St. Anthony’s School Newsletter “Lighting Pathways for life….”

St. Anthony’s School
“Lighting Pathways for life….”
9th October 2014
Principal: Paul Ryan
Priest Director: Fr Hal Ranger
9 Memory Street
Toowoomba Qld 4350
Phone: 4635 6200 Fax: 4635 0950
Student Protection Contacts:
Vicki Nauschutz & Emma Gavin
WHS: Korine Lewis
Welcome back everyone to Term 4. We have been delighted with the enthusiasm displayed by every child for
the term ahead. It is going to be full and dare I say-fast. We will achieve a great deal in the next 9 weeks and
I urge each parent to read the weekly newsletter to ensure you are well informed of the many activities that
your child will be engaged in.
The first big event this term would have to be the Annual School Play. Our Artistic Director, Anne-Maree
Spalding has again created a performance that we will all be very proud of, I’m sure. The children have
worked very hard to be ready for this performance and we invite every family to see the performance. We will
have two shows, one at 11.00am on Wednesday the 15th and again that night for parents beginning at 6.30pm. We wish our
performers and Anne-Maree every success.
Next week, St Anthony’s will host the annual Consistency of Teacher Judgment Day on Tuesday the 14th of October after
school. This gathering allows our teachers to discuss the marks given to our students and compares work samples of other
students from other schools in our diocese to ensure consistency of grades given. This is done in a collaborative and supportive environment where each teacher has the opportunity to discuss their reasoning behind the marks given.
World Teacher’s Day falls on Friday the 31st of October. Whilst I am away at the Principal’s meeting for the term , I urge each
parent to make contact with their child’s teacher and thank them for all of the work that they do behind the scenes and for
going above and beyond the role description to ensure your child’s success, not just academically but holistically. We have a
staff that do this regularly and all too often we can miss the opportunity to thank them. Please remember the 31st to say
thanks to your child’s teacher.
(PUPIL FREE DAY 20th OCTOBER. Staff professional development day.)
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Please take note of these important
dates on our Religion calendar this
Presentation Day Mass. During this
celebration we acknowledge the hard work and years
of dedication from the founding nuns at St Anthony’s,
the Presentation Sisters. This Mass will take place on
Friday the 21st of November at 11am
Year 6/7 graduation liturgy- Wednesday 3rd of December at 5:30pm. Those attending will be invited for
refreshments after the liturgy in the St Anthony’s parish
End of school year Mass -Friday the 5th of December
at 11am
FROM 8AM!!!!!!!!!!
$3 per seat!!!!!!!!!!!
Performances at
11am and 6:30pm
Happy School Officer’s Day
Wednesday 15th October
Prep AD-Dear Prep AD parents. Thank you for your amazing support and well wishes throughout last term. It’s been a difficult time for my family, and I sincerely thank you for your
understanding. This term I will be taking some long service leave - which I will take as one day per week. This means I will be teaching Monday to
Thursday, with another teacher taking the children for Friday. Mrs Rees will be teaching for the first two Fridays, with a teacher for the rest of the Fridays being announced very shortly. Fridays this term will include assembly, swimming, and a music and drama specialist lesson, so the major teaching
load will be from Monday to Thursday. Be assured that I will work closely with the other teacher, so that there is continuity for the children in both curriculum and routine. This is an exciting term, and I look forward to these last few months with your gorgeous children.
Please read Prep SB happenings regarding swimming!
Prep SB– Swimming: We have swimming starting next Friday, the 17th of October.
Students will be going with their Year 6/7 buddies on a bus to the Glennie indoor swimming pool. Swimming lessons will go for 30 minutes.
There will be 5 swimming sessions all on Fridays:
17th of October
24th of October
31st of October
7th of November
14th of November
Then, on the 28th of November the Prep to Year 3 children will participate in a
‘swimming carnival’. For the Preps, this will be non-competitive but rather a fun half day
at the pool!
