We “Believe in U. S.” Massanutten Welcomes You and CONGRATULATIONS! You’re invited to the 2015 U10-14 SARA Championships, February 28th and March 1st at Massanutten, VA As an 8-13 year old racer that has completed two (2) separate race day starts this season, you are eligible for this SARA Championship event. Entry Fee: $150 may be submitted at registration check-in, Friday, Feb. 27th or Sat. Feb. 28th. There will not be a Sunday registration at this event. Fee includes: Lift tickets, commemorative bib and t-shirt, banquet at the Blue Ridge Buffet at the WaterPark, pizza party, and goodie bags. Registration for this Championship event is available on-line at the SARA website: www.sararacing.org. Go to the SARA race registration link on the lower left side of the home page and register as you would for regular season races. Please only register if you have met the qualification of 2 separate race day starts. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Wednesday, Feb. 25th, 5:00 P.M. This is not negotiable. Competitor Lists will be posted Thursday Afternoon on Live-Timing. Registration Check-In: Friday Feb. 27th 6:30-9:00 P.M. Saturday Feb. 28th 7:00-8:00 A.M. Cash or Checks ONLY accepted at Check-In. Make Checks payable to Massanutten Ski Team Family Lift Tickets: $30/day will also be available at Registration Check-In. Parents: We only have seating at the banquet for one adult attendee per athlete. However, additional family members may enjoy dining at the Hideaway Lounge one floor below during the 6:00-9:00 P.M. time frame of the banquet. Additional Banquet and Pizza Party Fee: o Adult family member: $30.00 for the Banquet (1 adult/athlete, please) o $10 for Pizza Party o Children 10 yrs. and under $5.00 for Pizza Party Coaches: 2 coaches from each area may receive a complimentary attendance at the banquet and pizza party Clubs: Please notify us by Tuesday, February 24th which coaches will be eligible for complimentary banquet/pizza party. Race volunteers and Forerunners may obtain Complimentary lift tickets at the Volunteers’ Table at registration. Lodging: A block of rooms have been made available for race families for $75/night. Contact hotelres@massresort.com , OR Call 540-289-4914 and ask for Bob Wines. Mention SARA Championship Race for February 28-March 1st to get the $75 rate. Additional lodging options available at http://www.visitharrisonburgva.com/ SARA 2015 U10-14 Championships TENTATIVE EVENT SCHEDULE Friday: 6:00-9:00 pm Registration: 3rd floor of the Lodge 7:00-7:30 pm Gate Judges Meeting: 3rd floor of the Lodge 8:00-8:30 pm Coaches’ Meeting for SL races on Saturday 3rd floor of the Lodge Saturday: 7:00-8:00 am Registration: 3rd floor of the Lodge 7:15-7:30 am Gate Judges meeting: 3rd floor of the Lodge (Gate Judge Sign-ups available at both Registration Check-ins: Sat. & Sun. OR Sat. / Sun. ONLY respectively.) 7:30-1:30 pm Inspection and 3 runs of SL 2:30 pm: SL Awards at the Mid-Mtn. Grill Deck Coaches’ Meeting for GS runs on Sunday: Immediately following Awards at MMG Deck 6:00-9:00 pm U10-14 SARA Championship Banquet at the Blue Ridge Buffet, (At the WaterPark) Bib draws for goodies 8:15-8:45 pm Sunday: 7:30 am-1:30 pm Inspection and 3 runs of GS 3:30 pm Pizza Party and Awards: Mt. Cruiser’s Room at the base of the Lodge (Formerly known as: the Slope Sliders’ Room) HAVE FUN, SKI FAST, GOOD LUCK! Enjoy lunch each day at the Mid-Mountain Grill! Sandwich Combos will be on sale for $7.00. Complimentary sandwich and drink for race volunteers and forerunners. Proceeds benefit the Massanutten Ski Team.
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