R 75; R v L [2000] QCA 448; R v WAJ [2010] QCA 87; R v BCN
[2013] QCA 226 considered.
That s 299A(4) of the Youth Justice Act 1992 makes it clear that, whilst there is an
enumerated list of matters to which the court must have regard in exercising the
discretion to make, or not to make, a publication prohibition order, the relative weight to
be ascribed to each of the enumerated factors will depend on the circumstances of each
case. [72].
That having regard to those factors, it was not in the interests of justice to make a
prohibition publication order under s 299A(2) in the circumstances of this case. [73] –
That it would not be just for the Court of Appeal to re-sentence the applicant to the
sentences imposed below because this would mean the “rehabilitation period” under the
Criminal Law (Rehabilitation of Offenders) Act 1986 for the purposes of disclosing the
convictions recorded would run from the date of the Court of Appeal’s judgment, rather
than the date of the sentences below. Accordingly, leave to appeal ought be allowed but
the appeal dismissed. [76] – [77].
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
Notice of intention to apply for Grant
of Probate or Letters of Administration
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration on intestacy of
GEOFFRY DAVID ARKINS, late of Bayhaven Nursing Home, 141 Long Street, Point Vernon,
Qld 4655, deceased, will be made by TIANA LEE ARKINS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by: SOMERVILLE LAUNDRY LOMAX, Suite 7, 26-54 River Street, Ballina NSW 2478.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 24 June 2014 of
RAYMOND DAVID ASH, late of 94 Outlook Drive, Glass House Mountains in the State of
Queensland, deceased, will be made by PEGGY ELLEN KINGSLAND to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her.
Lodged by: KING TOBIN LAWYERS Turner Park Shopping Village Unit 15, 21 Peachester
Road, Beerwah Qld 4519.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 10th December
2013 of SANDOR BALOGH late of 14 Davis Drive Kawungan Qld 4655 will be made by
ELIZABETH BALOGH to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by ELIZABETH BALOGH 14 Poa Way Baldivis WA 6171.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Letters of administration with the will dated
5 September 1994 of DOROTHY LORNA JOYCE BARKER late of Clifford House, 44 Jimbour
Street, Wooloowin in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by PERRY CLYDE
BARKER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's
Solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by V PENNISI & ASSOCIATES, Solicitors, 1st Floor, 818 Gympie Road, Chermside Qld
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 6 August 2014 of
MARGARET ANN BARNETT late of 5 Rougham Street, Windsor, Queensland, deceased, will
be made by JOHN NEILSON BARNETT to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him.
Lodged by: HARRISONSLAW Solicitors 243 Oxley Avenue, Margate Qld 4019.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 15 November
2013 of SALLY ANNE BAXTER (nee WILSON) deceased late of 36 Grovely Terrace, Mitchelton
in the State of Queensland, will be made by RUSSELL ANDREW BAXTER to the Supreme
Court of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Creditors: All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their
claim to the applicants' solicitors within six weeks from the date of publication of this Notice at
the expiration of which time the applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the applicants
shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: BROADLEY REES HOGAN Lawyers Level 8, 179 Turbot Street Brisbane Qld 4000.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 30th September
1981 of DOROTHY MARGARET BEALE late of Roslyn Lodge Aged Care, Mt Tamborine will be
made by BRONWYN DIANE HALDANE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her.
Lodged by: MacALLAN LAWYERS 40 Southport Ave, Eagle Heights Qld 4271.
After 14 days from today, an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 10 September
2010 of MELVA AILEEN BEATTIE late of Baycrest Retirement Community, 206/99 Doolong
Road, Pialba deceased will be made by APRIL ELIZABETH BUTTERFIELD to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim in the estate is required to send in particulars of
their claim to the Applicants' solicitors within six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this
Lodged by CSG LAW, Wills & Estates Lawyers, 5 Torquay Road, Pialba, 4655 and 211 Bazaar
Street, Maryborough, 4650.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 11th March 1982
of JOY BELL late of Regis Parkland Manor 39 Lanita Road Ferny Hills 4055 and formerly of 8
Durham Crescent Buderim 4556 will be made by MAUREEN EDWARDS to the Supreme Court
of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by PAN & PARTNERS LAWYERS 126 Mains Rd Sunnybank Qld 4109.
BIRZENIEKS, MAIJA (also known as MAYA)
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 7 June 2013 of
MAIJA (also known as MAYA) BIRZENIEKS of Villa 102 Laguna Retirement Estate, 21 Lake
Weyba Drive, Noosaville in the State of Queensland will be made by INESE AISMA ROBINSON
and PAUL VICTOR BUSMANIS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors, beneficiaries or others having a claim against the estate are required to send
particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors prior to that date which is 6 weeks after the
date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by: SYKES PEARSON MILLER 92 Noosa Parade Noosa Heads Q 4567.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate will be made to the Supreme
Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows:
Last Address: Unit 411/35 Sussex Street, West End, Brisbane in the State of Queensland.
Address in Will: Unit 411/35 Sussex Street, West End, Brisbane in the State of Queensland.
Applicant: TERENCE JAMES FINN of Suite 33, 2 Benson Street Toowong Q 4066.
Grant: Probate of the Will dated 5th June 2014.
Caveat: If you wish to object to or be heard upon the application, you may file a caveat in the
Supreme Court registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made.
Notice to Creditors: Any creditor or other persons who has a claim against the estate of the
deceased is required to send particulars of such claim to the applicant's solicitors named below
within six(6) weeks from the date of this notice. At the expiration of this time (pursuant to S67 of
the Trusts Act 1973) the applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among
the persons entitled having regard only to the claims of which the applicant shall then have had
Date of Death: 11th July 2014.
Applicant's Solicitors: COSGROVES LAWYERS, Suite 33, 2 Benson St Toowong Q 4066.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 2nd March, 2006
of BEVERLEY CONSTANCE BREEN late Arcare, 33 Ridgeview Drive, Peregian Springs,
Queensland, will be made by LYNETTE ROBYN WORTHEY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claims to the applicant's
solicitor no later than six weeks of the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by RAY BARBER, Solicitor, 20 Heathfield Road, Coolum Beach, Q 4573.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 28 July 2005 of
KATHLEEN JOYCE BRITTAIN late of 730 Moggill Road, Chapel Hill, Queensland deceased will
be made by DARCY RALPH BRITTAIN and COLLEEN GAY RASELL to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Creditors: Any creditor and all other persons having a claim against the estate are required to
send particulars of their claim to the Applicants' solicitors on or before 24 November 2014.
Lodged by MCKELVEY & HU LAWYERS, Level 3, 9 Sherwood Road, Toowong Qld 4066.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 18 November
1993 of GLENYS BROMMEYER late of Noosa Nursing Centre, 119 Moorindil Street, Tewantin
in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by IAN PHILIP BROMMEYER and MARK
STEPHEN BROMMEYER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which
proceed to distribute the estate of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which the Applicants shall then have had notice.
Lodged by BENNETT & PHILP LAWYERS, Level 13, 15 Adelaide Street, Brisbane Qld 4000.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 6 June 1990 of
KEITH RODOLPH BROWN also known as KEITH RUDOLPH BROWN, late of 93 Galsworthy
Street, Holland Park, in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by NORMA AGNES
BROWN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry.
Date of Death: 13 August 2014.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which
time the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testator among the persons
entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said Executor shall then have had
Lodged by: MACFIE CURLEWIS SPIRO LAWYERS, 72 Old Cleveland Road, Capalaba, Qld,
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Representation will be made to the
Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows:
Last Address: 14 Finfoot Street, Rochedale, Queensland.
Address in Will: 14 Finfoot Street, Rochedale, Queensland.
Applicants: ERNEST JAMES BROWNLEE of Unit 72 Palm Lake Resort, 1 Webster Road,
Deception Bay, Queensland.
Grant: Probate of the Will dated 6 September 2007.
Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the Application, you may file a caveat in the
Supreme Court Registry mentioned above at any time before the Grant is made.
Creditors: All creditors of the estate are hereby required to send particulars of their claim to the
applicant's solicitors within six (6) weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time
the said Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the Deceased among the persons
entitled thereto having regard only to the claims which the said Applicant shall then have notice.
Date of Death: 13 September 2014.
Applicant's Solicitors: BARTELS LAWYERS Suite 9/2960 Logan Road Underwood Qld 4119.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of representation will be made to the
Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows:
Last Address: 5 Arthur Street, Caboolture in the State of Queensland.
Address in Will: 5 Arthur Street, Caboolture in the State of Queensland.
Applicants: CAROL MARY SLACK of 26 Unmack Street, Chermside in the State of
Grant: Probate of the Will dated 19th March, 2014.
Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the application, you may file a caveat in the
Supreme Court Registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made.
Creditors: All Creditors in the estate are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to
the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the
said Applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled
thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicants shall then have had notice.
Applicants' Solicitor: PROCTOR GRAHAM, Lawyers, Shop 7, 75 King Street, Caboolture Qld
After 14 days from today, an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 4 December
2013 of RAYMOND BUDD late of 2/27 Mountain Ash Circuit Robina, deceased, will be made by
BEVERLEY JOAN BROWN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any person having a claim against the estate, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, is
required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant no later than six weeks from the date
of publication of this notice.
Lodged by HEFFERAN & CO. SOLICITORS, PO Box 116, Browns PI sins 4118.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 27 July 2007 of
HENRY JAMES BURKE late of 14/42 Dunmore Terrace Auchenflower Queensland 4066
deceased will be made by JOHN DALLY BURKE and SUSAN MAREE GALLAGHER to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane in the State of Queensland.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any person having any claim whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise must send
particulars of the person's claim to the applicants (identified below) within 6 weeks of the date of
publication of this notice, after which the applicants will distribute the estate of the deceased
under section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 having regard only to claims notified to them.
Lodged by JOHN DALLY BURKE of 93 Newman Avenue Camp Hill Queensland 4152 and
SUSAN MAREE GALLAGHER of 85 Windermere Road Hamilton Queensland 4007.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 12 December
1980 of ENID GRACE BURTON late of Bethany Nursing Home, 75 Ward Street, Rockhampton
in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by ROBERT JAMES BURTON, PETER
RICHARDSON BURTON and ROBERT JAMES SHERA to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks of the date hereof, at the expiration of which time
the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testatrix among the persons entitled
thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicants shall then have had notice.
Lodged by ROBERT BAX & ASSOCIATES Solicitors Level 1, 751-753 Sandgate Road Clayfield
Qld 4011.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 23 July, 1997 of
ISABEL FRANCES BUSCH late of Milford Grange Retirement Community, 32 Grange Road,
Eastern Heights, Queensland (formerly of 5 Eileen Street, Booval, Queensland), deceased, will
be made by CAROLYN IRENE PRICE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicants' solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: WALKER PENDER GROUP Lawyers Level 1, 28 Ipswich City Mall Ipswich Q 4305.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration with the will dated
24 March 2009 of ANGELINA BUTTA late of Cabanda Aged Care, 59 John Street, Rosewood,
formerly of 26 Crotona Road, Capalaba, Qld, deceased, will be made by MICHAEL GRAHAM
BUTTA to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him.
