BROOKINGS SCHOOL BOARD MARYSZ RAMES President October 14, 2014 – 5:00 p.m. GEORGE S. MICKELSON MIDDLE SCHOOL LIBRARY th 1801 12 Street South DR. ROGER DEGROOT Superintendent AGENDA 5: 00 WORK SESSION I. II. CALL TO ORDER APPROVAL OF AGENDA III. 6:00 Future Facility Planning o MMS o Hillcrest/Medary ADJOURNMENT BOARD MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Any Board Member may remove an item from the consent agenda by asking that it be and have it considered as a separate item. Any item so removed from the consent agenda shall be considered after other items on the consent business portion of the agenda have been heard. III. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE IV. COMMUNICATION ITEMS A. Board Requests - Each member of the Board has the opportunity to report on events or to communicate with other Board members and the community. B. Superintendent’s Report - The Superintendent will share information about events of the past month or about topics coming up for future consideration. C. Financial Reports – Business Manager D. Strategic Plan – Dr. Melmer E. South Dakota Education Campus at Brookings – Lindsie Bartley, Campus Director V. ACTION ITEMS A. Consent Agenda – The consent agenda includes items approved with one motion. That motion will approve the recommended action for each item on the consent agenda. 1. Approval and/or correction of minutes of previous meetings 2. Approval and/or correction of the financial report 3. Approval of bills 4. Approval of personnel report 5. Approval of enrollment report 6. Approval of 2nd/Final Reading of Amended Policy JECB “Admission of Nonresident Students (Open Enrollment – SDCL 13-28-40 Through 13-2847) Approval of 2nd/Final Reading Amended Policy EBBA “First Aid and Emergency Medical Care” 8. Approval of Larry Rogers as the Board’s Legislative Action Network representative Approval of Snow removal bid Approval of SUV bid Approval of School Board Resolution Authorizing Participation in the National Purchasing Cooperative Approval of “Memorandum of Understanding” between Brookings Economic Development dba South Dakota Education Campus (SDEC) and Brookings School District 7. B. C. D. E. VI. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2 Subsections – (1) Personnel VII. ADJOURNMENT BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT October 14, 2014, Input Sheet COMMUNICATION ITEM Item: IV. A. Board Requests BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT October 14, 2014, Input Sheet COMMUNICATION ITEM Item: IV. B. Superintendent’s Report 1. Teacher Salary Enhancement Fund 2. Brookings Day at the Capital – January 21 BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT October 14, 2014, Input Sheet COMMUNICATION ITEM Item: IV. C. Financial Report – Business Manager 1. Child Nutrition Report BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT October 14, 2014, Input Sheet COMMUNICATION ITEM Item: IV. D. Strategic Plan – Dr. Melmer I sent you Dr. Melmer’s revised Strategic Plan on Monday. I’ve also attached it to this report. Dr. Melmer will be at the board meeting to continue this discussion. BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT October 14, 2014, Input Sheet COMMUNICATION ITEM Item: IV. E. South Dakota Education Campus at Brookings – Lindsie Bartley, Campus Director Lindsie will be at the board meeting to update you on the progress of SDEC and how we hope to work with them now and into the future. BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT October 14, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Consent Agenda The consent agenda includes items approved with one motion. That motion will Approve the recommended action for each item on the consent agenda. Any Board Member may remove an item from the consent agenda by asking that it be and have It considered as a separate item. Any item so removed from the consent agenda Shall be considered after other items on the consent business portion of the Agenda have been heard. Item: V. Consent Agenda A. 1. Approval and/or correction of minutes of previous meetings A. 2. Approval and/or correction of the financial report A. 3. Approval of bills A. 4. Approval of personnel report A. 5. Approval of enrollment report A. 6. Approval of 2nd/Final Reading of Amended Policy JECB “Admission of Nonresident Students (Open Enrollment – SDCL 13-28-40 Through 13-2847) A. 7. Approval of 2nd/Final Reading of Amended Policy EBBA “First Aid and Emergency Medical Care” A. 8. Approval of Larry Rogers as the Board’s Legislative Action Network representative BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT October 14, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Consent Agenda Item: V. A. 1. Approval and/or correction of minutes of previous meetings SCHOOL BOARD MINUTES Brookings School District #5-1 September 15, 2014 The September work session of the school board was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President Marysz Rames in the Mickelson Middle School Library with the following members present: Steve Bayer, Van Fishback, Robert Jostad, Marysz Rames and Larry Rogers. Motion 2014-016 by Bayer, seconded by Jostad to approve the work session agenda as presented. All voted aye. Motion carried. The board held the following work session: 1. The board reviewed the Medary and Hillcrest proposed renovations and costs with Les Rowland from Design Arc. Motion 2014-017 by Bayer, seconded by Rogers to adjourn the work session at 5:41 p.m. All voted aye. Motion carried. The regular September meeting of the school board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Marysz Rames in the Mickelson Middle School Library with the following members present: Steve Bayer, Van Fishback, Robert Jostad, Marysz Rames and Larry Rogers. Motion 2014-018 by Rogers, seconded by Jostad to approve the agenda with the following changes: move Communication Items G. Nat’l Merit Scholars/ACT Scores and H.1:1 BHS Technology Update to after Communication Item B. Superintendent Report. All voted aye. Motion carried. Board requests: Van Fishback commented on the BHS tour he received from Mr. von Fischer for the class of 1964 reunion. In the superintendent’s report, Dr. DeGroot discussed the following: Camelot addition; enrollment update and the invite to presentation: “South Dakotans Talking – Education Funding.” Paul von Fischer, BHS Principal, gave the board a report on Nat’l Merit Scholars/ACT Scores and the 1:1 BHS Technology Update. Paul Sahr from Mills Construction gave the board an update on the K-3 Dakota Prairie Elementary building project. Michelle Vande Weerd gave the board 2013-14 school year testing scores and state SPI scores. Financial Report: Fund 57 Self Insurance update and the estimated $45,000 rebate for utilities on the new K-3 elementary. Motion 2014-019 by Bayer, seconded by Rogers to approve the following consent agenda: A. 1. Approve the minutes of the August 11, 2014 regular meeting. 