How to organise for the swimming days
Every Friday, students will need : (please name everything)
Swimming bag
A towel
Easy to wear shoes on the bus (sandals or thongs)
Swimmers – one piece for girls; speedo style for boys.
Swimming caps will be provided
Yr 1 CC- Welcome back everyone! Term Four
Yr 1 EG-Welcome back to Term 4,
WOW the year is flying by. It is hard to
believe that in only 8 weeks the bright
eyed Year Ones that came to me at the
beginning of the year will be moving on
to Year 2.
We have started back with a BANG! this
term learning all about the ‘Sensational
Sounds’ within our world and how they
are produced and how are ears are able
to hear these amazing sounds. We
have asked students to bring in a selection of sound producers to put on display in our room. We are looking forward to a very special guest ‘SANDY
STAR’ visiting our room when we have
learnt all about noise and how it is
We have also started to revise our
addition strategies in Math, looking at
doubles, near doubles, counting on,
make to ten, adding zero and adding
Will need to come to school with their togs on under their uniform. This will free
ten. We have been playing numerous
up a lot of time having to change into their togs at school.
games to aid in our ability to quickly and
Yr 4 JR -Welcome to Term 4! It's difficult to beNo boardies are allowed for both girls and boys
mentally apply these strategies.
lieve that we are at this stage of the year. Yesterday
Please pack undies for boys to change into after swimming
In English we have started our new
we filled in all of the happenings for the term on our
group rotations where students have
calendars. Wow, its sure going to be an action packed focused sessions on spelling, reading
Girls must wear a one piece (No bikinis).
term. Homework has commenced this week. It is an
and comprehension. Students are
Girls, will wear their school uniform to school
expectation that all children complete their homework enjoying these rotations and working as
and change into their togs just before swimming time
and hand it in on time. Homework is due every Mona group in this time to earn stars for
(as this is easier when using the bathroom before
day as this allows for the busyness of family life
great behaviour and participation.
during the week. Homework for Year 4 is one unit of
Homework will start again next week so
Maths Plus, spelling (focusing on the sound of the
please keep your eyes peeled for stuweek), tables (revision of multiplication facts and the
dent’s homework folders. It will be the
Yr 2 JK-Welcome to the final Term for 2014, it is sure to be a busy one. In Mathe- related division facts) as well as 20 minutes personal same process as last term with students
reading. Unfortunately and very sadly, there are still
having 2 weeks to complete their homematics this term, we will focus on multiplication and division, money, 3D shapes and
children without the necessary books such as bible,
work rubric. Next week is also the start
describe outcomes (chance). During English sessions we will be looking at the use
atlas and dictionary. If your children still requires
of our swimming programme, our swimand power of language especially in poetry: rhyming couplet, alliteration, similes and
these books please attend to this request asap.
ming time is 10.45 on a Friday. Stusimple poetry verses. We will kick off oral presentations next week (Week 2-3) with
dents will get changed for swimming at
the children presenting two humorous items. They may present riddles, jokes, silly
These are required for Teacher Judgement Day as
school and have morning tea before
verses, tongue twisters (alliteration) or a combination. While in Science, our lessons
well as reference to children's work. Please return
they go. I am wanting to ask all parents
will centre on the forces of push and pull. Next week, Science
these asap. Swimming commences next Friday 17th
to pack some extra lunch on swimming
Homework sheet will be sent home for children to investigate two
October. Year 4 will be attenddays because students are often more
places to identify any pushes or pulls found there. Reminders:
ing with their Year 1 buddies at
hungry after their swimming lesson.
