CHURCH OF SAINT GREGORY THE GREAT 242-20 88TH AVENUE, BELLEROSE, NY 11426 Week of October 12, 2014 TWENTY–EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Robert Barron’s CATHOLICISM SERIES SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19TH SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH 2:00PM OFFICE BASEMENT Light refreshments to follow discussion. Call the Parish Office to register. Parish Mission Statement: St. Gregory the Great Parish, established in 1936, is a welcoming Catholic community serving the people of Bellerose, Floral Park, and environs. Pursuing holiness through the Eucharist, we strive to live out Jesus Christ's mandate of service, evangelization, and establishment of justice for all. Embracing the diversity and talents of our members, we seek the participation of everyone on the journey. Parish Staff: Contact Information: Msgr. Edward A. Ryan, Pastor Rev. William Dulaney, Parochial Vicar Rev. Johnson Nedungadan C. M., Parochial Vicar Deacon Arthur Cutter Deacon Robert Zeuner Sr. Patricia Anglin, O.P., Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation Ms. Lynn Alaimo, School Principal Mr. Bart Haggerty, Director of Music Ministry Msgr. Eugene A. Feldhaus, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Joseph Cunningham, Pastor Emeritus Mr. John Reh, Civil Trustee Mrs. Patricia Brandt, Civil Trustee Parish Office: Mass Schedule: Office of Faith Formation Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00PM Sunday: 8:00AM; 9:15AM; 11:00AM; 12:30PM; 5:15PM Sunday in Gregorian Hall: 9:15AM (when Religious Ed Classes are in session) Weekdays Monday - Friday: 7:00AM; 9:00AM, Saturday Morning: 9:00AM Holydays: Vigil Mass: 7:30PM 7:00AM; 9:00AM; 12:00Noon 242-20 88th Ave. Phone 718-347-3707 Fax 718-347-0583 Parish Website: Parish Email: Mrs. Lois Brady, Parish Receptionist Miss Jennifer Kalin, Parish Receptionist Mrs. Patricia McMenamin, Parish Secretary Mr. Peter Varol, Parish Bookkeeper Office Hours: Weekdays 9:00AM - 8:00PM Saturdays 9:00AM - 3:00PM Sundays 9:00AM - 12:30PM Gregorian Hall Phone 718-347-0525 Sr. Patricia Anglin, O.P., Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation Ms. Kathy LaVache, Secretary Office Hours: Tuesday 10:30AM - 3:30PM Wednesday 10:30AM - 3:30PM Thursday 10:30AM - 3:30PM Sunday 10:15AM - 11:30AM St. Gregory the Great School Eucharistic Devotion: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Tuesday from the conclusion of the 9:00AM Mass until 10:30AM. Address 244-44 87th Ave. Phone 718-343-5053 School Website: Ms. Lynn Alaimo, Principal Mrs. Camille Gunning, Secretary Baptism: Baptism is celebrated on the Second Sunday of each month at 2:00PM and on the Fourth Saturday of each month at 12:00Noon. Please call the Parish Office to make an appointment to meet with Deacon Zeuner. Sacrament of Penance: The Sacrament of Penance is offered each Saturday at 1:00PM. and at other times by appointment with one of our priests. Marriage: A couple planning marriage must make an appointment with one of our priests or deacons at least 6 months in advance of the marriage. FAITH FORMATION Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time "Go out, therefore, into the main roads and invite to the feast whomever you find." Jesus' disciples live in the conviction that God will supply whatever we need. We express that conviction by sharing with those who are in need. For adult reflection: What prevents me from accepting God's invitation to be among His chosen ones? For children: How generous am I in sharing with others? Looking Ahead Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 I Thessalonians 1:1-5b Matthew 22: 15- 21 Jesus' disciples are called to tell the Lord's glory among all the nations. Kingdoms and empires come and go, but the glory of God prevails, manifested through the people that bear His name and trust in His promises. Religion classes for children in Grades 1 through 8 attending public school are held on Sunday mornings following the 9:15AM Family Mass in Gregorian Hall. Diocesan Guidelines require two years of preparation for First Holy Communion. Children 6 years of age or older who have not been baptized must receive two years of instruction before receiving the sacrament of Baptism. In all cases parents/guardians must make an appointment to speak with Sr. Patricia Anglin at the Office of Faith Formation 718-347-0525. REGISTRATION is ongoing for Faith Formation classes. If you need to register your child, the Office is open Tuesday to Thursday, 10:30AM-3:30PM and Sunday, 10:1511:30AM. Any questions regarding registration, please call 718-347-0525. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES have begun. If you have not yet registered your child, please contact Sr. Pat at the Faith Formation Office. RCIA sessions have begun. If you are 18 years old and over and are interested in receiving your Sacraments of Initiation, which are Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist, please call Sr. Pat as soon as possible. RCIA - Volunteers are needed to host hospitality for the Sunday sessions, 11:00AM-12:30PM. If you are interested or can help, please call Sr. Pat. BAPTISM For adult reflection: What are my moral obligations as a citizen? We welcome those newly baptized into our faith community For children: Am I always ready to give thanks to God for the blessing of living in the land of the free and home of the brave? Claire Rose Hauser REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Come to the Feast FOR ALL THE SICK: Dale Demidow, Maureen Luther, Mary Sullivan, Rosemary Myers, Jennie Gerardo, Frances Disignano, Jessica Cruz, Mary Carroll, Grace Leuze, Ann Boland FOR ALL THE DECEASED Mary Carroll CALENDAR OF EVENTS Week of October 12, 2014 SUNDAY BAPTISM 2:00PM Church ATHLETIC ASSOC. 1:00-9:00PM Gregorian Hall ALCOHOLICS ANON. OPEN 8:00PM Convent Basement MONDAY COLUMBUS DAY - NO 7:00AM Mass PARISH OFFICE CLOSED ATHLETIC ASSOC. 4:00-9:00PM Gregorian Hall EMOTIONS ANON. 7:30PM Convent Basement HOLY NAME SOCIETY 7:30PM Oak Room TUESDAY CRAFT GROUP 9:00-11:00AM Convent Basement EUCHARISTIC ADORATION 9:30AM-10:30PM Church GOLDEN AGE LEISURE 1:00-4:00PM Oak Room ATHLETIC ASSOC. 4:00-9:00PM Gregorian Hall ADULT CHOIR 7:30PM Church CHAMBER SINGERS 9:30PM Church WEDNESDAY STROKE LIFE SUPPORT GROUP 1:30PM Green Room DIVINE MERCY 3:00PM Church ATHLETIC ASSOC. 4:00-6:00PM Gregorian Hall CILL CAIS 7:30PM Oak Room TEEN GROUP 7:30PM Gregorian Hall THURSDAY GOLDEN AGE GHT 12:00-4:00PM Oak Room ATHLETIC ASSOC. 4:00-9:00PM Gregorian Hall QIGONG 7:00-8:00PM Office Basement CONFIRMATION INFORMATION NIGHT 7:30PM Oak Room MASSES FOR THE WEEK October 12, 2014 SUN. OCT. 12TH 8:00AM Stan Apicella 9:15 Members of the Purgatorial Society 11:00 Brenda Littlefield, Antonio Abando 12:30PM Michael Ferraro (18th Anniv. Rem.) 5:15 All People of the Parish MON. OCT. 13TH 9AM Jane Konefal TUES. OCT. 14TH 7AM Kathleen O’Connell 9AM Thomas Francis McGrath III WED. OCT. 15TH 7AM Helen McSweeney 9AM Regina & Bill Splees THURS. OCT. 16TH 7AM Naomi Campbell 9AM Frank Gallagher FRI. OCT. 17TH 7AM Vera McCarthy 9AM Anthony Randazzo SAT. OCT. 18TH 9AM Thomas Pinder Jr. (Birthday Rem.) 5PM Ernest Ramirez FRIDAY AARP DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE 9:00AM Oak Room ATHLETIC ASSOC. 4:00-9:00PM Gregorian Hall ATHLETIC ASSOC. CHEERLEADING 5:006:30PM Oak Room ALCOHOLICS ANON. STEP 7:00PM Convent Basement ALCOHOLICS ANON. CLOSED 8:30PM Convent Basement SATURDAY PENANCE 1:00PM Church ROSARY SOCIETY MASS & LUNCHEON 10:30AM Mass - Luncheon to follow CILL CAIS PLAY 8:00PM Gregorian Hall THE ALTAR BREADS AND WINE which will be used at the celebration of the Eucharist throughout the week of October 12, 2014, have been donated in loving memory of George Brandt, requested by the Festival Committee. TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Cont. FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK 10/12/14 The recent dispute between the Archdiocese of New York and the Diocese of Peoria over the disposition of the remains of the late Archbishop Fulton Sheen briefly put the famed cleric in the