bâÜ _twç Éy à{x c|ÄÄtÜ ctÜ|á{ OUR LADY OF THE PILLAR 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 A Parish Ministry of the Marianists A Parish Ministry of the Marianists October 12, 2014 Firm In Faith • Rich In Works OUR LADY OF THE PILLAR A Parish Ministry of the Marianists 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 STAFF Fr. Thomas French, S.M. ...…993-2280 ext. 163 Fr. Oscar Vasquez, S.M. …...993-2280 ext. 165 Pastor Associate Pastor Deacon Fred Tustanowsky…993-2280 ext. 208 Susie Buescher…….…………993-2280 ext. 202 Pastoral Associate Bookkeeper Tom Stephan………………….993-2280 ext. 206 Courtney Rockamann………993-2280 ext. 205 Music Director Youth Minister Heather Fanning….………….993-3353 ext. 111 Steve Schneider..………….….…..314-239-1791 School Principal Parish Council Co-Chair Parish Secretary…………......993-2280 ext. 200 parishsecretary@olpillar.com Nancy Crippin…….……………....314-432-6964 Parish Council Co-Chair WWW.OLPILLAR.COM SACRAMENTS SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION - Saturday Evenings—4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. and the 1st Saturday of each month a er the 9 a.m. Mass OR by appointment. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM - Call the parish office one month prior to the desired date to make arrangements. Classes are required prior to the bap sm of a first-born child. WEDDINGS - Please call for an appointment. The bride or the groom must be a registered parishioner and a six-month prepara on me is required. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK - Call 314-993-2280 ANNOINTING OF THE SICK—Offered the last Saturday of the month, during the 9 a.m. Mass or call the Parish Office. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) - Catholic religious educa on for adults who wish to learn about Catholics or to become Catholic. If you are in an interfaith marriage, the RCIA offers you a way to be er understand your family’s Catholic faith. For addi onal info., please contact Jim at: 314-993-2280. COMMUNION SERVICE: 6:30 a.m.: Monday - Friday OUTREACH MONTHLY PARISH OUTREACH PROGRAMS - Sandwich & Snacks for St. Patrick’s Center: 2nd Tuesday • Grocery & Cash for Guardian Angel Se lement: 3rd Weekend • Salads for St. Patrick’s Center: 4th Tuesday • Warm Meals for St. Augus ne Parish: Last Monday; St. Louis Catholic Academy Tutors every Thursday a ernoon. LITURGICAL MINISTRY CHOIRS - Adult Choir rehearses Wednesday 7:00 p.m. (September - May) • Children’s Choir rehearses Thursday 3:10 p.m. (During the school year) • Bell choir rehearses Monday 3:10 p.m. (During the school year) • Saturday 5:00 p.m. Mass, Ensemble rehearses at 4:00 p.m. OUR LADY OF THE PILLAR A Parish Ministry of the Marianists A Marianist Moment October 12 Feast of Our Lady of the Pillar Patronal Feast of the Society of Mary This feast is celebrated in memory of the graces received by Father Chaminade at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Pillar during his exile in Spain (1797-1800). He arrived in Saragossa on October 11, 1797, on the eve of the feast of Our Lady of the Pillar. It was during this time that Blessed Chaminade realized the only way to restore Christianity to France was to form small groups of believers to carry on the Catholic faith. Because of his experience there, he was inspired to create the Marianist Family. Shortly thereafter, with the help of Mother Adéle and Marie Thérèse, began the birth of the Society of Mary and the Marianist Sisters. May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be glorified in all places through the Immaculate Virgin Mary. Amen. Happening This Week Oct 1-31: Oct 11-12: Daily recitation of the Rosary after the 7:30 mass during the month of October Women’s Bible Study begins, 9:30 am FESTIVAL of MINISTRIES After masses: Sat 5pm, Sun 8:30 & 10:30 am, and 5:30 pm Oct 13: Oct 15: Oct 16: Oct 18-19: Women’s Book Club, 1 pm, PLC Parish Council Meeting, 7 pm, PLC Altar Society Luncheon and Meeting, 11:30 am Basketball Registration deadline Women’s Society outing to the Art Museum Stewardship Commitment Sunday Guardian Angel Settlement Food Collection Upcoming Events Oct 25: Oct 27: Oct 28 Oct 30: Nov 1: Nov 3: Trunk or Treat Class of ‘64 Reunion, joining us for 5:00 mass Warm Meals for St. Augustine Salads for St. Patrick Center Confirmation Rehearsal with Sponsors, 6:30 pm Confirmation Retreat, 9 am Feast of All Saints, 9:00 Mass Mass of Remembrance, 7:00 pm Feast of All Saints— Saturday, November 1 9:00 am Mass only There will be no anticipatory Mass on Friday. The 5:00 Mass on Saturday will be for Sunday. 