Remember to return portfolios, please. Swimming lessons start
10:45am. Lessons are held at
Next week we also welcome Miss Emily
next week.
the Glennie School swimming
Clark to our class. Emily is a 4th Year
intern from the USQ and is looking
forward to spending time in the 1EG
classroom. We look forward to having
Yr 3 RM -Welcome to the last term of the
her in our room. Welcome Emily.
year. It is a very busy one and we have hit the bang and the children have really enjoyed getting to FINALLY
Have a great week, and enjoy the last
call me Mrs Keith. Thank you for all your kind words and support
ground running. In Religion we have thought
Term of Year 1. Emma
about what life was like when Jesus was alive throughout this important milestone. This will be a quick and
busy term and I look forward to the journey with you all!
and how it might be different now. In Maths,
we have been learning about angles and
multiplication. In English, we have started our
poetry study and identified rhyming patterns.
Swimming starts next week. Please take the
time to make sure your child has everything
Yr. 5 LL- Term 4 is well and truly underway - with so much coming up that is exciting and fun - swimming, camp!
they need in order to be able to participate in
In English we will be studying a Dr Seuss story 'The Sneetches' which will support our Term 4 Unit on Poetry. We will be reading, analysthese very important lessons.
ing, reciting and creating many different types of poetry and gathering a collection to keep. In Maths we will be working predominantly in
the Statistics and Probability strand which will be the basis for a mini unit on 'The Heart of the Matter' - we will discuss, measure, record, monitor and compare our heart rate at rest, during exercise, and after exercise (recovery rate).
Our class went to Mass on Wednesday and we were reminded through the scripture readings of the importance of accepting people for
who they are and appreciating our differences. This related so well to 'The Sneetches' and the message that 'no-one should consider
themselves better than others, but rather we should learn to appreciate each other's differences'.
Our class entered a NIE Book Week Competition at the end of last term, which involved sending in a photo from a
class Book Week activity - we ended up with a Highly Commended Award and will be receiving a package of
books for our school. Thanks to Samantha Krause for initiating this activity for us.
We would like to welcome back Gemma Tancred to our class and to St Anthony's! Great having you back Gemma!
has started with lovely behaviour and positivity
shown by the children. I hope this continues as this
term typically goes very quickly and there is a lot to
fit in! In English this week we have been revising
what a narrative is and comparing narratives to nonfiction texts. We are also starting to learn a lot of
digraphs – letters that go together to make one
sound e.g ‘oo’, ‘ay’, ‘ch’ etc. For Maths, we are
revising addition and subtraction strategies such as
counting on and plus ten. For Science, all children
received some homework to observe the day and
night sky and environment at
home. In Religion, we have
started talking about who Mary
is. Please remember to return
all portfolios.
Yr 6/7 RL-Welcome back to our last term 6/7RL. We have looked at the term and have
highlighted and noted all the different events and busy timeframe we have to complete all these
items. In we are working hard to polish our play performance for next week and we are all getting very excited. This week we have been learning about poetry, where students have been
introduced to different types of poetry and famous poets. Students have been learning how to
solve problems involving decimals and have been working hard
in Geography. We have a busy and short term ahead of us but
are looking forward to it. Until next week!
Yr 6/7 JA-Welcome back to Term 4. This week we have been practising hard for our up-
coming play. Today we had our first dress rehearsal in the hope of ironing out any small problems before the big performance on Wednesday. The children have been working extra hard
with their lines, songs and dance routines and we just know you
are going to love the show. Friendly reminder: Homework is due
tomorrow – Everyday Spelling and Mathematics. Play performance
Wednesday 15th in the school hall. Swimming lessons startnext
Friday at the Glennie Pool
We would like to welcome back Wesley, Charmaine, Gemma(5LL)
& Cody(3RM) Tancred to St Anthony’s.
The Aquathlon is a race similar to a triathlon except with no cycle leg. It consists of a 1 km run,
200m swim and another 1 km run.
A Darling Downs team of ten (10) male and ten (10) female students (born 2004 & 2003) of suitable standard will be selected to attend the State Championships at Hervey Bay on Saturday 21
February 2015.
DATE OF TRIAL: Friday 24 October 2014
Dalby Aquatic Centre
9.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m.
