St. John’s Regular Activities. Morning Worship at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday morning. Evening Service at 7:00 p.m. on the last Sunday of each month. Women’s Fellowship 2:30 p.m. fortnightly on Tuesdays. Leader Ellie Jones. OTT - Club for over 10s 6:30 p.m. every Tuesday in term-time. Carol Gough 01407-720088. Study Group 2:30 & 7:30 p.m. most Thursdays at the Manse Friendship Circle 7:30 p.m. on the third Wednesday. Jackie & Mike Heslop. Church open for Prayer 10 – 11 a.m. every Friday. Enter by the vestry door. Organiser Jean Owen. MethSoc for Students Rev. Chrissie Howe 01248-353140 email: Events Diary October 2014 Sunday 19th: 3:30 p.m. Farewell service for Rev. Eric Jones at Berea Newydd. Tuesday 21st: 2:30 p.m. Women’s Fellowship, Rev. Chrissie Howe. Wednesday 22nd: 7:30 p.m. Friendship Circle filling Shoe boxes, the Cooper’s. Sunday 26th: 7 p.m. Evening Service at St. John’s led by Dr. Jean Ware. November 2014 Tuesday 4th: 7:30 p.m. Worship Consultation, open to all, in the church hall. Friday 7th: Time TBA, Bangor Street Pastors commissioning at Capel Penuel. Monday 17th: Circuit Quiet Day, Beechwood Court. Details TBA. Saturday 29th: 2:30 p.m., MethSoc World War I remembrance event. “War Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow?” Speaker Rev. Inderjit Bhogal. Sunday 30th: 7 p.m. Evening Service at St. John’s. Provision for Children at St. John's If you have children with you at Church who would be happy to have a story and activity session just let us know during the preceding week and we will be happy to organise. Sue Eckersley and Angela Roe. St. John’s Methodist Church. Welcome to Worship 10:30 a.m. October 12th Morning Worship, led by Mrs. Ellie Jones. Please join us for tea/coffee in the hall afterwards. Fair Trade goods will be on sale Please write prayer requests for today’s intercessions in the Prayer Request Book at the back of church. Next Sunday 19th October 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship, led by Rev. Chrissie Howe. Next Sunday 19th October 3:30 p.m. at Capel Berea Newydd Farewell Service for Rev. Eric Jones Arrangements for Notices The next Notice Sheet, for October 19th will be prepared by Howard Jackson. Telephone 01248-810050, email Preaching Plan & Bridge There are copies of the Preaching Plan for Q4 2014 available at the back of church. There are also copies of the Bridge newssheet for people without email. St. John’s Methodist Church, Bangor Superintendent Minister: Rev. Chrissie Howe Tel. 01248-353140 Email: Student Worker: Adam Hawker Email Women's Fellowship Our warm thanks to Anne and Howard for their lovely welcome to Brookfield on Tuesday 7th October and the splendid refreshments. We listened to parts of a recent radio programme “What’s the Point of the Methodists?” which provoked some very interesting discussion, led by Howard. Our next meeting will be at Anna Matthews’ home in Llanfairfechan (14 Cae America) on Tuesday 21st October (2.00 for 2.30 p.m.), when we will continue the DIY entertainment started at Sue’s on the 23 rd September. For lifts see Jean and Ellie. Ellie Jones. Harvest at St. John's Our Harvest this year was something special! The harvest flowers and goods made it easy for us to decorate the church, set off by Della's dramatic countryside arrangement! Many people willingly delivered to our housebound friends and the hostels we support. (For the first time some of the "required goods" went to the Cathedral's food bank and as it was a distribution day I was able to leave some of the garden produce too.) Grateful thanks to Sally and Martyn Boyce and their helpers for producing such a super harvest thanksgiving lunch which enabled us to eat and chat with friends and raised an amazing £204 for the development fund. Many thanks to Chrissie for her thought provoking "human illustration" reminding us again of the fed and unfed of the world and our responsibility to the latter. Sue Hardy. Feedback from Church Council 30/09/2014 Finance: The Treasurer, Michael Cooper presented the summary of the accounts for 2013/2014. The income for the year has increased from £53,145 to £55,296 and the expenditure has decreased from £46,076 to £45,403. At the year end, the General Fund balance was £33,331 and the Property Reserve stood at £18,805; a net increase of just under £10,000. Bangor Street Pastors: Joy Ostle is training to become the first Street Pastor from St. John’s. The Church Council agreed to pay £300 towards her training and uniform from the General Fund. It also agreed to pay this year’s donation from St. John’s of £500 from the Turney Bequest. Dates: Tuesday 4th November 7:30 p.m., a Worship consultation, open to all, in the church hall. Sunday 1st March 2015: St. John’s Annual Church Meeting. Church Directory I am collating any changes in the church directory for publication of this year's edition in December. Please will you let me have any changes or additions in writing by 31st October. Eleanor Price (email: ) St John’s Fair Trade Stall The Fair Trade Stall has been restocked this week because £73 worth of goods have been sold. Thank you to Emily for her hard work and careful accounting. We want to make sure that we have in stock all the goods you buy regularly. TraidCraft catalogues, showing the full range of goods, are available on the stall. There are eight types of tea, seven types of ground coffee and 13 varieties of “Divine” chocolate in two different sizes and five varieties of organic chocolate. There is also a “Clean and Fair” range of household cleaning products and toiletries. Please browse through the catalogue; then add your requirements to the list saying whether you normally buy them weekly, monthly or just occasionally! Christmas cards, calendars and Advent Calendars will be on sale in November. Anne Jackson. Coffee Morning in the Bangor Cathedral Saturday 18th October 10:30 a.m. – 12 noon. Charity Christmas Cards and Fair Trade Goods on Sale. The Bookshop will be open as usual. Refreshments £1.50. Anne Jackson. Rev. Eric Jones Retirement. Many of you will know Rev. Eric Jones from his regular work with CYTÛN Bangor Churches Together. A service will be held at Berea Newydd at 3.30 p.m. on Sunday, October 19 th to mark the occasion of the Rev. Eric Jones’ retirement from his Pastorate in Bangor and the surrounding area. There will be a collection towards the Christian Aid Appeal for Iraq, Syria and Gaza. A warm welcome is extended to all Eric’s friends to join them for the service. Howard Jackson. Revelation North Wales Penrallt Baptist Church is holding a young people’s Christian event, called “Revelation North Wales”, on Friday 14th November 7:30 p.m.9:30 p.m. Guest speakers and performers include Joe Moreno, Chip Kendall and Resident One Forty Four. For more information and to book tickets (£3) visit . Adam Hawker.
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