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 SAINTS / FEASTS OF THE WEEK Oct 14: St. Callistus I, Pope and Martyr ~ Not much is known about Callistus. He was the target of criticism from St. Hippolytus, for doctrine and discipline, said to be too lenient. A schirsm between them, lasting 18 years, resulted when Callistus was appointed Pope. Oct 15: St Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Martyr ~ 1515-1582, canonized in 1622; The first woman to be declared a Doctor of the Church (1970); a great mystic, strong, intelligent and active leader, with Peter of Alcantara and John of the Cross, she founded the reformed (Discalced) Carmelite orders of nuns and friars. Several of her written works are considered classics and spiritual literature. Oct 16: St Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin ~ 1647-1690; canonized in 1920; was ill with rheumatic fever as a child and developed a devotion to the Blessed Sacrament; entered the Visitation convent (1691) ; had visions of Jesus (in 1673) for over a year. Christ informed her that she was to spread devotion to His Sacred Heart. It was hard to convince her superiors of the visions. Not until 1683, with a new mother superior, did her claims win consideration. A chapel to honor the Sacred Heart was built in 1688. The devotion to the Sacred Heart was recognized and approved by Pope Clement XIII in 1765, seventy-five years after her death. Oct 17: St. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr ~ A disciple of the beloved Apostle John and consecrated Bishop by Peter around 69 AD. He was unjustly sentenced to death for his refusal to reject the Christian faith (martyred in 107). While he traveled, he wrote letters to encourage, instruct and inspire Christians in their faith, and the first to use the term “catholic” to describe the whole church. Those letters are preserved to this day and serve as clear teachings and a link to the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles. Oct 18: St. Luke, Evangelist ~ Patron of physicians, writer of the Gospel of Luke and Acts of the Apostles; believed to be born a Greek (Antioch) and a Gentile. Though probably born a slave, it was common to educate slaves in medicine so that communities would have a resident physician. According to scripture, he traveled with St. Paul and then remained with him while he was imprisoned in Rome. Luke's gospel sheds light on the poor and social justice and highlights the mercy and forgiveness of God. He includes stories not found in the other gospels, including the story of Lazarus and the Rich Man, the Annunciation, Mary's visit to Elizabeth and the Magnificat, the Presentation of Jesus in the temple, and the story of Jesus' disappearance in Jerusalem, and the Prodigal Son as he is welcomed by his father. OUR LADY OF THE PILLAR A Parish Ministry of the Marianists 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 Rest in Peace Mass Intentions Weekend of October 11-12 Feast of Our Lady of the Pillar Sat 10/11 9:00 AM Our Parish 5:00 PM Mary Jo Hogan Sun 10/12 7:00 AM The Kisling Family 8:30 AM The Elfrink Family 10:30 AM Ellen Godfrey-Lauber 5:00 PM Our Parish Week of October 13-17 Mon 10/13 7:30 AM Mary Beth Leary Tue 10/14 7:30 AM Gerald R. Abbenhaus, Jr Wed 10/15 7:30 AM The Callahan Family Thur 10/16 7:30 AM Betsy Jordan 8:50 AM Fri 10/17 7:30 AM Ellen Godfrey-Lauber Weekend of October 18-19 Sat 10/18 9:00 AM A Special Intention 5:00 PM The Hannemann Family Sun 10/19 7:00 AM Our parish 8:30 AM Ginny Hamilton 10:30 AM intentions of Dr. Joseph Lauber 5:00 PM The Ravarino Family If you would like to remember a loved one, living or deceased, with a mass, please contact the parish office, 314-993-2280. “Please Pray for” Our Sick Parishioners: Rafael Rosario-Blake, Rosemary Doerr, Dr. Richard Jotte, Jim Curtin, Sue Durbin, Maureen Reardon and Sandy Hellmann Sick Relatives and Friends: Louise