1 A. 2. Approve the following financial reports: AUGUST CASH REPORT General Fund: Beginning Balance: $6,021,278.25, Receipts: $788,055.96, Expenditures: $1,627,796.68, Ending Balance: $5,181,537.53. Capital Outlay: Beginning Balance: $1,920,746.61, Receipts: $9,611.04, Expenditures: $276,368.66, Ending Balance: $1,653,988.99. Special Education: Beginning Balance: $563,708.60, Receipts: $77,514.82, Expenditures: $303,321.84, Ending Balance: $337,901.58; Pension Fund: Beginning Balance: $698,114.71, Receipts: $1,144.15, Expenditures: $0.00, Ending Balance: $699,258.86. Bond Redemption (MS): Beginning Balance: $701,274.13, Receipts: $1,971.02, Expenditures: $0.00, Ending Balance: $703,245.15. Bond Redemption (4-5): Beginning Balance: $110,083.59, Receipts: $1,109.26, Expenditures: $0.00, Ending Balance: $111,192.85. Capital Projects: Beginning Balance: $13,513,202.88, Receipts: $4,698.51, Expenditures: $585,371.92, Ending Balance: $12,932,529.47. Food Service: Beginning Balance: $509,830.08, Receipts: $89,798.66, Expenditures: $58,609.33, Ending Balance: $541,019.41. Enterprise Fund: Beginning Balance: $46,618.74, Receipts: $500.00, Expenditures: $14,995.31, Ending Balance: $32,123.43. Self Insurance: Beginning Balance: $394,113.47, Receipts: $310,949.41, Expenditures: $336,643.40, Ending Balance: $368,419.48. Trust & Agency: Beginning Balance: $518,702.58, Receipts: $20,691.83, Expenditures: $25,966.34, Ending Balance: $513,428.07. SEPTEMBER UNLEADED/DIESEL GAS QUOTES Martin Oil-Unleaded $3.005, Diesel #1 N/A, Diesel #2 $3.281; Anderson Oil-Unleaded $3.00, Diesel #1 N/A, Diesel #2 $3.29; AgFirst Coop- Unleaded $3.126, Diesel #1 N/A, Diesel #2 $3.456; Vollan Oil – Unleaded $2.97, Diesel #1 N/A, Diesel #2 $3.2905 AUGUST PAYROLL REPORT General Fund - $1,112,557.04 of which $865,781.41 contracts payable, $230,016.81 support services, and $16,758.82 co-curricular; Special Education $269,200.94; Pension Fund – $0.00; Food Service - $31,184.12; Enterprise Fund - $14,536.56; TOTAL PAYROLL - $1,427,478.66. A. 3. Approve the following bills: Checking Account #2, Fund 10, GENERAL FUND, ABRAMS LEARNING TRENDS, SUPPLIES, 1,503.70, ALLEGRA PRINT & IMAGING/INSTY-PRINTS, SUPPLIES, 957.77, AMAZON.COM, SUPPLIES, 117.22, AMP ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION INC, REPAIRS / SERVICES, 236.00, APEX LEARNING, SUPPLIES, 2,100.00, ARGUS LEADER MEDIA, ADVERTISING, 727.56, ASBSD, SERVICE, 1,025.00, AUTOMATIC BUILDING CONTROLS, SERVICE, 5,223.00, AVERA MEDICAL GROUP BROOKINGS, SERVICES, 155.00, BESTE, DAVE , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 85.00, BJORKLUND, GENE, SERVICE, 170.00, BJORKLUND, VONDA , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 170.00, BLACKBOARD INC, SERVICES, 3,624.38, BOB'S PIANO SERVICE INC, SERVICE, 285.00, BORNS GROUP, MAIL SERVICE, 1,221.27, BREADBOARD COMPANION, SUPPLIES, 177.00, BROOKINGS CITY LANDFILL, SERVICE, 72.22, BROOKINGS CO SHERIFFS OFFICE, SERVICE, 1,470.00, BROOKINGS COUNTRY CLUB, SUPPLIES, 826.84, BROOKINGS DAILY REGISTER, SERVICE, 2,402.35, BROOKINGS ENGRAVING, SUPPLIES/SERVICE, 1,619.00, BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT 5-1, SERVICE, 4,633.46, BSN SPORTS, SUPPLIES, 326.14, CABANA BANNERS, SUPPLIES, 845.00, CARQUEST AUTO PARTS, SUPPLIES, 395.69, CARSON-DELLOSA PUBLISHERS, SUPPLIES, 129.60, CENTERPOINT ENERGY SERVICES, INC., SUPPLIES, 2 1,080.71, CENTRAL BUSINESS SUPPLY, INC., SUPPLIES/EQUIP/SERVICE, 1,297.23, CEREBELLUM CORPORATION, SUPPLIES, 86.90, CHESTER AREA SCHOOL #39-1, SERVICES, 9,750.00, CLEAN SLATE/2ND SKIN, SUPPLIES, 651.00, CLITES ELECTRIC INC, SERVICE, 1,025.10, COMBINED BUILDING SPECIALTIES, SUPPLIES, 324.00, CONROY, BETH , OFFICIAL, 80.00, CONSTRUCTIVE PLAY THINGS/U S TOY CO, SUPPLIES, 126.76, CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING, SERVICE, 52.50, CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES INC, SUPPLIES, 413.72, DAKOTA DATA SHRED, SERVICE, 50.31, DAKOTA EDUCATION CONSULTING LLC, SERVICES, 242.00, DAKOTA SPIRIT LLC, SUPPLIES, 3,400.00, DEKRAAI, DONNA , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 82.52, DEMCO, SUPPLIES, 304.93, DEVINE, KELLEY, OFFICIAL, 122.92, DUST-TEX SERVICES, SUPPLIES/SERVICE, 782.14, DVL FIRE AND SAFETY, SERVICE, 3,128.50, EDU-SAFE LLC, REGISTRATION, 925.00, EDUCATIONAL INNOVATIONS, SUPPLIES, 117.32, ELABO, DUES, 120.00, ELECTRONIX EPRESS RSR ELECTRONICS, SUPPLIES, 1,479.15, ENGBRECHT, RACHELLE, MEAL MONEY, 30.00, F M ACCOUSTICAL TILE INC, SUPPLIES/SERVICES, 602.24, FIEDLER, DAVID, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 248.46, FLASKEY CHIROPRACTIC, SERVICE, 70.00, FOLEY, JACOB , REIMBURSE FOR DRIVERS TEST, 45.00, FOSTER, TODD , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 1,808.27, FREE SPIRIT PUBLISHING INC., SUPPLIES, 85.91, GIOVENNETTONE, JOE, OFFICIAL, 114.04, GROVE, GARY , OFFICIAL, 345.44, GRUENHAGEN, CHRISTOPHER, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 47.36, HANSEN, SHAWN , OFFICIAL, 80.00, HARTLEY, ROBIN, SERVICE, 142.90, HAUFF MID-AMERICA SPORTS, SUPPLIES, 3,100.25, HAWKINS WATER TREATMENT GROUP, SUPPLIES, 685.56, HAYS COMPANIES, SERVICE, 3,000.00, HEINEMAN EDUCATIONAL BOOKS, SUPPLIES, 1,650.00, HELSPER & MAHLKE, LEGAL SERVICE, 1,580.00, HILLYARD, SUPPLIES, 144.00, HOMESTEAD DO-IT CENTER, SUPPLIES, 390.95, HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURT COMPANY, SUPPLIES, 1,830.60, HUNGERFORD CHIROPRACTIC, SERVICE, 240.00, HUNTIMER, NICK, SERVICES, 94.80, HY-VEE STORE , SUPPLIES, 328.60, INTERSTATE POWER SYSTEMS, SUPPLIES/SERVICE, 941.92, IRVINE, TODD, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 122.68, ISI, LLC, SERVICES, 572.70, JANIS, COBY, OFFICIAL, 120.00, JANSEN, SCOTT , OFFICIAL, 80.00, JENSEN, VIRGINIA, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 90.00, JOHNSON CONTROLS, SUPPLIES/SERVICES, 1,936.51, JOHNSON, KELLY , OFFICIAL, 114.04, JOHNSON, LINDA, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 35.00, JOSTEN'S INC, SUPPLIES/SERVICE, 6,692.17, K & M MUSIC, SUPPLIES, 367.60, KENNER PLUMBING & HEATING, SERVICE, 1,073.95, KNIGHT, TYLER, OFFICIATING - FB, 80.00, KONE INC, SERVICE, 228.14, KRAMER, TERESA, SERVICE, 147.34, KRAUSE, GWENDI, OFFICIATING, 85.00, KRIER, STEVE, OFFICIAL, 80.00, LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS, SUPPLIES, 183.94, LAMBERT, CARLIE , OFFICIAL, 85.00, LANDSMAN, TODD, SERVICES, 80.00, LARSEN, JAY , OFFICIAL, 40.00, LAWRENCE LEASING, SERVICE, 2,469.90, LEBER, KIM , OFFICIAL, 130.00, LEITE, NIKKI, SUPPLIES, 130.97, LOCKWOOD, REBECCA, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 79.92, LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC, SUPPLIES, 65.92, MADISON PUBLIC SCHOOLS 39-2, SERVICE, 40.00, MAHONEY, JENNIFER, OFFICIAL, 140.00, MARTIN OIL COMPANY, SUPPLIES, 3,139.92, MASTERCARD CORP, CREDIT CARD, 113,362.36, MC GRATH, JOHN , OFFICIAL, 122.92, McINROY, DAWN, OFFICIAL, 80.00, MEYER, DUANE , OFFICIAL, 80.00, MIDWEST GLASS INC, SERVICE, 112.92, MIDWEST INSULATION, SUPPLIES, 179.59, MIDWEST PEST CONTROL, 3 SERVICE, 250.00, MILLER, BELINDA L, OFFICIATING, 130.00, MOE, DUANE , OFFICIAL, 85.00, MONTEITH WELDING, SERVICE, 24.36, MOULTON, STEVEN, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 14.24, NASCO, SUPPLIES, 42.25, NASS, PAMELA, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 75.37, NATIONAL FORENSIC LEAGUE, SUPPLIES, 148.00, NATIONAL SCHOOL PRODUCTS, SUPPLIES, 151.14, ND CENTER FOR DISTANCE EDUCATION, REGISTRATION, 250.00, NETWORKFLEET, INC, PHONES - VERIZON, 499.04, NEUGEBAUER, SANDY, OFFICIAL, 157.70, NEVILLE-COBLE, AMANDA , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 107.00, NEXT GENERATION ASSESSMENT LLC, SUPPLIES, 4,370.00, NIELSEN'S, SERVICE, 63.50, NOBLE INK & TONER, SUPPLIES, 4,726.72, NORTH CENTRAL BUS SALES, BUS REPAIRS, 1,224.81, NORTHEAST ED SERVICES COOP, SERVICE, 50.00, NORTHWESTERN ENERGY, SERVICE, 892.42, NUPEN, BRAD , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 42.00, OHME, DEREK , SERVICES, 80.00, OORLAG, WADE , SERVICE, 120.00, OORLOG, CARRIE, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 33.70, ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY, SUPPLIES, 72.48, ORTMAN, JULIE, OFFICIAL, 122.90, OUTLAW GRAPHICS, SUPPLIES, 350.00, PAPA JOHN'S-BROOKINGS, SUPPLIES, 109.88, PARMELY, TARA , OFFICIAL, 260.00, PAYNE, TORY , OFFICIAL, 80.00, PHEASANTLAND INDUSTRIES, SUPPLIES, 68.10, PIETZ, DONALD , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 119.99, PLOWMAN, LAURA, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 10.43, POPPLERS MUSIC STORE, SUPPLIES, 30.93, PRAIRIE COACH TRAILWAYS, TRAVEL, 2,795.00, RAABE, RONALD, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 19.89, REALLY GOOD STUFF, SUPPLIES, 448.65, RICKETTS JR, JIM , OFFICIAL, 122.92, RIEDELL, KELLY JO, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB., 865.50, RIES, BRIAN, OFFICIAL, 85.00, RINEHART, PHILLIP, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 129.98, RIPPE, ROBERT, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 75.38, ROCHESTER 100 INC, SUPPLIES, 402.50, ROUNDS, BARBARA , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 