Lodged by: MCMILLAN KELLY THOMAS LAWYERS Lawyers 176 Brisbane Street, Ipswich Qld
After fourteen (14) days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 19
March 1984 of MARY ELIZABETH CALLAGHAN, late of Emmaus, Queens Road Nudgee in the
State of Queensland. Address in Will: 543 Oxley Road, Sherwood in the State of Queensland,
deceased who died at Emmaus, Queens Road, Nudgee will be made by ELIZABETH MARY
BALKIN and BRENDAN KEVIN CALLAGHAN to the Supreme Court of Queensland at
You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that registry.
All persons having a claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise against the estate of
the deceased are required to send the particulars in writing of their claim to the applicant at the
address stated below within six (6) weeks after the date hereof, at the expiration of which time
the applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled
thereto having regard only to the claims of which the applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by ANDERSON BRADY SOLICITORS GPO Box 2473 Brisbane Qld 4001.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 14 April 2005 of
RAFFAELE CARAVELLA late of 15 Cairns Street, Cairns, deceased will be made by JULIE
ANNE CARAVELLA to the Supreme Court at Cairns.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having any claim or claims against the estate of the
abovenamed Deceased are required to send particulars of any such claim or claims to the
Applicant's Solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this Notice, at the
expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will
proceed to distribute the assets of the abovenamed Deceased among the persons entitled
thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: BRIEN LEIBINGER LAWYERS 2/23 Scott Street Cairns Qld 4870.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 31st August 1998
of FRANCES LAURA CASTLE late of Room 38, McGowan Lodge, Sundale Retirement Village,
35 Doolan Street, Nambour, Queensland, deceased, will be made by KIM LOUISE SAYERS the
substituted executor named in the Will, the instituted executor GEORGE ERNEST CASTLE
died on the 1st April 2000, to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Notice pursuant to Section 67 of Trust Act 1973: Any person having any claim, whether as
creditor, beneficiary or otherwise, must send particulars of the person's claim within 6 weeks
from the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by: BESTON & COMPANY SOLICITORS 3 Violet Street (PO Box 26) Redcliffe Qld
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the Will dated 6 January 2000
of DOROTHY ISABEL CHANDLER late of "Iona", 149 Brookfield Road, Kenmore Hills,
Queensland, but formerly of "Lloydsville" Inglewood, Queensland, deceased, will be made by
DAVID ROBERT CHANDLER and ASHLEY JOHN RUHLE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by: LILLEY SPANNER & STACEY, Solicitors, Webb House, 75 Percy Street, Warwick
Qld 4370.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 28 July 2004 of
CLAUDE ROBERT CHAPPLE late of PresCare Roslyn Lodge, 24 Main Western Road, North
Tamborine in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by GLENDA ETHEL
FITZSIMMONS and GRAHAM CLAUDE CHAPPLE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having any claim or claims in respect of the estate of
the deceased is required to send particulars of any such claim or claims to the applicants'
solicitors within six weeks from the date of publication of this notice, at the expiration of which
time, pursuant to section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 the applicants will proceed to distribute the
estate of the deceased having regard only to the claims of which the applicants shall then have
had notice.
Lodged by the applicants' solicitors, WILSON LAWYERS, Ground Floor, 32 Logan Road,
Woolloongabba Qld 4102.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 28 January 2014
of TREVOR JOHN CLUNE late of Woombye Care, Redmonds Road, Woombye in the State of
Queensland deceased will be made by PHILIP JAMES CLUNE to the Supreme Court of
Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All persons having any claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, against the estate
of the deceased are required to send particulars in writing of their claims to the applicants at the
address stated below within 6 weeks after the date hereof, at the expiration of which time the
applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled
thereto having regard only to the claims of which the applicants shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: BUTLER McDERMOTT LAWYERS 6-8 William Street Nambour Qld 4560.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 1 August 2013 of
ANTHONY WARREN COLE late of Unit 206A/1 Paradise Island, Surfers Paradise,
Queensland, deceased, will be made by GRAHAM ALYN ROBERTS to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him.
Lodged by: BUCHANAN LEGAL Suite 1, 65 Thomas Drive, Chevron Island Qld 4217.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 24 November
2008 of ANDREW HAMILTON CORVAN late of 93-95 Campbell Road, Sheldon, Queensland,
PENELOPE DOROTHY ALLEN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: SPRINGWOOD LAWYERS 25 Vanessa Boulevard, Springwood Qld 4127.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 24 November
2008 of GLORIA DOROTHY CORVAN late of Wellington Park Private Care, 16 Balmoral Street,
Wellington Point, Queensland, deceased, will be made by ANDREW GEORGE CORVAN,
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: SPRINGWOOD LAWYERS 25 Vanessa Boulevard, Springwood Qld 4127.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 4 April 2002 of
FLORENCE COTTAM late of Laguna Retirement Estate, Lake Weyba Drive, Noosaville,
Queensland, deceased, will be made by PAUL COTTAM and GARTH COTTAM to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by LYNCH & ASSOCIATES LAWYERS Park View Suite 3, 66 Poinciana Ave, Tewantin
Qld 4565.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 9 January 2013
of CHARLES KENNETH DAVIS late of Unit 281, Carlyle Village, 206 Phillip Street, Mt Pleasant,
Mackay, Queensland, deceased will be made by JOHN KENNETH DAVIS and PETER IAN
DAVIS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor and all other persons having any claim against the estate of the deceased are
required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors below within six (6) weeks
from the date of publication of this notice at the expiration of which time, pursuant to section 67
of the Trusts Act 1973, the administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the administrator
shall then have had notice.
Lodged by DILLON LEGAL, Suite 35, 137 Scottsdale Drive, Robina Qld 4226.
After 14 days from today an application for grant of Probate of the Will dated 21 October, 1998
of ETHEL DEAN late of Bethesda Nursing Home, 29 Grace Street, Corinda in the State of
Queensland deceased will be made by THE TRUST COMPANY LIMITED A.C.N. 004 027 749
to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claims to the applicant's solicitor within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of
which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the executor will proceed to distribute
the assets of the testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of
which the executor shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: PERPETUAL LEGAL SERVICES PTY LTD, Level 15, 345 Queen Street, Brisbane,
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 12th January,
2012 of JOAN SMEDLEY DEGAN late of Sandbrook Assisted Aged Care, 10 Executive Drive,
Burleigh Waters in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by CORALIE JOAN FOX to
the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's
Solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by SHORT PUNCH & GREATORIX Applicant's Solicitors 120 Bundall Road Bundall Qld
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 19 July 2005 of
ANNETTE SWALLOW DEVLIN formerly of Unit 7024, 101 Lindfield Road, Helensvale,
Queensland but late of Zion Nursing Home, 24 Union Street, Nundah, Queensland deceased,
will be made by SEAN DEVLIN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry.
Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having a claim against the estate is required to send
particulars of their claim to the Applicants Solicitors within 6 weeks of the date of publication of
this Notice.
Date of death: 16 July 2014.
Lodged by: REABURN SOLICITORS 39 Tallebudgera Creek Road West Burleigh Qld 4219.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 20 August 2001
of GILLIAN DICKINSON, formerly of 229 Connection Road, Tallebudgera in the State of
Queensland, but late of 18 Sundowner Court, Mermaid Waters in the State of Queensland,
deceased, will be made by SARAH LOUISE BEDFORD (in the Will called SARAH LOUISE
DICKINSON) and MICHAEL OWEN SMALL to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send particulars of their claims to the
undersigned lawyers within six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice at the
expiration of which time, pursuant to s 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 (Qld), the applicant will
proceed to distribute the estate of the deceased among the persons entitled to it having regard
only to the claims of which the applicant has notice.
Lodged by SMALL MYERS HUGHES LAWYERS, Level 2, 17 Welch Street, Southport,
Queensland, 4215 (PO Box 1876, Southport, Queensland, 4215).
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 21st February,
2007 of HEATHER MARY DINNES late of Crows Nest Care Services, Crows Nest,
Queensland, deceased, will be made by ROSEMARY JANE GLANVILLE, CAMERON
GORDON DINNES and LEANNE MARGARET ASH to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that Registry.
All creditors or others having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their
claims to the applicant's solicitors within six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice.
By virtue of section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 a personal representative or trustee may, after six
(6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice, distribute the estate of the deceased having
regard only to those claims of which the trustee then has notice.
Lodged by Applicant's Solicitors BERNAYS LAWYERS Level 2, 516 Ruthven Street
Toowoomba Q 4350.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 9 February 2009
of MALCOLM JAMES DODDS late of Regis Grange Nursing Home, 25 MacGregor Drive,
Birkdale in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by JOAN HELEN DODDS to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that registry.
Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having any claim or claims in respect of the estate of
the deceased who died on 5 September 2014 is hereby required to send in particulars of any
claim or claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks of the date hereof at the expiration of
which time the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testator amongst the
persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said Executor shall then
have had notice.
Applicant Solicitors: RIVERLEGAL Level 7 131 Leichhardt Street Spring Hill Qld 4000.
Note: By virtue of Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 a personal representative or trustee may,
after the date referred to in this notice, distribute the estate of the deceased having regard only
to those claims of which he then has notice.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 9 September
1997 of JAMES NORMAN DOEG late of 8 Meredith Drive, Broadbeach in the State of
Queensland, deceased, will be made by ARIANA ADRIANA NEKRASON to the Supreme Court
at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her.
Lodged by: RAMSDEN LAWYERS Oracle East Suite E311, Level 3, 6 Charles Avenue,
Broadbeach Qld 4218.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 12th January
2012 of BARBARA SHERIDAN DONNAY late of Gold Coast Homestead Nursing Centre, 142
Reserve Road, Upper Coomera in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by
BARBARA BETTY LOWE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required
to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at
the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will
proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by CRANSTON MCEACHERN Level 8, 388 Queen Street Brisbane Qld 4000.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After fourteen (14) days from today an application for a grant of Letters of Administration on
intestacy of BETTY DUX late of 18 Williams Avenue, Hendra, Queensland, deceased will be
made by LEAR TAMZEN DUX of 18 Williams Avenue, Hendra, Queensland and GAYLEA
GAYLE DUX of 18 Williams Avenue, Hendra, Queensland to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by KELLY LAWYERS, 138 Racecourse Road, Ascot, Qld 4007.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 1 February 2008
Darshana Mawatha, First Lane, Balagolla, Kengalla in Udagampaha of Patha Dumbara in the
District of Kandy Central Province of the Republic of Sri Lanka deceased will be made by
at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required
to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at
the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will
proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: MITCHELLS SOLICITORS Level 1, 147 Beaudesert Road Moorooka Qld 4105.