McLaughlin (mother of Beth McLaughlin), Jacob Kheriaty, Jordan Leach (granddaughter of John and Anne Jordan), Kamela Chellar (mother of Rochelle Cox), Sophia Molina (great-granddaughter of Henry Nebuloni), John Bornfleth, Carolyn Clanin (grandmother of Desiree Wojciechowski), Ann Proscino (daughter of Tom and Elly Moore), Ally Aagaard and all those homebound or in nursing homes. If you would like a priest to visit you or a family member in the home or the hospital, or to receive Communion or Anointing of the Sick, please contact the parish office, 993-2280. WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB meets on the SECOND MONDAY of the month Monday, October 13th, 1:00 at the Parish Life Center Sarah Durnin Irene Rodway Frances O’Neill Arthur Butow Jaon Niedbalski Mary Agnes Bieger James Walsh October 11, 1968 October 11, 1979 October 11, 1997 October 11, 2001 October 11, 2011 October 12, 1967 October 12, 1987 Generose McNeill October 13, 1997 James Rice Daniel Dolan October 14, 1981 October 14, 2011 William Costello Daniel Sheehan, S. Sharon Orlando Kenneth Roberts Matilda Raaf Margaret Cyriline Thirolf October 15, 1961 October 15, 1967 October 15, 1968 October 15, 1994 October 15, 1996 October 15, 2010 Mildred Schoenberg Paul McCarthy Robert Wohler October 16, 1963 October 16, 1972 October 16, 1977 Carol Haag October 17, 1969 Andre Bourdet, Sr. Elaine Berglar October 18, 1971 October 19, 1987 We remember the repose of the soul of Louis Huber, father of Dan Huber and Laura Huber. “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them” ADORATION continues on Wednesdays during office hours: 8:30-3:30 in the Adoration Chapel in the office building For questions, please contact Marianne Castro, 314-482-0757 or bvdcastro.family@gmail.com. October: The Month of the Rosary Please join in praying the rosary with our parish community following the 7:30 morning mass Monday through Friday and before the 9:00 mass on Saturday. RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Children’s Liturgy of the Word Volunteers are needed This program is designed for children age 4 & K-3rd grade. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated for our Children’s Liturgy of the Word during the 10:30 mass on Sunday. Catechists rotate. Open to teens, young adults and parents. Will you consider taking a turn? Please contact the parish office, 993-2280. An Invitation to all Non-Catholics and Unconfirmed Adults: Are you or someone you know being called to join the Catholic Church? If so, the RCIA is for persons baptized in another faith who want to be initiated into the Catholic Church and for anyone seeking to become Catholic. If you are interested in becoming part of the RCIA Team, please contact the parish office, 314-993-2280. Pillar Men’s Tuesday Night BASKETBALL “Mildly” competitive pick-up, no fast break, half court games in the Parish Life Center Gym every Tuesday evening, 8 to 10 pm. For more information call Bob Smith 997-0310. OUR LADY OF THE PILLAR A Parish Ministry of the Marianists Ministry Schedules Weekend of October 18-19 Lectors 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM 5:00 PM Dan Sheehan, Karen Sczepanski Tom McGowan Virginia Piacentini, Adele O’Neil Katherine Rodway Vega, Tom Caspari Sarah Jacob, Mimi Denes Eucharistic Ministers 5:00 PM Bob and Karen Sczepanski, Dan Sheehan, Jerry Dutra, Mary Ellen Curran, EJ and Mimi Nusrala 7:00 AM Ashley Gray, Marjory DiLeo, Shawn Dolan 8:30 AM Scott Long, David Kreuter, Adele O’Neil, Eric and Kim Brungard, Joanna Skwiot, Lynn Rodway 10:30 AM Carolyn Saunders, Chris Obermeier, CJ Franklin, Jim and Sue Zenner, Tom and DeDe Caspari 5:00 PM Alex and Mimi Denes, Jerry and Sheila Ricken, Courtney Rockamann, Elizabeth Hoffman, Vicki Mower Ministers of Hospitality 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM 5:00 PM none scheduled none scheduled Syd and Lynn Rodway Chris Obermeier, Karen Catanzaro none scheduled Altar Servers 5:00 PM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM 5:00 PM Elliot, Parker and Grant Dow Anna, Andrew and Thomas Clayton Cuinn Reagan, Spencer and Olivia Fusz Daniel Diehl, Megan Tung, Hanks Edwards Altar Society (Group 4): Mimi Denes, Therese Abbenhaus, Carol Craddock, Marjory