Saint Philip the Apostle School 665 Elizabeth Street| San Francisco, CA 94114 P: 415.824.8467 | F: 415.282-0121 | OCTOBER 8, 2014 Principal’s Bulletin Dear Parents and Guardians, As usual there is a cornucopia of information in this week's bulletin. Please take special note to Open House dates and Kindergarten enrollment. Have a wonderful week! Mrs. Remy Everett UPCOMING ACTIVITIES/EVENTS THIS WEEK Oct. 10th, Friday, 8:00 a.m. P.T.A. Coffee The next P.T.A. meeting will be a “coffee” meeting on Friday, October 10th at 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. This meeting will include an opportunity to donate or swap Halloween costumes. Any leftover costumes will be donated to a homeless shelter, led by our 8th grade student, Jackson Evans. Oct. 10th, Friday, Sports Council Hot Dog Lunch Thank you to all families who have supported the Sports Council’s Hot Dog fundraiser. October 15th Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. - Kindergarten Open House in the Kindergarten Classroom Please invite parents and friends interested in kindergarten next year to this Open House. Refreshments and applications will be on hand. The application is also one of today’s attachments. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Events this Week……………………...…….1 PTA, Auction, Reminder………....……..2 Lunch Updates!.............……….…...…….3 Halloween Costume Drive……….…..….4 Ya-Ya Yoga & Scrip dates.………………..4 Thanks, Survey, Noe Valley Harvest Festival…………………………….....……………..5 High School Open Houses & b-days….6 If you have a child ready for kindergarten, please complete your application before December 1st. We cannot guarantee enrollment after that date. We receive over 40 applications for kindergarten. October 15th Wednesday No Child Left Behind Survey due back (detailed information in bulletin) October 20th, Scrip Orders are due. ADVANCE CALENDAR PLANNING Oct. 10 - P.T.A. 9:00 a.m. Oct. 10 - Hot Dog Lunch Oct. 13 - Choice Lunch Debut Oct. 15 - Kindergarten Open House Oct. 18 - Noe Valley Harvest Festival Oct. 23 - Emergency Readiness Training (Neighborhood Emergency Response Team) Oct. 24 - Jeans for a Dollar Day Oct. 24 - End of First Quarter! Oct. 26 - School Family, Grade 6 & Sports Council Mass 10:30 a.m. P.T.A. NEWS The October meeting for the St. Philip's PTA will be a “coffee” meeting on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10th immediately after assembly until 9:00 a.m. in the extended care room. Coffee generously donated by Martha Brothers. Come and grab a cup of coffee with our school community before going off to work! This meeting will include an opportunity to donate or swap Halloween costumes. Any leftover costumes will be donated to a homeless shelter, led by our 8th grade student, Jackson Evans.. A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity, knowledge, and wisdom in the pupils. -Ever Garrison Good News Awards The Gospel Value for October is: Self-Discipline. Congratulations to the following students who were recognized for practicing Responsibility on October 3rd: Fehin Kenny - K Madeline Wilson - 1 Conor Gard - 2 David Alfaro - 3 Sophia Passalacqua -4 Isaiah Alexander -5 Gisselle Orantes - 6 Lorenzo Giamello - 7 Ian Siegel - 8 Emma Giamello (Science, 5th) 2 AUCTION HELP NEEDED! We are looking for a parent (or parents) to shadow the auction co-chairs or be a “chair elect.” This extra help would be so beneficial to Natasha Merritt and Richard Mullen as they are planning for this year’s auction amidst very busy work schedules. Another possible way is to be a third chair this year. Please consider helping out our auction chairs this year. We had a wonderful event last year and Natasha and Richard are planning on another wonderful auction, but really need more help. Please contact the school or the chairs: or PARENT PARTICIPATION RECORD Please record on your parent participation record any meetings you’ve attended and field trip assistance you’ve provided. With the festival over, please also record your festival work hours and responsibilities. Although all chairpersons work hard to provide accurate information, at times a second verification is needed by the parents. ANNOUNCING CHOICE LUNCH LUNCH On Monday, October 13th, Choice Lunch will start a lunch service for St. Philip’s students, faculty and staff. Lunches will be