1.58, RUNNING'S FARM & FLEET, SUPPLIES, 21.49, SAGE, RYAN , OFFICIAL, 80.00, SCHNEIDER, AMY, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 18.82, SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINES, SUPPLIES, 4,786.74, SCHOOL SPECIALTY-VALLEY DIV., SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT, 3,679.04, SD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, SERVICES, 84.00, SDAAE, REGISTRATION, 50.00, SDHSAA, SUPPLIES, 3.00, SDSU MUSIC DEPARTMENT, SERVICE/SUPPLIES, 100.00, SERVALL TOWEL AND LINEN SUPPLY, SUPPLIES, 49.92, SIKKINK, JEFF, BEAN BAG GAMES - PE SUPPLIES, 200.00, SIOUX FALLS SCHOOL DIST. 49-5, SERVICE, 309.05, SKINNER, TARA, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 400.78, SMILEMAKERS INC, SUPPLIES, 101.23, SOMA, JENNIFER, OFFICIAL, 135.00, STAR LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANERS INC, SERVICE, 119.52, STATE OF SD PMB 0112, SERVICE, 147.71, STURDEVANT'S AUTO PARTS, SUPPLIES, 403.13, SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES OF, SUPPLIES, 373.49, TAYLOR, GWEN, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 1,012.80, TEACHER DIRECT, SUPPLIES, 126.96, TIME MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, SUPPLIES, 2,683.00, TOMHAVE, DENNIS , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 3.91, TOP NOTCH CLEANING SERVICE, SERVICE, 500.00, TOWN & COUNTRY SHOPPER, SERVICE, 56.00, TP SERVICES INC, SERVICE, 1,843.53, TURNIPSEED, SUSAN , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 49.00, UPS STORE #5064, SERVICE, 155.62, VANDERWAL, MICHELLE, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 39.45, VANDEWEERD, MICHELLE, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 78.44, VAUX, ADAM, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 78.14, VERIZON WIRELESS, SERVICES, 1,750.63, VOLLAN OIL CO, FUEL, 1,232.55, WAAGMEESTER, RANDY, OFFICIAL, 80.00, WAL-MART COMMUNITY BRC, SUPPLIES, 2,840.37, WALDER, DANIELLE, 4 TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 73.21, WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL, SERVICE, 40.00, WAY, CAITLIN, OFFICIAL, 130.00, WEED, KIM, OFFICIAL, 80.00, WEST SIOUX CERAMICS/DAKOTA POTTERY, SUPPLIES, 464.84, XEROX CORPORATION, SUPPLIES, 576.00, YOSHIDA, BETH, OFFICIAL, 130.00, YOUTHLIGHT INC, SUPPLIES, 188.70, YSETH, NICOLE, OFFICIAL, 85.00, ZANER-BLOSER EDUCATIONAL PUBL, SUPPLIES, 5,082.07, Fund Total: 256,247.20. Checking Account #2, Fund 21, CAPITAL OUTLAY, AERCOR WIRELESS INC., EQUIPMENT, 3,603.65, AMAZON.COM, SUPPLIES, 260.48, AMP ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION INC, REPAIRS / SERVICES, 1,218.21, BANNER ASSOCIATES INC, SERVICE, 12,594.15, BEHREND CONSTRUCTION, LABOR AND SUPPLIES, 75.00, BROOKINGS BOOK COMPANY, SUPPLIES, 160.57, CENTRAL BUSINESS SUPPLY, INC., SUPPLIES/EQUIP/SERVICE, 58,877.50, CLARK DREW CONSTRUCTION, INC, SERVICES, 261,448.30, CLITES ELECTRIC INC, SERVICE, 39,219.60, COMBINED BUILDING SPECIALTIES, SUPPLIES, 1,528.00, CONCRETE CONTRACTORS, SERVICE, 1,020.41, DESIGN ARC, SERVICE, 8,701.99, FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC., SUPPLIES, 3,575.13, GUMDROP BOOKS, SUPPLIES, 2,076.28, HAUFF MID-AMERICA SPORTS, SUPPLIES, 1,242.85, HERFF JONES, INC, CHOIR APPAREL, 4,144.32, HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURT COMPANY, SUPPLIES, 11,901.83, JOHNSON CONTROLS, SUPPLIES/SERVICES, 12,365.06, KENNER PLUMBING & HEATING, SERVICE, 6,413.39, MASTERCARD CORP, CREDIT CARD, 79,990.78, MC GRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, SUPPLIES, 10,708.05, MIDWEST ALARM CO INC, SERVICE, 479.00, MIDWEST BOILER REPAIR INC, SERVICE, 1,254.60, MIDWEST GLASS INC, SERVICE, 9,461.24, MIDWESTERN MECHANICAL INC, SERVICE/SUPPLIES, 612.25, NETWORKFLEET, INC, PHONES VERIZON, 4,886.25, NOR-TECH COMPUTERS, SERVICE/SUPPLIES, 178,065.00, NORTH SHORE GYM SALES, SUPPLIES, 2,075.00, NYSTROM/EGM, SUPPLIES, 588.30, PEARSON LEARNING GROUP, SUPPLIES, 688.47, QUINTERO BARBOSA, JOSE, LIBRARY BOOK REFUND, 15.00, ROBBINS CONSTRUCTION INC, SERVICES CONSTRUCTION, 4,311.86, SCHOOL SPECIALTY-VALLEY DIV., SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT, 58,857.78, SCOTT'S MUSIC STORES INC, SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT, 5,150.00, SIMPLEX/GRINNELL, SUPPLIES, 1,108.66, SPECIALTY INSTALLATION, SERVICE, 1,560.00, STRATMOEN, ROYANNA, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 154.86, STRIPES BY TODD, SERVICE, 29,426.04, SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES OF, SUPPLIES, 158.80, SUN MOUNTAIN, SUPPLIES - GOLF, 1,102.36, TAYLOR MUSIC, INC, SUPPLIES/EQUIP, 9,396.00, WENGER CORPORATION, SUPPLIES, 24,049.00, Fund Total: 854,526.02. Checking Account #2, Fund 22, SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND, ABBAS, LINDSEY, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 13.56, ADVANCE, SERVICE, 11,820.00, ANDERSON, NICOLE, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 15.65, BORNS GROUP, MAIL SERVICE, 38.31, BROESDER, SARA, SUPPLIES, 39.80, CENTRAL BUSINESS SUPPLY, INC., SUPPLIES/EQUIP/SERVICE, 169.33, CHILDREN'S CARE HOSPITAL & SCHOOL, SERVICE, 4,767.00, CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY, SERVICE, 3,406.89, CHRISTIANSON, SHERRI, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 11.10, CLEAN SLATE/2ND SKIN, SUPPLIES, 220.00, EKERN, VALERIE, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 24.90, HOLLMANN, ELLEN, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 60.41, HOVDA, STEPHANIE, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 207.16, MASTERCARD CORP, CREDIT CARD, 1,468.73, MIDWEST SPECIAL INSTRUMENTS, SERVICE, 314.50, PRAIRIE GRAPHICS INC, SUPPLIES, 235.62, SCHOLASTIC INC., SUPPLIES, 4,927.89, SCHULZ, ANDREA, 5 TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 6.22, SD DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES, HOME AND COMMUNITY BASED , 6,116.30, SDSU UNION/STATE TECH, SERVICE, 115.00, SONNENBURG, CRYSTAL , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 8.81, UPS STORE #5064, SERVICE, 774.54, VERIZON WIRELESS, SERVICES, 61.90, Fund Total: 34,823.62. Checking Account #2, Fund 41, CAPITAL PROJECTS NEW K-3 SCHOOL, DESIGN ARC, SERVICE, 7,622.00, GEOTEK ENGINEERING & TEST.SER. INC, SERVICE, 8,170.00, MILLS CONSTRUCTION CO., SERVICE, 638,225.89, Fund Total: 654,017.89. Checking Account #2, Fund 51, CHILD NUTRITION, BORNS GROUP, MAIL SERVICE, 137.70, BRAUN, LYLE , LUNCH ACCOUNT REFUND, 13.10, CLITES ELECTRIC INC, SERVICE, 83.42, COCA COLA OF CENTRAL SD/WATERTOWN, SUPPLIES, 807.00, COUGHLIN-SCHMIDT, SUSAN , LUNCH ACCOUNT REFUND, 14.65, DEAN FOODS NC LLC, SUPPLIES, 6,586.52, DEYOUNG, PATTY, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 22.31, DUBA, LAURA, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 18.00, DUNBAR, TENA, LUNCH ACCOUNT REFUND, 6.35, ELLWEIN, STEPHANIE, LUNCH ACCOUNT REFUND, 70.95, FOOS, RACHEL, LUNCH ACCOUNT REFUND, 76.50, GRUNZKE, DAWN, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 22.31, HEARTLAND PAYMENT SYSTEMS, INC., ANNUAL MAINT FEE, 804.00, HY-VEE STORE , SUPPLIES, 98.89, JOHNSON CONTROLS, SUPPLIES/SERVICES, 181.66, MASTERCARD CORP, CREDIT CARD, 271.67, MATHENY, ANN, LUNCH ACCOUNT REFUND, 16.10, PAN-O-GOLD BAKING COMPANY, SUPPLIES, 1,945.54, PETERSON, JOHN, LUNCH ACCOUNT REFUND, 19.10, RATH, ANNE, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 22.31, REINHART FOODSERVICE LLC, SUPPLIES, 46,768.66, SCHROEDER, NANETTE, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 15.48, STAR LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANERS INC, SERVICE, 353.06, VAN REGENMORTER, NAOMI, LUNCH ACCOUNT REFUND, 12.20, Fund Total: 58,367.48. Checking Account #2, Fund 53, ENTERPRISE FUND, ADAMSON, MICHELE, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 80.00, BUISKER, TRACEY, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 80.00, CFGEAR, SUPPLIES, 1,714.87, GULLICKSON, ANDREA, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 80.00, MELIUS, JODI, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 3,330.00, WALDER, DANIELLE, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 80.00, Fund Total: 5,364.87. Checking Account Total: 1,863,347.08. Checking Account #2, Trust and Agency Imprest Reimbursement, BG CK, DIV. OF CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION,1,816.50, REG'N-NEWMAN, SD LIBRARY ASSOC, 245.00, FB-HURON, AADLAND CORY, 80.00, VB-BR VALLEY, DEVINE KELLEY, 122.92, REG'N, FESTIVAL OF BANDS USA, 175.00, SOCCER-PIERRE, HANSEN KRISTINE, 110.00, SOCCER-PIERRE, JACOBSON CHRISTOPHER, 100.00, FB-HURON, JOHNSTON JIM, 157.70, SOCCER-PIERRE, MCNEELEY GUY, 198.06, SOCCER-PIERRE, MESMAN KEVIN, 162.92, FB-HURON, MUTZIGER MIKE, 80.00, FB-HURON, NELSON PAUL, 80.00, SOCCER-PIERRE, PEDERSON HEATH, 120.00, REG'N, SDSU MUSIC DEPARTMENT, 30.00, ENTRY FEE, SIOUX VALLEY SCHOOL DIST 5-5, 35.00, VB-BR VALLEY, SOMA JENNIFER, 85.00, VB-ABERDEEN, STREDDE HALI, 80.00, FB-HURON, STRUCK GENE, 80.00, VB-ABERDEEN, VIS JANELLE, 127.36, SOCCER-PIERRE, WATSON MICHAEL, 150.00, VB-BR VALLEY, WEED KIM, 80.00, VB OFFICAL/LINES V. B.VALLEY, MAHONEY JENNIFER, 85.00, 9TH VB OFFICIAL V. B.VALLEY, MOE DUANE, 65.00, 9TH VB OFFICIAL V. B.VALLEY, VANDERPOEL MEGAN, 65.00, Imprest Fund Total: 4,330.46. 