All Competitors are to assemble at 8.30 a.m. to be registered and numbered
CONDITIONSSchool based individual nominations for
Stephen Boundy
Dalby South State School
È 0427 134 616
5 girls & 5 boys born 2004
5 girls & 5 boys born 2003
NOMINATION FEE: $10.00 per student - Schools will receive a tax invoice after the trial.
. Togs
& Towel
. Appropriate Clothing & Footwear
. Water
. Sunscreen
. Completed Student Medical Form
1 km run leg, 200m swim leg & then another 1 km run leg
It is the SCHOOL'S RESPONSIBILITY to ensure that adequate supervision is provided for the
students that they nominate.
Students placed first, second & third will receive medallions.
At the conclusion of the trials, a team will be chosen to contest the
State Championships at Hervey Bay on Saturday 21 February 2015.
$3 per seat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SHAKESPEARE ROCKS! – Wednesday 15th October – 11am and
The Year 6/7 class will present their musical NEXT WEEK! We are
really excited to be coming to the end of this amazing process and to be
able to share our hard work with an audience. It is shaping up to be a
wonderful show. You won’t want to miss it. We will have a daytime performance at 11am for those who can’t come at night or people with
younger children and will finish with our night time performance from
6.30 on Wed night. The show runs for about 1 ½ hours. Your ticket cost
of $3 will help cover the copyright fees for the performances. Thanks for
your support.
CHRISTMAS MARKETS EVENT – Saturday 8th November
We will be preparing some massed choir performances to present at
the P&F’s Market Event. The children in Prep to Year 2 will sing together earlier in the afternoon. Later on, Years 3 to 5 will present and the
Years 6 and 7 will also sing a few songs. There will also be a smaller
stage area set up and individual children may like to take the opportunity to present some solo songs or poems or dances. I’ll be looking for
some volunteers next week – once the musical is over!
Anne-Maree Spalding
Class Awards
Prep AD
Noah Williams
Oliver Hamilton
School Calendar of Events 2014
Yr. 4 JR
Hope Riding
Taylah Alchin
Yr. 2 JK
Brendon Vicary-Rojas
William Searle
Yr. 5 LL
Yasmine Gribble
Prep SB
Riley McPhee
Ebony Head
Yr. 2/3 VN
Elliot Thomas
Mitchell Kiakpe
John Leaman
Imogen Lawrence
Yr. 1 EG
Aiden Diprose
Isabella Mackay
Yr. 3 RM
Cody Tancred
Catherine Juwan-Morobe
Yr. 1 CC
Joshua Pearson
Preston Alexander
Yr. 6/7 JA
Freya Wiedman
Lucy Geurtsen
Mackenzie Diprose
Yr. 6/7 RL
Anthony Hanna
Principal’s Award
Tuesday, October Friday, December 5
Yr 6/7 Musical
Swimming Lessons (x5wks)
CTJ Day (Pupil Free)
St Anthony’s Speech Competition
Planet Rhythm
Day for Daniel
World Teachers’ Day
- Wed Oct 15 11am & 6.30pm
- Fri
Oct 17
- Mon Oct 20
-Tues Oct 28
-Tues Oct 28
- Fri
Oct 31
- Fri
Oct 31
———————————————————Melbourne Cup
- Tues Nov 4
Pre-Yr 3 “The Right Balance”
- Thurs Nov 6
School Orientation Day
- Thurs Nov 6
St Anthony’s Christmas
- Sat
Nov 8
Presentation Day Mass
- Fri
Nov 21 11am
School Camp
- Wed
Nov 26 - Fri Nov 28
Swimming Carnival Yr P-3
- Fri
Nov 28
(Glennie Aquatic Centre)
Child Writes Book Launch
- Mon
Dec 1 2pm
Swimming Carnival Yr 4-7
- Mon
Dec 1
(Glennie Aquatic Centre)
Pastoral Care
If you have any queries or
know anyone who requires help
please contact Viv Hanna
46354835 or Nicole Rangiira 0437382408.