After 14 days from today an application for Grant of Probate of the Will dated 15 February 1983
of ENID MARION EDMUNDS late of North Mackay will be made by MARGARET CYNTHIA
HILL and JANET EVELYN SHERWIN to the Supreme Court at Townsville.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claim to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time
the Applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testatrix amongst the persons entitled
thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicants shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: SB WRIGHT & WRIGHT AND CONDIE SOLICITORS, 5 Sydney Street Mackay Qld
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated the Twenty-first
day of May 2012 of MARGARET ANN FRYER late of 635 Stonehedge Road Leyburn
Queensland Deceased will be made by LYNNSAY MARTIN FRYER to the Supreme Court of
Queensland at Brisbane
You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry.
Creditors: All creditors in the estate of the Deceased are hereby requested to send in particulars
of their claim to the Applicant's Solicitors WONDERLEY & HALL within six weeks of the date of
publication of this notice at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act
1973, the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the Deceased among the persons
entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant shall then have had
Lodged by: WONDERLEY & HALL Solicitors 33 Neil Street Toowoomba 4350.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 27 July 1973 of
BEVAN CHARLES GERCHOW late of Fassifern Retirement Village, Boonah, Queensland,
deceased, will be made by ANDREW GERCHOW and MICHAEL CHARLES GERCHOW to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him.
Lodged by: M.A. KENT & ASSOCIATES SOLICITORS 47 Ellenborough Street, Ipswich Qld
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of a copy of an informal will dated
15 April 2014, or alternatively a grant of probate of a will dated 28 September 2007, of JOHN
WAYNE GESCH late of 17 Kuhls Road, Highfields in the State of Queensland, deceased, will
be made by JANET MARY VEACOCK to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All persons having any claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, against the estate
of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars in writing of such claims to the
applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks from the date of publication of this notice, at
the expiration of which time the applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the applicant shall
then have had notice.
Lodged by KENNEDY SPANNER LAWYERS, 156 Hume Street, Toowoomba, Qld 4350.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 24/01/2005 of
ROLAND ANDREW GILLAM late of 6 Symes Street, Grandchester, Queensland, deceased, will
be made by JEFFREY FREDERICK GILLAM and OLIVE GRACE SMITH to the Supreme Court
at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: MATTHEW LOVE SOLICITORS PTY LTD Unit 8, 9 Pittwin Road North, Capalaba
Qld 4157.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 22 September
1993 of NOREEN GODDARD late of 5 Grattan Terrace, Wynnum in the State of Queensland,
deceased will be made by JOHN CHARLES DUFTY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him.
Lodged by: INHERITANCE SOLUTIONS, Solicitors, 155 Varsity Parade (PO Box 514), Varsity
Lakes Qld 4227.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 2 August 2007 of
EDWARD MICHAEL GORMAN, Address in Will: 14 Midden Court, Bli Bli, Qld, late of Sunny
Cove Retirement Village 26 Yinni Street Maroochydore, QId. Deceased, will be made by NELL
THERESE FILCE and VALENTINE CECIL HUGH FILCE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: MUMFORDS LAWYERS 1, 173 Brisbane Road, Mooloolaba Qld 4557.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 11 October 2008
of LEON HENRY GREEN late of Lot 9 Blanch's Road, Mount Walker Qld 4340 deceased will be
made by EDNA-MAE GRIMMETT-GREEN (described in the Will as EDNA MAY GREEN) and
WARREN VICTOR THIBAULT to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period and pursuant to s67 of the Trusts Act 1973 (Qld) the
applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which the applicant has notice.
Lodged by WARREN V THIBAULT SOLICITOR, 1A Murray Street, Tamworth NSW 2340.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 27 October 2011
of EVA MARGARET GREENWOOD late of 132/2 Peregrine Drive, Wurtulla in the State of
Queensland, deceased will be made by DESRAE JANET GREENWOOD-RHODES to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send particulars of their claim
to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the said
executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator among the persons entitled thereto
having regard only to the claims of which the said executor shall then have had notice.
Lodged by FERGUSON CANNON PTY LTD, Level 3, 360 Queen Street, Brisbane Qld 4000.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 10 October 2003
of MINNIE ROSALIE GREVELL (also known as ROSALIE GREVELL), late of 4 Watt Street,
Gympie in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by PAUL RAYMOND GREVELL to
the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate of the deceased are required to send particulars of their claim to
TERRA FIRMA LAW Solicitors, 228 Mary Street, Gympie, Qld 4570 within six (6) weeks of the
date of publication of this notice at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the
Trusts Act 1973, the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testator among the
persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executor shall then have
had notice.
Lodged by TERRA FIRMA LAW, Solicitors, 228 Mary Street, Gympie, Qld 4570.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 5th March 2002
of KEITH ANDREW HARDIE late of 18 O'Reilly Street, Sinnamon Park, Queensland deceased
will be made by JASON ANDREW HARDIE of Unit 14, 76-78 Gladstone Road, Highgate Hill
Queensland to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicants'
solicitors within 6 weeks from the date of publication of this notice at the expiration of which
time, pursuant to section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the executor will proceed to distribute the
assets of the testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of
which the executor has notice.
Lodged by TURNER FREEMAN LAWYERS, Level 8, 239 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4000.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 13 September
late of 113 Mountjoy Terrace, Manly, Queensland, deceased, will be made by MICHELLE ANN
MCLEISH and STEPHEN JAMES HARRISON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased who died on 27
August 2014 is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named
below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will
distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so,
and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the
claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: THE LEGAL ELEMENTS Shop 2, 124-128 Merivale Street, South Brisbane Qld
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 13 June 2012 of
JEAN MAVIS HARRISON late of Bayview Place Aged Care Resideace, 86 Bayview Street,
Runaway Bay in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by GLENDA JAYNE BAYEL
and ANNETTE JOY HARRISON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Creditors: Any creditor and all other persons having a claim against the estate are required to
send particulars of that claim to the Applicant's solicitors within 6 weeks of the date of
publication of this notice.
Lodged by: BELL LEGAL GROUP, Level 4, 91 Upton Street, Bundall Qld 4217.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 27 September
2010 of EDNA MAY HARTILL late of Blue Care Wirunya Aged Care Facility, 559-581 Beenleigh
Redland Bay Road, Carbrook in the State of Queensland, address in Will: 103/31 Thompson
Street, Victoria Point in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by JOHN WILLIAM
HARTILL and ANNE MARGARET ELLIS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicants' solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants' will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants' will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: INHERITANCE SOLUTIONS, Solicitors, 155 Varsity Parade (PO Box 514), Varsity
Lakes Qld 4227.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 26 May 2005 of
MARGARET MARY HARVEY late of 16 Malabar Street, Wynnum West in the State of
Queensland, deceased will be made by DAVID NOEL HARVEY and JUDITH PHIPPS to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicants'
solicitors no later than six weeks from today.
Lodged by CONNOR HUNTER LAW FIRM, 55 Tingal Road, Wynnum Qld 4178.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 14 October 2003
of DORIS EVELINE HAWKESWOOD late of 5 Jeanne Drive, Victoria Point, Queensland,
deceased will be made by DIANNE MOLS and CHRISTOPHER PETER JOHN MOLS to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors or others having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their
claim to the applicant's solicitors within 6 weeks of the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by: JONES & COMPANY Solicitors PO Box 195 Annerley, Q. 4103.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Letters of Administration on Intestacy of
LYNETTE BARBARA HEANG late of 31 Carwell Avenue Petrie 4502 deceased, will be made
Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
of 31 Carwell Ave. Petrie, Qld. 4502.
After 14 days from today, an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 17 October 2011
of ALLAN LLOYD HELTON (also known as LLOYD HELTON) late of Mount Coolum Aged Care,
15 Suncoast Beach Drive, Mount Coolum, Queensland, will be made by DEBORAH ANN
MCARTHUR to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claims to the applicant's
solicitor no later than six weeks of the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by RAY BARBER, Solicitor, 20 Heathfield Road, Coolum Beach, Q 4573.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Letters of Administration on intestacy of
ALLAN KEITH HIGGINS late of 46 Johnson Street, Yorkeys Knob, Queensland, deceased, will
be made by STACEY ANNE MEARS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicants' solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: GM LAWYERS, Waterloo Chambers Suite 8, 147 Queen Street, Cleveland Qld
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 3rd March 1978
of PHYLLIS MERLYN HILL late of 4 Arell Street, Aspley in the State of Queensland, will be
HILL) to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having any claim against the estate is required to send
particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors no later than 6 weeks after the date of
publication of this notice.
Lodged by ANDREW DOUGLAS COMMERCIAL LAWYERS of 156 Morayfield Road,
Morayfield in the State of Queensland.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Letters of Administration on intestacy of
SUSAN ANNETTE HILL late of 4/59 Gellibrand Street, Clayfield, Queensland, Deceased, will
be made by SHARON ANN CLARK to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the Deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the Applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the Deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets, in doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her.
Lodged by: BROWNS LAWYERS Suite 19, Level 2, 79 West Burleigh Road, Burleigh Heads
Qld 4220.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 28 February 2011
of SANDRA GAEL HOBSON late of 4 Floribunda Avenue, Warwick, formerly of 9 Miller Street,
Warwick, deceased, will be made by LAURENCE GEORGE KING to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him.
Lodged by: LILLEY SPANNER & STACEY Webb House 75 Percy Street, Warwick Qld 4370.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 4th day of July
2011 of DOROTHY KATHLEEN HOLLIS late of Unit 2/36 Waterloo Street, Cleveland, Qld 4163,
deceased will be made by JANE SHELLEY DENSLEY to the Supreme Court of Queensland at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claim to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time
the said applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons
entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said applicant shall then have had
Date of death: 09/06/14.
Lodged by: HOPPER GREEN YORK Solicitors Suite 6a, 26-28, Redland Bay Road Capalaba,
Qld 4157.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 31 May 2002 of
JAMES RUSHWORTH HOOSON late of 25 Coquette Point Road, Innisfail, Queensland,
deceased, will be made by SUSANNE EVELYN BOSSHARD to the Supreme Court at Cairns.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by: VANDELEUR & TODD SOLICITORS 35 Rankin Street, Innisfail Queensland 4860.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 08 November
1989 of MARIE PATIENCE HOPLEY, late of 36 Camelia Avenue, Everton Hills Qld 4053,
deceased, will be made by SHANE FRANCIS HOPLEY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by SHANE FRANCIS HOPLEY at 68 Tuggan Street, Mitchelton Qld 4053.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration on intestacy of
ADAM JOHN HOWARTH late of 308/1 Aspinall Street, Nundah in the State of Queensland
deceased, will be made by MADONNA HOWARTH to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her.
Lodged by: HEFFORD PRICE LAW HEFFORD PRICE LAW 1467 Anzac Avenue, Kallangur
Qld 4503.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 20th May 2014
of PATRICIA ELIZABETH HUMPHREYS late of 303/50 Riverwalk Avenue, Robina in the State
of Queensland, deceased will be made by BRADLEY JAMES HUMPHREYS to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's
Solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by SHORT PUNCH & GREATORIX Applicant's Solicitors 120 Bundall Road Bundall Qld
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Representation will be made to the
Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows:
Last Address: Mary Crest Nursing Home, 411 Main Street, Kangaroo Point, Queensland.