DiLeo, Michele Francis, Linda Kreuter, Mary Ann O’Neill CONFIRMATION Wed, Nov 5, 2014, 7:00 pm with Auxiliary Bishop Edward Rice. Confirmation Classes: Tuesdays, 6:30-8:00 pm in the School Oct 21, Class # 6 Thurs, Oct 30, Rehearsal, 6:30-7:45 in the Church Basement (Sponsors required) Sat, Nov 1, Confirmation Retreat, 9:00 am -1:00 pm, Church WOMEN'S SOCIETY We have only a couple of places left for the trip to the St. Louis Art Museum on THURSDAY, OCT. 16. We have a docent-led tour of the exhibit "Louis IX: Saint, King, Namesake", followed by lunch at the museum restaurant "Panorama", followed by a private session in the Print Study Room. We leave Pillar at 10:00 a.m. Pay your driver $2 for gas. The car will share the $5 parking fee. Lunch separate checks. On Tuesday, November 11, we will visit the Old Cathedral, built in 1834, and open at the end of August after renovations. Our lunch will be at Bailey's Range at 920 Olive Street. Tuesday, December 2 we are off to historic Main Street in Saint Charles. For reservations: Mimi Denes at 965-3411 or mimi@denesmd.com 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 Wedding Anniversaries Dick and Susan O’Neill Michael and Diane Re Jerry and Nicole Brooks Paul and Tracy Gildehaus Mark and Christine Varvares Mark and Darlene Wade Nathan and Marion Schulte Michael and Elaine Reinberg October 11, 1969 (45) October 11, 1986 October 11, 2003 October 12, 1985 October 12, 1985 October 12, 1993 October 12, 2002 October 12, 2013 Paul Hoffmann & Lynne Wiegert October 13, 1989 (25) Kurt and Barbara Oehler Rick and Sheila Kendrick D. Anderson & Sarah Cummings Jeff and Jennifer Held October 14, 1989 (25) October 14, 1989 (25) October 14, 1994 (20) October 14, 2005 Steve and Amy Hilton Greg and Janet Krekeler Michael and Marjorie Carr October 15, 1994 (20) October 15, 1960 October 15, 1994 (20) Timothy and Katie Ryan Steven and Jackie Bueg October 16, 1999 (15) October 16, 2010 James and Kathleen San Filippo Carlos and Julie-Ellen Acosta Randall and Vicki Clayton Michael and Cyndee England October 17, 1975 October 17, 1988 October 17, 1998 October 17, 2009 (5) Richard and Linda Pearce John and Diana True Stefan and Christine Craig Russell and Holly Clark Tom and Debbie Epstein Tom and Dee Dowd James (Alex) and Stacey Kenney October 18, 1986 October 18, 1991 October 18, 1997 October 18, 2008 October 19, 1984 (30) October 19, 1957 October 19, 2013 Women’s Bible Study Great Adventure Series Matthew: The King and His Kingdom When: Wednesdays, 9:30—11:15 am, Beginning with the Rosary at 9:30 followed by a DVD presentation and discussion Where: Parish Office Conference Room For information and to sign up, please contact Julie Reagan jnreagan7@gmail.com or call 502-314-6572 Our Lady of The Pillar BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, November 30, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Our Fall Blood Drive is Thanksgiving weekend. What better way to start the season of giving! Your blood donation gives life to those in need in our community. To schedule an appointment, please contact Lynn Rodway at shrodway@sbcglobal.net or 314-432-5388. "Thanks for Giving" OUR LADY OF THE PILLAR A Parish Ministry of the Marianists LET US PRAY FOR ALL MEN AND WOMEN IN THE ARMED FORCES Captain Lee Berra Private First Class Michael Brennan Major Jason Gillihan Captain Katherine James-Hewlett and husband, Captain Michael Hewlett Sergeant Ryan Murphy 1st Lieutenant Daniel Sullivan USMC Staff Sergeant Hugh Tychsen Please keep all of our service men and women in your prayers. STEWARDSHIP Stewardship Reflection October 12, 2014 “And my God will supply every need of yours…” Philippians 4:19 God really does provide for those that are grateful and generous. This is very difficult for people that don’t live a stewardship lifestyle to believe. People are skeptical and say it’s just coincidence. If you are skeptical, try living a stewardship lifestyle for just one month – be generous with your gifts of time, talent and treasure and see how God provides for your needs. 