offered Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays only. OPPORTUNITIES Diamond Café There is a last minute/morning of late order with a fee. Lunches need to be preordered no later than 12:00 midnight the night before by email. There will no longer be bag lunch orders as before. You can also place orders before 9:00 a.m. directly at the café. All information is on their website. (see attached document). Contact information is: The food selection is great (combo of traditional hot dog, burgers, Pizza from Haystack will now be a choice for Mondays and Fridays - in addition to Choice Lunch’s regular menu. Orders need to be made by 9AM the day before (for example for a Monday lunch for your child you need to place the order Sunday by 9AM. spaghetti with other more interesting - shepherd’s pie, pot stickers, cheese ravioli, sushi.) The quality is also excellent - all nutrition information included. Temperatures are well regulated for both cold and hot meals. There are more than 70 entrees: total - 16 per day including gluten free, vegetarian, vegan and dairy free. Placing orders is very easy as you can order day before by 9AM or pay additional $1.50 for same day. The food entrée comes on a tray (compost friendly) vs bag and kids then choose a healthy drink, fruit or vegetable and snack on site. PRICE-wise it is comparable to actually a little less than Kid Chow was. Lunches are $5.55, which includes entrée, drink, snack and fruit/vegetable. Pizza will be $5.55 for one slice of cheese or pepperoni - and $6.55 for 2 slices of either (2 slices is indicated by ordering a “large) $0.65 of every meal goes back to the school! Again, all of this information is very clear on the web site, but please feel free to email Megan Powers, with any questions. Finally, families that sign up in October get a lunch for free, so please go onto the site; school code is included and signing up is very easy—and you can begin placing orders! Thank you very much, Megan, for all your leadership and Sports Council Hot Dog Lunches Sports Council Hot Dog Lunches will be offered to the students on the following days: Oct. 10! Lunches include chips and drink. Send your check to the school office c/o Sport Council Hot Dog Lunches payable to St. Philips Sports Council. The cost is $8.00 for two Hot Dogs and $6.00 for one. Place orders at: sportscouncil/hotdog-lunches. efforts on behalf of the P.T.A. Lunch crew 3 SOCIAL OUTREACH - LIVING THE GOSPEL Costume Drive- New & Used for Homeless Children After the P.T.A. coffee meeting, all leftover costumes will be sent to Hamilton Family Center for homeless children of San Francisco. This will also begin a week-long drive for new and used costumes to be collected by Jackson Evans in 8th grade. This is his service project for 2014. You may recall that it was Jackson who brought this very worthwhile project to St. Philip’s a few years back. There will be a donation box in the St. Philip school office. Any and all costumes, new and used, all ages, props and masks are needed. Hamilton Family Center was established in 1985 in San Francisco and has become one of the largest providers of shelter, eviction prevention assistance, rapid re-housing, youth programming, and support services to homeless families in San Francisco. SCRIP ORDERS SCRIP orders are due on the following Mondays: October 20, November 3 & 17 SCRIP gift cards will be available for parent pick up during the latter part of the week. YA-YA YOGA—SESSION #2 Kids Yoga for ages 5 - 8 and ages 8 - 11 taught by Mrs. Vanessa Orr continues. SERIES 2 for ages 5 - 8 on Mondays fr om 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. on r egular r elease days and fr om 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. on early dismissal days!. $116 for a 7-week series. First class IN SERIES 2 is Monday, November 3rd. Next Series of Kids Yoga begins at St. Philip for ages 8-11 on Wednesdays fr om 3:15 to 4:15 p.m. $116 for a 7-week series. First class IN SERIES 2 is Wednesday November 5th. In Kids Yoga they will learn skills that will enhance their everyday lives in learning mindfulness, visualization and concentration strategies, strength, flexibility, and team building poses. Classes can help reduce anxiety, increase an overall sense of well-being, and the ability to improve test taking. Kids will also gain fine and gross motor skills that will improve every day functionality in and out of the classroom. 