Address in Will: Unit 4, Riverview Gardens, 63 Lawrence Street, Inverell, New South Wales.
Address in Codicil: Unit 4, Riverview Gardens, 63 Lawrence Street, Inverell, New South Wales.
Applicants: MICHAEL PAUL SHEPHERD of 17 Melrose Place, Runcorn, Queensland and
ADRIAN ROBERT SHEPHERD of 29 Freshwater Drive, Berrinba, Queensland.
Grant: Probate of the Will dated 9 March 1999 and Codicil dated 6 October 2000.
Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the Application, you may file a caveat in the
Supreme Court Registry mentioned above at any time before the Grant is made.
Creditors: All creditors of the estate are hereby required to send particulars of their claim to the
applicant's solicitors within six (6) weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time
the said Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the Deceased among the persons
entitled thereto having regard only to the claims which the said Applicant shall then have notice
Date of Death: 16 August 2014.
Applicant's Solicitors: BARTELS LAWYERS Suite 9/2960 Logan Road Underwood Qld 4119.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 17 April 2012 of
RONALD ITZSTEIN late of Tabeel Lutheran Home, 27 Ambrose Street, Laidley, in the State of
Queensland, deceased will be made by HUBERT JOHN ITZSTEIN of 194 Bunburra Road,
Bunburra, in the State of Queensland and THEODORE RONALD ITZSTEIN of 37 Palm Lakes
Resort, Webster Road, Deception Bay, in the State of Queensland and RICKY JOHN ITZSTEIN
of 238 Ford Road, Burbank in the State of Queensland to the Supreme Court of Queensland at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor and all other persons having a claim against the estate of the deceased who died
on 27 July 2014 are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned
within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67
of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the abovenamed
deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the
Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by DALE & FALLU SOLICITORS PTY LTD 142 Brisbane Street Ipswich Qld 4305.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Letters of Administration on intestacy of
TODD EDWARD JENKINS late of 12 Lasiandra Drive Jones Hill in the State of Queensland,
deceased will be made by KYLIE ANN SMITH to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Creditors: All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their
claim to the Applicant's solicitors within six weeks from the date of publication of this notice at
the expiration of which time the said Applicants may distribute the estate of the above named
deceased having regard only to the claims of which the Applicants shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: JEFFERY CUDDIHY & JOYCE SOLICITORS 218 Mary Street Gympie Qld 4570.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 20 January 2012
of PETER CHRISTIAN JENSEN deceased late of 9 Valmadre Street Lake Placid in the State of
JENSEN to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Cairns.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in the registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which
time the said applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator to the persons entitled
thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said applicant shall then have had notice.
Applicant's solicitor: MYLES THOMPSON 87 Kulara Road Barrine 4884.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 9 January 2014
of TESS JONATHAN, late of 48 Granville St, West End, in the State of Queensland, deceased,
will be made by PATRICIA ANNE TAYLOR and JOHN ROSS JONATHAN to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry.
Date of Death: 3 September 2014.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which
time the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testator among the persons
entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said Executor shall then have had
Lodged by: MACFIE CURLEWIS SPIRO LAWYERS, 72 Old Cleveland Road, Capalaba, Qld,
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 29 January, 2014
of DAVID LEO KELLY (also known as DAVID KELLY) late of Unit 2, 143 Karingal Drive, Brair
Hill, Victoria, deceased will be made by MICHAEL JOSEPH KELLY to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Pursuant to section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, all persons having any claim to the estate,
whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, are required to send particulars of their claim to
the applicant's solicitors no later than six weeks after the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by: QUINN & SCATTINI LAWYERS 2/102 Adelaide Street, Brisbane, Qld. 4000.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 30 May 2012 of
the late LIONEL EDWARD KERSHAW late of 103 Deighton Street, Ravenswood, deceased,
Deighton Street, Ravenswood in the State of Queensland to the Supreme Court at Townsville.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: RAPID LEGAL SOLUTIONS PTY LTD 71 Thuringowa Drive, Kirwan Qld 4817.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 30 June 2000 of
MURIEL JOYCE KIDD late of Roslyn Lodge Nursing Home, Mt Tamborine, Queensland,
deceased will be made by RHONDA MARY TUTT and JENNIFER JOY WATT to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors and others having a claim against the estate of the deceased are required to send
in particulars of their claim to the Applicant's Solicitors within six weeks from the date hereof.
Lodged by HELEN L BOYD SOLICITOR 1/94 George Street Beenleigh Qld 4207.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration on intestacy of
MARIA KORANSKI late of Jeta Gardens, 27 Clarendon Avenue, Bethania, Queensland,
deceased will be made by ANDREW PETER KORANSKI to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors or others having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their
claim to the applicant's solicitors within 6 weeks of the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by: JONES & COMPANY SOLICITORS PO Box 195 Annerley, Q. 4103.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 4 April, 1988 of
GRAHAM DENIS KYLE late of 85 Glen Retreat Road, Mitchelton, in the State of Queensland
deceased will be made by TRACY IAN KYLE, CARRIE ELLEN BURKE and LORETTA
RACHEL SMITH to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the Estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's
Solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this Notice.
Lodged by BRIDGE BRIDEAUX SOLICITORS, 3/17 Blackwood Street, Mitchelton, Qld, 4053.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 30 January 2000
of GORDON JAMES LANDSBERG late of 8 Coane Street, Charters Towers in the State of
Queensland deceased will be made by ROGER GORDON LANDSBERG of Trafalgar Station,
Charters Towers in the State of Queensland to the Supreme Court at Townsville.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required
to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at
the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will
proceed to distribute the assets of the Deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by LEE TURNBULL & CO SOLICITORS, Level 1, 350 Flinders Mall, Townsville Qld
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 25 August 2010
of JOHN (AKA JACK) WILLIAM LANKOW late of Cypress Gardens Nursing Centre, 1 Gooding
Drive, Clear Island Waters, Qld 4226 deceased will be made by ELEANOR MAY LANKOW to
the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any person having a claim, whether as creditor, beneficiary or otherwise in regard to the estate
of the abovenamed deceased person, are hereby required to send in particulars of such claim
to the Executors solicitors named below within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the
expiration of which time by virtue of Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the said Executors of the
Will of the abovenamed deceased will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among
the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the applicant shall then
have had notice.
Lodged by JOHANSON LAWYERS Suite 5a, Level 1, 47 Ashmore Road Bundall Qld 4217.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 20 July 2012 of
FRANCES EILEEN LAST late of Ozcare, 20 Matilda Street, Burleigh Heads, Queensland,
deceased, will be made by CHRISTINE MARY WRIGHT to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her.
Lodged by: BLUNDELL MADIGAN LAWYERS 'Wharf Central' Level 1, 75-77 Wharf Street,
Tweed Heads NSW 2485.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 17 June 2008 of
JOHN LEEMING late of Hilltop Gardens Nursing Home, 23 Rochester Terrace, Kelvin Grove,
Queensland, deceased, will be made by ELIZABETH ANN LEEMING of 50 Hilda Street,
Alderley, Queensland to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person having any claim against the estate of the deceased, who died on 7
July 2014 is required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors below within
six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this notice. After that date, the Executor will proceed
to distribute the estate among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which
the Executor shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: HARRISONSLAW 243 Oxley Avenue Margate Qld 4019.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 14 May 2006 of
DAPHNE JOYCE LOWER late of 1006 Middle Road, Peak Crossing, Queensland, deceased,
will be made by GARY ROBERT LOWER and JEFFREY WAYNE LOWER to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: M.A. KENT & ASSOCIATES Solicitors 47 Ellenborough Street, Ipswich Qld 4305.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 2nd day of March
2014 of DOROTHY MAY MACGREGOR late of 28 Canaipa Road, Russell Island, Qld 4184,
deceased will be made by SANDRA ANN ALGIE and MALCOLM JOHN MACGREGOR to the
Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claim to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time
the said applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons
entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said applicant shall then have had
Date of death: 19/08/14.
Lodged by: HOPPER GREEN YORK Solicitors Suite 6a, 26-28 Redland Bay Road Capalaba,
Qld 4157.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 24 February
1989 of GLADYS GERTRUDE MACKEY formerly of 66 Crofton Street, Bundaberg, Queensland
but late of Pioneer Lodge and Gardens, Barolin Street, Bundaberg, Queensland, deceased, will
Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry.
Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having a claim against the estate is required to send
particulars of their claim to the Applicants within 6 weeks of the date of publication of this
Date of death: 10 August 2014.
Avenue Mermaid Beach Qld 4218.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 18 December
2012 of NORMAN CHRISTIAN MAHER late of 11 Fortune Esplanade, Caboolture in the State
of Queensland will be made by RAYMOND ALBERT LUSK to the Supreme Court of
Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All Creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which
time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trust Act 1973, the said Applicant will proceed to distribute
the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims
of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice.
Applicant's Solicitors: LAW4U - PAT OLSEN SOLICITOR 3/3 King Street Caboolture Q 4510.
After 14 days from today, an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 27 January
1993 of PATRICIA HELEN MARTIN, late of Warrina Innisfail, Warrina Street Innisfail in the
State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by WAYNE JASON MARTIN and MELINA
KAREN MARTIN to the Supreme Court at Cairns.
You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that registry.
Any persons having a claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, in regard to the
estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicant's
Solicitors named below, no later than six weeks from the date of publication of this notice, at the
expiration of which time, pursuant to section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will
proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having
regard only to the claims which the Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by Applicant's Solicitors: GREENWOODS Solicitors 68 Shields Street Cairns.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 6 May 2014 of
ROBERT ERIC KEITH MASON late of 22 Melinda Street, Camira, Queensland, deceased will
be made by MARGO LEE MASON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry.
Any persons having a claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, in regard to the
Estate of the abovenamed deceased person, are hereby required to send in particulars of such
claim to the Applicant's Solicitors named below no later than 6 weeks from the date of
publication of this notice, at the expiration of which time the Applicant will proceed to distribute
the assets of the Deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims
of which the Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: STOCKLEY FURLONG, Solicitors of Ground Floor, 41 Sherwood Road, Toowong
Qld 4066.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 14 July 2005 of
PENELOPE MARY MATHER) late of 7 Benghazi Street, Aitkenvale, Qld, 4814, deceased, will
be made by REBECCA JADE MATHER to the Supreme Court at Townsville.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her.
Lodged by: ROSS LAWYERS, 53 Anne Street, Aitkenvale Qld 4814.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 15th October
2010 of MARJORY MYRTLE McALISTER late of Anam Cara, 42-52 Lavarack Road, Bray Park
in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by THOMAS VALENTINE McALISTER and
MARJORIE GLENDA HAM to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's
Solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by V PENNISI & ASSOCIATES, Solicitors, 1st Floor, 818 Gympie Road, Chermside Qld
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 1 March 2011 of
HAROLD JOSEPH McARDLE late of Sunnymeade Park Aged Care Community, 362-376 King
Street, Caboolture in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by PATRICK NORMAN
McARDLE and SHARYN FAY McARDLE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Creditors: All creditors of the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their
claim to the Applicant's Solicitors within 6 weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which
time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the surviving Executors will proceed to
distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to
the claims of which the surviving Executors shall then have had notice.