6 Mastercard Credit Card ALLDATA CORP, DUES, 975.00; ALLEGRA, SUPPLIES, 52.66; ALPHA VIDEO + AUDIO, SUPPLIES, 497.00; AMAZON MKTPLACE, SUPPLIES, 1,697.49; AMERICAN GARAGE DOOR, SUPPLIES, 24.00; APPLAUSE LEARNING, SUPPLIES, 335.94; AVI SYSTEMS INC, EQUIPMENT, 1,286.00; B & H PHOTO-VIDEO, SUPPLIES, 458.00; BARNES&NOBLE*COM, SUPPLIES, 2,131.50; BEST WESTERN HOTELS, TRAVEL, (110.49); BLACK HILLS STATE UNIV, DUES, 675.00; BROOKINGS AREA TRANSIT, TRAVEL, 40.00; BROOKINGS CAR QUEST, SUPPLIES, 9.99; BROOKINGS MUNICIPAL UT, UTILITIES, 3,636.77; BROOKINGS UTILITIES, UTILITIES, 45,691.69; BROOKLYNPUB, SUPPLIES, 37.00; CABANA BANNERS, SUPPLIES, 840.00; CALLOWAY HOUSE, SUPPLIES, 17.94; CARLEX, SUPPLIES, 173.47; CAROLINA BIOLOGIC SUPP, SUPPLIES, 160.59; CARROT TOP, SUPPLIES, 162.18; CDW GOVERNMENT, EQUIPMENT, 30,240.94; CENEX SOUTH, TRAVEL, 32.30; CENTRAL BUSINESS SUPPLY, SUPPLIES, 895.06; CHEERLEADING COMPANY, SUPPLIES, 121.88; CODE FOUR ATHLETICS, SUPPLIES, 411.62; COLLINS SPORTS MEDICINE, SUPPLIES, 214.27; CULLIGAN WATER, SUPPLIES, 272.00; DBC*BLICK ART MATERIAL, SUPPLIES, 112.50; DRAMATIC PUBLISHING CO, SUPPLIES, 100.86; ELIZABETH CLAIRE INC, SUPPLIES, 36.00; ERINCONDREN.COM, SUPPLIES, 62.95; FASTENAL COMPANY, SUPPLIES, 24.45; FLINN SCIENTIFIC, SUPPLIES, 404.92; GILMAN GEAR, EQUIPMENT, 1,359.88; GRAYBAR ELECTRIC, SUPPLIES, 2,799.92; HFC*DISC DANCE, SUPPLIES, 959.64; HILLYARD INC, SUPPLIES, 11,052.22; HOBBYLOBBY, SUPPLIES, 14.80; HOMESTEAD BUILDING, SUPPLIES, 402.57; HY VEE, SUPPLIES, 877.12; iLugger, SUPPLIES, 217.74; IN *BROOKINGS DUMPSTER, UTILITIES, 2,724.42; IN *DOUGLAS FILHOLM, SUPPLIES, 74.00; IN *KP EDUCATION SYSTEM, DUES, 1,500.00; INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY, SUPPLIES, 603.14; INTERSTATE OFFICE PROD, SUPPLIES, (196.47); IPA SOURCE, DUES, 54.95; IPARADIGMS LLC, DUES, 1,355.00; J W PEPPER, SUPPLIES, 446.98; JCL SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES, 1,274.64; JIMMY JOHNS, MEALS, 273.44; JUNIOR LIBRARY GUILD, SUPPLIES, 1,722.00; K & M, SUPPLIES, 36.29; KNOWLEDGE MATTERS INC, SUPPLIES, 595.00; LAB AIDS INC CASE, SUPPLIES, 728.00; LAKEVIEW RESORT, TRAVEL, 195.80; LEWIS DRUG, SUPPLIES, 336.57; LIGHTSPEED TECHNOLOGIES, EQUIPMENT, 1,278.00; LOWES, SUPPLIES, 1,322.08; LULU PRESS INC, SUPPLIES, 25.24; MCCORMICK S ENTERP, EQUIPMENT, 7,961.40; MENARDS, SUPPLIES, 526.89; MIDWEST ALARM CO INC, SERVICES, 393.75; NEBRASKA AIR FILTER, SUPPLIES, 42.92; NNG*NING INC, SUPPLIES, 239.90; NOBLE INK AND TONER, SUPPLIES, 3,259.85; NORCOSTCO, SUPPLIES, 1,026.18; NORTHERN COMPUTER TECH, EQUIPMENT, 14,915.00; PAPA JOHN S, MEALS, 55.00; PARTY DEPOT, SUPPLIES, 125.14; PIZZA HUT, MEALS, 87.40; PLAYSCRIPTS INC, SUPPLIES, 68.48; POPPLERSMUSIC.COM, SUPPLIES, 117.65; RENTAL DEPOT, SUPPLIES, 21.75; RUNNINGS, SUPPLIES, 61.69; SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINES, SUPPLIES, 399.83; SCHOOL SAVERS, SUPPLIES, 4,267.20; SCHOOLMART TECHLINE ED, SUPPLIES, 179.31; SCHUNEMAN EQUIP, SUPPLIES, 66.39; SDSU BOOKSTORE, SUPPLIES, 49.95; SHERATON HOTELS, TRAVEL, 275.56; SICO AMERICA INC., SUPPLIES, 406.98; SIOUX RIVER BICFTNS, REPAIRS, 200.00; SNAPONINDUSTRIAL, SUPPLIES, 8,673.16; SOUTH DAKOTA L00 OF 00, DUES, 190.00; SPELLCITY, SUPPLIES, 536.25; SPORTS TUTOR, SUPPLIES, 3,650.00; SQ *ISM WORKS LLC, DUES, 499.00; SSI*SCHOOL SPECIALTY, 7 EQUIPMENT, 4,585.52; STAPLES DIRECT, SUPPLIES, 735.09; SUBSCRIPTION SVCSAMER, SUPPLIES, 829.23; SUBWAY, MEALS, 75.00; SUMMIT PROFESSIONAL ED, DUES, 338.00; TARGET, SUPPLIES, 59.09; TEACHER CREATED RESOUR, SUPPLIES, 86.87; TEACHER S DISCOVERY, SUPPLIES, 469.67; TEACHERS HELPER, SUPPLIES, 82.10; TEACHING TREASURES, SUPPLIES, 48.13; TEXTBOOK 4 LESS, SUPPLIES, 269.90; THE UPS STORE, SUPPLIES, 587.55; TOYS R US, SUPPLIES, 59.99; UNITED, TRAVEL, 1,317.40; USPS, SUPPLIES, 49.00; VARSITY SPIRIT FASHION, SUPPLIES, 78.45; VISTAPR*, SUPPLIES, 353.98; VWR INTERNATIONAL INC, EQUIPMENT, 4,247.69; WAL-MART, SUPPLIES, 466.24; WILLIAM V MACGILL & CO, SUPPLIES, 903.32; WM SUPERCENTER, SUPPLIES, 2,138.28; WWW.MATHANTICS.COM, DUES, 20.00; XEROX CORPORATION, SERVICES, 5,241.96; TOTAL 195,093.54. A. 4. Approve the following personnel report: 1. Contract(s): a. Vickie Thompson, MMS, Special Ed TA, $11.61/hr; b. Tammy Herrick, MMS, Special Ed TA, $12.81/hr; c. Shelli DeHaven, MMS, Cross Country Coach, $1,485; d. Mavhu Chidaushe, BHS, Ass’t Boys Soccer Coach, $2,546; e. Jennifer Schultz, MMS, Child Nutrition, $10.40/hr; f. Joan Robinson, Hillcrest, Child Nutrition, $10.40/hr; g. Jacob Foley, District, Bus Driver, $14.49/hr; h. Ursula Garrett, BHS, Special Ed Teacher, $47,658; i. Brittany Brown, BHS, Ass’t Competitive Cheer Coach, $2,546; j. Diana Christiansen, BHS, Ass’t Choir Director, $2,546; k. Maggie Minett, BHS, Ass’t Boys Soccer Coach, $2,546; l. Travis Whitehead, BHS, Ass’t Girls Soccer Coach, $3,055; m. Haley Wetzler, MMS, 7th Gr. Ass’t Volleyball Coach, $1,273; n. Brian Mahaffy, District, Bus Driver, $; o. Lindsey Kleinjan, MMS, Grade 6 Reading Teacher, $28,659.58; p. Crysta Denginger, MMS, Grade 8 Ass’t Volleyball Coach, $1,273; 2. Amended Contract(s): a. Camrin Vaux, add ED Wellness Coordinator, $5,092; b. Lisa Weier, MMS, remove HD Winter Sideline Cheer; c. Daniel Berg, BHS, added Theatre Tech, $2,546; 3. Lane Change Contract(s): a. Laura Quail from MA+15, $45,399 to MA+30, $49,727; b. Ann Borns from MA+15, $50,244 to MA+30, $51,319; c. Sharon King from MA+30, $50,350 to MA+45, $51,427; d. Jessica Enderson from MA+15, $37,647 to SPEC, $40,875; 4. Additional Hire(s): a. Brad Nupen, $2,000 b. Ron Stary - Summer Camp: $1,613.00 c. ACT Prep: Rebecca Ekeland – Reading - $339 Rebecca Ekeland – English - $339 Amanda Neville-Coble - $400 8 Todd Jorgenson - $339 Gwen Yseth - $85 Christine Boever - $339 d. Vonda Bjorklund – Health Curriculum - $310 5. Resignation(s): a. Kurt Holland, BHS, Special Ed Teacher, effective August 15, 2014; b. LeAnn Henslin, MMS, Grade 6 Teacher, effective Sept. 25, 2014; A. 5. Approve the following enrollment report: 1. Approve the Open Enrollment Application into the district for the following students: a. 14-15 (30-32) Note: There are 40 (Out of District) students for 2014-15 A. 6. Approve the 2nd/Final Reading of Amended Policy INDA “Patriotic Exercises and Flag Display”. A. 7. Approve the 2nd/Final Reading of Policy JHCDB “Epinephrine Auto-Injectors”. A. 8. Approve the 2nd/Final Reading of Amended Policy JGD “Student Suspension or Expulsion”. A. 9. Approve the following Surplus list: Riding Chariot Floor Vacuum, Large Standing Floor Fan, 4 children tables, 2 Window Air Conditioners, Mop Bucket, 2 Pairs of Large Stereo Speakers, Plastic Stacking Chairs (Few Dozen), 2 Magazine Racks, 13 Computer Desks, Large Metal Teacher Desk, Several Counter Tops, Pencil Bookshelf, 5 Children's Chairs, Large Aquarium, 2 Rolling Shelves, Childs Toy Kitchenette, 6 Weight Benches, Squat Rack, Dumbbell Rack, 2 Rolling TV Carts, Childs Blow-up Air Toy, Plastic Drawer Unit, Large U.S. and World Wall Map, Projector Screen, TV, Floor Fan, Box of 300W Light Bulbs, CB Radios, Decorative Tree, Wooden teacher’s desk, Miscellaneous shelves. A. 10. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Brookings School District and SDSU College of Education and Human Sciences. A. 11. Approve a Special Board meeting on September 29, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. @ MMS to discuss the Strategic Plan with Dr. Melmer and possible K-8 Building Projects. All voted aye. Motion carried. The board reviewed the following bids received for two school busses: Trucks of Bismark, Inc. 14 Passenger w/wheelchair lift $ 62,650.00 71 Passenger conventional bus $ 86,200.00 If both are purchased $148,850.00 Harlow’s Bus Sales, Inc. 14 Passenger w/wheelchair lift $ 58,036.00 71 Passenger conventional bus $ 79,942.61 If both are purchased $137,978.61 North Central Bus & Equipment Inc. 14 Passenger w/wheelchair lift $ 59,190.00 71 Passenger conventional bus $ 82,328.00 If both are purchased $141,518.00 Foreman Sales and Service Inc. 14 Passenger w/wheelchair lift $ 53,899.00 9 71 Passenger conventional bus If both are purchased - $ no bid $ no bid Motion 2014-020 by Bayer, seconded by Rogers to purchase the low bid from Foreman Sales and Service Inc. for the 14 passenger bus with a wheel chair lift in the amount of $53,899.00 and the low bid from Harlow’s Bus Sales Inc. for the 71 passenger conventional bus in the amount of $79,942.61. All voted aye. Motion carried. Motion 2014-021 by Rogers, seconded by Fishback to approve the MOU with ProBuild to build the BHS house. All voted aye. Motion carried. The first reading was held on Amended Policy JECB “Admission of Nonresident Students (Open Enrollment – SDCL 13-28-40 Through 13-28-37)” and Amended Policy EBBA “First Aid and Emergency Medical Care”. Motion 2014-022 by Rogers, seconded by Bayer to adjourn the meeting at 6:49 p.m. All voted aye. Motion carried. ____________________________________ Marysz Rames, President of the School Board ____________________________________ Brian Lueders, District Business Manager Published once at the total approximate cost of $317.18 10 BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT 5-1 - CASH REPORT August 2014 GENERAL FUND CAPITAL OUTLAY Beginning Balance $6,021,278.25 $1,920,746.61 $563,708.60 $698,114.71 $701,274.13 $110,083.59 $13,513,202.88 $509,830.08 $46,618.74 $394,113.47 $518,702.58 $24,997,673.64 Local $195,975.68 $9,611.04 $7,136.82 $1,144.15 $1,971.02 $1,109.26 $4,698.51 $89,798.66 $500.00 $310,949.41 $20,691.83 $643,586.38 County $24,407.28 State $567,673.00 10 Receipts: SPECIAL EDUCATION 21 PENSION FUND 22 BOND REDEMPTION MMS 24 BOND REDEMPTION 4-5 31 32 CAPITAL PROJECTS K-3 41 FOOD SERVICE 51 ENTERPRISE FUND 53 SELF INSURANCE TRUST & AGENCY 57 TOTAL 71 & 76 $24,407.28 $70,378.00 $638,051.00 Federal $0.00 Loans/Repayment TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $0.00 $788,055.96 $9,611.04 $77,514.82 $1,144.15 $1,971.02 $1,109.26 $4,698.51 $89,798.66 $500.00 $310,949.41 $20,691.83 $1,306,044.66 $1,627,796.68 $276,368.66 $303,321.84 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $585,371.92 $58,609.33 $14,995.31 $336,643.40 $25,966.34 $3,229,073.48 $1,653,988.99 $337,901.58 $699,258.86 $703,245.15 $111,192.85 $12,932,529.47 $541,019.41 $32,123.43 $368,419.48 $513,428.07 $23,074,644.82 BOND REDEMPTION MMS BOND REDEMPTION 4-5 CAPITAL PROJECTS K-3 32 41 Loan Payment ENDING CASH BALANCE: $5,181,537.53 $0.00 BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT 5-1 - CASH REPORT August 2013 GENERAL FUND CAPITAL OUTLAY Beginning Balance $4,973,640.27 $2,005,496.98 $518,126.54 $683,913.52 $601,589.70 $114,512.04 Local $451,464.13 $17,223.63 $7,835.34 $1,958.22 $3,144.96 $1,644.64 County $17,391.17 State $543,100.00 $72,534.00 $615,634.00 $28,113.00 $2,000.00 $30,113.00 10 Receipts: Federal SPECIAL EDUCATION 21 PENSION FUND 22 24 31 FOOD SERVICE 51 $0.00 ENTERPRISE FUND 53 SELF INSURANCE 57 TRUST & AGENCY TOTAL 71 & 76 $399,180.96 $37,049.02 $40,277.52 $498,091.96 $9,871,878.51 $118,121.39 $590.00 $24,305.70 $35,666.96 $661,954.97 $17,391.17 Loans/Repayment $0.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS $1,040,068.30 $17,223.63 $82,369.34 $1,958.22 $3,144.96 $1,644.64 $0.00 $118,121.39 $590.00 $24,305.70 $35,666.96 $1,325,093.14 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $1,536,966.11 $334,497.28 $257,660.39 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $41,451.48 $18,666.90 $33,386.56 $33,047.52 $2,255,676.24 $1,688,223.33 $342,835.49 $685,871.74 $604,734.66 $116,156.68 $0.00 $475,850.87 $18,972.12 $31,196.66 $500,711.40 $8,941,295.41 Loan Payment ENDING CASH BALANCE: $4,476,742.46 $0.00 Gas Quotes for September Martin Gas Information Unleaded $ Diesel #1 Diesel #2 Anderson Oil 3.005 $ $ $ - 3.0000 3.281 $ $ AgFirst Coop $ - 3.126 3.2900 $ $ Vollan Oil $ - 2.9700 3.456 $ $ 3.2905 11 SCHOOL BOARD MINUTES Brookings School District #5-1 September 29, 2014 A special meeting of the school board was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President Marysz Rames in the Mickelson Middle School Library with the following members present: Steve Bayer, Van Fishback, Robert Jostad, Marysz Rames, and Larry Rogers. Motion 2014-023 by Rogers, seconded by Bayer, to approve the agenda with the following change: Remove discussion item 2. Future facility discussion. All voted aye. Motion carried. The board met with Dr. Rick Melmer and the administrative team to discuss the strategic plan. Motion 2014-024 by Rogers, seconded by Bayer to adjourn the meeting at 6:49 p.m. All voted aye. Motion carried. ____________________________________ Marysz Rames, President of the School Board ____________________________________ Brian Lueders, District Business Manager Published once at the total approximate cost of $11.53 1 BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT October 14, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Consent Agenda Item: V. A. 2. Approval and/or correction of the financial report BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT October 14, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Item: V. A. 3 Consent Agenda Approval of bills BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT October 14, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Consent Agenda Item: V. A. 4. Approval of personnel report 1. Approve Contract(s): The Superintendent recommends the School Board approve the following for 2014-2015 school years unless otherwise noted: a. Mary Remund, FCCLA Ass’t Advisor, $4,583; b. Lyle Clausen, District, Bus Driver, $14.49; c. Joshua Fast, District, Bus Driver, $14.49; d. Jeremy Joffer, District, Bus Driver, $14.49; 2. Approve Amended Contract(s): a. Jessica Enderson, MMS, add .10, from $40,875 to $44,962.50; 3. Approve Termination(s): a. Paula Vlaminck, MMS, Child Nutrition, effective October 3, 2014 BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT October 14, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Consent Agenda Item: V. A. 5. Approval of enrollment report 1. Approve the Open Enrollment Application into the district for the following students: a. 14-15 (33-35,37-40, 42) 2. Denied the Open Enrollment Application into the district for the following students: 14-15 (36, 41) Note: There are 42 (Out of District) Student for 2014-15 BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT October 14, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Consent Agenda Item: V. A. 6. Approval of 2nd/Final Reading of Amended Policy JECB “Admission of Nonresident Students” (Open Enrollment – SDCL 13-28-40 Through 13-28-47) Consider this your Second/Final Reading. No changes have been made since the September Board meeting. I recommend you approve. Policy: JECB Brookings School District 5-1 ADMISSION OF NONRESIDENT STUDENTS (OPEN ENROLLMENT - SDCL 13-28-40 THROUGH 13-28-47) The board will accept all students from other districts wishing to enroll, provided the Brookings School District’s facilities can accommodate the students without adversely affecting the quality of the educational program. This determination will be based upon criteria adopted by the board (see Section II below) and is subject to the following procedures: I. PROCEDURES 1. A student who is a legal resident of another South Dakota district seeking to transfer to the Brookings School District must make application to the Brookings School District. The application must be on forms provided by the South Dakota Department of Education. The application must be made by an un-emancipated student’s parent or guardian or by the emancipated student. 