4 MISSING SCHOOL SWEATERS Thank you to the 7th grade and 1st grade students, Mr. Contreras and Ms. Wong for their leadership and participation in the school and family Masses. Thank you to the 7th and 1st grade parents for providing the delicious refreshments on Sunday too. It was enjoyed by many. SCHOOL WHITE ZONE/PICK UP PROCEDURES REMINDERS Would you kindly check your child’s sweaters to make sure they belong to them. Many parents are missing their children’s sweaters and they are expensive to replace. Thanks for your cooperation. Please do not double park in front of the Elizabeth Street gate or past the school building. There is still jay walking across Elizabeth Street, parents. Please walk safely at the crosswalks. Parents, please don’t leave your cars to socialize. Please park in a legal parking spot first. NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND (NCLB) I will be sending home a NCLB survey for all families to complete. I would appreciate it very much if these surveys are returned no later than Wednesday, October 15th. These sur veys pr ovide infor mation that impact our school. We receive federal funds through the No Child Left Behind Program that supports direct services to students who need extra support and professional development to our faculty. I thank you in advance for taking the time to complete and returning the survey. (This is an updated survey from the one sent in the summer as the income section has been revised.) NOE VALLEY HARVEST FESTIVAL SATURDAY OCTOBER 18, 2014 Saint Philip the Apostle School will have a table set up to market our school. Parents and middle school students can earn service hours if they would like to assist by speaking about the school and handing out school information. If interested, please contact the school office. 5 HIGH SCHOOL INFORMATION Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory Find out about SHCP by attending their Open House on Saturday, November 1st, 9 to 11 a.m. Please RSVP at Location: 1055 Ellis Street San Francisco,, CA 94109 Phone: 415-775-6626 Juniper Serra High School will be hosting their Annual Open House Program for junior high school students, parents, and friends on Thursday, December 4th at 7:00 p.m. Their online application process can be accessed on their website: Convent of the Sacred Heart Open House is on Thursday, November 4th. For more information visit: Stuart Hall Open House is on Wednesday, October 15 and Sunday, November 16. For more information please go to website Birthday Acknowledgements We celebrate October birthdays that occur during the second week of this month Happy Birthday to the following Students: October 9 Alice Santos Grade 1 Ian Siegel Grace 8 October 11 Jacob Noury Grade 3 October 12 October 13 Alan McLaughlin Laura McLaughlin Dashiell Crispen Grade K Grade K Grade 3 October 14 Thomas Ryan Grade 4 6 Will your child have a sibling entering St. Philip’s in fall 2015? We will likely have more student applicants than we have spaces available for the 2015-16 Kindergarten class. However, St. Philip’s gives preference to siblings of children currently attending our school whose accounts are in good standing. To guarantee your sibling admission, your completed application must be turned in NO LATER THAN December 1, 2014. Due to the high anticipated demand, we cannot guarantee a sibling’s admission if your application is late, incomplete or not submitted. So please, turn your application in NO LATER THAN December 1, 2014. To help us help you, please return this form along with your registration materials with the following information: Sibling Name: Date of Birth: THIS FORM IS NOT AN APPLICATION. PLEASE COMPLETE AN APPLICATION BY DECEMBER 1, 2014, TO BE CONSIDERED FOR ADMISSION. Saint Philip the Apostle School 415-824-8467 665 Elizabeth Street (Fax) 415-282-0121 San Francisco, CA 94114 Application for Admission PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Application for School Year: __________ Student ‘s Information Child’s Last Name: _________________________________ Application for Grade: _____ First Name: ________________________ Middle Name: _______________________________ (Parent #1) (Parent #2) Father’s Last Name:___________________________ Mother’s Last Name: ________________________ Student Address: ________________________________________________________________ (Street Address) ________________________________________Home phone: ______________________________ (City) (Zip Code) (Please include area code.) Gender: F M Date of Birth: _______________ Place of Birth: ______________________ U. S. Citizen _____Yes _____ No Child’s Religion: _______________________ Are you registered parishioners of St. Philip’s Parish? _____Yes (If yes, please write down your parish envelope # __________.) _____No Date of Baptism and Church: _______________________________________________________________ Date of first Communion and Church: ________________________________________________________ Student is: Hispanic Non-Hispanic African American Japanese Previous school(s) attended or Pre-School(s) Ethnicity of Child (Please check): Caucasian Korean Chinese Multi-Racial Filipino Other Asian ________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of School School Address Dates Attended ________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of School School Address Dates Attended For office use only Baptismal certificate___ Testing Date_________ Registration Fee Received____ 1|P a g e Birth Certificate___ Interview___Yes ___No Report Card (if applicable)___ Application Fee received _____ Medical Records____________ Previous School Records_____ (if applicable) Revised 10/4/2014 Father’s Information (Parent #1) Last Name: ____________________________________________First______________________________ Address, if different from child: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address City State (Zip) Contact Information (include area code) Home: ____________________ Work: ____________________ Cell: ____________________ E-Mail: _____________________________________ Mother’s Information (Parent #2) Last Name: ____________________________________________First______________________________ Address, if different from child: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address City State (Zip) Contact Information (include area code) Home: ____________________ Work: ____________________ Cell: ____________________ E-Mail: _____________________________________ Guardian’s Information Last Name: ____________________________________________First______________________________ Address, if different from child: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address City State (Zip) Contact Information (include area code) Home: ____________________ Work: ____________________ Cell: ____________________ E-Mail: _____________________________________ With whom does the child live?: _____both parents _____Mother only _____Father only _____Parent & Step-Parent _____Guardian 2|P a g e If divorced or separated, who has custody?: _____Mother _____Father _____Joint Custody A copy of custody section of divorce or separation decree must be filed with school office at time of registration. Revised 10/4/2014 Siblings at St. Philip the Apostle School _________________________________________________________________________ Name Grade _________________________________________________________________________ Name Grade _________________________________________________________________________ Name Grade Is either parent of student applicant an alumnus? _____Yes _____No (If yes, please indicate year graduated __________ and name at time of graduation: _________________) Is there any additional information about your child that you would like to include with this application? ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Can you please tell us how you heard about St. Philip the Apostle School? ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Date ________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Please note: This is an application and not a registration form. This application does not entail any obligation for registration on the part of St. Philip the Apostle School. 