TTIP CHICAGO SUMMIT Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership Thursday, October 23rd | 1:30-4:30pm Instituto Cervantes of Chicago | 31 W Ohio St, Chicago, IL 60654 Join the Illinois and US Chambers of Commerce, Chicago International Trade Commissioner’s Association and the British and German Consulate General, Chicago in a unique discussion with Damien Levie, Head of Trade & Agriculture Section for the European Union in Washington DC and former EU Deputy Chief Negotiator of TTIP. The program will include perspectives from industry professionals, trade experts and stakeholders on TTIP's economic and political significance, its challenges and opportunities for Illinois and Midwest businesses in the EU marketplace. KEYNOTE SPEAKER & SPECIAL GUESTS Mr. Damien Levie, Head of the Trade & Agriculture Section for the European Union in Washington DC Ms. Marjorie Chorlins, Vice President, European Affairs, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Congressman Peter Roskam, U.S. Representative for Illinois's 6th Congressional District State Representative André Thapedi, Chairman International Trade & Commerce Committee Damien Levie heads the Trade and Agriculture Section of the European Union Delegation in Washington, DC. Before coming to Washington, he was a member of the Cabinet (personal office) of EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht from 2009 to 2012. He subsequently headed the USA and Canada team of the Directorate General for Trade at the European Commission. During that period, he contributed to the pursuit of an ambitious EU trade policy agenda with the Americas, in particular the launch of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations between the U.S. and the EU, for which he was deputy chief negotiator. Damien joined the European Commission in 2001, working on issues including merger control policy and REACH, the EU’s basic chemical regulation. From 2005 to 2009, he served in the Cabinet of Louis Michel, EU Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid. During that period, he worked on economic development policy in Africa as well as European economic integration issues. Damien Levie has law degrees from KU Leuven and the University of Chicago Law School and an economics degree from UC Louvain. He was a lawyer at a major US law firm in Brussels and New York from 1994 to 2001. REGISTER NOW Contact Brigid Kathleen at If you have any questions or would like to find out about sponsorship opportunities, please contact IBC Executive Director Laura Ortega at or (708)369-4635. AGENDA [DRAFT] 1:00pm | Registration 1:15pm | Welcoming Remarks & Introduction Mr. Todd Maish, President & CEO of the IL Chamber of Commerce 1:30pm | General Session o General Overview of the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership Agreement and Update on the current state of the negotiations. Mr. Damien Levie, Head of the Trade & Agriculture Section for the European Union in Washington DC. Ms. Marjorie Chorlins, Vice President, European Affairs, U.S. Chamber of Commerce o TTIP challenges and opportunities for IL and the Midwest Congressman Peter Roskam, U.S. Representative for Illinois's 6th Congressional District State Representative André Thapedi, Chairman International Trade & Commerce Committee 2:15pm | Industry Panel Sessions of 45 minutes o o o Agro Industry (2:15pm – 3:00pm) Moderator: Tamara Nelsen, Senior Director of Commodities Illinois Farm Bureau Manufacturing (3:05pm – 3:50pm) Moderator: Mario Soos, Deputy Consul General-Consulate General of Germany in Chicago(tbc) Professional Services (3:55pm – 4:40pm) Moderator: tbd 4:45pm | Closing Remarks Mr. Stephen Bridges, British Consul General in Chicago Laura Ortega-Lamela, Exec. Director International Business Council, IL Chamber of Commerce 5:00pm | Networking Reception 5:30 pm | Adjournment
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