2. The application will be approved or denied by the Brookings School Board and the applicant and the resident board must be notified of the decision within five (5) days of the board’s decision. Applications will be reviewed in the order received. 3. Transfers into the Brookings School District under the provisions of §§ 13-28-40 to 13-28-47, inclusive, may only take place prior to the last Friday in September during the first semester of any school year, and prior to the last Friday in January during the second semester of any school year. If the Brookings School District approves an application for such a transfer after the deadline in the first semester, the transfer will occur at the start of the second semester. If the Brookings School District approves an application for such a transfer after the deadline in the second semester, the transfer will occur at the start of the following school year. However, the deadlines for transfer do not apply if: a. A student is seeking to transfer to an alternative school or a specialized nonpublic educational program; b. A student enrolls in the Brooking School District after the deadline in either semester; or c. If the Brookings School District School Board determines that special circumstances exist and it is in the best interest of the student and school district to allow a student to transfer after the deadline. 4. The applicant may withdraw the application prior to the approval of the request and upon notification of the district to which the student applied. 5. Once approved by the Brookings School District, the applicant's intent to enroll obligates the student to attend school in the Brookings School District for the next school year, unless the two boards agree in writing to allow a student to return to the original district or assigned school, or if the parent, guardian, or student changes residence to another district. 6. Once enrolled in the Brookings School District, the enrollment will continue unless a bona fide change of residence occurs or a subsequent transfer application is received. 7. The Brookings School District will accept credits granted for any course successfully completed in another accredited district. The Brookings School District may award a diploma to a non-resident only if the student satisfactorily meets the Brookings School District graduation requirements. 8. Transportation of non-resident students to school is the responsibility of the applicant. II. CRITERIA FOR MAKING OPEN ENROLLMENT DETERMINATIONS Discrimination based upon race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, national origin or disability is prohibited. 1. The board reserves the right to annually establish capacities of programs, classes, grade levels, and buildings within the district, which will be based upon administrative recommendations. The administrative recommendation shall take into account current and projected enrollments in light of physical, fiscal, and human resources projected within the district. Insofar as possible, any numerical factor will be building or attendance center specific. 2. Class size, program capacity, and building capacity restrictions are necessary in order to allow room in schools for students who may move into the assigned school attendance area or in the case of special education programs, students who may be identified as needing special education services or who may move in as students in need of special education. The approval of an open enrollment request may not result in exceeding the established student to teacher ratio or program capacity. The capacity listed for grade level student to teacher ratio indicates district averages for open enrollment purposes only. Actual class sizes may be above these ratios because of students living in the assigned school attendance area. a) b) c) d) Kindergarten through Grade Three 22 Grade Four and Grade Five 24 Grade Six through Grade Eight 26 Grade Nine through Grade Twelve-High School open enrollment students may select from courses available at the time of registration. e) Special Education program capacity is based on the type of program. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Kindergarten through Grade 12 – resource room case manager limits are set at 15 students Kindergarten through Grade 12 – self contained case manager limits are set at 5 students Kindergarten through Grade 12 – speech therapy total service provider limits are set at 35 students Kindergarten through Grade 12 – occupational therapy total service provider limits are 35, physical therapy total service provider limits are set at 10 A student in need of special education or special education and related services will be declined for open enrollment if the IEP requires services which exceed these identified limits in #1-4 above or requires additional staffing or programs not in place at the time of application. 3. Nonresident student open enrollment applications to attend school within the District will be reviewed and acted upon in the order in which they are received. However, if the application is a sibling of a student accepted into and currently enrolled in the District, that student’s application shall take priority over all other applications. 4. If two or more nonresident students from the same family, residing in the same household, request open enrollment into the District, all requests from that family must be either approved or denied and the District shall not deny an application if doing so would result in children from the same household enrolling in different school district. However, if the District cannot provide an appropriate education for a child in need of special education or special education and related services, the District may deny that child’s application for open enrollment. 5. The board may deny applications for any of the following reasons: (a) The applicant is under a suspension or expulsion; (b) The applicant has been convicted of possession, use, or distribution of any controlled substance, including marijuana and is under suspension pursuant to SDCL 13-32-43; (c) The applicant has been convicted of a weapons charge relating to the schools and is under suspension pursuant to SDCL 13-32-43. (d) If misrepresentation of information by the applicant for transfer is determined to exist, before, or after the acceptance process or while the student is in attendance. If the student has previously been accepted, misrepresentation of information will result in revocation of the acceptance. III. ACCEPTING NON-RESIDENT STUDENTS IN NEED OF SPECIAL EDUCATION A request to transfer a student in need of special education or special education and related services may be granted only if, after a review of all relevant student education records and direct communication with the student’s parent or guardian and representatives of the resident district, the Brookings School District special education administration determines that the District can provide an appropriate instructional program and facilities, including transportation, to meet the student’s needs. If the request to transfer is granted, the Brookings School District is responsible for the provision of a free appropriate public education for the student in need of special education or special education and related services. If the student requires