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 Pillar Outreach St. Patrick Sandwiches -- October 14, 2014 Our parish provides sandwiches, bags of chips, etc. for the homeless served by St. Patrick’s Center. Please bring your individually wrapped sandwiches and snacks to the OLP parking lot on Tuesday, Oct 14, 2014 from 7:00-8:15 am. For information call Toni Pagano at 314-432-4321. Guardian Angel Settlement -- October 18-19, 2014 Food, Clothing and monetary donations only, please. Food and household staples for the poor served by Guardian Angel Settlement may be placed in the truck in front of church. You may also make cash/check donations (payable to Guardian Angel Settlement), and deposit in the box provided in the vestibule of the church. St. Patrick Salads -- October 28, 2014 Parishioners donate salads for the meal served to the poor by St. Patrick’s Center. Donations of greens, salad dressings and other salad ingredients may be dropped off before the 7:30 AM Mass or taken to the Parish Office anytime before 9:00 am. Warm Meals Monday -- October 27, 2014 As the weather gets cooler, more people are in need of a warm, nourishing meal. Why not help those in need? You can help directly by participating in this month’s Warm Meals. If you wish to help out providing food, or merely want information about this OLP Outreach Ministry, contact Bob or Karen Sczepanski @ 314.569.9091, or rsczepanski@earthlink.net Please do not leave bags or boxes of donations for our charities in the west vestibule. Online Giving benefits you and the parish ~ Grateful Giving! October 2014 Week 1 On Line Total for October Budget for October $ 20,411 $ 8,000 $ 28,411 $ 90,327 Thank you from Guardian Angel Settlement for the gift of $215 sent to them in September. Thank you for your generosity! STEWARDSHIP: BUILD MY CHURCH “That’s what stewardship is all about – using all of God’s gifts in grateful, responsible and generous ways to help each other get to heaven!” Archbishop Robert J. Carlson Festival of Ministries – October 11-12 After masses: Sat 5pm, Sun 8:30 & 10:30 am, and 5:30 pm Stewardship Commitment Sunday – October 18-19 From Sept 24—Nov 2, St. Louis joins hundreds in Prayer & Fasting, Community Outreach and Peaceful Vigil The Vigils will be held near the Planned Parenthood facilities 4251 Forest Park Ave, Central West End 208 Mid Rivers Center, St. Peters Every day, 7 am—7 pm www.CoalitionForLifeSTL.com, 314-827-4039 Makes it easy for you to honor your financial commitment. It is convenient with anytime, anywhere internet access Secure and confidential Flexible ~ You may change your contribution at any time. Use direct withdrawal or credit cards ~ no checks required. You receive reminders and notifications of your transactions. Efficient ~ It transfers contributions to church management To get started, visit the parish website: www.olpillar.com. Click on Parish and Contacts. Click on Online Giving. Click on the Create New Account link. For questions or other information, contact Fred Tustanowsky at ftustanowsky@olpillar.com or 314-993-2280, ext 208. Updating the Parish Directory: Deadline, October 15th Please check your entry in the last Parish Directory. It is time to gather the changes in current information so that our next edition of the directory can be as accurate as possible. If you have a change of name or address or phone number, or if you have not registered in the parish, please contact the parish office, parishsecretary@olpillar.com, or 993-2280. Also, if you have an addition to the family, or an e-mail address, we would like to update the general data base, too. Please let us know. Guidebook Publishing produces and distributes the directory to all parishioners at no cost to the parish. Guidebook Publishing is also looking for advertising. Want to get the best bang for your buck? Consider advertising in the directory and in the parish bulletin. In appreciation for the services our parishioners provide through their businesses, please patronize their establishments. If you would like us to include your business in the list of advertisers, please contact the parish office. OUR LADY OF THE PILLAR A Parish Ministry of the Marianists 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 FESTIVAL OF MINISTRIES at OUR LADY OF THE PILLAR Parish Council Commissions and Parish Activities Faith Formation Confirmation First Communion First Reconciliation Parish School of Religion R.C.I.A. Small