3|P a g e Revised 10/4/2014 KIDS YOGA at St. Philip The Apostle for Ages 5-8 AND 8-11 with Mrs. Vanessa Orr! Date/Time/Cost: Ages 5-8 every Monday from 2:30-3:30pm on regular release days and from 1:00-2:00pm on early release days(every 4th Monday/month). Ages 8-11 every Wednesday from 3:15-4:15pm Price is $116 for one 7 week series SERIES #2 KIDS YOGA CLASSES FOR AGES 5-8 BEGIN MONDAY NOVEMBER 3RD AND FOR AGES 8-11 BEGIN WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 5TH! Location:Mondays in Parish Hall #2, Wed. in Parish Hall #1 Contact: Mrs. Vanessa Orr at 415-310-2767 or at 7 Week SERIES dates on Mondays Ages 5-8: 7 Week SERIES dates on WEDNESDAYS Ages 8-11: Series 2: 11/03-12/15 Series 2: 11/03-12/18(No class 11/26. Make-up on Thursday 12/18 12:30-1:30 for early dismissal day) Series 3: 1/26-3/16(no class 2/16, holiday) Series 4: 3/23-5/18(no class 4/06 & 5/11, holidays) Series 3: 1/26-3/18(no class 2/18) Series 4: 3/23-5/20(no class 4/08 & 5/13) Kids will learn skills that will enhance their everyday lives in learning mindfulness, visualization and concentration strategies, strength, flexibility, and team building poses. Classes can help reduce anxiety, increase an overall sense of wellbeing, and the ability to improve test taking. Kids will also gain fine and gross motor skills that will improve every day functionality in and out of the classroom. The after school program entitled “Branch-Out” is a small component of Yaya Yoga ca. For more information visit: and Registration Form Yogini (child) First Name: Birthday: Last Name: Age: Gender: Boy Girl School Name: St. Philip Goals/Concerns/Physical Limitations/Known Allergies: Parent/Guardian First Name: Last Name: Street Address: Apt. #: City: State: Home Phone #: Zip: Email: Work #: Mobile #: Emergency Contact: Relationship: Phone #: Alternate Phone #: Pediatrician: Phone #: Class Class Details Kids Yoga Ages 5-8 Registration Type check one Location: Parish Hall #2 1 Series (7 weeks) $116 Day of Week: Mondays 2 series (14 weeks) $232 Time: 2:30-3:30pm regular days 1:00-2:00pm early release days Families enrolling more than one child in a series receive 15% off each additional child Payment amount: $ Cash Check (Payable to St. Philips) Please read and give consent: I, individually and as parent/guardian of the minor identified above, hereby acknowledge the following notices and grant Yaya Yoga ca & Next Generation Yoga with Vanessa Orr the following release: Liability Release: I acknowledge and fully understand that my child will be engaging in physical activities that may involve some risk of injury. I acknowledge that I have been advised to consult with my or my child's physician with respect to any past or present injury, illness, health problem or any other condition or medication that may affect my child’s participation in the YYC & NGY program. I assume the foregoing risks and accept personal responsibility for any personal injury sustained by my child and discharge and hold harmless YYC & NGY, its owners, directors, members, officers, teachers, employees and agents from any claim, cause of action or liability for damages arising from any personal injury to my child or other persons or property caused by my or my child’s participation in the YYC & NGY program provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply to the intentional or grossly negligent acts of YYC & NGY. Photographs: I acknowledge that my child may be photographed during NGY classes and these photographs, which shall be owned by NGY, may appear in NGY promotional materials unless otherwise specified. No child whose photograph is used will be identified by name, nor will any compensation be extended for such use. Cancellations and Changes: Missed classes are non-transferable and non-refundable. If a written request is received before the second attended class of a series, a prorated refund will be issued less a $25 processing fee. The schedule is subject to change; YYC & NGY reserves the right to combine or cancel classes and/or modify teachers. Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: Registration Form Yogini (child) First Name: Birthday: Last Name: Age: Gender: Boy Girl School Name: St. Philip Goals/Concerns/Physical Limitations/Known Allergies: Parent/Guardian First Name: Last Name: Street Address: Apt. #: City: State: Home Phone #: Zip: Email: Work #: Mobile #: Emergency Contact: Relationship: Phone #: Alternate Phone #: Pediatrician: Phone #: Class Class Details Kids Yoga Ages 8-11 Registration Type check one Location: Parish Hall #1 1 Series (7 weeks) $116 Day of Week: Wednesdays Time: 3:15-4:15pm 2 series (14 weeks) $232 Families enrolling more than one child in a series receive 15% off each additional child Payment amount: $ Cash