headlines once again. Sheen was far and away the best known and most influential Catholic on the American scene through the mid-twentieth century. I still listen to his tapes and access some of his television presentations on the internet. His stories were marvelous illustrations and sources of tremendous inspiration. It would be difficult to fully assess the impact that his television programs and books had on the flourishing of the Catholic culture in the United States in the years when I was growing up. If any American cleric could claim to have picked up where Archbishop Sheen left off, I would venture to claim that it was Father Benedict Groeschel C.F.R., who went home to God a week ago on the eve of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. Yet his passing went unnoticed in the secular media. I only learned of it from reading Deacon Greg Kandra's blog, The Deacon's Bench. He was deeply immersed in the Catholic Tradition and as attuned as Archbishop Sheen to the vagaries of the human psyche. In the tumultuous half-century since the opening of the Second Vatican Council, Fr. Benedict was always a serene, balanced, and talented speaker about all things Catholic, most especially spirituality. He gave voice to the vast, steady center of what G. K. Chesterton termed Orthodoxy, and so he appealed to Catholics and non-Catholics of both liberal and conservative mindsets. One story that Fr. Benedict told when I had him in class at Iona concerned an elderly friar whose serenity and even temper impressed everyone in his community. One day Fr. Benedict asked him his secret. "Oh, it's nothing much," the old friar responded. "I just imagine myself as St. John at the Last Supper leaning against Jesus' chest." Now we pray that Fr. Benedict is there with Archbishop Sheen and all the saints resting in Jesus' bosom. +++++++ EASY WAY TO RAISE MONEY FOR ST. GREGORY THE GREAT CHURCH -If you are currently banking with TD Bank (checking, savings, money market, etc). TD bank will make an annual contribution to St. Gregory the Great Church based on the activity of all participating parishioners. This is how it works: During your next visit to TD Bank, mention to a Representative the “Affinity Membership Program” and you are a parishioner at St. Gregory the Great Church. Any existing accounts at any TD Bank Branch and newly open accounts (TD Bank Jericho Turnpike, Floral Park) will earn credit whereby TD Bank will base their annual contribution to St. Gregory the Great. The more registered parishioners who bank with TD Bank, the more money TD Bank will contribute to St. Gregory Church annually. There are no costs involved and your privacy is guaranteed. ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL now stands at While legions of seminarians, priests, and graduate students at Iona College knew Fr. Benedict as a teacher and retreat master, millions of Americans came to know him as a television personality on Mother Angelica's Eternal Word Television Network. $65,765 pledged toward our goal of $80,000 by 320 families. If you have not as yet made a gift or pledge, please consider doing so. COLLECTIONS last week amounted to $13,597. Thank you very much for your generosity. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2014 THE PARISH PASTORAL ADVISORY COUNCIL will meet on Monday, October 27th at 7:30pm in the rectory basement. Please enter by way of the main rectory office door. ADULT CHOIR - New members are still welcome to join us at this time. Adult Choir rehearses on Tuesday evenings, from 7:30-9:30PM in the Church and sings most Sundays at the 11:00AM Mass, September-June. Contact Bart Haggerty, Director, through the Rectory or via e-mail at for further details. TEEN GROUP REGISTRATION for high school students will take place on Wednesday, October 15th, at 7:30PM in Gregorian Hall. Please bring ID to register. Registration fee is $20. ROSARY SOCIETY - Annual Mass and Luncheon will be held on Saturday, October 18th. Mass will take place at 10:30AM followed by the luncheon at Villa D’Este. The guest