Your support would be appreciated
Playgroup meets every Monday at
the parish building from 9am until
11am. If interested please contact Robynne
0431095874 or Kahren on 0422569947
Oct 10
- Helena Wiersma
Oct 17
- Jodie Murray
Oct 24
- Ainsley Prentice
Oct 31
-Shannon McLaughlin Grist
Nov 7
- Kristy McCallum
Nov 14
- Sandra Young
- Wed
- Fri
Dec 3 5.30pm
Dec 7 11am
Louis Thomas (6/7 RL) has lost his
named formal hat. If found please
return it to the office.
Ebony-Leigh Bateman (Yr 1 CC) has
lost her jacket
St Anthony’s
Parish Playgroup
Yr 6/7 Graduation Night
End of School Year Mass
Please label all clothing
and encourage your
children to pack their
clothing into their bags.
*****Times and dates are subject to change*****
Swimming – Term 4
In Term 4, students will be commencing their swimming
lessons. The swimming block will run for a 5 week period
from 17th October at Glennie Aquatic Centre. Classes will be
taught by certified Swim Instructors.
Students will need to ensure that they have all the necessary equipment for swimming on these days. Items to bring
should include; swimming togs (1 piece costume for girls,
togs or similar for boys – no zip up suits or board shorts),
towel, sandals/thongs, t-shirt and goggles.
Students do not need to bring any money for the lessons
as they are covered through the School’s Activity Fees.
One final note, maximum participation from the students is
highly encouraged. Please endeavour to have your children organised for their sessions so
they can get the most out of this swimming block.
Please contact the
office if you can help
with washing the sick
bay sheets.
School Camp
The Yrs. 5/6/7 Camp will be from the 26th to the 28th
November at the Christian Youth Camp Burleigh
Heads. The cost is approximately $300 which parents
can start to pay off through the school office. Further
details will be given closer to the event.
9:15 am 5LL
10:15 am 1CC & 2JK
11:15 am Prep AD & 6/7 JA
9:45 am 2/3VN & 3RM
10:45 am 1EG & 4JR
11:45 am Prep SB & 6/7 RL
These times are a guide at present and may be subject to change.
Attention all Volunteers
This is a reminder to ALL parents who volunteer in any way at St Anthony’s you MUST report to the
office to read the ‘Code of Conduct for Volunteers’ document and the ‘Student Protection’ requirements BEFORE you can begin your role as a volunteer. You will then need to be signed in on
any subsequent visit to the school.
NO ONE is permitted to enter a classroom unless they have signed in at the office. This is for the
protection of ALL children and for administration to know who is on the premises in case of fire or
Please remember that if an adult wishes to use the
school amenities/school toilets they must go to the staffroom.
Parents must never use students toilets.
Chiniquay Street
Please be aware there are residents in Chiniquay Street who are affected by the
way people park in their street. People are parking for long and
short term periods in the “No Standing Zone” . This is hindering
access to properties as well as making rubbish collect impossible.
We recommend that you try and park in the Stephen or Memory
Thank you to our Current
Newsletter Sponsors
If you wish to advertise your business and sponsor our newsletter at the same
time, please contact the school office for further details.
Stephen Street Car Park
We have had phone calls to the office in regards to safety in
the car park. If your child is waiting to be picked up they must
wait in the school grounds. Children must NOT run across the
car park to the parked cars and caution must be taken at all
times. The School (south) side of the car park is a stop/drop/go zone at pick up
time and drop off time. Vehicles should not be parked here. The Stephen Street
(north) side of the car park is for parking, if you park there you must exit you’re
your car and walk your child to the school gate and of an afternoon meet them at
the gate and walk them back to your car.
Always remember to keep your contact
details up to date !
If your child is absent please contact the
office on 46356200 to ensure that it is
marked on the attendance roll.