Lodged by SCIACCAS LEGAL GROUP, PO Box 5272, Gladstone Qld 4680.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 16 May 2002 of
JEAN CRAIG McDONALD late of Regis Treetops Manor Aged Care, 6 Kilbowrie Street, The
Gap in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by ANN JEANETTE PATTEN and
RONALD RAYMOND McDONALD to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the Estate are required to send in particulars of their claim to the applicants'
solicitors no later than six weeks from the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by SMITH & STANTON, Lawyers, 607 Robinson Road, Aspley Qld 4034.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 24 July, 2014 of
MARGARET-ANN McDONALD of 16 Luke Street, Wavell Heights Brisbane deceased will be
made by TONI LEE HASSALL and STEVEN EDWARD BOGGIANO to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claims to the undersigned within Six (6) weeks of the date hereof at the expiration of which time,
pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the administrators will proceed to distribute the
estate of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of
which the administrators shall then have had notice.
Applicant's solicitors: ALEX MACKAY & CO. Solicitors 55 Sherwood Road, Toowong Brisbane.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 2nd December
1993 of JACQUELINE SHEELAGH McKAY late of 18 St Albans Street, Kenmore in the State of
Queensland, deceased, will be made by HILARY ANN EVANS to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the undersigned within
six (6) weeks of the date of publication to this notice.
Lodged by HILARY ANN EVANS, 1 Haven Road, Upper Brookfield, Qld, 4069.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 13 May 2011 of
DONALD McKINVEN late of 153 Anzac Avenue, Kippa-Ring, Queensland, deceased will be
Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person having any claim against the estate of the deceased, who died on
11 July 2014, is required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors below
within six (6) weeks after the date of publication of this notice. After that date, the Executor will
proceed to distribute the estate among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to claims
of which the Executor shall then have had notice.
Lodged by GILL & LANE 8 Fourth Avenue Sandgate Qld 4017.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 30 January 2013
of PATRICIA MARGARET McPHERSON late of 58 Wompoo Road, Longreach Q 4730
deceased will be made by ROSS DONALD McPHERSON and GRANT DOUGLAS
McPHERSON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any person having a claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, to send particulars
of the person's claim to the Applicant's solicitor named below within 6 weeks after the date of
publication of this notice. At the end of that period, the Applicant will proceed to distribute the
estate among persons entitled to the assets and in doing so relies on section 67 of the Trust Act
1973, having regard only to claims of which the Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: LONGREACH LEGAL SERVICES, 124B Eagle Street, Longreach Q 4730.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 9 September
1994 of KENNETH ALFRED MESSENGER late of Messengers Road, Bullyard deceased, will
MESSENGER to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton.
You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicants solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice.
Lodged by: MESSENGER LEGAL of Level 2, Win Tower, Cnr Quay and Barolin Streets (PO
Box 910) Bundaberg Qld 4670.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 7 November
2013 of PHYLLIS GRACE MORRISON-GARDINER late of Oxford Crest Unit 58, 2-12 College
Road Southside in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by CAROL LESLEY
SIROLA of Unit 6/33 Cutler Drive, Wyong, New South Wales, to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Creditors: All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their
claim to the Applicant's solicitors within six weeks from the date of publication of this notice at
the expiration of which time the said Applicants may distribute the estate of the above named
deceased having regard only to the claims of which the Applicants shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: JEFFERY CUDDIHY & JOYCE SOLICITORS 218 Mary Street Gympie Qld 4570.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 22 December
2011 of MELODY MUNRO late of RSL Care Pinjarra Hills, 2603 Moggill Road, Pinjarra Hills,
Brisbane in the State of Queensland, Deceased will be made by IAN THOMSON MUNRO and
DONALD ROSS MUNRO as Executors, to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicants'
Solicitors within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, the Applicants
will proceed to distribute the assets of the Deceased among the persons entitled thereto having
regard only to the claims of which the Applicants shall then have had notice.
Applicants' Solicitors: DOYLE FAMILY LAW Level 7 243 Edward Street Brisbane Qld 4000.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 22 January 1997
of CATHERINE LOUISA MURPHY late of Cooinda House Aged Care, George Street, Kippa
Ring in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by IRENE ELIZABETH TIMOTHY to
the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the Estate are required to send in particulars of their claim to the applicant's
solicitors no later than six weeks from the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by SMITH & STANTON, Lawyers, 607 Robinson Road, Aspley Qld 4034.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 1 May 2012 of
LEO ERIC O'CONNELL late of 15 Lentz Street, Geebung in the State of Queensland deceased
will be made by ANNE MAREE McMAHON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the Estate are required to send in particulars of their claim to the applicant's
solicitors no later than six weeks from the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by SMITH & STANTON, Lawyers, 607 Robinson Road, Aspley Qld 4034.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 11 October 2011
of WILLIAM JAMES O'CONNOR late of RSL Care, Moreton Shores, 101 King Street,
Thornlands, in the State of Queensland formerly Unit 234, 66 Bainbridge Street, Ormiston, in
the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by MARTIN BENEDICT CONROY, JAMES
MACROBERT HERLIHY and LYNETTE MARY WALSH to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: AUSTRALIAN LAW GROUP, Toowong Terraces, Level 4, 31 Sherwood Road,
Toowong Qld 4066.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 16th December,
2011 of ANN LORRAINE OLIVER Last address: 35 Bunya Street, Maleny in the State of
to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicants within
six weeks of the date of publication of this notice. At the expiration of which time pursuant to
s.67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator
among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executor shall
then have had notice.
Lodged by EASTON LAWYERS, 62 Maple Street, Maleny 4552.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 6th of March,
2013 of NELLIE OWEN late of Trinder Park Rest Home, 10 Laurel Street, Woodridge in the
State of Queensland, deceased will be made by MICHAEL ANTHONY WILLS to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All Creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's
solicitor within six (6) weeks of the date of the publication of this notice. At the end of that
period, relying on s67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will distribute the assets of the
deceased pursuant to the will, having regard only to the claims which have been notified to him.
Lodged by NEW WAY LAWYERS PO Box 96, Corinda, Qld, 4075.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 4 February, 2000
of RONALD ALWYN PARKER late of 26 Pine Mountain Road, North Ipswich, Queensland,
deceased, will be made by GEOFFREY ROBERT PARKER and KENNETH PARKER to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicants' solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: WALKER PENDER GROUP LAWYERS Level 1, 28 Ipswich City Mall Ipswich Q
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 24 February 1999
of KEITH MCCOY PATRICK late of Redlands Residential Care, Cleveland, formerly of 1
Glasford Street, Mount Gravatt, Queensland, deceased, will be made by BEVAN WILLIAM
PATRICK to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him.
Date of Death: 6 July 2014.
Lodged by: CARROLL FAIRON SOLICITORS PO Box 6007 Upper Mount Gravatt Qld 4122.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 26 February
2004 of KENNETH JOHN PATTISON Deceased late of 62 Moran Street, Bundaberg,
Queensland will be made by CAROLYN PATTISON to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton.
You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry.
Any creditor beneficiary or other person having any claim against the deceased's estate is
required to send particulars of any such claim to the Applicant's Solicitors within six (6) weeks of
the date of publication of this Notice.
Lodged By: FINEMORE WALTERS & STORY, Solicitors, 51 Woongarra Street, [P.O. Box 704]
Bundaberg Qld 4670.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 2nd December,
1992 of DAPHNE MAY PEPPEL late of 311 Cracknell Road, Tarragindi, Brisbane in the State of
Queensland deceased will be made by RICK PEPPEL to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that Registry.
All creditors or others having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their
claim to the undersigned within six weeks of the date of publication of this notice, at the
expiration of which time the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the Deceased
among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant
shall then have had notice.
Lodged By IAN W BARTELS & ASSOCIATES, SOLICITORS 1408 Logan Road, Mt Gravatt,
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 12 October 2010
of CHRISTINA JEAN POBJOY late of 269 Colburn Avenue, Victoria Point in the State of
Queensland deceased will be made by ARTHUR JAMES POBJOY to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which
time ARTHUR JAMES POBJOY ("the Applicant") will proceed to distribute the estate of the
deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the
Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by McCARTHY DURIE LAWYERS Cnr Queen & Waterloo Streets Cleveland Qld 4163.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Letters of Administration on intestacy of
STEPHEN THOMAS PRICE of 12 Balmain Street, Wooloowin in the State of Queensland,
Deceased will be made by PETER JAMES PRICE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors or others having a claim against the Estate are required to send particulars of their
claim to the Applicant's Solicitor within six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice.
The date of death is 5 September 2014.
Lodged by DALEY LAW PRACTICE PTY LTD, 12 Victor Street, Banyo, Brisbane, Queensland,
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 24 February 2000
of JOHN WILLIAM RAINER-SMITH late of 149 Rosehill Drive Burpengary Q 4505, deceased
the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Claimants against the estate as creditor, beneficiary or otherwise, must send particulars of their
claim to the applicants solicitor within 7 weeks of the date of this notice.
After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 25 May 2014 of
TREVOR JOHN RANDEL late of 314 Edinburgh Drive, Mount Hallen, Queensland, deceased,
will be made by PETER JONES to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which
time the applicants will proceed to distribute the estate of the deceased among the persons
entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant shall then have had
Lodged by: Applicant's Solicitors: TURNBULL MYLNE, Suite 4, 211 Ron Penhaligon Way,
Robina, Qld, 4226.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Letters of Administration on Intestacy of
KARL RAUCH late of 27 Wattle Road, Rothwell in the State of Queensland, deceased will be
made by ERIC K RAUCH to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any person having any claim whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise must send
particulars of the person's claim to the Applicant's Solicitors (identified below) not later than the
date which is six (6) weeks after the date of publication of this Notice, after which date, pursuant
to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will distribute the Estate of the Deceased
having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant has notice.
Lodged by SHAREE CASSEL & ASSOCIATES, Suite 2, 1st Floor, 8-10 Somerset Avenue,
Narellan NSW 2567.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 29 April, 2010 of
PHYLLIS MARION RAWCLIFFE late of The Terraces, 2 Lake Street, Varsity Lakes, deceased,
will be made by KATHLEEN OLIVE LEIGH to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors or others having a claim against the estate of the deceased are required to send
particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors within 6 weeks from the date of this notice,
at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will
proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which the applicant has notice.
Lodged by: ROBERTSLAW PTY LTD Suite 8 Franklin Square 60 Railway Street Mudgeeraba Q
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated the Twentieth
day of August, 2012 of NEVILLE BARTHOLOMEW REEDY (also known as NEVILLE
BARTHOLOMEW PATRICK REEDY) late of 1 Hanlon Street, Toowoomba in the State of
Queensland deceased will be made by PAUL ROBERT REEDY to the Supreme Court of
Queensland at Brisbane
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's
solicitors within six weeks from the date hereof.