Christian Communities White House Retreat Women’s Bible Studies Community Life Alumni Blood Drive Book Club First Friday Coffee Hospitality Men’s Club Fish Fry Golf Tournament Pillar Fest Sports Activities Scouting Senior Women’s Group Vacation Bible School Welcoming Committee Women’s Society Youth Ministry Worship Commission Altar Society Children’s Liturgy of the Word Choirs Eucharistic Adoration Eucharistic Ministers at Mass Lectors Ministers of Hospitality Servers Ushers Outreach Commission Door-to-Door Evangelization Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick Guardian Angel Settlement Pro-Life Salads Sandwiches St. Louis Catholic Academy Tutors Warm Meals Stewardship Archives Buildings and Grounds Communications Finance Committee School Board Parish School Book Fair Learning Center Cafeteria Mother’s Club Computer Lab Field Day Room Parents Gift Wrap Hospitality Host Families Library Math Club Mission Festival School Auction Tutoring Yard Sale This Festival of Ministries is an opportunity for you to see where you might be able to lend your time and talent to the life of the parish. Sign up and reap the rewards of generous giving! OUR LADY OF THE PILLAR A Parish Ministry of the Marianists OLP School Events Our Lady of the Pillar basketball registration for 2014-2015 season is open on-line until October 15, 2014. If you have a 3rd grade through 8th grade child that is interested in CYC basketball, please sign them up before registration closes. It only takes a couple of minutes to register. OLP Christmas Boutique with Santa Boutique Vendors Needed Hosted by the OLP Middle School and looking for vendors! We would like to invite parishioners who sell any items and to be part of the event, which will be held Saturday, December 6th, 9:00am - 12:00pm. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Christine Blazevic at (314) 475-5505 or blazevic7431@sbcglobal.net. Save the Date ~ Monday, December 22, 2014 for Christmas Vacation Bible School A One-Day Christmas Story Camp (CSC) for children Volunteers needed For information, please contact Courtney at crockamann@olpillar.com More details to come. Parent Network of Catholic High Schools will host a presentation entitled: “Our Teens ARE the Church Today, not Tomorrow!” Tuesday, October, 21 at 7:00 P.M. in the Visitation Academy Theater Dan Huss, Director of Youth Ministry at Incarnate Word Parish, will share his own experiences of how to promote our faith to come alive in our youth. Dan will speak of the incredible story of his call from a career in public accounting to lead one of the largest “Life Teen” programs in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. All parents are welcome. Please call Jackie Paletta (314) 983-0516 with questions. The 75th Anniversary gift for each parish family A framed print of our church is offered to each Pillar Family. If you have not yet picked up your copy, you may do so after the masses at the Festival of Ministries next weekend after the Sat 5 pm mass, the 8:30 and 10:30 am, the 5 pm masses on Sunday, or come by the Parish Office during regular office hours. 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 Parish Council We are so grateful for all those who are willing to lead our council in the work of our parish. We are always looking for new faces and new energy to enhance the life of the parish community. Are you looking for a way to become involved in the Parish? Do you have some gifts, talents, or ideas to bring to the Parish Council? Serving on the Council and participating in the activities of the parish are great ways to give back to and boost the life of the parish! If you are interested in serving on the Parish Council, please contact Fr. French: 993-2280 or by e-mail at tfrench@olpillar.com. There are 5 Commissions that serve to lead our parish in building a community of faith, and there are many activities under each commission: Faith Formation Community Life Outreach Stewardship Worship More information on each of the commissions is available on the website: www.olpillar.com PARISH COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE 2014-15: October 13 January 12 April 13 November 10 February 9 May 11 December 8 March 9 Full Parish Council meetings are held