transportation as a related service, the Brookings School District shall provide or ensure the provision of transportation within the boundaries of the District. A request to transfer a student in need of special education or special education and related services may be denied if the request would exceed program capacities set by the board, pursuant to SDCL 13-28-42.1 and 13-28-44 or if the Brookings School District cannot provide an appropriate instructional program and facilities, including transportation, to meet the student’s needs. If the Brookings School District confirms, based upon the records review and communications with the student's parent or guardian and representatives of the Brookings School District, that it can provide an appropriate instructional program and facilities, including transportation, if necessary, to meet the needs of the student, it may proceed with the open enrollment process (see § 13-28-421). If the Brookings School District is not able to make confirmation of an appropriate instructional program and facilities to meet the needs of the student, the Brookings School District shall initiate an individual education program team meeting consisting of representatives from both the resident and nonresident districts to determine whether the Brookings School District can provide an appropriate instructional program, facilities, and transportation, if necessary. After the determination is made, the Brookings School District will proceed accordingly with regards to accepting or declining the student for open enrollment. If the Brookings School District cannot meet the provisions of SDCL 13-28-42.1 for the child in need of special education or special education and related services, the Brookings School District may deny that child's application for open enrollment. If two or more children from a family residing in the same household, one of which needs special education and/or related services and both of which are eligible for kindergarten through 12th grade, may open enroll only if pursuant to SDCL 13-28-42.1, the Brookings School District can provide an appropriate instructional program and facilities, including transportation, for the child in need of special education or special education and related services. IV. APPEAL OF DENIED REQUESTS Appeals from board action under the 1997 Open Enrollment Act can be made under SDCL Chapter 13-46 and the court will conduct a de novo* review. The time for appeal under SDCL Chapter 13-46 is within ninety (90) days from the date of decision. *To make a new decision. Legal References: SDCL 13-13-10.1 (Definition of terms) SDCL 13-15-8.1 (Interstate agreements to establish tuition rates) SDCL 13-15-9 (Interstate assignment of students on reciprocal basis) SDCL 13-15-11 (Contracts between districts for joint facilities) SDCL 13-15-21 (Enrollment in adjoining school districts in Minnesota) SDCL 13-15-21.1 (Reciprocity required for enrolling in Minn sch dist) SDCL 13-15-23 (Transportation for commuting between SD & MN) SDCL 13-15-24 (Resident districty responsible for tuition in MN school) SDCL 13-28 (School attendance privileges and tuition) SDCL 13-32-4.3 (Effect of suspension or expulsion on enrollment) SDCL 13-32-9 (Suspension for controlled substances violation) SDCL 13-46 (Appeals in school matters) Cross References: IGBA: Programs for Handicapped Children JECC: Assignment of Students to Schools LB: Relation with Other Schools and School Districts Adopted: 10/13/1977 Revised: 01/10/2000 Revised: 06/12/2000 Revised: 09/13/2004 Rev. Reading: 02/13/2006 Rev. Reading: 07/25/2006 Revised: 02/09/2009 Rev. Reading: 07/09/2012 Rev. Reading/Adopted: 08/13/2012 1st Rev. Reading: 09/10/2012 2nd Rev. Reading/Adopted: 10/15/2012 Reviewed: 08/12/2013 1st Rev. Reading: 09/15/2014 2nd Rev Reading/Adopted: 10/154/2014 BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT October 14, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Consent Agenda Item: V. A. 7. Approval of 2nd/Final Reading of Amended Policy EBBA “First Aid and Emergency Medical Care” No changes have been made to this policy since the First reading in September. I recommend you approve. Policy: EBBA BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT 5-1 FIRST AID AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE No treatment of injuries except first aid and life sustaining emergency care will be permitted in the schools. First aid is that immediate help given by the best qualified person at hand in case of accidents or sudden illness. It is the policy of the Brookings School Board not to comply with directives from parent(s)/guardian or others that life-sustaining emergency care should not be provided to any particular student in need of such care while under the control and supervision of the school. "Life-sustaining emergency care" means any procedure or intervention applied by appropriately trained school staff that may prevent a student from dying who, without such procedure or intervention, faces a risk of imminent death. Examples of life-sustaining emergency care include (but are not limited to): efforts to stop bleeding, unblocking airways, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and/or individually designed medical resuscitation plans. Any person who in good faith provides emergency care or assistance without compensation at the place of the emergency or accident will not be liable for any civil damages for acts or omissions in good faith. Treatment of injuries occurring outside school jurisdiction is not the responsibility of school employees. Each student in the district will be required to have a completed, and signed by parent(s) or guardian, emergency procedure form at the beginning of each school year. In all cases where the nature of the illness or injury appears serious, the parents/guardian will be contacted if possible., and the instructions on the student's emergency consent form followed. Thus, in extreme emergencies, arrangements usually may be made for a student's immediate hospitalization might be necessary whether or not the parents/ guardian can be reached. No young child who is ill or injured will be sent home alone, nor will an older child unless the illness is minor and the parent(s)/ guardian has been informed in advance. For the purpose of this policy, a young child will be a student who is twelve (12) years of age or younger. Administration of invasive and related medication are to be performed by a registered nurse or LPN only. Illness-Emergency Transportation The child should be taken or sent to the local school nurse, or if the nurse is absent, to the local administrator. The person or persons listed on the Emergency Procedure Form should be contacted to pick up and take the student home. If this person cannot be located, the building administrator will attempt to locate some relative who might assume responsibility for the child and this person will pick up and take the child home. If no one can be located and there is no one at the child's home, the school will keep the child at school unless the illness is severe, and then the child will be taken to the clinic or hospital. A reasonable effort will continue to be made to contact the parent(s)/guardian. It will be the policy of the Board that: Supervision and care will be provided for pupils who have a medical problem that requires, or might require, regular or emergency treatment. The level of supervision and possible treatment is to be determined at a meeting attended by the parents/guardian, the teacher of the pupil, the principal of the school concerned, and the medical health officer (or nominee). A signed statement by the pupil's physician stating the physician's recommendations is to be made available at this meeting. A member of the school staff will be required, when necessary, to undertake such training as will ensure adequate supervision and treatment. 