Applicants Solicitors: DAVIDSON & SULLIVAN First Floor 160 Hume Street Toowoomba Qld
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 2nd day of June
2009 of MARY DOROTHY RIEMANN late of 19 Alexandra Street, Park Avenue, Queensland,
deceased will be made by JOHN THOMAS RIEMANN and PETER MATTHEW RIEMANN to
the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the
Applicants within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to
Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the
deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the
Executors shall then have had notice.
Queen Street Brisbane Q 4000.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 6th March, 2014
ROBERTSON) late of 20 Dempster Street, Toowong, Queensland deceased will be made by
COLIN DALGUISE ROBERTSON JNR to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by GEOFFREY ARMSTRONG, Solicitor, PO Box 1009, North lakes, Qld 4509.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 17 October 2013
of ROBERT JAMES SAUNDERS late of "Thendara", Pheasant Creek, Wowan deceased will be
Court at Rockhampton.
You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry.
All creditors or others having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their
claim to the applicants' solicitors within seven weeks of the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by: GRANT AND SIMPSON LAWYERS 226 Quay Street Rockhampton Qld 4700.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 31 January 2014
of CHARLES DANIEL PIERRE SAUVAGE late of Unit 32, 2 North Street, Golden Beach in the
State of Queensland deceased will be made by PAUL ANDRE SAUVAGE and MICHELLEANNE BJORSETH to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any person having a claim against the estate of the deceased, whether as creditor, beneficiary
or otherwise, is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicants' solicitors named
below within 6 weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the applicants will
proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto. In doing so
and relying on section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 the applicants will have regard only to the
claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: BILL LYONS SOLICITORS, 25 Mayes Avenue, Caloundra, Qld 4551.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of representation will be made to the
Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows:
Last Address: Sunnymeade Nursing Home, King Street, Caboolture in the State of Queensland.
Address in Will: D'Aguilar Highway, Moodlu in the State of Queensland.
Applicants: GRAHAM NORMAN SCHRODTER of 603 Lord Lane, Moodlu in the State of
Queensland and MARK JAMES SCHRODTER of 25 Cabernet Court, Morayfield in the State of
Grant: Probate of the Will dated 4th March, 1999.
Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the application, you may file a caveat in the
Supreme Court Registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made.
Creditors: All Creditors in the estate are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to
the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the
said Applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled
thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicants shall then have had notice.
Applicants' Solicitor: PROCTOR GRAHAM, Lawyers, Shop 7, 75 King Street, Caboolture Qld
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of will dated 26th July 2001 of
DAPHNE ALICE SCOTT late of Holy Spirit Home, 736 Beams Road, Carseldine, Queensland,
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any person having any claim whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise must send
particulars of the person's claim to the Applicant not later than the date which is 6 weeks after
the date of publication of this Notice, after which date, pursuant to s.67 of the Trusts Act 1973,
the Applicant/s will distribute the Estate of the Deceased having regard only to the claims of
which the Applicant/s have notice.
Lodged by DIANNE BUTTERWORTH, 25 Eromba Crescent, Ferny Hills, Queensland 4055.
After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 25 June 2012 of
JOAN SMITH late of 13 Matthew Street, Stanthorpe in the State of Queensland deceased will
Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the Grant by lodging a caveat in that Registry.
Any persons having any claim whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise must send
particulars of the person's claim to the Applicant's Solicitors (identified below) not later than the
date which is 6 weeks after the date of publication of this Notice, after which date, pursuant to
s.67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will distribute the Estate of the Deceased having
regard only to the claims of which the Applicant has notice.
Lodged by: GAFFNEY LYONS & McMAHON, Solicitors, AMP Building, 116 Palmerin Street,
Warwick Qld 4370.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 5 October 2005
of KAY ALICE SMITH late of 34 Oakmont Avenue, Loganholme in the State of Queensland
deceased will be made by EDWIN WILLIAM SMITH to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry
Any creditor and all other persons having a claim against the estate are required to send
particulars of their claim to the Applicants solicitors no later than 6 weeks from the date of
publication of this notice.
Lodged by MICHAEL COOPER LAWYER, 34 Vanessa Blvd, Springwood Qld 4127.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 10 October 2001
of RONALD CLIFFORD SPARKS late of 58 St Clair Crescent, Wishart, Brisbane in the State of
Queensland, deceased, will be made by GREGORY JOHN SPARKS to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him.
Date of Death: 2 September 2014.
Lodged by: CARROLL FAIRON SOLICITORS PO Box 6007 Upper Mount Gravatt, Qld 4122.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration on intestacy of
DAPHNE MARIE STARK late Lot 55 Clayton Road, Lowmead in the State of Queensland,
deceased, will be made by SOL NIRVANA HINE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by: BELL LEGAL GROUP, Level 4, 91 Upton Street, Bundall Qld 4217.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 24 July 1986 of
FLORENCE STEHN of 63 Akala Street (formerly known as 23 Akala Street), Flaxton,
Queensland deceased, will be made by DENISE ARLETTE SCOTT and RONALD JAMES
STEHN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person having any claim against the estate of the deceased, who died on
20 July 2014, is required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors below
within six (6) weeks after the date of publication of this notice. After that date, the Executor will
proceed to distribute the estate among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to claims
of which the Executor shall then have had notice.
Lodged by LEMBER AND WILLIAMS, Cnr Annie & East Streets, Caboolture, Queensland 4510.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 28 May 2004 of
HERBERT SIDNEY STORY late of Karingal Nursing Home, Dalby in the State of Queensland
but formerly of Ranges Bridge, MS 687 Dalby in the State of Queensland deceased will be
made by BRIAN STORY and JUNE BOOL to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which
time BRIAN STORY and JUNE BOOL ("the Applicants") will proceed to distribute the estate of
the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the
Applicants shall then have had notice.
Lodged by MAXWELL & LANCASTER SOLICITORS 33 Guy Street Warwick Qld 4370.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 18 October 2012
of PHILIP JOHN TATLER late of 8 Galatea Street, Point Vernon, Queensland, deceased, will be
made by TERESA FRANCES MARY DULKA to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her.
Lodged by: BELL DIXON BUTLER, Wills & Estate Lawyers 12 Bideford Street, Torquay Qld
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 24th of August,
2010 of FRANCES CHRISTINE TIPLADY, late of 18 Gray Avenue, Corinda in the State of
Queensland, will be made by CATHERINE MARY TIPLADY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
Any person having any claim against the estate whether as creditor or beneficiary must send
particulars of the person's claim to the Applicant's Solicitors not later than 6 weeks after the date
of publication of this Notice, after which date, pursuant to s 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the
Applicant will distribute the Estate of the Deceased having regard only to the claims of which the
Applicant has notice.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by NEW WAY LAWYERS, PO Box 96, Corinda Qld 4075.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration for JOHN
TOWERS late of 21/32 Middle St, Cleveland 4163 in the state of Queensland deceased will be
made by ROSEMARY INEZ TOWERS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by: ROSEMARY INEZ TOWERS (wife of deceased) 21/32 Middle St, Cleveland Q
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of MARLIE JOYCE TREMEER
late of 22 Kagara Street, Kippa Ring in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by
REGINA LESLEY TREMEER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by WALLACE DAVIES SOLICITORS 185 Redcliffe Parade Redcliffe Qld 4020.
Probate of the will dated 12 June 2014.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 12 May 2011 of
ELLENORE FREDA WALDRON late of 104 Alexandra Parade, Wamuran, Queensland,
deceased, will be made by JOHN MERVYN WALDRON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him.
Lodged by: GLEESON KLEIN LAWYERS, 20 Anzac Avenue, Redcliffe Qld 4020.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 12 March 2011
of IAN CAMERON WALKER late of The Sunshine Coast University Private Hospital, Birtinya in
the State of Queensland and formerly of 17 Mayfield Street, Alexandra Headlands in the State
of Queensland, deceased, will be made by JOHN PETER GAZZARD to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors and all other persons having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby
required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date
hereof at the expiration of which time, pursuant to section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the
applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the abovenamed deceased among the persons
entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the applicant shall then have had
Lodged by PENDER & WHITEHOUSE SOLICITORS, PO Box 138, Alderley Qld 4051.
After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 14 January
2010 of LEONARD ARTHUR WALSH late of BUPA, Glenvale, Toowoomba, Queensland
deceased will be made by STEPHEN JAMES LEACH to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the
Applicant's Solicitors within 6 weeks from the date hereof.
Lodged By: JONES LEACH LAWYERS, Solicitors Rochedale Shopping Village, 549
Underwood Road, Rochedale Qld 4123.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 9 January 2013
of SANKARAN MADHAVAN WARRIAR late of 37 Australia Court, Newport in the State of
Queensland, deceased will be made by GIRIJA CUTTLE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any person having any claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, against the Estate
are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's solicitors within six (6) weeks of
the date of publication of this Notice at the expiration of which the executors will proceed to
distribute the assets of the Testatrix among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to
the claims of which the said executors shall then have had notice.
Lodged by COLWELL LYONS LAWYERS, 1341 Gympie Road, Aspley, 4034.
After 14 days from today, an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 23 August 2001
of KATHLEEN WARWICK late of 2 Boab Court, Kewarra Beach in the State of Queensland
deceased, will be made by SUE ROSEMARY LEWIS NORRIS to the Supreme Court at Cairns.
You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that registry.
Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having any claim or claims against the estate of the
abovenamed Deceased are required to send particulars of any such claim or claims to the
Applicant's Solicitor within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this Notice, at the
expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will
proceed to distribute the assets of the abovenamed Deceased among the persons entitled
thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by Applicant's Solicitor: IAN C MILLYARD Solicitor PO Box 109 Clifton Beach Qld 4879.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration on intestacy of
JAKE DANIEL WATERHOUSE late of 20 Blue Gum Drive, Lowood in the State of Queensland,
deceased, will be made by DALE NORAH KENDRICK to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her.
Lodged by: WALKER PENDER GROUP LAWYERS Level 1, 28 Ipswich City Mall Ipswich Q
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 1 May 2006 of
MARGERY ELEANOR WATSFORD late of Farnorha Nursing Home, Cairns, deceased, will be
made by DAVID NIGEL GOODMAN to the Supreme Court at Cairns.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry
Lodged by: DANIELLE D HODGENS Lawyer & Mediator 40 Mabel Street, Atherton Qld 4883.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated the 10th day of
October 2001 of GWENDELINE IRENE WATSON late of RSL Care, 9 Havana Street, Rowes
Bay in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by SIMON ANDREW FRASER of 9
Victoria Street, North Ward in the State of Queensland to the Supreme Court of Queensland at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that Registry.
If you wish to object to or be heard upon the application, you may file a Caveat in the Supreme
Court Registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made.