the second Monday of the month beginning at 7:00 pm in the Parish Life Center and are open to all parishioners. Visit the parish website (olpillar.com) to view the minutes from Parish Council meetings. SAFE ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM The USCCB and the Archdiocese of St. Louis requires all adult employees and volunteers who work with or near children or youth on a regular basis to comply with the following: Complete a state criminal record and child abuse/neglect check Sign the acknowledgement page of the Code of Ethical Conduct Employees/volunteers who have lived in another state any time over the last 5 years must undergo a one-time national background check. Missouri and Illinois residents will have state background checks conducted every even-numbered year. Attend the Protecting God’s Children Workshop Workshops are scheduled throughout the Archdiocese. Please refer to the archdiocesan website (archstl.com) under Protecting God’s Children for dates, times and places of the offered workshops. If you have questions about Pre or Post Registration in Virtus, call the Safe Environment Help Desk at 314-792-7272. For questions or other information, please contact the Director of the Safe Environment Office, Sandra Price, 314-792-7271 or SandraPrice@archstl.org. Missouri Division of Family Service Child Abuse Hotline Number: 1-800-392-3738 Archdiocesan Office of Child and Youth Protection, 314-792-7704 For inquiries about Our Lady of the Pillar compliance, please contact Mary Kay Fitzpatrick in the Parish Office, 314-993-2280 or parishsecretary@olpillar.com OUR LADY OF THE PILLAR A Parish Ministry of the Marianists Remember Your Loved Ones November 3, 2014 Please RSVP by October 29th All Souls Remembrance Mass In the beauty of the candle lighted interior of Our Lady of the Pillar Church Monday, November 3, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. You are invited to remember loved ones who have died by Presenting a lighted candle when their name is sung. The candles will be provided by OLP. All are invited Please Respond by Wednesday, October 29 Place the Bulletin Insert into the Sunday Collection or send to the Parish Office. You must be present for the mass for the name to be sung and to present the candle. 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 Seek and Find Word Search 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time L E L B A R A P W S E W S E C H O S D B W A I L N I N N T A A N Q U E T H D U M N R O V L A H T I N V I T A T R S R M P E D D I N G E V L A C N F E O N D I O R T H Y K E I S B L E T R O O P S N O G P R W F N G R N C E R B E I D W B E E C N E L I S K B D S G O S E T I T T B E I O N R N U N S L G O E R K E E R Y M N R R U N E R E A U Q O D A D D T S E U G S T Find the words from this Week’s readings (vertical, horizontal and diagonal): banquet, bind, burned, calves, cattle, chosen, darkness, destroyed, feet, few, garment, grinding, guests, hands, invitation, king, parable, servants, silence, teeth, troops, wailing, wedding, worthy. CIRCLE OF CONCERN 112 St. Louis Avenue Valley Park is always in need of food staples. Current needs: Tomato products, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Canned fruit, canned meat (stew, chicken, ham), bar soap, toilet tissue Thanksgiving In addition to the regular food program, the Circle of Concern provides a Thanksgiving Basket to all their clients, serving over 700 families. Items needed: cornbread mix, biscuit mix, stuffing, canned fruit, boxed rice mix, macaroni and cheese, canned or dry gravy mix, canned vegetables (peas, carrots, mixed veggies), Jello gelatin, yams/canned sweet potatoes, broth or cream soup, cranberry sauce, canned milk (condensed or evaporated), dessert mix (cake/cobbler mix, canned pumpkin or pie filling) Roast Beef Dinner Sunday, November 2, 12:30 – 6:00 pm St. Paul’s Evangelical Church 9801 Olive Blvd, Creve Coeur Bake Sale sponsored by the Confirmation Class Advance tickets $11/adults, $6 for children children 5 and under are free For ticket info: 314-993-0015 or Judy Pfeiffer, 314-423-2601 www.stpaulsefree.org OUR LADY OF THE PILLAR A Parish Ministry of the Marianists Carondelet Community Betterment Federation 7th Annual Trivia Night