speaker is Rev. Joseph Jude Gannon, Pastor of The Shrine Church, St. Gerard Majella. Tickets are $39.00 and will be available to purchase at the first meeting or by contacting Denise at 917-723-0131. CATHOLICISM SERIES RETURNS! We will be resuming Fr. Barron’s Catholicism Series on Sunday, October 19th, in the Office Basement at 2:00PM. Future dates are November 9th and November 16th. Please note that the dates are not consecutive! If you attended the spring series, please come again and remember to bring your workbooks. If you did not come, it is not too late! Call the Parish Office to let us know you would like to attend. BOOK CLUB - . The selection for the next meeting on Monday, October 20th, at 7:30PM in the Rectory Basement is And The Mountains Echoed by Khalid Hosseini. HALLOWEEN PARTY - Everyone’s invited to come to our parish Halloween Party on Saturday, October 25th, 6:00-9:00PM in Gregorian Hall. Join us for a great Spook Walk, DJ, games and family fun, fun, fun! You bring the family and refreshments and we will supply the rest! No glass bottles. Tickets are $6 and can be bought at the Parish Office. PLEASE BRING A CAN OR BOX OF FOOD FOR THE HUNGRY. This event is hosted by the Family Life Committee. BLOOD DRIVE will take place on Sunday, October 26th, 8:00AM-2:00PM in the Oak Room. Members of the Holy Name Society will be in the Gathering Space the weekend of October 19th to register donors. Give the gift of life. ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SCHOOL BARNES & NOBLE BOOK FAIR Thursday, October 23rd 76-60 Union Turnpike, Fresh Meadows Can’t attend our Book Fair? Visit to support us from 10/23/14 to 10/28/14. Enter Book Fair ID 11457934 at checkout. Participate in the Book Fair and a percentage of your purchase will benefit the School. Take a chance and help St. Gregory’s School! Buy an enclosed Raffle - $1.00 ea. or 12 for $10. Please drop your raffles off at the School or Parish Office. Winner will be drawn on October 29th. (Additional raffle forms can be found in the Gathering Space.) BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY of St. Gregory and Our Lady of the Snows is sponsoring a six-week bereavement support group for adults who are grieving the loss of a loved one. The sessions will be held on Monday afternoons, November 3rd - December 8th, from 4:00-5:30PM. The group will meet in St. Gregory’s Rectory Office Basement meeting room, located at 242-20 88th Avenue, office basement entrance is on the west service road of the CIP. For more information and to register, please call Cathy at 516-352-4202 or Joan at 718-347-4470. RENAISSANCE GROUP is sponsoring a clothing and shoe collection on Saturday, November 8th, Clean, gently used clothing for children and adults will be given to Hour Children and the Belmont Race Track Chaplaincy Program. Please separate clothing and sneakers. For more information call Sylvia 718-347-6950. S.G.A.A. CYO MASS - With the start of a new CYO season, all athletes are invited with their parents, coaches and volunteers, to pray together on Saturday, October 18th, at the 10:00AM Mass at Our Lady of the Snows Church. Players are asked to dress in their CYO uniforms. Any questions, please contact the Athletic Association. ANNUAL DANCE will be held on November 1st, at 8:00PM in Gregorian Hall. There will be a DJ and refreshments served - beer, wine, snacks and soda. Dancing and good times will be served from 8:00PM to Midnight. Come out for a FUN night with friends!! Each family that is registered with the Athletic Association is entitled to two tickets free of charge. ADULTS ONLY. Tickets will be available to pick up or purchase in the next two weeks or you may request the tickets by email. TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME THE SACRED HEART JUSTICE AND PEACE COMMITTEE - Justice Heritage Series presents an evening with author-editor-publisher Robert Ellsberg on Thursday, October 16th, 7:30PM at Sacred Heart Church - JOBO Center, located at 215-35 38th Avenue, Bayside. Robert Ellsberg is an award winning author of