Any creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's
Solicitors within 6 weeks of the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by Applicant's Solicitors: CONNOLLY SUTHERS of AMP Building, 416 Flinders Street,
Townsville, Qld, 4810.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 28 March, 2011
of TREVOR JAMES WEBB late of 32/60 Gubberley Street, Kenmore, Queensland deceased
will be made by MARY LYNN WEBB to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's
solicitors within 6 weeks of the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by TOOWONG LEGAL, PO Box 85 Toowong Qld 4066.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 6 November
1995 of DAPHNE WELLMAN late of Eventide Nursing Home, Rockhampton deceased will be
made by ROBYN LYN HOLMES to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Rockhampton.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required
to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at
the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will
proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: REES R & SYDNEY JONES Solicitors, Level 1, 55 Denham Street Rockhampton
Qld 4700.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the Will dated 26 February
2010 of JOYCE MIRIAM WICKHAM late of 73 Marsh Street, Cannon Hill, Brisbane in the State
of Queensland, deceased, will be made by JUDITH THELMA DUNLEA and MICHAEL JOSEPH
DUNLEA to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicants' Solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: PORTER HULETT SOLICITORS 611 Wynnum Road, Morningside Qld 4170.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the will dated 10 March 2014
of DOROTHY YVONNE WRIGHT late of 49 Westmoreland Boulevard, Springwood,
Queensland deceased will be made by JO-ANNE WRIGHT to the Supreme Court of
Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the Grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required
to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at
the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will
proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: THE ESTATE LAWYERS Level 5, 239 George Street Brisbane Qld 4000.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
Notice of intention to apply for
Admission to the legal profession
I, ALINE CHRISTINA BENKENDORF of 11 B Hutt Court, Two Rocks, Western Australia, 6037
being formerly a student of Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at The College of Law WA
intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27th day of October 2014 to be
admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
pm on 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 26th day of September 2014.
I, SIMON DAVID BENTLEY of 92 Queen Street, Harrisville, Queensland 4307 being formerly a
practical legal training student at the College of Law and Queensland Public Interest Law
Clearing House intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27th day Of October
2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 3rd day of October 2014.
I, NAOMI GABRIELLA BENTON of 19 Orlando Crescent, Springwood, Qld 4127 and Level 11
Central Plaza Two, 66 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Qld 4000 being formerly a student of the
Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the College of Law and currently employed as a
Graduate at McCullough Robertson Lawyers intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane
on the 27 day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession
Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17 day of October 2014.
Dated this 1st day of October, 2014.
I, CHARLES JEREMY BROADWATER of 22 Pansy Street Wynnum Qld 4178 a Court Support
Officer of the Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Legal service, Level 5, 183 North Quay Brisbane
Queensland and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at The College of
Law intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton on the 27th day of October 2014 to
be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 1st day of October, 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
I, CONNOR BROE of 24 Green Street, Yeerongpilly, Brisbane 4105 being formerly a student of
the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at Queensland University of Technology intend to apply
to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27th day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal
profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 28th day of September, 2014.
JESSICA PASK) of 1/20 Cabriolet Court, Upper Coomera Qld 4209 and Suite 7, 19-21 Peachey
Road, Ormeau Qld 4208 being a Law Clerk at Ormeau Legal and formerly a student of the
Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at Bond University intend to apply to the Supreme Court at
Brisbane on the 27th day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal
Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 2nd day of October 2014.
I, SINEAD BUTLER of Unit 5/24 The Strand, North Ward, Townsville, Qld 4810 and Judge's
Chambers, 31 Walker Street, Townsville Qld 4810 being an Associate to His Honour Judge
Durward SC of the District Court at Queensland, formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of
Legal Practice at the Australian National University and the Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of
Journalism at the Queensland University of Technology, intend to apply to the Supreme Court
at Brisbane on the 27th day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the
Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 2nd day of October 2014.
I, ELZINA CERIC also known as ELZINA ZIGIC of Unit 2, 1-9 Emerald Drive Qld 4118 being
formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Practice, Skills and Ethics at Griffith University
intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27th day of October 2014 to be
admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001 or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
I, JULIE JANE COPLEY, previously known as JULIE JANE ROSTEDT, of 50 Newman Avenue,
Camp Hill Qld, 4152 and 50 Newman Avenue, Camp Hill Qld, 4152 being currently selfemployed and formerly Research Director in the Parliamentary Service intend to apply to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27th day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal
profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 30th day of September, 2014.
I, SARAH JACALYN PANG YENG CUI of 78 Geographe Street, Docklands, VIC 3008 being
formerly a supervised trainee at AHL Legal (Sydney) and formerly a Graduate Diploma of Legal
Practice trainee at Bond University intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the
27th day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act
2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 3rd day of October 2014.
I, JESSICA ELLEN DALE of 10/9 Rosecliffe Street, Highgate Hill 4101 and Judges' Chambers,
415 George Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000, being Associate to her Honour Justice C E
Holmes of the Court of Appeal of Queensland, formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma in
Legal Practice at the Australian National University and the Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts
at the University of Queensland, intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27th
day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 3rd day of October 2014.
I, COURTNEY LEE DAUNT of 32A Dawson Street, Cooks Hill Newcastle NSW 2300 and Level
5, Sparke Helmore Building, 28 Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle NSW 2300 being Law Graduate
at Sparke Helmore Lawyers and formerly a student of Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at
the College of Law intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27 day of October
2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17 day of October 2014.
Dated this 30 day of September, 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
I, EDWARD WILLIAM RONALD FLEETWOOD, of 357 Brisbane Corso, Yeronga Qld 4104 and
50 Ann Street, Brisbane Qld 4000 being a Legal Support Officer at the Office of the Director of
Public Prosecutions and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the
Australian National University intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27th day
of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to [07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17 October 2014.
Dated this 2nd day of October 2014.
I, SOPHIA FRANCES FRYER of Unit 50 / 75 Welsby Street New Farm 4005 and McCullough
Robertson Lawyers Level 11/66 Eagle Street Brisbane City 4000 being Graduate at McCullough
Robertson Lawyers and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Practical Legal Training
at The College of Law intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27 day of
October 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the Objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 1 day of October, 2014.
I, VIVIEN WEE ENG GEOK of 309/243 Franklin Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000 being formerly
a student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the Bond University; and formerly a
supervised trainee at Berrigan Doube Lawyers intend to apply to the Supreme Court at
Brisbane on the 27th day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal
Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 3rd day of October, 2014.
I, RONAN LEE GIBSON of 11 Pileena Street, Banora Point, NSW 2486 and HQF Lawyers 82
Marine Parade (Cnr Warner Street), Coolangatta Qld 4225 being formerly a student of the
Graduate Diploma in Legal Training at the College of Law intend to apply to the Supreme Court
at Brisbane on the 27th day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the
Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
I, MICHELLE KATHRYN GUY of 1 /61 Bayliss Street, Auchenflower Qld 4066 and c/oMcCullough Robertson Lawyers, Level 11, 66 Eagle Street, Brisbane Qld 4000 being a
graduate at McCullough Robertson lawyers and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of
Practical Legal Training at the College of Law and formerly an associate to Her Honour Justice
Mullins of the Supreme Court and formerly a student at the University of Queensland intend to
apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27th day of October, 2014 to be admitted to the
legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 1st day of October 2014.
I, SOPHIE ELIZABETH HARBURG of 155A Hawken Drive, St Lucia, Queensland 4067 and
Judges' Chambers, 415 George Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000, being Associate to His
Honour Judge Devereaux SC of the District Court of Queensland, formerly a student of the
Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the Australian National University and the Bachelor of
Laws/Bachelor of Arts at the University of Queensland, intend to apply to the Supreme Court at
Brisbane on the 27th day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal
Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 1st day of October 2014.
I, LEE-ANNE ELIZABETH HARRIS of 1/101 Boyd Rd Nundah Qld 4012 and 1/24-28
Corporations Circuit, Tweed Heads South, NSW 2486 being currently a Legal Clerk with
Simmons McCartney Lawyers, formerly a Legal Clerk with Whitehead Gupta Lawyers, formerly
under Practical Legal Training at Pine Rivers Community Legal Centre, formerly a student of the
Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the College of Law Brisbane and Bachelor of Laws
(Hons)/ Bachelor Public Policy (Hons) at James Cook University Cairns intend to apply to the
Supreme Court Brisbane on the 27th day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession
under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 30th day of September, 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
I, LAUREN FAY HEANEY of 9 Garigal Court Upper Coomera 4209 and 1st Floor/100
Scarborough St, Southport Qld 4215 being formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal
Practice at Australian National University and currently Litigation Support Officer at Legal Aid
Queensland intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27 day of October 2014 to
be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17 day of October 2014.
Dated this 26th day of September 2014.
I, ALICE VIVIENNE HENDERSON of 53 Dixon Street, Auchenflower, Qld 4066 being formerly a
student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the College of Law intend to apply to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27th day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal
profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than
4p.m on the 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 10th day of October 2014.
I, BRIANA CHRISTINE IOANNIDES of 9 Harneil Place at Carrara in the State of Queensland
and Shop 5, 2 Fortune Street at Coomera in the State of Queensland, being a Law Clerk at
Gatenby Criminal Lawyers and formerly a student of Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at
Bond University and Bachelor of Laws at Griffith University, intend to apply to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane on the 27th day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under
the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 17th day of October 2014.
I, BREEANNA KATE JEFFS, of 73A Lewin Street, Bardon, Qld 4065 and Mills Oakley Lawyers,
Level 14, 145 Ann Street, Brisbane being a Graduate Lawyer at Mills Oakley Lawyers, formerly
a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at The College of Law, intend to apply to
the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27th day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal
profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admission
Board at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than
4pm on 17th day of October 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
I, KRISTINA JUKIC of 1/62 Heeb Street, Bundall Qld 4217 and MacGregor O'Reilly Solicitors,
Level 2, 33 Elkhorn Avenue, Surfers Paradise Qld 4217 being a Law Clerk in the employ of
MacGregor O'Reilly Solicitors and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice
at Bond University intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27th day of October
2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17 day of October 2014.
Dated this 29th day of September 2014.
I, EAMONN ANTHONY KATTER of 125 Seventeen Mile Rocks Rd, Oxley, Qld, 4075 and Level
54, 111 Eagle St, Brisbane, Qld 4000 being formerly a student of the Practical Legal Training
Course at the College of Law Queensland intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on
the twenty seventh day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal
Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on Seventeenth day of October 2014.
Dated this Twenty Ninth day of September 2014.
I, JOHNATHON ANDREW KEATING of 1/5 Angela Street, Tweed Heads, NSW 2485 and HQF
Lawyers 82 Marine Parade (Cnr Warner Street), Coolangatta Qld 4225 being formally a
supervised trainee under Don Charles Fenwick at HQF Lawyers intend to apply to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane on the 27th day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under
the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 2 day of October, 2014.
I, LUCY ELIZABETH KENNEDY of 22 Leura Terrace, Hawthorne, Brisbane Q 4171 and Level
11, 66 Eagle Street, Brisbane Q 4000 being a graduate of McCullough Robertson Lawyers and
formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Practical Legal Training at The College of Law
intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27th day of October 2014 to be
admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 30 day of September, 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
I, KU, KET BONG (KENNEDY) of 91 Bollard Circuit, Clear Island Waters, Qld 4226 being
formerly a student of the Professional Legal Training Program at Bond University intend to apply
to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27 day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal
profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17 day of October 2014.