Saturday, October 18, 2014 Carondelet Leadership Academy 7604 Michigan Avenue (South City) Doors open at 6:30; game begins at 7:00 Tickets: $20/person; $160/tables of 8 includes beer, soda and Papa John’s pizza For reservations, call 314-752-6339 or g_lay@ccbf6408.org Retreat Opportunities Il Ritiro Franciscan Retreat Center 7935 St. Francis Lane, Dittmer, MO 636-274-0554; il.ritiro@gmail.com; www.il.ritiro.org “Embracing the Mystery” November 14 (7 pm) – 16 (11 am) Presenter: Steve Givens “Franciscan Hermitage Experience” December 29 (7 pm) – January 1 (11 am ) Facilitators: Fr. Paul Gallagher, OFM and Sr. Marlene Geppert, OSF Advent Retreat: December 12-14 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Marriage Encounter Enrichment Evening Hello to all couples, priests & religious who have ever made a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. A 2014 Enrichment will be presented just for you on Saturday, November 8, at Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, Fr. Rosy Rosebrough’s parish. The event begins with Mass at 4:30 pm, and closes prayer at 9:00 pm; simple pot luck and presentation as well (bring a meat dish or appetizer to share). RSVP by November 1 to Sam & Liz Cohen at 636.256.9055 or by email: samandliz@msn.com. No strings attached beyond a free will donation toward expenses. Marriage Encounter Fall brings the start of many things – a new school year, a season full of colors and crisper air. A Marriage Encounter weekend is also a start to new things for your relationship – a time to renew, rejoice in the beauty of your marriage and rekindle communication. A Marriage Encounter weekend is scheduled for Oct 24-26 and Dec 5-7. More information is available at www.stl-wwme.org or by phone at 314.469.7317. A great decision for a new season of married life. Marianist Retreat and Conference Center Presenter: Msgr. Michael John Witt www.mretreat.org; 636-938-5390 World Mission Sunday Sunday, October 19, 2014 Society for the Propagation of the Faith serves 1,150 missions around the world, 1,200 schools, 9,000 clinics, 9,000 Religious Men and Women in formation, 10,000 orphanages, 80,000 seminarians, mostly in Africa and Asia, but also in remote regions of South America. We are all invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church. Please be generous. www.IAmAMissionary.org Carving Your Vocation Prayer, reflection and conversation hosted by the School Sisters of Notre Dame October 23, 2014, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm for women over the age of 18 Maria Center, 336 East Ripa St RSVP by October 20th, Catherine Burkart, 618-303-9322, cburkart@ssnd.org "Attention, single Catholic men 18-30 The Knights of the Holy Eucharist, a community of consecrated brothers dedicated to fostering reverent devotion to Our Eucharistic Lord, invite you to discern your vocation at their House of Formation, located at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama. Learn more: knights.org." Also, the Knights (who have members from around the country) offer hospitality to priests. Any priest who would like to make a private retreat at the Shrine (totally free of charge) can visit priestretreat.com for more information or to make reservations. Thank you very much for your consideration! If you need further information, please email or call Maureen McEneany Hunkler at 541-375-0195. “Come Catch the Fire” a year-long series for young adults, providing prayer, presentations, and praise and worship will open Thursday, Nov. 13, 8-10 p.m., with “You Are Called? Are You Listening?” Praise and worship will be led by Adam Bitter. The evening is at the Sisters of St. Joseph motherhouse, 6400 Minnesota Ave. Sponsored by the Association of St. Louis Vocation Directors, the series encourages young adults to share their faith journeys in response to God’s call. For more information, go to www.csjsl.org. My deepest vocation is to be a witness to the glimpses of God Diane Gorris, ABR,GRI,SRS,SRES Making Dreams Come True! C-314-422-1414 or D-314-872-6752 dgorris@prudentialalliance.com www.st-louis-homes.listingbook.com Prudential Alliance, REALTORS - Ladue Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. 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