The Chicago Urological Society In Conjunction with the Chicago Medical Society Men’s Health KEYNOTE Address: Christopher Coogan, MD President of the CUS Also featuring the Irving J. Shapiro Imaging Contest 04.01.2015 The University Club of Chicago 76 E. Monroe St., Chicago, IL 12:30 PM Target Audience: Urologists Ed uc a t i on a l N e e ds Facu lty List Male reproductive dysfunction occurs throughout post-adolescent life, and voluminous evidence connects male reproductive illness with underlying systemic causes. As the primary physician responsible for male reproductive medicine, the urologist has a fundamental role in healthcare delivery for men with reproductive related ailments. This educational session is designed to address the broad needs of the urologist in understanding male reproductive endocrine, testicular, and penile health. Christopher Coogan, MD, FACS Rush University Assiociate Attending and Professor in the Department of Urology Chicago, Illinois Dr. Coogan has disclosed that he does not have any relevant financial relationships with commercial interests. Ahmer Farooq, DO Loyola University Medical Center Assistant Professor, Department of Urology Maywood, Illinois Dr. Farooq has disclosed that he does not have any relevant financial relationships with commercial interests. Laurence Levine, MD Urology Specialists, SC, Rush University Professor, Department of Urology Chicago, Illinois Dr. Levine has disclosed that he has been a speaker and consultant for Coloplast, Abbvie, AMS, and has stock options with Absorption Pharmaceuticals. William Lin, MD UroPartners Chicago/Northwestern Memorial Hospital Assistant Professor of Clinical Urology Chicago, Illinois Des i red L e ar n i n g Outco me s At the conclusion of this meeting, the attendee should be able to: 1. List assays involved in the evaluation of the male reproductive endocrine axis and interpret their results. 2. Describe the risks and benefits of androgenic therapy for hypoandrogenism in the male and explain how treatment is modified in the patient with a history of prostate cancer. 3. Identify the common penile anatomic dysmorphisms and summarize their treatments. 4. Demonstrate how the metabolic syndrome manifests in male reproductive ailments. 5. Outline possible future molecular therapies for male reproductive dysfunction. Dr. Lin has disclosed that he has does not have any relevant financial relationships with commercial interests. Ajay Nehra, MD Rush University Medical Center Chairman and Professor of Men’s Health Chicago, Illinois Dr. Nehra has disclosed that he has does not have any relevant financial relationships with commercial interests. Craig Niederberger, MD, FACS The University of Illinois at Chicago Head of the Department of Urology Chicago, Illinois Dr. Neidererger has disclosed that he is the journal section editor for the American Urological Association, the journal co-editor-in-chief for the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, and the co-founder of NexHand. Progra m i nfo r m at i o n Wednesday, April 1, 2015 Chairman: Christopher Gonzalez, MD 12:30pm - 2:45pm Irving J. Shapiro Imaging Contest (No CME) 2:45pm - 3:00pm Break 3:00pm - 3:25pm Introduction and Evaluation of Male Endocrine Dysfunction Craig Niederberger, MD, FACS 3:25pm - 3:50pm The Treatment of Hypoandrogenism After Prostatectomy Ahmer Farooq, DO 3:50pm - 4:15pm Anatomic Considerations of the Penis Laurence Levine, MD 4:15pm - 4:40pm Metabolic Syndrome and its Consequences in Male Health Ajay Nehra, MD 4:40pm - 5:05pm Treatment of the Male Reproductive Dysfunction: Its Molecular Future William Lin, MD 5:05pm - 5:15pm Commentary and Questions 5:15pm - 6:15pm Fellowship Hour 6:15pm - 8:00pm Dinner and Presidential Addrress Christopher Coogan, MD, FACS CmE infor m a t i o n This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of the Chicago Medical Society and the Chicago Urological Society. The Chicago Medical Society is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The Chicago Medical Society designates this live activity for a maximum of 2.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Th e U n iv e r s i t y C l u b of Ch i c a g o Address: 76 E. Monroe Chicago, IL 60603 Parking: Valet parking is available with the doorman at standard rates of $20 per vehicle. Self parking is available at the following garages: • Grant Park East (Colombus/Michigan) • Grant Park North (Madison/Michigan) • Grant Park South (Jackson/Michigan) • Inter Parking (55 E. Monroe) Dress Code: CME P lanning COmm itt ee The following planning members of the Chicago Medical Society’s CME Subcommittee on Joint Providorship have disclosed that they have no relevant financial relationships with commercial interests: Ajay K. Chauhan, MD, Chairman, Howard Axe, MD, Vickie L. Becker, MD, Adrienne L. Fregia, MD, Robert W. Panton, MD, Loren S. Schechter, MD, Kathy M. Tynus, MD and Cecilia Merino, Director of Education. The following planning members of the Chicago Urological Society have disclosed that they have no relevant financial relationships with any commercial interests: Christopher Gonzalez, Course Director, and Jessica Knight, Meeting Coordinator. Please note The University Club dresscod is business casual to business attire. exh i bi t or s Abbott Abbvie Actavis Allergan American Medical Systems Astellas Oncology Astellas Pharma Auxilium Pharmaceuticals Bayer Boston Scientific Coloplast Dendreon Endo Pharmaceuticals Ferring Genomic Health Janssen Biotech, Inc. Lilly Medivation Metamark Genetics Pfizer US Army Medical Recruiting This CME activity did not receive any educational support. Registration Information ONLINE Phone CUS Office: 312-853-2053 Email
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