Dated this 28 day of 2014.
I, YUN FANG LEE of 32 Mistral St, Jamboree Heights, Qld 4074 and Level 11, Central Plaza
Two, 66 Eagle St, Brisbane, Qld 4000 being a graduate at McCullough Robertson Lawyers and
formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at The College of Law intend to
apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27th day of October 2014 to be admitted to the
legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 30th day of September, 2014.
I, JENNY KARDE LEO of 38 St. Clair Crescent, Wishart Qld 4122 being formerly a student of
the PLT Program at The College of Law intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on
the 27 day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession
Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17 day of October 2014.
Dated this 10 day of October 2014.
I, JOSHUA JAMES LIDDLE of 32A Drane St, Clayfield Qld 4011 and 119 North Quay, Brisbane
Qld 4001 being an Associate to the Honourable Justice B J Collier, formerly a student of the
Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the College of Law and formerly a student of the
Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Queensland intend to apply to
the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27th day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal
profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 17th day of October 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
I, SARAH JANE MARSDEN of 118 Hill End Road Cryna in the State of Queensland and 2
Benson Street, Toowong in the State of Queensland being formerly a student of the Graduate
Diploma in Legal Practice at the Queensland University of Technology intend to apply to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27 day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal
profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17 day of October 2014.
I, MARY JOSEPHINE McATEER of 209 Syndicate Road, Tallebudgera Valley, Qld 4228 and
Terrace Suite 4, 19 Lang Parade, Milton Qld 4064 being a Law Graduate at Success Law Pty
Ltd, formerly a legal clerk at Collas Mora Ross Solicitors and formerly a student of the Graduate
Diploma in Legal Practice at Bond University intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane
on the 27th day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal
Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 2nd day of October 2014.
I, ROWAN MICHAEL MCDONALD of 27 Kilsby Street, The Gap Qld 4061 and 10/135
Morayfield Road, Caboolture Qld 4510 being a law clerk in the employ of Maurice Blackburn
Lawyers intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27th day of October 2014 to
be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 1st day of October, 2014.
I, KRISTIE JADE MEGG of 6/14 Christina Court, Mermaid Beach Qld 4218 and c/- Hickey
Lawyers, Level 6 Corporate Centre One, Corner of Bundall Road and Slatyer Avenue, Bundall
Qld 4217 being a Law Clerk at Hickey Lawyers and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma
of Legal Practice at The College of Law intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the
27th day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act
2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated, and lodged with the Legal Practitioners
Admissions Board at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not
later than 4 p.m. on the 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 2nd day of October, 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
I, CAITLIN PATRICIA MURDOCK of 37 Crown Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 and Level
11, 66 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 being Graduate at McCullough Robertson
Lawyers and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Practical Legal Training at The
College of Law intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27th day of October
2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 1 day of October, 2014.
I, MICHAEL ALLAN NEVILLE of 7 Tess Close, Middle Ridge, Qld, 4350 and Shine Lawyers,
125 Russell Street, Toowoomba, Qld, 4350 being a paralegal at Shine Lawyers, formally a
student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice Course at the Queensland University of
Technology, and formally a police officer in the Queensland Police Service intend to apply to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27th day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal
profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 4th day of October, 2014.
I, GABRIELLE CLAIRE O'NEIL of 20 Sloop Street, Manly West, Queensland 4179 and Level
14, 345 Queen Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 being a Law Clerk at McInnes Wilson
Lawyers and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the College of
Law Queensland intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the Twenty-seventh day
of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 2nd day of October 2014.
I, DANIEL LEE PARATORE of 42 Indigo Crescent, Mitchelton, Queensland 4053 and 11
Commercial Road, Newstead, Queensland 4006 being Technical Assistant at Cleary Hoare
Solicitors and formerly a student of Practical Legal Training at the College of Law intend to
apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27 day of October 2014 to be admitted to the
legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17 day of October 2014.
Dated this 2 day of October, 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
I, COURTNEY ELYSE PAULL of 112 River Boulevard, Idalia, Qld being formally a supervised
trainee at Townsville City Council Legal Services intend to apply to the Supreme Court at
Townsville on the 24th day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the
Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 14th day of October 2014.
Dated this the 17th day of September 2014.
I, BEN JAMES POSCHELK of 76 Towers Street, Ascot, Queensland 4007 and McCullough
Robertson Lawyers, Level 11, 66 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 being a graduate at
McCullough Robertson Lawyers and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Practical
Legal Training at The College of Law intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the
27th day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act
2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17 day of October 2014.
Dated this 02 day of October, 2014.
I, EMMALEEN MONIQUE SCELLS of 206/1387 Malvern Road, Malvern, Victoria, 3144 being
formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at Australian National University
intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27th day of October 2014 to be
admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
pm on 17th day of October 2014.
I, SAN-JOE TAN of 39 Eromanga Street, Carindale, Queensland 4152 and QEII Courts of Law,
415 George Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000, being Associate to the Honourable Justice
Robert Gotterson AO of the Supreme Court of Queensland, formerly a student of the Graduate
Diploma in Legal Practice at the Australian National University and the Bachelor of
Laws/Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Queensland, intend to apply to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane on the 27th day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under
the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 1st day of October 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
I, CARL JAMES TESSMANN of 154 Gailey Road, Taringa Qld 4068 and QEII Courts of Law,
415 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4000 being an associate to the Honourable Justice Hugh
Fraser of the Supreme Court of Queensland, and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma in
Legal Practice at the Australian National University intend to apply to the Supreme Court at
Brisbane on the 27th day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal
Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 no later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
Dated this 2nd day of October, 2014.
I, GARETH ALAN WALTERS of 41 Huntingdale Street, Pullenvale Qld 4069 and Harry Gibbs
Commonwealth Law Courts Building, 119 North Quay, Brisbane Qld 4000, being an Associate
to His Honour Judge Jarrett at the Federal Circuit Court of Australia and formerly a student of
the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the Queensland University of Technology intend to
apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27th day of October 2014 to be admitted to the
legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17th day of October 2014.
I, CHUN WEI WONG of 19/98 University Drive, Varsity Lakes 4226 Qld being formerly a GDLP
trainee at Bond University and formerly a trainee solicitor at AHL Legal (Melb) intend to apply to
the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 27 day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal
profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 17 day of October 2014.
Dated this 03 day of October, 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
The Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for the State of Queensland (ICLRQ) is a charitable
institution which was founded in 1907. Under its constitution, the principal object of the ICLRQ is
“the preparation and publication in a convenient form, at a moderate price, and under gratuitous
professional superintendence and control, of Reports of Judicial Decisions of the Supreme
Court in the State of Queensland.”
In pursuit of this object, the ICLRQ publishes a set of authorised reports of the key decisions of
the Supreme Court of Queensland (Queensland Reports) and a weekly supplement to these
reports (Queensland Law Reporter). Under the constitution of the ICLRQ, all surplus funds from
its operations are used to benefit the Supreme Court of Queensland Library.
The members of the Council serve on a voluntary basis. The Council is constituted by three
practising barristers and three practising solicitors (who are appointed annually by the Judges of
the Supreme Court) and three ex officio members (the Attorney-General of Queensland, the
Solicitor-General of Queensland and the Registrar of the Supreme Court). The Editors, SubEditors and Reporters are all practising members of the Queensland Bar who serve on a largely
voluntary basis. The offices of the Council are located in the Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law
and are managed by the Secretary of the ICLRQ.
Members of the Council: John McKenna QC (Chairman), Helen Bowskill, Christopher Coyne,
Declan Kelly QC, Rachel Miller, David O’Brien, Julie Steel (Registrar), the Attorney-General of
Queensland and the Solicitor-General of Queensland.
Secretary: Jason Rogers
Editors: Roger Derrington QC and Prof Sarah Derrington
Sub-Editors: Mark Evans and Justin Carter
Practice Decisions Editor: Lee Clark
Reporters: Craig Francis, Elizabeth Gass, Stewart Webster, Clive Porritt, Steven Forrest
Contact details: ICLRQ, Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law, 415 George Street, Brisbane.
Postal Address: PO Box 13307, George Street QLD 4003. Telephone: (07) 3236 1855.
The Queensland Reports seek to provide a permanent collection of the key decisions of the
Supreme Court of Queensland since Federation. These decisions have been selected for
inclusion in the Queensland Reports by the editors, reviewed by reporters for their textual
accuracy, summarised in concise headnotes, and authorised for publication (with corrections
where necessary) by the deciding judges.
Complete sets of the Queensland Reports are presently available only in a printed format. New
sets may be purchased from the ICLRQ at a price of $3300 (incl. GST) plus delivery.
Annual print subscriptions to the Queensland Reports are also available from the ICLRQ. There
are three options:
2013 Bound Volume Subscription (2 Volumes) $460 (incl. GST and postage)
2013 Loose Parts Subscription (12 Parts) $526 (incl. GST and postage)
2013 Bound Volume and Loose Parts Subscription $726 (incl. GST and postage)
Orders and enquiries may be forwarded by email to the ICLRQ at:
The Queensland Reports (since 1974) are also available electronically by subscription to
LexisNexis Australia (
Queensland Law Reporter – 10 October 2014 – [2014] 39 QLR
The Queensland Law Reporter has been published since 1908 as a weekly supplement to the
Queensland Reports. It is published, both in print and electronic format, every Friday save for a
period during the court vacation (from late December to early January).
A free subscription to the electronic version of the QLR can be requested at
The QLR includes a summary by the editors of this week’s most significant developments in
Queensland law, including brief summaries of recent cases which have been identified as
potentially suitable for reporting in the Queensland Reports and information about the progress
of appeals in reportable cases. Extracts from the headnotes of all new cases appearing in the
Queensland Reports are also included.
The Queensland Law Reporter is a publication which has been approved by Practice Direction
of the Supreme Court for the publication of various public notices. It is approved under r 599(4)
of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (Qld) for the purposes of giving notice of intention to
apply for a grant of probate or letters of administration under Chapter 15 Part 2 of the UCPR. It
is also approved under r.12(3)(b) of the Supreme Court (Legal Practitioner Admission) Rules
2004 (Qld), for the purposes of giving notice of intention to apply for admission as a legal
To arrange for public notices to be published in the QLR, please arrange for ICLRQ to receive
the following (by post or delivery) before the relevant publication deadline:
a hard copy of the text of the notice you wish to have published;
payment of $161.70 (incl GST); and
written instructions concerning the date of the QLR in which publication of the notice is
requested and an email address at which you may be contacted.
The publication deadline is 3pm on the Monday immediately prior to the date upon which the
relevant QLR is scheduled for publication. In 2013, QLRs are scheduled for publication every
Friday from 11 January 2013 to 13 December 2013.
Acceptance of public notices for publication occurs by email notification to the address provided.
The ICLRQ regrets that it cannot advise or assist in the drafting of public notices. The ICLRQ
also regrets that, after the relevant publication deadline has passed, notices can only be withdrawn or corrected with the permission of the Secretary of the ICLRQ.