O 12, 2014

OCTOBER 12, 2014
October 13 - 19, 2014
9:00am- Pr. Pio
8:15am- Joe Rialti
Stefano Geronimo
Giulio Della Penna
The king said to him, "My friend, how is
it that you came in here without a wedding
garment?" But he was reduced to silence.
Then the king said to his attendants, "Bind
his hands and feet, and cast him into the
darkness outside, where there will be
wailing and grinding of teeth." Many are
invited, but few are chosen (Mt 22:12-14).
Thank You!
You may have noticed the entrance doors and soffits are better
and brighter thanks to a few of our parishioners. Franco
D’Agostino, Orazio di Maria, George Gesuale, Vittorio
Simone and Jerry Terriaca spent a couples of days preparing
and painting the exterior doors and areas of our church. We
are thankful for their time and help in improving the look of
the building. We are also thankful to Rosina Ricci who
prepared and served lunch for our busy workers. Grazi!
This week at St. James:
8:15am- Anna Rocca & Deceased Family
Giuseppe Rinaldi
8:15am- Giuseppe Costantini
Margarita Tessaro
8:15am- Luigia & Eugenio Bonadeo
8:15am- John Borg
7:00pm- Mike Pocrnic
8:30am- Maria & Jose Goulart
9:45am- Our Parish Community
11:00am- Nora Collins
5:00pm- Domenico Di Fonso
October 18, Feast of St. Luke
St. Luke, the inspired author of the third
Gospel and of the Acts of the Apostles,
was a native of Antioch in Syria and a
physician, and one of the early converts
from paganism. He accompanied St. Paul
on a considerable part of his missionary
journey. He was also his companion
while in prison at Rome on two different
occasions. His account of these events, contained in the Acts, is
firsthand history.
9:00 am
Mass (not 8:15)
1 – 3 pm
7:30 pm
9:30 am
3:30 pm
7:30 pm
9:00 – noon
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
9:00 am
12:30 pm
Craft Group
Scripture Reflection
Class Confession (Gr. 8)
Choir (Children)
Choir (11:00)
Choir (8:30)
Legion of Mary
St. James Bazaar –
Sunday, November 16th
The Bazaar Committee would like to thank everyone that has
contributed to the silent auction and wine baskets. We are
still in need of some more items, if you have something you
would like to donation, please contact the parish office. This
year the Committee is also hoping to have 3 completely
decorated trees to raffle off. If you have an artificial tree
(under 6 feet), ornaments, lights, etc. that you are no longer
using, please contact the office to make arrangements to have
them dropped off or picked up.
Luke's Gospel is, above all, the Gospel of the Merciful Heart of
Jesus. It emphasizes the fact that Christ is the salvation of all
men, especially of the repentant sinner and of the lowly. Legend
says that Luke painted the Blessed Virgin's portrait. It is certainly
true that he painted the most beautiful word-picture of Mary ever
This year we are also accepting donations of Canadian Tire
money. If you have been collecting this “currency”, and don’t
know what to do with it, please consider donating it to the
bazaar. We thank you in advance for your help in this joyful
and community building event.
Sunday Collection $4,539.00
We still have some tickets available for the St.
James Annual Dinner/Dance on Saturday,
October 25th at 7:00 pm at Le Dome Banquet Hall. The
meal will start with antipasto, followed by pasta, New
York steak with roasted potatoes and vegetables and end with
fresh fruit and an assortment of baked goods, coffee and tea.
2 bottles of wine will also be included at each table. A DJ
will keep the music playing, so remember your dancing shoes.
Tickets are $50 and will be available after all masses or
through the office. Tickets are selling quickly, so we
recommend you purchase yours early.
Are you a high school teen looking for service hours while
having fun and helping a child? Big Brothers Big Sisters is
looking for volunteers for its Homework Club program at St.
James School on Mondays from 3:20-4:30 p.m. Help a child
with homework, read together, play games, be a
friend! Commitment from mid-October to mid-May. Visit
annemarie.doherty@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca to reserve your
spot now!
The St James School Breakfast Program is in need of
volunteers. If you can spare an hour one morning every two
to three weeks, please contact the school (905) 339-0731. For
the past 11 years members of #3881 K of C have prepared a
breakfast snack for the entire student body at the school on
Tues, Wed and Thurs, mornings between 7 am and 8 am.
Would you like to hear more about the process through
($3,512.00, 236 envelopes average $14.88, loose $1,027.00)
God bless you for your generosity!
NOTE: On Thanksgiving Day, October 13th, our daily
Mass will be celebrated at 9:00am.
The Pr. Pio mass will be celebrated on Monday, October
20th, at 7:00pm due the Thanksgiving Day holiday.
Mary Link – The next Mary Link will take
place on Saturday, October 18th in the chapel.
Everyone is invited to participate. We meet
at 2:45 and start with the Divine Mercy
Chaplet followed by the rosary. Feel free to bring a friend.
Upcoming Adoption Information Night
Wednesday, October 22, 2014 – 7:00 p.m.
St. Matthew Parish, 1150 Monks Passage in Oakville
For more information and to register call Jocelyn at (905)
525-2012 ext. 3125 or visit www.hamiltonccas.on.ca
Fr. Frank, Fr. Kim and Fr. Louis would like to wish everyone
a Happy Thanksgiving Day. May God shine His blessings on
you and your family as you gather around the table giving
thanks for the precious gifts He has granted you.
This week we pray for:
Oct 13 – Very Rev. William Foote
Oct 14 – Rev. Harry Schmuck
Oct 15 – Chaplains
Oct 16 – Rev. Luc Payette
Oct 17 – Rev. Anthony Azzopardi
Oct 18 – Rev. Piotr Golinski
Dressed For Success
How many weddings of friends and family members have you
already attended this year? Do you get those cute little “Save
The Date” postcards? The Jews would not announce the date
or time until everything was prepared. Then they sent
couriers out to say “Come on, it’s ready!” But some guests
kept on about their business and refused to come.
So the king’s servants invite all new guests who stand for the
sinners and the unclean people of the time- the very ones
you’d never see at the King’s table. In this way, Jesus
announces his message of transformation: God welcomes all
to the banquet of love and new life. The banquet is the symbol
of the lavish, abundant Kingdom of God which fills all our
hungers and delights all our senses.
People have associated God’s kingdom with food for a long
time, even ridiculing it as “Pie in the sky when you die.” (I
think Jesus would enjoy that image!) But isn’t there just
something so wonderful and comforting about picturing us all
together, feasting at a magnificent banquet?
The hungers we have for good food and drink show us just a
shadow of how much our soul is longing for God. The
question is, are we willing to do what it takes to be a guest at
that banquet? Because there is still a requirement to be
prepared for the summons of God, by coming to the banquet
wearing a wedding garment. If we recognize God’s
invitation, then hopefully we will be willing to “change our
clothes!” To go to God dressed in garments of repentance,
humility, garments of humble sorrow for our sins and faults.
Let’s go to the banquet dressed in garments of love and
respect for God.