several books, including All Saints and Blessed Among All Women. For almost forty years, he has broadened theological conversation by amplifying themes of social justice and exploring a broader concept of sainthood. The Committee sponsors the “Justice Heritage Series” to encourage a greater understanding of the rich tradition of Catholic social teaching and to celebrate exemplary individuals, like Robert Ellsberg. Join us to hear this man speak about his life, faith and work. For additional information call 917-670-8140. DEANERY CHORAL FESTIVAL/CONCERT - Mark your calendars for Sunday, October 26th, at 3:00PM at American Martyrs Church (Union Tpk. and Bell Blvd.) when the Parishes of Queens Deanery #5 will present “A Harvest of Song and Praise”. Choirs from eight of the Deanery parishes are scheduled to participate, including St. Gregory’s Adult Choir. Light refreshments will follow in the Sullivan Center. The concert is free, open to the public, suitable for all ages. Both the Church and Sullivan Center are elevator accessible. ORGAN CONCERT - In honor of the 10th Anniversary of St. Thomas More Church at St. John’s University, the Peragallo Pipe Organ Company will be giving a concert featuring Dr. Jennifer Pascual, Director of Music at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. The concert will be held on Wednesday, October 15th at 7:30PM, in St. Thomas More Church. There is no charge. For more information call 718-990-6255. TRIPS Overnight at Resorts Hotel Casino & Lunch at The Crab Trap - January 7-8, 2015 - Trip includes lunch, short stop at Lennox Outlet, $15 free slot play plus $20 food coupon, six hours playing time at Harrah’s Casino. $140 pp/dbl. or $133pp triple. Virginia Beach - Colonial Williamsburg, Historic Jamestown & Yorktowm - May 17-21, 2015 - Trip includes four night stay at Sandcastle Ocean Front Hotel, four breakfasts and three dinners, a visit to Douglas MacArthur Memorial, guided tours of Norfolk Naval Base, Historic Williamsburg, Yorktown Victory Center/Jamestown Settlement, $499 pp/dbl or $453 pp/triple. A deposit of $50 is due now for both trips. Make check payable to Golden Age Leisure Club. For additional information , call Finbar 718-343-0676. VOCATION NEWS PROJECT ANDREW is an opportunity for young men to learn more about the priesthood. Join Bishop DiMarzio and other priests and seminarians for an afternoon of prayer, dinner and conversation. Scheduled dates are Sunday, October 26th and Sunday, November 23rd, at 4:30PM, at the Saint John Paul II House of Discernment, 341 Highland Boulevard, Brooklyn. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Fr. James Rodriguez at 718-827-2454 or email: OCTOBER MONTLY HOLY HOUR & FELLOWSHIP will be held on Friday, October 24th, at Most Precious Blood Parish, 32-23 36th St. , L.I.C. beginning at 7:30PM. Bishop Ray Chappetto will preside. ALTAR SERVERS SCHEDULE SAT. OCT. 11TH 5PM Evan Noblesala, Emma Noblesala SUN. OCT. 12TH 8:00AM Mateo Caamal, Katherine deGuzman 9:15AM Deborah Lagula, Timothy Perez, Rodger Recker 11:00AM Sephora Baksh, Maria Flynn 12:30PM Alexis Sarabia, Jared Sarabia 5:15PM Joseph Aguas, Destiny Krause SAT. OCT. 18TH 5PM Ryan Bowe, Thomas Nugent SUN. OCT. 19TH 8:00AM Jasmin Pagba, Alexis Torres 9:15AM Joseph Gousse, Caitlyn Gousse 11:00AM Jonathan Mulligan, Christopher Tuffy 12:30PM Grace O’Connor, Allyson Quintillan 5:15PM Brian Machado, Roniel Urmasa CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOLS - OPEN HOUSES REGIS HIGH SCHOOL - Monday, October 13th, 1:004:00PM, at Regis H.S., 55 East 84th Street, NY. ST. AGNES HIGH SCHOOL - Saturday, October 18th, from 10:00AM-12:30PM. Located at 13-20 124th Street, College Point. ST. FRANCIS PREP - Saturday, October 18th, 12:004:30PM. Located at 6100 Francis Lewis Blvd., Fresh Meadows. ARCHBISHOP MOLLOY HIGH SCHOOL - Sunday, October 19th, 11:00AM. Located on Manton Street, in Briarwood. THE MARY LOUIS ACADEMY - Sunday, October 19th, starting at 10:00AM. Located on Wexford Terrace, Jamaica Estates.
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