1st Reading: 2nd Reading/Adopted: Reviewed: 1st Rev. Reading: 2nd Rev. Reading/Adopted: 05/9/1994 06/13/1994 05/13/2013 09/15/2014 10/14/2014 BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT October 14, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Consent Agenda Item: V. A. 8. Approval of Larry Rogers as the board’s Legislative Action Network representative. Approve Larry Rogers as the Board’s LAN for 2014-15. He will keep up with and report back to the board on legislative issues during the upcoming session. BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT October 14, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Item: V. B. Approval of Snow removal bid We received the following bids for snow removal: ADMINISTRATIVE PARKING LOT (RAZORS EDGE LAWN CARE) 1. Loader model S 185 Rate per hour $ 90.00 2. Truck size 18’ Box Rate per hour $ 65.00 HILLCREST ELEMENTARY PARKING LOT (PRUSSMAN CONTRACTING) 1. Loader model 644 w/plow Rate per hour $160.00 2. Loader model 544 w/plow Rate per hour $133.50 3. Loader model 724 Rate per hour $120.00 4. Loader model 950 w/plow Rate per hour $160.00 5. Loader model 724 Rate per hour $120.00 6. Grader model 770 Rate per hour $145.00 7. Truck size DUMP Rate per hour $ 97.50 8. JD Tractor Land Leveler Rate per hour $ 77.50 MEDARY ELEMENTARY PARKING LOT (PRUSSMAN CONTRACTING) 1. Loader model 644 w/plow Rate per hour $160.00 2. Loader model 544 w/plow Rate per hour $133.50 3. Loader model 724 Rate per hour $120.00 4. Loader model 950 w/plow Rate per hour $160.00 5. Loader model 724 Rate per hour $120.00 6. Grader model 770 Rate per hour $145.00 7. Truck size DUMP Rate per hour $ 97.50 8. JD Tractor Land Leveler Rate per hour $ 77.50 CAMELOT INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL PARKING LOT (CONCRETE CONTRACTORS INC.) 1. Loader model 250 Rate per hour $225.00 2. Truck size 20.8CY Rate per hour $165.00 HIGH SCHOOL PARKING LOT (PRUNTY CONSTRUCTION) 1. Loader model JD644 Rate per hour $170.00 2. Loader model JD 624 Rate per hour $150.00 3. Loader model 544 Rate per hour $145.00 4. Truck size Side Dump Rate per hour $115.00 5. Land Leveler 14’ Rate per hour $ 90.00 6. Tandem 16CY Rate per hour $ 95.00 GEORGE MICKELSON MIDDLE SCHOOL PARKING LOT (PRUNTY CONSTRUCTION) 1. Loader model JD644 Rate per hour $170.00 2. Loader model JD 624 Rate per hour $150.00 3. Loader model 544 Rate per hour $145.00 4. Truck size Side Dump Rate per hour $115.00 5. Land Leveler 14’ Rate per hour $ 90.00 6. Tandem 16CY Rate per hour $ 95.00 I recommend you approve the following snow removal bids from Concrete Contractors Inc. for Camelot Intermediate, Razors Edge Lawn Care for the Administration building, Prussman Contracting Inc. for Medary and Hillcrest and Prunty Construction Company Inc. for Brookings High School and Mickelson Middle School parking lots. BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT October 14, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Item: V. C. Approval of SUV bid We received the following bid for a 2015 – 9 passenger SUV Brookings Auto Mall 2015 Nine Passenger SUV $38,761.05 I recommend the district go with the bid received from Brookings Auto Mall for a 2015 nine passenger SUV in the amount of $38,761.05. This new suburban will replace our existing suburban with approximately 175,000 miles on it. BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT October 14, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Item: V. D. Approval of School Board Resolution Authorizing Participation in the National Purchasing Cooperative. The BuyBoard National Purchasing Cooperative is a free national online purchasing cooperative formed between the National School Boards Association and several state school boards associations, developed to comply with state laws. We may or may not purchase items depending on what is available. I recommend you approve. BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT October 14, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Item: V. E. Approval of “Memorandum of Understanding between Brookings Economic Development dba South Dakota Education Campus (SDEC) and Brookings School District This MOU defines our relationship with SDEC. It has been revised and approved by Mr. Helsper. I recommend you approve. Memorandum of Understanding Between Brookings Economic Development Corporation dba South Dakota Education Campus (SDEC) and Brookings School District This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) sets for the terms and understanding between the SDEC and the Brookings School District for the use of the Brookings High School facility for community based education in Brookings, SD. Background This partnership is important to the community of Brookings and supports workforce training needs in Brookings along with focusing on community based education. The collaboration between the two entities enables the Brookings area workforce to continue to better themselves professionally and personally. Purpose This MOU will ensure the continued partnership and collaboration with SDEC and the Brookings School District. SDEC continues to grow the educational opportunities for the community and desires to utilize High School facilities as deemed appropriate. SDEC will facilitate the programs in their entirety to ensure that instructors are viable, contracts are signed, advertising is efficient and program is funded. Brookings School District will make the facility available for appropriate community based educational needs. Reporting SDEC will evaluate each program upon completion and continue to grow community education opportunities in Brookings. SDEC will ensure that programs are developed and modified to meet the changing needs of Brookings area workforce. Funding SDEC will pay the Brookings School District 10% of our total bill from the instructor for facility use prior to tax. (Example: Welding bill from Jesse Hanson was approximately $3500 so 10% of that bill from instructor is $350.00 owed to Brookings School District). Such payments shall be made on or before July 1 and December 31 of each year of this agreement. Employees It is understood and agreed that the Brookings School District has no employer-employee relationship with any of the instructors who will be utilized by SDEC. Indemnity & Mutual Indemnification The parties mutually agree to hold each other harmless and indemnify each other including the parties’ officers, agents or employees, from and against any and all actions, suits, damages, liability or other proceedings that arise as a result of either party’s performance of this Agreement. However, nothing herein requires either party to be responsible for any action, suit, damage, liability or other proceeding that may arise as a result of the negligence, misconduct, error, or omission of either party, including the officers, agents or employees of either of the parties. This mutual indemnification provision is designed to protect the non-negligent party from incurring any expenses, damages or attorney’s fees should any incident arise as set forth in this hold harmless and indemnification provision. Term of Agreement It is understood and agreed that the term of this agreement is for an indefinite period of time but that the agreement can be terminated by either one of the parties to this agreement by the giving of 30 days written notice of that party’s intent to terminate the agreement. Contact Information Brookings Economic Development Corporation Al Heuton Executive Director 414 Main Ave Brookings, SD 57006 605-697-8103 Brookings School District Dr. Roger DeGroot Superintendent of Schools 2130 8th St. South 605-696-4700 ________________________Date: Brookings Economic Development Corporation ________________________Date: Brookings School District BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT October 14, 2014, Input Sheet EXECUTIVE SESSSION ITEM - Pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2 Subsections Item: VI. A. (1) Personnel BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT October 14, 2014, Input Sheet Item: VII. Adjournment
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