Check (Payable to St. Philips) Please read and give consent: I, individually and as parent/guardian of the minor identified above, hereby acknowledge the following notices and grant Yaya Yoga ca & Next Generation Yoga with Vanessa Orr the following release: Liability Release: I acknowledge and fully understand that my child will be engaging in physical activities that may involve some risk of injury. I acknowledge that I have been advised to consult with my or my child's physician with respect to any past or present injury, illness, health problem or any other condition or medication that may affect my child’s participation in the YYC & NGY program. I assume the foregoing risks and accept personal responsibility for any personal injury sustained by my child and discharge and hold harmless YYC & NGY, its owners, directors, members, officers, teachers, employees and agents from any claim, cause of action or liability for damages arising from any personal injury to my child or other persons or property caused by my or my child’s participation in the YYC & NGY program provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply to the intentional or grossly negligent acts of YYC & NGY. Photographs: I acknowledge that my child may be photographed during NGY classes and these photographs, which shall be owned by NGY, may appear in NGY promotional materials unless otherwise specified. No child whose photograph is used will be identified by name, nor will any compensation be extended for such use. Cancellations and Changes: Missed classes are non-transferable and non-refundable. If a written request is received before the second attended class of a series, a prorated refund will be issued less a $25 processing fee. The schedule is subject to change; YYC & NGY reserves the right to combine or cancel classes and/or modify teachers. Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: S T. P H I L I P K I D S Y O G A C A L E N D A R 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 ST. PHILIP SCHOOL KIDS YOGA CALENDAR Ages 5-8 every Monday from 2:30-3:30 on regular release days and 1:00-2:00pm on early release Mondays Ages 8-11 every Wednesday from 3:15-4:15pm WITH MRS. VANESSA ORR 7 CLASS SERIES DATES STAR TING ENDING SERIES 1: 9/15-10/27 (NO CLASS 9.15.2014 10.27.2014 SERIES 2(NO CLASS 11/26, CLASS 12/18) 11.3.2014 12.18.2014 SERIES 3(NO CLASS 2/16) 1.26.2015 3.18.2015 SERIES 4(NO CLASS 4/06 & 5/11) 3.23.2015 5.20.2015 9/29, MAKE-UP ON 10/01 3:15-4:15PM) = no yoga class on that day due to holiday SEPTEMBER S Make-up class on 12/18 from 12:30-1:30pm for missed class on 11/26. OCTOBER M 1 T 2 W 3 T 4 F 5 S 6 9 S M T 6 7 NOVEMBER W 1 T 2 F 3 S 4 S 8 9 M T 4 DECEMBER W T F S 1 5 6 7 8 S M 1 T 2 W 3 7 8 JANUARY T 4 F 5 S 6 FEBRUARY S M T W 5 6 7 T 1 F 2 S 3 8 9 10 S 1 M 2 T 3 8 9 W 4 T 5 F 6 S 7 7 8 10 11 12 13 5 10 11 2 3 9 10 11 12 13 4 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 30 MARCH APRIL S 1 M 2 T 3 W 4 T 5 F 6 S 7 8 MAY S M T 6 7 W 1 T 2 F 3 S 4 8 9 10 11 JUNE S M T 3 4 5 W T F 1 S 2 6 7 8 9 JULY S M 1 T 2 W 3 7 8 T 4 F 5 S 6 AUGUST S M T W 1 6 7 8 T 2 F 3 S 4 S 9 M T W 4 5 T F S 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 9 10 11 12 13 5 10 11 2 3 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 30 31 St. Philip's night @ horner's corner Come join us this Wednesday October 15th! and the second Wednesday of each month after!! Come join your St. Philip friends and families at Horner's Corner - corner of Church St. and 24th 1199 Church Street San Francisco 10% of every St. Philip family meal will go to our school PTA!! No need to bring flyer Please write your name and "St. Philip school" on the signed receipt you hand to your server and we will be credited! We solve lunch so you don’t have to. Choicelunch offers daily entrée choices - made from only the most wholesome ingredients available. It’s easy to order online, note your child’s favorites or food allergies - even put ordering on autopilot. I can order a month of Choicelunch in the time it takes me to make just one lunch for my son. – Choicelunch mom, Walnut Creek, CA Get a FREE LUNCH! Click your School Code below to Sign Up* (This automatically enters your school code for you.) Real food kids love – Wide variety to satisfy choosy and adventurous eaters alike. We’ve got you covered. Simple, flexible ordering – Whether you order every day or once a month, it’s ready when you need it! Choicelunch makes it simple for busy families to live better and eat well. Check out © 2014 Choicelunch Or you can Print this flyer, Visit, Click Sign Up and Enter School Code. Your School Code: EXCELLENCE *Offer valid for New Customer Sign Ups this month. Capital Campaign Update The roof top tours were a big success! Everyone really seemed to enjoy getting a feel for what will become part of the school facilities. As you all know we are hoping for 100% participation. We are now close to 50% participation. We would like to recognize and thank the families that have already contributed, with a special thanks to the 1st grade class who has almost 80% participation. 1stGrade Anderson Barden Baxter Cabezas Carron Casserly Cudden Dickerson Dosios Finnerty Galatti Gupta Littell Maimone McEachon Medal Mullen O’Scanaill O’Sullivan Santos Spencer Stapp Waters-Clee 2nd Grade Breiten Clarke Della Lana/Hall Erskine Fannon Gard Hammel Lyons McBride Morrison Panasik Pena Putt Ramirez 3rd Grade Boivin Crispen Cudden Finnerty Freundlich Gilligan Kavanagh Lewis Major McCarthy McGrath Ngin-Lindahl Powell Remedios Sanchez Tarrazzi 4th Grade Carron Gupta Hammel Howarth Hubbard Mullen Ramirez Schaaf Urruty 5th Grade Andrzejek Bianco Boivin Clarke Crispen DeGrandi Erskine Gard Giamello Harris Kavanagh Kronar McBride McGee McMullen Oliver Pena Powell Sanchez 6th Grade Breiten Casserly Clayton Cross Easland Evans Griffin-Ruwin Howarth McCarthy McGrath McMullen Morgan Puccinelli Urruty Wavro 7th Grade Almuhtadi Clayton DeGrandi Della Lana/Hall Gallagher Giamello Herbert Maloney Powell Wavro 8th Grade Boivin Evans Foran Gallagher Goldfein Hong Huson Lewis Martin McBride McCarthy McGee McLaughlin O’Reilly Pederson HOT DOG LUNCHES - LAST ONE COMING UP!! The Sports Council will be serving the last hot dog lunch of this important fundraising activity on Friday, October 10. Contrary to what previously communicated, payments for the hot dog lunches will NOT be charged to your FACTS accounts. Please send your check or cash payments to school c/o Sports Council, Att.n Hot Dog Lunches. Checks should be made to St. Philip Sports Council. How much do you owe? You should have received an order confirmation email from "Sports Council Website" <>. If you don’t remember the amount and can’t find the email, please send us a note at SPORT FEES A $50 Sport Fee is assessed when your kid(s) participate to at least 1 sport and billed via FACTS. We will be processing the first round of sport fees based on participation to the current season (soccer for K-2 and 3-8 boys and volleyball for 3-8 girls). UNIFORM FEES Uniform fees are due only if you or your team ordered uniforms for the season. The Uniform Fee is $40/player for grades K-2 and $50/player for grades 3-8. This charge as well will NOT be billed via FACTS. Please send your check or cash payments to school c/o Sports Council, Att.n Uniform Fees. Checks should be made to St. Philip Sports Council. BRUINS AROUND THE WORLD - LAST CALL!! We have received several submissions during the summer. This is the last call in case you have forgotten to send in your photos. Please submit them via email at and indicate the location where they were taken. Winners will be announced during the 10/26 Sport Mass. BRUINS RUNNING TEAM • The St Philip's running team would like as many kids as possible to turn out for the school at the upcoming Twilight Fun Run. These events are fun, the kids enjoy them and always do really well. • TWILIGHT FUN RUN #1 • Friday, October 10 • 5:00 pm (6th-8th) • 5:30 pm (3rd-5th) • Location: start/finish at Sunset Blvd parking lot, Lake Merced. Participants will run counter-clockwise on the path around the lake. Out-and-back course with a turn-around at the respective half-way point for each distance. • Distances: 3rd-5th Graders = 1-1/4 mile, 6th-8th graders = 2 miles SPORTS CALENDAR This is a summary of the key sports program events: • Sport Masses - Sundays 10/26, 3/1, 5/3 • Bruins Days - Fridays 10/3, 1/23, 3/20, 5/15 • Crab Feed - Saturday 1/24 • Sports Dinner (for all coaches and athletes) - Thursday 4/23 • Track & Field Day - Friday 5/22 Mark your calendars! If you have any question related to St. Philip Sports program, please email us at
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